
ScottKmicahg: Didn't Kubuntu skip Alpha 1?01:28
ScottKShould be just stuff going to proposed that affects an image.01:28
micahgScottK: I thought Riddell said that you were trying for i386/amd6401:28
ScottKAre we?  I lost track.01:29
ScottKNot sure the point without
ScottKMaybe that got uploaded when I wasn't looking.01:29
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Now With Extra Gray | Council Nominations Open - See http://goo.gl/zUghQ | Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | Packaging TODO (4.8.80/4.8.4): http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | meeting scheduling http://www.doodle.com/xxxd4x2mkpp6hifr
JontheEchidnaterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'03:48
JontheEchidna  what():  std::bad_alloc03:48
JontheEchidnamah krunner D:03:48
JontheEchidnaprobably an invalid pixmap cache :s03:49
JontheEchidnahmm, that's probably what eagles had03:50
JontheEchidnanot an invalid kde pixmap cache03:55
JontheEchidnaew: http://paste.kde.org/493934/03:55
JontheEchidnaI enabled compositing and now it doesn't crash, go figure03:59
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apacheloggerkwin to blame?05:10
eagles0513875hey agateau i have an interesting development. i purged kubuntu-desktop using kubuntu-* and it reverted me to the normal kde desktop and the kubuntu-desktop package is  is not even installed so I have no idea how i even have a normal kde desktop06:29
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Mamarokeagles0513875: don't remove kubuntu-desktop, that makes no sense08:05
Mamaroksomebody please reword the description of kubuntu-desktop, it is quite misleading and a source of problems to users08:06
ikoniaMamarok: in what way ?08:08
ikoniait's a meta package, it used to be clearly defined as a meta package 08:08
ikoniais it no longer ?08:08
Mamarokthe "it is safe to remove" should be more explicit about what will change for the user, right now it is not clear to the user it will remove stuff08:09
Mamarokit is a meta package, but if you remove it it will remove quite a few things and you will not have all kde core components anymore08:10
Mamarokit should not be removed by the user08:10
ikoniait never used to actually remove anything, when did it start actually having package removal depenencies ?08:10
Mamarokwell, it does08:11
ikoniaI don't doubt it 08:11
Mamarokno ides who changed what, but now it is certainly not something that should be removed08:11
Mamarokand I agree with you, it should not remove anything08:11
ikoniaI wonder if the same is now true of ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop for example08:12
Riddellremoving kubuntu-desktop doesn't remove anything08:12
Riddellbut it does mean you won't get new packages in updates that are needed especially on release upgrades08:13
Riddellwords to describe that are fiddly08:13
MamarokRiddell: well, then this should be said08:13
MamarokRiddell: the easiest is to not say it is safe to remove08:13
Mamarokbut instead: if you remove this package you will no longer get updates for some components needed in release upgrades08:14
Riddellprobably that was there when we had everything depend on it and it got removed if you didn't like one app08:14
Riddellnow a lot of apps are recommends rather than depends08:14
Riddellso I think it'll be safe to just remove that line08:14
Mamarokcurrently we have a lot of users who emoved that and run into problems08:14
Mamarokalso why does it talk about netbook when this is clearly the desktop package?08:15
Mamarokisn't kubuntu-netbook doing the netbook stuff08:16
Mamarokanyway, I need to run to the market, bbl08:17
Riddellkubuntu-netbook is a transitional package, it can be removed08:21
Riddellnuff automation larks, I should get on this 4.9 beta today08:27
Riddelloh and alpha 1 too08:28
eagles0513875Mamarok: well it seems to have fixed a really annoying issue i was having yet i still have fully functioning desktop, granted its not the netbook version, 08:47
eagles0513875Riddell: whats the purpose of having a netbook layout when the normal kde desktop look works just fine and actually imho performs better08:50
RiddellI would disagree08:51
eagles0513875how come?08:52
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Riddellooh quantal works!09:10
eagles0513875Riddell: it works smashingly minus the netbook stuff which is broken out the backside atm09:21
