
=== szal_ is now known as szal
igorovhi all00:40
satorisanjaGuten Morgen01:18
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Guest1894kubuntu in spanish06:54
susundbergGuest1894: see http://www.ubuntu-es.org/06:54
susundbergdont know if there is #kubuntu-es or #ubuntu-es, you might want try those out06:55
jxjlgood morning, I have one problem with nfs I have nfs server configured in fstab like nas:public      /mnt/nas        nfs     hard,intr,user,auto     0       0 in kubuntu 11.10 I could see it under device notifer, but in 12.04 I can't, how to configure device notifer to show this device allowing simply mount it and unmount it?07:04
bowomumet aku07:04
FloodBotK1bowo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:04
=== robert_ is now known as Guest31102
CruX|in my 12.04 LDS krusader is very slow09:18
CruX|if I press enter on directory this dir is opened in 1-2 seconds !!!!!!!09:18
CruX|what is krusader doing ?09:19
ginicrux - it's a file manager09:27
CruX|gini: i know09:30
CruX|in kubuntu 10.10 everything was fine09:31
CruX|in 12.04 something is fucked09:31
Tm_TCruX|: language, please09:34
kai3uoDuHallo leute11:40
kai3uoDuich hab da ne kleine frage:11:40
lordievader!german | kai3uoDu11:41
ubottukai3uoDu: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:41
kai3uoDuOkay, sry11:41
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BluesKajHiyas all12:45
abraabra kbroulik_ kbroulik VinyInBleau yupitsme baxeico bline khaya toscalix freedomrun kodomo Tifus cryptfu_ Cenbe Peace- yoann21 PhilRod mkuettler Battle_hardened_ liudas hadrian_ lyle_ rawler swex kraft saruman_ jtheuer Tonio_ timlaptop linuxguy101 sysdoc Facefox Rosha david__ nampat mr-rich robotdevil jhunold EyesIsMine IdleOne lelamal_ elst InspectorCluseau faichele emile lethu CruX|12:46
liudasBluesKaj: welcome :)12:48
emperor234i need help12:50
szal!help | emperor23412:50
ubottuemperor234: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:50
=== zack_ is now known as zaquiri
emperor234my friends ... how activate compiz in kubuntu 12.04 ??12:57
lordievaderemperor234: We got kwin for that, look in System Settings -> Desktop Effects.12:57
emperor234im use sudo compiz --replace and work !!!13:01
lordievaderIs compiz even compatible with kde?13:02
emperor234i dont now13:02
emperor234sorry my english is very bad ...13:02
lordievaderemperor234: Anyhow it is probably safer to just use kwin. Does most things that compiz does.13:03
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OxymoronIn some mysterious way, I think when I tried to isntall Bank ID my user was removed from sudoers list though it modified it. Now I cannot do anything and I cannot change back, as it requires sudo rights ... So what the h*ll shall i do?13:23
lordievaderOxymoron: Edit the file through a live cd?13:24
Oxymoronlordievader: Is that really neessary?13:24
BluesKajOxymoron, suso visudo doesn't open it?13:25
lordievaderOxymoron: It is the easiest way I can think of right now.13:25
OxymoronI cannot understand how this even is possible. I havent done any weird things.13:25
BluesKajerr sudo visudo13:25
OxymoronBluesKaj: lol, not because sudo requires me to be in sudoers list ...13:25
BluesKajin the terminal13:25
OxymoronBluesKaj: Yes in terminal.13:26
OxymoronI got user *** does not appear to be in sudoers list.13:26
Oxymoronlordievader: How can this even happen?13:26
lordievaderOxymoron: No idea...13:27
Oxymoronlordievader: You have rights and secutiry in Linux so nothing can change things if you do not let it.13:27
BluesKajOxymoron, keep a backup13:28
OxymoronI guess I need herd.13:28
OxymoronBluesKaj: Backup of?13:28
BluesKajthe sudoers13:28
BluesKajthen you can restore it with the live cd13:29
OxymoronBluesKaj: Even if I had, I would need sudoer rights to replace current one with the backup ...13:29
lordievaderOxymoron: Not if you are in the live-cd13:29
OxymoronI chekced now and it seems like /etc/sudoers file is empty.13:30
OxymoronThere I lost my trust against Linux security.13:30
=== mike is now known as crowd-36
OxymoronCannot even restore this without a LiveCD. So much struggeling with LiveCD on USB stick.13:31
lordievaderOxymoron: That is why i allways keep a livecd laying around. In such cases :) (with me it is more fstab though)13:32
Oxymoronlordievader: I have LiveCD and USB. But I do not wnat to use it as it sucks. I want to fix it directly in Kubuntu desktop environment in terminal.13:32
oCeanOxymoron: you can boot your current install in rescue mode13:34
OxymoronFind now that you can do it by using restore mode in Grub.13:35
