subthalamus | I copied lsb_release with the punctuation mark after it | 00:00 |
subthalamus | and they were already jumping down my throat | 00:00 |
LjL | subthalamus: i see | 00:01 |
subthalamus | kind of like u just did | 00:01 |
subthalamus | starting to see a pattern? | 00:01 |
subthalamus | I think the biggest red flag should be, why would any "guilty" party go to this much trouble to get re-instated | 00:04 |
subthalamus | ?? | 00:04 |
LjL | subthalamus: the pattern i see is you having a less than optimal attitude in #ubuntu, and then again here. i can remove the ban, but you need to understand that 1) #ubuntu is about Ubuntu, not about what you do "in general" on Linux distros 2) you should try your best to explain the situation rather than make snarky remarks to people who interact with you | 00:04 |
subthalamus | yessir | 00:05 |
subthalamus | biting my tongue | 00:05 |
LjL | subthalamus: well, that makes sense in theory, but in practice you'd find there are many banned people who come here only for their entertainment. i hope you're not one of them, but i don't know. | 00:05 |
subthalamus | cant imagine somebody calling this fun... | 00:06 |
LjL | people are weird. anyway | 00:06 |
subthalamus | agreed | 00:06 |
LjL | usually before removing a ban i ask people to read !etiquette | 00:06 |
subthalamus | !etiquette | 00:06 |
ubottu | Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 00:06 |
LjL | but i'm about to go to bed, so i'll just remove the ban but i'd like you to read it anyway | 00:06 |
LjL | just so you know what's not to be expected in #ubuntu | 00:07 |
subthalamus | doing that now | 00:07 |
LjL | thank you | 00:07 |
subthalamus | no, thank you | 00:07 |
LjL | subthalamus: when you're done, feel free to rejoin #ubuntu, the ban is lifted | 00:08 |
subthalamus | gnite | 00:08 |
LjL | goodnight | 00:08 |
LjL | @mark #ubuntu-ops subthalamus Ban removed, see comment for ban 48938 | 00:09 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 00:09 |
ubottu | fidel called the ops in #ubuntu (pedro) | 09:32 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from server_) | 12:16 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (abra appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) | 12:40 |
oCean | anyone noticed <jewlez> nick in #u? | 12:42 |
oCean | not sure what to think of that | 12:42 |
elky | I read it as a poorly thought out intentional mispelling of jewels | 12:43 |
Tm_T | same | 12:44 |
Tm_T | elky: nice sombrero | 12:45 |
ubottu | FloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (abra appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) | 12:46 |
bazhang | is oxymoron making sense in #kubuntu ? | 13:32 |
bazhang | his /etc/sudoers got modified just by chance? | 13:33 |
ikonia | he never does | 13:36 |
Tm_T | ...what? | 13:38 |
ikonia | just constantly finds "problems with linux" that are always his, | 13:38 |
ikonia | eg: I removed /etc/shadow now I can't login, LINUX IS FULL OF BUGS !!!! | 13:39 |
Tm_T | aww | 13:39 |
ikonia | there we go the big security alery | 13:45 |
ikonia | alert | 13:45 |
ikonia | he'd removed him self from the admin group | 13:46 |
ikonia | yet sudoers had been changed without his permisison according to him | 13:46 |
Pici | no activity in #ubuntu for the past 6 minutes? | 13:46 |
ikonia | enjoy | 13:46 |
oCean | sssh! | 13:46 |
Pici | sorry! | 13:46 |
ikonia | @mark #kubuntu Oxymoron constantly ranting about issues with ubuntu every issue I resolved for him has been user error, | 13:51 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 13:51 |
Tm_T | saga | 14:30 |
ikonia | ok, enough with oxymoron | 14:31 |
Guest58486 | Lu | 14:43 |
ikonia | hello | 14:43 |
ikonia | Guest58486: can we help you ? | 14:44 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
=== Corey is now known as 45PAANW6S | ||
