
ochosimorning everyone06:43
ochosimr_pouit: i recently got in touch with the current skippy-xd maintainer (that's the exposé feature for various wms, incl. xfmw4), if you're around please "pong" me :)06:45
ochosihmm, i somehow like these sidebar-icons: http://dribbble.com/shots/147868-Mac-OS-X-Lion-Style-Sidebar-Icons07:44
knomehmm. some of them are a bit too cluttered (internal, usb hd, server - too bad those are the most used), but generally not bad10:17
knomethe "internal" icon in this set:  http://dribbble.com/shots/356088-Mini-Icons  is better10:18
knomeso i think just modifying the inside part (less contrast) could work10:19
* madnick likes famfamfam, but I suppose they are outdated10:27
ochosiknome: what i like about the icons, especially the HD icon, is that they don't have the weird perspective of elementary's icon10:28
ochosimaybe we can at least refactor the 16px icons...10:28
ochosii also like the color-scheme of those butw (almost monochrome/blueish)10:29
knomeoh come on!11:00
knomeclicking the "Home" icon on LO tries to go to /home/knome/Documents !11:00
sorenI'm going to guess LibreOffice.11:45
ochosioh right11:45
ochosithen it kinda makes sense though11:46
ochosi(haven't found a home-button there though)11:46
knomeochosi, in "save"12:39
knomeochosi, top-right corner12:39
knomeokie, send email and tweeted about the next community meeting12:44
knomedid the ubuntu wiki just crash?12:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
knomeastraljava, hmph. :)13:24
knomeastraljava, when was the QA meeting with pleia2 scheduled again?13:26
astraljavaknome: Sunday the 17th.13:33
astraljavaknome: And yes, it seems to have.13:33
knomeastraljava, okay. what's your schedule today?13:33
knomeand i suppose tomorrow daytime isn't good either?13:34
astraljavaNot really. What are we talking about?13:34
knomei was wondering if i'd get some help in reviewing the long test13:34
astraljavaSorry, no can do.13:35
knomeyeah, np13:35
knomewhat about weekend then?13:36
astraljavaWeekend will be better, apart from Saturday earlier than, say, 6 pm. (local time).13:37
astraljavaBut Sat. evening and the whole of Sunday will be fine.13:38
knomeok, if we seem to crash at irc the same time, remind me of the review if i don't do that first13:38
astraljavaI'll try. :)13:38
astraljavaknome: What about the lead thingie? I see Testing team as empty now.13:38
knomeastraljava, ah, right13:38
astraljavaWhat's the policy on filling that position? Is there going to be a voting or something?13:39
knomei'll send yet another mail13:39
knomeQA lead would be much more descriptive, right?13:40
knomeor did we want to avoid that13:40
knomeastraljava, ?13:52
ochosiknome: i really prefer the light-menus with greybird, they feel so much more easy to read...14:42
mips1911IS there any way to get drop shadows on the panel?16:43
holsteinmips1911: try http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=358817:04
mips1911holstein, thx. I have all options ticked but no go17:07
holsteinmips1911: are you using compositing?17:08
holsteinmips1911: is it *that* big of a deal?17:08
mips1911holstein, yes enabled but not a big deal. Just trying to figure out if i can somehow enable it.17:11
holsteinmips1911: you got other shadows?17:13
mips1911holstein, yes all other window etc shadows are working fine17:16
mips1911No worries though, just got a call and gotto go do something more important now, drink beer for someones birthday! :)17:17
mips1911Cheers, will pop back later.17:17
holsteinmips1911: right on!17:17
mips1911pop in and I'll buy you one! ;)17:18
holsteinmips1911: wow... i'll get in the car right now!! ;)17:19
pleia2knome: want me to add the next meeting to the google cal?19:18
knomepleia2, ah, yeah, that'd be cool19:41
knomepleia2, if you are there in 15 mins, i might need you :)19:41
* pleia2 waves to knome 21:48
pleia2busy worky day, but I'm about21:49
knomeheh, if you're busy, then nvm :D21:49
pleia2nah it's ok21:51
knomei was thinking about the docs21:51
* pleia2 nods21:51
knomewe have loads of people ready to start working21:51
