
reisiowolfgang: 'Storage'00:00
Brihaving trouble installing 12.04 to an HP box (YAY no more Vista).  Runs fine from CD but after hard disk install get nothing but a pretty wallpaper, no icons, menus, just a mouse pointer.  I'm reinstalling right now from the CD version hope that will do something00:00
reisiowolfgang: there'll be an empty CD image listing underneath the hard disk listing00:00
meLonIt seems Metacity (metacity --replace) breaks composite (transparent windows become black where there was transparency).  How can I run metacity with composite to see if that's actually the problem00:00
mz|`wolfgang: why do you not read the documentation ?00:01
mz|`before asking ?00:01
wolfgangwhat documentation?00:01
mz|`someone please kill me.00:01
reisiomz|`: you haven't tipped me yet00:02
v1adimirplz let me know b4hand..:) [01:55] <v1adimir> i5-2400 CPU throttling, who can help me pls? http://pastebin.com/m7ChWZGS00:02
wolfgangThen leave the Help CHAT CLEARLY FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT KNOW!00:02
reisiowolfgang: http://lenes.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/vbox.jpg00:02
mz|`but have read the documentation at least wolfgang ....00:02
mz|`search, THEN ask if you do not know00:02
wolfgangThank you reisio00:03
wylde_wolfgang: this is a "support" channel, not a spoon feed people with no desire to edjucate themselves. Some effort on your part is expected.In the end you will have much more success solving issues if you take the time to at least try to  solve problems on your own.00:04
wolfgangwylde, i have speant about 15 mins on it can't figure it out00:05
v1adimired-juke box-themselves?..;) :)00:05
esing123mz|` well .. I got the same chmod's set as you do .. I could still try to delete .ICEauthority ,how would I do that (not seeing where it is located)00:05
glyphIs USB3 supposed to work reliably in Precise?00:06
glyphI mean, it doesn't, on my computer, I just don't know whether I was supposed to expect it to :)00:06
v1adimirwolfgang: it's been like half a day 4 http://pastebin.com/m7ChWZGS & im still waiting; so patience, my young padawan ;p :d00:06
wylde_v1adimir: 'apt-cache search xfce cpu frequency'00:08
wolfgangvladimir, i looked at it it looks like you'r problem is some junk00:08
wylde_v1adimir: that will list a few applications avaiable for xfce and cpu throttling.00:08
ccmonsterwhy is lightdm taking 50% of a core?00:09
SwashBucklaGRUB2 question: I have set the TIMEOUT=0 and the DEFAULT=0 (Windows). Can I still boot Ubuntu?00:09
v1adimirwylde_: http://pastebin.com/QB4nsz7700:09
wylde_v1adimir: xfce4-cpufreq-plugin looks like it's what you want00:09
ccmonsterGnome shell is also taking roughly 50% of a core00:09
reisioccmonster: you'd rather your processor go unused?00:10
wylde_v1adimir: then you can add it to the panel to monitor cpufreq, it may also allow you to change the presets00:10
v1adimirwylde_: im a complete noob.. so pls excuse me - but if i install it, it'll let me see/control?00:10
v1adimirok, gotcha00:10
ccmonsterlol reisio , um, well when I feel the sluggishness at times, it's a bit frustrating.00:10
wylde_v1adimir: it's a been a while since I was using xfce, working from memory00:10
reisioccmonster: what proc/ram/gpu?00:10
ccmonsterAMD 955Black Quad Core/8gb/ATI 699000:11
v1adimirwolfgang: some junk?.. wylde_: how can i run the plugin, where do i find it pls ?00:12
wylde_v1adimir: right click on the panel? Ummmm look for panel properties, or somesuch00:13
v1adimircan't seem 2 find it, that's why i ask - ok i'll google it; tnx a lot. :)00:13
esing123wylde_ what should i do concerning my problem00:14
SilversongHi. I keep getting the "The update information is outdated." red ! triangle. But I just sudo apt-get update 15 minutes ago.00:14
SolarisBoylorddelta: did you find it?00:14
SilversongAnyone have any idea why?00:15
wylde_esing123: good question... I don't know. Which is why I have not replied. Please don't target random people like that. It's frowned upon.00:15
ccmonsterreisio, ..any ideas00:15
esing123wylde_ hm, i thought i explained you the issue earlier, that is why i named you00:16
Silversong:| Anyone00:16
reisioccmonster: about?00:16
Mike9863Gnome Shell does not show up as an option for me in lightdm even though I have it installed. Does anyone know how to add it to the session list?00:18
AnsiktSilversong:  Try the update again.  Maybe it's been changed since then?00:18
SilversongAnsikt, it's been ongoing for the past 5 days00:18
SilversongActually, longer than that00:19
SilversongI did it again, it still wouldn't go away. Did it just now.00:19
AnsiktHm,  Weird stuff.  Try apt-get upgrade.00:19
fishcookeris there any mini install /net install on ubuntu?00:19
AnsiktMaybe you'll get some useful debug?00:19
SilversongIt says "The package information was updated 18 days ago."00:19
SilversongBut I clearly just updated now.00:19
SilversongAnd in the error, I get this: W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/arduino-ubuntu-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found00:19
Silversong, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/arduino-ubuntu-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found00:19
Silversong, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/arduino-ubuntu-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found00:19
Silversong, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/drivers-only/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found00:19
Silversong, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/drivers-only/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found00:19
FloodBot1Silversong: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:19
Silversong, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/drivers-only/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found00:19
reisioSilversong: I concur00:20
bastidrazorfishcooker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  this will help you.00:20
SilversongBut yeah... I get that thing...00:20
wolfgangHay I'm still trying to figure out how to get the os on virtual box00:20
wolfgangHow do i do it?00:20
reisiowolfgang: you install it from the install image, same as anything else00:21
Silversongsudo apt-get upgrade doesn't do.00:21
wolfgangWhat install image?00:21
v1adimirwylde_: again, tyvm, xfce4-cpufreq-plugin allowed me to set the frequency on max (with on demand, or whatever)00:21
wolfgangthe one from that screenshot?00:21
Silversongreisio: sudo apt-get upgrade doesn't do anything. Sorry about the flood.00:21
reisiowolfgang: you want to install Windows to a VM guest?00:22
wolfgangNot sure what guest is but ya i want wondows xp on vm00:22
