[00:41] smartOS looks nice [00:42] http://smartos.org/ :D [00:58] It does seem kinda interesting. No real spare hardware to play with and no job, boo hoo. [10:12] Morning. [10:30] Morning [10:32] Morning [12:05] *YAWN* [12:19] So I put on my glasses this morning and had a brief moment of panic when everything in my left eye looked blurry. Turned out the left lens had fallen out. [12:26] wow, scary, then funny [12:28] I thought to myself, "They must have gotten dirty. Let me go get something to clean them." And then when I went to wipe them off, I had a surprise! [18:36] Good bacont to all! [20:38] good bacon to all! [20:39] JonathanD, you around? [23:00] SamuraiAlba: perhaps === [1]SamuraiAlba is now known as SamuraiAlba