
SpamapShazmat: pong (but not sure how long I'll be online ;)01:00
SpamapShazmat: and with that, I disappear01:07
hazmatSpamapS, maybe tomorrow then02:44
hazmatSpamapS, negronjl http://jujucharms.com/tools/store-missing03:37
negronjlhazmat: nice ... thx for the tool04:05
SpamapShazmat: cool :)04:49
SpamapSanother queue for charmers to work on really04:49
SpamapSbut sort of pointless without the import logs for the charm store04:50
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lynxmanSpamapS: did that, I've been having some problems promulgating as well :(08:43
lynxmanSpamapS: tried to fix them with m_3, maybe I can grab ahold of you later08:43
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m_3quiet friday15:07
imbrandonm_3: heh yea, /me has been fighting with RPM's and charm-tools-that-should-be-called-i-hate-the-osx-bsd-tools15:11
* m_3 grin15:12
imbrandontook me an hour to figure out bsd getopt != gnu-getopt15:13
SpamapSimbrandon: hah! perhaps we should rewrite all those in python15:14
imbrandonbtw i came accross a very slick way to install juju on OSX now without the need for brew at all , gonna script it up and it can live in the official juju branch then ( that assumes it would be approved for such but i dont see why not )15:14
imbrandonSpamapS: i thought seriously about it, i got a few patches in either case :)15:15
imbrandonadded some error checking too and checking of exit codes from the commands / scripts15:16
imbrandonand normalized the help where it called them commands and scripts interchangeably15:17
imbrandonbut its all like one big commit right now, gonna split it out here in a few in case you dont like all the changes its easier to cherry pick15:17
* imbrandon gets back at it before i get destracted too much15:18
imbrandonoh and got a 3-month free window azure thing too today so thought about trying to make a provider , but likely will fail if/when i get to that part15:20
imbrandonSpamapS, m_3, jcastro: if i did the leg work and got a Proof-of-concept OS X jenkins deploying code then running unit/regression testing for juju and charm-tools what do you think the chances of getting a VM running in canonical's to do that would be ?15:25
imbrandoncanonical's datacenter*15:26
shazznerimbrandon: you're working on juju for osx right?15:29
shazznercool, as someone who has unfortunately been forced to use it. I sincerely applaude your effort :)15:30
imbrandondoing some touchups today matter fact, some things still not 100% right but its getting there :)15:30
shazznerI wonder if juju can deploy to rackspace's managed cloud, probably not I assume15:31
imbrandonfixed up bash completion and got most of the charm tools runnning , most importantly charm proof15:31
imbrandonit can15:31
imbrandoni use rackspace a little15:31
shazznerI figured it would be one layer abstracted too much15:31
imbrandonnah, they have pure openstack15:32
imbrandone.g. it was them and nasa that started that show anyhow :)15:32
shazzneryeah, I'm familar with it all15:32
shazznerI'm wondering if a managed cloud user can get openstack creditials to deploy services to15:33
imbrandonbut yea, you can, you neeed to use SpamapS's external s3 patch or the OSAPI provider thats on LP for testing only yet15:33
imbrandonbut it works15:33
shazznerhuh, awesome15:33
imbrandonshazzner: i'm not sure 100% i just asked support and now they are in my cpl15:33
imbrandonfew weeks ago15:34
shazznercool, let me know what they say :)15:34
imbrandonno thats what i mean, i asked them , and they gave em to me15:34
shazzneroh I see what you mean15:34
imbrandonand put them in my cpl alogn with the API key :)15:34
shazznerdamn that rules15:34
m_3imbrandon: there's really nowhere to run such a VM afaik, but get me a VM and I'll see what I can do15:34
imbrandonm_3: ok, i'll see if i cant have it sometime next week15:35
m_3imbrandon: the qa lab hardware is up/down all the time with openstack and maas testing... but I'll ask around15:35
imbrandonif not cool i understand, more convience for others than me15:35
hazmatm_3, there's one more charm which still showing some ill effects from the distro branches15:37
hazmatm_3, cs:oneiric/hadoop-master15:37
hazmatie. can't be checked out, as it references a precise branch15:37