knomei was thinking whether the structure needed updating or not21:53
pleia2I don't know what the structure is :(21:53
pleia2(or anything about docs really)21:53
knomepleia2, are you on a xubuntu machine?21:53
knomepleia2, click applications menu -> help21:54
pleia2oh yes, I have *seen* the docs21:54
pleia2that say 11.10 :)21:54
knomepleia2, well yeah; i don't know more than you either then21:54
knomein the "Xubuntu Documentation", there's the structure21:54
pleia2yeah, I don't know where this all lives on launchpad though, how to change it, who can change it, translations?21:55
knomei don't know where it lives either...21:55
knomebut i'm not too worried about the technical side21:55
knomei'm thinking "how can we unleash this 20-head group full of energy"21:56
pleia2ah yes, that21:56
knomei'm also thinking what's the necessary documentation to ship; how much do we have to worry about users not having internet, and what kind of documentation do we have to have for those who don't have internet21:58
knomei'm thinking that maybe the refreshed documentation needs to be more compact and easier to grasp21:59
pleia2so I read recently about changes to how xfce itself "ships" documentation and I'm wondering if that would impact us at all21:59
knomeyes, that's another thing; could we just point to the xfce docs for DE-related issues?21:59
knomeand of course, unleash some of that energy to write the xfce docs directly21:59
knomeand if we do that, how much documentation we need to maintain under xubuntu22:00
knomeprobably some ubuntu-specific stuff, but what about different applications?22:00
pleia2so it turns out we already do a pretty good job in our current docs of not rewriting things like "how to use abiword"22:00
knomei'm thinking if it's too brave to drop any application-specific docs22:01
knomelooks like the old docs even have a section listing different games for linux ;)22:01
knome"Strategy games require you to use careful tactics to plan the next move; simulation games let you explore and manage realistic models of such things as cities and vehicles. Strategy and simulation games can be quite addictive and many people happily spend hours playing their game of choice!"22:02
knomei'm not so sure how relevant that is22:02
pleia2this needs a lot of love22:02
knomei've been thinking that we need a group of trustworthy people to go through what is needed and what now22:02
knomehow much time have you reserved for the meeting on 17th?22:03
pleia2I have all morning, so I could be around for 3+ hours22:04
knomei could look through the docs today and create a quick proposal22:04
pleia2so I've done smaller scale (not 20 people, more like 3) documentation rewriting things at work, and we've essentially just dumped headlines from the docs into a wiki, assigned people sections, and then come back for meetings (we use svn and wiki for docs at work, but)22:04
pleia2er, but.. we'd need to look into what we use for xubuntu22:05
knome"use" ?22:05
knomeoh, you mean the technical side?22:05
pleia2yeah sorry, I am hung up on the technical side still :)22:05
knomei'd say we're not tied with anything22:05
knomewe can keep with docbook, that's fine22:05
pleia2it matters because we have to control who has access to commits and things, and that workflow helps define how we structure the team22:05
knomebut i'm not assuming the 20-head group will all (want to) learn docbook22:05
pleia2yeah, I'm thinking some will just do rewrites in .odt and submit them to docbook people22:06
pleia2or whatever22:06
knomeagreed; otoh, i think the majority of this group will not stick for eternity anyway ;)22:06
knomeyes, or rewrites in the wiki or anything22:06
knomehaving 2 or 3 people with ability to do docbook would be ideal22:07
pleia2so I think we want to get ourselves to a point where we can assign sections to people and they write them whereever, and doc leads convert them into techie-style-whatever to commit them22:07
knomeassigning sections to people is fine, but what if we did...22:07
knomefor each section, set an assignee and a reviewer (for content and language)22:07
