
Tm_Tsame in english please?09:06
bazhangOrmie, #ubuntu-th for Thai09:06
OrmieHe he he, someone is here :D09:06
Ormiechannel is multilingual09:06
Ormiehe he he.09:06
Tm_T75 nicks in here09:06
bazhangOrmie, its not a chit chat channel, however09:07
Ormieoh ok.09:07
Ormieby the way, I just went in to ubottu.com and i can add her to join my ubuntu channel. I don't know what that means, anyone have a clue for that?09:08
Myrttibazhang: aw09:09
bazhangOrmie, your channel is what?09:09
Ormiebazhang, I am just curious, the information on the website is not clear.09:09
Ormieit said you can ask here.09:09
bazhangOrmie, you mean the thai ubuntu support channel? or your own personal channel09:10
Ormieown channel.09:10
Ormieit says "your ubuntu channel."09:10
bazhangget a botclone09:10
bazhang#ubuntu-th ?09:10
bazhangwhat channel09:11
Ormiebazhang, I don't have a channel, I ask because I am curious.09:11
bazhangOrmie, get a botclone then, find a place to host it, and use that.09:12
ubottuubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html - to help out with ubottu development please join #ubuntu-bots-devel :)09:12
Ormiebazhang, does it have to be an ubuntu related channel or can be any channel?09:13
Tm_Tits opensource, so you can set up your own bot to where ever you want as long as you have channel owner's permission09:14
bazhangOrmie, thats your call. if it's not in direct ubuntu namespace, then you can put in any manner of bot you choose. supybot was just a suggestion09:14
bazhangbut ubottu wont be provided for personal channels09:15
ubot5In #linaro-android, tusharb said: ubot5, jackh, Annamalai123, Sangwook is currently looking into the WiFi bug from LT perspective, but he is on leave in this week09:42
hotjunkiegood day all ! in order to start the Ubuntu Senegal Team i'm triying to register the #ubuntu-sn channel but ChanServ said "#ubuntu-sn is already registered to freenode-staff." what should i do please. Thank you for your help17:44
nhandlerhotjunkie: A member of the IRC Council can request staff to drop or transfer the channel so you can use it17:48
hotjunkienhandler: thank you for the quick reponse. Do i have to write a mail to loco-council mailing list ?17:50
Picihotjunkie: Do you already have the team setup on launchpad?17:51
nhandlerPici: Looks like it https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sn17:53
hotjunkiePici: yes https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sn17:53
nhandlerHe is also listed as the team owner (with IRC nick in profile)17:53
Picinhandler, hotjunkie: great. Let me get rolling on the channel changes needed.17:54
hotjunkieThank you both for the quick response .may i ask an other question about wiki page ?17:55
Picihotjunkie: You're all set.  You may want to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/Coordination and be sure to add the channel to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList when you are ready to make it public.18:01
Picihotjunkie: you can ask about the wiki18:01
hotjunkiethank you Pici :)18:07
hotjunkieas mentioned on this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto we have to create a homepage like http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam for exemple but I'm not allowed to do it . i already register an connected .18:09
hggdh /quir18:18
Picihotjunkie: oops.  I think that question would be better for the locoteams folks, or for someone who knows the wiki better than I do.18:19
hotjunkieOk Pici by saying : You're all set about the channel you mean that i can start to configure it. because i try to register it and didn't succeed .18:24
hotjunkienow i'm following this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels?action=show&redirect=IrcTeam%2FCreatingChannels18:25
Picihotjunkie: You don't need to register it, its already registered and you have full access.18:25
Picihotjunkie: Just skip that step and move on to the next one18:25
hotjunkieok thank you :)18:26
Unit193In case someone didn't catch it, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2012-June/001547.html21:36

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