
davecheneyare perf events support on armhf/omap4 ? http://lwn.net/Articles/368607/01:24
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ndecogra_: hi. i just realised that we never really discussed about 12.10 OMAP4 kernel... what do you guys expect?10:51
ogra_ndec, hmm, not sure, ppisati ^^^ any idea ?11:16
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ppisatindec: you mean the kernel version? or what else?12:02
ndecppisati: how to you plan to manage the OMAP4 kernel? so it's both the kernel version, and the branch strategy.12:10
ndecand also are you planning to make panda images?12:10
ogra_oh, a "panda tablet" in germany !12:12
* ogra_ wonders why anyone would go with 4:3 nowadays ... weird decision12:13
ogra_bah, and it uses only a 443012:13
ppisatindec: omap4/panda is still our refernce platform wrt arm12:14
ppisatindec: so yes, we'll do panda images12:14
ndecogra_: i didn't know about this tablet ;-)12:14
ppisatindec: if omap4 delta against upstream is small, we could collapse omap3/4 in master and leave a topic branch for omap512:14
ndecwhich kernel version are you shooting for?12:15
ppisatindec: 3.5 for sure, but if 3.6 is out in time, we could pick it12:15
ndecok. there will be very minimal enablement effort by us on 3.5.12:15
ndecwe are going to spend some more time on 3.4 for customer/products constraints.12:16
ppisatindec: ah, and we are going to support any omap5* reference/broadly available that comes out before 12.1012:16
ndecthat includes the tilt tree.12:16
ndecppisati: i don't think OMAP5 has been discussed.12:16
ndeci mean between canonical and IT12:16
ppisatibut i pick andy's tilt code, so omap5 support is included12:17
ndecbut there won't be a 3.5 kernel with omap4+omap512:17
ndecfrom us nor andy12:18
ppisatiso you are going to stay on 3.412:18
ppisatiabout 3.6?12:18
ndectoo far away!12:18
ppisatiso 3.4 is going to be well supported, i see12:18
ppisatido you know which kernel will jelly bean use?12:19
ogra_ndec, i think its based on some lenovo device (medion is owned by lenovo)12:19
ndecif you use mainline'ish kernel for OMAP4, you are missing 4460 support (e.g. it will run at 600Mz, instead of 1.2). you are missing PM (DVFS, thermal, ...), and you are missing audio analog.12:19
ndecbut you should get everything else.12:19
ndecincluding some decent HDMI (display+audio)12:19
ndecppisati: jelly bean, there is no official information on it. there are 3.4 branches in google trees. so i guess that's what they will use.12:20
ppisatihopefully some of this stuff will enter 3.[5|6]12:20
ppisatii see12:20
ndecbut our decision to stay on 3.4 is not correlated with android. we need to fix some PM issues in 3.4 for a product.12:21
ppisatiogra_: and indeed fakeroot debian/rules clean binary in a fresh quantal-amd64 chroot chokes on tools too12:21
ndeci think we should be able to get a 3.6 kernel. but not 100% sure.12:21
ppisatindec: ack12:21
ogra_ppisati, aha, i guess tim should be able to help though12:21
ppisatindec: btw there was a nasty bug about freq scaling12:21
ppisatiogra_: yep12:22
ndecin 3.3, right?12:22
ndecppisati: well, what bug?12:22
ppisatindec: kernel hangs after a period of forcefull freq scaling (using a dummy script to stress the cpu and then leave it idle)12:23
ppisatindec: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/97109112:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 971091 in linux-ti-omap4 "Pandaboard ES freezes with the default CPU scaling governor ondemand" [Medium,Confirmed]12:24
ppisatindec: when you have time, can you try it (and leave a panda es overnight) with one of your kernel?12:24
* ppisati -> really out to get some food, brb12:24
janimoogra_, what is the status with armel, will we have the same images built with it as with armhf for 12.10?12:50
ogra_we dont build armel images since precise12:52
ogra_and by the looks of it armel will completely vanish soon12:53
ogra_janimo, what do you do with armel that you ask ?13:11
janimoogra_, nothing, just wondering if we should drop the ac100 armel kernels once armhf + graphics work13:12
ogra_we should drop them with the next upload imho13:12
