
=== waxhead_ is now known as waxhead
DaveMorris1upgrade from lucid to precise yesterday, mysql-server got uninstalled, did I do something wrong or a bug?  I did do-release-upgrade -d10:40
DaveMorris1maybe because I didn't have the mythtv-backend-master package installed, just the backend package10:50
DaveMorris1this machine has come up since dapper10:50
superm1DaveMorris1: file a bug against update-manager using ubuntu-bug13:07
superm1it should attach upgrade logs13:07
superm1for debugging13:07
DaveMorris1superm1: bug #100853114:16
ZinnBug 1008531 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "mysql-server was uninstalled during upgrade" [Undecided, New] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/100853114:16
joan_hi all! :) sorry if this is a dumb question, but this has been completely doing my head in! i've got a fresh install of mythbuntu running on my htpc. it has a live tv buffer size of 4MB . The default buffer size for remote clients on Ubuntu seems to be 8 MB. Is there any way to increase the live tv buffer size on my htpc from 4 MB to 8 MB??? I've been trying everything and can't find a solution to this. Thanks!15:06
tgm4883live tv buffer?15:08
joan_the beginning of that message seems to have been lost... it just said "Hi all! I hope someone can help. This is doing my head in" ... etc etc15:08
joan_tgm4883: hi15:08
joan_tgm4883: live tv buffer15:08
joan_tgm4883: if i select playback data from the menu when on live tv it gives a figure of x% of xMB available15:09
joan_tgm4883: on the htpc this figure is 4MB and on my remote clients its 8MB. the remote clients consequently(?) give slightly better playback15:10
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Steve-GoodeyHi, generate dynamic button mappings in Mythbuntu Control Center adds mappings for other applications xine, vlc etc. or not?18:58
Steve-GoodeyTrying to get into my head what that does.18:59
tgm4883Steve-Goodey, I don't know what that does anymore19:22
tgm4883foxbuntu, ^19:22
superm1Steve-Goodey: it should19:29
Steve-Goodeysuperm1: tgm4883 Thanks.19:36

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