
kenjyjust wanna share that I got my permanent residence of Canada and now Im able to move to your country14:20
dscasselCongrats, kenjy! :D15:49
dscasselmimcpher: Are you at the CSC?  I can drop off CDs...15:49
kenjytnks dscassel =)15:49
willwhkenjy: sweet :)16:05
willwhI am also a permanent resident :)16:05
kenjywillwh: thats cool :D, wich part of Canada16:09
willwhVictoria, BC16:10
willwh(Vancouver island)16:10
kenjywillwh: awesome, I will move to Vancouver :D16:11
mimcpherdscassel: I am not, but others are18:05
mimcpherdscassel: I will be at TON at kwatzlab tonight too (after transit of venus)18:06

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