xubuntu317 | can somebody help? | 00:09 |
xubuntu317 | imtrying to edit a file that is root protected-a simple copy/paste deal | 00:10 |
xubuntu317 | but nothingive tried works | 00:10 |
xubuntu317 | nothing | 00:10 |
xubuntu317 | its cos i upgraded again isnt it | 00:10 |
xubuntu317 | ?? | 00:11 |
xubuntu317 | 12.04 | 00:11 |
xubuntu317 | graphical interface as root user? | 00:11 |
xubuntu317 | anybody?somebody?please? | 00:12 |
xubuntu317 | not something i have to do often but imworking with opencpn trying toupdate the tide harmonics files | 00:13 |
xubuntu317 | and i cant | 00:13 |
xubuntu317 | ????????????????? | 00:13 |
xubuntu411 | inijn | 00:18 |
xubuntu411 | imtrying to change some filesin a program (opencpn) for different versions | 00:19 |
xubuntu411 | and it wont let me | 00:19 |
xubuntu411 | ho do igo about this via the terminal as gksudo nautilus dont workyet? | 00:19 |
xubuntu411 | anyone? | 00:20 |
GridCube | xubuntu411, xubuntu doesnt use nautilus | 00:21 |
GridCube | we use thunar | 00:21 |
GridCube | :/ | 00:21 |
xubuntu411 | how was i supposed tokno that | 00:21 |
GridCube | because... its obvious? | 00:22 |
xubuntu411 | kept banging the forums for info and it kept refering me toubuntu instructions | 00:22 |
xubuntu411 | is it? | 00:22 |
GridCube | xubuntu uses xfce, xfce file manager is thunar, nautilus is for gnome, xubuntu doesnt use gnome | 00:22 |
xubuntu411 | if the file management systemis entirely different the name shouldt be so similar | 00:22 |
GridCube | the program is different xubuntu411 | 00:23 |
xubuntu411 | xubuntu/ ubuntu | 00:23 |
GridCube | nautlius is meant to control many parts of gnome, like the desktop and sessions and other things | 00:23 |
xubuntu411 | its obvious to someone who doesnt leave their basement | 00:24 |
GridCube | xubuntu411, please, calm down | 00:24 |
xubuntu411 | its obvious to me now | 00:24 |
xubuntu411 | it wasnt me who got shitey... | 00:24 |
xubuntu411 | sorry meant to type shirty | 00:25 |
xubuntu411 | honest | 00:25 |
GridCube | xubuntu411, its there in the xubuntu.org, in wikipedia, in wherever you want to look at | 00:25 |
xubuntu411 | i just use xubuntu cos apparently its slimmed down | 00:25 |
xubuntu411 | i like tolearn stuff that dont change every week- not hitting wikipediauponan operating systemthat willdie before my goldfish | 00:26 |
xubuntu411 | flipping dicky spacebar | 00:26 |
GridCube | xubuntu411, xubuntu has always used thunar, like forever | 00:26 |
xubuntu411 | kk how do i get a root permission option inmy conextmenu | 00:27 |
xubuntu411 | context | 00:27 |
xubuntu411 | or just copy paste in the protected files imtrying to change? | 00:27 |
GridCube | mmhm if thats what they told you you had to do in nautilus, it should be the same, just the program is different | 00:28 |
xubuntu411 | no that was a extra nice option i found for nautilus | 00:29 |
xubuntu411 | save me opening a terminal to do it | 00:29 |
xubuntu411 | so its just gksudo thunar? | 00:29 |
xubuntu411 | to doit manually? | 00:30 |
xubuntu411 | or is thunar different? | 00:30 |
GridCube | no | 00:31 |
GridCube | its not | 00:31 |
xubuntu411 | win! i think- ilike thelitle red warning bar! | 00:31 |
xubuntu411 | not something i have to do often.... | 00:32 |
xubuntu411 | not my fault iman idiot | 00:32 |
GridCube | :) you are not, you just didnt knew | 00:33 |
xubuntu411 | im new to linux-i washeld captive by mr gates in his bloated basement for many years- starved of real computing | 00:33 |
GridCube | well, real computering cames with lots and lots of reading | 00:33 |
xubuntu411 | im having fun with linux- i just built my system into a navigation suite | 00:34 |
xubuntu411 | i liked basic | 00:34 |
xubuntu411 | goto end | 00:34 |
xubuntu411 | do kinda miss plug and play... | 00:35 |
GridCube | :) nice, xubuntu411 if you would like to simply chatter, i mean if you dont have any other problem, please go to #xubuntu-offtopic this channel is meant to help people out :) | 00:35 |
xubuntu411 | usb to rs232 serial converter to conflibber next | 00:35 |