oCeanyou will be dropped in a root shell13:35
OxymoronoCean: Yes just found it, thanks good tip :) But what commands do I need to remember in my head?13:35
Oxymoronchmod, nano /etc/sudoers? more?13:35
oCeanOxymoron: also, if a 3rd party software install emptied your sudoers, that has nothing to do with general Linux security13:35
oCeanOxymoron: use visudo command, since that does a syntax check on exit13:36
OxymoronoCean: What kind of 3rd party software could do that?13:37
oCeanquote:  when I tried to isntall Bank ID my user was removed from sudoers lis13:38
OxymoronoCean: I said I THINK it removed. Because in install it said I was not in sudoers list.13:39
OxymoronBut it has worked after that, so probably not that anyway.13:39
OxymoronSome other crap breaked it. Could be some system update recently.13:39
ikoniano it's not13:39
lordievaderIf it would be an update, there would be more people with the problem.13:40
OxymoronHavent installed anything else since that.13:40
oCeanOxymoron: what *could* be is that you tried to edit and made a mistake in trying to figure out why you got that notice ".. not in sudoers file"13:40
Oxymoronbtw, what is the problem with kmix? It has been broken very long time now.13:40
ikoniaOxymoron: have you logged a bug13:40
OxymoronoCean: No I didnt do anything to it.13:40
ikoniaOxymoron: please show me the output of ls -la /etc/sudoers13:41
oCeanOxymoron: ok, if you guarantee you did not do it, I guarantee updates did not do it13:41
Oxymoronikonia: "-r--r----- 1 root root 723 jan 31 16:56 /etc/sudoers"13:41
ikoniaOxymoron: so that file has not been modified since january13:41
Oxymoronikonia: Yeah ...13:41
ikoniaOxymoron: please show me the output of the command "id"13:42
Oxymoronikonia: uid=1000(joel) gid=1000(joel) grupper=1000(joel),5(tty)13:42
ikoniathere you go13:42
ikoniathat is your issue13:42
ikoniayour user is not in the admin group13:42
oCeanalso, that is not an empty file13:42
ikoniayour sudoers file has not been touched13:42
Oxymoronikonia: Alright, well I havent removed myself from admin group ...13:42
ikoniaOxymoron: that is also why your sounds is probably messed up13:42
OxymoronSo something else removed me.13:42
ikoniayou are not a memeber of the audio gruop13:42
ikoniaOxymoron: who added you to the grupper group ?13:43
ikoniaooh, that's german for group13:43
Oxymoronikonia: Do you know how to add myself to both admin and audio?13:43
Oxymoronikonia: Swedish13:43
oCean.. and some more default groups13:43
ikoniaOxymoron: you'll need to boot into single user mode (recovery mode) and use the command usermod13:43
ikoniaOxymoron: it would appear somewhere along the line you have changed your group settings or modified the group/password file13:43
Oxymoronikonia: Yes probably. But as far as i remember I havent changed anything there.13:45
Oxymoronikonia: But shall I just do command usermod?13:46
ikoniaOxymoron: usermode -G joel,admin,users,audio,tty joel13:46
ikoniathat should be enough to get you moving13:46
ikoniathen you can use the useradmin gui to add/remove what you want13:47
Oxymoronikonia: Alright, thanks :) Now I will finally fix this crap :P13:47
ikoniait's not crap13:47
ikoniait's user error13:47
Oxymoronikonia: Well I havent done it. And it shouldnt even be possible IMO to break it like that.13:48
ikoniayou have13:48
ikoniait is user error, you have removed yourself from the admin group13:48
ikoniaand of course it should be possible to break it like that13:48
OxymoronWhy would I remove myself from admin group? :D13:49
ikoniasudoers depends on the admin group, if you remove yourself from it, you will break it13:49
Oxymoronanyway thanks, I will fix this now. I do not want to argue about this anymore. Thanks for all help.13:49
Oxymoronmy bad I guess13:49
BluesKajhe digs himself into more holes than anyone I can think of ...he'll be back soon13:51
ikoniaI know13:51
ikoniaI don't mind "I'm having a bad problem"13:51
lordievaderThat is something inexperience can get you...13:52
ikoniabut the constant ranting about how poor and insecure linux is....that turns out to be user error is getting very old13:52
BluesKajyou can make a suggestion to him and he ends up arguing about it13:52
lordievaderikonia: Every time a human says it is a computer error, 90% of the time it is a user error.13:52
OxymoronSorry one more question. I boot from Windows MBR (Wubi) and I didnt get into grub menu where to choose rescue mode. How to enter rescue mode after I pressed Kubuntu from Windows MBR menu?13:53
