bernie | hey, i think i've hit a bug in software-center with installing commercial software after it has been paid for. | 01:18 |
bernie | where could i report it? | 01:18 |
micahg | bernie: ubuntu-bug software-center | 01:19 |
bernie | micahg: i ended up filing this | 01:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1008289 in software-center (Ubuntu) ""Failed to download repository information" for purchased application" [Undecided,New] | 01:37 |
bernie | micahg: and i also sent a note to | 01:38 |
micahg | bernie: ok, someone should be looking at it tomorrow then | 01:38 |
bernie | micahg: it's just $9.99, but i'm very curious to see what the customer experience is like. | 01:39 |
micahg | bernie: indeed, I think it's something that should work :) (I just don't work on that), sounds like you already took the proper steps | 01:39 |
bernie | micahg: hey, i found another workflow that triggers bugs in the software center: 1) purchase the humble indie bundle 2) you get an email with a key and a link 3) click on "Download for Ubuntu" to get to with the key in the url 4) click on one of the apt:// links and Software Center opens 5) Software Center offers you to buy the game once again :-( | 03:11 |
bernie | micahg: i'll report another bug | 03:11 |
micahg | bernie: ok, thanks | 03:14 |
bernie | micahg: | 03:35 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1008309 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Can't download purchased Humble Indie Bundle with Ubuntu Software Center" [Undecided,New] | 03:35 |
pitti | Good morning | 03:36 |
ajmitch | morning pitti | 03:39 |
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ion | Hmm, Psychonauts doesn’t seem to be available yet. | 04:24 |
vibhav | Can be nominated for oneiric and precise? | 04:35 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 934471 in libdvdnav (Ubuntu) "vlc crashed with SIGSEGV in dvdnav_describe_title_chapters()" [Medium,Fix released] | 04:35 |
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dholbach | good morning | 07:02 |
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larsduesing | good morning | 08:16 |
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tjaalton | dholbach: hey, could you test the kernel from precise-proposed to see if it fixes bug 906269 for you? | 10:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 906269 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[sandybridge-m-gt2+] GPU lockup render.IPEHR: 0x7a000002" [High,Incomplete] | 10:26 |
tjaalton | it did work for dovercash | 10:27 |
dholbach | tjaalton, the lockup only happened very rarely, so it'll be a bit hard to test it, but AFAIK I didn't have any video lockups for a longer while now | 10:27 |
dholbach | sorry for the very unspecific feedback | 10:27 |
tjaalton | dholbach: ok, I'll mark it as a dupe of the other one then. there are a couple of other commits I'll propose to be added to v3.2-stable if the testing goes well.. | 10:28 |
dholbach | ok cool | 10:28 |
dholbach | thanks a bunch | 10:28 |
tjaalton | np, thanks | 10:28 |
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ahasenack | good morning! Can a sponsor please take a look at #1004678? Thanks | 12:18 |
tumbleweed | ahasenack: that bug has no ubuntu tasks. It's also worth mentioning that you need a core-dev when asking for sponsorship :) | 12:20 |
ahasenack | tumbleweed: right, let me add one, and change ours to fix committed | 12:21 |
ahasenack | tumbleweed: do I need to subscribe some other team too? | 12:22 |
tumbleweed | no, it should appear on the sponsorship queue | 12:23 |
ahasenack | tumbleweed: ok | 12:26 |
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kendfinger | Hello | 13:50 |
kendfinger | Any events today? | 14:05 |
dobey | what sort of events? | 14:08 |
dobey | an ELE is unlikely today, at least | 14:09 |
seb128 | could somebody reject | 14:09 |
seb128 | (it's a request against the wrong branch, the contributor also submitter other ones) | 14:09 |
stgraber | seb128: done | 14:10 |
seb128 | thank | 14:11 |
seb128 | thanks | 14:11 |
dobey | can someone accept the ubuntuone-client and ubuntuone-control-panel packages into precise-proposed? | 14:12 |
kendfinger | Like meetings. | 14:16 |
kendfinger | Is there a buildbot or something for the Quantal Cd images? | 14:18 |
seb128 | stgraber, could you reject as well? | 14:19 |
kendfinger | Is it true apport is being replaced? | 14:19 |
stgraber | seb128: done | 14:19 |
seb128 | thanks | 14:20 |
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stokachu | Daviey: ping | 14:27 |
stokachu | or xnox ping :) | 14:27 |