xubuntu411 | not very busy though is it? | 00:36 |
xubuntu411 | thanks dude | 00:36 |
xubuntu411 | take care | 00:36 |
GridCube | :) | 00:36 |
GridCube | good luck | 00:36 |
xubuntu411 | ill need it... with a marine nav system built by an idiot | 00:37 |
xubuntu411 | watch for me on the news | 00:37 |
xubuntu411 | glug glug | 00:37 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
StormStrikes | Does gvfs have a user group or anything like that? | 01:24 |
StormStrikes | Or I should ask, is it supposed to? | 01:24 |
GridCube | no idea | 01:28 |
StormStrikes | Okay, let me reboot and try something. Gvfs was not mounting or set to mount samba shares for some reason. | 01:29 |
StormStrikes | Good Lord, this is insane, there is just no good reason that I can see that the printer should not be able to write to that folder. | 01:32 |
ball | Why would a printer write to a folder? Is it also a scanner? | 01:34 |
StormStrikes | ball: Yes sir, it is. It can scan to network folders | 01:35 |
ball | ...and you're sharing a folder from a Xubuntu box using Samba? | 01:35 |
StormStrikes | It worked perfectly under Ubuntu. But Im not a big fan of Unity and prefer to use Xubuntu, but I have not been able to get it to work | 01:35 |
StormStrikes | Thats correct. | 01:35 |
StormStrikes | Its completely writeable and viewable. | 01:36 |
ball | Can the printer write to a CIFS share from another machine? | 01:38 |
ball | Oh, I think you've answered that. | 01:38 |
ball | I have yet to try Samba on Xubuntu. | 01:39 |
StormStrikes | I have not tried to get it to write to another machine as the only other one I have is a laptop and I never use it for my digital scans | 01:39 |
ball | StormStrikes: ...but it worked on the same box you're using now when it ran Ubuntu and you haven't changed anything on the printer? | 01:42 |
StormStrikes | ball: Thats correct. | 01:43 |
StormStrikes | It sees the folder, other wise the error mesage I would get is cannot connect or incorrect credentials. But its simply telling me it cannot write to the folder | 01:44 |
ball | Are you using a workgroup or a domain? | 01:45 |
StormStrikes | workgroup | 01:46 |
ball | Hmm... | 01:51 |
StormStrikes | Yeah, exactly. Im out of ideas. It just simply was not this much trouble in Ubuntu and if I did not dislike the whole unity thing so much I would just reinstall that. | 01:52 |
StormStrikes | I cannot figure out what is preventing the write permissions | 01:53 |
StormStrikes | Okay, well I gotta figure something out or look for another distro. Being able to scan documents is kinda critical to me and my household. But I do want to say before leaving that I GREATLY appreciate everyone that tried to help me figure it all out. | 01:58 |
ball | Might be worth asking in #ubuntu-server | 02:01 |
ball | ...I think they share much of the underlying stuff and there's a good chance someone in there knows how to read Samba logs | 02:02 |
triunity | Hey, i keep getting "An application wants default password", every 1/2 hour or so... Im not sure why. I don't use wifi (i know that used to be an issue), and if I hit details, it doesn't specifiy which application wants password... could anyone help? | 03:18 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
LiquidEdge | Anyone have a good recommend for a better music player/organizer than the gmusicbrowser? | 05:40 |
LiquidEdge | (Which works just fine, am just looking for something that's feature-rich) | 05:40 |
Marzata | LiquidEdge: vlc | 06:04 |
laite | LiquidEdge: What kind of features you are looking for, exactly? Rhythmbox is quite popular with it's many plugins | 06:31 |
LiquidEdge | I'm checking out Audacious right now. | 06:32 |
laite | If you don't mind qt-libraries, I would recommend you check out clementine | 06:32 |
LiquidEdge | I'll check out both. Thank you! | 06:37 |
Marzata | what is wrong with vlc? | 06:49 |
LiquidEdge | Nothings wrong with it. It works great. | 06:51 |
LiquidEdge | Just looking for something that's music focused vs plays every single media file it meets | 06:51 |