Riddellmore alpha testing needed but I'm happy with the current images http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/221/builds09:52
RiddellThu 14th at 16:00 seems like best time for a meeting even if it is a week away09:55
debfxwhy is the kdeobservatory widget in an own package?10:35
Riddelldunno, extra dependency maybe?10:36
debfxah right, it depends in libqwt610:36
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Riddellcor debian is pretty far behind in kde sc packaging10:52
jussiIs there a reason we arent donating ours? 11:10
MamarokRiddell: are you sure you didn't get it wrong with the doodle result?11:19
MamarokTue 12th at 8pm shows more attendees11:20
RiddellMamarok: sabdfl added himself and I think it's well worth having him since currently Kubuntu needs some love from canonical management11:25
Mamarokah, right, didn't see that his is missing there11:25
StecchinoUser asks why ubuntu-restricted-extras can't be made a dep of amarok https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30126411:45
ubottuKDE bug 301264 in Playlists/Saved Playlists "Problem with IDs when draging playlist into the qeue" [Major,Resolved: waitingforinfo]11:45
debfxhm building all of kubuntu on a Raspberry Pi... that could take a few years ;)11:46
StecchinoIf amarok is not in the default install, would that be possible?11:46
Stecchinodebfx: why not cross compile?11:46
debfxidk, someone on the kubuntu-devel lists is asking how to do that11:47
Stecchinosetting up a cross compile certainly is not trivial11:48
Stecchinoso compiling on device might make sense11:48
RiddellStecchino: it's kubuntu-restricted-extras he wants and the whole point of the package is it needs to be kept off the CD and in multiverse11:48
StecchinoI believe that need to be done for packaging anyway11:48
StecchinoRiddell: yeah, thought so11:48
Stecchinobut what about in the beta ppa?11:48
RiddellStecchino: he should be prompted to install it when he starts amarok but I don't know how well that works in practice11:49
Stecchinoin any case, I need to fix the bug with restricted-codecs-installer11:49
StecchinoSeems like i broke it11:49
Riddellppa packages should be as close as possible to archive, divergance makes them unmaintainable11:49
StecchinoI C11:51
debfxone of (k)ubuntu's values is to not automatically install non-free software. that should apply to "official" PPAs as well.11:53
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Now With Extra Gray | Council Nominations Open - See http://goo.gl/zUghQ | Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | Packaging TODO (4.8.80/4.8.4): http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | meeting: Thu 14th 16:00UTC
eagles0513875hey agateau13:29
apacheloggerI just added a patch to akonadi maildir and broke notes again Oo13:32
eagles0513875apachelogger: sadly its a vicious circle fix one thing to sadly break something else13:36
apacheloggerthe ting is13:36
apacheloggerI fixed notes in another patch already13:36
apacheloggerthe error it spits out should not happen at all13:36
eagles0513875apachelogger: i found out somethign rather interesting to the bug i was experiencing13:42
agateauhey eagles051387513:43
eagles0513875agateau: not sure if you saw my update to the bug but i purged kubuntu-desktop and did kubuntu-* in 2 different purges and i ended up with the standard kde desktop that you would find on a desktop pc13:43
eagles0513875and everything is working just fine oddly enough13:43
agateaueagles0513875: weird13:44
eagles0513875agateau: one thing though that mamarok mentioned earlier is that with out the meta package i dont get any notifications of updates13:45
agateaueagles0513875: this is true13:45
eagles0513875agateau: was about to try and reinstall kubuntu-desktop meta package and see if i stay with the current desktop or the netbook version is reinstalled13:46
ikoniakubuntu-desktop is not the net book meta package13:47
eagles0513875as of right now the standard desktop is rock solid the netbook version isnt. Riddell also mentioned that the kubuntu netbook package is a dummy package if im not mistaken?13:47
ikoniaearlier riddle was saying there was a transitional package for the netbook setup13:47
eagles0513875ikonia: then why was it installed on my system initiall 13:47
ikoniaeagles0513875: it still uses the same base components13:48
eagles0513875so is the kubuntu netbook package granted its transitional still a meta package?13:48
