rick_h_ | jrwren I think the proper response is to setup a new server that can perform ipv6 duties while the old one runs and then telling yourself you'll migrate the old one over | 00:12 |
rick_h_ | jcastro: intel 520 240gb? Any reason not to you know of? | 00:12 |
jrwren | rick_h_: hahahaha. | 00:19 |
jcastro | rick_h_: http://smackerelofopinion.blogspot.com/2012/06/intel-ssd-520-goodness.html | 00:23 |
jcastro | that's the highest endorsement I can think of | 00:23 |
rick_h_ | jcastro: k, yea saw that. Ok, ordered then | 00:24 |
rick_h_ | hopefully that x230 comes out tomorrow like they're saying | 00:24 |
rick_h_ | and upgrade time wooo | 00:24 |
jcastro | they really dropped prices on the current ones too | 00:24 |
rick_h_ | yea, $344 for the 240, about what I paid for my 160 2yr ago | 00:25 |
jcastro | yeah | 00:25 |
jcastro | sick | 00:25 |
jcastro | I just plonked for 4x3TB spinners for my microserver | 00:26 |
rick_h_ | and I'm only at 65gb on this one, but no vms, and looking forward to putting those back into play | 00:26 |
rick_h_ | yea, saw that, crazy! | 00:26 |
jcastro | so I'm pretty much maxed out my storage budget for a while | 00:26 |
rick_h_ | I looked at 2 3gb for my little nas, but ouch | 00:26 |
rick_h_ | so went with 2gb | 00:26 |
jcastro | yeah | 00:26 |
jcastro | but I needed the room since btrfs raid5 isn't around yet | 00:26 |
rick_h_ | then again, this laptop is going to be ouch when all said/done | 00:26 |
rick_h_ | they're starting up higher this time it sounds like | 00:26 |
jcastro | so I needed to be able to copy from my 4x2tb to the 4x3tb but in RAID1 | 00:27 |
rick_h_ | yea, that's awesome though | 00:27 |
jcastro | pain in the ass | 00:27 |
rick_h_ | look forward to that down the road, think I'll still hang on ext4 for now, but nice to see it getting closer | 00:27 |
jcastro | when it's all said and done and I have both sets of disks in RAID5. | 00:27 |
jcastro | I will be epic | 00:27 |
rick_h_ | oh yea | 00:27 |
rick_h_ | you going to loan out openstack accounts on there :P | 00:27 |
jcastro | 2 microservers, one 9TB, one 6tb | 00:27 |
rick_h_ | damn! | 00:28 |
jcastro | and then I'll likely ceph them together as one mount point | 00:28 |
jcastro | but that's the year-off plan | 00:28 |
jrwren | wtf are you storing? | 00:28 |
rick_h_ | yea, well let me know what address to set my rsyncd off to :P | 00:28 |
jcastro | jrwren: find out end of august! | 00:28 |
rick_h_ | hah | 00:28 |
jcastro | rick_h_: it's too much, even esata direct takes overnight | 00:28 |
jcastro | we need thunderbolt! | 00:29 |
rick_h_ | hah, that's the one thing I'm bummed on the new laptop, no esata port wtf! | 00:29 |
rick_h_ | though did order up a usb 3.0 thumbdrive to do the install from. Will be the fastest install evar! | 00:29 |
rick_h_ | usb3 install disk to intel 520...zoom | 00:29 |
jcastro | heh | 00:29 |
jcastro | I wish we had an option to just have a reinstall partition | 00:30 |
rick_h_ | thunderbolt, are we allowed to use that yet? | 00:30 |
jcastro | like OEMs do | 00:30 |
rick_h_ | hah | 00:30 |
rick_h_ | naw, I've never needed that | 00:30 |
jcastro | it'll be like what ... less than a gig | 00:30 |
jcastro | I'd rather have that than remember to carry a USB stick | 00:30 |
jcastro | the hw is out there, but expensive | 00:30 |
jcastro | they messed up with the cables | 00:30 |
jcastro | they end up being like a hundred bucks each | 00:30 |
rick_h_ | ugh | 00:31 |
jcastro | so then everyone will go "USB3 is good enough" | 00:31 |
jcastro | just like we did with firewire/USB | 00:31 |
rick_h_ | oh, do you know anything about widi ? | 00:31 |
jcastro | nothing | 00:31 |
rick_h_ | yea, I stayed true to firewire for so long | 00:31 |
rick_h_ | but gave up...but then esata was going to make it all better, but can't get things with ports on them :( | 00:31 |
rick_h_ | hmm, I'll have to research. I bet we have an X guy somewhere I can bug about it maybe. | 00:31 |
rick_h_ | I love the idea of docking to my external displays without docking :) | 00:32 |
jcastro | it's hard to find good esata | 00:32 |
jcastro | and then you get one | 00:32 |
jcastro | like on my microserver | 00:32 |
jcastro | and the idiots make it only support one drive | 00:32 |
rick_h_ | doh! | 00:32 |
jcastro | so I can't just connect my old enclosure to my new server | 00:32 |
jcastro | I have to buy a new PCIE card, etc. | 00:32 |
rick_h_ | I just want to keep windows on an external drive and boot it occassionally via esata, why can't that work | 00:32 |
rick_h_ | waldo does it with his work laptop <3 | 00:32 |
jcastro | that's sweet | 00:33 |
rick_h_ | right, there's always the extra card options | 00:33 |
snap-l | Evening | 01:45 |
snap-l | Anyone have any experience with the Netgear WNR3500L? | 02:37 |
snap-l | I'm attracted to it because it's marketed as an OSS router | 02:37 |
