dholbach | good morning | 07:03 |
geser | good morning | 07:16 |
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Laney | these OpenERP-prerequisite backports are impressive | 10:44 |
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Satoris | Hi. I'm interested in getting the Ninja build system (https://github.com/martine/ninja) packaged. There's a request for it (bug #988478) and I have it packaged in my PPA (pending build): https://launchpad.net/~jpakkane/+archive/ppa | 11:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 988478 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ninja (small build system)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/988478 | 11:45 |
bregma | Satoris, why don't you submit an ITP to Debian and get it in to Debian instead? | 12:47 |
Zhenech | because there are already two packages with ninja* names in debian | 12:51 |
Satoris | Because I am not a Debian developer (I have not used it in years even) and because the package is special in certain ways. I'm not sure it even builds on anything other than x86/AMD64 and possibly ARM. | 12:51 |
Zhenech | why, oh why, do people chose such names | 12:51 |
Zhenech | its like call all your kernels kernel | 12:51 |
Satoris | Also, they don't do releases. The recommended way to go is to just grab trunk. | 12:52 |
bregma | I called all my sons "Sam," what's the problem there? (when I call, they all come running) | 12:53 |
Satoris | It would be inconvenient if "aptitude install package" installed every package in the repos. | 12:54 |
Satoris | Though it would make dependency management easier. | 12:54 |
Zhenech | I guess dak would not be able to handle this, multiple sources with the same name | 12:55 |
Zhenech | (does ubuntu use dak at all?) | 12:55 |
ogra_ | no | 12:55 |
ogra_ | only the first few ubuntu release used dak | 12:55 |
geser | Zhenech: as Ubuntu syncs from Debian, we have those ninja* packages too | 12:59 |
Zhenech | geser, ehm right, ofc, but makes my argument nil :) | 12:59 |
AmberJ_ | The project I'm packaging is distributed under AGPL license. Do I need to write whole license (~700 lines) in debian/copyright file? | 13:39 |
AmberJ_ | Or, will a small AGPL notice (similar to http://pastebin.com/efD3zerf) will suffice? | 13:41 |
AmberJ_ | Plus, do we need to explicitly state a (maintainer) clause for debian/copyright for "File: debian/*" ? | 13:51 |
Zhenech | dont need, can | 13:52 |
AmberJ_ | Right...so, copyright for debian/* is optional (If not specified, copyright for upstream applies). | 13:53 |
Laney | you should add yourself as a copyright holder though probably | 13:54 |
Laney | and for the first question, if it's in /usr/share/common-licenses/ then you don't need to replicate it | 13:54 |
Laney | otherwise you do | 13:54 |
AmberJ_ | got it. Thanks :) | 13:54 |
AmberJ_ | Laney, Are files in /usr/share/common-licenses/ installed with system? | 14:14 |
AmberJ_ | Or, can I add a line in debian/install to put a copy of my license in /usr/share/common-licenses/ ? | 14:14 |
Laney | they come from base-files and you can't add your license in there, no | 14:15 |
AmberJ_ | ok | 14:15 |
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AmberJ_ | http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/debian-dir-overview.html#the-control-file says an entry: "Bzr-Vcs" ... But when I try to debuild, I get "dpkg-source: warning: unknown information field 'Bzr-Vcs' in input data in general section of control info file" | 15:44 |
AmberJ_ | I guess the wiki page needs to be fixed | 15:45 |
AmberJ_ | Or, is it supposed to be "Vcs-Bzr" (like "Vcs-Git") ? | 15:45 |
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jtaylor | it should be Vcs-Bzr | 17:00 |
jtaylor | who can edit that site? | 17:02 |
jtaylor | ok its bzr managed | 17:03 |
AmberJ_ | Thanks, I'll make it Vcs-Bzr then... | 17:04 |
AmberJ_ | And, Vcs-Web is supposed to be a link to web interface to the repo...right? | 17:05 |
jtaylor | yes | 17:05 |
AmberJ_ | *Vcs-Browser | 17:05 |
AmberJ_ | Upstream code has a cmake target called "tests". The default debian/rules (generated by bzr dh-make) has "%" target which means "all targets" in upstream make config. | 18:06 |
AmberJ_ | Is there a way to exclude just one target (in upstream's cmake)? | 18:06 |
AmberJ_ | A link to appropriate documentation will suffice (since I'm starting with reading debian/rules documentation)... | 18:09 |
Zhenech | override_dh_auto_test: | 18:10 |
Zhenech | \t#noop | 18:10 |
AmberJ_ | ok, an empty target | 18:11 |
Zhenech | yeah | 18:12 |
AmberJ_ | Does this works for any CUSTOM_TARGET defined? like... | 18:12 |
AmberJ_ | override_dh_auto_CUSTOM-TARGET: | 18:12 |
Zhenech | whatever custom target is | 18:12 |
AmberJ_ | (where CUSTOM-TARGET is any target defined in Makefile) | 18:13 |
