SamuraiAlba | Peep this... | 00:20 |
SamuraiAlba | | 00:20 |
SamuraiAlba | good bacon! | 00:20 |
InHisName | on machine A I type: nslookup and get a good IP response. | 04:36 |
InHisName | On machine B the SAME command gives a different IP response. What/where do I look to find cause of problem? | 04:37 |
InHisName | all 25 of you, including pleia2 are asleep already ? | 04:48 |
JonathanD | Morning | 08:49 |
rmg51 | Morning | 09:30 |
JonathanD | hey | 09:37 |
SamuraiAlba | Mornin! | 10:08 |
JonathanD | hey SamuraiAlba | 11:00 |
InHisName | Morning | 11:11 |
InHisName | on machine "A" I type: nslookup and get a good IP response. | 11:12 |
InHisName | On machine "B" the SAME command gives a different IP response. What/where do I look to find cause of problem? | 11:12 |
LordOfTime | InHisName: figure out which DNS servers are being used on each machine | 11:13 |
LordOfTime | make sure the machines are using the same lookup server | 11:13 |
InHisName | How to figure that out? | 11:13 |
LordOfTime | i dont use nslookup, I use dnsget, but i have the raw output spit out | 11:13 |
* waltman *YAWNS* | 11:13 | |
LordOfTime | in there is the IP of the lookup server | 11:14 |
InHisName | I thought that putting was putting that dns to search. | 11:14 |
LordOfTime | i dont use nslookup so... | 11:16 |
LordOfTime | InHisName: is it you're looking up? | 11:17 |
InHisName | Yes | 11:17 |
LordOfTime | one moment | 11:17 |
LordOfTime | InHisName: | 11:18 |
LordOfTime | bleh | 11:18 |
LordOfTime | | 11:18 |
LordOfTime | without https | 11:18 |
LordOfTime | everything there look correct? | 11:19 |
InHisName | That is what Machine "A" shows - that's the good answer. | 11:20 |
LordOfTime | this is google's dns: | 11:20 |
LordOfTime | same lookup, but through google's dbs | 11:20 |
InHisName | I've just installed dnsget here and will try it with same command for comparison | 11:21 |
LordOfTime | (looks like it hasnt propagated globally) | 11:21 |
LordOfTime | and this is Level3 DNS: | 11:21 |
LordOfTime | still looks like it hasnt propagated | 11:22 |
InHisName | the zone has 'error' complaining "found domain delegation errors" | 11:23 |
InHisName | Might be why not propagated. | 11:23 |
LordOfTime | probably | 11:23 |
LordOfTime | probably means the main nameserver changes for the domain havent propagated | 11:23 |
LordOfTime | *that* will probably take time | 11:23 |
LordOfTime | up to a day | 11:24 |
InHisName | But I need to understand that error, and their help for it hasn't been enough. | 11:24 |
InHisName | I am not delegating any subdomains of that. Not sure what other delegations I am in charge of, yet. | 11:25 |
LordOfTime | well "delegation" can sometimeis be the nameserver changes | 11:27 |
LordOfTime | this happens whenever i reg a new domain and send it to the new third-party DNS, I get DNS delegation errors until DNS globally propagates | 11:27 |
LordOfTime | the difference may be one system is caching DNS info | 11:28 |
LordOfTime | can't be fully certain why, though, you may want to contact them to see why its returning that | 11:29 |
LordOfTime | but having the third=party (myself) show you what i'm seeing in the DNS lookup helps to affirm that Machine A is right and Machine B is screwy | 11:29 |
InHisName | here is display of results of test & error, not sure if error visible here though. | 11:30 |
LordOfTime | Found domain delegation errors [ Check Delegations ] <-- DNS delegation error, similar to ones i get when the nameserver changes havent propagated to the universe | 11:32 |
LordOfTime | OR | 11:32 |
LordOfTime | the dns lookup server(s) are broken | 11:32 |
InHisName | I think it 'broke' because a power cycle rebooted the server from Win2008 into ubuntu server for a few months. So no web site. | 11:32 |
LordOfTime | that may be the case | 11:32 |
LordOfTime | it may be caching | 11:32 |
InHisName | So, should I just delete from and start over ? Do I need to wait 24 hrs to make a new one? Should I remove the hooks from that refer to ? In which order if so. | 11:36 |
