
ceed^Is it normal that the sync daemon uses around 500 mb ram when idle?01:02
mandelrye_, ping08:08
gatoxgood morning!12:04
alecuand... hello week!12:05
gatoxalecu, hi12:05
alecuhey gatox, how was your weekend at ubuconla?12:05
gatoxalecu, awesome!!! the ubuconla was really nice..... and during the weekend i ate a lot of sushi, visit the japanese garden and went to a museum with japanese and chinese things :D12:09
alecumandel, so, you say that if we run the tunnel within a .bat, it would not show the console window?12:19
alecumandel, my guess is that it will show it anyway, but I'll give that a try.12:19
alecumandel, I think the right solution would be patching twisted, so it uses the "CREATE_NO_WINDOW" flag when calling CreateProcess: http://docs.activestate.com/activepython/2.4/pywin32/win32process__CreateProcess_meth.html12:20
ralsinagood morning!12:28
gatoxralsina, hi12:28
mandel`ralsina, gatox, morning!12:31
gatoxmandel`, hi12:31
ralsinaalecu: since we use a "private" twisted on windows, we can patch as much as you want12:32
mandel`alecu, I private twisted on windows?12:33
alecumandel`, you private twisted!12:34
mandel`ups, a :P12:35
mandel`ralsina, gatox, alecu, although is my review day I cannot review the fsevents branches because I did them, can I have some help with them, this is looking like a Windows initial branches deja vu where they will be there for ages :(12:37
ralsinamandel`: so, let's make it not be that way!12:38
alecumandel`, I promise to review em today.12:38
ralsinaI am not at home today so no mac, but gatox has his12:38
alecumandel`, can you point me at the urls again?12:38
gatoxmandel`, ack.... links?12:40
mandel`alecu, gatox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1023011/12:41
mandel`those are the diff mps12:41
mandel`I'm off to have lunch12:41
* mandel` lunch12:41
facundobatistaalecu, never saw this before (but probably is not new) Failure: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.gnome.zeitgeist.EngineError.DatabaseError: sql.vala:263: Can't start transaction: 1, cannot start a transaction within a transaction12:51
facundobatistaalecu, in any case, it didn't break SD at all12:51
facundobatistaalecu, hola, btw12:51
alecufacundobatista, right: no error calling the zg libraries should break SD.12:51
alecufacundobatista, how often did you see that message?12:51
facundobatistaalecu, just created 10 files, I saw that once per each file12:52
facundobatistaalecu, I can send you whole logs12:52
alecufacundobatista, yes please.12:53
facundobatistaalecu, http://ubuntuone.com/2KigvQ9ZEKL96mg5uLsbHl12:55
facundobatistagatox, this one is for you: http://pastebin.lugmen.org.ar/752212:56
gatoxfacundobatista, did you try to put the path between "...."12:56
gatoxfacundobatista, u1sdtool --publish-file="~/Ubuntu One/temp/log-dir.tar.bz2"12:56
facundobatistagatox, why would I? anyway, just tried, doesn't work either12:57
gatoxfacundobatista, weird...... could you file the bug?12:58
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
gatoxmandel`, is it ok if i review your branches after lunch?? i want to get up to speed with fsevents here... it's hard to stop right now13:02
alecufacundobatista, what version of zeitgeist does "dpkg -l zeitgeist" says you've got installed?13:03
alecufacundobatista, the bug in SD seems to be bug #100148413:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1001484 in Ubuntu One Client "selecting additional folder that was not previously synced results in strange error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100148413:03
alecufacundobatista, but I've tracked it to zeitgeist upstream: bug #93799113:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 937991 in Zeitgeist Framework "Failed logging: transaction within transaction" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93799113:03
facundobatistaalecu, 0.9.0-1ubuntu113:04
dobeygatox: all of the fsevents branches are blocking on the ocmock outcome at the moment, i think13:04
gatoxdobey, ahh ok13:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dobeyalecu: interesting. i was *just* thinking "can we just get rid of this zeitgeist stuff we aren't using anyway"13:05
facundobatistadobey, I'd buy you a beer for that13:06
ralsinaI am tempted to just agree with the ocmock author that we only use ocmock when developing13:08
ralsinaafter all, he wrte the damn thing and agrees we don't need to put it n our ads or anything13:08
facundobatistagatox, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/1008499  (didn't set importance)13:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1008499 in Ubuntu One Client "--publish-file doesn't work correctly with path starting with '~'" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:09
ralsinaI can even make mmcc and mandel say "all hail ocmock" when they sit down to code13:09
gatoxfacundobatista, thx!13:09
ralsinafacundobatista: but ~/whatever should be expanded by the shell!13:09
dobeyralsina: it doesn't matter if that's true, given the license13:09
dobeyralsina: ocmock has no use outside development. :)13:10
ralsinadobey: noone said the license makes sense (not even the author ;-)13:10
ralsinafacundobatista: using ~/whatever in long options is not supposed to work  :-)13:11
ralsinafacundobatista: because the shell doesn't expand it13:11
alecuralsina, only if you don't use =13:12
ralsinaalecu: exactly13:12
ralsinaalecu: well, using = it doesn't expand it13:12
alecufacundobatista, so, the ~ issue is with bash, not with u1sdtool13:13
alecufacundobatista, if you want to use ~ you need to use --publish-file ~/Ubuntu\ One\abc.txt13:14
alecufacundobatista, if you want to use ~ you need to use --publish-file ~/Ubuntu\ One/abc.txt13:14
ralsinaalecu, gatox, facundobatista: -1 to making u1sdtool expand paths, so bug is invalid.13:14
gatoxralsina, ack13:14
alecufacundobatista, dobey: I don't see anybody using our zeitgeist logs... but that means that I don't know what our users think of them.13:15
alecufacundobatista, dobey: what I do for a fact  know is that the zeitgeist devs don't like the amount of stuff we log.13:16
alecufacundobatista, dobey: so I support the idea of axing all of that.13:16