wolfgangi have the disk00:22
ejowolfgang: in your case the guest OS is windows xp and the host is your Ubuntu machine00:23
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wolfganghow do i do it?00:23
v1adimirwylde_: I spoke too soon :( It resets back to the values it showed on install: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-06102012-022251am.php00:23
tuxxhey guys00:23
AnsiktSilversong:  Try update with --fix-missing?00:24
wolfgangreisio, That screenshot i dont have empty00:24
wylde_v1adimir: the governor settings aren't staying set?00:24
tuxxhey guys00:24
v1adimirwylde_: neither of the two00:24
reisiowolfgang: you don't have what now?00:24
wolfgangNever mind00:25
tuxxwhen i run "aplay --device=front soukie.wav" i get sound but if i run "aplay soukie.wav" i dont. what is that due to?00:25
wolfgangriesio do you know how to install one to vm?00:25
ejowolfgang: read the instructions?00:25
wolfgangWhere are theye?00:25
wylde_v1adimir: moment, I'm going to search bugs00:25
ejowolfgang: for example, installing windows on a virtualbox is *identical* to installing it on a physical machine *except* that you have to do it from a .iso file or you have to provide the virtual machine a way of accessing your optical drive.00:26
SilversongAnsikt: How do I do that xD00:26
wolfgangIt's on a Physical cd00:26
ejoIf you don't know how to locate the instructions for the virtual machine that you are using, we have a more fundamental problem.00:26
Ansiktejo, wolfgang:  Except for performance on pretty much every device.00:26
wolfgangI got it from software center00:26
ejoOk, you just need to boot your vm from that cd.  How to do so is in the instructions for your virtual machine00:27
AnsiktSilversong:  sudo apt-get update --fix-missing00:27
Silversongansikt: oh nvm got it00:27
wolfgangejo: where are the instructions?00:27
AnsiktSilversong:  If that doesn't help, then maybe we could clear the mirror list?00:27
Silversongansikt: I think that's what i need. Hopefully it works. Thankya!00:27
wylde_v1adimir: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-cpufreq-plugin/+bug/97794200:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977942 in xfce4-cpufreq-plugin (Ubuntu) "xfce4-cpufreq-plugin governor not working Acer Aspire 5750-9668" [Low,Triaged]00:27
AnsiktSIlversong:  woot!00:27
v1adimirwylde_: in the xfce panel I can see it 'throttling' to 3.1GHz but idk if that's real... since changing the settings won't stick; & the benchmark report shows the wrong CPU names - nothing to do with my system: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-23228ba8.html00:27
Silversongansikt: It's gone now. I hope it doesn't come back in fifteen minutes. Usually that's when it shows up again. we'll see00:28
mz|`wolfgang: Menu > Help *Or* go on virtualbox website and read the documentation00:28
Silversongansikt: I still get this though: http://ppa.launchpad.net/arduino-ubuntu-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages00:28
wolfgangOK THANK YOU00:28
Silversongansikt: I mean: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/arduino-ubuntu-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found00:28
wolfgangA SIMPLE ANSWER00:28
aaksideCan I stream audio from my linux box to my macbook? (to use its speakers)00:28
Silversongansikt: I think it's something to do with when I installed the linux arduino IDE.00:28
AnsiktSilversong:  Just the one mirror?00:28
ejoI decline to repeat myself regarding the instructions00:29
Silversongansikt: 5. I'll post it in a pastebin. hold on :) && thankies00:29
v1adimirwylde_: "[..] as this has a severe impact on a non-core application." -- I can follow the WORKAROUND there, do you think?00:29
Silversongansikt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1032960/00:29
wylde_!paste | v1adimir: please use these00:30
ubottuv1adimir: please use these: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:30
Ansiktwolfgang:  If you just create a virtual box image with the defaults, and turn it on, it'll ask you if your install media is in your actual disk drive.00:30
GNS3TalkHi everyone, my Ubuntu 12.04 boots up when connected to my AVR (media receiver) and the receiver detects a signal from it when it's at the boot loader stage. Once it goes beyond that, the receiver loses the signal! What's strange about it is that if I unplug the HDMI cable, the PC boots fine and it even detects the receiver if I plug the HDMI cable AFTER it completes the booting up process. Has anybody come across this before? What may be the prob00:30
AnsiktSilversong:  So long as some work, then I'd say don't let it bother you.00:32
wylde_v1adimir: there's a workaround listed on the bugs page. Looks like the bug has been pushed upstream but still no fix.00:32
Silversongansikt: lol i hope. just that red triangle bothers me :300:33
wolfgangAnsikt, hay i did that and it says Creating process for virtual machine "Windows XP" (GUI/Qt) ... (1/2)"00:34
wolfgangis that good?00:34
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:34
fishcookerthanks bastidrazor i will work with cli install00:35
v1adimirwylde_: here's the CPU benchmark info, that's totally off & i will try the workaround.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1032966/00:35
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Ansiktwoflgamg:  Sounds good.  Anything indicating to the contrary?00:36
harubandDoes virtualbox support to emulate vt-x which is intel's hardware virtualization technique. Because i want to run kvm in virtualbox.00:37
mz|`haruband: yes00:37
mz|`but virtualization in virtualized env is... not a good idea.00:37
wolfgangHay this is still not working... what do i do?00:37
mz|`too much emultation level00:37
Ansiktmz|:  Try it and find out.  I've done virtual-ception myself, and had it work fine.00:38
harubandOh good thank you. I just want to use for some experiments.00:38
wolfgangHay i still can't figure out how to install an os on it00:38
AnsiktWolfgang:  Okay.  What's wrong?00:39
wolfgangI don't know how to install an os on vm00:39
Ansiktwolfgang:  Also, don't spam the channel.  That's poor manners and a good way to get ignored.00:39
wolfgangi got it from software center00:39
mz|`Ansikt: not id production. but virtualbox does not applyto production environment anyway.00:39
Ansiktmz|`:  **shrug** ESXi worked fine for with HyperV inside.00:40
wolfgangAnsikt, do you know how?00:41
Ansikt*for me00:41
mz|`Ansikt: i only use unix/linux virt00:41
mz|`wolfgang: SEARCh : https://seogadget.co.uk/how-to-install-virtualbox/00:41
mz|`i search once, i found a tutorial00:41