Marzata | it has sound effects, video effects, lists, ... what more needs to be music focused? | 06:59 |
chelz | LiquidEdge: hard to beat amarok | 07:00 |
chelz | in terms of feature count | 07:00 |
chelz | there's also deadbeef, which i'm not sure about features but it's got a different look | 07:01 |
LiquidEdge | Marzata, Better organization and notes and stuff I don't even know I need. ;) | 07:02 |
LiquidEdge | chelz, Sounds sweet. Will check them out. | 07:02 |
cousteau | was about to ask what intricate method was there in Thunar to create bookmarks because I couldn't figure it out | 09:14 |
cousteau | and really needed it... | 09:14 |
cousteau | before asking here I decided to google up... the answer was "Drag and drop :P" | 09:15 |
cousteau | (but really, a shortcut or a menu entry would be nice, for those who can't figure that out) | 09:15 |
cousteau | how can I disable the "put window in background when title bar is middle-clicked" feature? | 09:38 |
cousteau | it's making me crazy each time I try to close a firefox tab by middle-clicking | 09:38 |
aboudreault | Hi ppl | 12:17 |
knome | aboudreault, hello | 12:45 |
roshambles | hello, I'm trying to enable the zoom in/out thing on compiz. I have it so that super button+mouse button 1 zooms in, but nothing happens. I'd prefer it so that it uses the scrollwheel but I don't see a label for that | 13:04 |
roshambles | Hi, I am using the CCSM to try and enable compiz effects. I want to be able to zoom in and out, but none of the options are working | 13:20 |
blackgatocatnegr | Hi, how I install a program that is in a *.tar.gz file? and yes, the program is not available in any other form | 14:22 |
joeythesaint | blackgatocatnegr: That's a pretty general Linux (or unix) question and there's a *lot* of different answers depending on the package and what you want to accomplish. | 14:23 |
holstein | blackgatocatnegr: i would extract and look for a "readme" | 14:24 |
blackgatocatnegr | I am using Xubuntu 12.04 32 bits version | 14:24 |
joeythesaint | Odds are very good this thing will never be managed by synaptic/aptitude/etc. | 14:24 |
joeythesaint | What's the package? | 14:24 |
holstein | i think its "checkinstall" that will let you remove it with a package manager | 14:25 |
holstein | blackgatocatnegr: its up to the creator of that package as to how it should be used/installed | 14:25 |
blackgatocatnegr | no readme file | 14:25 |
blackgatocatnegr | wait, I will check the website... | 14:26 |
blackgatocatnegr | nope, no installation instructions there | 14:27 |
blackgatocatnegr | ah well, I guess instaling a game engine is not that important, I can play that game with the default graphics | 14:29 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, It's a tar.gz file? | 14:30 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, yes but is not even already compiled, so I am giving up. | 14:30 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, It's easy enough to compile it yourself | 14:31 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, One sec, I'll tell you how. | 14:31 |
blackgatocatnegr | I remembered the last time I compiled something, it was back in 2000, I tried to install lame, but could not even make it work with the back them popular linux winamp clone, no sir, the thing played mp3s on a script or something. | 14:33 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, lol, Hopefully it won't be a repeat of that. | 14:34 |
blackgatocatnegr | well , lets face it, back then linux was not pretty. | 14:34 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, Open the Terminal, cd into the directory where the TAR file is stored. | 14:35 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, done. | 14:36 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, Try "tar -czpf file.tar.gz /path/to/files/to/be/archived" | 14:36 |
cypher-neo | That's all one line | 14:36 |
cypher-neo | Leave the path in the same directory for simplicity | 14:36 |