xnox | ? | 14:28 |
xnox | =) | 14:28 |
xnox | stokachu: what's up? | 14:28 |
stokachu | xnox: hey, im trying to patch autofs5 in lucid, but dpatch-edit-patch new old fails with no rule to make unpatch | 14:28 |
stokachu | xnox: is there something special i need to be doing for the patch system in autofs | 14:28 |
xnox | stokachu: not in the new autofs. Let me grab lucid's autofs and see how that acient package was done =) | 14:29 |
stokachu | xnox: ok thanks, i believe its pretty ancient | 14:29 |
xnox | stokachu: are you trying to add a patch, or edit / modify an existing one? | 14:34 |
xnox | I would do | 14:34 |
stokachu | yea a new patch | 14:34 |
xnox | ./debian/rules clean | 14:34 |
xnox | add a patch file to ./debian/patches/ | 14:34 |
xnox | add the name of the patch to ./debian/patches/00list | 14:35 |
xnox | make sure the patch starts with #! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run | 14:35 |
xnox | and then do a test build | 14:35 |
stokachu | ah ok -- a more manual approach | 14:35 |
* micahg suggest edit-patch | 14:35 | |
xnox | micahg: if you know how to operate it, go ahead =) | 14:36 |
* xnox only used dpatch the way I described about 3 times in my lifetime =) | 14:36 | |
stokachu | micahg: i tried dpatch-edit-patch but that failed with no makefile rule to unpatch | 14:36 |
stokachu | is edit-patch better to work with? | 14:36 |
xnox | stokachu: the packaging is very old-school, so it does not have upatch targets. | 14:37 |
micahg | edit-patch is an abstraction on dpatch-edit-patch, not sure of all the pitfalls | 14:37 |
stokachu | ah ok | 14:37 |
* micahg defers to xnox | 14:37 | |
stokachu | they both break in the same way | 14:37 |
stokachu | manual way it is then | 14:38 |
stokachu | thanks xnox | 14:38 |
xnox | stokachu: I usually do $ bzr commit & bzr dep3-patch -c-1 > debian/patches/newpatch.patch | 14:39 |
dholbach | bryceh, tjaalton: did we have any xvfb segfaults any time recently? it might be a problem with bug 1008537 - not confirmed yet | 14:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1008537 in sphinx (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] Segmentation fault during tests" [Undecided,New] | 14:39 |
stokachu | xnox: ok cool ill test that | 14:40 |
pitti | bryceh, tjaalton: FWIW, I get crashes in xvfb in apport's test suite, too | 14:40 |
xnox | stokachu: and then edit the series/00list & top line for the dpatch stuff. | 14:40 |
stokachu | ok | 14:40 |
tjaalton | dholbach, pitti: there have been no xserver updates to quantal other than one bugfix early May.. | 14:44 |
tjaalton | so it could be something else triggering it | 14:44 |
dholbach | tjaalton, for a test, I could upload the sphinx merge to a precise ppa and see what happens | 14:45 |
tjaalton | dholbach: yeah | 14:45 |
dholbach | do we have some docs on how the buildd chroots are configured? | 14:45 |
dholbach | it'd be good to be able to reproduce this somewhere outside LP | 14:45 |
xnox | dholbach: the buildd tarball is accesible to download & then you can run it with sbuild | 14:46 |
xnox | should be very close to LP setup | 14:46 |
xnox | chroot tarball | 14:46 |
dholbach | xnox, I think I'd better leave that to somebody who knows how to debug xvfb better :) | 14:46 |
dholbach | but it's good to know | 14:47 |
xnox | =)))) | 14:47 |
xnox | true | 14:47 |
tjaalton | dholbach: from the buildlog you can see that it actually managed to pass the first iteration of the tests, but the second one failed | 14:54 |
dholbach | will start in 6h | 14:54 |
tjaalton | the precise build log shows it'll run the tests three times | 14:55 |
tjaalton | ah, the old version was built on oneiric | 14:56 |
tjaalton | hum no | 14:56 |
tjaalton | that was the kernel version :) | 14:56 |
tjaalton | the one on precise-proposed built fine | 14:56 |
bdmurray | mvo: bug 902603 is still receiving duplicates because people are release upgrading without the new version of dpkg. can something be done about that? | 15:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 902603 in taglib (Ubuntu Precise) "When installing Multi-Arch: same (meta-)package for two architectures, dpkg considers one arch as completely disappeared" [High,Fix released] | 15:12 |
kendfinger | Today's quantal build is very unstable! I can't connect to wifi. it freezes alot, and it just is flat out slow. | 15:16 |
ogra_ | kendfinger, we didnt even release alpha1 yet, what would you expect :) | 15:22 |
kendfinger | I know. Just wanted to help by submiting bugs. :) | 15:22 |
ogra_ | yeah, thats a good plan :) | 15:23 |
