
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:14
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:15
docmurIs there a virtualization program that I can install on the ubuntu will will act like vShpere and allow me to create virtual machines onto of ubuntu accessible remotely?01:19
patdk-lap_I think it even comes preinstalled01:23
adam_gzul: added some versioning info to the test runs, should help with verification later: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Openstack%20Testing/view/Openstack%20Precise/view/Overview/job/precise-openstack-essex-test/561/console01:24
hallynDaviey: the ipxe merge is done.01:32
hallynwe're not merging from debian.  i took the fix we needed, and (per discussions here ) we're not merging from upstream eitehr01:32
hallynas for libcgroup, the discussion is not whether to merge, but wehther to drop it from universe01:32
hallynwe were chatting with jbernard about perhaps having some cgroup management utilities like libcgroup's in cgroup-bin,01:33
hallynbut the daemons which are the core of libcgroup are not really salvagable01:33
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mgwis there any reason my ulimit won't pick up changes in /etc/security/limits.conf?04:13
twbDid you log out and back in?04:14
mgwyeah, i just figured that out04:16
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acidflashHello all, I have recently seen a change in cron which states that @reboot is now under some sort of limitation due to start up sequence (ubuntu-server 12.04)06:39
acidflashdoes anyone know of a workaround for @reboot in cron? I really need this script to launch @reboot _after_ everything is initiated06:40
twbacidflash: use rc.local?06:53
twbInstead of @reboot I mean06:53
acidflashtwb: It doesnt start it at the appropriate time.06:54
acidflashtwb: rc.local boots during boot, not at the end of boot06:54
twbacidflash: rc.local runs at the *end* of the sysvinit boot sequence.06:55
twbWhen do you want @reboot to run?06:55
twbif you want to run a script after "everything", because it's upstart you will need to create an upstart job that lists each thing in everything individually, by event name06:56
acidflashtwb: rc.local doesnt run at the end of sysinit, ie: it runs BEFORE security limits are assigned06:58
acidflashtwb: if I wanted a program to have greater than 1024 file descriptors, it needs to launch AFTER the security limits are assigned06:58
acidflash@reboot did that great, all I did was add a delay of 3 minutes,06:59
acidflashdidnt work in rc.local, but maybe a delay increaase might?06:59
twbsecurity limits as in /etc/security/limits.conf ?07:38
acidflashtwb: yes07:40
acidflashtwb: one script worked fine in rc.local as replacement, other diddnt, debugging why now07:41
acidflashthe first one doesnt need the < 1024 FD07:41
twbI should think that would be enforced from the get-go07:41
acidflashsecond one does07:41
twbExcept probably root user is not subject to those limits or something07:41
acidflashtwb: when running process as root, if its in rc.local you wont get the 1M FD's07:42
acidflashonly 102407:42
acidflashtwb: but when you do crontab, and EVERYTHING loads, you get 1M FD's07:42
twbUh... I don't think that's limits.conf07:42
twbI thought you were trying to restrict the program, not give it increased limits07:43
twblimits.conf doesn't, by default, include any limits07:43
acidflashtwb: right, it doesnt, the OS does, 1024 per process07:44
acidflashtwb: by default07:44
acidflashtwb: limits.conf ALLOWS you to overcome that07:45
twbI don't suppose you can just fix your flipping program to be less stupid07:47
twb1k fds should be enough for any proc07:47
ExopaladinI wish it was, we have some horrible 'enterprise' grade software that does things like connect to a bunch of grid servers, leaving 5 fds open per server on a permanent basis >.>07:48
acidflashtwb: Not when you are a server that needs to server 5k+ users, each one account for serveral TCP connections07:48
acidflashtwb: anyhow, just increasing delay in start-up script and adding to rc.local DID work07:49
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twbAdding a delay won't help you because the amount of delay will change wrt. hardware and other constraints, e.g. if DNS is slow during one bootup your 3min might not be enough, etc.07:52