jussiWhat is the recommended way to reset my kde settings to default? (and if anyone says to remove my .kde I shall shoot them)13:53
Oxymoronjussi: lol :D13:54
ikoniaOxymoron: wubi, I have no iddea13:54
Tm_Tjussi: what settings? I believe on ~every configuration section on system settings have this "reset to defaults" button at the bottom left13:54
Oxymoronikonia: One option is to boot into Windows and modify MBR to boot into grub. But requires double reboot ...13:54
ikoniaidea even13:54
lordievaderjussi: Oke I won't say remove, but move :P Why don't you want to do that, the whole removing thing?13:54
BluesKajOxymoron, you're running wubi and you didn't even mention that13:55
jussiTm_T: I want my default desktop back. so all of them, but not application settigns.13:55
OxymoronBluesKaj: Well I didnt think it was important ... but I realised it now.13:55
jussilordievader: mail gone, other data gone13:55
jussino thanks13:55
BluesKajOxymoron, never assume13:55
jussiI dont want all my applications reset, just my kde desktop13:56
Tm_Tjussi: so plasma, widgets and windowmanager, I'd use the "reset to defaults" button on those parts, or remove the related files13:56
lordievaderjussi: That is what I would say, remove the related files.13:56
Oxymoronlordievader: Well user error can also mean it is user error from devs aka bug ...13:56
lordievaderOr move or rename.13:56
jussioh, and while we are at it, can I have oxygen back also :/13:56
Tm_Tjussi: if you go removing files, you better be logged out from the desktop while doing that13:56
lordievaderOxymoron: See user error. The computer will just compute numbers.13:57
jussiTm_T: IM not removing anything, I want the real way - so where are these reset to defaults you talk about ?13:57
Tm_Tjussi: which oxygen? oxygen plasma theme? oxygen widget theme? oxygen window theme? oxygen icon theme? (:13:57
Oxymoronjussi: I also wondered about that. If everything freaks up, I want to reset everything, except user apps. Restore all root apps, configs and desktop. but not my own settings.13:57
jussiTm_T: sorry, should have been clearer. the widget style is missing from the list13:58
Oxymoronlordievader: Yes, computer is dumb and only work binaries back and forth. What I meant is that it automaticly is my or any other persons fault if things like kmix is broken for instance. It can be my fault, but it doesnt need to be.13:58
Tm_Tjussi: http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/jussi-reset.png see the bottom left corner? it has a button "defaults" (:13:59
jussiTm_T: ie. system settings -> application appearance -> style13:59
Tm_Tjussi: is kde-style-oxygen installed?14:00
jussiTm_T: unfortunately that puts it back to plastique... :/14:00
jussiReading state information... Done14:01
jussikde-style-oxygen is already the newest version.14:01
Tm_Tjussi: if that package is installed, is /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/oxygen/metadata.desktop there?14:01
Tm_Thmmm, interesting14:02
Tm_Twhat changes if you reinstall that package and relogin after that? (:14:02
Tm_Tgotta jump to bus, back in a moment or few14:02
robotdevilis there a way to make mouse back and forward control dolphin14:13
Tm_Tjussi: any luck?14:15
jussiTm_T: nope14:17
Tm_Tvery interesting14:19
Tm_Tjussi: and it appears just fine when you try it with newly created user account?14:19
jussiTm_T: not sure, havent tried creating one yet14:22
Tm_Ttry, that's an easy test to see if it's systemwide or just your settings14:23
OxymoronHi, my touchpad doesnt work and I cannot do anything graphicly. How to restore touchpad?14:25
OxymoronIt broke from latest upgrades14:25
OxymoronSeriously my system fails more annd more.14:27
OxymoronCannot even reboot from terminal ...14:28
HelenBOkay I try to connect to my computer via bluetooth and it fails. Both computer and phone are paired and my phone is marked as trusted on my computer. What do I do?14:28
HelenBYes I'm obviously using BlueDevil.14:28
HelenBOxymoron: lol14:30
ikoniaHelenB: what application are you using to connect /14:31
HelenBikonia, <HelenB> Yes I'm obviously using BlueDevil14:31
HelenBMy phone is an LG Pop14:31
ikoniaok, I'm not aware of that application, what's the actual issue ?14:31
HelenBikonia, <HelenB> Okay I try to connect to my computer via bluetooth and it fails14:32
HelenBIt just wont connect14:32
HelenBthat's as detailed as I can get it14:32
ikoniaHelenB: you said it was already paired, so it has already connected at a high level14:32
ikoniaso what are you doing when you say "connecT"14:33