dobeyalecu: the whole reason we're using zeitgeist isn't for users to use our info within gnome-activity-journal or anything. it's so we could use it to index activity, and write some app to present the data in a meaningful way13:18
dobeyalecu: right. we've had this conversation before :)13:18
dobeybasically, for us to present a meaningful UI to users about what happened when, in U1, we have to do a custom thing anyway, because we need multi-platform, and the server.13:19
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
alecudobey, right. But we don't have a complete plan to achive this in a multi-platform way, and the log in zeitgeist makes sense even when we use something else in other platforms.13:23
ralsinathe only way to make that cross-platform is to implement it once on every platform13:23
alecudobey, so, from that angle I'm still not sure we should get rid of this till we have a multiplatform plan.13:23
ralsinaaccording to the roadmap in my head, that's like 5 mountains ahead from here13:23
alecuralsina, or just log everything in sqlite in all platforms.13:24
ralsinaalecu: yikes13:24
ralsinaalecu: sqlite tends to frown at you once you go over a certain logsize13:24
alecuralsina, to us, zeitgeist is just a sqlite wrapper.13:24
dobeyalecu: well, i think u1db is the way to acheive that13:25
ralsinaalecu: which is maybe one of the reasons why zh devs hate us a little ;-)13:26
* mandel` back13:42
mandel`gatox, review the branches whenever you want :)13:43
mandel`gatox, if you do not review them today, I'll ask you again tom, and if not tom+1 etc.. ;)13:43
gatoxmandel`, thx... after lunch will be13:44
joshuahooverralsina: when do we plan on doing another win release? i'm not pressing for one, but would like to know when we plan on doing the next one :)13:57
ralsinajoshuahoover: next monday looks reasonable, but I need to talk with alecu and brian13:58
joshuahooverralsina: k, that sounds good...let me know when you confirm a day and i'll put in the rt request...in the mean time, qa will test specifically for the proxy issue and potential regressions in the releases coming out of jenkins13:59
ralsinajoshuahoover: cool, I should have a date late today13:59
gatoxneed to restart! brb14:04
ralsinaoh launchpad, why are you showing duplicates of fix-committed bugs in the default bug listing now :-/14:18
ralsinaWTF, it's showing bugs marked invalid! Ohhhhh the page is not marked as not cacheable. Nice.14:23
ralsinadobey: I just tried u1cp with turkish locale and I get no errors, is that enough to mark bug #467397 as fix-released?14:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 467397 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "KeyError: 'ROUND_CEiLiNG' when using turkish locale" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46739714:29
ralsinaAlso, we have a decimal import in sd with a comment saying something like "this is so we don't get the RoundCEiLiNG error"14:30
dobeyit looks like part of it is still failing in natty though, so perhaps we need to SRU a workaround to fix that14:31
urbanapemmcc: ping14:31
mmcchi folks14:31
dobeyralsina: not sure what it has to do with control-panel though14:31
mmccwhat's up urbanape14:31
urbanapeheya. Just wondering if you guys have a punch list started of things you'd like asked about in the labs14:32
urbanapeThis week will be a lot of auditing of the Music and Files apps for that kind of stuff.14:32
mmccurbanape: ok - I've been thinking about it occasionally but14:33
mmcc    nothing big has come up yet. I'll go back through my notes14:33
urbanapek, no hurry, but maybe something to consider this week.14:34
urbanapeI know you guys have been talking about sandboxing, &c.14:34
mmccif you can get Finder devs drunk and find out what dropbox is14:34
mmcc    patching for their file badges :)14:34
mmccwhat is going on with my IRC14:34
dobeyralsina: it seems i have a linked branch which probably is applicable to natty, as well14:35
mmccso far I don't think sandbox is a problem for us. I might ask if14:35
mmcc    the app-store is picky about the layout of app wrappers, but I'm14:35
mmcc    not sure you'd get a real answer14:35
* mmcc arg14:36
dobeywhat irc client are you using?14:36
mmccdobey, emacs' ERC. it just started doing this today. this is the same buffer that worked before, even. I think I have word-wrap set accidentally.14:37
dobeylooks like it's wrapping and tabbing, yeah14:37
mmccyeah, auto-fill was set on. the connection dropped over the weekend, and I think that messed up the modes somehow14:38
dobeymmcc: any news about the ocmock license?14:39
mmccdobey: sifting through emails now. I need to get some filtering set up14:40
mandel`mmcc, the handler that is created by laynchd, is it already binded for the communication?14:41
mmccdobey: no new news. I'll ping him.14:41
mmccmandel`: looking...14:42
ralsinadobey: AFAICS, if there ever was a manifestation of this bug in u1cp, it's gone14:50
ralsinadobey: marking as fix-released in u1cp, and maybe we can merge your natty branch eventually one of these days14:52
ralsinadobey: should I target it to each release and mark it fixed for, say, O P Q?14:53
ralsinadobey: for ubuntuone-client14:53
* mmcc afk for a minute, something's wrong with one of my dogs14:53
dobeywell, the u1client bug is against the project, not the package15:01
dobeynot sure what to do at the moment15:01
mmccmandel`: yes, launchd calls bind() and listen(), you just need to call accept(). I suppose you also need to duplicate the fd.15:01
mmccmandel`: in my earlier project, I just passed the launchd-provided fd to python's socket.fromfd and that did the trick15:02
ralsinadobey: I say we close it with the classical "if it still happens let us know"15:02
mmccmandel`: for reference: https://bitbucket.org/mikemccracken/py-launchd/wiki/Home15:02
mandel`mmcc, cool, I'll take a look15:03
dobeyralsina: also works15:04
mandel`DONE: reviews, reviews, reviews. Added more tests and proposed a new branched with them (fsevents daemon).15:06
mandel`TODO: Add tests for python code that gets events from daemon. Make a nicer api.15:06
mandel`BLOCKED: no15:06
mandel`gatox, please15:06
gatoxConference day on Friday, assist to UbuConLA on friday and saturday! fun! Working on fsevents move-(from/to) event.15:06
gatoxFinish with the fsevents last remaining issues for test_filesystem_notifications. Review mandel's branches.15:06