janimooh right, I forgot there are no images anymore13:12
janimoI am rebasing on 3.1 now13:12
janimoand I hope to have a working package soon13:13
janimosometimes I hate git too :)13:13
ogra_great, i'll upload my driver package then after the freeze13:13
janimoespecially when rebasing between wildly differing repositories13:13
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ogra_hmpf, jasper seems unhappy on the current images15:12
marvin24_DTjanimo: did you acutally tried booting a 3.1 kernel with your config?16:09
janimomarvin24, yes and it failed :)16:09
marvin24_DTI guessed so16:10
ogra_mine works fine over here16:10
janimoit was a shot in the dark really16:10
janimoI hate merging config files and reviewing dozens of config entry docs :/16:10
ogra_you should have kept my packaging ;)16:11
marvin24_DTyeah, so big thanks for doing it anyway16:11
marvin24_DTjanimo: at least all the CONFIG_*TEGRA* stuff should be enabled16:12
marvin24_DTI'll give a detailed reply on the list16:12
janimook, I was not sure how much of it is tegra316:12
janimoI'll do an updateconfig now but will take all hints from your mail too :)16:12
ogra_hmof, isntalling PVR on the panda image kills the package manager with held broken packages, fun16:18
ogra_eeek, infinity we need to patch flash-kernels default bootscr's for all arches i fear...16:22
ogra_cat /proc/cmdline16:22
ogra_indeed debian does neither use quiet nor splash16:22
ogra_though beyond that it works surprisingly well16:23
marvin24_DTjanimo: you cannot activate something specific for tegra3 if the cpu is not selected16:23
infinityogra_: If it works at all, that's something. :P16:33
ogra_yeah, it seems to work fine apart from my kernel issues16:33
ogra_(display isnt detected)16:33
infinityDisplays are overrated.16:33
ogra_especially on preinstalled desktop images without sertial output :P16:34
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janrinze2lilstevie: do you accept bugfixes for your git tree?16:43
marvin24_DTjanimo: remember that the 3.1 doesn't need a mem=448M@0 option anymore16:47
marvin24_DTit may fail to boot if you add one16:47
janimomarvin24, oh so not only kernel changes but flash-kernel possibly.16:48
janimoogra_, do you know what the deal is there ^ ?16:48
ogra_f-k doesnt have any special options at all in the booltloader setup16:48
marvin24_DTabootimg provides a standard bootimg.cfg ?16:50
ogra_f-k in quantal isnt tested on the ac100 yet16:51
ogra_that will likely need some tweaks16:51
ogra_i wasnt thinking janimo actually uses quantal on his test ac100 though16:52
janimoI am not doing an SRU with 3.1 but I am on the precise userland when testing16:53
janimomarvin24, I'll do some tests with the abootimg, I need to flash it anyway as the current kernel does not boot now16:54
ogra_you dont have sosboot installed ?16:55
janimoogra_, I have 2.2 android I think so lost sosboot quite a while ago16:57
janimoI even forgot about it :)16:57
ogra_ah, sad16:58
ogra_makes working on the device so much harder16:58
janimoI am not sure if I could not go back to 2.1 ar all or it was just too annoying16:58
janimowell only bad kernel can mess it up, and I knew I'd have to resort to nvflash if I break it, oh well :)16:59
ogra_janimo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1025386/ in case that helps you ... thats my config based on the 3.0 one, works fine since about six weeks for me17:32
marvin24_DTogra_: what's you mem line if any?17:32
ogra_tegrapart=recovery:300:a00:800,boot:d00:1000:800,mbr:1d00:200:800 root=UUID=f8d60f31-32db-4655-8276-332dd4c7e703 mem=512M@0M quiet splash17:32
ogra_thats my cmdline17:33
ogra_works fine with the binary driver17:35
marvin24_DTI haven't tested mem=448M@0 yet17:39
ogra_well, mem=512M@0M somewhat sounds like we are stealing away all video ram17:40
ogra_but it doesnt seem to have any bad effect17:40
marvin24_DTit is reserved by the kernel now17:40
marvin24_DTI wonder if we need it at all17:40
marvin24_DT(I'm on for-next and too lazy to compile a 3.1 kernel17:40
ogra_i can try that if i'm through with the alpha1 tests tomorrow17:41