cypher-neo | Crap wait | 14:37 |
cypher-neo | Wrong directions | 14:37 |
cypher-neo | lol | 14:37 |
cypher-neo | I got mixed up | 14:37 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, "tar -xpf file.tar.gz" | 14:38 |
blackgatocatnegr | ok | 14:38 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, Then cd into the directory it creates with the files. | 14:38 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, Then three commands to compile it. | 14:38 |
cypher-neo | ./configure | 14:38 |
cypher-neo | make | 14:39 |
cypher-neo | make install | 14:39 |
cypher-neo | If there are any dependancies it requires, it will flag you during those commands and will halt. You will need to install any dependant programs it needs and then continue from where it left off | 14:39 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 14:40 |
Pici | er, not everything works like that. Its really best to take a look at the INSTALL and/or README files to make sure that you're doing the right things. | 14:40 |
blackgatocatnegr | there are no install or readme files, trust me, thats the first thing I look | 14:40 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, Might I take a look at the file? Could you link to the place where you downloaded it from? | 14:40 |
blackgatocatnegr | sure | 14:41 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, http://nxengine.sourceforge.net/ | 14:41 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, http://nxengine.sourceforge.net/dl/nx-src-1004.tar.gz | 14:42 |
blackgatocatnegr | this sure was harder in real terminal mode, now with terminal emoulation and copy pasta, and internet, is a breeze | 14:43 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, Ah dang, gotta buy bread, will be back... I hope | 14:44 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, You're trying to install Cave Story? | 14:44 |
cypher-neo | blackgatocatnegr, I could be wrong... but I think Cave Story is already in the Linux repository somewhere... | 14:45 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, I installed cave story, I am tryng to install an engine for it. | 14:45 |
cypher-neo | Oh | 14:45 |
cypher-neo | Okay, so it looks similar to what i was expecting | 14:46 |
cypher-neo | There is not configure file | 14:47 |
cypher-neo | Try "./buildscript" | 14:47 |
cypher-neo | Then "make" | 14:47 |
blackgatocatnegr | will be back, gotta buy bread | 14:47 |
cypher-neo | Or "makefile" | 14:47 |
cypher-neo | Actually it might be "Makefile" since the program is captalized in my download | 14:48 |
blackgatocatnegr | back | 14:52 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, "sudo: ./buildscript: command not found" | 14:53 |
blackgatocatnegr | Here is what I got in the file http://paste.ubuntu.com/1023260/ *** ./buildscript did not work *** | 15:10 |
blackgatocatnegr | Here is what I got in the file http://paste.ubuntu.com/1023260/ *** ./buildscript did not work *** It seems to be make, missing file SDL/SDL.h *** | 15:11 |
xubuntu665 | does someone use xubuntu? | 15:24 |
baizon | i think most people here are using xubuntu :) | 15:24 |
blackgatocatnegr | cypher-neo, make did work, I am missing some files downloading them now | 15:25 |
blackgatocatnegr | can xunbutu manage rpm files? | 15:26 |
xubuntu665 | can rpm filse manage xubuntu? | 15:26 |
baizon | blackgatocatnegr: yes | 15:26 |
baizon | http://www.debianadmin.com/install-rpm-files-in-debian-and-ubuntu.html | 15:27 |
xubuntu665 | is cs1.6 working on wine on xubuntu? | 15:27 |
baizon | xubuntu665: yes | 15:28 |
xubuntu665 | is xubuntu working on rain? | 15:29 |
baizon | on a sufficient hardware, yes | 15:30 |
xubuntu665 | is this page working on xubuntu?? http://tinyurl.com/2wgf3q4 | 15:32 |
blackgatocatnegr | how do I add signatures with alien? | 15:34 |
baizon | stop trolling please | 15:34 |
xubuntu665 | can i use xubuntu on my calculator? | 15:37 |
xubuntu665 | someone using mac os? | 15:42 |
xubuntu665 | can someone talk with animals? | 15:44 |
xubuntu665 | is someoine alive? | 15:45 |