ikoniagranted it's transitional ?13:48
ikoniakubuntu-netbook is a meta package if that's what you are asking13:48
agateaueagles0513875: it has always been a meta package, but it's now deprecated, you can remove it13:49
eagles0513875ok what package should i reinstall to get the netbook desktop back13:50
Mamarokeagles0513875: you do know that this is the -devel channel, do you? Please keep user questions to #kubuntu13:50
ikoniaeagles0513875: join the support channels13:50
Riddell14:47 <skaet> hiya,  could you go add the Kubuntu changes to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview ?13:51
RiddellJontheEchidna, debfx, yofel_, apachelogger, other useful pacakging people: anything good in the syncs? ^^13:51
apacheloggerRiddell: amaork2.6beta13:52
apacheloggerRiddell: kde 48313:55
ubottuError: KDE bug 483 could not be found13:55
apacheloggerRiddell: nothing intersting other than that13:56
apacheloggerin quantal-changes anyway13:56
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, btw, if you see d_ed kindly poke him into making the new ktp release happening so we can get started with the QA bus ;)13:57
* apachelogger answers rpi mail13:57
Riddellthe QA bus?13:57
apacheloggerRiddell: testing13:58
apacheloggerwe promised supreme testing exposure to ensure a smooth initial deployment in quantal13:58
Riddellah QA of kde-telepathy in quantal?13:59
apacheloggerwell, for quantal13:59
apacheloggerQA in quantal and precise13:59
apachelogger+ call for testing13:59
agateauScottK: hi, did you find time to test the massif-visualizer package on your arm system?14:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: jtechidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1027034/ objections?15:32
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: rationale on that?15:32
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: login -> U HAZ UPDATES  && APPORT GO SCREW U && AKONADI GO SCREW U && FILE TRANSFER &&....15:33
apacheloggerupdates really do not need to be displayed rihgt after login15:33
apachelogger5 minutes might be a tad too long, but that is subject to change based on real world expierence ^^15:34
JontheEchidnamaybe wait a minute instead15:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: 215:35
apacheloggerso the system settles in15:35
apacheloggeri.e. on first start nepomuk bloat will hog the cpu for at least a minute or two15:35
apacheloggergod knows why consideirng the home is empty15:36
BluesKajapachelogger,  it's just waiting for something to happen, virtuoso -t ..since I don't need nepomuk , it and akonadi are both disabled here 15:42
apacheloggervirtuoso should not be started without nepomukserver....15:42
BluesKajapachelogger, that's not what I meant ...virtuoso -t is usually the cpu hogger 15:50
apacheloggernot only that thing15:50
BluesKajif nepomuk is enabled15:51
apacheloggerstupid apport15:52
apachelogger                desktop_file = apport.fileutils.find_package_desktopfile(self.cur_package)15:53
BluesKajwish there wasn't the negative option with the kdepim apps ..I don't use most of them 15:53
apacheloggernegative option?15:53
BluesKajinstalled by default , so I have to disable them if i don't use them 15:54
apacheloggerdon't quite compute15:54
apacheloggerwhat's wrong with kdepim?15:54
apacheloggerif we did not install defaults because people would need to disable them if they don't want it we coud just as well ship a kernel only :P15:55
BluesKajbeing a home user , i don't need most of kdepim15:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/06/06/plasma-desktopMJ2367.png u broke my apport15:56
apacheloggerBluesKaj: u don't read emails?15:56
BluesKajI use thunderbird15:58
apacheloggerso it is a matter of defaults not of whether you are a home user :P15:59
* apachelogger finds kmail too bloated anyway15:59
apacheloggerway too many buttons for me15:59
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apacheloggerafiestas: could you try https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/staging/+files/kdepim-runtime-dbg_4.8.3-0ubuntu0.1%2Bppa1_i386.deb please16:01
BluesKajapachelogger, don't get me wrong i would like to use kmail etc , but it's constant segfaulting drove me away 16:01
apacheloggerthat seems to fix akonadi screw ups for me16:01
afiestasBluesKaj: segfaulting?16:01
afiestasKMail deos many thing wrong but segfaulting isn't one of them16:01
