
mazalGoeiemôre , goodmorning05:18
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
charlvngood morning07:04
* HawkiesZA looks at charlvn sleepily07:05
charlvnMaaz: coffee aub07:26
Maazcharlvn: Sorry...07:26
charlvnMaaz: coffee please07:26
Maazcharlvn: There isn't a pot on07:26
charlvnMaaz: you suck07:26
Maazcharlvn: Huh?07:26
charlvnMaaz: coffee on07:26
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:26
charlvnthat's better :)07:26
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!07:30
* mazal needs a Maaz in his office :)07:31
charlvnMaaz: coffee please07:31
Maazcharlvn: There isn't a pot on07:31
charlvnlol dunno how this works but ok07:32
charlvnmazal: i could think of better maids than maaz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maid_caf%C3%A907:32
NeVeR_jeez mIRC is crap O_o just freakn times out and falls over09:17
=== NeVeR_ is now known as RPM
=== RPM is now known as NeVeR_
NeVeR_Everyone liking 12.04?09:22
Squirmhaven't tried it09:26
NeVeR_my stack is very stable09:27
charlvnNeVeR_: i used mirc for years, never had that experience myself, perhaps it's just the new versions09:27
NeVeR_been using it since beta 2.. no problems so far09:27
charlvnNeVeR_: but yes, liking 12.04, i am having some issues with gnome3 though09:28
NeVeR_probably new versions lol... Im using 7.12 or something09:28
charlvngetting a bunch of crashes and error reports and stuff of some of the components09:28
NeVeR_I haven't tried ubuntu desktop.. only server :|09:28
NeVeR_well 12.0409:28
charlvnonly real trouble i have with stuff crashing on a regular basis are desktop components, rarely server components09:28
charlvnalthough my server is still running on 11.1009:29
charlvndon't have much need to upgrade it yet but will probably soon09:29
NeVeR_I upgraded all my servers :) it was so painless :D Only thing that I had trouble with was going from dovecot 1 to dovecot 209:30
NeVeR_couldn't find any documentatio09:30
NeVeR_couldn't find any documentation09:30
charlvnyeah i don't use dovecot, i use mutt directly on the server09:30
charlvni used dovecot back in 2005/2006, quite a nice application09:31
Symmetriaif anyone is in joburg and needs a hotel09:32
NeVeR_i use dovecot + postfix09:32
Symmetriathe sandton towers intercontinental can be recommended09:32
Symmetriagod thats a nice hotel to stay in09:32
NeVeR_lol expensive?09:32
charlvnSymmetria: i bet... and expensive :)09:32
Symmetriacharlvn *shrug* all gets billed back to the clients anyway09:33
charlvnlol nice09:33
charlvnNeVeR_: yeah postfix+mutt here09:33
Symmetriacharlvn heh, as a private contractor, those things are also tax deductable 09:34
Symmetriaand the more shit I can rack up to write off to tax the better, I pay enough tax as it is :p09:34
charlvnSymmetria: that's true09:34
charlvni used to work as a contractor as well09:34
charlvnwith all the deductions i ended up saving a lot of money09:34
Symmetrialol, a while back my accountant warned me I was gonna have a huge tax bill if I didnt find something to write off 09:34
charlvnthen you can even go a step up, don't live in any particular country for too long, and not pay tax at all09:35
Symmetriaso I upgraded a flight from london to south africa from economy to first class09:35
Symmetriaand wrote the upgrade cost off, business expense 09:35
Symmetria(which it was a business trip)09:35
Symmetrialol, 3 thousand GBP write off :p09:35
charlvnyeah totally, good thinking09:35
Symmetriaheh, the contracting market that Im working in right now is fantastic though09:35
SymmetriaIve gotta make a choice, either start turning away work, or form a full company and hire staff09:36
charlvnif you don't mind traveling, it's the way to work in ict honestly09:36
Symmetriacause there is way more work than I can actually do out there 09:36
charlvni just got tired of all the traveling eventually09:36
Symmetriacharlvn well, most of my work I can do remotely, though I do also travel extensively for one of my clients09:36
