nlsthzn | maaz just gave me a message of two weeks ago :p | 07:03 |
Maaz | nlsthzn: *blink* | 07:03 |
smile | bye :p | 11:03 |
inetpro | good afternoon from a freezing Pretoria | 14:16 |
inetpro | and poor old Kilos has probably been iced in already | 14:22 |
not_found | :( | 14:25 |
* not_found sends some heat to SA | 14:25 | |
psydroid | from Antarctica? | 14:26 |
not_found | my bad | 14:26 |
psydroid | good afternoon inetpro and not_found | 14:27 |
not_found | alo | 14:27 |
inetpro | hiho psydroid and not_found | 14:27 |
psydroid | at least I don't have to worry about timezones here | 14:27 |
psydroid | just seasons that are six months apart | 14:28 |
inetpro | psydroid: how's the weather up north? | 14:29 |
psydroid | inetpro, it's pretty good over here, not cold and not too warm | 14:30 |
psydroid | 18° C and slightly cloudy | 14:31 |
psydroid | I have to go now, bbl | 14:31 |
magespawn | Good evening all | 17:47 |
superfly | hi magespawn | 17:57 |
magespawn | Hey how is it going su-erfly? | 18:03 |
magespawn | Superfly | 18:03 |
superfly | magespawn: busy-ish, but good thanks | 18:08 |
magespawn | Mmm the first part was obvious form the time it took to reply. | 18:10 |
superfly | between bathing the boy, helping the wife, etc... | 18:13 |
magespawn | Famiily does get a bit hectic at times. | 18:13 |
magespawn | Brb going to try a new client. | 18:14 |
magespawn | howdy | 18:17 |
magespawn | this one actually seems worse | 18:17 |
magespawn | hmm anybody got a recommendation for a android irc client? | 18:19 |
superfly | magespawn: i've only really seen AndChat | 18:19 |
superfly | magespawn: other than going the quassel route | 18:20 |
magespawn | i'll give andchat a try then | 18:22 |
magespawn | brb | 18:29 |
magespawn | Howdy | 18:35 |
superfly | magespawn: how's andchat? | 18:43 |
magespawn | Colourful, makes it easier to read, but still does not show the status of the people logged in | 18:44 |
superfly | ah | 18:45 |
superfly | is there no nick list? | 18:45 |
magespawn | There is, I lik3 the way desktop clients do it buy grauing out the names of the people who are away | 18:47 |
magespawn | Cannot type tonight | 18:47 |
charlvn | hi all | 19:20 |
charlvn | good evening | 19:20 |
charlvn | how's it going | 19:20 |
charlvn | hi psydroid, magespawn, superfly | 19:21 |
magespawn | Hi charlvn, prydroid did not see you slip in there. | 19:22 |
charlvn | prydroid? | 19:22 |
charlvn | oh psydroid | 19:22 |
superfly | hi charlvn | 19:41 |
charlvn | hi SubOracle | 19:51 |
charlvn | bah | 19:51 |
charlvn | hi superfly | 19:51 |
charlvn | autocomplete fail | 19:51 |
superfly | heh | 19:51 |
charlvn | sh*t i'm tired, been traveling the whole day | 19:53 |
charlvn | not gonna make it late today | 19:53 |
* superfly is sitting in bed with his netbook | 19:56 | |
magespawn | New client touched the wrong part of the screen. Hah. | 20:09 |
magespawn | Anyways I am off, night all. | 20:09 |
charlvn | ciao | 20:32 |
superfly | mmm, i should be heading off too | 20:32 |
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