twbWhich is the whole reason for these stupid event-based start rules07:53
twbI should say: a hard-coded delay is a workaround rather than a solution07:53
acidflashtwb: yes, a work-around, which might fail is things are delayed (correct)07:53
twbI had to do one in lucid to get NFS working -- because there was a cyclic dependency in upstart (stupid upstart!) I replaced one of the jobs with a simple script that ignores all deps and simply tells mountall to try to mount NFS every tenth of a second :-(07:54
acidflashtwb: what you could do, is first sleep for a bit, then check if its mounted (through PID) if not, then mount07:56
acidflashtwb: it wont rape your resources,07:56
twbThat's called a spinlock07:58
twbpkill -USR1 mountall is not a big deal resource-wise07:58
acidflashquick q, WITHOUT making a script, can I grep something with spaces? double and single quotes are both not working08:00
acidflashnew dates are like "June 7"08:00
acidflashin ls -la08:00
acidflashI need to search and sort by date08:00
twbacidflash: #bash08:03
twbIn particular, /msg greybot ls08:03
twbPerhaps you want the stat(1) command.08:05
jamespageDaviey, do you have the URL for the server related merges to hand? want to see how we are doing....08:11
feisarhi, after an update to 12.04 from 11.10 I am missing some scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/ can I just copy them from a clean 12.04 install or should I be adding them in another way?08:26
Davieyjamespage: http://people.canonical.com/~davewalker/delta.html .. based on ubuntu server package set, and the packages we are subscriber for.08:27
DavieyI need to make it respect the sync blacklist i think.. for the openstack stuff.08:27
twbfeisar: try aptitude reinstall <package name>08:27
twbActually they'll be conffiles, so that won't work08:28
twbfeisar: try purging and then installing the package in question08:28
twbfeisar: note that obviously this will lose any other site-local customizations you've made to that package's conffiles.  Suggest etckeeper.08:29
twbI'm assuming this has happened because you've somehow deleted the conffiles and as a result that's considered a deliberate configuration change so dpkg will preserve it across upgrades / reinstalls.08:29
jamespageDaviey, I wanted to check on timing of the updated I need to make to the tomcat-server seed for quantal08:38
jamespageDaviey: should I get tomcat7 into main first and then update the seed?08:38
jamespage(only ever done one seed update...)08:39
Davieyjamespage: either way is valid.. note that main packages are slightly more compressed than universe.08:41
Davieycruft from binary deb removal08:41
lynxmanmorning o/08:42
feisartwb: thanks, you don't know what package these confic files are linked to do you?08:52
twbAsk dpkg -S / dlocate08:55
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WomkesAm I correct to assume that Dovecot is de default imap server for ubuntu server?09:24
twbIt is the one the Ubuntu Server Guide documents.09:26
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jamespagerbasak, do you have time to work on the apache2 merge still?  just been reviewing and it needs a bit more work10:15
rbasakjamespage: as of today, yes10:16
jamespagerbasak, marvellous - PM10:17
rbasakjamespage: I'd like some guidance here though. There are a multitude of ways to do the merge. I used bzr because merges reported a conflict. Is there a better way?10:17
jamespagerbasak, sure10:18
jamespageso I would recommend one of two ways to merge:10:18
rbasakinstructions in https://merges.ubuntu.com/a/apache2/REPORT ok?10:18
jamespage1) bzr branch ubuntu:apache2; cd apache2; bzr merge lp:debian/sid/apache2; quilt push -a; dch -i (and update the changelog)10:19
jamespage2) grab-merge apache2 (which uses merges.ubuntu.com)10:19
jamespageupdate the changelog with the delta ...10:19
rbasakI did more or less the first method, but the result looked very difficult to review. Not sure about the issue zul reported, I'll look at that now.10:20
jamespagerbasak, you can still use merges.ubuntu.com even with a conflict - but you will have to resolve it either way10:20