greg-g | no, but let me know, I'm living with a crappy EL5200 or some such | 02:46 |
snap-l | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBZY_loemUw | 02:50 |
snap-l | good morning | 10:41 |
rick_h_ | morning | 11:24 |
rick_h_ | woot! ordered confirmed, est ship of the 11th | 11:32 |
rick_h_ | there was no overnight shipping option though, wtf | 11:32 |
shakes808 | good morning | 11:32 |
rick_h_ | I guess I'll have to wait for the slow train from china | 11:32 |
rick_h_ | morn | 11:32 |
shakes808 | rick_h_: either I logged in on in the middle of a conversation or randomness. | 11:33 |
shakes808 | lol | 11:33 |
rick_h_ | ordered the new laptop, cranky it didn't have expidited shipping option | 11:34 |
rick_h_ | so yea, middle of convo | 11:34 |
rick_h_ | Blazeix: so 4.0.4 landed, and the phone now detects the dock, but still doesn't fit nicely. YOu have to hold it down to get contact with the pins to get power/audio out (but it works now) | 11:34 |
shakes808 | gotchya. | 11:35 |
rick_h_ | http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4067372 hah, love this only because I started reading cryptinomicon and was introduced to the term "F*** you money" in there | 12:19 |
brousch | Hm, had to fix another computer this morning. These things are starting to show their age (6 years) | 12:22 |
brousch | Mostly fans and power supplies luckily | 12:23 |
brousch | Shoot, I didn't know Brandon Rhodes wrote a Python book. | 12:24 |
brousch | http://rhodesmill.org/brandon/chapters/screen-scraping/ | 12:25 |
rick_h_ | yea, wrote a couple I believe (well was listed as co-author or something) | 12:25 |
brousch | I think I skipped that book because the title sounded uninsteresting | 12:25 |
rick_h_ | yea, it looks like a bit of a cookbook | 12:25 |
rick_h_ | I looked at it for some more recent twisted reading | 12:25 |
rick_h_ | but not much twisted really in there | 12:26 |
snap-l | Good morning | 12:27 |
MaskedDriver | morning | 12:28 |
rick_h_ | party! | 12:28 |
MaskedDriver | anybody here use a BNC? | 12:29 |
rick_h_ | not that I'm aware of | 12:30 |
brousch | I don't even know what it is | 12:30 |
MaskedDriver | like ZNC or something like that (http://wiki.znc.in/ZNC) | 12:30 |
MaskedDriver | and IRC Bouncer | 12:30 |
MaskedDriver | an* | 12:30 |
brousch | I use Pidgin. These geekers mostly use screen and irssi or weechat | 12:31 |
rick_h_ | hey, tmux and irrsi :P | 12:32 |
MaskedDriver | I'm trying to get my vanity host set up but I'm assuming it's not going to happen cause I doubt my ISP will set up a dns forwarding record for me. Not as a residential customer w/ Dynamic IP | 12:32 |
snap-l | I use tmux and weechat | 12:32 |
snap-l | but I use it on my local machine | 12:33 |
MaskedDriver | I use IceChat at work and mIRC on my gaming rig and XChat on my laptop | 12:33 |
MaskedDriver | I set up a ZNC server last night but then realized it's not going to do what I want it to do | 12:35 |
MaskedDriver | though keeping me logged in even when I D/C a client is a neat trick | 12:35 |
MaskedDriver | keeps logging even if I'm not in, so no talking crap about me behind my back ;) | 12:35 |
brousch | There are private channels for that | 12:36 |
MaskedDriver | brousch: aye | 12:36 |
brousch | #ubuntu-us-mi-gossip | 12:37 |
snap-l | I thought it was #ubuntu-us-mi-brouch-keep-out? | 12:37 |
MaskedDriver | though it appears it may use a lot of data. Between my file/web/dns/etc servers and the ZNC server I might reach the Uverse 250GB limit | 12:37 |
snap-l | whoops | 12:37 |
MaskedDriver | snap-l: lol | 12:37 |
rick_h_ | widox: dude! which dock did you get? | 12:39 |
snap-l | http://www.badassoftheweek.com/lamaupin.html | 12:41 |
rick_h_ | be with me...I've setup the wife's laptop, in windows, to run JS test files from my dev machine to hopefully make this crap work in IE | 12:43 |
MaskedDriver | ugh.. how far back do you have to be compatible with? | 12:44 |
MaskedDriver | rick_h_: hopefully only back to IE8 | 12:44 |
brousch | rick_h_: Creating your own selenium test lab? | 12:45 |
rick_h_ | MaskedDriver: yea, IE8 | 12:45 |
rick_h_ | brousch: basically I guess, or home made yeti cluster I guess | 12:45 |
MaskedDriver | good. IE7 and IE6 have been the bane of my existance since I got into webdev | 12:45 |
snap-l | rick_h_: ISn't that what VMs are for? | 12:48 |
snap-l | Spin 'em up, knock 'em down | 12:48 |
MaskedDriver | snap-l: ^ that's what I was gonna ask lol | 12:48 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: yea, but I need a windows disk to do the vim, and a cd drive | 12:48 |
rick_h_ | I've got a windows install cd somewhere, I bought a legit copy a couple of years ago | 12:48 |
MaskedDriver | no Technet subscription? | 12:48 |
snap-l | I think I have the ISO that we used for our VMs from OU | 12:49 |
brousch | Just make an ISO of your WinXP CD | 12:49 |