LordOfTime | i'd wait 12 hours and do the lookup(s) again | 11:36 |
LordOfTime | if that still doesn't work, redo the dns zone i'd say | 11:36 |
LordOfTime | and if the dns nameservers change then edit the ones from that refer to the nameservers | 11:37 |
InHisName | I've been working all day on this yesterday, its been 12+ hours since last change, if I made a change. | 11:37 |
LordOfTime | hmm | 11:37 |
LordOfTime | DAMN i'm going to be late | 11:37 |
LordOfTime | *runs out the door* | 11:38 |
InHisName | bye | 11:38 |
SamuraiAlba | morning rmg51 | 12:21 |
rmg51 | morning SamuraiAlba | 12:58 |
SamuraiAlba | how is it going? | 12:58 |
rmg51 | I'm at work of that tells you anything | 13:10 |
SamuraiAlba | lol | 13:12 |
SamuraiAlba | I need to find a way to Philly soon | 13:12 |
SamuraiAlba | got this computer here, ya see? | 13:13 |
* SamuraiAlba points to 45lb monster | 13:13 | |
jedijf | Pennsylvania Arch users | RTFM | Arch Corner at FOSSCON needs volunteers (contact passstab) | 15:56 |
LordOfTime | InHisName: any progress? | 16:29 |
InHisName | LordOfTime: yes, somewhat. I deleted the NS records from A few hours later the records disappeared from the NS servers. Now I've created a "new" domain and need to wait 24+ hours for overnight checking. Done for all "new" added domains. THEN it begins the propagation. At least that is what I hope happens. | 17:42 |
MutantTurkey | rocks | 17:51 |
MutantTurkey | used it for quite some time | 17:51 |
InHisName | Yea, it was nice until I lost power in Jan and server lost running Win2008 and rebooted automatically in ubuntu server. I didn't realize that the web server went offline until early yesterday. afraid marked their NS tags as broken since Jan. | 17:56 |
SamuraiAlba | good bacon to all! | 18:46 |
JonathanD | Howdy SamuraiAlba | 18:46 |
SamuraiAlba | How is it going? | 18:46 |
JonathanD | it is going well | 18:47 |
SamuraiAlba | cool beans | 18:47 |
SamuraiAlba | I stubbed my tow on the server LOL | 18:47 |
JonathanD | lovely :D | 18:47 |
JonathanD | I should see if hive has come to a conclusion about it. | 18:47 |
SamuraiAlba | *toe | 18:47 |
SamuraiAlba | go check :) | 18:47 |
SamuraiAlba | I can drop the VM software on it if u like | 18:48 |
JonathanD | there has been an ongoing debate about noisy server vs not-noisy server | 18:48 |
SamuraiAlba | It isn't noisy | 18:48 |
JonathanD | I got myself a new server, personally, today. | 18:48 |
SamuraiAlba | oooh? | 18:48 |
SamuraiAlba | what? | 18:48 |
JonathanD | the one they have is noisy, thats why they don't use it. | 18:48 |
JonathanD | DL360 | 18:48 |
SamuraiAlba | NOISY | 18:48 |
SamuraiAlba | I had one | 18:48 |
JonathanD | yes | 18:48 |
JonathanD | but I have a basement | 18:48 |
JonathanD | you have seen my basement, no? | 18:49 |
SamuraiAlba | no :( | 18:49 |
JonathanD | I actually recieved a network today, more accurately. | 18:49 |
SamuraiAlba | Dungeon? *bats eyelashes* | 18:49 |
SamuraiAlba | lol jk | 18:49 |
JonathanD | | 18:49 |
JonathanD | basement | 18:49 |
JonathanD | The next room over is the holodeck. This is the hardware it runs on. | 18:49 |
SamuraiAlba | lol | 18:49 |
SamuraiAlba | y so much? | 18:49 |
JonathanD | I like the sound of server fans. | 18:50 |
JonathanD | I find it relaxing. | 18:50 |
SamuraiAlba | lol | 18:50 |
JonathanD | They're all ESXi'd up. | 18:50 |
SamuraiAlba | where u gets? | 18:50 |
JonathanD | retired equipment from an old job | 18:50 |
SamuraiAlba | ooooh :) | 18:50 |
JonathanD | I used to work as a consultant, for an IBM business partner. | 18:50 |
SamuraiAlba | ahhh | 18:51 |
SamuraiAlba | I need a better job :( | 18:51 |
SamuraiAlba | Boss being douche | 18:51 |
SamuraiAlba | Wants me to reschedule ALL my classes for AFT 5:30pm and NOT on weekends | 18:51 |
SamuraiAlba | two classes are ONLY saturday | 18:51 |
SamuraiAlba | REQUIRED for Cyber Security major :( | 18:52 |
JonathanD | ProLiant DL360 G4p | 18:52 |
pleia2 | JonathanD: will this fix the holodeck? there was another glitch | 18:52 |
JonathanD | only 1GB | 18:52 |