jamespagerbasak, the issue zul reported was a missing 'quilt push -a && bzr add .pc'10:20
jamespagerbasak, but the changelog is also missing the last ubuntu entry as well - so it may be that the branch is not up-to-date in bzr10:21
rbasakI just tried a bzr branch from my merge proposal and bzr bd -S works on that10:22
rbasakah so the changelog might be me10:22
rbasakwhen I resolve a changelog conflict, I'm supposed to keep the last ubuntu entry?10:23
jamespagerbasak, for a merge the changelog should be the combined history from Debian and Ubuntu10:23
rbasakOK. I had been taking the debian changelog with only one new ubuntu entry at the top. I'll stop doing that then :)10:24
jamespagerbasak, actually I'm not sure what zul did either - bzr bd -S works for me as well10:24
rbasakI didn't like my merge proposal though. I used bzr merge and then fixed the conflict in debian/control, but I have no idea how anyone is supposed to be able to review that because it's a mess10:24
jamespagerbasak, do you want to take another run at it?10:25
rbasakShall I use grab-merge this time? :)10:25
jamespageit should target quantal as well BTW (:-))10:25
rbasakoops :-/10:25
jamespagerbasak, yes - if you like!10:25
jamespagejust post the debdiff to the bug report10:25
jamespageor direct to me if you like10:25
rbasak"It looks like this package is maintained in revision control"..."You almost certainly don't want to continue without investigating."10:26
rbasakIs that normal?10:26
jamespagerbasak, Vcs-Bzr: http://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2 causes that10:28
jamespageits completely superflous IMHO10:28
jamespagethats the implicit branch for Ubuntu10:28
jamespageif I was doing the merge I would probably drop the VCS related delta - its not really required10:29
jamespagebut don't worry about that for the time being10:30
rbasakOK will do10:31
rbasakThat's where the conflict is anyway10:31
rbasakSo debian has Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-apache/apache2.git10:31
rbasakVcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-apache/apache2.git10:31
rbasakI want to change these to XSBC-Original-Vcs-Browser etc. but not add a Vcs-Bzr?10:32
jamespagerbasak, I'd leave the VCS field from debian intact and drop the VCS-Bzr10:35
rbasakjamespage: OK, so no XSBC-Original- as there was previously?10:35
jamespagerbasak, spot on10:35
rbasakwell that conflict's easy to resolve then, thanks :)10:36
jamespagerbasak, once you have something you are happy with use the merge-debuild script to generate a source package - and then you can debdiff between debian->ubuntu and ubuntu->ubuntu to check your changes10:36
rbasakjamespage: ok, done and tested. What do I submit a debdiff against? The debian package?11:05
jamespagerbasak, I'd attach both to the bug report11:05
rbasakjamespage: both? Which is the other?11:06
jamespagerbasak: debian->ubuntu debdiff and ubuntu->ubuntu debdiff11:06
jamespagemake sense?11:06
twbThe former is on the Debian PTS page, surely?11:08
twbOh, before you upload it11:08
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rbasakjamespage: done. I'm not sure how to use the ubuntu->ubuntu debdiff for anything useful, but I did compare the old ubuntu debdiff against the new one to verify that I'm happy with it.11:11
rbasakjamespage: so that's quantal. I'm not sure about how to SRU this though, since the fix to the apache2 package might be a bit invasive. I commented on the options in https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/apache2/+bug/988819/comments/611:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 988819 in modsecurity-apache "wrong path to libxml2.so.2 in mod_security" [High,Fix released]11:13
jamespagerbasak, I think that the backported patch is probably appropriate for the SRU IMHO11:27
jamespagethe other options feel a bit hacky11:28
jamespagejust reviewing you debdiff now11:29
jamespagerbasak, uploaded - I made one minor tweak to the changed to say we dropped the Vcs-Bzr delta but aside from that all good11:34
jamespagerbasak, changed->changelog11:34
jamespagerbasak, OK if I assign you the SRU tasks for that bug?  That way it appear in the right part of my SRU report :-)11:44