MaskedDriver | then you can just get the ISOs and install from that | 12:49 |
snap-l | not sure if it'll work with your key, though | 12:49 |
rick_h_ | ummmm, no. They don't tend to give MS lots of $$ at canonical :P | 12:49 |
rick_h_ | well this was a win7 disk | 12:49 |
MaskedDriver | lol, well if they want you to be compatible with it, they should | 12:49 |
rick_h_ | I got it for using my damn mic input box for OLF | 12:49 |
brousch | You can still do it | 12:49 |
snap-l | rick_h_: Ah, right | 12:49 |
rick_h_ | but yea, my goal when the new laptop gets here is to run a full win7 or 8 VM on there | 12:50 |
rick_h_ | I'll find my code/windows disk. Just don't use the thing but once a year any more and it gets buried in the files somewhere | 12:50 |
rick_h_ | for today, it's the wife's laptop :) | 12:50 |
brousch | oh wait, they have the free IE testing VMs | 12:50 |
brousch | Let me find them. It's legit | 12:50 |
snap-l | brousch: Do tell? | 12:50 |
MaskedDriver | rick_h_: I actually really enjoy the Win8 experience. I was using it as my daily driver on my gaming rig until I got my Naga mouse and the drivers/synapse utility weren't compatible | 12:51 |
rick_h_ | blasphemy! | 12:51 |
MaskedDriver | which part? | 12:51 |
MaskedDriver | cause I know that several of the things I said in my last sentence could be interpretted as such | 12:52 |
brousch | This looks like it http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/test-websites-in-internet-explorer-9-8.html | 12:52 |
rick_h_ | yea, basically all of it | 12:52 |
MaskedDriver | rick_h_: lol. I use what works, I don't put all my eggs into one basket | 12:52 |
brousch | Oh shit, you might need 45GB of free space | 12:52 |
rick_h_ | brousch: cool, checking it out | 12:52 |
rick_h_ | ok, I have it to spare on this machine, and don't need IE7 | 12:53 |
rick_h_ | the new ssd is a 240gb one so will be fine there | 12:53 |
MaskedDriver | mother of god 240GB SSD? lucky | 12:53 |
rick_h_ | well it goes bigger, but 240 is the sweet price point | 12:53 |
brousch | I think they last 30 days, but that page says you can get 60 out of them. Then you have to re-download them | 12:53 |
rick_h_ | paid about the same for that as my 160gb on this machine | 12:54 |
MaskedDriver | OCZ? | 12:54 |
rick_h_ | I'm an intel fanboi, will be my 4th one | 12:54 |
rick_h_ | never had an issue in them | 12:54 |
MaskedDriver | blasphemy ;) | 12:54 |
brousch | These Sandisk SSDs are holding up so far, but are only a month or two old. | 12:55 |
MaskedDriver | I still haven't taken the plunge into SSD. I've got a diamond to buy so I've been saving money like a mad man | 12:56 |
brousch | It's so nice | 12:56 |
rick_h_ | I can't go back, had to get one for the desktop because it felt so slow | 12:56 |
MaskedDriver | booting up in 5 seconds.. I'm sure it is | 12:57 |
brousch | But sometimes I don't notice when I start to swap | 12:57 |
rick_h_ | swap? that was teh hard part. The x230 can have 16gb of ram. I so wanted to upgrade there | 12:57 |
MaskedDriver | SWTOR will play like a dream with one lol | 12:57 |
rick_h_ | but I've never maxed the 8gb in this one, so saved the pennies | 12:57 |
brousch | Right. I'm still on the old Dell, so sometimes I dip into swap for a GB when Chromium gets uppity | 12:58 |
brousch | And sometimes I don't notice because the speed doesn't change much | 12:58 |
rick_h_ | good grief... http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11575 | 13:00 |
MaskedDriver | seriously? you have to download each individal part file? | 13:01 |
brousch | rick_h_: Thus the scripts that automate it for you | 13:02 |
rick_h_ | brousch: yea, but I get nervous running scripts so went looking at how to do it manually | 13:02 |
MaskedDriver | yeah, but why can't they just tarball all of them into one? | 13:02 |
brousch | rick_h_: The script is on github | 13:02 |
snap-l | tar....ball... ? | 13:02 |
rick_h_ | brousch: yea | 13:02 |
MaskedDriver | zip? lol | 13:02 |
brousch | https://raw.github.com/xdissent/ievms/master/ievms.sh | 13:03 |
brousch | MS should torrent those | 13:04 |
MaskedDriver | brousch: tor....rent...? | 13:04 |
snap-l | np: Bela Lugosi's Dead | 13:07 |
brousch | Honestly, I didn't know he was still alive | 13:08 |
snap-l | brousch: Oh FFS | 13:10 |
brousch | eh? | 13:10 |
snap-l | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bela_Lugosi's_Dead | 13:10 |
MaskedDriver | lol | 13:11 |
brousch | Ah, so I was right. He was already dead. | 13:11 |
* brousch thinks unintentional trolls are still the best trolls | 13:12 | |
jrwren | how you liking stephenson? | 13:21 |
jrwren | rick_h_: I'm trying to save up my "F*** you money" :) | 13:22 |
jrwren | then I can be cool like Shuttleworth ;] | 13:22 |
jrwren | MaskedDriver: doesn't freenode give you vanity host? see mine. | 13:23 |
MaskedDriver | not by default I don't think.. what does mine show to you? | 13:23 |
