
Len-nbailo, astraljava just so I don't forget... ubuntustudio-default-settings has a Recommends: xfce4-utils in it. That needs to be removed as well as in the seeds whenever people get around to that.00:56
Len-nbxfce4-utils is no longer there.00:57
Len-nbor conflicts with the newer version of xfce4...00:57
astraljavaLen-nb: There is a bug about it, I think. Scott wanted to fix that but hasn't apparently gotten to that yet.04:44
astraljavaLen-nb: But we should probably have a meeting soon. Can you give me some possible time frames when you could be available? For me it's usually 1500-1900 UTC on work days, weekends are more free but might be away from home.04:46
Len-nbastraljava, Yes, I couldn't find the bug... but not only seeds needs to be changed, I see the same package in settings as a recommends. I don't always catch Scott when hes on04:46
astraljavaLen-nb: I think he's aware of the issue.04:47
Len-nbastraljava, I'm -0800 this time of year04:47
micahgbug 100225004:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002250 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "[quantal] xfce4-utils is deprecated in 4.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100225004:47
Len-nbThanks I add it there.04:47
Len-nb1900 - 800 is 1100 here. I'm at work at that time.04:49
Len-nbThe 1700 on sundays was ok in the winter when I was -0900, but with the time change, I am not longer around.04:50
astraljavaLen-nb: Ok, so we won't schedule a regular time for meetings thus far, let's just try and catch all the topics whenever we're about at the same time.04:51
Len-nbI do read the logs. and try to answer even if it seems I am talking to nobody ;-)04:52
Len-nbastraljava, I see that my bug was a dup, Both packages are tagged in the original already good.04:55
astraljavaLen-nb: Yep. I'll send Scott email soon.04:56
Len-nbastraljava, I am working on a package and would like to have a working iso for fresh installs to try it against04:58
astraljavaLen-nb: Right, yeah it would be great to be able to test the new components of Xfce4, too. I'm a little busy for a few days, but if nothing happens by Sunday, I'll look into this issue.05:02
Len-nbthe latest err report was talking about a gimp issue as well05:06
Len-nbgimp-resynthesizer : Depends: gimp-plugin-registry (>= 5.20120523~) but 4.2012050605:08
Len-nbis to be installed05:08
micahgthat's because it FTBFS in quantal05:09
Len-nbmicahg, so we are waiting for the packages to be fixed?05:21
micahgwaiting?  someone has to fix it :)05:23
Len-nbmicahg, Ok, I thought each package had a maintainer. If the package is broken, wouldn't that maintainer fix it? Or am I reading that page wrong?05:34
micahgLen-nb: in Debian they do, but it's not broke in Debian05:38
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