gatoxmmcc, go15:06
mmccDONE: control-panel packaged, SSO works from its spot within15:07
mmccTODO: need to fix QT plugin support in py2app15:07
mmccBLCK: NO15:07
mmccNEXT: briancurtin15:07
briancurtinDONE: created some one-off installers for a few branches, can't remember what else I did :/15:07
briancurtinTODO: pick up where i left off with testability, building from scratch15:07
briancurtinBLOCKED: no15:07
briancurtinNEXT: ralsina15:07
ralsinaDONE: bug triaging, askubuntu, canonicaladmin TODO: lots more bug triaging, perhaps fix one, looks like tech leads is not going to happen. BLOCKED: no NEXT dobey15:07
ralsinabriancurtin: I recommend taking notes :-)15:07
dobeyλ DONE: reviews, triage, SRU poking, fix15:07
dobeyλ TODO: releases, SRU poking, tarmac tweakery15:07
dobeyλ BLCK: None.15:07
dobeythisfred, alecu: fight15:08
briancurtinralsina: will do15:08
ralsinaNEXT:thisfred :-)15:08
thisfredDONE: bug #100695415:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1006954 in U1DB "Make the C implementations of create_index and get_from_index consistent" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100695415:08
ralsinadobey: when is our next scheduled release? (are they in the calendar?)15:08
thisfredTODO: planning poker, bug #99958515:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 999585 in U1DB "support range queries" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99958515:08
thisfredBLOCKED: NO15:09
thisfredNEXT: alecu15:09
dobeyralsina: today15:10
alecuDONE: py2exe tests for bug #100689915:10
alecuTODO: working on a patch for twisted for said bug15:10
alecuBLOCKED: no15:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 1006899 in Ubuntu One Windows Installer trunk "[Windows] Ubuntu One syncdaemon tries to connect directly even when proxy is used (3.0.1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100689915:10
ralsinadobey: grmbl15:10
ralsinadobey: we need alecu's proxy fix for windows15:10
ralsinadobey: can we delay it a couple of days?15:10
dobeyralsina: this is the stable-4-0 releaes, not the 3.015:11
dobeyralsina: we haven't scheduled future 3.0.x releases yet :)15:11
briancurtinalecu: if you need help on that py2exe/twisted thing, let me know15:11
ralsinadobey: then it doesn't matter, really. Let's schedule them :-)15:11
ralsinadobey: one for early next week as 1st step15:11
ralsinaeom it seems15:11
mandel`ok, I'm back with mac15:12
=== mandel` is now known as mandel
alecubriancurtin, I think I've got it. I ended up with some patches for twisted that I'm reporting upstream.15:12
briancurtinalecu: awesome15:12
dobeyralsina: ok. hopefully the remaining SRUs can get accepted by then :)15:12
alecubriancurtin, after I finish this, I'll point you to the patch so you can do a build with a modified twisted like that.15:12
briancurtinalecu: sounds good15:13
* briancurtin brb, someone knocking on the door15:13
mmccbriancurtin: when you're done talking to the land shark: how are you handling the testability plugin in py2exe? I ran into some plugin issues with qtnetwork that it looks like I can't ignore, like I did with the image plugins15:14
dobeyneed to get lunch. bbiab15:27
ralsinammcc: looks like it was NOT a candygram15:31
mmccralsina: :) in Chicago, it'd be a brat-gram?15:33
briancurtinmmcc: i'm not currently handling them. i'll let you know what i figure out15:33
briancurtinha, i wish they'd start leaving me candy or brat grams rather than notes and shutting off the gas15:34
popeyi have some files in my ~/Pictures on my computer, and some files in "My Storage / ~/Pictures online in one.ubuntu.com/files. I have synced in the past but right now they are not in sync. if I tick the box to sync locally, what will happen? Will they merge?15:34
popeyor will I lose files?15:34
mmccbriancurtin: ok, cool. btw I noticed there's some code in sso-client that seems to be working around not having Qt image plugins on windows, using PIL instead of Qt images15:34
briancurtinmmcc: yeah i did see that as well the other day15:35
mmccwhat I've noticed is that QtNetwork also loads plugins, but just doesn't crash...15:35
ralsinapopey: they will merge15:37
ralsinapopey: however, if there are files with matching names, that differ, you may get conflicts15:37
ralsinapopey: or, if you have old metadata in the device you will start to sync, they may get overwritten15:38
popeyi probably have old metadata15:38
popeyi have synced this machine before15:38
ralsinapopey: backup recommended15:38
popeyso backup ~/Pictures, enable sync, wait for it to finish then blat my backup over the top again?15:39
popeyto ensure I have everything15:39
popey(I don't want to spend ages analysing whether it has synced, I just want it to be in sync)15:39
ralsinapopey: depends on whether ~/Pictures or the server has the newer version of the matching files15:39
ralsinapopey: that's the tricky part, since we don't know which ones you prefer to keep15:40
mmccmy new Qt plugin issue seems to be coming from proxy stuff in ubuntu_sso/utils/webclient/qtnetwork.py:121: -- QNetworkProxyQuery looks like it causes loading plugins libqcorewlanbearer.dylib and libqgenericbearer.dylib15:40
mmccdoes that look familiar to anyone?15:41
mmccon windows, s/dylib/dll/15:41
ralsinammcc:  nope15:41
mandelmmcc,no, we (alecu and I) added that code but we did not take a look at what was loaded, sorry15:41
ralsinammcc: I suspect those are not exactly required http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/bearer-management.html15:42
mmccmandel: no big deal. probably not simple to know to trace if you don't expect this problem15:43
mandelmmcc, no, we certainly ignored such a problem15:43
mmccI only notice it because I get this message: "On Mac OS X, you might be loading two sets of Qt binaries into the same process. Check that all plugins are compiled against the right Qt binaries. Export DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 and check that only one set of binaries are being loaded."15:43
alecuralsina, the "bearer" surely looks useful.15:43
mmccmandel: this does cause the moveToThread warning for me, too15:43
ralsinaalecu: yes, but we are not using it, AFAIK15:43
alecuralsina, mmcc: I would include that in our packages.15:43