jrwren | snap-l: I got your bauhause ref. | 13:24 |
jrwren | but I can't spell | 13:24 |
rick_h_ | jrwren: this book is a bit strange. I've read something else by him I thoguht I liked but blanking on what it was right now | 13:24 |
snap-l | snow crash? | 13:25 |
jrwren | MaskedDriver: i see your hostname. but I'm about/csharp/regular/jrwren | 13:25 |
jrwren | snap-l: is our #ubuntu-us-mi channel legit enough that we can hand out masks? | 13:25 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: yea, read that one and it was cool | 13:26 |
MaskedDriver | yeah, I want mine to show idontlikethisgame.com | 13:26 |
jrwren | oh. | 13:26 |
* snap-l had a copy of Cryptonomicon on his Palm, but never finished it. Now I'm going to have to buy it again. :( | 13:26 | |
jrwren | i thought you just wanted to hide your source ip. | 13:26 |
MaskedDriver | but I don't think that's possible the way I'm connecting through a BNC unless my ISP will set up a proper forwarding dns record | 13:26 |
jrwren | if you want something custom, you'll have to go get it. | 13:26 |
snap-l | jrwren: iirc, masks are by orgs. | 13:27 |
jrwren | MaskedDriver: you just need the right ptr record, which most ISPs do not do. | 13:27 |
jrwren | MaskedDriver: there is also ipv6 :) | 13:27 |
* snap-l really doesn't know much about how to get those set up | 13:27 | |
MaskedDriver | jrwren: right, right... I mean, it's not like I do or say anything in IRC that I don't want people to know who I am or where I come from, but it'd be cool | 13:28 |
MaskedDriver | I'd definitely have to go through my ISP.. you do a host and its what you see here | 13:28 |
MaskedDriver | and like I said earlier, I doubt they'd jump through hoops for a residential, dynamic IP user | 13:29 |
jrwren | not likely | 13:29 |
MaskedDriver | though they did open port 25 for me with little complaint, but DNS changes aren't as easy as opening a port | 13:30 |
brousch | Have you guys been listening to Radio Free Python? http://radiofreepython.com/ | 13:36 |
MaskedDriver | if I listen to something like that while I'm at work, I'd fall asleep, then I'd get fired, then I'd come for you lol ;) | 13:36 |
jrwren | if you only care about freenode and not other irc, you can get a cloak: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks | 13:37 |
jrwren | brousch: I've tried but its not in ITMS | 13:37 |
brousch | jrwren: :P | 13:38 |
brousch | It has an RSS feed. Get a read podcast client | 13:38 |
brousch | real | 13:38 |
rick_h_ | brousch: listened to the first couple and stopped | 13:38 |
MaskedDriver | jrwren: I'll take a look | 13:38 |
brousch | OK, I just started on ep 7 | 13:38 |
MaskedDriver | you know of any network staffers off the top of your head jrwren? | 13:40 |
jrwren | MaskedDriver: no, sorry | 13:43 |
MaskedDriver | jrwren: np... it's not that big of a deal. Just something I thought would be pretty cool to do | 13:44 |
MaskedDriver | then when I learned it was in my ISP's hands, I pretty much gave up | 13:44 |
MaskedDriver | ZNC is cool, regardless | 13:44 |
MaskedDriver | I can always use TOR or something if I really want to get rid of my IP address | 13:45 |
jrwren | its great that you learned how DNS works :) | 13:48 |
MaskedDriver | lol indeed | 13:48 |
MaskedDriver | my DNS experience pretty much stopped outside of the LAN | 13:49 |
jrwren | root servers and recursion is great to know | 13:49 |
MaskedDriver | agreed | 13:49 |
jrwren | *required knowledge* imo | 13:49 |
MaskedDriver | yeah. it's useful stuff | 13:51 |
shakes808 | Here is another vid of the flying cat.... near the end it chases cows http://www.ksdk.com/news/article/322606/28/Artist-turns-dead-cat-into-flying-cat-copter | 13:58 |
MaskedDriver | that was easy | 14:20 |
jrwren | the little things about python annoy me. no ++ operator. really? but i want to incremement. How is this better? | 14:25 |
jrwren | shakes808: that cat copter made me laugh a lot. i had to explain it to my girl though. She thought it wsa pretty weird. | 14:25 |
MaskedDriver | jrwren can't you do counter += 1 ? | 14:26 |
rick_h_ | MaskedDriver: yes, he can but he likes his ++ | 14:27 |
rick_h_ | jrwren: I think the thing is that there's no pre inc and such | 14:27 |
rick_h_ | so it's just explicit | 14:27 |
jrwren | haha, just found a half dozen lines with ; at the end of 'em. i write that shit yesterday. | 14:29 |
jrwren | rick_h_: yeah, i'm just old school I guess. | 14:29 |
jrwren | +=1 works just fine. its just not what I wanted ot type. | 14:29 |
brousch | jrwren: I try to use ++ every month or so | 14:29 |
rick_h_ | jrwren: yea, I know. It's one of the things I had to get used to | 14:29 |
jrwren | i guess some parts of programming are muscle memory like editor command s;0 | 14:30 |
rick_h_ | dammit IE8 sucks balls...remember when this was the 'improvement'? | 14:30 |