Ansiktwolfgang:  follow these instructions: http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/how-to-install-windows-8-on-virtualbox/.  Make sure it installs from HOST COMPUTER'S CD/DVD DRIVE.00:43
lorddeltaSolarisBoy: yeah found it, temporary file skype created00:43
AnsiktAnd make sure that the PROPER VERSION of Windows is selected00:43
Ansiktmz|`:  Still.  The best way is to test.  Virtualization is a dark and obscure art.00:44
mz|`Ansikt :)00:44
mz|`searching seems to be obscur too.00:45
herplade1hey guys i'm pretty happy with 10.04, is there any reason to upgrade to 10.10 or 12.04?00:47
AnsiktHerplade1:  You're going to run out of LTS support soon>00:48
mz|`haruband: backup your files first. then sed -i 's/lucid/precise/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade00:49
herplade1well, in a year00:49
bastidrazormz|`: that is a bad way to upgrade from version to version.00:49
Ansiktherplade1:  Yeah, that's all I got D;00:49
mz|`always worked for me00:49
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/00:50
hippiehackerhttps://gist.github.com/2903267 # any further direction on how to build the official live/install ... I'm generating an iso that's missing a few files00:50
mz|`bastidrazor: best way ? install properly 12.04 ?00:50
bastidrazormz|`: follow proper guides.   http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:51
herplade1i'm just worried about this unity thing00:51
herplade1'cause i like gnome00:51
mz|`bastidrazor: does mostly the same thing00:52
mz|`or explain the process used by update-manager please00:52
Ansiktherplade1:  Have you tried it?  I thought I'd hate it, but I gave it a try, and really liked it.00:52
zoidberg_csá magyarok00:54
esing123i can't logoff my PC anymore. Error appears: "Kindprocess Lubuntu logout cannot be found"00:55
esing123there is no info on the web00:56
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esing123i suppose you guys dont know either00:56
esing123i prolly should install ubuntu on the scratch since the support is weak00:56
herplade1Ansikt, but i use compiz and i have customized it a lot00:57
herplade1i don't think it'll work in unity00:57
esing123herplade1 how do run applications in unity00:57
herplade1when you google "Unity" it suggestss "unity sucks"00:57
esing123herplade1 isnt it only "alt + appname"00:57
Ansiktherplade1: Like I said, I got nothing.  But it's worth a try, at the very least.00:59
Ansiktesing123:  Hit the windows key, then you can search for it, or go through the app menu, or put it in the dock.01:00
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Ansiktherplade1:  Also, call me curious, but screenshot?01:00
esing123ansikt my thinkpad luckily has no windows key01:01
esing123I think alt does the job instead onf thinkpads01:01
wjonctrl+esc do the same?01:01
esing123quien sabe01:01
esing123do i really need to install ubuntu on scratch01:01
esing123no expert here?01:02
wjonnever used lubuntu :(01:02
esing123it's same as ubuntu only with LXDE01:02
wjon'lxde-logout' or 'lubuntu-logout' maybe?01:04
wjonjust a guess :(01:04
Ansiktesing123:  What model?  My thinkpad x120 has a windows key.01:05
AnsiktNot telling you it's not there, just curious.01:05
blackheath_hey,guys.something wrong with my system tray01:09
someguyis it wirth upgrading from the 2.6.38 kernel to the 3.5?01:11
checkm8hi there can anyone help me output to hdmi with an Asus G73 laptop?01:11
someguyand if so where is a good walkthrough to upgrade a kernel?01:12
wjonsomeguy: If you're using a standard kernel then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'01:13
tpw_rulesso i tried creating a raid array with mdadm, but it went terribly wrong. when creating it, it said the drives involved were busy and seemed to error out. being unable to un-busy them, i tried rebooting, but it warns me about a degraded raid array and drops me into busybox whenever i try to boot now01:13
wjonif you want to build from scratch you'd have to ask someone else01:13
someguythat will upgrade the kernel?01:13
checkm8wow what junk software wont even output hdmi i think ill go back to windows01:14
checkm8thanks for nothing ubuntu01:14
someguysome pretty crzy talk01:14
checkm8crazy talk? Crazy software! This crap cant do anything right01:15
someguydemz fight'in werds!01:15
reisiocheckm8: do you have a nvidia card?01:15
checkm8reisio: yes and I installed the accelerated driver01:15
bazhangcheckm8, actual support question?01:15
reisiocheckm8: lsmod | grep nvidia shows it?01:15
reisiounfortunately the comparison between preinstalled drivers & Windows, and not-preinstalled Linux and drivers, is pointless01:15
reisiocheckm8: okay, have you run nvidia-settings?01:16
bazhangcheckm8, then ask it. this is NOT the rant channel01:16
checkm8it wont even detect my display01:16
reisiocheckm8: you hit the detect display button and nothing?01:16
checkm8reisio: nothing01:16
reisiocheckm8: and the cable is hooked up on both ends correctly01:16
checkm8reisio: nvm I just updated to the latest driver01:17
checkm8works now I think01:17
reisioeither it does or it doesn't :p01:17
checkm8reisio: thanks its working01:17
checkm8reisio: sometimes you just cant get the same help without ranting01:18
checkm8reisio: sorry about that01:18
reisiocheckm8: I s'pose01:18
checkm8reisio: thanks for your help01:18
reisioranting I don't really mind, just silly comparisons01:18
reisiobut I don't run this channel :p01:18
LinXzSharp MZ80k and an iPhone - now there is a silly comparison. Wish I still had my Sharp...01:20
ex0ai know this isn't a specificly ubuntu related question, but i'm curious if it's because of the way i'm doing things if it's ubuntu related.. i've got grub booting a gparted iso, but on boot, it fails to modprobe the promise_fasttrack_raid_module, which i have no issues with when booting ubuntu.. how can i get it to use the raid module from ubuntu with the live gparted iso?01:23
ex0ais that something i can add to the menuentry and it will supply the raid module?01:24
herplade1jyp goes down now01:24
reisioex0a: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/create-gparted-live.php01:25
reisioex0a: or you could try just extracting it and adding the module/module to the list of modules to load & rebuilding it01:25
ex0ai looked at the create gparted live page, but unfortuneately i can't boot gparted to do it.. i'll try messing with extracting and rebuilding01:26
reisioex0a: what's the CONFIG_ name?01:26
ex0areisio: i'm not 100% sure what you're asking for01:27
escottex0a, thats not going to work. the modules are kernel specific01:28
reisioex0a: min01:28
joanneok guys, how do I upgrade jaunty using a CD?01:29