martinphonehi i've sent here from xubuntu channel, the OS I use, in search for an app that changes the proxy settings systemwide. IN synaptic there is a ubuntu-system-service package I have installed for said end, but I dont see any new icon, nor alt+f2 works with that name, tips?11:49
martinphonei've been sent*11:50
twbmartinphone: what kind of proxy?  http?11:50
martinphonetwb, for every connection: wget, torrents, radio...11:50
twbUm, diffierent protocols have different proxis.11:51
martinphonethis proxy worked well with ubuntu, because they have a systemwide proxy settings, something not present in xubuntu, thats why I installed that package I mentioned11:51
twbIf you edit something like /etc/environment, and add something like http_proxy=, new processes should inherit that environment.11:51
twbHowever almost all GUI apps will ignore that environment because they are stupid GUI programs11:52
martinphoneso you are saying that the only way of doing so is from the shell...11:52
martinphoneI need a fast an easy way to change systemwide proxy settings (college)11:52
twbThis is a server channel.  We don't do GUIs as a rule.11:52
twbThe approach I suggested will certainly work for wget and curl and so on11:52
martinphoneI believe I have edited that file already....11:53
twbNote that you will obvioulsy need to log out and back in for a change to environment variables to take effect.11:53
zulgood morning11:53
martinphonetwb, im so noob I didnt know that11:53
twbFor GNOME apps there is dconf/gconf stuff, but AFAIK XFCE doesn't have a centralized mechanism to set or enforce proxy settings.  And obviously, non-XFCE apps like firefox and thunderbird require you to set it somewhere entirely different, lke /usr/share/firefox/prefs.js11:54
martinphonetwb, can you confirm that if I do that, ALL connections from my machine will be routed through that proxy, and that if I re edit back to default and restart, proxy settings will change accordingly?11:54
twb(Which isn't a conffile, so a security update will eat your changes to that file)11:54
martinphoneno problems with FF11:54
martinphoneand yes, XFCE doesnt have a centralized...11:54
twbmartinphone: I cannot confirm that, because it is wrong.11:55
twbmartinphone: only apps that honour $http_proxy will be affected11:55
twbMost CLI apps (inc. wget, curl, w3m) honour it; most GUI apps do not (inc. ff)11:55
twbIIRC opera does, epiphany doesn't, midori usually does but some versions don't.11:56
martinphonetwb, chromium doesnt, does it?11:56
twbIf you need to enforce ALL traffic, you might look at a transparent proxy11:56
rbasakjamespage: thanks! And happy to have the SRU tasks.11:56
twbI cannot comment on chromium.11:56
martinphoneyes ALL traffic, its for a travel to china11:57
twbmartinphone: then you are better off setting up a VPN link11:57
jamespagerbasak, are you OK on the SRU process?11:57
rbasakjamespage: yes thanks. I've done a few before.11:57
jamespagerbasak, marvellous11:57
twbmartinphone: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/vpn.html11:57
jamespagerbasak, give me a ping when you have branches proposed for merge and the SRU information documented and I'll review11:58
rbasakwill do11:58
jamespagerbasak, just forwarded you an email re changes to SRU process as well  - just in case you have not see it11:59
rbasakok thanks11:59
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martinphonetwb, Is VPN like torbox?12:00
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reisidoes anyone know of a wrapper or native implementation of paraller whole file hierarchy sha1sum/md5sum utility? (i've got hundredths of thousands of files)13:32
rbasakreisi: use xargs with the -n and -P options?13:38
rbasakreisi: (and find)13:38
reisirbasak: nice, not optimal but still great; good thing that i didn't start writing one myself :)13:41
rbasakwhy not optimal?13:41
reisii thought i had a small-file optimization in mind but this saturates all IO nicely even with the small files; works great, thanks13:50
reisiactually no, this does not work properly if i just redirect stdout to a file13:50
reisithere are already some splitted lines after 90k files13:50
