
gary_postergmb, approved july 13-1612:05
gmbgary_poster: Ah, thanks.12:05
* benji returns from the coffee-in-a-tor.12:08
* bac tea, brb12:10
gary_posterbac benji frankban gmb https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/0fa5a03006b2f488f8c1c361642911ef26b87e6812:10
* bac owes benji a beverage of his choice12:33
benjigmb: let me know when you're ready to pair13:53
gmbbenji: Will do, just OTP ATM. Should be done soon.13:54
benjisounds good13:54
gmbbenji, I'm in https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/4d4738a1bd3c2d4fb104618ab69a5aeed54f6163?authuser=0&hl=en-GB# when you're ready14:17
benjigmb: cool, I'll be there in a sec14:17
gmbbenji, and then it crashed14:24
* gmb reloads14:24
benjigmb: same here14:24
baci figured out the unittest duplication problem.  a testcase was defined and used in one module and then imported into another module and subclassed.  the import caused it to be discovered again and re-run.  i'm surprised this hasn't happened before.15:19
bacthe fix was to make the shared parts a mixin that did not extend TestCase15:20
gary_posterhuh, interesting.  yeah15:20
bacseems obvious in retrospect15:20
gary_posteralthough...it would seem that the finding code could dedupe based on the module of a test case15:20
gary_postermaybe that's too much magic15:20
baci guess most of our test subclassing happens within a given module15:20
bacbenji: you were kidding about the warhead part, no?15:21
benjibac: yeah :)15:21
bacwas 95% sure15:21
bacthat's the wackiest damn thing i've seen in launchpad15:22
bacnever thought i'd read PBUH in a license15:22
bacbenji: i'm making changes to zope.testing and am pretty close.  do we need to coordinate or will you be a while?15:42
bacshould i make p8 if i get there first and you'll do p915:42
benjibac: I have some tests running now in EC2, but it will likely be quite a while; I'll sync up with you before I get close to landing15:43
benjibac: yeah, the winner gets p815:43
gary_posterhard hangs :-(16:29
frankbanbenji: I think --shuffle-seed doesn't work because the initial order of tests changes depending of the options you use: with -t the order of initial list reflects how the tests are found in the suite; with --load-list the order of initial list is taken from the file16:48
benjithis flaky internet connection is getting annoying16:50
frankbanaargh, you were offline benji, I'll repeat16:51
benjiif we end up buying a house here I'll have to think about getting two connections and setting up a fail-over router16:51
frankbanbenji: I think --shuffle-seed doesn't work because the initial order of tests changes depending of the options you use: with -t the order of initial list reflects how the tests are found in the suite; with --load-list the order of initial list is taken from the file16:51
frankbanbenji: a possible fix could be sorting the tests before shuffling them16:51
gary_posterbac, you want a different merge target for your zope.testing branch17:09
gary_posterthe MP is very unhappy17:09
gary_postermerge instead to...(looking)17:09
gary_posterbac, merge to lp:~launchpad/zope.testing/3.9.4-fork17:10
bacgary_poster: i thought that was where i targeted17:51
bacgary_poster: ah, if you use the chooser to pick the merge target it fails to change the radio button!17:52
bacgary_poster: https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/zope.testing/list-tests/+merge/10900717:53
* benji reboots18:09
gary_posterbac approved18:13
bacthanks gary_poster.  did you look at the other?  https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-682772/+merge/10898318:29
gary_posterno, looking18:30
gary_posterbac, why is this necessary?18:33
gary_poster70-    for key in sorted(special):18:33
gary_poster171-        special_suite = special[key]18:33
gary_poster172+    for key, special_suite in sorted(special.items()):18:33
gary_postersorry first line 17018:33
baceasier to read18:33
bacLOC reduction.  :)18:33
=== benji is now known as Guest68587
gary_posterbac, heh, ok.  You are sorting on key rather than suite order (whatever that is) now too.18:35
bacyeah, the key is still the primary sort18:35
baci think sorted(dict) sorts by key18:36
gary_posteroh sure18:37
gary_posterI was mis-thinking18:37
gary_posternice change'18:37
bac>>> d = dict(a=3,b=5,z=5,w=4,q=1)18:38
bac>>> sorted(d)18:38
bac['a', 'b', 'q', 'w', 'z']18:38
gary_posteryeah, did same18:38
gary_posterbac, why is id_extensions a list, rather that id_extension=None?  Doesn't seem to be used anywhere as a multiple18:39
bacgary_poster: yeah, but paths could be18:45
baci thought it nice to keep that option, even though no one was using it18:46
benjiok, I bought a wifi tethering app ($15 bucks!) so maybe I'll actually be online for a while18:46
baci could've done the same 'string or list' trick i did with paths18:46
bacgary_poster: i'll make that change if you think it is a good idea18:46
bacbenji: gary approved my change to the 3.9.4-fork branch, so i'm claiming p8 and merging18:47
gary_posterbac, can you imagine a scenario in which you would actually want to supply multiple id extensions, and this would do what you expect?  You don't have to tell me what it is18:48
benjibac: cool; my zope.testing change is in rough waters again18:48
bacgary_poster: if someone called the factory with multiple paths then there would need to a 1:1 correspondence to id_extensions18:48
gary_posterleave as is then bac.  approving as is.  thank you18:48
bacgary_poster: thanks!18:49
gary_posterdone, bac18:50
bacugh, our zope.testing for had 4 test failures.19:01
baci added 10 more failures.  doh.19:01
benjiaaaaand the teathering app doesn't work very well19:28
gary_posterI'm up to eight or so hangs in one day now :-(20:20
benji:( as irritating as it is, I'll take connectivity problems over machine hangs any day20:22
gary_posteryeah :-(20:22
gary_posterI'm a day or two away from trying to return this and buying another Mac TBH20:23
bacbenji: you still around?22:57
benjibac: yep22:57
bacbenji: my changes to 3.9.4-fork have introduced some new test failures due to the way the test names are being formatted.  i've reverted my changes and will deal with them on monday.  seems safer than mucking stuff up before disappearing for four days.22:58
bacbenji: it is worth noting that our fork has 4 test failures as is.22:59
benjibac: makes sense22:59
bacbenji: so you can have p8!  :)22:59
benjiMy life is complete.22:59
bacit never got built22:59

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