hazmatits at this unreachable branch lp:~charmers/charms/oneiric/hadoop-master/trunk15:38
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m_3hazmat: that's a strange one... b/c it shouldn't be in precise15:40
m_3in oneiric, the charms are hadoop-master, hadoop-slave, hadoop-mapreduce15:41
m_3in precise, it's just hadoop15:41
hazmatm_3, right.. perhaps because it got yanked?15:41
m_3no clue... lemme look at the branches15:41
hazmatm_3, its the only charm branch thats inaccessible15:41
m_3hazmat: man that's just hosed... bzr info's not showing that oneiric/hadoop-master/trunk's stacked on anything but it's referencing the precise/hadoop-master/precise branch15:49
m_3oh, I see what's going on here... lp's trying to be smart.. the branch has no reference to series... bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/charms/hadoop-master/... and it gets filled in magically15:54
m_3makes sense that we can't manually manage series then15:55
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gmbSpamapS: around?16:07
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negronjl'morning all16:34
m_3hazmat: ok, try it now16:35
hazmatnegronjl, g'morning16:35
negronjlhi hazmat16:35
m_3hazmat: actually retry all hadoop-{master,slave,mapreduce}16:35
hazmatm_3, in progress16:35
hazmatnegronjl, how'd it go?16:36
negronjlhazmat: It went very well... I never expected so many people to be so interested in Ubuntu in Azure16:37
m_3negronjl: yeah, it's totally cool imo16:37
negronjlM$ is about 60-70% to where Amazon is in features16:37
negronjland they are giving away a lot of very interesting features ( metrics and such ) for free16:38
hazmatnegronjl,  i'm curious to try out their prod platform to see what the i/o is like16:40
hazmatnegronjl, if they can just make the config stuff work it would go alot nicer16:41
negronjlhazmat: Prod IO is about 30M/s16:41
hazmatnegronjl, nice.. that's roughly 6x dev16:41
negronjlhazmat: yup16:41
SpamapSgmb: I'm off this week, but peeking in here and there16:41
negronjlhazmat: They were telling me that their dev/beta env was pretty much worthless16:41
hazmatnegronjl, did you do a juju demo?16:41
gmbSpamapS: Okay. I'm about to EoD, so I'll drop you an email instead and we can talk when you're back.16:41
negronjlhazmat: No ... I just had the presentation in a loop on my laptop and had people ask about it and such after looking at it16:42
m_3negronjl: cool16:42
SpamapSgmb: I do plan to get your python modules into Debian/quantal *soon*16:43
SpamapSgmb: you're just suffering from an unfortunate series of events of very high priority ;)16:43
hazmatSpamapS, i think i'm going to need to rewrite charm-tools check to be more amenable for library usag16:43
gmbSpamapS: Okay; is there anything at all we can do to help? Should we rope someone else with packaging experience to help out rather than just loading you up with more work?16:44
SpamapShazmat: library?16:46
SpamapShazmat: its pretty easy to parse....16:46
m_3yeah, I was just trying to fiure out what hazmat was talking about16:46
SpamapSwhy not speak the international language of shell love... exec()16:46
hazmatbecause its nice to avoid fork bombs on small instances ;-)16:47
hazmatbut fair enough16:47
hazmati'll give that a short first16:47
SpamapSEven if there are 10,000 charms... thats not too many forks if you wait() on them :)16:47
hazmatSpamapS, there's also some thing this would pick up better if it used the juju.charm class16:48
hazmatthere's a couple of invalid things it misses16:49
SpamapSit must not share code w/ juju16:49
SpamapSthe whole point is that it is an independent static analysis tool16:50
hazmatSpamapS, what value does that provide, other than inconsistency?16:51
hazmatit can do additional checks and policies16:51
SpamapSits an air gap to protect against bugs in the juju implementation16:51
SpamapScharm proof is meant to assert the way the spec says charms are composed16:52
SpamapSIf it throws errors where juju does not, then *one* of them has a bug.16:52
hazmatthe juju analysis is static, bugs should be fixed there, we already have multiple implementations of that..16:52
hazmatSpamapS, the problem is that its not throwing errors, where juju does16:53