HelenBbut then when I click connect on my phone14:33
HelenBit wont connect14:33
HelenBit fails14:33
ikoniaconnect on your phone ?14:33
ikoniawhat does connect actually do ?14:33
ikoniain terms of functionality14:33
HelenBconnect to my computer from my phone14:33
ikoniait's already connected, so what does the connect actually do14:33
HelenBikonia, Every phone I've known wants to connect after it's paired14:34
ikoniacan you please define what "connect" does14:35
Tm_Thmm, checks other end's services perhaps14:35
ikonianormally you'll use individual applications, or section of applications to access data on the phone14:35
HelenBTm_T, tried14:35
ikoniaconnect appears to be a generic phrase which isn't doing anything14:35
HelenBikonia, I want to browse the files of my computer14:35
robotdevilso my computer is not set to install updates without confirmation or anything like that I know of, and without clicking on any update/package manager the computer wanted password14:35
ikoniaif you said "I'm trying to open the phone's ram as a file system" I'd understand that14:36
HelenBMy computer is set to allow that14:36
ikoniahave you looked if you phone is compatible ?14:36
HelenBI'm trying to browse the computers Public files14:36
HelenBMy phone is compatible14:36
HelenBI've done this in the past14:37
ikoniaok, so you've phones browser functionliaty will need to use a protocol/application to query your computers file system14:37
ikoniaHelenB: ok, so you've used this same phone to do this on kubuntu before ?14:37
ikonia(or same make/model I should say)14:37
ikoniaok, fedora, using the same tool ?14:37
ikoniacan you check the versions of the product on each system, see if they are reasonably close ?14:37
HelenBI don't have Fedora anymore14:38
ikoniano, but you can check the version that comes with the version you where using14:38
HelenBI can't remember which version of Fedora I was using.14:38
ikoniathen you need to check it14:39
HelenBI can't because I can't remember.14:39
ikoniagathering the info is something you need to take responsability14:39
* HelenB sighs14:39
ikoniasighing won't help14:39
HelenBI had Fedora years ago, okay?14:39
ikoniagetting useful information will14:39
ikoniaok, so this same phone used to work with the same kde application years ago ?14:39
ikonia(on fedora)14:40
HelenBIt was a gnome app that I used years ago14:40
HelenBthe bluetooth utility that comes bundled with gnome14:40
ikoniaso when I asked earlier if you had it working with kubuntu...and you said "yes on fedora" that implies kde14:40
ikoniaso checking the phone compatability list with the kde application set is worth doing14:40
ikoniagnome compatability has no relevence to kde compatability14:41
HelenBI don't get why I'd need to check compatibility14:41
HelenBI thought all phones were compatible14:42
ikoniawell, seeing a device is compatible is the first step14:42
ikoniano, they are not14:42
ikoniathey will be compatible with the bluetooth protocol which is "connection"14:42
ikoniabut the applications need to interact with the phone to offer/give data14:42
HelenBI'm able to send and recieve files on both ends14:42
ikonia? and14:43
HelenBjust not browse them14:43
ikoniais send/recieve files the same application component as browse ?14:43
HelenBikonia, Sorry I'm a noob.14:44
ikoniano need to be sorry14:44
ikoniait's not a problem to be new14:44
ikoniaIt's a little tricky as I don't know the application you are using personally14:44
ikoniaHelenB: is the bluedevil application used to manage the connection, or does it have the ability to do things, such as pull files from the phone etc14:47
HelenBikonia, It's a bluetooth manager14:47
HelenBand yes I can send/receive with it14:47
ikoniaso it only just manages the connection14:47
ikoniait doesn't actually do anything14:47
ikoniaoh, it does ?14:47
HelenBIt does.14:48
ikoniacan you browse your phone's file system from it ?14:49
HelenBbut BlueDevil has settings for that.14:49
HelenBand I've enabled them14:49
ikoniadoes that work ?14:49
HelenBnot so far14:50
ikoniaok, so that suggests that, the browse functionliaty may either need configuring or it doesn't work14:51
ikoniaas you can't go either way14:51
rangergordwhy would the kftpgrabber package, described as "FTP client for KDE", require me to download tons of Gnome and Mono libs?15:32
rangergordnm, I know why. considering kftpgrabber crashed during a simple file transfer, I can safely assume it's just a poorly-coded POS. :)15:38
io_qualcuno parla italiano???15:38
io_no vero???15:39
lordievader!italian | io_15:39
