
infinityrobert_ancell: Your gnome-icon-theme-symbolic wants a new gnome-icon-theme, which you didn't upload...00:52
infinityrobert_ancell: (Causing an uninstallible cascade)00:54
RAOFWhee! 'tis the season for GNOME breakage, apparently.00:55
infinityAKA: Friday?00:58
infinityrobert_ancell: Pls fix, thx. ;)00:58
RAOFThere's also the new libgnome-desktop3, which broke soname but isn't parallel installable.00:59
infinityRAOF: Yeah, I know, I rebuilt the world to fix that already.00:59
RAOFAh. That world-rebuild apparently hasn't made it all the way out to archive.ubuntu.com :)01:00
infinityHas too.01:00
infinityapt-get update harder.01:00
infinityOf course, you still can't upgrade smoothly because of the above icont-theme issue.01:00
infinityicon-theme, too.01:00
RAOFOh! I don't have a.u.c in my sources on this install. That'd be why.01:04
infinityRAOF: Just some horribly lagging AU mirror of doom?01:05
* infinity used to have a love/hate relationship with iinet's mirror.01:05
infinityLoved that I got 24Mb/s from it.  Hated that it was always about 3.5 months out of date.01:05
infinity(That may be hyperbole)01:05
RAOFInternode's *generally* reasonably up to date.01:06
infinityWell, I only just fixed everything.  Being out by 30-60m seems acceptable.01:07
ajmitch3.5 months sounds a lot like some NZ mirrors01:07
infinityMy ISP's mirror here is lousy too, which is (one reason) why I just run my own.01:08
mwhudsoni just use a.u.c :(01:09
infinityGigE to an internal mirror versus transatlantic link of ick that goes through a tiny router driven by a sickly hamster in the Netherlands...01:10
infinityI'll take the local mirror.01:10
mwhudsonhow quickly you forget the southern hemisphere :)01:15
infinitymwhudson: Thankfully, yes. ;)01:16
infinityrobert_ancell: *poke, poke, poke, poke*01:28
superm1SpamapS: curious on your thoughts.  what about adding a dpkg trigger when new tzdata packages get installed to load the time zone data into mysql?  eg http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/mysql-tzinfo-to-sql.html01:43
robert_ancellinfinity, hey02:04
robert_ancellinfinity, so are we updating to quantal or quantal-proposed now?02:12
ihashacksWhere might one go to report an error in the release blog? http://release-blog.ubuntu.com/?p=21302:31
ihashacks"Ubuntu 12.04 (Quantal Quetzal) Alpha 1 now available"02:32
RAOFMan. It took me three goes to work out what was wrong there :)02:36
psusithe numbers do sort of blurr together when you've been around for a while ;)02:38
ihashacksI guess since this next one isn't a "Pixel Perfect" release, details like that are negligable :-P02:38
psusijesus... seems like a long way from 6.06 to 12.04, but feels like it was only yesterday02:39
ihashacksBut, seriously, given that the blog isn't even "Ubuntu branded" I'm not sure anyone will even notice (although I did).02:40
ihashacksI just wanted to see who/how to notify so that it could be fixed.02:40
cjwatsonihashacks: I have access to that blog, but I don't seem to be able to edit other people's posts, so can't fix it directly.03:43
cjwatsonskaet: ^- Please fix http://release-blog.ubuntu.com/?p=213 to say 12.10 rather than 12.0403:43
cjwatson(Both heading and body text)03:44
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SpamapSsuperm1: seems like a pretty cool idea04:47
SpamapSsuperm1: Will have to think of what the ramifications might be, but all in all I think it would be a nice feature04:48
skunkcnd: are you there?05:18
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dholbachgood morning07:00
didrocksinfinity: thanks for the unity upload. We are still fighting for a week on unity. I tried to port to boost, fix the build issues with gcc4.7, same code base, rebuilt libsigc++ with the quantal stack, and we still get some random crash at runtimeā€¦07:12
dholbachStevenK, happy birthday! :)07:30
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jamespageSweetshark, ping re libreoffice and switching dependencies from openjdk-6 to openjdk-708:23
Sweetsharkjamespage: pong, huh?08:24
jamespageSweetshark, so I've been gradually shuffling through all of the dependencies on openjdk-6 in main08:24
jamespagelibreoffice is one of the last two :-)08:24
vibhavCan anybody have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rofs-fuse/+bug/1010357 ?08:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1010357 in rofs-fuse (Ubuntu) "Please merge rofs-fuse from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New]08:27
Sweetsharkjamespage: well, im doing a libreoffice-3.6.0~beta1 upload (to ppa only right now). I guess there is enough trouble in a beta in itself to not mix in a java update. we could then upload a package just with the java update to see how much fun it breaks.08:28
jamespageSweetshark, that would be great!08:28
