
trijntjeShould all tests be done with real physical CDs or can I also use a usb disk as installation medium?08:42
trijntjeeg, http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/NetBoot only mentions CD08:42
trijntjealso, the download option gives me a tar.gz, how should I put that on a cd/usb?08:45
pittitrijntje: USB image is just fine, and even encouraged08:53
pittitrijntje: write it with the usb-creator tool, or anything which can write the image on the raw device08:54
pittitrijntje: the descriptions are indeed a bit outdated; from Quantal on we will only have one image which will probably be called "USB" (or perhaps DVD)08:54
pittitrijntje: usb/dvd images are .iso; netboot works differently08:55
pittiyou either need to set up tftp with that tarball, or download mini.iso08:55
trijntjebut where should I download mini.iso for quantal alpha1, and what should I do with the .tar.gz when I use mini.iso?08:58
pittiTBH I've never tried netboot, so I'm afraid I cannnot give reliable information beyond that08:58
trijntjepitti: ok thanks, I'll wait around for a bit to see if someone else here knows09:01
trijntjepitti: on a 100% unrelated note, if you don't mind, are you aware of this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-defaults-builder/+bug/99835109:02
pittitrijntje: I've seen it, but haven't had time to look into it yet09:03
trijntjepitti: good, I'm sorry to bother you in that case. I'm never sure who gets notified about bugs since launchpad only lists 'maybe notified'09:05
pittino need to be sorry, that's fine :)09:05
trijntjethanks, I alway's feel like I'm bothering you with my problems ;)09:11
jibeltrijntje, the right image for the netboot installation is http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-amd64/20101020ubuntu145/images/netboot/mini.iso09:14
jibelor http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-i386/20101020ubuntu145/images/netboot/mini.iso for 32bit09:14
jibelyou don't need the tar.gz09:14
jibelThe link on the tracker should be fixed09:15
trijntjejibel: thanks! Can I do somehting to help fix the link on the tracker?09:15
jibelstgraber, ^ for i386 and amd64 is http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-amd64/20101020ubuntu145/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz on purpose ?09:15
jibeltrijntje, that's fine, we'll wait for a confirmation from stgraber09:16
jibeltrijntje, thanks for pointing it09:16
trijntjeno problem, I'm glad I can get on with testing now ;)09:19
jibelkernel crashed during install on Mac :(09:20
jibeland grub failed to install on alternate amd64 in expert mode :( :(09:20
jibelstgraber, I fixed the links to mini.iso, I'll revert if that was not a mistake09:26
jibelpitti, does it make sense to report bugs about jockey ? it's showing strange devices (USB HID, uas, intel graphics, intel smbus, ...) and fails when I try to activate any of them09:30
pittijibel: not really any more; ubiquity is now using ubuntu-drivers-common, and we try to get rid of it09:31
pittiI noticed the same, but didn't bother to debug it any more09:31
jibelpitti, ok, thanks09:32
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stgraberjibel: not sure why we were pointing to netboot.tar.gz but that definitely sounds like a mistake, mini.iso is really the easiest way to test netinstall13:30
njinjibel: is amd64 desktop respinning ?14:24
jibelnjin, yes all images have been respun to grab latest kernel and debian-installer changes14:27
njinok waiting14:28
jibelballoons, why did you report the cjk error twice, is there a difference between the 2 bugs ?15:41
balloonsjibel, I don't believe there is a difference (but I can't read the bug).. and I wanted to take a look at the logs apport would upload from it15:43
jibelballoons, ah ok. You can just read the logs from the live session too15:44
balloonsjibel, open question -- if I find a bug that is a dupe of mine, but I feel my debugging information would be useful, what;s the easiest way to add my stuff to the bug report?15:44
jibelwithout filing a new bug15:44
jibelballoons, add a comment and attachments to the master report15:45
jibelballoons, did you reproduce 1009052 with another language than Chinese ?15:47
balloonsok, but where are the attachments to do so?15:48
balloonsjibel, yes I used simplified chinese, and chinese.. when the new  images come I can try japanese and korean15:48
jibelah ok, only Chinese then.15:50
jibelballoons, any type of attachment that can improve the bug report.15:50
jibelfor ubiquity, interesting pieces are in /var/log/syslog, /var/log/partman and the content of /var/log/installer/*15:50
balloonsjibel, noted.. thank you15:52
jibelballoons, I tried spanish and it passed. It seems to affect only Chinese15:58
* balloons wonders if other asian languages are affected16:00
balloonsI guess I can just try one on the old image anyway16:00
balloonstrying japanese.. then lunch :-)16:03
jibelballoons, yes, changes in new build won't affect languages16:04
balloonshmm.. it autodetects me as in toyko.. which is wrong, my network is working and showing in ubiquity as active16:04
balloonsjibel, japanese install fails as well16:10
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trijntjewhen testing the netboot image, choosing 'kubuntu' after the install of the minimal system should give a full graphical kubuntu desktop right?18:21
njinAFAIK you have to install kubuntu on first18:23
njinI want to test Ubuntu amd64 desktop, pull out of the oven or the bugs will be roasted !!!18:39
stgrabernjin: it's building at the moment, should be published in the next hour18:40
stgrabernjin: though note that we'll start respinning all the images in 3-4 hours for kernel bugs (affecting amd64 macs and arm)18:40
stgraberso we're just doing that batch of builds to try and find a few more bugs we may want fixed before the later rebuild18:40
njinok so I can est a wubi install, just to see if complete18:41
stgraberyep, that's always useful18:42
stgraberbasically anything that wasn't tested at all so far, would be good to test before we rebuild everything18:42
njinok thanks stgraber, ah sandra asks me how you can do more than 900 tests18:43
stgrabernjin: I do daily upgrade testing of all the flavours :)18:44
njinI reply, night and day,18:44
njingreat stgraber !!18:44
jibeltrijntje, right, if you select the task kubuntu during a netboot install, you should have a fully working kubuntu desktop after installation19:55
stgrabernjin: ^ there you go :)20:04
njinstgraber, thanks20:05
njinuhm, i've to wait ½ hour for wubi to end20:05
trijntjejibel, njin: thanks, it looks like I made some mistakes during install so I'm running it again20:34
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