SamuraiAlba | I had a 5th gen | 18:52 |
JonathanD | pleia2: not without more memory. | 18:52 |
pleia2 | tsk :) | 18:53 |
SamuraiAlba | you need a 42U rack? | 18:53 |
JonathanD | oh no. | 18:54 |
JonathanD | I couldn't get one down there. | 18:54 |
JonathanD | and I don't have rails anyway. | 18:54 |
SamuraiAlba | I can get 4 from North Jersey for $100 each | 18:54 |
JonathanD | also got a rack mount LTO2 and 24 port gbit switch | 18:55 |
JonathanD | and a PIX | 18:55 |
JonathanD | :P | 18:55 |
JonathanD | These guys are moving out so they gave me their network | 18:55 |
SamuraiAlba | I have that 48 port Cisco and the m0n0 box | 18:55 |
SamuraiAlba | Did you read this ??? | 18:57 |
JonathanD | I like mono | 18:58 |
JonathanD | well, thats interesting. | 18:58 |
SamuraiAlba | what is? | 18:59 |
JonathanD | your link. | 18:59 |
SamuraiAlba | ahhh | 18:59 |
SamuraiAlba | using registers to store up to 256bit keys :) | 18:59 |
SamuraiAlba | I have an i7 lappy. I should use TRESOR :) | 18:59 |
SamuraiAlba | How hard would it be to patch Ubuntu with that code? | 19:07 |
SamuraiAlba | anyone? | 21:12 |
MutantTurkey | no idea | 21:25 |
SamuraiAlba | MuTu | 21:26 |
SamuraiAlba | I restarted my RS acct | 21:26 |
SamuraiAlba | got it back and restored :) | 21:26 |
MutantTurkey | nice lol | 21:34 |
SamuraiAlba | hihi! | 22:34 |
InHisName | hi SamuraiAlba, no going to hive tonight after all? | 23:04 |
InHisName | Did you say the server was 42 lbs ? That's pretty heavy | 23:05 |
SamuraiAlba | 45 | 23:05 |
SamuraiAlba | not able to go | 23:05 |
JonathanD | InHisName: hive was last night. | 23:05 |
SamuraiAlba | dang money... | 23:05 |
SamuraiAlba | and I dont think they are open tonight | 23:05 |
SamuraiAlba | LOL | 23:05 |
JonathanD | open house is every weds | 23:06 |
InHisName | hive is only one night? I thought they had the rooms 24x7 for members ? | 23:06 |
SamuraiAlba | Those are the BDSM rooms | 23:06 |
SamuraiAlba | I avoid thos :) | 23:06 |
SamuraiAlba | s/thos/those | 23:07 |
InHisName | Uuuuhhh, I'm a bit afraid to ask what that acronym stands for..... | 23:07 |
SamuraiAlba | dont ask | 23:07 |
SamuraiAlba | DONT GOOGLE! | 23:07 |
JonathanD | InHisName: they do. | 23:09 |
JonathanD | InHisName: for members, anyway. | 23:10 |
SamuraiAlba | I ordered Chinese food :) | 23:10 |
SamuraiAlba | How much is membership? | 23:10 |
JonathanD | can I have some? | 23:10 |
JonathanD | SamuraiAlba: there are 3 levels. | 23:10 |
SamuraiAlba | And... can I live there? | 23:10 |
SamuraiAlba | like... I hate my house | 23:10 |
SamuraiAlba | LOL | 23:10 |
* SamuraiAlba gets mini fridge packed up | 23:10 | |
JonathanD | heh :) | 23:11 |
JonathanD | theres a mini fridge there. | 23:11 |
JonathanD | Core Membership: $100 a month, for heavy users of the space | 23:12 |
JonathanD | Basic Membership: $50 a month, for most people | 23:12 |
JonathanD | Friend of Hive76: $15 a month, 'nearly' a member. Also commonly known as 'dismembership' | 23:12 |
SamuraiAlba | I went and read :) | 23:13 |
SamuraiAlba | I wish I could afford $100 :) | 23:13 |
SamuraiAlba | Sounds AWESOME | 23:13 |
JonathanD | SamuraiAlba: I am not a member, myself. I honestly don't have the time, mostly. | 23:13 |
SamuraiAlba | 2 jobs here, 18 credit hours, a Comp Sci/Sociology/English tutor, and... sleep? | 23:16 |
JonathanD | sleep is overrated. | 23:17 |
SamuraiAlba | At least my school transcripts will be awesome | 23:18 |
SamuraiAlba | 3.6gpa | 23:18 |
InHisName | Good gpa | 23:20 |
SamuraiAlba | thankies | 23:20 |
SamuraiAlba | Got a B in Networking Fundamentals | 23:20 |
SamuraiAlba | A in English 101 | 23:21 |
SamuraiAlba | we wont discuss Algebra... LOL | 23:21 |
InHisName | my grades for those classes might be A net, A Alg, C- on a GREAT day for English | 23:23 |
SamuraiAlba | hehe | 23:31 |
SamuraiAlba | I used very pretentious language | 23:31 |
SamuraiAlba | Professor loved it | 23:31 |
SamuraiAlba | I took English 102 with the TOUGHEST prof at Uni just for the challenge next sem :) | 23:31 |
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