mvo | bdmurray: one not very user friendly way would be to put it into DistUpgrade.cfg as "BadVersions=dpkg_1.16.0.3ubuntu5" | 15:30 |
mvo | bdmurray: this would mean people without it get a error, better of course is to simply install the update first | 15:30 |
bdmurray | mvo: and is there a way to accomplish that? | 15:31 |
seb128 | could somebody reject | 15:31 |
seb128 | (wrong serie, need tweaking, should go to Debian) | 15:31 |
stgraber | seb128: done | 15:32 |
seb128 | stgraber, thanks | 15:32 |
mvo | bdmurray: I think this needs a bit of code to be written, let me double check | 15:33 |
mvo | bdmurray: not, not trivially, we would have to write some code | 15:47 |
bdmurray | mvo: okay, its only received 7 duplicates in the past 2 weeks so may not be worth it | 15:49 |
seb128 | could somebody set to needs fixing or rejected? | 16:04 |
stgraber | seb128: done | 16:05 |
seb128 | thanks | 16:05 |
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jtaylor | what should be done with fftw3? it now depends on mpi in debian, I guess thats not suitable for main? | 16:25 |
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slangasek | seb128: hi, where did the number 800MB come from on ? My understanding was that it was supposed to be 750 MB for this cycle | 16:42 |
slangasek | then at UDS I suggested we bump it to 750MiB instead because we were already at 736MB | 16:42 |
slangasek | now we're bumping again :) | 16:43 |
Riddell | it seems pretty arbitrary | 16:43 |
Riddell | Kubuntu is hopeing for 1GB which is arbitrary but nicer and round :) | 16:43 |
seb128 | slangasek, hey, I'm a bit out of the loop on the topic, not sure if there was an UDS discussion if there was I missed it, please fix whatever I had wrong in the blueprint, jasoncwarner_ suggested I open it so we have an "official" place to track the change | 16:43 |
seb128 | slangasek, I got the 800mb number from | 16:44 |
slangasek | Riddell, seb128: two cycles ago we had a discussion about dropping the CDs in favor of USB-sized images which would grow slowly each cycle, and it's my understanding the agreement was 750 | 16:45 |
slangasek | for this cycle | 16:45 |
slangasek | pitti: hi, where'd the number 800MB come from in ? I know we had a hallway discussion in Oakland about doing 750MiB instead of 750MB, but I didn't remember anyone saying 800 :) | 16:45 |
seb128 | slangasek, well, as said I missed the discussion if there was one at UDS so you might be right | 16:45 |
seb128 | slangasek, btw since you are around, do you see any issue multiarching libbonoboui without doing libbonobo? from reading bug #977947 the libbonobo one is non trivial | 16:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 977947 in libbonobo (Ubuntu Quantal) "Please transition libbonobo to multi-arch" [Medium,Triaged] | 16:47 |
slangasek | seb128: they can be multiarched in any order, but we do need to get the whole stack to get any real benefit to users | 16:47 |
seb128 | slangasek, I'm trying to look at bug #1003964 for precise SRU | 16:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1003964 in libgnomecanvas (Ubuntu Precise) "libglade2-0 can't find or (those need to be multiarched)" [Low,Confirmed] | 16:48 |
seb128 | slangasek, libglade got multiarched and load its .so from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libglade and those libs install a .so in /usr/lib/libglade | 16:48 |
slangasek | seb128: I don't think I've looked at libbonoboui in depth... I certainly wouldn't *SRU* libbonoboui before libbonobo is sorted | 16:48 |
seb128 | slangasek, the other option would be to add a fallback loader to libglade | 16:48 |
seb128 | that might be a safer solution for precise | 16:49 |
roaksoax | 4 | 16:49 |
slangasek | erm... yes, there should be loader fallbacks for such things | 16:49 |
seb128 | slangasek, ok, I will look into that, thanks ;-) | 16:49 |
slangasek | thank you :) | 16:49 |
slangasek | stokachu: ^^ were you still looking at finishing up some of these multiarch SRUs for precise? | 16:49 |
* micahg thinks he took a precise multiarch SRU and forgot to upload it | 16:51 | |
infinity | micahg: It's the thought that counts, right? | 16:53 |
micahg | heh, I just need to go dig it up and upload later in the week | 16:55 |
infinity | jdstrand: Care to have a quick look at bug 993658? | 17:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 993658 in latex2html (Ubuntu) "[MIR] latex2html" [Undecided,New] | 17:11 |
jdstrand | infinity: ok. it'll be a bit, but I'll get to it this afternoon | 17:12 |
infinity | jdstrand: Sure. Seems mostly like a no-brainer to me, at least. | 17:12 |
