
twobottuxaujuju: why is it that 'Ubuntu Server. A full deployment will require a minimum of 10 servers.'? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/149012/why-is-it-that-ubuntu-server-a-full-deployment-will-require-a-minimum-of-10-se>15:38
MarkDudeimbrandon, pingy15:53
imbrandonMarkDude: heya15:54
imbrandonMarkDude: i gots rpm for you today :)15:54
imbrandonfought with it all day friday :)15:54
MarkDudeYou ROCK sir15:55
imbrandonheh, well i'm sure they can be much improved by a real rpm packager, but they function15:55
MarkDudeIt will take me a bit to run by the folks I need to show it15:55
imbrandonused a shiney fedora HPCloud instance to try it out15:56
MarkDudeNo stress15:56
imbrandonno worries, i was gonna toss it in a git repo on github, will that work for you ?15:56
MarkDudeone would have to assume that RPM is really a good thing to package, but, I digress15:56
MarkDudeYes it would work great15:56
imbrandonkk i'll do that then here in a few ( right in the middle of something ) then ping ya on irc or email if your afk the exact url for it ,but it will be under my username bholtsclaw e.g. http://github.com/bholtsclaw/some-proj-name15:58
MarkDudemaybe call it:Distros-holding-hands15:58
imbrandonbtw , talked to my next ex-wife lately ? heh15:59
imbrandonhahah good name15:59
MarkDudeor We-areALLon-theSAMEteam15:59
MarkDudeor in a tip to Ubuntu's early name Project-noname15:59
imbrandoni think that redirs to ubuntu.com now16:00
* imbrandon checks16:01
imbrandonahh it was http://www.no-name-yet.com/ but it dont16:04
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