knomethen point to the docbook-guys22:08
knomei think we'd get better results if people had to work with others22:08
* pleia2 nods22:08
knome"get as much feedback as you can as often as you can"22:08
knomei'm thinking only the people who will have commit access should be approved to the team22:09
knomebut i'm also thinking that this group should be the group that shows commitment to continue contributing22:09
pleia2so that would probably just be the docbook folks22:09
knomeyes, but at this time, it's really hard to say who should be in that group22:10
knomewe don't even know how many of the people will just not do anything!22:10
pleia2and whether having a lp group at all makes sense (could we give a group access to just the docs in our xuubntu world, or is it too tied in with -dev?)22:10
pleia2I mean, a committers group, having a doc team makes sense22:11
knomei think the LP group is there because some team needs to be part of ~ubuntu-doc22:11
knomeotoh, the -art or -website team is not everybody who is making some small contributions eitehr22:11
knomei agree it might be a bit different with docs, but i'm sure (how negative thinking!) the -doc team will be just a few guys anyway22:12
pleia2if we make it easy, I think we could do well with docs22:12
pleia2the trouble wth ubuntu-docs is that it feels like to do anything you need to be super docbook guru and understand all the tools22:13
pleia2ubuntu-manual does all this much better22:13
knomei might be wrong but i think most of the people who have "signed in" now do not necessarily want to even be a part of a LP group22:13
pleia2yeah, there is always some attrition, but 20 is a nice start, we may end up with 5 solid contributors :)22:14
pleia2(that's about the ratio to people emailed: people doing work each week on UWN)22:14
knomei'm thinking [original_amount]*.1522:15
knomeanyway, i agree with the fact that contributing should be as easy as possible22:15
knomethis is what i want to offer for the 20 there22:15
* pleia2 nods22:15
knomeif some of them want to learn docbook too - fantastic!22:15
knomethe other thing i was wondering...22:16
pleia2so, we should 1) find where docs live 2) confirm docbook 3) meet22:16
knomehow many of the contributors are english-native?22:16
knomeand how much spell-checking do we need to do22:17
knomeand should we assign the english-fluent people to do that (too)22:17
pleia2good points22:17
knomeand if we assign the english-fluent people to do that too, isn't that just... waste of resources?22:17
knomethey could just write the docs themself22:18
knomeand no special review would be needed22:18
knomebut what would the non-english-fluent do then?22:18
pleia2I wonder if we just trust that folks volunteering are confident in their english skills, and we tweak as needed (if one section turns out really awkward, drag in a fluent speaker)22:19
knomewe didn't say we want people who are confident22:19
knomewhat do you think of creating a list of the tasks where we need people, and tell to pick 222:20
pleia2yeah, but I think volunteering to write english-language docs implies it22:20
knomeor "pick 1"22:20
knomeand let's see how the people group up22:20
pleia2that would be good22:20
knomeso, what would the different groups be?22:22
knomeis there more than three22:22
pleia2writing, editing, converting to docbook, final proofing and committing22:22
pleia2are the jobs I see22:22
knomeediting meaning proof-reading and converting to sensible english? :P22:23
pleia2nd we probably need some administrative in there somewhere (planning meetings, setting deadlines, following up22:23
pleia2yeah, I suppose we should have technical editors too22:23
knomeshould we then tell people to pick 2?22:23
knomeeditor (proof-read and make understandable)22:27
knomewhat else?22:27
pleia2technical editor (right default apps are covered, doesn't say crazy wrong things)22:27
pleia2docbooks person22:28
knomeor s/person/editor/ :)22:29
knomeor s/person/manager/ ?22:29
* pleia2 shrugs22:30
pleia2any will do22:30