Sweetsharkjamespage: that being said, I cant do ~anything on quantal right now because of bug 100761608:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007616 in gcc-4.7 (Ubuntu) "gcc internal compiler error in force_move_args_size_note, at combine-stack-adj.c:419" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100761608:29
micahgSweetshark: you can build with gcc 4.6 until that's fixed (and should)08:29
micahgjamespage: is there a release goal for quantal to drop openjdk-6 entirely?08:30
jamespagemicahg, hmm - I'd like to but I think it more likely it will reside in universe for 12.1008:31
jamespageI think there will be some packages in universe we simply cannot transition at this point in time08:31
micahgjamespage: depending on what and how many, we could just drop and backport from R08:32
jamespagemicahg, I think we can make a call on that later in the cycle depending on progress08:32
micahgjamespage: if you have a guide for openjdk 7 porting, that might be good for MOTU opportunistic tasks08:33
Sweetsharkmicahg: oh, it seems I do now. I magically appeared in my rebase on debian after I told _rene_ about it ...08:34
jamespagemicahg, emailed wed - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2012-June/007250.html08:34
micahgjamespage: ooh, thanks (I must have missed that)08:34
vibhavjamespage: Could you link me to the munin bug that I had to test?08:41
jamespagevibhav, sure - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+bug/100067808:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000678 in munin (Ubuntu Precise) "[SRU] munin-memory plugin doesn't work on 64-bit 12.04 LTS" [Medium,Fix committed]08:42
jamespagemuch appreciated08:42
jamespagevibhav, as you seem to be very active with SRU's you might like these reports - http://people.canonical.com/~jamespage/server-sru/08:43
vibhavjamespage: Im getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/1030072/ , is that fine?08:50
jamespagevibhav, for a restart yes - but you need to check that the memory graph appears in the web interface to verify the SRU as per the test plan08:52
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vibhavjamespage: From where can I reach the web interface09:41
jamespagevibhav: you should be able to see it on http://hostname/munin09:42
vibhavjamespage: would my.ip/munun work?09:45
jamespagevibhav, should do yes09:46
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doko__Sweetshark, I would appreciate a bit more cooperation with issue 1007616, more than trowing mismatching bits over the fence10:19
Sweetsharkdoko__: what exactly do you need?10:23
doko__Sweetshark, do didn't build with 4.7, but with 4.610:24
Sweetsharkdoko__: right, I have no quantal host right yet, as it is madness to try building LO on it at this point. But does the (4.6)-preprocessed stuff magically work now? If not, why cant you go hunting with it?10:27
doko__Sweetshark, so this neither built with 4.7 nor on quantal? what are you reporting then?10:28
doko__1) On quantal10:28
doko__2) with gcc-4.7-base i386 4.7.0-11ubuntu210:28
doko__and no, I don't think it's madness after alpha110:29
Sweetsharkdoko__: no, it doesnt build on 4.7 on quantal. It does build on 4.6 on precise. Thats it so far. Couldnt you do me the favour of throwing the (4.6/precise)-preprocessed input at 4.7/quantal quickly and see if it suicides gcc?10:31
doko__Sweetshark, it doesn't work this way. I need the preprocessed source with the 4.7 headers, not the 4.6 ones. sorry if that wasn't clear10:32
SweetsharkI will start to get my quantal pbuilder ready soon, but right now, I am still at getting 3.6.0~beta1 to build at all ...10:33
Sweetsharkdoko__: doh, I ignored that the headers are also compiler-dependant, yeah. ignorance is a bliss.10:34
Sweetsharkdoko__: I will try to get you a 4.7-preprocessed source one ASAP. Might take a while to get the pbuilder up though ...10:35
xnoxSweetshark: spin up a beefy machine on amazon cloud with quantal's alpha1 image and do a build there?10:46
xnoxjust to get the preprocessed source which fails10:46
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Sweetsharkhm, interesting something of starting virtualbox and unplugging the AC under some load was not appreciated by this machine ...11:09
SweetsharkOOM killed itself with a load average of >2000.11:09
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xnox@pilot in11:23
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox
xnoxthere are a couple of merge proposal's for usb-creator which are acient =)11:23
ogra_merge them into an ancient branch then :P11:24
xnoxogra_: haha =) I have lp:usb-creator commit rights so I will merge them into bleeding-edge branch =)11:28
ogra_evil, that might scare them :)11:30
seb128xnox, did you pick up usb-creator maintenance?11:30