joanneI have a hardy cd but it's telling me that there is a network error01:29
bazhang!eolupgrades | joanne01:30
ubottujoanne: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:30
bazhangjoanne, live cd for an earlier version wont do that.   jaunty is long end of life, so see the link above01:31
bazhangjoanne, for future reference, the alternative cd for an equal or higher version could be used to upgrade01:31
reisioex0a: the CONFIG_ name for the kernel01:31
joannebazhang, thanks, I was having issues getting hardy to run on the laptop01:32
reisioex0a: maybe CONFIG_SATA_PROMISE01:32
reisioex0a: systemrescuecd might have it: http://is.gd/a2dJMT / http://www.sysresccd.org/01:33
P-Chanhow to hide edid checksum error in boot?01:34
tijkohow to escape screen calibration01:34
escottP-Chan, where does it happen in the boot01:35
ex0areisio: i'll look into that thanks01:35
P-Chanescott:  *ERROR* EDID checksum is invalid, remainder is 247 I not have money yet to buy new monitor and this works yet so...01:35
escottP-Chan, if it is happening before Xorg starts then the stuff I told you about Xorg.conf won't help. and its probably a side-effect of the kernel doing modesetting01:36
RecursiveBeasthey guys, any X11 experts here? i'm trying to get my little Atom box to display in widescreen mode on my TV (1080p)01:36
escottP-Chan, i'm also wondering what is so bad about this error message that you are so worried. if its just a single message why does it matter?01:36
RecursiveBeasti think i have to edit my xorg.conf file01:36
tijkodoes anybody know how to  escape  a screen  calibration?01:37
P-Chanescott: because sometimes this message loops and sometime I must press atl+print+k to go to login session01:37
joannebazhang, it doesn't work01:38
RecursiveBeasti grep'ed the Xorg.0.log file and Xorg seems to see the proper resolution and refresh rates01:38
RecursiveBeasti'm just unsure what exactly to put in that xorg.conf file01:38
escottP-Chan, does that mean you sometimes dont get the error01:38
bazhangjoanne, what doesnt work. explain exactly what you did as outlined in the eolupgrades link that does not work. paste.ubuntu.com with the exact errors01:39
chabiehaloo.. i have a problem01:39
riddleboxis there a way so that when I right click on the dash and select applications, then filter results, and it shows the categories, to have that display by default?01:39
P-Chanescott: well the error gets ever but sometimes this happen01:39
joannebazhang, I added the source list and it still says network error01:40
P-Chanescott: because when I go to prompt I see the last message01:40
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P-Chanand When I logoff this error is there01:40
escottP-Chan, if you always get the error, but only sometimes get the X keeps crashing I doubt the error is the real cause of the X crash01:40
chabiei cannot create opensuse live usb on ubuntu.. there is solved/01:40
escottP-Chan, so why don't you describe what is happening when you get this looping error.01:41
bazhangjoanne, pastebin your sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com please and give us the url01:41
bazhangchabie, try unetbootin01:41
chabiei have trying, but nothing distribution01:42
bazhangunetbootin.sourceforge.net or install from repos if trying from ubuntu01:42
P-Chanescott: well ... This loop is  the x trying start the X01:42
bazhangchabie, md5 the iso, ask #suse for the hash01:42
escottP-Chan, so look at your Xorg.0.log in /var/log01:42
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joannebazhang, http://pastebin.com/XFNLQ5EY01:43
tijkodoes anybody know how to escape or exit  a screen calibration?01:44
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reisiotijko: can always CTRL+ALT+F2 and kill the process01:45
P-Chanescott: here's my xorg log http://pastebin.com/sLNm81FM01:45
chabieI've tried with various tools in ubuntu, but failed ?01:45
bazhangjoanne, you added the old-releases, but still left the other jaunty repos uncommented.   # comment them out then try again01:45
nina666hi, im doing a apt-get update, and constantly get this error: W: GPG error: http://download.virtualbox.org precise InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 54422A4B98AB513901:45
tijkoreisio my cat jumped on the keyboard then all solid colors red grey blue and I didn;t know how to escape and cant find anything on it01:46
P-Channina666: you need the key01:46
P-ChanOk somebody answer this question. Is a good idea use swapness and zramenable sametime?01:46
n2deepnina666: you need to run apt-key add with the correct key01:46
reisiotijko: well you could restart X01:46
joannebazhang, #deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty main restricted01:46
escottP-Chan, so thats a working X session. what about one of the failed X sessions?01:46
n2deepnin666: wget the key to /tmp01:46
joannebazhang,  like this?01:46
nina666P-chan, n2deep, oh ok, where should i get the key01:47
Yoshimi-pinkwhen you boot into a live cd there is a program available on the live os which allows you to install the os onto a disk, I want that program for a full operating system01:47
n2deepnina666: then run apt-key add /tmp/vboxkey.txt01:47
bazhangjoanne, yes, for all of them, outside of the old-releases ones01:47
tijkoreisio i know of a few unconventional methods  , but, I was looking more for how to start it and end it with what it was?01:47
P-Channina666: where you take this source?01:47
n2deepnina666: from the vbox download page at the bottom there is a link01:47
reisiotijko: with what was already open?01:47
reisiotijko: what're you IRCing from?01:48
oooaaaooooHi guys general question, does wireless N operate on a different frequency than G? I.e. should i see a non 2.x Ghz value when i look it up on ifconfig?01:48
P-Chanescott: before that error, my monitor is 1200x80001:48
subcoolcould someone tell me or forward me to a place i can get assistance troubleshooting my torrent problem?01:48
P-Channow 1028x...01:48
tijkoreisio i got out of it but, i'm wondering how to open a screen test and exit it01:48
n2deepnina666: here is the link as seen on the download page: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc01:48
escottP-Chan, 1200x800 is not reported in the EDID information for VGA101:49
reisiotijko: do you know how to open it?01:49
escottP-Chan, its interesting you are using VGA. is DVI an option?01:49
subcoolPM if you could, sorting threw these lines is a pain.01:49
P-ChanI don't know what is the DVI01:49
joannebazhang, http://pastebin.com/1kc906Ma01:49
nina666thanks alot :) so now how should I redirect this key?01:49
tijkoreisio how does one use a keycombination to do a screen test and then exit with key combination01:49