mmccalecu: agreed.15:44
alecuralsina, probably nam uses it. (qnetworkaccessmanager)15:44
alecuralsina, which we use.15:44
mmcchas windows proxying been working OK without these plugins included?15:44
gatoxmandel, +1 to the two branches i needed to review15:45
ralsinaalecu: seems like it doesn't15:45
alecummcc, are those .dlls on windows as well?15:46
alecuralsina, awesome then, let's not include them on mac unless they are used.15:47
mmccalecu: I don't know.15:47
ralsinaalecu: but that was a quick look15:47
ralsinammcc: it's broken but for other reasons :-)15:47
mmccalecu: ralsina: something's loading these plugins. might be easier to include them than to figure out how to avoid loading them15:47
mandelgatox, superb! thx a lot!15:47
ralsinammcc: yes15:47
ralsinammcc: they are tiny anyway. So if you figure out how to include them that works, I say go ahead15:48
mandeldobey, is this still blocked until we hear about the OCMock license changes?15:48
alecuralsina, how did you find out it was not used?15:48
alecuralsina, I see this:15:48
alecu./src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp:#include "QtNetwork/qnetworksession.h"15:48
mmccralsina: ok.15:49
alecuralsina, so I guess the qnetworkaccessmanager *does* use the bearer.15:49
ralsinaalecu: that doesn't mean it uses the plugin. It apparently only uses it if you call capabilities()15:49
ralsinaalecu: if it used it all the time it would not be a plugin :-)15:49
alecuralsina, right :-)15:50
alecummcc, how big are those dynlibs?15:51
alecummcc, if they are small enough we should include them, because they sound useful, and we might be missing some other usage of it.15:52
mmcc206K for both15:52
mmccso I vote include15:52
elopiobriancurtin: hola. Any news about the testability plugin in windows?15:53
briancurtinelopio: not yet :/ i'm working out building everything from source this time to get it working15:53
alecuralsina, I think we should include them. And perhaps open a bug to test what happens if we don't include them on windows and mac.15:53
ralsinaalecu: we are not including any plugins on windows15:53
ralsinaalecu: but sure, let's include them. And if we can make the image plugins work and get rid of PIL, even better15:54
alecuralsina, but are those included as plugins too, or are those statically compiled?15:54
ralsinaalecu: we ship no plugin whatsoever15:54
elopiobriancurtin: ok, thanks for your help :)15:54
ralsinaalecu: and we need the jpg plugin to make the recaptcha work15:54
mmccalecu: the Qt image format support is plugins15:54
elopiobriancurtin: I'll report a bug so we can follow the status of it. Is it a problem on control panel or the installer?15:55
mmccfwiw, all the Qt plugins are 4.2 MB total15:55
briancurtinelopio: i would say installer15:55
ralsinammcc: yes, but that includes thing like postgreql support, we can trim it after we make it work15:56
mmccralsina: yeah, for sure we don't need it all15:56
elopiobriancurtin: bug #1008583.16:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1008583 in Ubuntu One Windows Installer "UbuntuOne doesn't work with qt testability" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100858316:02
briancurtinelopio: cool, thanks16:02
=== urbanape` is now known as urbanape
* gatox lunch16:09
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
* ralsina wonders how many bugs are there filed against the packages that are not filed against the projects, thus he was not ware of them at all16:11
* alecu lunches16:19
dobeymandel: yes16:37
mandeldobey, ack16:37
dobeyralsina: bugs where?16:38
ralsinadobey: launchpad16:38
ralsinadobey: sil had reported a bug on u1cp-ubuntu andnot on u1cp and I never saw it16:38
ralsinadobey: I only found it because I was looking for it specifically16:38
dobeyralsina: never saw it on lp, or never saw it in e-mails?16:39
ralsinadobey: probably saw the email a while ago16:39
ralsinadobey: but I never saw it when I do triage16:39
ralsinadobey: because I am triaging on the project. lesson learned16:39
dobeyralsina: at the top of the list of bugs there's a link to the other set of bugs, btw16:40
mandelok, I need to do a some quick errand, will me back in 10'16:40
dobeymandel: you can probably reject and submit new proposals for the license-headers and kernel-h branches, and not make them depend on the ocmock-dependent branch, so they can land16:43
* mmcc lunch16:52
mandeldobey, is not a terrible thing, I can wait16:58
mandeldobey, if indeed we cannot use it I'll do that16:59
mandelby the way, I'm back :)16:59
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
mandelalecu, one question about twisted protocol, if there is an error in the protocol, that is, the message is malformed, what is the correct way to raise an error?17:10
dobeyyay disrespectful people demanding things17:10
mandelalecu, is it just raising an exception?17:10
dobeythey are my favorite kinds of people17:10
mandeldobey, I WANT CHOCOLATE ICECREAM!!!17:10
dobeymandel: fix your banks, then maybe you'll be able to afford it, again :)17:10
mandeldobey, I might be able to buy a bank with the price of a cone hehe17:11
ralsinamandel, someonelse: I would like a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/sort-shares/+merge/10859417:11
mandelralsina, sure17:11
ralsinamandel: it's trivial, except for the test fixes which are easy anyway ;-)17:12
mandelralsina, which test fixes? I only see a 2 line check (lp diff)17:12
mandelralsina, which revno did you push?17:13
ralsinamandel: oops, no push17:13
* ralsina is a svn guy at heart17:13
ralsinamandel: there, revno 33117:13
mandelralsina, ok17:13
dobeyralsina: it just makes it alphabetical?17:14
ralsinadobey: yes17:14
ralsinadobey: which broke like 5 tests ;-)17:14
dobeyi also don't think it solves the problem :)17:14
ralsinadobey: but it does17:15
ralsinadobey: aquarius has 58 shares or wmething like that. Befre, they were random. Now they are in alphabetical order :-)17:15
ralsinadobey: I actually discussed the solution with him, the bug reporter17:15
dobeyi know, i was there. and you also talked about having it select/scroll to the specific share automatically, for when clicking on the messaging menu17:16
dobeybut there are cases where the fix is still a problem17:16
ralsinadobey: that's something else17:17