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xnoxseb128: well ev is still the usb-creator overlord. Do you have anything in particular, that I can do as usb-creator's minion?11:31
ogra_seb128, well, after today he might be the last uploader :) we just need to make sure it stays that way11:31
evxnox: I'm more than happy to pass the baton on that one11:31
* xnox baton! baton!11:32
evI've got way too many error tracker work items to give usb-creator any attention beyond code review11:32
* xnox is reminded of Up!11:32
seb128xnox, no, mostly curious, we (desktop) were wondering if there was still any work going on it, especially that we go out of the CD size this cycle usb-creator might get an increased importance ... we were wondering if there was any design or tech work planned on it11:32
seb128ev, ^11:33
xnoxI needs a refresh, yes =) but it does do the job out the box11:33
seb128xnox, still it could do with some ui tweaks and some work11:33
superm1a few UDS's ago there was a session with discussion about things to improve with it that didn't all happen11:33
evseb128: I didn't have anything planned. If there are specific needs, best to raise them with slangasek and then he can delegate11:33
superm1maybe brussels?11:33
seb128xnox, I was mostly wondering if anyone planned on that to not dup work if we plan to look at helping on it11:33
evoh, that would be ace11:33
seb128ev, having design input would be nice, then we could probably help11:34
evsuperm1: I vaguely recall that being the location11:34
seb128but I guess that's rather a mpt's question11:34
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evseb128: yeah, Matthew would be excellent for that when he's back from holiday11:34
evas he designed the initial UI11:34
seb128ev, ok, so nothing done yet, I will check with him when he's back, thanks11:34
evseb128: sure thing!11:34
superm1so if that old gobby doc is somwhere on the interwebs that might be a good starting point too11:34
* ev lunches11:35
xnoxsuperm1: please find it, it's before my time =)11:36
seb128xnox, you are supposed to get the knowledge of everything that happened in the past when joining!11:38
xnoxseb128: I'm doing my best =) i have already picked up a lot, just not everything yet.11:39
xnoxI still get a twich when people mention 'oh yeah we fixed that in dapper'11:40
superm1xnox: actually you were in the IRC that day it looks: http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/archives/uds-m/%23ubuntu-uds-cocobolo-3.log11:40
xnoxlol =)11:40
superm1gobby.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to respond to me11:40
superm1but http://paste.ubuntu.com/433382/ was captured before it crashed at some point during the IRC log11:40
xnoxsuperm1: I think that got super-seeded by the amd64+mac iso11:41
ogra_seb128, we sadly forgot to give him the usual "La fusion mentale vulcaine" for new team members in SF when he joined11:41
ogra_-La i guess ...11:41
xnoxogra_: "sometimes the recipient is supposed to be consenting if the merger may be experienced as a rape ."11:43
* xnox *shrug*11:44
* xnox moving on...11:44
ogra_you didnt read the fineprint in your contract, eh ?11:44
xnoxogra_: it does say "If ogra_ is speaking about you, using french terms, imediately report to your line manager."11:47
xnoxsuperm1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DmitrijsLedkovs/usbcreatornotes#preview11:53
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evwow, and xnox is already speeding through usb-creator merge proposals. Rock on.12:22
evxnox: on the automated tests front, do check out the usb gadget module in the kernel. It will let you write system tests without having to plug in a physical usb device.12:23
evin response to your wiki page12:23
xnoxev: this ^^^ =) amazing, will look into that.12:24
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vibhavjamespage: ping12:31
jamespagevibhav, hey!12:31
vibhavjamespage: getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/1030293/ Is that fine?12:32
jamespagevibhav, not sure - is that coming from munin-node?12:33
vibhavNo idea12:33
vibhavI cant browse to
vibhav/window/window 2812:34
scientesDinstallException: 'Unknown distribution "unstable" in "/var/cache/archive/mini-dinstall/incoming/kyotocabinet_1.2.76-1_amd64.changes"'12:37
scientesim trying to use mini-dinstall12:37
scientesfor cowbuilder12:37
xnox@pilot out12:37
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
vibhavMurphy's Law :(12:38
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seb128could somebody reject https://code.launchpad.net/~mattmollett/ubuntu/oneiric/inkscape/fix-for-807861/+merge/109318 ?13:06
