
thafreakQuick poll, anyone have a favorite inkjet printer that works well with linux, and prints photos well14:41
thafreakPreferably one where the ink cartridges won't ruin the printer if you don't print for months at a time14:42
thafreakp.s. I *REALLY* hate printers...14:42
canthus13we should ban printers. they're ecologically unfriendly. :(14:53
canthus13Bah. I wish owncloud would integrate with the existing users on a system. :/14:54
thafreakprobably just need a plugin that does pam auth14:54
thafreakldap auth is a plugin i think14:54
thafreakwrite it up canthus13 :)14:55
thafreakyou trying out the new 4.0 release?14:55
thafreakSo, whenever i get an email from the latest cheap vps provider I'm trying out, I'm always like "crap are they going out of business now too"14:56
thafreakbut this new one I'm on, they're actually adding new services and features...finally picked a good one I think14:57
canthus13cheap is usually an indication of 'we have no business sense and will be going otu of business soon'15:05
canthus13ugh. the pam auth plugin for OC is broken for 4.0.1 :/17:04
dzhooh, owncloud18:38
thafreakbut there is one! that's hope atleast19:48
thafreaksubmit a bug19:48
thafreakso are you running 4.0.1?19:48
thafreakhow are you liking it?19:48
thafreaki've only tested 3.x from the precise repos19:48
thafreakbeen putting off setting up a fresh one from source19:49
canthus13thafreak: I'm u sing 4.01.. but I can't get pam working. :/  But the author of the plugin said he's updating it right now.19:49
dzhocanthus13: do you do much other PAM stuff19:50
thafreakyou running it on apache or as fastcgi?19:50
* dzho almost always gets teh hives from messing with PAM19:50
canthus13dzho: Nope.19:50
dzhofun PAM quote there at the end19:51
thafreakanyoone try epiphany browser on precise? passes the acid3 test 100%19:57
canthus13Nice. Is it still ugly?19:59
thafreakno, not really20:01
thafreakjust a plain browser, works well and fast20:01
TheMasterTried xxxterm in precise?20:01
canthus13Good. I may check it out.20:01
TheMasterYeah, it's nice because it's fast.20:02
TheMasterWebkit, but little guy.20:02
dzhooh, going back a minute to owncloud, there's also this kickstarter http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/joeyh/git-annex-assistant-like-dropbox-but-with-your-own20:03
thafreaki was looking at git-annex recently20:04
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