charlvnthat's true but once you start a company and hire staff, you start becoming a manager and have all of that to deal with09:37
Symmetriaheh, so far this year its been london, germany, norway, iceland, senegal, gambia, uganda09:37
charlvnnot bad09:37
Symmetrialisbon, dubai, nairobi and dar es salaam still left for the year 09:37
NeVeR_jeez 09:37
HawkiesZAShare the love?09:37
Symmetriacharlvn heh yeah, and the simple fact is I dont really need to make any more money than I do, which is the only reason to open a company09:38
charlvnone upside... you get to see the world that way :)09:38
charlvnyeah exactly09:38
SymmetriaI mean, the money in the network consultancy market at the moment in africa is beyond insane, I have no idea why ANYONE would emigrate 09:38
NeVeR_I went to Amsterdam once on company expense... won a trip for "Most positive employee"... I dont even know how that happened... don09:38
NeVeR_dont remember being positive at work ever09:38
charlvnmaybe it's just because you weren't negative all the time :)09:38
Symmetriaits relatively easy to make R250k a month in africa working in network consultancy at the moment09:39
NeVeR_R250k a month?! WTF?09:39
charlvnthat's quite heavy09:39
NeVeR_I dont even earn a 10th of that a month :\09:39
* HawkiesZA has a coughing fit09:39
Symmetria*shrug* its around $200 an hour, 8 hours a day, 22 days a month09:40
Symmetriaat current exchange rate its around R281k a month :p09:40
HawkiesZAThe trick is to get paid in dollars09:40
Symmetriaheh hawkies I only bill in dollars 09:40
charlvni guess it does make sense09:40
Symmetriaeven to my south african clients 09:40
HawkiesZABetter to do it that way09:41
charlvnyeah the currencies fluctuate so much these days09:41
HawkiesZAThey'd be shocked to see what it is in ZAR09:41
charlvnmight as well standardise on a major currency09:41
charlvngood point HawkiesZA 09:41
Symmetria*shrug* the best part of all of this is that I would say 70% of my work I can do from a notebook in a deckchair on the beach :p09:41
SymmetriaHawkiesZA actually, Ive found that corporate clients like big bills, it gives them this wierd sense of security09:41
charlvnthat's very true09:42
Symmetriaif you underbill they think they need to find someone more expensive because more expensive MUST mean better :p09:42
charlvni found that as well09:42
charlvnif you pay for a consultant they better be expensive09:42
HawkiesZADo they also have a preference for oddly-numbered bills?09:42
HawkiesZAInstead of just $1000 you make it $1052.89 or something09:42
charlvnheh then it looks more accurate and not like you're just taking them for money09:43
HawkiesZAMake it look like you did the maffs09:43
Symmetriaheh hawkies, that I dont do, I charge $200 an hour, no partial hours :p09:43
charlvnit looks like you genuinely worked it out09:43
Symmetriaand thats explicitly stated 09:43
HawkiesZAah, ok09:43
HawkiesZAFair enough09:43
Symmetria(when I say no partial hours though, its a daily roundup, so if I do 30 minutes for you today its 1 hour, if I do 3 30 minute segments spread over teh day, its 2 hours for the day)09:44
Symmetriamy billing system does auto roundup per client to nearest hour at the end of each day09:44
charlvngood system09:44
Symmetriabtw, if anyone is ever staying in bloemfontein (though why anyone would be doing that, I dont know, but I found myself with a client there)09:45
Symmetriathe windmill hotel and casino = nice hotel, and if you have a sun international mvg card, you get HUGE discounts on the hotel09:45
Symmetriait becomes the cheapest 5 star hotel in the country if you have that mvg card :p09:45
Symmetrialike 600 bux a night09:45
charlvn600 ZAR?09:46
charlvnthat's not bad at all09:46
HawkiesZAFor 5 stars? Bargain09:47
charlvnyeah no kidding09:47
Symmetriaheh, its better than the 4.5k for the hotel in joburg09:52
Symmetrialol but *shrug* if Im on the road and travelling, I need comfort to at least get some rest09:56
charlvnthat's very true09:59