Sweetsharkdoko__: bug 1010468 now has everything you need.13:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007616 in gcc-4.7 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1010468 gcc internal compiler error in force_move_args_size_note, at combine-stack-adj.c:419" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100761613:09
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vibhavwhat does ld --as-needed exactly do to fix FTBFSes?13:12
xnoxvibhav: it adds extra libraries to complete the linking13:14
xnoxvibhav: http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking13:14
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vibhavxnox: Is it applicable in debian too?13:15
ogra_(given the doc is on the debian wiki... )13:15
xnoxit's not enabled by default, as far as I know, but the bugs themself are RC13:15
xnoxvibhav: we want to use ld --no-as-needed by default =)13:15
xnoxor the gold linker13:15
vibhavxnox: But why do some packges have a ubuntu delta which use ld --as-needed ?13:16
vibhavInstead of forwarding them to debian?13:16
ogra_slackish developers ?13:17
xnoxvibhav: because we needed the package to build and adding --as-needed is not a proper fix13:17
xnoxyou generally have to modify autoconf/autotools/makefiles to add/remove required libraries in the correct order for the --no-as-needed link to succeed.13:18
cjwatsonUh, generally the Ubuntu delta is to tolerate a linker that defaults to --as-needed13:19
cjwatsonNot to change ld's options to use --as-needed13:19
* xnox says listen to cjwatson =)13:19
cjwatsonWe don't want to use --no-as-needed by default - that's backwards13:20
cjwatsonSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ToolchainTransition13:20
cjwatsonOr better, http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking13:20
cjwatson(Ah, which xnox linked to above)13:21
* xnox got the --no-as-needed and --as-needed backwards. --no-as-needed is bad as it's a workaround to revert to old/classic behaviour.13:22
* xnox use gold, gold rocks =)13:22
cjwatsonShouldn't really need to nowadays13:23
cjwatsonI was under the impression most of the gains there had been got by our default linker option changes13:23
cjwatsonvibhav: The answer to why we have these as Ubuntu deltas is indeed generally just that nobody's got round to forwarding them yet, or they've been forwarded and not yet applied upstream of us13:24
vibhav^^ was the answer I wanted13:28
vibhavthanks cjwatson13:29
rbasak"dpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address" - is there a way to override this? I'm preparing an SRU so presumably I want to leave that alone.13:29
cjwatsonrbasak: Temporarily set DEBEMAIL to something that isn't @ubuntu.com when you run debuild -S13:30
rbasakcjwatson: interesting! Thanks :)13:30
cjwatson(You'll still get a warning, but it'll be downgraded from an error)13:31
rbasakThat worked. But I just realised that this SRU is for a package without a previous ubuntu delta, so actually the error is right and I think I do want to run update-maintainer on it.13:33
Sweetsharkcjwatson: since you raised your head on "--as-needed", could you shed some light on http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/make-check-problem-in-libtest-smoketest-building-master-td3902404.html#a3905049 ?13:35
rbasakThanks. I'll pay more attention to the changelog in future.13:36
didrocksbdmurray: hey, are you running a script for dup detection? There are some wrong test cases in bug #1010239. In addition, if I deduped, your script reduped it13:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1010239 in oneconf (Ubuntu) "oneconf-service crashed with OSError in _get_current_wallpaper_data(): [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/share/backgrounds/Floorboards_by_Dawid_Huczy%C5%84ski.jpg'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101023913:36
Sweetsharkcjwatson: esp. with regards to "Fedoras implicitDSO is sane, what Debian/Ubuntu does is not" ...13:37
didrocksbdmurray: but the first dup was wrong: it's crashing calling the same functions, but the stack is different and the first bug was "fixed released" in september 2011. So dupping it shouldn't happen for regressions anyway13:37
cjwatsonSweetshark: Not really, -> doko13:38
cjwatsonThough from that thread it sounds like you probably just want to add --no-as-needed to LDFLAGS or similar and get on with your life13:39
cjwatsonWe're not going to revert the toolchain change again, AFAIK13:39
Sweetsharkcjwatson: ;)13:39
cjwatsonWe reverted it for natty because it broke too many things, but enough of them were fixed for oneiric that we were able to leave it on; it has substantial global benefits and it makes sense for us to have it as a default and for the small minority of packages that can't cope to deal with it13:41
Sweetsharkcjwatson: I dont have a problem with release builds (I reordered some lib or did --no-as-needed), but it is highly annoying for new contributors who cant compile an unpatched LibreOffice once in a while ...13:41
