[00:28] phew, love this weather [00:28] time to catch up on that rss list [02:20] OK, this is weird [02:21] having a bunch of sites not show up anymore [02:21] ? [02:21] realindustrialradio.com, eraless.com [02:23] eraless.com is loading for me [02:23] realindustrialradio.com isn't resolving to anything for me [02:24] eraless is resolving to a proper IP address [02:25] surpasshosting.com? [02:25] owned by HostDime.com [02:26] snap-l should realindustrialradio.com resolve to the same place? [02:26] ls [02:26] lol guess I didn't click into putty again [02:28] ok bedtime [02:28] catch you all later [11:09] morning party people [11:15] Ugh [11:15] morning [11:15] that good eh? [11:16] Yeah, it's not bad, just slow [11:18] yea, understand that. [11:18] dropping off the boy has turned into 20min horse whispering to get out of there [11:19] lovely [11:32] good morning [11:37] shakes808: morning, got code for you if you're ready [11:38] alright [11:38] http://paste.mitechie.com/show/680/ [11:38] sorry, was afk when you pinged later on, and you were gone when I got back [11:38] shakes808: so this is what I *think* is going down, and why your split magic fails is that it doesn't leave the Store part in tact [11:39] Yeah, for whatever reason when it split 'Store 0001' it made it 'Store,0001' [11:40] well you asked if it was the same as this code and I'm saying most definitely not the same [11:40] alright [11:40] shakes808: see, that sounds like something was trying to string-fiy the split array. since you'd get [Store, 0001] or something [11:40] but hard to guess this without seeing the code/etc [11:41] The code that you pasted: parseInt("Store 0001".split(' ')[1] [11:41] put a closing paren on that [11:41] but yea [11:41] The split would happen and then the parsing would happen on the 0001 [11:41] right? [11:41] parseInt("Store 0001".split(' ')[1]) [11:41] yeah [11:42] right, splits, grabs index 1, and then parses as an int [11:42] but what I'm saying is that leaves you with just a 1 [11:42] while this other code you pasted me ends up with 'Store 1' [11:42] unless I'm not guessing wtf CALC.replace does correctly [11:42] Correct. I would have to cat the [0] + [1] [11:42] that's a library/etc that's not standard JS [11:42] lol [11:42] Yeah that is from the proprietary software [11:43] if you console.log the method though you can view the source code easy enough [11:43] getting that 1 by itself was what I was trying to do for displaying purposes [11:43] right, gotcha [11:43] Thank you for your help :D [11:43] np, hope you get it all set [11:44] You all might like this :D http://shirt.woot.com/ [11:52] and to carry on yesterday's theme...die IE die [11:53] +1 [11:53] agreed [11:56] well, at least there's a ticket for this current issue [11:58] which particular issue? [11:58] google doodle is kind of cool today [11:58] http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2530063 [11:58] MaskedDriver: ^ [11:58] milestone changed to FUTURE [11:58] that must give you a lot of hope [11:59] and yeah the doodle is pretty cool [12:00] Heh, I just drove by the Getty drive-in in Muskegon on Sunday [12:03] Lenovo deals http://www.techbargains.com/news_displayItem.cfm/301486 [12:05] There are others on here for laptops http://www.techbargains.com/ just search lenovo and you will see them. [12:05] just gave them all my $$ so think I'm done for a bit [12:05] HA HA [12:09] ??? My IRC just got disconnected for some reason [12:09] that'll teach you to laugh at me :P [12:10] networks, can't live with em, can't live without them [12:11] lo [12:11] l [12:11] yo I heard you like dcing bro [12:34] http://greyscalegorilla.com/blog/2012/06/the-avengers-find-their-way-using-cinema-4d-and-the-city-kit/ cool read [12:40] Wow. I didn't pay that much attention to the HUD [12:40] I just assumed it was fluff [12:43] I <3 effects teams. [12:43] I'll sit and watch the making of Titanic faster than I'll EVER sit and watch the damn movie [12:47] Also, git gives you super powers. [12:47] hah, yes it does [12:55] So do shrooms, but I don't see you using them [12:59] That's because they don't run under Linux [13:01] I laughed [14:30] *sigh* another password mess [14:32] They're easier to sort out if you just store them unencrypted [14:32] Save yourself some time [14:32] brousch: even easier: just set them all to "" [14:32] D00d, that is brilliant [14:32] Thank you. :-) [14:33] Heh, reminds me of one of our systems. It stores the passwords unencrypted and doesn't even ask for a username. You just type the password [14:33] * rick_h pretends he didn't see that [14:34] Proprietary system. I