NeVeR_how do you get into network consultency?10:49
NeVeR_shift R broken10:50
Banlamat least now we know why internet costs in SA are so high :P10:50
NeVeR_These damn British Network Consultants are making it too high :( fml10:51
charlvnNeVeR_: the key is to specialise and then it's all about having the right reputation and connections11:43
charlvnBanlam: yup11:43
NeVeR_I wouldn't even know where to start :P I think I11:45
NeVeR_I think I should hit the books11:46
NeVeR_I reckon the only way I'll make it is to get some qualifications... Its impossible to get a name working where I currently am11:46
charlvnin ict experience > qualifications11:47
charlvni have no qualifications other than a b.sc.11:49
NeVeR_I have 5 years experience as a System Administrator, no one wants to hire me11:49
NeVeR_I have no qualifications11:50
NeVeR_I have matrix11:50
NeVeR_I have matric11:50
NeVeR_matrix :P11:50
charlvni can haz teh matrix11:50
HawkiesZAWas about to say...Matrix....Daum, you're 133711:50
charlvnif your work bores you, you need a personal project11:51
HawkiesZAMine is watching all the series11:51
charlvnmy hobby is watching anime series11:52
charlvnand learning japanese11:52
HawkiesZAThat sounds like fun11:52
charlvnand talk to people on irc :P11:52
HawkiesZAI want to learn a third language11:52
HawkiesZAHow do you go about learning Japanese?11:53
charlvnbut then i also do a lot of crap with *nix and ipv6 and python and sometimes java in my spare time11:53
charlvnHawkiesZA: watch a lot of anime, subtitled not dubbed11:53
charlvnthen look up words you don't know11:53
charlvnslowly you start learning the words, what they mean, and how they are used11:53
charlvnbetter than learning japanese from the text book because then you don't learn how it's used in normal everyday speech11:53
charlvnthe phrasing, expressions, etc in japanese are totally different than western languages11:54
charlvnyou don't get that stuff from the book11:54
HawkiesZAI see11:54
charlvnone simple example is words like "des" and "mas"11:54
charlvnthey don't translate11:54
HawkiesZASuggestions for decent Anime? I haven't watched in years :/11:54
charlvnghost in a shell, haruhi suzuima, macross zero, macross frontier11:55
charlvnthose are all classics11:55
charlvnworking! is also very good11:55
charlvnbaby please kill me is also good11:55
NeVeR_I've only watched Ghost in a shell11:55
charlvni'm following acchi kocchi atm11:55
charlvnlucky star is another classic11:56
* HawkiesZA takes notes11:57
charlvnmawaru penguindrum also recommended11:57
charlvni could carry on11:57
* superfly has no time for watching series, he has open source projects to work on12:04
HawkiesZAsuperfly is a better man than I12:05
superflyHawkiesZA: it's all about priorities12:05
superflyOh, and I refuse to be a pirate.12:05
mazalHayes of to you superfly , didn't think there are any left ;-)12:06
mazalHates even 12:06
mazalHats even 12:06
mazalboy I must be tired12:06
charlvnsuperfly: that's good, what are you working on atm?12:07
superflycharlvn: My big open source app is one called OpenLP12:11
superflyI have a couple of others, but I don't usually have much time for them12:12
charlvnah ok, nice12:14
charlvnthat's the problem, i program the whole day for work12:14
charlvnthen i don't have too much energy left for too many serious side projects outside of that12:14
charlvnif i do get some time i just do some random research & development to stay up to date12:14
Symmetriadamn! I thought I was expensive, I phoned my accountant to get one certified letter saying certain things which I dictated them, and they charged me R750 for a letter12:25
NeVeR_R750 for a letter? ffffff!@!%%%12:26
NeVeR_if it took them 30 minutes to type out and sign then they are on par with u :P12:27
Symmetrialol no they would still be cheaper :P but it couldnt have taken them more than 15 minutes which makes them slightly more expensive :p12:29
Symmetriahaha I have no issues charging my rates, I have definate issues paying them12:29