marvin24_DTno need, I can try it myself later on17:42
ogra_well, its not like we are in a hurry for quantal yet :)17:42
marvin24_DTwho made the stupid decission to release a distro every 6 month ...17:44
marvin24_DTthat's a lot of stress for everyone17:44
ogra_the initial ubuntu dev team did :)17:45
marvin24_DTif we had more time, I would give u-boot a try17:45
marvin24_DTget rid of fastboot17:45
marvin24_DTand android partitions17:45
* ogra_ doesnt care ... 17:45
ogra_if we could have an installer that wouldnt require flashing as the first step, that would intrest me17:46
ogra_but the few MB you gain by dropping the partitions i dont really care about17:46
marvin24_DTremember that we still need this tegra/nvidia partitions patch17:48
marvin24_DTand the ugly command line to support it17:49
janimohmm, no boot woth al those config options added17:49
marvin24_DTjanimo: maybe you should try to lay you config beside and try paz00_defconfig first17:50
marvin24_DTjanimo: can you post your config somewhere?17:50
marvin24_DTI'll try it here17:50
* marvin24_DT just finished porting nvec to device tree and is in danger to get bored17:51
janimoyes, I may just try a simple defconfig build17:51
janimoI'll pastebin my config17:51
janimomarvin24, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1025415/17:53
infinityjanimo: Are there enough cookies in the world to bribe you to figure out what's up with mono on armel?18:06
janimoinfinity, vegan cookies?18:06
infinityOf course.18:06
janimoI am not suicidal enough from fighting git rebases and the slight twists in  kernel packaging on various trees that make me dig for hours so why not?18:07
janimonotice I talk like Ncommander when it comes to mono18:08
janimoonly armel but armhf fine. Ah this is the new armel for v5 ?18:09
janimoinfinity, is our armel like Debian's now?18:10
infinityjanimo: Ish.18:10
* NCommander bails out of the nearest window head first upon hearing NCommander and mono18:10
infinityjanimo: Debian is v4t, we're v5t, but close enough.18:10
janimobut just enough not to freeload I guess :)18:11
NCommanderjanimo: infinity is it a FTBFS or something worse?18:11
infinityjanimo: Freeloading should, in theory, work.  We may have toolchain issues confusing things.  Dunno.18:11
janimoNCommander, is there worse? :) glibc dobule free causing FTBFS18:11
NCommanderThe ARMv7 extensions were at one point #ifdef guarded, but upstream redid that patch a lot which may have broken it18:11
NCommanderjanimo: I recommend holy water and a sacrifice to $DIETY18:12
* janimo wonders which deities are monkeys18:12
infinitySome Hindu ones, probably.18:13
janimoinfinity, wikipedia confirms, and chinese and japanese too18:13
janimoa latino monkey deity would have been preferable though. oh well18:13
marvin24_DTjanimo: your config booted here18:17
scienteshow do i debug unaligned memory fault in kernel code?18:54
janimomarvin24, oh nice. It may be a command line option then19:01
janimoSo I may get the boot part, modify the cmdline in some meaningful way and retry19:02
janimomarvin24_DT, ^19:07
janimomarvin24_DT, is the nvec DT work required for mainlining?19:07
marvin24_DTjanimo: nvec is already mainlined19:52
marvin24_DTit is required for the future ;-)19:52
marvin24_DTtegra arch will remove board files soon19:53
* janimo is using a digital camera to film the ac100 screen while booting. Easier than going through all the trouble of figuring out how to get earlier kernel messages from a hung kernel20:39
janimomarvin24, here is hangs after Freeing init memory: 336K20:40
janimounless I pass --no-log to the kernel it keeps saying it does not find init and ptys, but I see there are similar bugs in LP20:41
janrinzemarvin24_DT: will the ASUS TF101 (transformer) be supported with this new endeavor?20:50
ipersitehi everybody22:30
ipersitenobody here?22:31
TypoNAMwe're around, what's up?22:32
ipersitei need some help with the beaglebone. i think it's a stupid problem.22:32
TypoNAMI'm not familiar with that board, but I'm sure somebody here will help you figure it if you state what the problem is once they become available ;)22:34