ralsinadobey: that involves having the messaging menu pass u1cp the share name and adding another cli option17:17
dobeyamongst other complexity, yes17:18
ralsinadobey: precisely. So this is about one part of the problem, the part that can be fixed ;-)17:18
dobeybut if i have 50 shares, and there are 5 new ones, how do i find all 5 of them easily?17:18
ralsinadobey: I am not saying this makes it easy to find new shares. It makes it easy to find shares in general.17:19
mandeldobey, ralsina, we have some bad ux bugs in the control panel to be honest.. alphabetical order does seem a step forward in one of them17:19
ralsinadobey: so the answer is "faster than before!" ;-)17:19
dobeyalso, does the qt list view not have type-to-search?17:19
ralsinadobey: no, it doesn't17:19
dobeys/makes it easy/makes it easier/17:19
dobeyand not having type to search sucks17:19
ralsinadobey: not all that hard to add, really17:20
dobeymandel: not arguing that :)17:20
ralsinadobey: correction, it does have it :-)17:20
ralsinadobey: never knew it!17:20
dobeyralsina: already enabled in u1cp?17:20
ralsinadobey: yep17:21
ralsinadobey: click on the folder list, type a letter17:21
ralsinaor several letters really quick17:21
mandelhow quick? nessita quick? :P17:21
dobeyralsina: can we make the folder list have focus by default when that tab is selected?17:21
ralsinadobey: we might17:21
ralsinaelopio: AFAIK we are using the trashcan (for bug #375833)17:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 375833 in Ubuntu One Client "Integrate wastebasket for "Ubuntu-one" folders" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37583317:22
dobeyralsina: also, can we get people to properly triage bugs better?17:23
ralsinadobey: specifics?17:23
elopioralsina: that works? Awesome. I'll try it and add it to the smoke in moztrap.17:23
dobeyralsina: targeting to project and distro series when triaging17:24
ralsinadobey: sure17:24
ralsinadobey: AFAIK from now on we are targetting to trunk unless we are ging to do it n 3-0 too17:25
dobeyralsina: well, there's also stable-4-0 now too17:25
ralsinadobey: ok, so targeting everything to trunk + 4-017:25
dobeyralsina: and things that need to be SRUed to older versions need to have their series targeted17:25
ralsinadobey: yes, but that's case by case, and we are the ones who should do that17:26
dobeyralsina: plus, things need to target the ubuntu package as well, and the series we're going to fix/release things in17:26
ralsinawe have to always target the package? really?17:26
dobeywe should17:26
ralsinahalf the time when I do that, launchpad breaks17:27
ralsinaand the bug ends tracking wrong17:27
ralsinadobey: I have had a dozen bugs that were fix-released in the branches and in the package, and in trunk and the bug itself never updated17:27
ralsinadobey: and then there is no way to fix that unless you go, untarget everything, then target it again17:27
mandelok EOD for me, I'll catch you all up tom!17:27
dobeyralsina: fix released in the project doesn't mean it is in the package17:28
ralsinabye mandel!17:28
ralsinadobey: I never set fix-released in the project, only on the branches. But yes, will target the packages when we target stable branches17:28
dobeyralsina: well, *you* should probably generally never set fix-released on anything17:29
ralsinaand in fact, I usually don't, except for ancient bugs17:29
elopioralsina, dobey: joshuahoover told us we should mark the bugs as affecting the package on the distro it's happening. We weren't doing that, but we are starting now. Any additional think you would like us to do while marking bugs as confirmed?17:29
dobeywhoever makes the tarball release should set it for the project series it's being released on. and whoever makes the package updates should mention the bug # in the changelog, and lp will automatically fix-release it in the package bug for the series, when the upload is accepted into the appropriate archives17:30
joshuahooverralsina: i do it sometimes just to see if dobey catches me setting a bug to fix released ;)17:30
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ralsinadobey: so, in short, target the package and the series where the bug happens.17:32
dobeyelopio: we really need to verify what all supported versions are affected, and target the ones that are17:32
ralsinagotta run an errand/lunch will be back in about one hour17:32
elopiodobey: ok. We'll try. If you notice we are missing something or doing something wrong, please ping and complain :)17:35
dobeyelopio: of course. i am good at complaining. just ask joshuahoover ;)17:36
joshuahooverelopio: don't be fooled...dobey isn't good at complaining, he's great at it! ;)17:37
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elopiobriancurtin: do you know how can I create a file with random contents on windows?17:49
elopiowhat I do on linux with dd if=/dev/urandom17:50
briancurtinelopio: you'd just have to open a file and write some random stuff to it. there's no easy way like on linux17:50
elopiobriancurtin: sad.17:52
briancurtinlike open(blah, 'w').write(os.urandom(500)) or something17:52
rmcbrideelopio: what I do is install cygwin so I can use posix tools on windows. Perhaps not a great universal solution, but it's something17:53
elopiohey ralsina, can you please check that the delete test checks for every feature we have around it? http://moztrap.elopio.net/manage/case/70/17:53
elopiormcbride: yes. Maybe there's a web file generator, I'll look for it.17:54
dobeyelopio: do it on a linux and use putty or something to scp it over to the windows?17:59
popey 3286 alan      20   0 7158m 4.2g 2416 R   96 54.8  80:21.90 ubuntuone-syncd18:20
popeyI would really rather u1 didn't eat all my RAM...18:20
popeywhat is it possibly doing?18:20
popey(note: it's also killing my cpu)18:20
dobeywow, that RSS is insane18:21
dobeywhat is it doing?18:21
popeya _lot_ of that18:21
popeyu1sdtool -q tells me it's still running18:23
popeyand i can see that by my cpu still being eaten18:23
dobeypopey: hmm. i'd say you should kill it18:23
dobeypopey: do you also have a syncdaemon-exceoptions.log ?18:23
popeywill kill and provide logs18:24
popeyaaaand.. breathe!18:24
dobeyralsina: care to review https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/libubuntuone/update-stable-4-0/+merge/108605 ?18:24