nina666n2deep, thanks alot :) so now how should I redirect this key?01:49
P-ChanOh man. The ubuntu creator put unstable inkscape in the reporitory... Now I need compile the stable version...01:50
Yoshimi-pinki want to be able to install ubuntu onto a thumb drive from my regular operating system01:50
reisiotijko: need to know what the executable or key combo you used in the first place is01:50
escottP-Chan, different cable type. http://www.pantherproducts.co.uk/Articles/images/vgadvi.jpg01:50
mz|`Yoshimi-pink: debootstrap/chroot & else01:50
tijkoreisio are you familiar with screen test or color calibrations?01:50
P-Chanescott: VGA01:50
reisiotijko: yup01:51
escottP-Chan, the logs show that. which is why I was asking. do you have DVI connectors on both computer and monitor01:51
oooaaaooooHi guys, can one tel if one is one 802.11 N Or G via iwconfig?01:51
mz|`Yoshimi-pink: for example : http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/01/debootstrap-minimal-debian-ubuntu-installation/01:51
tijkois there a default hotkey to do a screen calibaration?01:51
tijkoreisio I appreciate you attempt but, you're way off from what I'm asking01:52
Yoshimi-pinkwell i don't want to do a minimal install01:52
tijkoreisio have a nice night01:52
B0101hi there, i was installing ubuntu alongside windows. the install ran smoothly untill it reached a grey screen with the menu "Ubuntu Desktop". It did nothing and then rebooted. When it rebooted, i found that the system booted to windows and i did not find grub installed. What can i do?01:52
Yoshimi-pinki wanted to be able to do the whole things01:52
P-Chanescott: escott i DOn't have DVI here01:52
mz|`Yoshimi-pink: install further package next01:53
reisiotijko: I have no idea what you're asking, you won't say what it is you want01:53
tijkoreisio i've repeated it numerous times and very plainly and simply01:53
mz|`do the install by debootstrap then install needed packages01:54
mz|`anotehr idea to fit your needs:  reverse-eng the live cd :)01:54
n2deepnina666: if you have downloaded the key to /tmp then all you should need to do is apt-key add /tmp/oracle_vbox.asc01:55
tijkoreisio there were keys on my keyboard that were accidently pressed,  and that turned on a screen test of some sort.  I'm thinking there is a default screen test that ubuntu uses and want to know what is the key combination turn this on or exit it?01:55
tijkoreisio do you understand?01:55
tijkofor 20th time01:55
reisiotijko: so you don't know how it was ran01:56
joannebazhang, it's still looking for those other servers, even commented out01:56
reisiotijko: and now that you've exited it, you can't take a screenshot so someone can understand what it was that was running01:56
nina666got it. thanks ;)01:57
bazhangjoanne, did you apt-get update after saving the sources.list change?01:57
nina666n2deep, got it. thanks ;)01:57
oooaaaoooohi guys does ubuntu 12.04 support wireless N /01:57
tijkoreisio this isn't that involved.01:57
mz|`oooaaaoooo: yes.01:57
reisiotijko: it wouldn't be, if anyone knew what you wanted to run01:57
mz|`it is a driver issue, not a distribution issue.01:57
oooaaaoooomz|`: how do i check if i am connected via N? frequency ?01:57
escottP-Chan, there is nothing in the log you posted that indicates any potential problem, but since you are using VGA I would recommend you (A) make sure the cable is well secured on both ends, and (B) that the cable is not crossing any other cable or potential source of electromagnetic interference01:58
reisiotijko: do you have 'monitest'?01:58
tijkoreisio You clearly don't know if there is a default screen test on ubuntu and what it is or how to call it01:58
mz|`iw / iwconfig01:58
reisiotijko: on the contrary, we already know there is because you ran it01:58
mz|`or networkmanager / right click / connection informations01:58
oooaaaoooomz|`: and Id be looking for ...?01:58
reisiotijko: that doesn't help with identifying what the executable is01:58
P-Chanescott: Ok.01:58
P-ChanI will check it01:58
mz|`oooaaaoooo: bandwith/bitrate/speed01:58
tijkoreisio I'll be fine with asking someone else thanks though01:58
mz|`up to 54Mbits/s -> G01:59
oooaaaoooomz|`: ok so it isnt a frequency thing?01:59
mz|`150/300Mbits/s -> N01:59
reisiotijko: g'luck01:59
joannebazhang, yes01:59
mz|`oooaaaoooo: no.01:59
tijkoreisio yeah i know01:59
joannebazhang, should I have?01:59
mz|`frequency + speed01:59
oooaaaoooomz|`: ok cool thanks01:59
mz|`frequency modifications to use more speed and channels01:59
bazhangjoanne, what command did you use to edit the sources.list01:59
tenX_mz|`: but n freq is higher01:59
tijkoDoes anybody know what the default screen test is on ubuntu?  Or how to call a screen test?01:59
tijkoWith the keyboard02:00
mz|`tenX_: exactly02:00
oooaaaoooomz|`: ahh so it can still achieve high rates in the 2.xx band?02:00
joannesudo mousepad /etc/sources.list02:00
tenX_mz|`: shouldnt that be the reason for higher speeds physically02:00
mz|`[10-06-12 03:58:56] <        mz|`> | frequency modifications to use more speed and channels02:01
tenX_mz|`: missed that02:01
mz|`no problem ;)02:01
tenX_mz|`: but i dont like the term modification in that context ;p02:02
JohnHello! Can i insall Ubuntu on my devices? Or Ubuntu only for computers?02:02
mz|`poor english voacbulary, sorry02:02
mz|`will try to improve02:02
oooaaaoooomz|`: oh so it switches to different frequenies depending on the load?02:02
tenX_mz|`: ah didnt mean to pick on that02:02
tenX_mz|`: not a native speaker myself02:03
JohnCan Ш insall Ubuntu on my devices? Or Ubuntu only for computers?02:03
JohnCan I insall Ubuntu on my devices? Or Ubuntu only for computers?02:03
mz|`John: dont spam.02:03
joannebazhang, sudo mousepad /etc/sources.list02:03
Johnme not02:03
JohnCan I insall Ubuntu on my devices? Or Ubuntu only for computers?02:03
mz|`John: dont spam.02:03
Johnme not02:03
bazhangJohn, stop repeating02:03
tenX_mz|`: it wont keep him off02:04
JohnAnd wehre answer?02:04
bazhang!helpme | John02:04
ubottuJohn: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude02:04
bazhangJohn, read above02:04
mz|`we should add some on manners02:04
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:04
mz|`oh cool02:05
oooaaaoooomz|`: thanx for the explanation02:05
JohnI can or not can?02:05
tenX_mz|`: thats nothing we can teach to guys like that anymore02:05
JohnCan I install Ubuntu on my Vibrator?02:06
mz|`they want answers, not learning, nor listening, may I suppose.02:06
mz|`your sex toy ?02:06
xanguaJohn stop that please02:06
JohnWhat it?02:06
JohnYes im gay and what?02:07