rick_h_ | jrwren: heh, definitely. I keep mixing up self, this in my work between python and JS | 14:30 |
rick_h_ | semicolons, var something, etc | 14:30 |
jrwren | *nod* | 14:31 |
=== Unforgiven is now known as ColonelPanic001 | ||
brousch | I always forget semicolons in Javascript, but it works anyways. That hurts my mind | 14:32 |
rick_h_ | jslint!!!! | 14:35 |
* rick_h_ gets the lint stick out of the closet | 14:35 | |
brousch | rick_h_: Are you using the free IE images from MS? | 14:35 |
rick_h_ | brousch: no, the download script failed on me | 14:35 |
rick_h_ | I did find my windows disks and key I bought, but new laptop will be here next week and don't want to have to go through two activations setup | 14:35 |
brousch | Also it will take a day to install, download updates, reboot, install updates, reboot, install updates, reboot | 14:36 |
jrwren | brousch: implicit semicolons in JS can be VERY dangerous, but you probably know this. | 14:40 |
brousch | Rile up Rick post of the day: "... since I've started to believe that doctest is, despite all, generally better testing and documentation than unittests ever can be." http://blaag.haard.se/The-very-best-of-PyCon-was-a-REPL/ | 14:58 |
snap-l | *boom* | 14:59 |
brousch | I see the mushroom cloud! | 15:06 |
MaskedDriver | run | 15:07 |
jrwren | yeah, that guy is looney. | 15:07 |
jrwren | not I don't know if I should finish reading about bpython > ipython or not. | 15:08 |
MaskedDriver | I enjoy my fingers too much to partake in any of this conversation | 15:08 |
shakes808 | jrwren: My buddy said "It's terrifying But also the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" | 15:09 |
shakes808 | lol | 15:09 |
rick_h_ | *sigh* this is why you need the downvote and your website goes away button | 15:09 |
shakes808 | Sorry for the late response, wasn't at my desk | 15:09 |
MaskedDriver | lol | 15:09 |
rick_h_ | <3 bpython ... "you break cut'n paste to testable code example from the standard REPL" | 15:09 |
rick_h_ | DON"T CUTnPASTE CODE!!! | 15:09 |
rick_h_ | that's not how you 'run tests' | 15:10 |
rick_h_ | make run | 15:10 |
rick_h_ | ./setup.py test | 15:10 |
rick_h_ | nosetests src | 15:10 |
snap-l | rick_h_: If it weren't for Cut 'n Paste, there would be no Javascript. ;) | 15:10 |
jrwren | copy and paste is fine if its from a spike in repl into a file | 15:11 |
* rick_h_ goes back to doing productive test writing in JS without copy/paste | 15:11 | |
brousch | Someone has to make the code I copy and paste from. That someone is rick_h_ | 15:12 |
rick_h_ | doctests are evil compounding piles of doom with state more polluted than the flint river | 15:12 |
MaskedDriver | like the olentangy river in Columbus? | 15:13 |
MaskedDriver | if that's the case, it's a problem | 15:13 |
rick_h_ | imo :) | 15:13 |
MaskedDriver | what's your opinion on cherrypy? | 15:17 |
snap-l | she's my | 15:18 |
MaskedDriver | your.....? | 15:18 |
jrwren | its minimal but reasonably mature. | 15:20 |
shakes808 | ...cherry pie | 15:20 |
shakes808 | Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise | 15:20 |
shakes808 | Taste so good make a grown man cry | 15:20 |
shakes808 | Sweet cherry pie, yeah | 15:20 |
jrwren | its only does part of hte picture these days and maybe is not opinionated enough. | 15:20 |
jrwren | you pick an ORM, hopefully that means SQLAlchemy | 15:20 |
brousch | MaskedDriver: I like it. It was the first Python web framework I tried. It was the first that worked on Python3 and the first on Android | 15:20 |
jrwren | but that means no integration with the ORM too, which is a bummer. | 15:20 |
MaskedDriver | jrwren any suggestions? | 15:20 |
jrwren | django :) | 15:20 |
MaskedDriver | ok | 15:20 |
jrwren | was j/k with djanog. | 15:21 |
jrwren | nothing against django | 15:21 |
jrwren | but I think pylons is most interesting these days. | 15:21 |
brousch | Also, it is a production-ready wsgi server, so you don't have to muck about with different servers in dev and production | 15:21 |
MaskedDriver | stop trolling ;) I haven't really dealt with python web frameworks so I'm gullible when it comes to this lol | 15:21 |
MaskedDriver | I've dealt with Zope and Plone in the past | 15:21 |
brousch | jrwren: Pylons is dead | 15:21 |
rick_h_ | /pylons/pyramid | 15:21 |
MaskedDriver | so no on pylons? | 15:22 |
jrwren | yeah, that. | 15:22 |
jrwren | i consider it a rename. | 15:22 |
rick_h_ | it's vastly different code underneath though, but yea | 15:22 |
jrwren | zope and plone, zomg, I never could figure them out. | 15:23 |
MaskedDriver | jrwren not too difficult when you have to build a gigantic network of websites out of them | 15:23 |
MaskedDriver | wait... that's wrong | 15:23 |
MaskedDriver | it's very difficult when you have to build a gigantic network of websites out of them. | 15:23 |
MaskedDriver | there that looks better | 15:23 |