ipersitethank you in advance :)22:34
ipersiteanyway i just copied the preinstalled image on the sd card (zcat | dd)... put it in the board... and nothing happens!22:35
TypoNAMas in nothing on the monitor (if you have one connected) or nothing in the serial console (serial port connection)?22:36
ipersiteI see two serial ports once I connect the usb cable (ttyUSB0/1)22:37
ipersitenothing appears on minicom22:37
ipersiteit's 115200 8N122:37
TypoNAMand software and hardware flow control is set to No/None right?22:38
TypoNAMthats correct then, strange that you get two USB TTY devices from a single USB to serial adapter22:38
TypoNAMwhat USB adapter are you using?22:39
ipersitemmm.. the one integrated on the board22:39
ipersiteLtd FT2232C Dual USB-UART/FIFO IC22:39
TypoNAMahh, an embedded FDTI chip22:40
ipersiteshould i check other serial ports? using ttl to rs232/usb?22:40
TypoNAMI'm looking up the documentation on the beaglebone, see if I see something you might have missed ;)22:41
ipersitethanks... i checked all resources on the web, for ex. elinux.org gives instructions for manual installation but those don't apply to my case22:42
TypoNAMinteresting trick/suggestion in the readme to use this instead of minicom: screen `ls /dev/{tty.usb*B,beaglebone-serial}` 11520022:44
ipersitels: impossibile accedere a /dev/tty.usb*B: File o directory non esistente22:46
ipersitels: impossibile accedere a /dev/beaglebone-serial: File o directory non esistente22:46
ipersiteit means no such file or directory22:46
TypoNAMwhich revision of the beaglebone do you have?22:46
ipersitei think it's a322:48
ipersitei'm not sure... wait i'm double checking22:49
ipersiteok is A522:49
TypoNAMok, try the second ttyUSB in /dev/ if you haven't already22:50
ipersitealready done... nothing22:51
TypoNAMwhat image file did you use to copy from on to the sd card/22:51
ipersitethe one for omap3 server... (ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-server-armhf+omap.img.gz)22:52
TypoNAMthat looks right to me22:52
TypoNAMdo you have another sd card you could try it on instead?22:53
ipersiteyes of course. what do i need to try?22:53
TypoNAMtry that same image, but on your other sd card and then place that into the beaglebone just to see if maybe its a problem with the first SD card22:54
ipersitei tried to flash the same sd with Angstrom dist. and it worked like a charm.22:55
TypoNAMhmmm, so its just a problem with the ubuntu 12.04 server image huh? :/22:56
ipersitemmm... i'll try with the desktop...22:56
TypoNAMthe desktop image most likely does not have serial console enabled, of which is the case for pandaboard for example, so you'll need a monitor, keyboard, and mouse hooked up in order to make use of that image22:57
ipersitei don't have the dvi cape :(22:57
ipersiteok now i flash the sd with the desktop image...23:01
ipersiteit's slower copying the desktop image that the server one23:16
ipersitedespite the desktop image is 200MB less (compressed)23:16
ipersiteok finally... i'm testing23:24
ipersitenothing.. uff23:25
GrueMasterFrom what I have been told, beaglebone requires a different kernel.  If so, desktop & server will both fail you.23:26
GrueMaster(same kernel on both images).23:26
ipersiteoh... and where i can get the working kernel?23:26
GrueMasterThat I don't know.  Try asking on #beagle.23:28
ipersitethank you a lot.23:28
GrueMasterThe Ubuntu omap image is (iirc) moving to community supported, so...23:28
ipersiteah...i didn't know that23:29
infinityWe'd be happy if that community told us what we needed to do to make it work on the bone. :P23:30
GrueMasterWell, don't take my word for it, I no longer work on this project (I just pass on knowledge).23:30
infinityBut I'm not going to buy the hardware and do it myself.  -ENOTIME.23:30
GrueMasterinfinity == slacker.  :P23:30
GrueMasterYou should be able to do it in your sleep.23:31
infinityI feel like there's a "that's what she said" joke there.23:32
ipersiteok, thank you guys, i'm going to sleep. bye and thanks again.23:34

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