seb128 | slangasek, could you have a look to bug #987502? the patch submitter asked for your input | 17:43 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 987502 in libxml2 (Ubuntu) "libxml2-dev: /usr/bin/xml2-config isn't identical across all arch" [Medium,Triaged] | 17:43 |
slangasek | seb128: it's in my queue, yes | 17:43 |
seb128 | slangasek, thanks | 17:43 |
slangasek | seb128: btw, should libbonoboui2-0 have a versioned dep on the version of libglade2-0 that looks in the multiarch directory? (currently it doesn't) | 17:44 |
seb128 | slangasek, it should maybe breaks libglade << multiarch version rather? | 17:45 |
slangasek | seb128: well, it already depends on libglade | 17:45 |
slangasek | so it should depend on the right version of libglade :) | 17:45 |
dobey | is there an sbuild equivalent of pbuilder-dist? | 17:46 |
seb128 | ok, I will fix that with the next upload, thanks for pointing it | 17:46 |
slangasek | seb128: thank you! | 17:46 |
jbicha | dobey: I don't think so, I just follow to set it up | 17:49 |
dobey | jbicha: ok, i'll check it out. thanks | 17:59 |
dobey | do packages in quantal show up on now? | 18:05 |
geser | dobey: take a look at "mk-sbuild - creates chroots via schroot and sbuild" (ubuntu-dev-tools), perhaps the script does what you are looking for | 19:04 |
agrimm | hi, all. I'm trying to figuring out how dpkg orders things during package upgrades. I have a package A that depends on an exact version of package B, and I would expect that on upgrade, package B's "preinst" script for the new version would run before the new version of package A is unpacked... but this isn't what seems to happen. is the ordering not that strict? am I forced to use pre-depends if I need this behavior? | 19:10 |
tumbleweed | correct, that's what Pre-Depends is for | 19:11 |
tumbleweed | we try and avoid Pre-Depends whenever possible | 19:12 |
tumbleweed | err sorry misread | 19:12 |
tumbleweed | if A depends on B, A will be configured before B's postinst. If Pre-Depends, A will be configured before B's preinst runs | 19:13 |
tumbleweed | | 19:13 |
slangasek | agrimm: if you want unpack ordering, you have to use pre-depends, yes | 19:40 |
agrimm | slangasek, tumbleweed : thanks, I'll see how that goes | 19:41 |
slangasek | in general we discourage people from doing this however ;) | 19:42 |
slangasek | as it makes the dependency calculations more brittle overall | 19:42 |
cr3 | for a python3 project in quantal, should the debian/control file specify something like: Depends: ${python3:Depends}? does that even exist? | 19:43 |
agrimm | slangasek, I did see that in the guidelines... I really just need preinst script to run before unpacks ... it's strange to me that they don't | 19:43 |
slangasek | the preinst script runs before the unpack of the package shipping it | 19:43 |
agrimm | slangasek, understood | 19:43 |
agrimm | but if that package _depends_ on another | 19:43 |
slangasek | but there's no guarantee of unpack ordering *except* via pre-depends, because it is actually useful for the package manager to unpack things out of order in some cases | 19:43 |
slangasek | usually when trying to resolve conflicts/breaks elsewhere in the dependency graph | 19:44 |
slangasek | cr3: yes | 19:44 |
slangasek | cr3: should have the deets | 19:44 |
agrimm | slangasek, I understand. I'm just spoiled by package managers which have solved this problem | 19:44 |
slangasek | cr3: actually, not that page, but on the linked | 19:44 |
infinity | agrimm: As a result of the unpack ordering oddities, it's often recommended that preinsts not use anything outside of Essential. | 19:45 |
slangasek | dpkg/apt have solved this too, just not with the same semantics as others ;) | 19:45 |
infinity | agrimm: (Which is generally good advice anyway, preinsts shouldn't be where one does complex things) | 19:45 |
slangasek | pre-depends are the correct way to enforce what you want | 19:45 |
slangasek | we just recognize (probably better than others) that there's a cost to using pre-depends | 19:45 |
cr3 | slangasek: thanks, exactly what I needed! | 19:45 |
agrimm | infinity, if this were for the install case, I'd agree with oyu, but my use case is strictly for upgrades, where I already know what's on the system | 19:45 |
slangasek | one might note that Debian/Ubuntu actually support full release upgrades, whereas distros using certain other package managers do not | 19:46 |
agrimm | slangasek, FWIW, I'm talking about conary as the "other package manager", not RPM | 19:46 |
agrimm | :) | 19:46 |
slangasek | ah ;) | 19:46 |
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