didn't make this thing ;) [14:35] I just realized they've started dipping into Internet usable parts of their application. That is scary [14:35] there, linked in password changed. Thank you lastpass. [14:42] http://geek.theresumator.com/apply/job_20120424231805_RZK7WDBL47C89LMY/Principal-Software-Engineer.html?source=LINK [14:44] yea, saw that. Where's wolfger these days? He's the now resident perl guru right? [14:44] Hm, haven't seen him in a while [14:45] Chrysler built a better firewall [14:45] Might be up my alley, but I don't see Slashdot being Geeknet much longer [14:46] (personal conjecture.) [14:46] yea, I don't know the internals, but that whole scene seems a bit unstable [14:50] I haven't heard anything since the announcement they were "maximizing shareholder value" a few weeks ago [14:51] Well, the whole SlashBI (which was the worst name for a site since expertsexchange) thing pretty much leads me to believe the geeks are losing control of the ship [14:52] s/losing control/losing more control/ [15:31] Yahoo's new browser's website rocks so hard it crashed my browser [15:33] Eh? [15:33] http://axis.yahoo.com [15:33] read an article on it last night and thought I'd take a look. I love that it's available for apple devices only [15:33] anyway, went to watc hthe video and it crashed chrome [15:34] Works for me [15:34] yeah, I had a lot of tabs open [15:35] but yeah, the desktop version is a joke. It's just a plugin for chrome or firefox [15:45] MaskedDriver: available for chrome != apple device [15:48] yawn [16:04] hah, man bad day to hold linked in stock http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/06/your-iphone-calendar-isnt-privateat-least-if-you-use-the-linkedin-app/ [16:13] Good quick read http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/2012/06/06/flask-django-sucks.html [16:13] And the slides https://speakerdeck.com/u/kennethreitz/p/flasky-goodness [16:17] MaskedDriver: i enjoyed this blog post re: the axis browser: http://dcurt.is/axis [16:38] looking for feedback on this kind of make file for a small single module python project. http://paste.mitechie.com/show/681/ [16:46] looking [17:11] jrwren: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/682/ [17:12] jrwren: I messsed up the filename in target, but hopefully that gets the idea, hopefully more generic/reusable [17:12] and shorter to read [17:14] rick_h: nice, TY [17:14] np, and you don't need the touch command bit since you have the file [17:15] shell which python would be same as just python though, wouldn't it? [17:15] I'd have that do a wget or git clone or whatever to get the file [17:15] jrwren: yea, but now that it's a var, you can pass in a diff python to test [17:15] or pick up venv, etc [17:15] good. [17:15] make PY=/usr/bin/python3 [17:15] what do you mean wget it? [17:15] for instance [17:15] OH! sweet. nice call. [17:15] jrwren: well for me I don't have the original .py file [17:16] so I had to create it [17:16] but no idea how your file appears [17:16] oh, ok. I'll just stick this with the original py [17:16] right, cool [17:16] i'll just drop the $(TARGET): rule [17:17] right [17:17] oh, but then I get no rule to make target... hrm. [17:17] my filename was wrong [17:17] fix the TARGET := [17:18] oh, it looked right on first inspect [17:18] yea, I typod it in hacking this out [17:18] rock on. ty [17:19] np, Makefile fun ftw [17:19] what do you think of a clean: rm $(testout) $(lintout) ? [17:20] yea, that's cool, but in caps [17:21] and .PHONY: clean [17:21] at the top since it doesn't generate any files [17:21] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2145590/what-is-the-purpose-of-phony-in-a-makefile [17:23] "Father's day deals for the man who felt you kick inside him for nine months" [17:23] -- Groupon [17:24] eh? [17:24] Only if you're a seahorse [17:25] Sperm only live a few days, so that doesn't make sense [17:25] Also they don't have legs, so I think it's impossible for them to kick [17:26] brousch: Congratulations, you just showed more biological knowledge than Groupon [17:26] What's my prize? [17:27] me not calling you an idiot. :) [17:27] whoa http://paste.mitechie.com/raw/683/ [17:27] That prize sucks [17:28] rick_h: That is insane [17:28] although I like the business inside views [17:28] Took a virtual tour through a comic shop that way. [17:29] Brian: "Yes, in fact Google does have a fleet of planes with contractors that fly exclusively for Google. And the privacy issues is no different than we've had with aerial shots for years." [17:29] "Dude! Google owns planes! Crazy!" [17:29] lol [17:29] OMG they must