
tjaaltonuptime over 12h with that single fix on top of precise next, niice05:57
mlankhorstRAOF: Shall I just create a xorg 1.12 ppa in xorg-edgers for quantal first?08:20
tjaaltonwhat for?08:20
mlankhorstI have no rights to upload to quantal so I need to make a ppa :)08:21
tjaaltonthere are ppa's already08:21
RAOFSo that he can (a) upload to it, and (b) we can stage stuff there for a week or so to let mesa et al settle down.08:21
tjaaltonwhy not use the same ppa as last time?08:21
RAOFYeah, use the one from last time :)08:21
tjaalton-staging or such08:21
tjaaltoncan't remember, didn't touch it <whistle>08:22
tjaaltonfunny how much of 3.3 drm is in 3.2.x08:22
mlankhorstseems to be dead08:22
mlankhorsthttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-staging ?08:23
tjaaltonit was used for getting the packages ready, then binary copied to the main archive08:23
mlankhorstshould i empty it and resurrect it?08:24
tjaaltonfeel free i guess08:24
mlankhorstok :)08:24
RAOFYou don't even need to empty it; everything in it is lower than the version in quantal, and we'll be replacing everything in it with a new version anyway.08:28
tjaaltonnote that ppa's can have packages for multiple releases, so uploading quantal ones would live next to the old ones, but there's no need for the precise packages anymore since the main archive has moved on08:28
tjaaltonwell, the precise builds would remain there if not cleaned08:28
tjaaltonbut yeah they wouldn't interfere in any way08:28
mlankhorsti know08:58
mlankhorstRAOF: is there some easy way to trigger a rebuild of all the various packages that may need updating due to new abi?09:42
mlankhorstoh seems the rebuild driver does what I want :-)09:51
mlankhorstbut looks like I can skip the input drivers10:04
tjaaltonmlankhorst: hum, you've changed upstream-ubuntu?10:19
tjaaltonon xorg-server10:19
tjaaltonit was used on precise because of the frankenserver10:19
tjaaltonbut normally we don't need that10:19
mlankhorsttjaalton: ok, I just synched it with debian, I guess you're right :-)10:29
tjaaltonactually, might want to reset that to the previous state so that cnd can backport input fixes from 1.12.2 ;)10:30
tjaaltonthat's what it had, 1.11 + input from 1.1210:31
mlankhorsttjaalton: wasn't that branched off to precise already?10:32
tjaaltonoh it's not the same branch10:32
tjaaltoncarry on10:33
mlankhorsttjaalton: hm looks like the script is based on old version, I'll probably be fine by just rebuilding everything10:44
tjaaltonmlankhorst: just make sure it appends 'build1' to the debian version if there are no ubuntu changes10:45
tjaaltonso -1 -> -1build1, -1ubuntu1 -> -1ubuntu210:45
mlankhorstdch --rebuild will do that?10:46
tjaaltonnot a huge deal, but allows autosyncs10:46
mlankhorstill try10:46
tjaaltonah, looks like it10:46
mlankhorst       sed -i -r "s/xserver-xorg-dev([[:space:]]*\(>=? 2:1(\.[[:digit:]]*)*([~+]git[[:digit:]]*(\.(.){8})?)?~?(-[[:digit:]]+(ubuntu[[:digit:]]+)?~?)?\))?/xserver-xorg-dev (>= $1)/g" debian/control10:52
mlankhorstI felt the same way :-)10:53
mlankhorstyeah looks like I'll have to grab a whole bunch of packages from debian unstable :/11:55
tjaaltonyep, since you can't sync them to a ppa, which would be too easy11:57
mlankhorsti can abuse syncpackage it seems11:57
mlankhorstI'll see if more fail first, seems a lot will build at least :)11:58
mlankhorst1.13 otoh11:59
tjaaltonapart from openchrome and vmware they're all fixed already :)12:00
tjaaltonand those just need the fixes committed12:00
mlankhorstI mean, it will need dri2proto, randrproto xrandr/libXrandr, + a refresh of all video drivers12:00
jcristauopenchrome in sid is broken with 1.12 still12:00
jcristaui think that's the last one12:01
mlankhorstoh hey, why aren't we having modesetting in our list?12:01
tjaaltonit's not published yet12:01
jcristaui do need to sponsor that into debian don't i?12:03
tjaaltonyep :)12:03
mlankhorstjcristau: Please do :-)12:03
mlankhorstI could package though12:03
tjaaltonit's packaged12:03
tjaaltonin git12:03
mlankhorstbut yeah I probably get to update all the fun things to 1.1312:04
jcristaudidn't have so much time or motivation the last few weeks...12:04
tjaaltonmlankhorst: don't worry about it.. usually we'll push the devel series to -experimental and sync from there12:04
mlankhorsttjaalton: I know :)12:04
tjaaltonthough it means that jcristau/kibi would need to upload them :)12:05
tjaaltonmy AM has now been silent for two weeks12:05
jcristauwas going to say "or you can finish NM"12:05
tjaaltonreading through license gibberish was hard, so took a while to reply to the first set of questions 12:07
mlankhorstwould be so much easier if ubuntu synced x from unstable12:07
tjaaltonit does?12:07
tjaaltonbut what difference does it make when we manually sync the packages anyway12:08
jcristautjaalton: after a couple weeks you can probably ping him to ask what's up12:08
* mlankhorst lacking the capability, mostly12:08
tjaaltonjcristau: yeah, maybe I could12:09
jcristaulooks like he uploaded a package on tuesday so he's around12:09
mlankhorstplus even if i had the capability I wouldn't trust myself to do it yet..12:09
tjaaltonok I pinged gwolf12:10
mlankhorsttjaalton: oh the failing packages have a ubuntu version, I'll fix -ati12:12
tjaaltonmlankhorst: yeah you can merge from debian and push the updated one there12:13
tjaaltonthere are probably others. intel got updated though12:13
mlankhorstI think it had some small changes12:16
mlankhorstit prevents install from debian/radeon-kms.conf which adds 'options modeset=1' to radeon12:19
tjaaltonyeah, kms is enabled already12:20
jcristauwe can drop that change in debian post wheezy12:20
mlankhorsttjaalton: can we just synch to debian for now? :-)12:21
mlankhorsthaving that file would probably be a noop12:21
jcristau(it's necessary with squeeze's kernel so we keep it for upgrades)12:21
tjaaltonmlankhorst: -ati from debian? nah, keep that change12:21
mlankhorstthen I'll just merge12:22
mlankhorst+# Plymouth wants libdrm-intel1, even on architectures where it's guaranteed12:39
mlankhorst+# to be useless.  Satisfy it's depraved yearnings.12:39
mlankhorst+      + Add patch series to reenable building libdrm-intel1 on !i386/amd64,12:42
mlankhorst+        (drop when plymouth is updated to 0.8.4.)12:42
mlankhorstdoes that mean it could be dropped now?12:42
jcristauyep, should12:42
mlankhorstI'll check plymouth first just in case12:43
* mlankhorst doesn't trust 'should'12:43
mlankhorstyeah it adds a disable for it, so libdrm has to be uploaded from unstable again12:47
mlankhorsthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdrm/+bug/1010460 :D12:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1010460 in libdrm (Ubuntu) "Sync libdrm 2.4.33-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]12:54
mlankhorstjust had to try requestsynch to see what would happen12:54
tjaaltonsynced :)12:57
mlankhorsthehe ty12:57
mlankhorsttjaalton: can xserver-xorg-video-rendition be synched too?13:09
jcristauoh yay kibi just fixed openchrome13:40
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