reisixargs would need to provide some kind of per-child line buffering here for this to work13:52
reisiapparently there's gnu's "paraller"13:57
reisi... which is apparently a perl script13:58
ironmhello. Yesterday I have successfully tested adding a second mariaDB instance on ubuntu-server and wrote down my steps: second-mariadb-instance.txt ... http://paste.debian.net/173497/14:00
ironmI would be glad if you could have a look and give me some feedback in case I am missing some things ... thank you in advance14:00
rbasakreisi: GNU parallel has now been packaged and will be in 12.10.14:09
rbasak(in universe)14:09
reisirbasak: great; installation is dead simple though but it always feels a bit strange when you cannot find it with apt-get14:10
rbasakjamespage: I've added SRU debdiffs to bug 988819 and added the SRU information14:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 988819 in modsecurity-apache "wrong path to libxml2.so.2 in mod_security" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98881914:22
jamespagerbasak, marvellous - let me just clear this samba SRU I'm working on and I'll take a look14:22
jamespagerbasak, fixes look good but the changelog entries need more information14:37
rbasakOK. I'm never quite sure what to put in a changelog. I try and avoid writing an essay in the hope that referring to the bug will do.14:38
jamespagerbasak, OK so the trick for SRU changelogs is that someone should be able to understand what its fixing without referring to the bug report14:39
* rbasak pokes at the changelogs14:41
rbasakjamespage: how about http://paste.ubuntu.com/1030468/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1030469/ ?14:48
jamespagerbasak, beautiful14:52
rbasakjamespage: can you grab from there or would you like new debdiffs?14:52
rbasak(this is where a merge proposal would have been better, right?)14:52
* rbasak could do that too14:53
jamespagerbasak, pls stick debdiffs on the bug report - but yes a MP is better in this case I think14:53
rbasakNow I'm confused? What would you like me to do - debdiffs or MP?!14:53
jamespagerbasak, if you have them in a branch already do MP's - if not then just upload the debdiff's14:55
rbasakjamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/precise/modsecurity-apache/988819/+merge/109378 and https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/precise/apache2/988819/+merge/10937914:59
jamespagerbasak, looking now15:03
jamespageah - the drawback of a branch - full history of apache2 :-)15:03
jamespagezul: is there any action required for swift to resolve bug 920197? or is webob enough?15:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 920197 in swift "[SRU] webob last stable version 1.1.1 response header bug" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92019715:06
zulwebob is enough15:06
SpamapSjamespage: use shared repo's .. at least you only have to get it once :)15:11
jamespageSpamapS, normally do that15:12
jamespageSpamapS, congrats BTW15:12
SpamapSjamespage: thanks :)15:12
jamespageSpamapS, did not expect to see you this week (hence why I just nicked your ceph merge....)15:13
SpamapSlooks like Debian delayed apache 2.4 for wheezy btw.. definitely makes me feel better about rejecting it for 12.0415:13
SpamapSjamespage: I'm just poking my head in.. will not be active till Monday15:13
jamespageSpamapS, good!15:13
SpamapSjamespage: feel free to MIR libfcgi and reinstate radosgw too :)15:13
jamespageSpamapS, yeah - I was just getting to know the package a bit better whilst I documented that blueprint in a bit more detail15:14
SpamapSThe next big merge challenge for quantal is php5 .. since we have to revive suhosin and the 5.4 patch is still just barely working15:15
jamespageceph was not to bad - had to cherry pick one upstream commit to get it to build....15:16
SpamapSjamespage: Debian is really far behind ...15:17
SpamapSjamespage: we should grab 0.47.1 from upstream15:17
jamespageSpamapS, yeah - I was considering doing a new upstream release15:17
SpamapSjamespage: they made some changes specifically to make it easier to deploy w/ juju/chef15:18
SpamapSI believe said changes landed in 0.4715:18
jamespageSpamapS, do you know the Debian maintainer?15:18
SpamapSanyway, time to return to the baby fueled madness15:18
