
=== mintos is now known as mintos_out
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NeVeR_Anyone here from South Africa?11:17
NeVeR_I scored level 5 on the Pre assesment thing.. what does that mean?11:25
PendulumNeVeR_: this isn't a support channel and I'm not sure what pre-assessment thing you're talking about. If you're looking for support, tryin #ubuntu . If you're looking for other Ubuntu folks in South Africa, try #ubuntu-za11:28
NeVeR_coooooool thanks11:31
IdleOneNeVeR_: what pre assessment thing exactly?11:48
PendulumIdleOne: google is suggesting maybe https://forms.canonical.com/assessment/ ?11:49
IdleOneah, yeah. thanks11:49
Pendulum(I have to admit I didn't know that existed)11:49
IdleOneI have seen it before in the past. I was thinking of taking the course and then applying for a support position at Canonical11:50
PendulumI'm taking the pre-assessment now just out of curiosity. See if I'm more technical than I thought ;-)11:51
IdleOneI bet you will surprise yourself11:53
IdleOneit is amazing how much you can pick up just by being on irc and occasionally reading11:53
PendulumI used to know more than I do now, but I still remember enough to make educated guesses11:55
Pendulumplus I'm well aware I have imposter sydrome ;-)11:55
PendulumI see one problem with how they give results on that pre-assessment12:03
Pendulumthey give you your score and no information about what it means12:03
NeVeR_Pendulum: that's what I meant... just says you are level 5, then says go to ... link, and the link doesn't exist :(12:14
NeVeR_oh wells12:15
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