cjwatsonIf LO assumes --no-as-needed I don't see why they can't just add that13:41
cjwatsonHaving it on by default in the distribution makes it much easier for us to avoid problems with excessive indirect linking13:42
cjwatsonAnd in any case I don't believe we're the only ones - OpenSUSE did this before us, I think13:42
Sweetsharkcjwatson: LO depends on --no-as-needed being the default, but locks down to --as-needed in some places IIRC.13:43
cjwatsonIt's silly of them to depend on that but refuse to be explicit about it.13:44
Sweetsharkcjwatson: having said that, it currently works, but some unsuspecting commit from other distro might break it again once in a while causing some useless discussion then ...13:45
seb128could somebody reject https://code.launchpad.net/~mattmollett/ubuntu/oneiric/inkscape/fix-for-807861/+merge/109318 ?14:00
jamespagevibhav, can you take me through what you have done so-far?14:03
vibhavjamespage: Are you talking about munin?14:13
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jamespagevibhav, yes - sorry - a bit async + lag today14:13
* xnox_ smuxi fail =(14:20
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vibhavjamespage: I still cant get to
vibhavAnd the log is the same14:39
* vibhav suspects its something to do with his desktop14:39
vibhavCould you try it on your computer?14:39
jamespagevibhav, I can - are you following the test case in the SRU?14:39
vibhavjamespage: yeah14:41
jamespagevibhav, OK - lemme take a look14:41
jamespagevibhav, OK I tweaked the test plan slightly - all you should need todo is install the packages - just tried it on a fresh install and it worked fine14:46
jamespagecan see memory data and everything14:46
bdmurraydidrocks: it was an old bug pattern that was causing the duplicate detection.  I'll look at cleaning up old ones.14:47
didrocksbdmurray: thanks!14:49
vibhavjamespage: So the verification is done?14:50
vibhavCould anybody have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rootskel/+bug/1010506 ?14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1010506 in rootskel (Ubuntu) "Please merge rootskel from debian unstable" [Undecided,New]14:55
* xnox hates bug 76219314:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 762193 in xchat (Ubuntu) "No launcher icon or Alt+Tab entry for xchat/xchat-gnome windows" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76219314:56
cjwatsonvibhav: You should ask the person who touched the package last before merging stuff14:57
cjwatsonvibhav: In the case of rootskel it's much harder to apply a debdiff than to just do the merge in our bzr branch14:58
cjwatsonAnd your changelog is wrong - would you mind awfully if I just did this myself? :-)14:58
cjwatsonvibhav: FWIW I hadn't bothered to merge rootskel because the changes in that Debian upload have precisely zero effect on Ubuntu14:59
jamespagevibhav, not really - I did the fix :-) I want someone else to check my work....15:03
seb128xnox: do you get that bug often? I never saw it and I use xchat-gnome every day15:03
seb128xnox: do you use the SRU version of unity?15:04
xnoxseb128, i am enjoying it *right now* on quantal =) with xchat-gnome with the xchat-gnome-indicator15:04
seb128xnox: i.e did you restart since 5.12-0ubuntu1.115:04
seb128xnox: quantal didn't have the SRU fixes until recently, it was failing to build with the new toolchain, then they did hit a segfault due to c0xx behaviour change with signal they just tracked down today15:05
xnox__seb128, so xchat & xchat-indicator work like a charm. xchat-gnome & xchat-gnome-indicator are borked for now. Let me upgrade 200 packages (3 minutes)15:06
seb128xnox__, you probably have an unity update in those packages?15:07
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vibhavcjwatson: Sure! Go ahead15:26
ritzxnonx_ seb128 will probably roll in the indicator into the main package itself15:38
ritzwrt xchat-gnome15:38
seb128ritz, you will do that upstream for it?15:38
ritzyes, need to rewrite the converstaion panel into something more modern. Will be checking up on webkit this weekend15:39
ritzonce this is done, plan to ensure a higher degree of ubuntu integration15:40
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xnoxritz: yes please =) and no assumptions that 'minimise to tray' is (a) available (b) is the right thing to do15:42
ritzno more minimise to tray15:44
ritznot a valid concept in gnome shell15:45
ritzand for unity, I prefer the close window to hide the client15:45
ritzxnox , again , this is my belief . If you feel otherwise, feel free to post to https://live.gnome.org/Xchat-Gnome15:46
ritzpretty much a very rough draft15:46
xnoxritz: hiding is fine =) as long as the icon stays in the unity dash and the alt-tab15:46