hazmatand rather than copy the implementation, why not just use it..16:53
SpamapSthen thats a bug in one of them too16:53
SpamapS(unless its a runtime error, not a static format error)16:53
SpamapShazmat: I'm fine with charm proof *calling* juju's version of "is this formatted correctly" after it has found that it thinks the charm is formatted correctly. But I don't want them sharing code.16:55
imbrandonwe could do the charm-tools in ruby then it would not be an issue ... just teasin before someone takes me serious :)16:56
gmbSpamapS: I'm eod'17:10
gmb'ing now, so please email me if there's anything that we (~Yellow, ~launchpad or others) can do to help you with the packaging of our charm-tools additions and python-shelltoolbox. We're happy to try and find someone else to do the packaging if you've got too much on your plate.17:11
imbrandongmb: are they on LP branch somewhere ?17:12
SpamapSgmb: given that buildbot is being abandoned, is anything else going to use these python charm helpers?17:12
imbrandonwait should they be charm-helpers or charm-tools17:13
SpamapSimbrandon: they exist.. just simple python modules that I want to have packaged before we start relying on them.17:13
SpamapSimbrandon: definitely charm helpers17:13
SpamapSwhich is a part of charmt-tools17:14
imbrandonSpamapS: i will likely have time over this weekend assuming this rpm stuff falls in line, if that will help17:14
SpamapSimbrandon: sure if you can dig them out17:16
m_3SpamapS: so python-shelltoolbox needs to be built as a package and marked as a dep of charm-tools? re: https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/charm-tools/trunk/+merge/101554 or is there something more going on here?17:26
SpamapSm_3: right, well ,a dep of the python bit17:27
SpamapSanyway, I'm out again17:27
SpamapSbe back to work on Monday17:28
m_3SpamapS: great weekend!17:28
hazmatSpamapS, have a good one17:30
* hazmat gathers a list of all the charms proof has a runtime error on17:30
m_3hazmat: did hadoop-xxx work now?17:36
m_3(oneiric and precise)17:36
hazmatm_3, yup17:37
hazmatm_3, thanks17:37
hazmatthat's not bad... charm proof only barfs completely on two charms (out of 360).17:38
hazmatthe terracota one though juju is fine with in practice, has an odd definition of its peer interface though17:38
adam_gis there some backdoor way to go about clearing the charm cache from an existing juju environment, so that juju deploy will always use the local:charm regardless of revision?18:51
benjiadam_g: I think you want "juju deploy --upgrade"18:54
adam_gbenji: will that work for a local charm that has an earlier revision # than whats currently cached/was last deployed?18:58
m_3adam_g: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-jitsu/charmrunner/trunk/view/head:/charmrunner/snapshot.py clean_juju_state does some of this... it was written against the local provider though18:59
imbrandonadam_g: or set a cron to rm it from /usr/lib/juju/* on the bootstrap node18:59
imbrandonkinda hackish tho19:00
imbrandonphh m_3 idea much better19:00
imbrandonadam_g: iirc juju upgrade-charm --repository /usr/local/lib/charms/ local:mycharm19:01
imbrandonwill make the version auto inc19:01
imbrandonerr revision19:01
adam_ghmm. thanks, ill mess around with all of the above19:02
imbrandonactually tho you would need to drop the local: from that it wants the service name, but it should still get it from local if it was deployed from there19:02
hazmatadam_g, --upgrade should do the trick19:03
hazmatadam_g, it will increment the revision19:03
hazmatif not snapshot script should do it19:03
hazmatadam_g, actually one more way...19:03
hazmatadam_g, upgrade --force19:04
adam_ghazmat: it will increment the revision where? in the ./precise/foo/revision, or in the juju environment?19:04
hazmatfoo/revision afaicr19:04
hazmatadam_g, what's the issue again?19:04
adam_gi basically just need juju to ignore the local revision if at all possible, or reset it in its state19:05
hazmatyou have a rev 5 in the env, and rev 3 on disk?19:05
adam_ghazmat: potentially, yeah19:05
hazmatadam_g, whats the scenario that arises in?19:05
hazmatadam_g, and why couldn't you just increment the revision?19:06
