
MrNaz_outwhat is the best way to ingest video from a camera for live streaming? at the moment i'm using firewire and a minidv camcorder, but i want to upgrade to something a little better13:12
MrNaz_outi was thinking getting a canon xh-a1s, which is the only camcorder that has a more durable 6 pin firewire socket, and using external firewire cards in the capture laptop13:13
MrNaz_outanyone have any thoughts?13:14
holsteinMrNaz_out: i would ask on the mailing list or the forums.. not a lot of video folk hang here actually15:16
holsteini would think USB cams would handle whatever you need just fine, and be more compatible and/or cheaper15:17
marqyhi ubuntustudio: i have just downloaded the 12.04 LTS release, but I only have a CD writer, not a DVD.  Is there an easy way to find an image that will fit on a CD? Can i install try to install the image from a usb storage device?15:41
holsteinmarqy: ubuntustudio is ubuntu.. you can use *any* CD iso and install and convert, or just install what you like from the ubuntustudio software and/or meta packages15:42
holsteini would suggest xubuntu's live CD iso15:42
marqyholstein: nice one, i'll try that15:43

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