SpamapSjamespage: we email from time to time, but I don't know him all that well15:18
SpamapSjamespage: upstream incorporates most of his changes and mine into their own packaging repo... makes things pretty easy to maintain. :)15:19
SpamapSanyway, out15:19
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jamespagezul: once this set of openstack updates goes through when is the next lot planned for?15:29
zuljamespage: lemme check the blueprint15:29
* jamespage wonders whether these should be targetted to12.04.1 even though they will land well before then15:29
zulweek 1215:30
zulthey should i think15:31
jamespagezul, yes - please - are you OK todo that?15:36
zuljamespage: yep15:36
jamespagezul: ta muchly15:36
zulmmm...beeers :)15:36
jamespagerbasak, just uploaded both of those SRU packages - thanks for doing that.15:37
rbasakNo problem. Thanks for the guidance!15:38
arooni-mobilehow do i get how many MB of memory a particular process is using.  i'm using htop and i'm guessing the value is under the VIRT/RES columns.. but i'm not sure what either means.15:38
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zulDaviey: i need a +1 please: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8344/16:46
Sandro_i'm looking for some help #xubuntu users told me to come here ^^16:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:57
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:59
Sandro_My Amazon server has an issue with 100% inode, >>> we are looking to supress a directory which contain thousand of files in it ... but rm-rf * doesn't respond atm17:00
hallynheh, i forgot linux-virtual doesn't really exist any more in quantal.  was wondering why my amazon images were ru nning -generic17:20
AceFacehello all! :)17:24
hallynstgraber: given the last comment in bug 947617, I think we should probably add a rule to allow a container to mount procfs to its /proc17:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 947617 in lxc "After update, lxc does not start" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94761717:49
stgraberhallyn: yeah, I supposed it won't cause any harm, what we don't want is allowing procfs somewhere else than /proc17:50
stgraberhallyn: we probably should do the same thing with sysfs then17:50
hallynshoudl we ask for a new bug for this?17:51
hallyni don't really want to pollute that bug report with another fix :)17:51
hallyni'll just open it17:52
adam_gzul: around?18:02
zuladam_g: yeah18:02
adam_gzul: school me.  if we're commiting changes to our -proposed and server-dev branches for these SRUs, but the packages in Ubuntu branches have had updates applied to them in the meantime, when do those merge with what we're proposing for the SRU?18:03
adam_gdo we need to sync the -proposed branches with the packaging from -updates ?18:04
adam_gDaviey: ^18:04
zuladam_g: the lp:ubuntu branches?18:05
adam_gzul: yes, glance and nova are a couple of examples of packages that were updated already in ubuntu.18:06
zuladam_g: they should be done automatically18:06
adam_gzul: how are conflicts handled?18:07
zuladam_g: script i think18:07
Davieyif i dput something to precise-proposed right now... once accepted, it should be auot committed into that branch18:09
Davieyonce it passes validation and promoted to -updates18:09
Davieyit will hit that bzr branch18:09
DavieyThere shouldn't ever be conflicts18:10
adam_gso its up to us/whoever to resolve those conflicts before building the source package that gets dput'd?18:10
Davieyadam_g: well, what conflicts are you expecting ?18:11
adam_gDaviey: there have been security fixes applied to some of the packages that also were applied to stable branches upstream.18:13
stgraberhallyn: I just finished validating the lxc SRU, everything looks good this time, so expecting it to land later today or (more likely) on Monday18:14
adam_gi'm just wondering whether or not we should be actively sync'ing our CI -proposed branches with the ubuntu branches, to make things easier when its finally time to upload (and avoid the potential for error)18:14
hallynstgraber: cool.  and that's the end of waht we have queued up now right?18:14
hallyn(so i can re-fill on monday :)18:14
