studio-user767 | greetings everybody | 00:16 |
studio | hey I need some help starting jack on 12.04 ubuntu studio.. | 01:37 |
studio | I just came over from arch linux and I'm a little disappointed with no out-of-box jack support | 01:38 |
damo22 | anyone want to see the stereo keyboard amp cabinet i built? | 03:52 |
forage | what does ubuntu studio offer by default for capturing video (firewire)? | 09:39 |
forage | i.e. what software is included? | 09:41 |
mighty_aboba | I created the keyboard shortcut for jackdbus killing:D | 09:58 |
mighty_aboba | "elegant" decision :D | 09:59 |
mlpug | howabout a cronjob that finds out the pid and kills it if jackdbus exists | 10:01 |
mighty_aboba | no, i need it only when i press to the exit button and jackdbus is not killing | 10:06 |
ravengeek | evening all | 12:13 |
ravengeek | :) | 12:13 |
mighty_aboba | Maybe anybody know how can I set keyboard shortcuts for qjackctl? | 12:55 |
mighty_aboba | Example: shortcut for the start button pressing | 12:56 |
mighty_aboba | or stop | 12:56 |
mighty_aboba | or profile change | 12:56 |
len-dt | mighty_aboba, qjackctl doesn't seem to support kb shortcuts. But if you think about it, it doesn't make sense. In order for a keyboard shortcut to work that window has to be active | 14:22 |
len-dt | You could set up a DE keyboard short cut to start/stop jackdbus with jack_control | 14:23 |
len-dt | The only problem I have had with that is that qjackctl sometimes doesn't show connection information. Also, anything you have qjackctl configured to do on startup/stop would have to be added manually. | 14:25 |
mighty_aboba | I want it to do because when i'm using qjackctl and having "on stop error" (the start button is blocked) I can start it again only by the context menu(right click on qjackctl in sys tray) ->start | 14:39 |
holstein | mighty_aboba: i would consider midi control | 14:39 |
mighty_aboba | It would be easy if qjackctl had the keyboard shortcuts for starting, stoping and etc. | 14:41 |
holstein | mighty_aboba: its all open... you can likely add that support, or request it from paul davis and/or the JACK team | 14:41 |
len-dt | So clicking on qjackctl before the KB shortcut would be ok then. | 14:41 |
holstein | i would just go with midi control, as im sure thats the workflow expected | 14:42 |
holstein | OR, maybe one of those xautomate GUI's | 14:42 |
knoppix | Hi all :) I'm trying to learn shell command, I can't understand, why if I enter "cat list | grep "http*$"", what is mean to "show all strokes with 'http' word, any number of symbols until end of stroke from a file 'list' ", it does nothing? What do I do wrong? Btw: sorry, if I will some slow to answer -- I some bad in english :( | 20:27 |
knoppix | * -- is any number of any symbols: $ -- is end-of-line. All right, so where is the error o.O | 20:34 |
knoppix | Btw: without "$" symbol everything works fine. | 20:37 |
knoppix | Something wrong with dollar... May be bash tends to euro? :D | 20:40 |
knoppix | No body knows? :( | 20:46 |
knoppix | I have an idea. May be it's because "grep" works with strokes, so "*" symbol means any number of symbol in one line. Including end-of-line sign. And "*" symbol in command gets just empty line, without end-of-line sign. It seems to be true.. | 20:51 |
knoppix | Is there a way to force symbol "*" include all symbols till some pattern? | 20:53 |
knoppix | No body knows? | 20:55 |
knoppix | Sorry, there was an slip " And "$" symbol in command gets just empty line, without end-of-line sign.". I'm occasionally write there "*" | 21:01 |
knoppix | So anybody knows? | 21:01 |
holstein | knoppix: hello | 21:03 |
knoppix | Hello :) | 21:03 |
holstein | this is the support channel for ubuntustudio... im not saying no one here will be able to help with "shell commands", but you might have more luck in the server support channel | 21:03 |
holstein | or, main #ubuntu | 21:03 |
holstein | you can review the man pages for each command | 21:03 |
holstein | try using pastebin | 21:04 |
holstein | !paste | 21:04 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:04 |
holstein | and paste the *exact* input and output you are experiencing, assuming there are no credentials or sensitive data in that information | 21:05 |
knoppix | <holstein> Thanks, anyway :) I'll try #ubuntu | 21:05 |
holstein | knoppix: you'll need to do that in #ubuntu as well | 21:05 |
holstein | knoppix: you'll need to use pastebin | 21:05 |
astraljava | knoppix: What you need is .* | 21:06 |
holstein | knoppix: also, consider stating your intended purpose.. maybe someone can suggest an easier way to get the job doen | 21:06 |
astraljava | `cat list | grep http.* | 21:06 |
holstein | done* | 21:06 |
astraljava | err... closing ` too, if you just copy that directly. | 21:06 |
knoppix | <astraljava> very thanks, it helped! | 21:07 |
astraljava | No problem. Glad to be of assistance. | 21:08 |
astraljava | knoppix: The '*' is just an indicator of one to infinity, the '.' just means whatever character. | 21:09 |
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