baizon | !kick xubuntu665 | 15:47 |
blackgatocatnegr | alien does not work -_- | 15:53 |
blackgatocatnegr | Ah right its sorce code, silly me O_- | 15:53 |
baizon | :) | 15:53 |
blackgatocatnegr | ok, still does not work -_- | 15:56 |
blackgatocatnegr | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1023357/ I got this error while using alien | 15:57 |
aboudreault | trying to install xubuntu 12.04.... and just got a fatal error: Executing grub-install /dev/sda failed... :/ | 15:59 |
baizon | aboudreault: you didnt install grub | 15:59 |
aboudreault | baizon, I am in the installer | 15:59 |
baizon | aboudreault: in which step? | 16:00 |
aboudreault | baizon, Install grub boot loader... | 16:00 |
baizon | how did you made the partitions? | 16:00 |
aboudreault | 2 disks in raid 1, then a lvm on the raid partition. and set the root/swap/home logical volumes | 16:01 |
baizon | aboudreault: thats your problem | 16:01 |
aboudreault | well.. I did this setup a lot of times | 16:01 |
aboudreault | what's wrong? | 16:02 |
blackgatocatnegr | ah screw it, I give up | 16:02 |
blackgatocatnegr | bye | 16:02 |
baizon | aboudreault: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60273/2tb-harddrive-with-lvm-grub-error | 16:04 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
asterismo | hi there | 16:09 |
asterismo | i need help with something | 16:10 |
asterismo | anyone there? | 16:10 |
aboudreault | baizon, damn.. and I can't do that in the installer? | 16:11 |
asterismo | i have ubuntu 12.04 and installed xfce 4.10 from PPA | 16:13 |
asterismo | then i tried to roll back with ppa-purge | 16:13 |
asterismo | and downgraded to xfce 4.8 | 16:14 |
asterismo | everything is fine | 16:14 |
asterismo | but when i hit a keyboard shortcut, xfce crashes and it prompts login window | 16:14 |
asterismo | the shortcut is exo-open --launch WebBrowser | 16:15 |
asterismo | i tried to purge exo-utils but no luck | 16:15 |
asterismo | can anyone help me? | 16:16 |
cousteau | is there a way to make the notificator applet check periodically for mail? | 16:19 |
nicofs | in chromium, how can I have mp3 files played externally? | 16:32 |
baizon | asterismo: remove the dir .cache/sessions and restart xfce | 16:33 |
asterismo | baizon: thanks for answer. it only hapens with browser shortcut | 16:35 |
asterismo | i'll try that | 16:35 |
asterismo | other shortcut for nautilus works fine | 16:35 |
asterismo | but the firefox shortcut crashes the session | 16:35 |
asterismo | deleting that folder will fix it? | 16:35 |
baizon | asterismo: lets hope so | 16:36 |
baizon | delete it and log out | 16:37 |
asterismo | will be back | 16:37 |
asterismo | baizon: it did not worked | 16:40 |
asterismo | firefox shortcut makes xfce-session crash | 16:40 |
asterismo | exo-open --launch WebBrowser | 16:40 |
asterismo | if you have another clue please tell me | 16:42 |
mips1911 | Is there any way to get drop shadows on the panel? | 16:43 |
cousteau | scumbag google, I search "xubuntu check mail" and it decides it's a good idea to replace "xubuntu" with "linux", just because | 16:48 |
cousteau | mips1911, what do you mean? | 16:52 |
cousteau | (my panel is dark anyway, so I probably won't see any shadow) | 16:52 |
mips1911 | cousteau, the panel has no shadow underneath it | 16:52 |
cousteau | mips1911, oh, outside of the panel | 16:52 |
mips1911 | cousteau, yes, below it | 16:53 |
cousteau | the panel projecting a shadow next to it, I see | 16:53 |
* cousteau moved the panel to the bottom, so it would be over it here | 16:53 | |
mips1911 | makes no difference whether it's at the top or the bottom | 16:55 |
cousteau | doesn't seem possible | 16:56 |
cousteau | mips1911, well, maybe there is... since I don't see shadow over windows, only under them | 16:56 |
cousteau | but yes, doesn't seem possible with the current options | 16:56 |
mips1911 | cousteau, I think you can change the window shadows by editing the themrc file | 17:00 |
cousteau | I see an option to toggle on or off window shadows, but not panel shadow | 17:01 |