joanneJohn, what part of don't repeat is the issue? Anyone who knows will tell you but have damn patience02:07
RelondoWhat's that, John? "Ban me, please!"02:07
jagginess!ops John02:07
willianHi. everyone.02:07
tijkomz|` this is part of the reason I called this a joke02:07
willianGood morning.02:07
joannebazhang, you saw my previous reply, yes?02:07
tenX_mz|`: and they want it immediately on inprecise questions02:07
bazhangjoanne, yep02:07
joannebazhang, ok, making sure lol02:08
RelondoIs there any way to "convert" a Wubi installation to a standard one?02:08
tijkotenX_ i wouldn't generalize with grouping in trolls02:08
reisioRelondo: yup02:08
IdleOne!wubi | Relondo yes there is02:08
ubottuRelondo yes there is: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe02:08
solangemauverhola a todos02:08
reisioRelondo: I dare say just doing a standard install from scratch is simpler, though02:08
joanne!es | solangemauver02:08
ubottusolangemauver: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:08
tenX_tijko: not sure if that about trolling02:08
jagginessRelondo, it's more troutble than its worth.. the time spent doing that is the time you could of done a fresh install02:08
reisioIdleOne: does that really answer his question?02:08
jagginessRelondo, you hve data on there you need to backup?02:09
RelondoAlright. Good thing I haven't installed much yet.02:09
RelondoNot particularly.02:09
bazhangreisio, its in the wubiguide, so sure02:09
RelondoJust thought it might be faster.02:09
tijkotenX_  you believe John was sincere?02:09
IdleOnereisio, it does, the wubi guide has a link on the right hand side convienently located :)02:09
danilCan anyone help me with my problem with my soundcard on ubuntu Oniric?02:09
Relondodanil: Just explain the problem. Don't ask if you can ask.02:09
jagginessRelondo, so delete the loopback file or undelete wubi.. and backup your windows user data.. then try to install ubuntu02:09
mz|`tijko: don(t be a John.02:09
Relondojagginess: Wait, what?02:09
danilIt won't play sound...02:10
mz|` don't02:10
tijkomz|` in what way?02:10
mz|`the John way :D02:10
reisioRelondo: that is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi02:10
jagginessRelondo, see if you can free space on ntfs-- if you uninstall wubi.. see that uninstaller deletes the 4+ gig file it made.. it'll be somewhere in a subfolder in c:\02:10
reisiowasn't there something called 'lubi' that did it, too?02:10
RelondoWoah, slow down. NTFS?02:11
danilI looked at the forums (especially the tutorial about sound problems) but I think ubuntu is not correctly identifying my card.02:11
reisioRelondo: the file system Windows uses02:11
jagginessRelondo, this 4+ gig file that was made by wubi is a loopbackfile (you dont need to know-- but you should know that it's in 1 file)02:11
thanmustokiTechWizard looks around seeing whoes innocent.02:11
tijkomz|` I was frustrated and impatient for what I thought was a miniscule problem02:11
reisioRelondo: if you want you can backup your Wubi install data before deleting it, etc.02:11
jagginessreisio, no he doesnt02:11
reisiojagginess: who doesn't what?02:11
tenX_tijko: at first glance i thought so. the approach in general is encountered pretty often but you're right02:11
jagginess(he doesnt need to, he said)02:11
reisiohe said not much, IIRC02:12
RelondoYeah, this all seems a little complicated, and to be honest, I really only have a few things installed here.02:12
reisioand I used the word 'if'02:12
reisioEnglish, it's a language02:12
RelondoBut thanks for the help guys.02:12
jagginess(Relondo go for it-- uninstall wubi, and install ubuntu native after backign up your windows user data)02:12
reisiojagginess: and look he said it again ^ :p02:12
tenX_tijko: trolling without any background can be confusing02:12
RelondoAlright, thanks all. I'm out.02:12
tijkotenX_ I've seen trolling more in linux distribution channels02:13
jagginessreisio, he wanted to see if he can convert a wubi install to a native one-- it may be possible... but not worth the time doing so..02:13
tijkotenX_ but it is widespread02:13
reisiojagginess: yes I already commented on that about 500 buffers ago02:13
reisioif we're done explaining to ourselves what trolling is and isn't...02:14
tenX_tijko: sure :)02:14
tenX_tijko: if it at least had a personal touch on it02:15
jagginessreisio, that's pretty much useless to tell him to try migrating wubi-- command lines like that is not possible for someone new to linux..02:16
tenX_jagginess: wubi?02:17
reisiojagginess: you're still talking about something I had completely resolved before we even began discussing :p02:17
reisiolet it go man02:17
jagginessreisio, I'm saying, if someone is new to linux, they won't do commands.. I'm just saying.. that's all.02:18
reisiojagginess: and I said the same thing, loooonnggg before you decided to say it to me02:19
tenX_wubi is an installer for windows? preventing it from overwriting mbr or what02:20
MiJyntenX_ yes02:20
MiJynit is an installer for windows02:20
MiJynmore or less to simplify things :D02:21
tenX_MiJyn: any other benefits?02:21
reisiotenX_: it's so you don't have to resize partitions, basically02:23
tenX_reisio: but why would you have to resize? in case your linux installation takes up all space on the drive?02:25
thanmustokiWho wants Beer!?!?!?02:25
reisiotenX_: most Windows installs are preinstalled, and take up the entire disk02:25
reisiothanmustoki: silly question02:26
bazhangthanmustoki, wrong channel02:26
thanmustokii have just try social script in irssi02:27
tenX_reisio: thought it was about the situation when linux was already installed - why else would you want to protect the mbr?02:27
reisiotenX_: it isn't about the MBR... I just said it was about not having to repartition02:27
bazhangthanmustoki, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please02:28
esing123wjon i had to reinstall lubuntu packages02:28
esing123ansikt t4302:28
esing123did i downloaded the right ubuntu install CD: "ubuntu desktop 12.04" ?02:29
reisioesing123: i386 or amd64?02:29
tenX_reisio: that opposes to the other answer i received on my question and i cant recognize your scenario. if you install windows first u can simply partition the way u like02:29
esing123intel  pentium 1,8ghz02:30
reisiotenX_: as I said, Windows is not usually installed by its owner, most of the time it is _preinstalled_, and takes up the entire disk02:30
reisioesing123: grep ' lm' /proc/cpuinfo02:30
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esing123i only was uncertain due of the desktop02:30
tenX_reisio: okay so it helps you to take care of repartitioning. thx02:30
esing123i chose the right processor tho02:30