adam_gcurrently MAAS only supports precise, i need to deploy and test services on both precise quantal and precise. to do this, i need to switch the installation between releases in cobbler. from juju's POV, everything is being deployed to precise.  i have two charm branches for each service (one for precise, one for quantal). when i deploy, i branch them into ./precise and 'juju deploy --repository=. local:foo'.  i'd like to not have to re-bootstrap every deploy19:06
hazmatadam_g, there different charms19:07
adam_ghazmat: yeah19:07
hazmatadam_g, the series is part of the charm name19:07
adam_ghazmat: in this case, both charms look the same19:07
hazmatadam_g, why not tell juju quantal/nova-compute ?19:08
adam_gbetween deploys, i replace that charm with the quantal version19:08
hazmatie. why try to make two separate charms both pretend to be the precise?19:08
adam_ghazmat: does 'deploy local:quantal/nova-compute' work? i thoguht it resolved the directory based on the series specified in environemnets.yaml19:08
hazmatadam_g, it resolves the *default* series19:08
hazmatadam_g, but you can specify any series when deploying19:08
hazmatin the absence of one specified, it uses the default19:09
adam_ghazmat: specify the series how? as an argument to deploy? either way, i think MAAS provider will refuse anything other than precise ATM?19:10
adam_gunless specifying it at deploy time is independent of the provider19:10
hazmatadam_g, its specified as part of the charm name so local:quantal/nova-compute should do it19:11
adam_ghazmat: er, yea19:11
adam_gBad 'ubuntu-series' constraint 'quantal': MAAS currently only provisions machines running precise19:11
hazmatadam_g, it needs provider support though19:11
adam_gso im back at square one. :)19:12
hazmatbut with context its so much better ;-)19:12
* m_3 grimace19:12
hazmatadam_g, so the snapshot script is what you want19:12
adam_ghazmat: great. ill take a look after lunch19:12
gary_posterhey SpamapS gmb mentioned you were wondering whether the python charm helpers would be helpful.  I'm hoping they still are.  I'm proposing that we write a Launchpad dev charm, so I'm selfishly interested, but also I thought we were all pleased that they were good tools for charmers in the future.19:13
gary_postermaybe I misunderstood though19:13
hazmatadam_g, its in pypi.. so its an easy_install charmrunner away..19:13
hazmatalso in lp:charmrunner19:13
adam_gsweet, thanks kapil19:13
m_3gary_poster: think they'll be generally useful... peeps were just balking at deps that weren't packaged19:14
gary_posterm_3, cool thanks19:15
hazmathmm.. it does look like snapshot has some local provider specifivity..19:15
m_3gary_poster: so I think we'll package python-shelltoolbox or something like that and mark it a dep of charmhelpers-py19:15
hazmatwe don't abstract out removing files from storage...19:15
m_3hazmat: shouldn't be too hard to extend it... it takes care of the zk part19:16
gary_postercood, m_3, yeah that's what I was hoping19:16
hazmati don't think that should be a problem since its killing the zk state for the charm19:16
gary_posterthank you19:16
m_3gary_poster: np... sorry it sat in the queue for so long!19:16
gary_poster:-) will be very happy when it is all set up19:17
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jimbakerm_3, SpamapS, i just proposed lp:~jimbaker/juju-jitsu/watch-subcommand which adds a jitsu watch subcommand21:25
jimbakerit's a superset of what can be done with polling juju status and parsing; in particular, one can wait for relation settings to be set (or unset). so that should be useful for testing. also it uses the Juju API where possible, otherwise ZK, so it's much lighter weight/instaneous21:27
m_3jimbaker: cool... thanks!21:29
jimbakerm_3, one other cool thing is that multiple conditions can be specified, with all or any waiting. also being able to wait for --num-units of a service to be in a state, along with some set of relation settings, should hopefully prove useful21:33
hazmatnegronjl, cassandra charm exposes jmx as a 'cassandra' interface ? that's not right22:10
negronjlhazmat: I'll look into it ... would you open a bug and assign it to me?  I'm swamped at the moment and don't want to forget about it.22:10
hazmatnegronjl, np22:11
negronjlhazmat: thx22:11

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