charlvnyeah that's typical :P12:30
charlvnSymmetria: http://i.imgur.com/JttmE.png12:31
Symmetriahttp://perplexa.be/foto.jpg <=== lol, a friend of mine in a bit of crap12:50
Kerberobut that is stupid12:56
Kerberoseeing as the speed limits are only in certain parts12:57
Kerberoso if you miss the sign that can happen quite easily12:57
* Kerbero is glad to see it is an audi12:57
charlvnyeah but seriously, 208kmph?13:00
Kerberonot that fast13:00
Kerberoit is the autobahn...13:00
NeVeR_I do more than that on a daily basis :?13:00
NeVeR_Only been arrested once13:00
charlvnno seriously13:01
charlvnyeah there are some roads where you can do it (in germany)13:01
NeVeR_I have a CBR600rr13:01
charlvnbut that's FAST13:01
NeVeR_0-200 in under 20s13:01
HawkiesZA208 on a CBR600? nah13:01
charlvn135kmph was the limit on that road13:01
charlvnif you go 140 or even 150 but you go more than 200 you're being an asshole13:02
NeVeR_my bike is limited at 260kmph13:02
NeVeR_my gf's is limited at 300KM/h13:02
NeVeR_her bike is on my name13:03
NeVeR_I get all the fines :(13:03
HawkiesZAHopefully not all the demerits13:03
NeVeR_Lol there are no demerits yet.. I had to go to court the other day, R1500 fine for 122 in a 80 zone :\ she did pay for it13:04
charlvni wonder who was with that guy in the car... there is a white square13:05
charlvni wonder if that was done by the guy who uploaded it or by the government13:05
Kerberothe white squire is the driver13:05
charlvnbecause i know sometimes they do it because guys get caught for cheating on their wives like this13:06
charlvnbull that is not the driver13:06
charlvnthat is the passenger13:06
Kerberoso the driver is not even looking at the road13:06
charlvnthe driver seems to be looking at the road13:07
charlvnhe is looking dead right in front of him no?13:07
charlvnheh his number plate reads 66613:08
charlvnthe beast checking in13:08
Symmetria208 isnt that bad13:12
SymmetriaI've done *WAY* more than that on the bloem -> east london stretch13:12
Symmetriaheh, still not close to what I've done on that road through namibia to the border though13:13
charlvnyou people are maniacs13:17
charlvnit's people like you why i don't like to drive :P13:17
charlvni rather use public transport13:17
Kerberoin europe i always use public transport13:18
Kerberobut in SA not13:18
charlvnwell in .za there is no public transport13:18
charlvnother than a minibus taxi and who wants to use that13:18
NeVeR_I've never used one :O13:26
NeVeR_thought about it... would cost me R12/day to get to work and back instead of R50 a day13:27
NeVeR_then again I can't handle traffic in my own car.. being in traffic in a taxi would kill me13:27
NeVeR_cheers everyone13:47
Kilosafternoon everyone14:19
Kilosone thing worse than no internet connection is no power at all14:20
charlvnhi Kilos 14:20
Kilosjust looking through the new Unity guide. I could maybe get used to it14:34
Kilosat least the colour is good14:34
charlvnhi zeref 14:34
Kilosyo zeref 14:35
zerefherro Kilos 14:36
Kilosbbl gotta go look for a missing sheep15:06
smile4linuxhallo iedereen :)17:19
smile4linuxkilos is nie hier nie?17:29
Kiloshi not_found superfly and others17:44
Kiloslo smile4linux 17:44
smile4linuxhi Kilos :)17:45
Kiloshi psydroid 17:45
psydroidhi Kilos17:45
psydroidhoi smiledlinux17:46
smile4linuxpsydroid: hallo :)17:46
smile4linuxpsydroid: ek het 'n moeilike naam ;)17:46
Kilosuse a client that can do tab complete17:47
psydroidsmile4linux, jy heb gelyk17:47
Kilosthen just type first 3 letters17:47
smile4linux* jy het gelyk / jy is reg17:47
psydroidI have to figure out how that works on android first17:47
psydroidjy is krom17:48
Kiloseish thats why i dont use cell for coming on here , i dunno where the tab button is17:48
psydroidI can get the name from the user list17:49
smile4linuxpsydroid: ek is krom? :s17:49
psydroidsmile4linux en scheef17:50
smile4linuxpsydroid: ek snap jou nie :p17:50
Kiloswhew more to think about17:51
Kilosneelsie hoekom so still?17:51