afiestasat least not in my computers16:01
* apachelogger had still notifications with it tho yesterday16:01
BluesKajafiestas, wanna bet :)16:01
apacheloggerso I wouldn't hold my breath that it gets through verification16:02
afiestasBluesKaj: I wanna crash reports16:02
afiestasand backtraces16:02
BluesKajwell , it did here 16:02
afiestasreports should go to bugs.kde.org16:03
Riddellooh I've reached the end of the simple packages for 4.8.8016:03
afiestasif not, they are useless (upstream developers don't read them)16:03
Riddellnow the fiddly ones to go16:03
apacheloggeroh, Riddell, while you wait for building ... could you try to verify that my kdepim-runtime package does not give bogus akonadi errors on kontact start https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/staging/+files/kdepim-runtime-dbg_4.8.3-0ubuntu0.1%2Bppa1_i386.deb16:07
RiddellJontheEchidna: bah firefox installer in quatzal just errors saying "sorry the packaging system can not be initialised"16:07
Riddellapachelogger: kdepim isn't done yet, bulldog98's name is down for that16:07
apacheloggerRiddell: with precise then :P16:08
Riddellapachelogger: precise is old school, I don't use that any more16:08
Riddellapachelogger: you fixed the .local issue?16:09
apacheloggerlooks like it16:09
apacheloggerhard to tell with akonadi16:09
Riddellapachelogger: shall we test on ec2?16:09
apacheloggerhow can you test on ec2?16:10
* apachelogger is all for testing ^^16:10
JontheEchidnaRiddell: bug 100050816:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000508 in gcc-4.7 (Ubuntu) "PendingMessages member variable of APT's GlobalError class initializes as "true" with -std=c++11" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100050816:10
Riddellstart an ec2 machine, install kubuntu-desktop, start vnc, test16:10
JontheEchidnathe toolchain people seem rather unresponsive16:10
apacheloggerRiddell: well, I have it in a VM16:11
RiddellJontheEchidna: gosh that's a surprisingly hardcore issue16:11
apacheloggerRiddell: but just because it works here does not mean it fixes the issue ... akonadi is fun like that16:11
JontheEchidnayeah, it was a pain to figure out what was happening :(16:11
JontheEchidnaI have a workaround in git, though. (don't compile the worker with c++11)16:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: 2 minutes seems good enough16:12
apacheloggerplus much better UX16:12
* apachelogger ponders SRUing16:12
BluesKajafiestas, the segfault that i reported about kmail were all shoved aside due to duplications , but kmail continues to segfault here ..I'm not being critical ..i'd like to use kmail , but it's impossible for me to use 16:18
apacheloggeroh well, I can't get the konact issue anymore16:21
apacheloggerRiddell, afiestas: if you could some additional testing that would be good, I'll then push it to proposed and hope it gets thrugh verifiction ^^16:22
apacheloggerunike the ppa2 package ppa1 at least does not make matters worse ^^16:23
afiestasBluesKaj: didn't pretent to say you were being critical, just pointing the fact that if we don't push upstream they won't fix anything16:23
afiestasapachelogger: bit busy right now, in 30min or so16:23
BluesKajafiestas, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28630716:23
ubottuKDE bug 286307 in general "Kmail crash (QNetworkAccessHttpBackend::replyDownloadMetaData, QNetworkAccessHttpBackend::qt_static_metacall, QObject::event)" [Crash,New: ]16:23
apacheloggeryeah, moving on meanwhile16:23
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apacheloggerBluesKaj: fail to reproduce16:43
BluesKajapachelogger, what else is new ? :P16:45
apacheloggerinstructions would be good16:46
Riddellapachelogger: vnc://ubuntu@ec2-107-21-151-241.compute-1.amazonaws.com:590116:46
Riddellis up16:46
Riddellapachelogger: what do I do to test?16:46
apacheloggerRiddell: fire up kontact16:47
BluesKajapachelogger, usually segfaults on my setup when trying to move emails into other folders or when trying to delete emils 16:47
Riddellapachelogger: I already have a ~/.local does that matter?16:47
apacheloggerthe issue is not about .local as such but the sub dirs the resources want to be there16:48
apacheloggerBluesKaj: imap or pop?16:48
Riddellapachelogger: does not exist notification!16:48
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe try a couple more times16:49
Riddellapachelogger: starting kontact more times?16:49