be rich! [17:30] hah [17:32] And I for one welcome Google's street-view of the Marianis Trench [17:33] I fully expect some one to be planking down there [17:33] I've got a sweet spot for maps. It's one of those things that (especially when you get a smartphone) you forget what life was like before it was there [17:33] indeed [17:34] I have no idea how I got anywhere before GPS [17:34] JoDee has a maps fixation [17:34] I must have been hopelessly lost half the time [17:34] brousch: Tes [17:34] Yes, even [17:34] I mean, remember mapquest? [17:35] now we're coming back from the wedding I just pull out my phone, enter home, and hit navigation and it's getting me home [17:35] with 'betsy' calling out turns all the way wheee [17:35] but yellow pages? what yellow pages? [17:35] "I 1/4 mile, make a left turn onto oop-dyke road" [17:36] "Can't you dfollow directions, you idiot?" [17:36] lol [17:36] Google maps took me down that little nearly-impassable alley when I visited snap-l [17:37] I thought I was gonna get carjacked [17:38] brousch: That's because Google is trying to kill you. [17:38] Possibly [17:38] You didn't sign up with Google Insurance, where they name themselves as the veneficiary, did you? [17:39] Of course. I love all things Google! [17:42] 293559 [17:43] noted [17:43] heh, hey, I've gotten better at not hitting it [17:53] anyone have the password hash file that came from linkedin, want to see if I was a part of it :) [17:54] http://www.mediafire.com/?n307hutksjstow3 [17:56] this legit? [17:56] find out in a second [17:57] that is the link from slashdot [17:58] ok [17:58] As legit as something on a shady file sharing website can be [17:58] buddy just posted https://github.com/hungtruong/LinkedIn-Password-Checker/tree/ [17:58] looks like mine isn't in there [17:58] rick_h: how did you check? [17:58] it's just sha1pass "YOURPASS" right? [17:58] I think so [17:59] hmm, nope, sha1pass must salt or something it's not consistant [17:59] ahh [18:00] ok, so put the password in a file, sha1sum filename [18:00] and grep for that? [18:00] that looks better, still not found [18:01] according to https://github.com/hungtruong/LinkedIn-Password-Checker/blob/master/linkedin.py [18:02] linked in throws away the first 6 bytes [18:02] hashlib.sha1("mypassword").hexdigest()[6:] [18:02] bah, just removed the files [18:02] doh [18:02] i like how the answer no matter is "change your password' [18:04] jrwren: actually, I think because some of the sha1s are zero-led with 6 0's for some reason [18:04] probably the lack of salt. [18:04] heh [18:04] they didn't understand salt [18:04] or pepper? [18:04] mmmm, shriracha [18:05] Honestly, just change it [18:05] yea, already done, but curious ntl [18:06] Lord knows what else is exposed [18:06] What really gets me is the nmber of people that are bitching that they have to change a dozen sites passwords because of this [18:07] "Have you learned nothing in the 21st century?" [18:07] Geekers. Mine is in there [18:08] well just remember, all that means is that someone inthe database has that password [18:08] using jrwren's technique and it has 6 0's in front [18:08] if 100 people have the same password it hashes the same and could only be in there once [18:08] The password was quite uncommon [18:08] I'm dd000000000000000000000000000000000000000med [18:09] lol [18:09] it was password1234 wasn't it? [18:09] ilovemycat [18:09] lol [18:09] No, but my new one is. How'd you get that?! [18:09] fuck, that was my password [18:09] none of my passwords are in there, so I'm golden [18:09] how did you find it? [18:10] I'm a major haxor [18:10] my question is how did they only get SOME of the passwords? [18:10] its on github! [18:10] I'm guessing it's only the hard to crack. [18:10] with no salt, you can get them, unique them, remove the easy ones you can crack, and post the harder ones up for everyone to get in on [18:11] ah [18:11] or else they only dumped the first 10M or whatever to get the data and get out [18:12] There's also rainbow tables of passwords out there [18:12] They only got passwords of the most awesome people. That's why mine is in there and none of you lamers' is. [18:12] just generate a butt-ton of passwords, sha1sum them, and then compare [18:13] rather than do the hard work of reverse-engineering a hash, you can instead do some simple computes [18:14] which is why you should be using bcrypt. :) [18:14] how do you not salt passwords? really [18:14] woot! new SSD is here [18:15] it takes no time at all to generated a salted password [18:15] What is salt? [18:16] <_Marcus> Something you use to make food taste