psydroidsmile4linux, ek snap nie myself ook nie, da syn wy twee17:51
Kiloshave you two joined our mailing list yet17:52
psydroidvergeef my voor my sonde in die afrikaanse taal17:52
psydroidwhat was it again, Kilos?17:52
smile4linuxpsydroid: lol :p17:52
not_foundsukkling uncle Kilos :p17:53
Kilosaw wassup lad17:53
Banlamwho is kilos suckling?17:54
not_foundtrying to make bastion work in Ubuntu but the game crashes everytime I move the mouse "17:54
Kilospsydroid, ubuntu-za@lists.ubuntu.com17:54
psydroidoh, I found out today that Kubuntu 12.04 prereleases worked fine on Nvidia hardware, but the release is a disaster17:55
Kilosoh not_found thats not serious sukkeling17:55
Kiloshaha Banlam 17:55
psydroidKilos, thanks17:55
psydroidI should subscribe to the Dutch list too, finally17:56
psydroidand a few other ones17:56
not_foundlol... sukkel bly sukkel... oh and my current ubuntu install is working to well.. starting to get these cravings to distro hop again :/17:56
Kilospsydroid,  i forget how to actually join17:56
Banlambastio is fun :)17:56
not_foundBanlam, I would like to try it :(17:57
psydroidKilos, it's ok, I will figure it out17:57
Kiloshaha not_found you using 12.04 in unity17:57
not_foundyes uncle Kilos 17:57
psydroidbut have none of you had major graphics problems with the latest ubuntu?17:57
Kilosi looked at the guide. i might be able to get used to unity17:57
psydroidit looks like 3d acceleration does not function at all, everything feels so slow17:58
not_foundflying on my system... Unity 5 is quick...17:58
psydroidon nvidia with nouveau it's even unuseable17:58
psydroidhmm, ok17:59
psydroidI am running kubuntu here, though17:59
psydroidI will install ubuntu alongside and see how it works17:59
psydroidI have radeonhd 4200 graphics in my desktop, it should fly18:00
not_foundthe open source drivers are a joke :\18:01
Kilosthen talk to the kubuntu guys18:01
Kilossuperfly, and inetpro 18:01
Kilosoh psydroid why i asked about our list i got a mail today about lpi stuff18:01
psydroidKilos, oh yeah, I will join asap18:01
psydroidnot_found, but they used to work fine, with the latest xorg in released kubuntu things started to go downhill18:02
not_foundpsydroid, I looked at the performance of them against the proprietary drivers and they suck in comparison...18:03
psydroidnot_found, ah, I will try them if I get a chance, I am scared of the proprietary driver to be honest18:04
psydroidbecause the number of crashes they used to cause18:05
psydroidbecause of*18:05
not_foundinstalling the one that is default selected when you look fer restricted drivers has worked well for me...18:06
not_foundjust check because AMD has dropped support for some older cards...18:06
psydroidbut with nvidia it has been a real problem, I can't even get as far as reaching the desktop18:09
psydroidbut maybe a fresh install will solve this18:10
psydroidI will, maybe on a test install18:10
not_foundI typically have to use nomodeset until I have the driver installed... then I had to override my screens eeid info as it was wrong... took some time but working like a charm now18:12
psydroidthanks, I will keep that in mind18:13
psydroidhopefully that will solve my issues with sluggishness18:13
Kiloshi magespawn 18:15
psydroidhello magespawn18:15
magespawnHi  Kilos psydroid18:16
Kilosmagespawn, how do you tab complete a nick with them droid thingies18:16
charlvngood evening all18:16
Kiloshiya charlvn 18:16
charlvnwatching iron sky now18:17
charlvnvery nice film18:17
magespawnI don't18:17
Kiloswhew then you gotta type well to get funny nicks right hey18:17
magespawnYup good practice18:18
Banlamthen you just start calling people things like, psy, mage and smile18:18
Kilosha ha ha18:18
charlvnproblem is just the user's client don't notify them of mentions18:19
charlvnif their full nick isn't used i mean18:19
Banlambut i have custom notifications18:20
Banlamfor Banny, Banlam18:20
Banlamand several other variants18:20
Kiloslike lotsa the guys here they never say anything unless directed at them18:20