brousch | CherryPy is good for a small, focused project that doesn't need a lot of stuff the bigger frameworks give you | 15:24 |
brousch | Otherwise look at Django or Pyramid | 15:24 |
MaskedDriver | I just want something to refine my python skills | 15:24 |
MaskedDriver | I need to get out of php | 15:25 |
MaskedDriver | it's going to lead to a dead end quickly | 15:25 |
MaskedDriver | (in my career) | 15:25 |
brousch | Find something you want to build, then build it. then build it again with something else | 15:25 |
rick_h_ | flask seems to be the common starting point these days | 15:25 |
brousch | Flask is nice | 15:25 |
brousch | Like CherryPy, but with a community and plugins | 15:26 |
MaskedDriver | k thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into it | 15:27 |
nullspace | MaskedDriver: if only you knew the power of the Java side | 15:51 |
nullspace | except swing, stay the hell away from that | 15:52 |
nullspace | and awt too, that's pretty bad as well | 15:54 |
jrwren | haha. | 15:55 |
jrwren | well, its certainly evil. | 15:55 |
jrwren | it runs on a very evil thing called a JVM controlled by a very evil company known as oracl. | 15:55 |
nullspace | waht do you think the ee in j2ee stands for | 15:55 |
jrwren | EXTRA EVIL! | 15:55 |
nullspace | evil edition | 15:55 |
nullspace | exagerately evil? | 15:56 |
nullspace | been meaning to play with Qt Jambi though | 15:57 |
rick_h_ | oh oh oh, can I play? evil enraged! | 15:57 |
snap-l | https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9058804/Java-Evil-Edition-orfjackal_net-lores.png | 15:58 |
nullspace | didn't you heard though that oracle lost ? | 15:58 |
rick_h_ | doh, snap-l wins, he brought visuals | 15:58 |
nullspace | hear even | 15:58 |
brousch | I need that on a sticker | 15:58 |
rick_h_ | I hear they're still in business...and still in a ton of control, and java still sucks :P | 15:59 |
jrwren | yes, oracle lost. YAYA | 15:59 |
jrwren | its still a very poor langauge on features. | 15:59 |
snap-l | Java is like the Katamari Damacy of languages | 15:59 |
snap-l | it started off very small, and then acquired other features and platforms | 15:59 |
snap-l | The core of the language was pretty nice in 1.1, but it kept getting bigger and bigger | 16:00 |
snap-l | until the barrier to entry to do anything with it got so high | 16:00 |
nullspace | I think that is an imginary boundry your projecting | 16:01 |
snap-l | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/682128/how-to-get-started-with-java-web-development | 16:01 |
nullspace | oh well yeah why the fuck would you want to build a a java weba pplet | 16:01 |
nullspace | that's just painful | 16:02 |
snap-l | http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Getting_started_with_Java_ME | 16:02 |
nullspace | we went with Java because of the documentation and it's intgration ease with POI, Cayenne, Solr, and a number of other libraries we use or want to use | 16:03 |
snap-l | http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/newtojava/overview/index.html | 16:03 |
jcastro | http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4069164 | 16:03 |
jcastro | ^^^ fishing for upvotes | 16:03 |
snap-l | nullspace: And that's fine. If it works for your ecosystem, great | 16:04 |
snap-l | Every time I think about Java development, I feel like i have to eat a mountain to shit out a molehill | 16:04 |
rick_h_ | jcastro: upped | 16:04 |
snap-l | like the old joke: how to make $1 million in the publishing industry | 16:05 |
nullspace | snap-l: I'd feel that way with any language choice for the size of our project | 16:05 |
snap-l | step one: start with $100 million | 16:05 |
nullspace | though honestly flying saucer saved use months of work exporting to a pdf | 16:06 |
snap-l | nullspace: Again, different needs | 16:06 |
snap-l | If you're happy with what you have, that's awesome. well done. Party on. | 16:06 |
snap-l | Just don't expect me to sing the praises of Java any time soon. my days of singing for Java are long gone | 16:07 |
nullspace | I've accepted that | 16:09 |
snap-l | http://decafbad.net/2007/09/22/hello-world-why-java-never-was-my-language-of-choice/ | 16:09 |
nullspace | I've defended python from python haters | 16:09 |
snap-l | rick_h_: Now you get to work with Mark Ramm. ;) | 16:34 |
snap-l | Which is awesome. | 16:34 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: yea, he's over in another area, but maybe down the road | 16:35 |
snap-l | Yeah, that's how it was for me at GKNT | 16:36 |
snap-l | http://learningthreejs.com/blog/2012/06/05/3d-physics-with-three-js-and-physijs/ | 16:44 |
_stink_ | that link made my firefox unhappy :P | 16:45 |
snap-l | um, sorry? | 16:47 |
_stink_ | i'll choose to blame firefox. | 16:48 |
snap-l | Good, because I wasn't taking any of it. :) | 16:48 |
_stink_ | hehe | 16:48 |
