[14:36] thelinuxer1, ding ding [14:36] h r u? [14:36] ashams: hey man :) [14:36] ashams: 3amel eih ? [14:36] ana tamam el 7amdulelm [14:36] fine el7 [14:36] cool, el7 [14:37] u r n work, right? [14:37] yes I am [14:37] cool, me too :( [14:37] malak meddaye2 keda leeh :D ?4 [14:37] btw I poked canonical sysadmins again [14:37] it's infinte [14:38] I think it will be done by 2234 isA [14:38] cool, what they said? [14:38] hahahaha [14:38] they are super lazy [14:38] but did they deny? [14:38] they said they will increase the ticket priority [14:38] but they did nothing [14:38] 3omoman this was today so I should wait a little bit before poking them again [14:39] don't hope [14:39] they will forget [14:39] what can we do ? we have to play it their way :( [14:39] yeah :) [14:40] and how's work ? [14:40] cool, dude [14:40] it's like 24/7 [14:40] ! [14:40] why is that ? [14:40] from 9 to 12 and 4 till 12 [14:40] have no idea [14:40] no vacations [14:41] even fridays\ [14:41] nice, right? [14:41] !! [14:41] yep, cooool [14:41] will change soon [14:41] did u voluntarily subjected yourself to slavery!? [14:41] hahahha [14:41] subject* [14:42] I would wallahi, it it was for free [14:42] too bad el sara7a [14:42] i hope it changes soon isA [14:43] but being used to deposit money in someone else's bank account, is unbearable [14:43] yeppy [14:47] thelinuxer1, sa7ee7(yes, I'm still noisy), what happened with elections. [14:47] it'd be a loss to quite now [14:47] ;) [14:49] el magles masalsh el solta lelasaf [14:49] ashams: we a3lant nafsy el 7akem el shar3y lelbelad mada le 7ayah :D [14:56] thelinuxer1, hehe it is better wallahi ;-) [14:57] ashams: mesh better wala 7aga [14:57] things need to be more organized [15:26] ashams> fine el7 [15:26] thelinuxer1, فكرتها e17!! ههه [15:26] enlightement 17 [15:26] سطح المكتب [15:27] os_: مالو ؟ [15:27] fine el7 [15:27] قال كذلك فظننت ال L 1 [15:28] ah ok :) [15:28] os_, cool, el7 ennak fine el7 ;) [15:28] me too [15:29] أيا كان!! خخخ [15:29] os_, Ayyan Kan to what? [15:29] يعني ما فهمت [15:30] بس عم بضحك ! [15:30] however [15:30] great :D === os__ is now known as os_