charlvnyou can nicely troll people like that too18:20
charlvnbut that's what the ignore function is for18:20
Kiloslol troll them?18:21
charlvnyeah just repeatedly use their names18:21
charlvnand irritate them18:21
Banlamwhen they're not here18:21
Banlamhow's it going kilos18:21
Banlamyou there kilos?18:21
Banlamthat kind of thing18:21
Kilosoh my then you wont get help tomorrow18:21
Kiloswe are all friends here18:21
Kiloshopefully so i try not irritate anyone18:22
magespawnMost trolls are not looking for help18:22
Kilosya but tomorrow or next week he might need help and then will sukkel18:22
charlvnKilos: then they can just use a different nick18:22
charlvnnobody knows who anyone is in principle18:23
charlvnwell you all know who i am :P18:23
charlvnbut i'm not a troll18:23
charlvnactually anyone can log into freenode as charlvn18:23
KilosBanlam, fine ty18:23
charlvnat least when i'm not logged on18:23
charlvnbut in any case...18:23
KilosBanlam, yes im here18:24
Kilosi wont go on18:24
Banlami had no idea18:24
magespawnSo on the net we trust those people who reveal some of themselves18:24
Banlamyou're too kind18:24
charlvnmagespawn: but what you "reveal" of yourself could be fake of course18:24
charlvni could invent any fake persona18:24
charlvnfor example, in real life i could be a girl18:24
Kilosha ha18:25
charlvni don't know who the heck would buy that but ok :)18:25
Kiloswe been down that road too here in my last 3 years18:25
magespawnYes that is true. YOU MEAN YOUR NOT? Darn, i was going to start using my famous pick up lines.18:26
charlvnsorry i like playing hard to get18:26
Kiloswe only got 2 ladies here18:28
charlvnmaaz is one of them?18:28
Kiloswhew maia and i argue about that. i say maaz is mail18:29
KilosMaaz, are you male18:29
MaazNo. Us Bots are above that human failing18:29
Banlamfailing! bah!18:29
KilosMaaz, are you female18:29
MaazCome on, be realistic. I'm a Bot18:29
charlvnMaaz: are you a fembot?18:29
Maazcharlvn: Huh?18:29
charlvnsorry bad austin powers joke18:30
magespawnMale and female can also be used to describe a personality or a point of view18:30
Kiloshi cocooncrash you a very busy chappy?18:32
smile4linuxbye :)18:33
Kiloscheers smile4linux  sleep tight18:33
charlvncheers smile4linux 18:33
smile4linuxsee ya! :D18:33
smile4linuxKilos: thank you thank you :)18:33
smile4linuxgood nite :)18:33
Kiloscharlvn, whats your time there now. 2 hours behind us or what?18:37
charlvnKilos: cest is the same timezone as sast18:38
Kilosah ty18:39
nuvolarihi oom Kilos, charlvn 18:39
charlvnhi nuvolari 18:39
nuvolariand Banlam 18:39
Kilosyo nuvolari hoe gaan dit18:39
Banlamgood evening18:39
nuvolarigoed en met almal hier?18:39
Kilosgeselsig vanaand18:39
magespawnHowdy  nuvolari18:40
nuvolariek sien so!18:40
nuvolarihowdy magespawn 18:40
nuvolaridoing well?18:40
magespawnPeachy keen and you?18:41
nuvolaridoing well thanks18:41
Banlamen nou hou almal op om te praat18:46
charlvnbusy watching iron sky18:47
magespawnnuvolari scared us.18:47
nuvolari:-/ I'm sorry18:47
Banlamyou're forgiven18:48
charlvnthe one moment we were all like "oh i have verbal diarrhea" and next moment we are like "wtfstfubbq"18:49
Kilosnuvolari, het jy my laaste forward lpi pos gesien?18:50
Kilosi was stirring my mutton curry and making tea18:50
magespawnI have to go, got some work to do, night all.18:57
Kiloscheers magespawn go well18:57
Kilossleep tight18:57
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:03
charlvnwow that was a good movie19:25
charlvni'm off too, ciao all!19:25
zerefto move to 12.04 or not to move, that is the question...19:39
not_foundit is good, you like19:57
charlvnzeref: i would say, make the move20:47
charlvnit's an lts release after all20:47
charlvnnot_found: lol, you sound russian20:48
charlvnnot_found: i just imagine this as you http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/191/809/me_gusta_mucho_by_megustamuchoplz-d416uqk.png20:49

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