[12:10] ping popey [12:10] who do you know that is in canonical that is in charge of community development that IS NOT jono. still trying to get 5 year plan down [12:15] bobweaver: dholbach could be a good person to contact. [12:16] thanks jussi [12:17] off to motu [12:18] bobweaver: what do you mean by "won't talk to me"? [12:19] do you mean "hasn't responded to my emails yet"? [12:19] popey, kinda more IRC and what not "not talking to me is harsh" [12:20] but I did ask on irc when actiive and was ignored and waited like 6 hrs [12:20] not a biggi [12:20] BUt [12:20] whats the specific question? [12:20] he gets a lot of mail/irc traffic [12:21] How do I make money selling Ubuntu advantage ? [12:21] I know that there use to be % thing [12:21] i dont know the answer to that, that's a question for someone other than jono tbh [12:21] not sure if it is still a option but I have alot stores lined up (one today) and would also like to make some $ for the time that I spend doing this [12:22] also how to get canonical more involded in my 5 year plan [12:22] so the way I think most people do it is they sell their own support services [12:22] and then buy their own ubuntu advantage [12:22] so they are 1st/2nd line support [12:23] and use Ubuntu Advantage as 3rd line support [12:23] kinda like a catalyst. cool [12:23] bobweaver: https://forms.canonical.com/sales/ [12:23] linked from http://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/ubuntu-advantage/trial [12:24] suggests you get in touch [12:24] however, I'd reset your expectations to not anticipate an answer within a matter of a few hours [12:24] how about 3 days ? [12:24] :) [12:25] i think some of the team are in the UK [12:25] we have two public holidays this week [12:26] today and tomorrow [12:26] popey, always a pleasure fine sir. I hope that this is all going to come together and that The Ubuntu street team and also Loco can match what is going on in china here in the states [12:26] np, anytime [12:26] thanks for the tips on the holidays [12:26] np [12:27] I am trying like crazy to change the world here I think that it is going to work [12:27] one store at a time [12:27] support is the over all binding point IMHO [13:59] ping popey [14:00] sorry busy today :) [14:01] would you support me in this effort ? To get Ubuntu into stores In other words can I use you as a reference in my letter too Canonical [14:05] bobweaver: define "support" :D [14:05] sure [14:07] so I just got off the phone with David Levin he told me to fill out a email that he is going to hand off to other people at canonical . it is all about getting Ubuntu into stores here in the USA like calling them up setting up appointments and what not hang on here is a good example [14:07] I dont think you need my support for that [14:08] David is better placed there [14:08] I don't work in that team. [14:08] We start out by having the "Core Team" Make a list off all the local stores that operate in a town hands that off to the "Sales Team". The sales team fill's out spreed sheets about town & shops (see example).The sales team then hands this Documention of to the "Phones Team". The phone team calls shops/stores set up appoment to present Ubuntu and mark on spread sheets acordingly. The Phone Team then hands the documention back to the core [14:08] team. The Core Team then assigns a member of the "meeters & greaters team" to go to these appoments showing store Owners how to save money and carry Ubuntu in a safe and relible way. Using canoical's 5 golden rules method. The meeter and greater signs new client, sets up a training session for store employees and all staff. Documents all of this and sends back to the Core Team. Core Team then contacts Conicocail Too inform them that there [14:08] is a new client, Also sending all documention That the street team has gathered. You may look at a flow chart for this process located here http://ubuntustreetteam.tk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/intostores-UBST.png. [14:10] It is about is bobweaver qualified to be a ubuntu advantage contact/seller [20:32] hello guys [20:32] do we have a ppa yet ? [20:45] daker-cloud: not yet [20:45] :( [20:46] daker-cloud: the old code is going away, so we're going to start from a branch of lp:unity [20:46] i want a live usb image now!!!! [20:46] bobweaver: have you spoken to Jay about working on Nux? [20:47] daker-cloud: the current TV code is identical to the current Unity code, so you technically can ; [20:51] mhall119, no I have not I stared looking at the library and what not and learning the structure [20:51] mhall119, I have been real busy with the sore stuff [20:51] store? [20:51] yea I have stated a movement to get 100 stores to carry Ubuntu in 100 days [20:52] I have 14 [20:52] in last couple of days [20:52] mhall119, there is a iso image that is available as a testing platform [20:53] that I made but I have had one person say that it does not work to install [20:53] bobweaver: where? [20:53] bobweaver: this is an ISO for TV? [20:53] yea [20:53] it has gnome fall back also [20:53] unity seems to be broken but there is sessions manager for tv that works with lens that I plug in [20:54] getting address can rember what I called the iso file Oo [20:55] daker-cloud: ^^ you might be interested in that [20:55] shoot bobweaver [20:56] bobweaver: where is the iso ? [20:56] daker-cloud, you know that the iso is for testing only right [20:56] daker-cloud, can I get your LP page ? [20:56] yes [20:56] ~daker [20:56] thanks looking now [20:57] brb [20:57] Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct: [20:57] Yes [20:57] you are good to go will pm you [20:57] mhall119, if you want iso to o ? [20:57] sorry do you want iso also ? [20:59] bobweaver: yeah, I assume I can run it in virtualbox [21:00] yea plz do run in Virtual envo [21:00] mhall < is LP [21:00] mhall119 on lp [21:00] Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct: [21:00] Yes [21:00] good to go [21:01] mhall119, check pm [21:01] live boot works [21:02] but ... [21:02] mhall119, and daker-cloud ! IMPORANT ! best to install if you are going to install right from the start menu and NOT from a liuve session [21:03] meaning when you boot the thing go straight to "Install" [21:03] If you want to install [21:03] I have seen it fail the other way [21:06] sometimes the lens and scope for youtube fail they are under /usr/lib/unity-lens-youtube /unity0lens-youtube-daemon and /usr/share/unity-scope-youtube/unity-scope-youtube-daemon [21:07] daker-cloud, and mhall119 please *try* to stay active and let us know what you think what can be changed what would be nice ect [21:08] j/k do what ever yoiu like :P [21:08] bobweaver: sure, I'm setting up a new laptop, so I won't be playing with it for a couple days [21:08] cool [21:09] I am going to be re-writing the whole thing very very soon [21:09] using mythtv as a sortof backend [21:09] tgm4883, showed me his system and I have to say it is awesome [21:10] I probably should have recorded that and put it on youtube [21:10] yeah you should have [21:11] I have been kinda slowly tgm4883 picking away at the source code for myth [21:11] should not be that hard [21:11] was super impressed when I learned that one can name the framework that they use for themes [21:11] aka QT [21:11] or what ever [21:13] bobweaver: sure [21:13] daker-cloud, if you could and you do not have too please send me any and all feed back will just make better [21:14] would also like you to know that there is a temp hack in there for Icons [21:14] sure sure [21:14] so that I could get icons for youttube groove shark and google contacts to connect [21:14] see video here [21:14] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-sUVVvRdKE [21:15] as you can see there is Alot more features [21:16] I just have to implant a stupid case statement but with the change over of the whole framework there is no point to do that just yet [21:18] just to get some company to sign with Ubuntu One for video store and guide data [21:19] wonder who to ask ? [21:19] then can plug all that jazz in [21:19] ok time for me to go watche E10 Game of thrones :) [21:22] daker-cloud, that is one thing that I would like to work on is a emulator platform [21:22] aka [21:22] pcsx 1 and 2 muppet jpsp [21:22] all the emulators in one spot but pcsx2 is very very touchy [21:23] likes to crash [21:23] and not even work sometimes lol [21:25] mhall119, what is Jay IRC nick ? [21:25] if you know thanks :)