brousch | jrwren: A recap of a Timezone talk at DjangoCon.eu (which is going on now) http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/2012/06/05/its_about_time.html | 17:17 |
jrwren | snap-l: i disagree with your assertion. the core of the java language was not pretty nice in 1.1 | 17:28 |
MaskedDriver | java? pretty nice? | 17:29 |
jrwren | i'm not a python hater, but I'll cmoplain about its warts all day long, just like I will about C# | 17:36 |
jrwren | java on the other hand, has more warts than smoothness, so I'm a hater :) | 17:36 |
MaskedDriver | jrwren: what language do you prefer? C++? | 17:37 |
jrwren | at this point, I don't htink I have preference. | 17:37 |
rick_h_ | all languages have plus/minus. There's a reason that cool things like lucene, etc are in Java | 17:38 |
rick_h_ | hadoop, jenkins, lots of big java projects out there | 17:38 |
jrwren | rick_h_: other than that the original devs didn't know any better? | 17:38 |
rick_h_ | I think it's more than that though. Most things, if good idea, are just stolen/ported | 17:39 |
rick_h_ | see django | 17:39 |
rick_h_ | the fact that they're big projects, with big communities, moving forward shows there must be something there that works | 17:39 |
rick_h_ | android as well | 17:39 |
jrwren | wtf, people congrating mark ramm on twitter, but mark hasn't tweeted in long time. | 17:39 |
rick_h_ | everyone loves to say android is linux, but it's more java than linux tbh | 17:39 |
rick_h_ | he did tweet today, joined canonical | 17:39 |
brousch | rick_h_: Get yourself botbrew and you'll change your mind about Android Linux | 17:40 |
rick_h_ | https://twitter.com/markramm/status/210044248496668672 | 17:40 |
jrwren | oh, i need to learn how to use twitter :) | 17:40 |
jrwren | rick_h_: i agree completely. | 17:40 |
brousch | Heh, I forgot about the Mark Ramm thing. My secret SF inside source told us about it a few weeks ago | 17:40 |
rick_h_ | :) | 17:41 |
brousch | Can someone explain to me why this is awesome? https://github.com/jorgebastida/glue | 17:42 |
rick_h_ | brousch: beause doing sprites is a pita? | 17:43 |
rick_h_ | and sprites are awesome | 17:43 |
brousch | They are? | 17:43 |
rick_h_ | yes, go look at your network panel in your browser and count how many .png .gif .jpg files come down | 17:43 |
MaskedDriver | brousch: yep | 17:43 |
rick_h_ | replace all those with 1 http request and you're happy camper | 17:43 |
rick_h_ | and it's cached, everyone has it cached just by needing one image in a sprite | 17:43 |
jrwren | FAST | 17:44 |
Blazeix | also no flash of downloaded hover content | 17:44 |
brousch | So you plop all the little icons onto one big image, and then split it up client side? | 17:44 |
rick_h_ | Blazeix: +1 | 17:44 |
rick_h_ | brousch: no, you make them backgrounds and size it to the icon size | 17:44 |
jrwren | brousch: yup, yslow will recommend this. | 17:44 |
Blazeix | brousch: you use css background viewports | 17:44 |
rick_h_ | then you move the background an offset to center over the image you want displayed | 17:44 |
brousch | Seems hackish | 17:44 |
Blazeix | shameless plug, a simple site with css sprites is my own site :) http://fuqua.io/ | 17:44 |
rick_h_ | https://launchpad.net/+icing/rev15353/icon-sprites.png | 17:45 |
_stink_ | incrementing your counter by one right now, Blazeix | 17:45 |
jrwren | 64x22031 WTF | 17:46 |
Blazeix | also amazon.com http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/gno/beacon/BeaconSprite-US-01._V141013396_.png | 17:46 |
rick_h_ | didn't I tell you? generating sprites is a pita, so we cheat | 17:46 |
rick_h_ | one image wide, stacked veritically so we only have to offset Y | 17:47 |
rick_h_ | brousch: http://fringefocus.com/2010/tutorial/css-sprites-theyre-awesome-use-them | 17:47 |
rick_h_ | seems like an ok read at quick glance | 17:47 |
Blazeix | another good read is http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprites | 17:48 |
rick_h_ | ah yea, should have thought to check them | 17:48 |
brousch | So like javascript combine and min for icons | 17:48 |
rick_h_ | in a sense sure | 17:48 |
brousch | This gives me an idea | 17:49 |
jrwren | make the rails asset pipeline do it for you? | 17:49 |
rick_h_ | heh, there you go | 17:50 |
rick_h_ | but I don't want my web framework doing all that magic for me ugh | 17:50 |
brousch | At last year's BarCampGR I had the digital session grid split up from a photo, so it ended up being like 30 images, which was kind of annoying to download. Maybe it could be done much more efficiently with something like this | 17:50 |
jrwren | nor should it. it is a waste of cycles to do it every request. do it at build time and be done | 17:51 |
rick_h_ | jrwren: +1 make ftw! | 17:51 |
rick_h_ | yay! more 4g in MI. Traverse city. Could have used that a couple weeks ago | 17:55 |
brousch | Thanks for the sprite education | 17:58 |