AmberJ_ | ok | 18:13 |
Zhenech | it works with every dh_* command | 18:13 |
AmberJ_ | ah right.. | 18:13 |
Zhenech | (see man dh) | 18:13 |
AmberJ_ | Thanks :) | 18:13 |
Zhenech | and thats what you should care about | 18:13 |
Zhenech | as not every target is called in upstreams makefile | 18:13 |
Zhenech | but only the "needed" in terms of dh thinks (make, make install, make tests usually) | 18:13 |
AmberJ_ | yes | 18:14 |
AmberJ_ | If I change debian/* , I can use 'debuild -nc' so that build resumes from where it stop due to error...right? | 18:15 |
Zhenech | *shrug* no idea :) | 18:15 |
Zhenech | but most probably yes, if -nc means no clean | 18:15 |
AmberJ_ | I read it somewhere on Ubuntu/Debian docs....don't remember the exact option (-nc i.e.) | 18:16 |
AmberJ_ | yes, -nc means no clean (http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html#next-steps) | 18:18 |
AmberJ_ | Thanks :) | 18:18 |
AmberJ_ | What is the difference between a "Transitional" and a "Meta" package? | 19:47 |
Zhenech | transitional is temporary to get users from a to b | 19:47 |
AmberJ_ | Does "temporary" means that a "Transitional" package will be removed from future version? | 19:48 |
Zhenech | meta is either to get user to install a-best-implemenation or a set of packages that are commonly known as a | 19:48 |
Zhenech | may/should yes | 19:48 |
AmberJ_ | ok thanks :) | 19:48 |
pavolzetor | hi, are there any plans for updating clutter in precise/Q | 19:56 |
pavolzetor | ? | 19:56 |
pavolzetor | there is annoying segfault, which was fixed in recent point release | 19:56 |
AmberJ_ | Suppose I do creating multi-binary/deb... Do I need to explicitly specify files for "ALL" packages in "EACH" $package.install ? | 19:59 |
AmberJ_ | I did a install with 2 binaries/debs in debian/control (pretty much default config setup by dh-make i.e. 2 packages: xyx and xyz-doc ). Without any contents in xyz.install and xyz-doc.install, it created almost empty packages | 20:01 |
Zhenech | yes all | 20:02 |
Zhenech | but you can use wildcards | 20:02 |
Zhenech | like usr/bin/* in foo.install | 20:02 |
AmberJ_ | In fact, iirc, dh-make didn't made any xyz.install ... It only created xyz-doc.install | 20:02 |
Zhenech | and usr/share/* in foo-common.install | 20:02 |
Zhenech | (not sure if usr/share is a good example) | 20:02 |
AmberJ_ | yes, wild cards... | 20:02 |
AmberJ_ | I asked because dh-make didn't created foo.install (it only created foo-doc.install). So, I thought maybe it was like: put files specified in foo-doc.install in foo-doc.deb .... and put everything else in foo.deb | 20:06 |
Zhenech | nope | 20:07 |
AmberJ_ | Ok, I was wrong! Thanks (again) :) | 20:09 |
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\sh | moins | 22:40 |
micahg | hi \sh | 22:47 |
\sh | hey micahg | 22:47 |
\sh | micahg: hows life? | 22:48 |
micahg | \sh: good | 22:48 |
micahg | \sh: and you? | 22:48 |
\sh | micahg: right now? very good...just thousands of miles away from home in sunny california | 22:49 |
ajmitch | hi \sh | 22:56 |
\sh | hey ajmitch | 22:56 |
bobweaver | hello there I am making a package and for some reason I am getting error on dh_usrlocal sayong that there is a imagaes in my images folder so it can not rm that ? | 23:17 |
bobweaver | what up with that ? | 23:17 |
bobweaver | ERROR : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1025921/ | 23:19 |
bobweaver | why can I not package in /usr/local ? | 23:20 |
tumbleweed | because that's for sysadmins | 23:20 |
bobweaver | lol l | 23:20 |
bobweaver | <not I says this guy not yet at least | 23:20 |
tumbleweed | packaged stuff belongs in /usr/share | 23:21 |
bobweaver | tumbleweed, work around is to make rules file into script ? | 23:21 |
bobweaver | so change the upstream then ? | 23:21 |
tumbleweed | bobweaver: the way to fix it is to make the build system respect PREFIX | 23:21 |
bobweaver | nad how to so that ? | 23:22 |
bobweaver | do * not so | 23:22 |
bobweaver | for next time now I am hacking upstream to be in usr/share | 23:22 |
tumbleweed | depends on the package | 23:23 |
bobweaver | thanks tumbleweed | 23:25 |
bobweaver | package is a perl package | 23:25 |
bobweaver | here is upstream http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/zen-koans/ | 23:26 |
bobweaver | I am going to hack at it and make it save all stuff to usr/share/* | 23:26 |
tumbleweed | what does your debian/rules look like? | 23:27 |
tumbleweed | cause I don't see any build system | 23:28 |
bobweaver | just a simple rules | 23:29 |
bobweaver | that is just upstream | 23:30 |
bobweaver | I have not pushed to bzr yet | 23:30 |
bobweaver | will do now | 23:30 |
bobweaver | p:~josephjamesmills/+junk/zen-koans | 23:34 |
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