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1023629/ dobey18:25
popeythere was a lot of that going on18:25
popeydobey: want any particular logs?18:25
* briancurtin lunch/fresh air18:26
dobeylooks like zeitgeist went crazy18:26
elopiodobey: yes. Actualy it would be easier to publish it with U1, that way you just need a browser on windows.18:26
popeyjust a bit dobey18:26
dobeyalecu: ^^18:26
dobeypopey: alecu could probably use the logs18:27
dobeypopey: is this in quantal or precise?18:27
popeytried to restart the control panel..18:27
popey"Sorry, an error has occurred and Ubuntu One needs to close."18:27
popeystarting again.. okay18:28
dobeyyeah, dbus breaking will do that18:29
dobeypopey: did you just drop like 5 billion files into u1?18:29
alecupopey, I'd really like to see the full syncdaemon.log and syncdaemon-exceptions.log... I wonder what's making it grow so much...18:31
ralsinadobey: sure, looking18:31
ralsinaelopio: looking...18:32
ralsinadobey: +118:34
popeyalecu: not on this machine18:34
alecupopey, so, the "lots of files added to u1" were on a different machine?18:36
ralsinaelopio: random files http://www.random.org/files/18:38
ralsinaelopio: the internet is a wonderful place :-)18:38
ralsinaelopio: also, the test looks complete to me18:39
popeyalecu: well, technically I synced down on another machine18:39
popeyalecu: and also then deleted some files but not a huge number, all on another machine18:39
elopioralsina: gr8. Thanks.18:39
popeyalecu: the machine that had the issue is now saying I'm all in sync, i guess because the machine doing syncing hasn't finished doing all its stuff18:40
alecupopey, right: "all in sync" means from the perspective of the machine doing the upload vs. the server. It does not take into account the state of "other" machines.18:42
alecupopey, and what about the machine doing all those uploads? is syncdaemon taking a lot of ram there too?18:43
alecupopey, also, would you mind creating a private bug for ubuntuone-client and uploading there the compressed logs so I can take a look?18:44
popeyalecu: i dont think I'm doing any uploads18:44
popeyoh, yes i am, new photos, my bad18:44
popeyalecu: on the machine doing uploads, ubuntuone-syncd is using 312M RES18:45
alecupopey, is that an up-to-date 12.04 too?18:45
popeyno, its 12.1018:46
popeywill make the bug now18:47
alecupopey, thanks!18:47
popeyalecu: bug 100866218:51
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1008662 could not be found18:51
ralsinadobey: can I get you as 2nd review for https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/sort-shares/+merge/10859419:06
alecupopey, I'm taking a look at the logs, but it seems that the messages went by too fast, and the logs files were rotated in a couple of seconds, so the interesting info on how this problem started was chopped.19:07
ralsinadobey: I can even target stable-4-0 for the bug ;-)19:07
alecupopey, I can only find a reference to a failing zeitgeist module, which sounds similar to a problem facundobatista found today.19:07
alecupopey, I'll try to reproduce it later today, by syncing a lot of new photos from a different computer.19:09
alecubut first I need to run to kindergarten :-)19:09
dobeyralsina: can you triage the bug to include the branches we need to ensure it gets merged to, and the versions of ubuntu we need to SRU/relaese it on19:10
ralsinadobey: done, I think19:11
ralsinadobey: it's not letting me target releases for the package, or I am not finding the right place to click for it19:11
dobeyralsina: it is. you can only nominate them though (which is fine)19:11
ralsinadobey: ok then, it's done19:12
dobeyralsina: but do we not want to SRU it to precise and put it on stable-3-0 as well?19:12
ralsinaI only nominated for Q, this is not SRU-worthy19:12
ralsinadobey: I am not sure it19:12
ralsina's worth the trouble19:12
ralsinaunless we get the MRE19:12
dobeywell, it's a simple fix19:12
dobeywe'll get the MRE19:12
ralsinak, will put it up for 3-0 then19:12
dobeyand even without the MRE, it's an easy fix19:12
ralsinaI also need to target trunk?19:13
dobeyit doesn't break any freezes19:13
ralsinathere then, I think I didn't miss any19:13
ralsinaOk, I should add Precise then19:14
ralsinabut I can't nominate for more releases, it seems19:14
dobeysure you can19:14
dobeythough the UI is confusing19:14
ralsinadobey: I used to have a "nominate for release" link and now I don't?19:15
dobeyralsina: you have to be looking at the bug from the ubuntu point of view (the /ubuntu/+source/ has to be in the URL)19:15
ralsinaoh tricky19:15
* briancurtin i think i need to restart...19:15
dobeyyeah, the UI is not great for that19:15
ralsinaok, it's easiest if I do that right after I affect the package, when I am in the right facet19:17
ralsinabecause I see no way to get from one to the other except by searching for the bug in the package's bug page. Man this is annoying :-/19:18
ralsinanominated it is19:18
dobeyhrmm. having dates in evolution be only partially translated in evolution, is annoying in this language19:19
dobeyralsina: you can hit Ctrl-L and just tweak the URL by hand. it's faster :)19:19
ralsinadobey: yeah, I just keep forgetting where to stick the +source ;-)19:19
ralsinaI think there is a stone carve somewhere that says "if thy user edits the URL manually, ye are doing it wrong"19:20
dobeyralsina: /ubuntu/+source/ goes at the beginning of the path. :)19:20
ralsinadobey: I know *now*, I will forget it when I need it ;-)19:20
dobeyif you can't tell. i've done this a lot19:20
ralsinano wonder you want QA to do it ;-)19:21
dobeywell i want whoever triages a bug to do it. whether it's qa, or someone grabbing a bug to fix it. :)19:22
ralsinadobey: doing a few more just for you, dude19:25
mmccdoes anyone have tips on debugging Qt's qt.conf? It looks like it's lying about qt.conf overriding the default plugin path...19:32
ralsinadobey: something that adds a translatable string is a nono for 3-0 right? Even if it's something that surely is already translated, like "KiB" ?19:33
mmccand this business about an empty qt.conf stopping it from loading image format plugins - that's nowhere in the Qt docs19:33
ralsinammcc: it's probably an unintended side effect19:33