apacheloggerwhen debugging I noticed that some of the notifications are highly timing dependent16:49
Riddellwhat will that do?16:49
apacheloggerRiddell: with new users16:49
apacheloggeror logout and wipe the home clean16:49
Riddellapachelogger: well we know the bug exists, what should I do to test your fix?16:50
apacheloggerinstall the package16:50
apacheloggerand start kontact multiple times on clean homes16:51
BluesKajapachelogger, both 16:51
apacheloggerif no notifications appear we can assume it works16:51
apacheloggerBluesKaj: fun16:51
apacheloggerstill can't reproduce tho16:51
BluesKajapachelogger, oh well , I can live with thunderbird, besides I'm not a big fan of akonadi and nepomuk anyway 16:53
apacheloggerthe socialist way to look at this is that by helping getting it fixed you make other people happy16:54
jussi:-) 16:54
BluesKaj<---not a socialist 16:54
jussiblueskaj: weirdo :P16:55
BluesKajI help enough 16:55
ryanakcaapachelogger: Did you still want -bugs forwarded here?17:00
ryanakca(if I understood my irc logs properly)17:00
BluesKajjussi, nice :/17:00
BluesKajjussi, ?17:02
ScottKagateau: I did.  It built fine and I pinged you.  I guess you missed the highlight.17:05
apacheloggerryanakca: yus17:07
apacheloggeryofel_: shadeslayer cannot help packaging as I am still waiting on data he is supposed to collect17:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: also the data better be worth waiting a month17:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: ETA is at most one week on that17:25
shadeslayerI need to sort some visa stuff for akademy as well ...17:26
Riddellapachelogger: using kdepim-runtime 0.1+ppa2 from your staging PPA the error still occurs17:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: this was a task from the 12.04 UDS right?17:33
apacheloggerRiddell: ppa1 please17:36
apacheloggerppa2 regressed though I have no idea why17:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: nah, was before17:37
apacheloggerat some meeting IIRC17:37
apacheloggerthe one wer we talked about tooling :P17:37
shadeslayerI doubt that there are logs17:37
shadeslayerwell ... on irc.ubuntu.com ... but I'll have to wget everthing for the past 6 months and grep them17:38
* apachelogger grabs some lunch17:39
shadeslayerkubotu: newpackage kile 2.1.217:46
kubotuPackage kile already exists!17:46
shadeslayerkubotu: newversion kile 2.1.217:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1009626 in kile (Ubuntu) "Please update kile to 2.1.2" [Undecided,New]17:46
afiestasapachelogger: http://games.adultswim.com/robot-unicorn-attack-evolution-twitchy-online-game.html17:50
Riddellapachelogger: same error with 4:4.8.3-0ubuntu0.1+ppa1 :(17:52
jussihrm, how does one enable multitouch support in kubuntu17:53
Riddelljussi: no idea I'm afraid17:53
jussi:/ I have one but no idea how to use it 17:53
afiestasjussi: install utouch (it is not by default in either ubuntu spin)17:54
jussiits single touch atm17:54
afiestasthen for kde integration, touchegg17:54
jussiafiestas: oh, cool, thanks17:54
ScottKjussi: If more is needed to enable multitouch, cnd can probably tell you.17:54
jussiScottK: ok, thanks for the tip17:55
cndafiestas, you shouldn't need to install utouch, it's a meta package that gives you some developer headers17:55
cndthat's all17:55
cndjussi, what are you looking to do?17:55
* afiestas bought an apple touchapd thing, expects to bring multitouch to its better state in kde17:55
afiestascnd: with ubuntu (not kubuintu) I needed it17:55
cndafiestas, you still don't need utouch installed17:56
cndunless you plan on developing with the utouch libraries17:56
afiestasthen, what do I need exactly for the same time?17:56
cndon ubuntu, all the runtime libraries are installed already because they are needed for unity17:56
afiestasbecause wahtever it was it got installed with that metapackage17:56
cndafiestas, I don't really know what it is you're referring to :)17:57
cndwhat functionality did you gain after installing utouch?17:57
afiestaswell, I paired the multitouch apple thing, it didn't did anything, not even scroll with 2 fingers17:57
afiestasinstalled utouch, rebooted, got it working if I remember correctly17:57
cndafiestas, two-finger scrolling is part of the mouse settings17:58
shadeslayerafiestas: iirc utouch-geis is broken17:58
jussicnd: I just want full functionality (pinch zooming and stuff) on this screen (Dell XT2)17:58
cndshadeslayer, hmm?17:58
