[01:09] * tumbleweed waves bug 1008271 at jtaylor [01:09] Launchpad bug 1008271 in python-scipy (Ubuntu) "Bump to 0.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1008271 [01:09] hello [01:10] i am new to using irc so excuse me if i am to verbose [01:10] i want to try fixing a bug in natilus [01:10] #nautilus [01:11] i want to ask where should i get the source from [01:11] should i use github ? [01:12] anyone [01:13] bzr branch lp:ubuntu/nautilus [01:13] thanks [01:13] see http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html [01:14] @tumbleweed Thanks for the link i will look into the page [01:15] np [01:15] * tumbleweed goes to bed === jbicha is now known as Guest40326 [07:02] good morning [07:04] good morning dholbach [07:04] hey geser === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [08:09] Morning dholbach, geser. [08:09] hey iulian [08:10] Oh, it's Monday already. [08:10] Hmm. [08:11] yeah, how did that happen? [08:17] they skipped the weeked for some booze I heard [08:17] stupid gods === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach === Guest33157 is now known as Adri2000 === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === Guest40326 is now known as jbicha === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === ara_ is now known as ara === barry` is now known as barry_ === barry_ is now known as barry === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:07] tumbleweed: You there? [13:11] yes, hi [13:15] tumbleweed: I uploaded a debdiff (lucid) for bug 569514 , you might want to see it [13:15] Launchpad bug 569514 in calamaris (Ubuntu Natty) "Doesn't work for squid3 logs" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/569514 [13:17] vibhav: where's the SRU paperwork? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure [13:17] also. the version still needs to changed, the same version is published in lucid and natty [14:24] Has OpenSSH 6.0 been uploaded? [14:25] !info openssh quantal [14:25] Package openssh does not exist in quantal [14:25] utter lies [14:25] yes, it has. [14:26] Cool! Thanks! [14:27] openssh-client is what I meant. [14:29] maybe that bot works on binary packages, indeed [14:29] !info openssh-client quantal [14:29] openssh-client (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines. In component main, is standard. Version 1:5.9p1-5ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 937 kB, installed size 2297 kB [14:30] seems out of date [14:33] I am pretty sure that is wrong! [14:33] openssh-server | 1:6.0p1-1ubuntu1 | quantal | amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc [14:34] thats what rmadisson says [14:41] yeah [14:41] Pici: ^^^^^ the bot is out of date :( [14:43] Laney: I'll see what I caan do. [14:43] cheers boss === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [16:05] Hello === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler [16:09] I manually built a program and then did 'checkinstall' (essentially 'make install') to create a deb. The deb file has a lib/libpln.so of size ~47MB. [16:09] I created another deb using debuild and the same lib/libpln.so file is only ~2MB. [16:09] Why is there this vast difference in file sizes of same file? [16:09] In fact size of every file in lib/ created with checkinstall is greater than corresponding files created with debuild... [16:13] AmberJ_: maybe the checkinstall files are unstripped? [16:21] azeem_: "unstripped"? [16:21] yes [16:21] dressed :) [16:21] run "file" on both and compare the output [16:22] AmberJ: debug symbols are still in [16:22] removing them is called stripping [16:22] which is done by dh_strip during normal build [16:24] (and has nothing to do with dresses, despite my bad joke above :) ) === ahasenack is now known as Guest47924 [16:55] Thanks jtaylor, very well explained. And azeem_'s 'file' explained the rest. [16:57] ogra_: I'll leave it to others to decide if that was a bad joke :D Thanks [16:58] :) === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [19:40] What's an indep (independent?) binary? [19:41] something that is architecture independent [19:41] = it runs everywhere without recompile [19:41] ah [19:41] usually interpreted stuff like python or cli [19:41] or documentation [19:43] ok [19:43] I use 'bzr dh-make' to setup debian/ templates... What should I choose if I plan to split upstream into multiple debs: multiple binary or library ? [19:44] probably multiple binary [19:44] I mean that upstream has multiple binary executables and libraries [19:44] unless its a library [19:44] hm thats more complicated [19:44] are the libraries "public" = they can be used by other programs too [19:47] jtaylor: yes, those libraries can be used independently without the need for other upstream 'components'. [19:48] k it should still be similar to the multiple binary package except that you build library packages from it too [19:48] That's why we plan to separate them into separate packages. Roughly speaking, any library that can be used independently goes in a separate package (and the same applies to executables) [19:48] which means following all conventions for them [19:48] correct library packaging is quite timeconsuming [19:49] I guess I should choose "multiple binary" and then use $package.install to fine tune library packages (?) [19:49] yes [19:49] you can create both templates to see what dh_make would give you [19:50] yes, that's a nice way t see how dh_make handles both [19:50] *to [19:50] Thanks :) [20:15] Tried both dh_make templates. It seems I'll need to combine template files from both templates === Guest47924 is now known as ahasenack [22:31] bdrung: light-themes was already uploaded to precise-proposed, it's just waiting in the queue [22:34] jbicha: thanks. then it's less to do for me [22:35] jbicha: btw, the current light-themes version still has some issues (background color of icons of selected apps wrong in the application selector)