MaskedDriver | lol I'm in TC this weekend | 17:58 |
MaskedDriver | score | 17:58 |
rick_h_ | brousch: np, I know all this and still dont use them but font icons | 17:58 |
brousch | Well it does look like a PITA to make and maintain them compared to separate images | 17:58 |
rick_h_ | MaskedDriver: not sched until 21st: http://www.androidcentral.com/verizon-announces-new-lte-markets-indiana-michigan | 17:59 |
rick_h_ | brousch: yea, so that's why a tool that automates putting together and generating the css rules rocks | 17:59 |
MaskedDriver | le'sigh | 18:05 |
nullspace | the dungeon collapsed.... stupid screen | 18:11 |
brousch | MaskedDriver: Oh! We totally left out a Python web framework you might want to check out. Web2Py! | 18:46 |
MaskedDriver | brousch: thanks | 18:47 |
MaskedDriver | infoworld's 2012 technology of the year award winnter | 18:47 |
brousch | It's one of the few things that could make rick_h_ explode more readily than Django or doctests | 18:48 |
brousch | So it's got that going for it, which is fun | 18:49 |
MaskedDriver | he doesn't like it? | 18:49 |
rick_h_ | It's right up there with doctests | 18:49 |
rick_h_ | if you want to do python wrong...have at it. Or, just pick up PHP and be done with it | 18:50 |
MaskedDriver | rick_h_: you're an angry man who hates everything awesome ;) | 18:50 |
Blazeix | except for Awesome | 18:50 |
rick_h_ | pretty much, didn't take you that long to figure out. You're kind of smart :) | 18:50 |
rick_h_ | Awesome is awesome! | 18:50 |
rick_h_ | http://awesome.naquadah.org/ | 18:50 |
MaskedDriver | lol thanks, I'm pretty good at picking up social queues | 18:50 |
Blazeix | yikes, web2py's website sure looks... corporate. | 18:51 |
rick_h_ | sorry, getting bitter. Doing JS tests that fail and getting them into IE | 18:51 |
MaskedDriver | too bad you're not working with Django or Doctests.. that'd be much more fun | 18:51 |
MaskedDriver | you should switch to jQuery too... stat | 18:51 |
rick_h_ | it is django :P | 18:52 |
MaskedDriver | lol oh | 18:52 |
rick_h_ | but not directly atm, indirect front end | 18:52 |
MaskedDriver | well s*** it's less funny since that's the case :( | 18:52 |
rick_h_ | did you know that node events don't fire unless the node is in the dom...doh | 18:52 |
MaskedDriver | I did not | 18:52 |
MaskedDriver | I thought JS could find things that weren't there | 18:52 |
MaskedDriver | I'm a nub though | 18:53 |
rick_h_ | it's a particular mix of library, test, etc code that just made me discover this | 18:53 |
MaskedDriver | when you could have just looked at the DOM and been done with it lol | 18:53 |
MaskedDriver | I lost all respect for awesome | 18:54 |
MaskedDriver | read the entire site front page and found this: This gonna be LEGEN... wait for it... DARY! | 18:54 |
rick_h_ | oh come on, great show! :P | 18:55 |
MaskedDriver | anywho, I have a meeting with GPS tracking folks for a big project we have going on in the next couple months | 18:55 |
MaskedDriver | be back soon | 18:55 |
* MaskedDriver is now away - Reason : Meeting | 18:55 | |
brousch | This is what reminded me of Web2Py https://github.com/mdipierro/workflow | 18:57 |
rick_h_ | man, great read: http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/5/3062611/palm-webos-hp-inside-story-pre-postmortem | 19:22 |
rick_h_ | despite how it turned out, wish I could have been on that ride | 19:22 |
rick_h_ | boooo http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop | 19:32 |
snap-l | rick_h_: Boo as in it's not loading? | 19:37 |
brousch | OMG FIX IT NOW | 19:38 |
* MaskedDriver is no longer away : Gone for 1 hour 8 minutes 21 seconds | 20:04 | |
brousch | Thank you for that report | 20:05 |
jrwren | away messages are generally frowned upon in irc | 20:12 |
MaskedDriver | didn't realize I had it on sorry | 20:14 |
brousch | Silliness | 20:14 |
MaskedDriver | new IRC client had it on by default | 20:15 |
Milyardo | New IRC client? Didn't know a new version of irssi came out | 20:16 |
MaskedDriver | lol | 20:16 |
jrwren | unless its a remote security vuln, i don't think i'd care if new irssi came out :) | 20:22 |
jrwren | ooh shiney! http://pypi.python.org/pypi/SymbolType | 20:43 |
greg-g | wait, really, a new version of irssi? | 21:15 |
greg-g | I thought it was done | 21:15 |
Blazeix | no, not really. no new irssi. | 21:19 |
Blazeix | however, there is a brand-spanking-new version of weechat. | 21:20 |
shakes808 | night all | 21:24 |
greg-g | g'night? it is only 5:25! | 21:25 |
* greg-g is in DC, hence EDT | 21:25 | |
snap-l | greg-g: DC? Say hello to the government for me | 21:53 |
brousch | BLOW EM UP! | 21:55 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: hey, say hi to my VA family while you're out there | 23:42 |
rick_h_ | they're on the app trail so maybe you can get a day hike in :P | 23:42 |
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