pleia2maybe editor is best22:30
astraljavaknome: QA Lead does indeed sound much better, I somehow hear it more describing to my interests.22:30
knomeastraljava, well that's decided anyway :)22:31
knome(see email at -devel)22:31
astraljavaWeeelll there you have it. :)22:31
knomeso what after docbook editor?22:32
knomefinal proofing?22:32
pleia2yeah, but that'll be a job pretty late in the game and hopefully won't find anything22:32
knomedoes the doc committers commit to ubuntu repos or somewhere else?22:33
pleia2I think we need to figure out the infrastructure before deciding that22:34
pleia2I think it's probably best to offer: writer, grammar editor, technical editor, docbooks editor22:35
pleia2and then go from there, everyone in the world can do final editing and just email changes to -devel if we want22:36
knomehow does that look?22:36
knomeshould we convert the requirements to lists?22:37
pleia2I think that's a good start22:37
knomeis that more understandable/graspable22:37
pleia2seems fine to me the way it is22:37
knomei was thinking the other way22:37
knomequite hard to see immediately what's good for you22:37
pleia2well sure, if you want22:38
pleia2but they're all short enough at this time that it's not hard to read22:38
knomemaybe it's for the best to expect some patience ;)22:38
pleia2yes, doc volunteers must be willing to actually read the docs we write for the volunteers ;)22:38
astraljavaWhat, you mean all the glory, fortune and fame don't come for nuthin'?! HUH?22:43
knomepleia2, mmh, so22:46
knomeare you happy with the page now, should i send email about that?22:46
pleia2yeah go for it22:48
knomehmm, 9 applicants don't have public address provided at LP22:58
knomesent mail23:00
knomemeh, 2 more delivery fails23:01
knomei'm sending privmsgs through LP23:03
knomeastraljava told the limit might be 4 per day23:03
knomelet's see if i need help :P23:03
Unit193Well, I am here.23:04
knometitle:  IMPORTANT; Xubuntu documentation23:04
knomecontent:  You've applied to the Xubuntu documentation team. Please see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-June/008243.html23:05
knomeUnit193, i'll PM you three nicks23:05
knomeactually, i'll ask #launchpad first.23:06
knomeastraljava, pleia2: still there?23:09
knomepleia2, i'll send you three nicks too23:10
knomesomebody else from the team hanging? ;)23:12
Unit193I know other LP people. :P23:13
knomei'd like it to come from xubuntu team members at least23:13
knomeit's kind of spooky if random people contact you :D23:13
Unit193Figured, and makes sense.23:14
knomemuahahah, three more days and people will expire from the team23:14
knomethen i'll be the only member!23:14
* knome laughs manically23:14
pleia2oh yeah, Unit193 and I were added to #xubuntu and #xubuntu-offtopic access lists today23:41
knomehah, and i was "added" to the #xubuntu-ot list too23:41
pleia2keeping them synced must be fun23:42
knomeand congrats ;)23:42
knomei'll leave the op duties to you now23:42
pleia2"here, more work!"23:42
knomehaha, yeah!23:42
pleia2the channels are mostly fine though23:42
* pleia2 knocks on wood23:42
knomei was thiking if there were people interested in the mailing list moderation23:42
knomeespecially -users23:43
Unit193pleia2 is stalking me...23:44
pleia2I should keep up with -users more, I'd think we we'd want to add folks who do good work there (so they're already paying attention) but I don't know who to suggest23:45
knomewhat if we just asked them? :P23:46
pleia2I got added as a moderator for ubuntu-users once, it was tricky trying to figure out exactly which level of hell it was23:46
knome"who'd like to"23:46
knomexubuntu-users is not too bad (maybe only a few floors down)23:46
pleia2yeah, I think the high volume of ubuntu-users caused it to be a particularly special case :)23:47
pleia2this was all while the CC was trying to tame it (it got nasty for a while), things are better these days23:47
Unit193I'm not even on it. >_>23:48
knomehow do i access about:config on tb agian23:48
knomeoh, there, good23:49

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