shadeslayerhaven't followed it up for some months though17:58
shadeslayercnd: last I heard, utouch-geis which handles multitouch was broken17:58
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* shadeslayer looks it up17:58
cndshadeslayer, utouch-geis should be working now, it's a core functionality of utouch17:58
jussicnd: after logging in and out it doesnt seem to help what afiestas said17:59
shadeslayercnd: oh, it's working in Precise?17:59
cndjussi: there aren't many applications with multitouch gesture support yet17:59
jussiits an app thing then17:59
shadeslayerapparently the plasmoids are supposed to rotate17:59
shadeslayerwith two fingers17:59
shadeslayerso that's a good test to figure out if it's working or not :)18:00
cndshadeslayer, jussi: most two touch stuff from a touchpad won't work18:00
cndbecause the synaptics X input module is usurping them to perform scrolling18:00
cndor two-tap for right click18:00
jussicnd: this is an actual touch screen18:00
cndthat is a fundamental problem with X18:00
shadeslayerI remember that being discussed on ubuntu-devel18:01
shadeslayerto go or not to go for double taps18:01
cndjussi, ok, you should check the output of xinput18:01
jussicnd: could you be more verbose? 18:01
cndjussi, if you want to pastebin xinput list --all I'll take a look18:01
cndsorry, xinput list --long18:01
jussicnd: I didnt look, but thats not going to have confidential stuff in it? 18:03
cndjussi, it shouldn't18:03
cndjust a list of your input devices18:04
cndand info about them18:04
jussicnd: ok, great http://paste.ubuntu.com/1027259/18:04
bulldog98_Riddell: throw me out no time atm18:04
cndjussi, hmm.. you have an n-trig screen, which is usually multitouch18:05
cndhowever, you don't have multitouch capabilities18:05
cndeither your hardware doesn't support it, or the kernel driver doesn't know how to talk to it properly18:05
jussicnd: hrm, weird - Ive been told this thing should be supported in linux18:05
cndtbh, I've not seen an n-trig device that *wasn't* supported at this point18:06
cndso this is news to me18:06
jussicnd: :/18:06
shadeslayerjussi: what did you buy :P18:06
jussishadeslayer: I didnt, its from my new workplace18:07
cndjussi, you might want to have a look in your kernel logs18:07
cndand/or dmesg18:07
shadeslayerah ok18:07
cndto see if there's any messages from the ntrig driver18:07
cndjussi... oh... that should be supported18:07
cndjussi, another thing to try is to update the firmware18:07
jussicnd: dmesg | grep ntrig ?18:07
cndyou have to update it from windows...18:08
cndbut firmware updates have resolved these weird situations in the past18:08
cndI think there's a good chance it would resolve your issue18:08
jussioh no18:08
cndyou don't have windows anymore do you :)18:08
jussiI have no windows and no possibility of windows18:08
cndyeah, this is why I really don't like ntrig18:08
shadeslayerjussi: there was a tool that updates firmwares for Dell PC's18:09
shadeslayernot sure if it'll work though18:09
jussishadeslayer: link? :D18:09
* shadeslayer is searching18:09
jussicnd: frustrating. 18:09
cndjussi: I know, I'm sorry :(18:10
shadeslayerhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DellBIOS < Maybe this will help?18:10
jussiUnless running windows in a vm is enough...18:10
cndjussi, it might be18:10
cndthe device is connected over USB, IIRC18:10
cndso if you pass through the touchscreen, it might work18:10
cndor you might fry it :)18:10
cndwho knows18:10
shadeslayerthose instructions look sane enough18:11
jussibloody windows only firmware :/18:13
cndjussi, btw, ntrig likes to release new firmware once a week18:14
shadeslayercnd: who the hell releases firmware updates once a week18:14
cndor at least they did two years ago when we were starting to use them18:14
jussicnd: sounds like firefox...18:14
cndalso, their hardware really doesn't work that well for multitouch18:15
jussiisnt that what they say... release early, release often? :D18:15
shadeslayerI'm on the nightly channel and I have updates everyday18:15
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jussiI wonder if a total reboot might help18:16
jussicnd: what was it in that output that told you it wasnt functioning? 18:21
markeyis the kde beta packaged for precise?18:21
markeyplasma in kde 4.8 is not making me happy18:21
cndjussi: there was no multitouch-capable device listed18:21