cousteau | I found an issue: When a window is maximized, and it has a scroll bar, and I move the mouse pointer to the right edge to the screen, and try to click/middle-click/scroll, I can't do that because there's like a 2 px width border between the scroll bar and the edge of the screen | 17:48 |
cousteau | so I have to move the mouse a few pixels to the left so that I am exactly over the scrollbar; just "throwing the mouse to the right and middle-clicking" won't work | 17:49 |
cousteau | I wouldn't call this a bug but it's kinda uncomfortable | 17:49 |
baizon | cousteau: laptop or desktop? | 17:55 |
cousteau | baizon, desktop | 17:58 |
cousteau | (can't see what that has to do, though) | 17:58 |
baizon | cousteau: so fix you screen placement ;) | 18:02 |
cousteau | baizon, I think I didn't explain myself right | 18:03 |
cousteau | it's not a matter of how the screen looks, it's a matter of the part of the screen used by the scrollbar | 18:04 |
baizon | ok i understand :) | 18:04 |
baizon | well you can always report it :) | 18:04 |
cousteau | I once had a similar bug on Ubuntu, 10.04 | 18:05 |
cousteau | but with the bottom panel | 18:05 |
cousteau | the bug just stayed there for 2 years until it was eventually closed | 18:06 |
cousteau | (however I think it was solved... or maybe I just changed the theme) | 18:06 |
asterismo | i filled this bug | 18:07 |
asterismo | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exo/+bug/1008591 | 18:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1008591 in exo (Ubuntu) "xfce-session crashes using shortcut exo-open --launch WebBrowser" [Undecided,New] | 18:08 |
cousteau | duh, forget it, it only happens on xchat, and with the user list | 18:10 |
cousteau | so maybe an issue regarding how xchat places its elements | 18:11 |
cousteau | (and not quite an important one) | 18:11 |
aboudreault | damn... the installer only detects a raid device of 801GB... but it is of 2.7TB. | 18:15 |
gridl0ck | .ckear | 18:18 |
MRFIG260 | hello i am new to anything linux and i was wondering where i can find info on xubuntu and imac g3 install? | 18:45 |
genii-around | !ppc | 18:56 |
ubottu | PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ | 18:56 |
asterismo | can anyone help me with bug 1008591 | 19:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1008591 in exo (Ubuntu) "xfce-session crashes using shortcut exo-open --launch WebBrowser" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1008591 | 19:23 |
ThePendulum | For whatever reason, the terminal and the update window both automatically start after booting the system | 19:26 |
ThePendulum | Any ideas? | 19:26 |
Unit193 | I'd guess you have a saved session that you should delete from ~/.cache | 19:27 |
ThePendulum | Ah, I wonder how it got there | 19:30 |
haji | When running 12.04, how can I check which gtkrc file is "in effect"? Where is the main gtkrc in Xubuntu for the current user? | 19:31 |
asterismo | baizon> i reported the issue as a bug, in case you may want to look at it | 19:36 |
asterismo | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exo/+bug/1008591 | 19:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1008591 in exo (Ubuntu) "xfce-session crashes using shortcut exo-open --launch WebBrowser" [Undecided,New] | 19:37 |
asterismo | would help a completely uninstall/purge/reinstall of xfce4 and keep another window manager, like openbox??? | 19:41 |
asterismo | i'm trying to fix some issues after a downgrade of XFCE 4.10 to XFCE 4.8 un ubuntu 12.04 | 19:41 |
Unit193 | !ppa-purge | 19:42 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 19:42 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, Why did you downgrade? | 19:42 |
asterismo | i encountered some stability issues in my wife's netbook | 19:42 |
asterismo | and we both downgraded XFCE because we use the same repositories | 19:42 |
asterismo | but in my wife's netbook XFCE was downgraded ok | 19:43 |
asterismo | no problems | 19:43 |