dobeyralsina: are you asking about your KiB fix?19:33
ralsinadobey: yes19:33
ralsinadobey: bug #98533319:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 985333 in Ubuntu One Control Panel trunk "Humanized units are not translatable" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98533319:34
mmccralsina: I LOVE those19:34
ralsinammcc: anyway, we decided we want to load them right?19:34
mmccralsina: that's what I'm trying to do :)19:34
ralsinammcc: ok then :-)19:34
dobeyralsina: the translation probably isn't the issue there. the issue is that the UI is changed. we can discuss with release team about getting in an SRU if we want to ship it on precise though19:34
ralsinadobey: I don't really care all that much for this one19:35
ralsinadobey: I am more trying to learn the limits here19:35
mmccralsina: I have py2app recognizing them and editing the linker commands, but I don't have qt loading them from the right place, and I can't confirm that my edits to qt.conf actually work19:35
mmccs/work/do anything at all/19:35
ralsinammcc: can you pastebin your current qt.conf?19:35
dobeyralsina: string and ui changes are bad, yes :)19:35
mmccralsina: echo /dev/null | pastebinit :)19:35
ralsinammcc: well, that's supposed not to load them so if we want to load them it's bad? ;-)19:36
dobeyralsina: oh, actually, that one is probably not that bad. where are those strings already translated at?19:36
ralsinadobey: I am betting there is *something* else that says "KiB" somewhere :-)19:36
mmccralsina: I kid, I'm writing a quick summary in a pastebin19:36
dobeyralsina: i thought you were asking about the kilobits bug before. sorry :)19:36
ralsinadobey: I had two very similar ones ;-)19:37
dobeyralsina: but is that something anything control panel depends on?19:37
briancurtini need to get away from the computer. be back in a bit.19:37
dobeyiow, if it's not qt, then we don't just get to use the other translations19:37
ralsinadobey: ok, dropping this one19:37
dobeybasically if you add the _(), and run it without any other changes, it should work. if it doesn't, then the strings aren't already translated :)19:37
ralsinadobey: since it would have no visible effect19:37
joshuahooverralsina: is it possible bug #1006899 impacts ubuntu in addition to windows? i have a precise user behind a proxy with no authentication and says it's not working19:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1006899 in Ubuntu One Windows Installer trunk "[Windows] Ubuntu One syncdaemon tries to connect directly even when proxy is used (3.0.1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100689919:38
* alecu is back19:38
ralsinajoshuahoover: no, that one is very windows specific19:38
dobeyalso. are those translatable?19:38
ralsinajoshuahoover: so it must be a new bug19:38
ralsinadobey: yes19:38
joshuahooverralsina: k, i'll get logs :)19:38
dobeyi don't see any point to translating them19:38
dobeyKiB in any other language is KiB?19:38
ralsinadobey: nope. Horribly, it's not.19:38
ralsinadobey: I thought it was used diferently in french but can't find a reference19:39
ralsinaKibinytes in french are Kibioctets but have not found the abbr for it19:40
ralsinaKiO in french: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octet_(computing)19:41
ralsinaOk, looks like Kibioctet in english is one thing that is not the same as Kibioctet in french, which is a Kibibyte19:42
* ralsina is dizzy now. Dobey's fault.19:42
* dobey blames IEC19:42
sysdocHey all Ubuntu one tells me in 11.10 that there is a Thunderbird contacts sync, however in 12.04 I I don't see a contacts sync at all, and on the site there is just instructions for Evolution. Where is the Thunderbird sync in 12.04?19:43
ralsinaAlso, octet means both "byte of 8 bits" and "byte of 3 bits", in english.19:44
dobeyralsina: no it doesn't19:44
ralsinadobey: yes it does19:45
ralsinait's the smallest byte that can represent octal numbers19:45
dobeythat is true of a 3 bit byte, but it is not an octet19:46
ralsinadobey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AOctet_(computing) if you want to argue :-)19:47
dobeyalso, we are using IEC standard as specified by Ubuntu Units Policy, which means KiB/etc are not translated19:47
ralsinathen that branch should be reverted19:48
ralsinaproposing a revert then19:49
dobey"bytes" probably does need to be translated19:49
dobeylet's see19:49
ralsinayes because it's not a unit19:49
ralsinaOTOH, the user will never ever see bytes there19:50
dobeyi wish people would stop using "base-2" to mean "base 8"19:50
ralsinaI think I will just let it be, it's harmless19:50
ralsinaand not merge it anywhere19:51
ralsinanot stable-3-0, at least19:51
dobeywell, everyone can translate KiB to KiB for their favorite languages I guess :)19:51
ralsinadobey: you branched stable-4-0 after this one merged?19:51
dobeyi'll have to see if it's in stable-4-0 already or not19:52
* dobey goes back to releasing things19:52
ralsinadobey: right, because I need to not target 4-0 for bugs merged to trunk before it branched. Life is hard-ish.19:52
dobeyralsina: well, we do sort of19:53
ralsinadobey: I would target *and* mark as fix-committed at least19:53
dobeyso we can target to the milestone/etc19:53
ralsinayep, revno 327, 8 revnos after this one. Will target correctly each one.19:55
mmccralsina and anyone who wants to look at qt.conf fun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1023834/19:55
ralsinammcc: looks like qt.conf has to be somewhere else19:56
ralsinammcc: is there anything like strace to figure out what paths the app is trying?19:56
mmccdtrace. good idea19:56
ralsinammcc: for example, on windows qt.conf has to be in the python.exe folder19:57
mmccralsina: however, recall that an empty qt.conf *does* stop it from loading the image plugins19:57
mmccthat is, an empty myapp.app/Contents/Resources/qt.conf19:57
mmccand that's where the docs say it should be19:57
mmccbut I wouldn't mind looking at some IO traces19:58
ralsinammcc: hmmm then I don't understand line 14 of your paste19:58
ralsinaoh, it fixes it for image plugins and not for network plugins?19:58
mmccwhat am I saying, I'll mind. I'll just do it19:58
mmccralsina:  right.19:58