better [18:16] See. What's that got to do with a password? [18:16] <_Marcus> Nobody likes plain passwords. Salt makes your passwords taste much better. [18:16] from LinkedIn Blog: Our security team continues to investigate this morning’s reports of stolen passwords. At this time, we’re still unable to confirm that any security breach has occurred. You can stay informed of our progress by following us on Twitter @LinkedIn and @LinkedInNews. [18:17] yo dawg.. I heard you like denial [18:19] though if the hacker is any good, he would have deleted any logs [18:19] note: don't have logs go in default places. hide them, stupid [18:36] whoa, according to my buddy's python script, my password was in the dump [18:36] son of a [18:37] that sucks [18:37] oh shit, linkedin is so incompetent they don't know what happened! [18:39] et's put it this way: they sent out a note about it at work [18:39] People are oing to freak no matter what they do at this point [18:40] yeah [18:41] I want to see their graphite graph of signups vs account deletions today heh [18:41] heh [18:42] I mean, we're dealing with a bunch of people who name their password after their dog "because nobody will guess 'snickerdoodle' is py password" [18:42] as opposed to us programmer freaks who will name our dog after our password. [18:42] snickerdoodle was not found [18:43] lol [18:43] "Come here yahx2osheixiuGheo3Ieb0cai9fie3mu" [18:44] sorry.. it looks like snickerdoodle WAS found [18:44] lol [18:44] guess what password was found in the database? [18:44] 'password' [18:44] le'sigh [18:45] "linkedinsucks" [18:45] was found [18:45] I'm totally naming my dog after pwgen 12 1 [18:45] although I'll need to figure how many bits of entropy that is [18:46] don't want to have any naming collisions. ;) [18:46] <_Marcus> How do you check if your password was in the dump? [18:46] 'holycrap' was found [18:50] _Marcus: see above, link to a github repo [18:50] oh, that was before you joined [18:50] https://github.com/hungtruong/LinkedIn-Password-Checker/blob/master/linkedin.py [18:51] err, https://github.com/hungtruong/LinkedIn-Password-Checker/tree/ [18:52] or http://kryogenix.org/days/2012/06/06/how-i-checked-whether-my-linkedin-password-was-leaked [18:59] And just closed my linkedin account [18:59] ^ me too [19:01] Enjoy the unemployment line! [19:01] lol because LinkedIn ever got me any jobs [19:04] brousch: Yeah, like the Dice.com account [19:04] all that netted me was a few calls a year for the same Ford position [19:05] LinkedIn is essential for networking with professionals who like to network professionally. Your career is doomed without it. [19:09] I'm running a check against this: http://techland.time.com/2011/11/22/the-25-most-popular-and-worst-passwords-of-2011/ [19:09] at 12 and every one has been in there [19:12] <_stink_> hah [19:17] :D [19:19] I dunno, I've never had a LinkedIn account [19:19] @brousch [19:19] eh? [19:20] brousch was just being sarcastic Milyardo [19:24] i'm sorry we don't allow sarcasm in this channel [19:25] of COURSE you don't [19:25] Well that's just great [19:26] I see, I've actually heard some else say that about a month ago [19:26] some people really think that [19:29] those people call themselves "Social Media Experts" [19:29] if I get an e-mail from someone from LinkedIn, I laugh and tell them I don't want to work for stalkers [20:21] I'll be so happy when client side apps diaf. It took me 45 minutes to create a whole new server including migrating a bunch of legacy mysql data. It took me another 45 minutes to login to 3 desktops to change the odbc config [20:23] that is just a poorly designed app. [20:23] Darn tootin [20:23] You don't want more details [20:23] e.g. evernote, dropbox, twitter, all excellent desktop apps, none suffer from the config issue you just said. [20:24] doesn't help that it's WinXP so I had to logut the user and login as admin to make the changes [20:25] Then logout as admin and login as the user so they won't call me at 6AM saying their password doesn't work [21:10] later, see you at CHC [21:24] jcastro: trouble maker [22:04] heh [22:04] hey these eneloops are the coolest thing I've bought in a while [22:15] jcastro: now if only you'd take my word on the tiling WM it's be the new coolest :P [22:16] jcastro: 520 came in, just waiting on the x230 to leave manufacturing now dum da dum dum [22:17] rick_h: Oh, didn't you hear? Lenovo filed for Ch. 11 [22:17] HP is buying their laptop business [22:17] hah! [22:18] They're no longer making Thinkpads. They're now calling them 'paq pads [22:24] Your musical compatibility with whiprush is SUPER