reisioesing123: desktop is what most people want, not for servers02:30
reisiotenX_: it helps you insofar as you don't have to repartition _at all_, because Ubuntu is installed _into a file_ in the existing Windows filesystem02:31
reisios/it helps/wubi helps/02:31
tenX_reisio: got your point thx for the explanation and patience. just interested take care of things myself :)02:32
reisiotenX_: np02:32
subcoolcould someone tell me or forward me to a place i can get assistance troubleshooting my torrent problem?02:37
joannehow do I update with a alt cd?02:38
jagginessjoanne, you should use what's the recommend way of upgrading..02:38
joannejagginess, fron JAUNTY02:39
reisiosubcool: what torrent problem02:39
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caesar_my utorrent freezes when ran in wine02:50
caesar_after 10-15 minutes02:50
caesar_freezes my whole OS02:50
reisiocaesar_: use Deluge, it looks the same as µTorrent02:53
caesar_reisio: my private tracker doesn't allow newer version02:55
caesar_and i don't know how to install older version02:55
peepsalotare there any tools to limit browser (or overall) bandwidth for testing some web page loading02:56
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=== tinee is now known as tinee-b
reisiocaesar_: well you should learn02:57
reisiocaesar_: http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html02:57
ravi one question: can anybody tell me how to use .index file to locate words in .dict file inside freedict dictionary files? any help will be highly appreciated. :)03:01
ravianybody there?03:02
HganavakAnyone recommend an alternative to OneNote?03:03
ubuntu_64bitwhat is ubuntu one03:03
fleakite!ubottu ubuntu one03:04
ubottufleakite: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:04
raviubuntu one is cloud service03:04
ubuntu_64bitubuntu one concern with what fleakite03:04
ravilike dropbox03:04
reisioHganavak: what is it?03:04
fleakitewhat ravi said03:04
reisioHganavak: http://alternativeto.net/software/microsoft-onenote/?platform=linux03:04
fully_humanI've been trying to follow this guide to set up an android build environment: http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html.  Unfortunately, this happens: http://pastebin.com/1JsNBqFt.  Why is this?  Thanks in advance.03:05
duder123hey I'm having a pain of a time trying to boot into the Ubutnu 12.04 live cd to get the install running03:06
duder123I've butnt it from ISO03:06
duder123verified the disk, and then even tested that it boots in a VM that's fine03:06
duder123but when I go to boot the actual cd on this machine it's screwed03:06
ubuntu_64bitwhat is ubuntu one03:06
raviwhat it does?03:07
reisioubuntu_64bit: it's online backup03:07
duder123it basically loads the screen with thelogo then goes to a black screen with a flashing "_"03:07
fully_humanubuntu_64bit: Ubuntu's cloud server, has a file sharing service, music store, and other stuff.03:07
duder123and it sits and flashed FOARVARRRR03:07
fleakiteubuntu_64bit, see https://one.ubuntu.com/about/03:07
fleakiteread that03:07
ravi  one question: can anybody tell me how to use .index file to locate words in .dict file inside freedict dictionary files? any help will be highly appreciated. :)03:07
ubuntu_64bitfully_human, but i create an account but fails03:07
ubuntu_64bitreisio, , but i create an account but fails03:08
raviduder123:  did u try other options from boot options?03:08
fully_humanubuntu_64bit: Do you mean you're denied access on the web portal?  Because the GUI is kinda screwy right now.03:08
duder123ravi: I don't get that far03:09
reisioubuntu_64bit: #ubuntuone03:09
ubuntu_64bityes reisio03:09
duder123I can see the loading screen, then that keyboard stuff at the bottom03:09
reisioubuntu_64bit: I'm saying, ask in the #ubuntuone channel03:09
duder123and thenblack scren with _03:09
raviwhen u put the cd in the drive and boot the computer then hold down arrow key and it would give u options03:09
ubuntu_64bitfully_human, i have been tried several times but  fails03:10
ravilike install/boot from drive/text install mode03:10
* fully_human thinks that ubuntu_64bit should ask in #ubuntuone.03:10
bfgidujiodvbhjfddoes anyone know how to get that Xerxes source code compiled03:11
mi3I want to display a continuous animation in that dock, is it possible to display one? the cairo-dock docs say nothing about using gif files for animation :D, need some suggestions :D03:11
ubuntu_64bitfully_human,  don ans me shortly  i think hre is whre i can get solution03:11
ubuntu_64bitfully_human,  don ans me shortly  i think hre is where i can get solution03:11
duder123anyone got any ideas?03:11
duder123ubuntu live cd just won't boot?03:11
raviduder123:  when u put the cd in the drive and boot the computer then hold down arrow key and it would give u options03:12
bfgidujiodvbhjfdre do it on another cd03:12
fully_humanubuntu_64bit: Okay.  What exactly do you mean by "fails every time?"  Do you mean that when you register you can't log in?  Does it give an error message?03:12
duder123ravi: what arrow key?03:12
mi3duder123, change the BIOS settings, and boot from cd03:12
duder123ravi: <--?03:12
duder123mi3: yeah it's already booting the cd on boot03:13
duder123mi3: sorry I thought I made that clear above03:13
ubuntu_64bitfully_human, it gives errors massages03:13
mi3duder123, ok03:13
RelondoCan anyone recommend drive imaging software?03:13
duder123so I get the splash screen AFTER the cd loads from boot03:13
raviduder123 : keyboard down arrow key03:13
raviI think it would work with any key03:13
ravithen it gives some options03:14
duder123ravi: ok I'll try that03:14
fully_humanubuntu_64bit: Can you paste it?  (If it's more than 3 lines, PASTE IT AT PASTEBIN.COM).03:14
duder123ravi: what option is the best for this problem?03:14
ravisee I think it might happen due to display problem also03:14
raviit does happen sometime03:14
RelondoHow can I make my Windows 7 boot files unalterable from Ubuntu, so no one can screw with my installation?03:15
duder123ravi: ok I got the menu - I'll try a few options here - thanks!03:15
raviRelondo :  change settings for win7 drive -- authority in fstab file03:15
mi3I want to display a continuous animation in that dock, is it possible to display one? the cairo-dock docs say nothing about using gif files for animation :D, need some suggestions :D03:16
Relondoravi: How do I get to that?03:16
raviu need to see how to change fstab file settings03:16
reisiomi3: try a GIF, see what happens03:16
Relondoravi: Yes.03:17
mi3reisio, ok, it wont cause problems, will it ?03:17
reisioRelondo: most people don't know how to do that03:17
caffinehow do i find out why my hard drive light is on constantly?03:17