mmccralsina: line 14 means that in that case, when we call QtNetwork proxy stuff, it loads /usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.8.1/plugins/bearer/libqcorewlanbearer.dylib, which depends on /usr/local/cellar/qt/4.8.1/lib/QtNetwork.framework, instead of the QtNetwork.framework we have in the app wrapper20:00
mmcc, which is already loaded, so we get this warning about loading the same library twice20:00
ralsinammcc: ok, so for that plugin, the empty .conf is not doing much20:00
mmccalthough I should note that it doesn't seem to cause any problems, yet. It did crash with the image plugins though20:00
ralsinabriancurtin: sorry to bother, but did this revision have a bug attached? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-control-panel/stable-4-0/revision/32720:02
mmccralsina: right. it doesn't seem to affect the network loading. I'll go look at tracing IO20:03
ralsinammcc: cool, good luck!20:03
gatoxeod here!! time to rest! see you tomorrow!20:12
ralsinabye gatox!20:12
dobeycrikey it is that late already20:16
dobeyralsina: 2 failures on your branch, btw20:18
ralsinadobey: really?20:18
ralsinadobey: I did run tests20:18
dobeysomething comparing 'bar' to u'My Ubuntu'20:18
dobeyin 2 tests20:19
* briancurtin back20:20
briancurtinralsina: no, that one didn't as far as i know but i'll double check20:20
ralsinadobey: ok, got them. Only happens with LANG=C for some reason20:20
ralsinabriancurtin: don't bother, no need20:20
ralsinaOh, fun, LANG=C I get two failures and a segfault20:21
ralsinaeverything is difficult today.20:23
dobeyactually, i think tarmac is running with LANG unset20:23
ralsinadobey: probably same thing20:23
dobeyactually, it's weirder20:24
ralsinaI am sorting ascii strings why would it be locale-dependent :-(20:24
dobeyralsina: well, notice that one string is a str() and one is a unicode()20:24
ralsinabut anyway, should still work20:25
* ralsina debugs20:25
alecuguys, gals, I must take Amelia to a doctor's appointment. I'll see you in an hour or a bit more.20:30
sysdocMy ubuntu one does not have a services tab, what is up with this in 12.04?20:32
ralsinasysdoc: that's not necessary anymore20:32
sysdocSo how to install the Thunderbird contacts sync?20:32
ralsinasysdoc: just install the package for it from software center20:35
ralsinadobey: found it, Qt sorts differently on different locales20:35
ralsinadobey: on "C" "b" > "C" but on "en" "b" < "C"20:36
* ralsina is about to kick something20:36
ralsinaeven though it's technically correct and everything20:37
ralsinapython disagrees though20:37
ralsinaOh, because on python we are sorting unicode20:37
dobeyls agrees20:37
dobeyls does the same thing20:38
ralsinaif we were sorting ascii, it's the same. Of course then it would fail on "en"20:38
ralsinapossibly evil fix is unsetting LANG on run-tests ;-)20:38
dobeywhy do the tests care about sorting?20:38
dobeyi mean, either way, it will still also fail on other languages20:39
ralsinadobey: because it has to check if the items in the folder list have the correct text in them20:39
ralsinadobey: no, it will work in any language except on "C"20:39
dobeyno, it won't20:39
ralsinadobey: because we are sorting two things alphabetically and comparing them20:39
sysdocralsina, any idea what the package might be called?20:39
dobeywell, most any language20:40
dobeysysdoc: thunderbird-couchdb20:40
ralsinadobey: works in tr_TR :-)20:40
ralsinadobey: only fails when python and Qt disagree on what "alphabetical" means20:40
sysdocralsina, thank you!20:40
dobeyit will succed in any language which doesn't change the semantics of sorting related to the latin alphabet :)20:40
ralsinadobey: no, we are sorting the same strings twice, once using Qt, once using python20:41
dobeyanyway, tests shouldn't depend on sorting20:42
dobeyor language20:42
ralsinadobey: we are (in part) testing that we sort them correctly. I am working now on making it not depend on locale, too.20:42
mmccfor future reference: QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS exists, but it's not really any more informative than DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1...20:47
dobeyralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client-gnome/update-stable-4-0/+merge/10863821:02
ralsinadobey: +1 trivial21:03
mmccinteresting: according to this Qt bug, qt will never pay attention to a qt.conf in the app package in OS X: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-24541?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel21:20
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dobeythat's a weird smiley. or this isn't vim.22:03
briancurtinQt sucks, i'm out. wasted day.22:14
dobeyoh crikey22:16
mmccI think brian and I had the same day...22:26
mmccok something is forking deep in twisted, and *that* is loading plugins, and it doesn't have the right qt.conf22:38
mmccmight just be a theory, but the dtruss (aka strace) traces show that the qt.conf is definitely getting read by the process that loads the image plugins, but later on, something else still looks in the wrong place.22:40
dobeysigh. fml.22:42
mmccdobey: I thought it'd be funny to run emacs' 'doctor' mode on your comment, but it just asked me if I was afraid of sex22:44
mmccis anyone still around who's familiar with QNetworkAccessManager?22:45
dobeywell i'm glad i didn't go try to cut grass22:51
dobeyno forecast of rain at all22:51
dobeywhat's it doing22:51
dobeyok, i am gone.22:52
mmccbye dobey, send some rain this way22:53
mmccfor the benefit of future readers: Here's the status - somewhere in the QtNetwork code, it appears that something is forking a new Qt process which doesn't know about the qt.conf I put in the .app resources dir. Therefore, it starts loading bearer plugins and gets them from the wrong place. The stat() call and stack trace where we can see what it's doing is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1024099/22:56
mmccI have to leave now, but I will probably be back later tonight22:56
mmccfrom looking at the Qt code, I don't think this exists, but if I've missed an env var to set the location of qt.conf, I'd love to hear that. That'd be a nice way of solving this. Right now I'm not even sure what executable is getting forked22:57
* mmcc exits, stage left22:58

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