cndand, my knowledge of ntrig told me to expect an explicitly named N-Trig Multitouch device18:22
cndand I only saw pen, eraser, and touch (which is single touch)18:22
jussiyeah, thanks18:23
jussiId forgoten there was a pent18:23
debfxRiddell: the new kde-base-artwork tarball has no license file. how can we get that fixed?18:28
debfxyofel: how have we handled missing license copies in tarballs? did we just assume that docs are licensed under the GFDL?18:38
yofelusually the docs did have a copyright notice somewhere18:38
yofelI'm not sure what to do with the artwork either :/18:39
debfxare you sure? I've checked gwenview and ark18:40
debfxboth have a list of authors but no license information18:40
debfxgwenview has a COPYING.DOC but ark doesn't18:41
yofeldebfx: ark has in it's index.docbook: <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> which means whatever GFDL that's shipped in kdelibs18:46
yofelor where that was18:46
debfxaha, I only greped for GFDL18:47
debfxaudiocd-kio doesn't have a legalnotice in its docs though  :/18:47
debfxsadly business as usual with new KDE tarballs18:50
yofeltrue, so far I've just fixed what was missing though, but there the copyright information was at least there18:52
jussi2 hours till flight leaves...18:57
jussiIm really quite over this :/18:58
highvoltagewhere are you stuck, jussi?19:03
jussihighvoltage: Im in helsinki, heading to Oulu. been waiting 7 hours... 19:03
jussiI just want to see my wife and kid... :/19:03
highvoltagejussi: sounds like no fun19:05
jussihighvoltage: yup, it sucks19:06
apacheloggerRiddell: do we want to put amarok 26beta news on kubuntu.org?19:34
* apachelogger is somehow missing words today19:35
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you reads about the mighty desktop components?20:08
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I hadn't seen that yet, thanks20:09
apacheloggermighty important20:09
apacheloggerkubotu: rss watch kde-workspace-bugs20:13
kubotuCouldn't watch feed kde-workspace-bugs (no such feed found)20:13
apacheloggerkubotu: rss list20:13
kubotubugs: http://feeds.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs/latest-bugs.atom (in format: default)20:13
kubotumembers: http://feeds.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/branches.atom (in format: bazaar)20:13
kubotuplanetkde: http://planetkde.org/rss20.xml (in format: default)20:13
kuboturuntime-bugs: http://feeds.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/latest-bugs.atom (in format: default)20:13
yofelmighty desktop components?20:13
kubotuworkspace-bugs: http://feeds.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/latest-bugs.atom (in format: default)20:13
apacheloggerkubotu: rss watch workspace-bugs20:13
apacheloggerkubotu: rss watch runtime-bugs20:13
kubotuokay then :)20:13
apacheloggeryofel: qml components for the desktop20:13
CIA-44[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/dragon] Philip Muškovac * 1 * (11 files in 3 dirs) add dragon packaging20:14
apacheloggerdragon \o/20:15
yofelthe only tar that had the copyright done right btw :P20:15
debfxyay at least one :)20:16
apacheloggercuz I be the red dragon20:17
apacheloggeralso didn't I ask someone to nag tdfischer about wrong licensing?20:17
yofelme IIRC, forgot it20:17
apacheloggerwell, it's your additional work :P20:18
nixternalif only dragon had frame-by-frame playback, i could use it 100%. but because it doesn't, vlc rocks the boat when it doesn't freeze on you :)20:18
yofelmostly it's a non-issue, but I'll nag him for audiocd-kio as he should fix the docs there20:19
apacheloggernixternal: ENORATIONALE20:20
shadeslayerVPS for 15 USD20:25
shadeslayerfor a year!20:26
* apachelogger does not know what a vps is20:27
apacheloggerno clue what that is20:32
yofelvritual server session, i.e. xen session or whatever20:33
apachelogger180 USD question: what for? :P20:33
apacheloggerhosting a video website?20:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://buyvm.net/20:35
shadeslayerfwiw I can host quasselcore on there20:35
shadeslayerand a site20:35
apacheloggerapparently I should be attending a partee20:43
CIA-44[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdenetwork] Philip Muškovac * 175 * debian/ (changelog control libkopete4.symbols) * New upstream beta release - update libkopete4.symbols21:01
ulysseshm, Rocs doesn't use any of the installed icons23:12

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