ritzinteresting. I was thinking more along the lines of emapthy15:48
xnoxritz: i see. close to hide and no icon in dash. minimise to hid and have icon in the dash. would work for me. but's it's just me. I have IRC full screen and open anyway and I switch between  different apps15:53
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dobeynot cool16:54
ogra_warm then ?16:55
barrystgraber: i'd like to upload the pydbus fix for bug 1008898 now.  will you revert the ubiquity workaround once that lands?17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1008898 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Quantal) "crash after inserting wireless password" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100889817:00
dobeyogra_: trolls are proabbly cold blooded. and don't know why else you'd get that many Excess Flood kills :)17:02
ogra_well, your client should allow you to ignore join/part if it really annoys you17:03
stgraberbarry: yep, I can do that. Having the fixed python3-dbus won't break ubiquity anyway but we certainly shouldn't keep the hardcoded signature :)17:03
barrystgraber: :)17:04
barrystgraber: uploaded17:04
dobeyogra_: i'm sure it does, but then i'd also miss seeing the ones i care about :)17:07
ogra_heh, yeah17:07
ogasawara@pilot in17:07
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara
infinity@pilot in17:10
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara, infinity
* infinity hopes ogasawara doesn't push him out of the topic.17:11
ogasawarainfinity: heh, it wouldn't be the first time I've pushed you17:11
infinityogasawara: That was my point entirely.  Meanie. ;)17:12
ogra_infinity, well, at least she doesnt steal your pings !17:12
ogasawaraman, rough crowd today! :)17:13
infinityogra_: That kinds seems like a feature.17:13
infinityogasawara: You're welcome to steal my pings anytime.17:13
ogra_its also the "thank you " ones !17:13
infinityogra_: No one ever says that to me.17:13
=== infinity is now known as ogfinity
ogra_ogfinity, thank you !17:14
ogfinityogra_: Note that "gee, thanks" isn't actually the same as "thank you".17:14
=== ogfinity is now known as infinity
* Sweetshark lols at backlog.17:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
=== elleuca is now known as Guest69762
=== elleuca_ is now known as Guest59022
cr3is there a plan to remove perl from the desktop image during the quantal cycle?20:17
slangasekcr3: no... are you expecting there to be?20:25
cr3slangasek: I thought I'd heard something to that effect, just checking whether it was my imagination :)20:28
slangasekcr3: you may have misheard 'python2' as 'perl'?20:28
cr3slangasek: nah, that one is already well underway on my side. by the way, I vaguely recall there being a 2to3 sprint of some sort either next week or the week after, is that my imagination again?20:29
slangasekwe're having a virtual sprint next week in #pyjam20:30
cr3slangasek: cool, most of checkbox was converted to python3 this week. would it help if I pushed those changes in ubuntu as early as possible?20:32
slangasekcr3: in the general release-early-and-often sense, yes20:32
slangasekwe're certainly ready to receive python3 apps on the desktop in quantal20:32
cr3slangasek: I was wondering more in the pyjam sense. there are a few standalone scripts that haven't been converted yet, but all the core of the project has been converted. so, perhaps being able to calculate the overall dependencies of the desktop image with one more app converted might be useful20:35
cr3s/overall dependencies/overall python 2 dependencies/20:35
slangasekcr3: the list of todos is still long enough that it's unlikely to register :)20:40
cr3slangasek: ok, I'll try to push the changes in the release-early-and-often sense then :)20:41
cr3someone in the core devs is not going to be happy reviewing the mega changes :020:41
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
infinity@pilot out22:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara
* infinity stops maintaining the fiction that he's piloting, when the piloting he's doing will go into the weekend with glibc upstream...22:04
xnoxinfinity: well done =)22:07
infinityxnox: Yeah, I do so love it when I pick bugs to work on that make me don a community hat over the weekend. :P22:09
infinityxnox: At least I won't be bored, right?22:09
xnoxtrue =)22:09
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
hippiehackerIs there anything newer than https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch for creating 12.04 iso's from scratch? Is it still pretty much the same process?23:27
xnoxhippiehacker: better suited for #ubuntu-installer but yeah I believe that still more or less the same.23:33

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