hallynworking on the newest userns kernel right now18:14
Davieyadam_g: i'd actually so no18:15
Davieyadam_g: I think that Ubuntu branches currently suck big style for SRU's18:15
Davieyadam_g: there are other issues to solve before that18:16
stgraberhallyn: yeah, haven't looked at the fixes in quantal, might have a few more to pick for the next SRU. These apparmor fixes sound like good candidates too18:16
stgraberjjohansen: are you around?18:17
zuladam_g: i think it would have proposed branches when it gets processed by the sru team18:17
jjohansenstgraber: yep18:17
hallyn(lunch, bbl)18:17
stgraberjjohansen: cool. Are you aware of any remaining apparmor bug affecting lxc that'd trigger some silent rejects?18:17
jjohansenstgraber: hrmmm, maybe one in the network path if you are using denied network rules where the quiet masking isn't being applied correctly18:18
jjohansenthat one got pointed out to me yesterday18:19
jjohansenstgraber: do have a bug or failure to point me at18:19
stgraberjjohansen: I'm looking into the /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive issue I mentioned a while ago, for some reason it's still happening and I'm trying to figure out exactly what's going on there18:19
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jjohansenstgraber: hrmmm, did I miss that one or am I just not remembering it?18:20
stgraberjjohansen: well, I'm currently trying to figure out whether it's lxc's fault or apparmor's ;) I first saw it when we were in the middle of these apparmor bugs, so just blamed it on apparmor and went to do something else18:21
jjohansenstgraber: fair enough :)18:21
jjohansenstgraber: do you want me to start poking at it as well?18:22
stgraberjjohansen: hmm, I just finished running a first test and it looks like it's lxc's fault :)18:23
stgraberjjohansen: will poke you if it turns out to involve apparmor in some way...18:23
jjohansenstgraber: okay, sounds good18:23
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zdunnDoes anyone have any experience with Cloud-init and chef?20:05
zdunnI have had good luck up until the point i try to use initial_attributes values20:05
zdunnThey jus dont ever seem to get picked up20:07
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PlizzoHi, I installed Ubuntu Server 11.10 64-bit a couple of months back, and I've been getting some help from people here to set things up21:29
PlizzoAlthough, I seem to have downgraded my kernel to a generic 32-bit one, and now I can't manage to install the 64-bit linux-image-server one21:29
PlizzoIt's installed and all, but I can't choose it as my default kernel anywhere21:30
PlizzoAnd when I search apt-cache I can only find 32-bit ones21:33
PlizzoI want the x64, not the x86 ones :(21:33
guntbert!crosspost | Plizzo (but I cannot help, sorry)21:34
ubottuPlizzo (but I cannot help, sorry): Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.21:34
Plizzoguntbert: Sorry21:35
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discopatrickhello. i'm connecting to a https server on my ubuntu server (webmin on port 10000) but i don't have an SSL certificate. instead i want to verify manually that i'm connecting to the right server by checking the sha1 fingerprint that firefox shows me against the fingerprint of my server. how do i see the fingerprint on my server?23:28
CrypticSquareddiscopatrick: does this help? http://blog.scottlowe.org/2009/03/25/next-gen-stuff-verifying-the-sha-1-fingerprint/23:35
discopatrickCrypticSquared, possibly... that's telling me to find the ssl certificate on my machine and then check the fingerprint, but the thing is, i dont think i have an ssl certificate... but firefox is giving me two fingerprints from somewhere, sha1 and md523:39
discopatrickoh, hang on... i actually have a self-signed certificate23:43
discopatrickmaybe webmin installs one by default, or maybe it's in ubuntu by default23:43
discopatrickok, now i need to get it's sha1 fingerprint!23:43
discopatrickhmm, this isn't really the same as checking the fingerprint of host keys23:49
discopatricklooks like i just have to trust that this really is my server, and add a security exception to firefox23:50

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