asterismo | but my system crashes the session when using keyboard shortcut "exo-open" WebBrowser | 19:44 |
ThePendulum | Is there a way to show nothing but XBMC as soon as it starts in Xubuntu? | 19:44 |
asterismo | cypher-neo> in the blog post i read, it says "if you want to downgrade, just install ppa-purge and a few commands and done" | 19:45 |
asterismo | y did that | 19:45 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, On looking, I have discovered this is a known bug. | 19:47 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, If you can please log in to Launchpad and click that the bug also affects you. | 19:47 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, The bug report is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exo/+bug/1008591 | 19:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1008591 in exo (Ubuntu) "xfce-session crashes using shortcut exo-open --launch WebBrowser" [Undecided,New] | 19:47 |
asterismo | <cypher-neo> I filled that bug a couple of hours ago ;) | 19:48 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, :) | 19:49 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, That was you? Oh. :) | 19:49 |
asterismo | <cypher-neo> yes | 19:49 |
asterismo | i also attached the .xsession-errors | 19:49 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, Well, as a workaround, you could try bypassing exo completely and change the command to "firefox" or "chromium-browser" | 19:50 |
asterismo | but i don't know if will help | 19:50 |
asterismo | yes | 19:50 |
asterismo | i did that | 19:50 |
asterismo | i'm "Santiago Roland" = asterismo | 19:50 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, Well, I can't think of anything else. Until someone analyzes all the data and figures out what is wrong, I'd just keep bypassing exo for now. | 19:51 |
asterismo | ok thanks | 19:51 |
asterismo | <cypher-neo> do you think that ATI propretary drivers can affect in that bug? | 19:51 |
cypher-neo | asterismo, I don't know, sorry. | 19:52 |
asterismo | because i also yesterday when i downgraded, i installed 50MB of updates and the system was requiring to restart | 19:52 |
asterismo | and i did so | 19:52 |
asterismo | ok | 19:52 |
asterismo | i'll try | 19:52 |
asterismo | thanks | 19:52 |
ThePendulum | Xubuntu says that there are no proprietary drivers in use on this system, which I find hard to believe | 19:55 |
ThePendulum | It found the correct drivers for the GT220, so why wouldn't it be able to find them for the G530? | 19:55 |
* drc boggles that someone can do an unofficial upgrade of the entire DE via an unofficial pps, then use another unofficial ppa to downgrade the entire DE and when something doesn't work right...OMG IT'S A BUG!!!! | 19:55 | |
cypher-neo | drc, LOL | 20:03 |
drc | Well, at least he didn't just scream "BUG", he did file it :) | 20:10 |
drc | That's something nowadays. | 20:10 |
cypher-neo | drc, But how seriously is Launchpad going to take him when they look at his info? It fairly screams "system remix" | 20:16 |
drc | cypher-neo: True, and they won't/didn't ("downgrading isn't a very good idea"), but at least he filed what the thought was a bug...maybe next time it actually will be? | 20:18 |
genii-around | It's like the old envy scripts screwing things up | 20:19 |
drc | Opps,I did it again.... | 20:24 |
asterismo | hey guys | 20:50 |
asterismo | i was wondering how to export custom XFCE 4 settings to a customizable ISO Live CD | 20:50 |
asterismo | in GNOME was like using gsettings | 20:50 |
asterismo | but xfce?? | 20:50 |
asterismo | exporting settings in xfce4? | 21:02 |
nclm | I made a mistake when installing xubuntu about which things I wanted automounted and where. Would someone mind pointing me towards some documentation on the subject? | 22:03 |
nclm | And also how to prevent certain partitions from being mounted on startup as well. | 22:03 |
asterismo | does anyone knows how to edit default panel layout for a customized Live CD of Xubuntu? | 23:35 |
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