=== 45PAANW6S is now known as Corey | ||
AlanBell | hi all, I am about to process some of the ops application queues so some people might turn up here, please welcome them and voice as appropriate, full list will be published when done | 19:41 |
* Fuchs puts up his best smile | 19:42 | |
* LjL puts up his worst evil grin | 19:43 | |
* genii-around makes more coffee | 19:47 | |
* Fuchs bakes a cake | 19:47 | |
Jordan_U | AlanBell: If you don't have an issue with the Ubuntu ops please don't idle in this channel. | 19:48 |
Jordan_U | Just practicing ;) | 19:48 |
nhandler | /remove Jordan_U | 19:50 |
Unit193 | You spelled "kill" wrong... | 19:58 |
nhandler | :) | 19:59 |
AlanBell | hi bkerensa | 20:19 |
bkerensa | hello | 20:19 |
AlanBell | can someone sort out a voice please, I am still pressing buttons | 20:20 |
Fuchs | AlanBell: temporary one? | 20:23 |
AlanBell | no, standard ops voice | 20:24 |
Fuchs | ah. *moves back to corner* | 20:24 |
nhandler | AlanBell: You need the IRCC account or jussi, Pricey, elky, or nalioth to help you | 20:27 |
mrmist | of course, we could force flags if you need. ;) | 20:35 |
jussi | AlanBell: +vVia ? | 20:36 |
jussi | AlanBell: +vViA set | 20:36 |
Unit193 | /cs access #ubuntu-ops add $user team works too. ;) | 20:37 |
jussi | oh meh, forgot about that | 20:38 |
* nhandler thinks templates are one of the most underused chanserv features | 20:38 | |
elky | Also one of the most confusing ;) | 20:39 |
Unit193 | They're easy enough. | 20:39 |
Unit193 | Also, "Hi" is what I'm supposed to say (again), so says my email. | 20:40 |
jussi | I like the templates, I just keep forgettign they exist | 20:41 |
jussi | nhandler: heres an idea though, why not have certain templates set by default in channels and then people can change those if they wish? (or does this already exist and I dont knw...?) | 20:42 |
Unit193 | cprofitt: Why hello! | 20:43 |
jussi | cprofitt: you got accepted somewhere? | 20:43 |
nhandler | jussi: I believe OP (+votriA) and MANAGER (+votsriRfA) are standard | 20:44 |
jussi | nhandler: ahh nice :) | 20:44 |
* jussi throws rotten fish at cprofitt | 20:45 | |
bkerensa | heh | 20:46 |
cprofitt | thanks jussi -- just what I needed :-) | 20:47 |
jussi | cprofitt: so I repeat ... | 20:49 |
jussi | cprofitt: you got accepted somewhere? | 20:49 |
cprofitt | jussi: I believe so | 20:49 |
cprofitt | irc- | 20:50 |
cprofitt | irc-ubuntu-ops | 20:50 |
cprofitt | sorry for the errant 'return' | 20:50 |
jussi | cprofitt: part and come back | 20:50 |
jussi | or wait, never mind | 20:50 |
* cprofitt stands very still and is careful | 20:51 | |
jussi | :=) | 20:51 |
jussi | right, now go san in the corner and be quiet :P :P :P | 20:52 |
jussi | stand* | 20:52 |
* cprofitt stands in corner | 20:52 | |
* cprofitt salutes jussi | 20:53 | |
* jussi hides | 20:53 | |
DJones | Hi / Evening | 21:05 |
Unit193 | DJones: Howdy, where'd you get accepted this time? | 21:05 |
Unit193 | Oh jussi, another one I'd think. | 21:05 |
DJones | Unit193: #u | 21:05 |
Unit193 | Congrats on that, and good luck. | 21:06 |
jussi | oh no... they let DJones in.... | 21:06 |
DJones | I'll need it | 21:06 |
DJones | And thanks | 21:06 |
* DJones hides | 21:06 | |
cprofitt | gotta reboot... and go to scout meeting... bbl | 21:11 |
cprofitt | thanks again for the rotten fish jussi | 21:12 |
cprofitt | :-) | 21:12 |
jussi | lol | 21:12 |
jussi | anyway, I now bid you all goodnight! | 21:21 |
Unit193 | 'Nighty | 21:24 |
bkerensa | =o | 21:38 |
Pricey | nhandler: Templates do indeed seem awesome. | 22:37 |
Pricey | I'm also around for a bit if you need my acces.. | 22:37 |
Pricey | *access | 22:37 |
AlanBell | yeah, I am thinking of using templates properly for the big access list tidy up | 22:43 |
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