ubottuio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:39
lordievaderio_: No problem :)15:40
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
Flporterdoes the kubuntu installer support btrfs as rootfs?16:21
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:21
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=== reisi_ is now known as reisi
Aluminis there any way to get Apper to stop notifying me of the pending Precise update every 5 minutes?17:51
BluesKajAlumin, system settings>application and system notifications>other notifications, uncheck upgrade information17:54
Alumincool, thanks17:55
=== richard is now known as rickycole
Alumindidn't necessarily want to disable it entirely, but that frequency is just too much :)17:56
Alumin...and, it just did it again :P17:56
BluesKajAlumin, sometimes it takes a relogin for these settings to stick17:57
=== hadrian_ is now known as hadrian
onetHi, its possible run script from ksnapshot? example: ./upload.py /tmp/imagetakenftomksnapshot?17:58
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=== CRACK05 is now known as crack05
* crack05 is away (Gone)19:12
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
fastaWhat's the exact command that get's executed when 'open terminal here' is pressed?19:27
lordievaderfasta: Probably something like cd <path-to-dir>19:37
fastalordievader: I already know the answer and no.19:37
lordievaderfasta: What is it then?19:37
fastalordievader: konsole --workdir %f19:38
lordievaderOk, well good to know :)19:39
MKay2is there a german channel for kubuntu?20:11
PiciMKay2: #kubuntu-de20:12
oneti have problem with default browser20:14
onethow to set firefox?20:14
HamraSystem Settings ==> default applications ==> Web Browser20:16
onetHamra: i have firefox there20:18
onetbut if i type x-www-browser in console, then start reconq20:18
onethow to set firefox to x-www-browser?20:18
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Hamraonet: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser20:24
oneti have there on 0 and 1 firefox20:25
onetbut always open 2 - reconq ;/20:25
onetits work now20:27
Hamrayou're welcome :)20:27
openosHi EveryOne ???20:38
openosWhy I can't Install Deb files In Kubuntu20:38
openosWhen i Try To Install for example Google chrome Deb20:39
openosThe gdeb said finish but nothing installed In My System20:39
openosHelp ??20:41
AngelForgetopenos, you need the welp?20:43
openosI Need The Help20:44
openosWhy I can't Install Deb files In Kubuntu20:44
AngelForgetinstall gdebi20:44
openosI Already Have Gdebi20:45
openosBut When I try to Install Somthing she Said Finished But Nothing Installed On My System20:46
AngelForgetummm............is strange20:47
openosCan You Help20:47
elepageAnyone know how to add an LDAP address book? I don't have the LDAP entry in "Add address book"20:54
JMichael|worki was hoping that the upgrade to 4.8.3 would reduce the crashiness of the netbook UI on my dell mini 9, but it did not. additionally, it is seeming a good bit more sluggish now21:55
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kaddidowngrade from 12.04 to 11.10 isn't really possible, right? I would have to do a fresh install23:03
mydogsnameisrudywhat is wrong with your 12.0423:04
kaddiit keeps crashing, skype doesn't work. luminosity-changes aren't applied23:04
kaddiamarok is going crazy, crashing regularly23:05
mydogsnameisrudyhmmm and you have tryed to fix that im taking it23:05
kaddiwell i started trying to fix it, but it's just getting too much23:05
kaddi11.10 was working flawlessly23:05
kaddii'm really regretting the upgrade23:05
kaddiand honestly23:05
mydogsnameisrudywell looks like youll have to reinstall  to get back i guess23:06
kaddiit's not like there wer some ground-breaking changes under the hood23:06
kaddii don't quite see why so much had to break23:06
mydogsnameisrudydid you do the upgrade to 12.0423:06
kaddiabout 3 weeks ago23:07
kaddiso not immediately after23:07
mydogsnameisrudyhmmm well wonder if you did a fresh install of 12.04 it would work23:07
mydogsnameisrudymight not want to go thru that tho23:08
kaddiif I have to reinstall, I'll go with something I know to be working, i think ;p23:08
mydogsnameisrudyi guess i would too23:09
kaddiwell not tonight that's for sure.. I kinda hope it'll fix itself with the updates at some point23:11
mydogsnameisrudywell have fun with it anyway ;)23:12
kaddihehe, i'll try :p23:12
kaddithanks and goodnight23:12
=== CRACK05 is now known as crack05

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