reisioRelondo: make a backup of your "boot files" if you like03:17
bsmith093i have a huge text file ( NOT HTML) literal text, and i need all the links pulled out and assembled into a new file one per line. is there a regexp, or something for that the format of the links i need are like this, http://www.fanfiction.net/s/433561/1/ but the number changes, not necessarliy unique just needs the "/s/" instead of the "/u/", there are about 1800 of these links and i really dont want to have to do this by hand03:17
reisiocaffine: iotop?03:17
Relondoreisio: I probably will, but it'd just be easier if I could hide them or something.03:17
reisiomi3: I imagine the worst case scenario would involve... removing the GIF by doing the reverse of what you did to add it03:17
raviRelondo :  http://superuser.com/questions/346606/is-there-any-gui-tool-to-configure-etc-fstab03:17
reisioRelondo: I'm not sure non-admins are even able to alter them03:17
pikkachuhi, it seems grub 2 is chain loading what's in the boot sector of an old hard disk. That is, additionally to the normal items it should display, it also displays what the other grub 2 in the old drive used to show, but which is invalid now (it showed old OSes which are now deleted). How to erase grub from the old disk? boot data?03:18
Relondoreisio: Another thing: How do I access the almighty root account?03:18
reisioRelondo: oh from your Linux install, non-root users won't be able to alter03:18
reisioRelondo: the "Ubuntu way" is to use sudo for everything03:18
cheguanbazhang, you around?03:18
bsmith093as an example here is what im talking about  "Story: The Yugi FilesStorylink: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/433561/1/ Category: Anime X-oversAuthor: Nate GreyLast updated: 03/15/2002Source: FanFiction.net"03:18
reisioRelondo: you can create users without that access via the account wizard, IIRC03:18
Relondoreisio: Using the terminal is still really foreign to me.03:18
reisioRelondo: you can also use gksudo or something like that03:19
reisioRelondo: for graphical usage03:19
reisioRelondo: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab or something like that, probs03:19
duder123ravi: I've just tried about all of the options and it still won't boot into them03:19
duder123ravi: the test memory option works03:20
duder123ravi: and memory seems fine03:20
gozonis there any global equalizer for the ubuntu platform?03:20
duder123ravi: all the others go to a flashing _03:20
reisiogozon: you can use one with pulseaudio I believe, yes03:20
Relondoreisio: I have a vague concept of using sudo as a prefix for practically every command, but other than that and "top", I know zilch about terminal commands.03:20
gozonreisio, also has any?03:20
reisioyou can use one with alsa alone, too, but Ubuntu uses pulseaudio on top of ALSA by default03:20
reisiogozon: have you removed pulse?03:20
raviduder123 :  then I cant say much ... is ur cd drive and written data fine on disk?03:20
reisioRelondo: you don't really need to, but it can really increase your efficiency if you learn some03:21
gozonreisio,  i prefer no to mess with pulse audio03:21
cheguanbazhang, you there? i heard your mom likes to blow goats. any truth to the rumours?03:21
duder123ravi: yeah I checked that, I can boot into it by reading the physical disk into a virtual machine03:21
reisiogozon: so you didn't uninstall or disable pulseaudio?03:21
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gozonreisio,  nope03:21
duder123ravi: over vmware03:21
reisiogozon: okay, then you should probably look for an equalizer for pulse03:21
Relondoreisio: Does the Ubuntu terminal function in any way similarly to the Windows command line?03:22
caffinereisio: once in a while something pops up in iotop, but most of the time it's empty.  jbd2/sda4 keeps popping up. is there anything else i can check? in the past, the light did seem to work properly.03:22
gozonreisio, perhaps?03:22
reisioRelondo: in an incredibly vague way they're equivalents, yes03:22
bsmith093how do i parse a text file for url strings?03:22
reisioRelondo: Windows' command line options are incredibly underdeveloped in comparison, is all03:22
ravithen u can try changing some options in boot options .. give some kernel options03:22
Relondoreisio: I mean, I get that they are the same concept, but can I, for instance, "start www.ubuntu.com"03:23
reisioRelondo: what does 'start' do, open the site in a browser?03:23
Relondoreisio: Or "ipconfig"03:23
Relondoreisio: Yes.03:23
reisioRelondo: there are equivalents for all that, yes03:23
reisioRelondo: firefox http://www.ubuntu.com/03:23
Relondoreisio: And if it's a raw IP, not an address, I believe it pings the computer.03:23
reisioipconfig equiv is probably ifconfig03:23
reisioRelondo: ping for pinging03:23
caffinebsmith093: depending on the format of the file, one of these might be your answer: grep, sed, or perl03:24
Relondoreisio: Makes sense.03:24
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bsmith093caffine: the url strings are seperated by spaces so they should be easy to pickout automatically , so whats the grep for that?03:25
Relondoreisio: I was wondering, are viruses really just a non-issue for Ubuntu?03:25
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reisioRelondo: virtually, to date, yes03:25
Relondoreisio: Or should I still pick up some AV and Firewall software?03:25
raviRelondo : no need03:25
reisioRelondo: an AV will help you keep yourself from accidentally spreading win32 viruses to win32 users03:25
reisioRelondo: for servers it will help save your bandwidth from being eaten up by email viruses03:25
ravireisio : good answere03:25
reisioRelondo: but not much else03:25
Relondoreisio: I mean, surely SOMEONE out there is building worms for Linux03:26
reisioRelondo: there are viruses and the like03:26
reisioRelondo: but to date they have been of the PoC variety03:26
reisioand usually only worked on already outdated kernels, etc.03:26
Relondoreisio: PoC?03:26
reisioproof of concept03:26
reisioas in 'look this can happen', but not so much 'look this _has_ happened'03:26
caffinebsmith093: maybe something like "grep http *" ?   there aren't enough details on what you're doing or what you want to get out. :)  it may be better to have a quick look through the man pages of those commands and see which one best matches your needs.03:26
reisiothe nature of open source software and Unix package management makes it a lot harder03:26
reisioany code can and is frequently audited03:27
reisioand because it's free you are always able to easily update all your software at once03:27
reisioadditionally, historically a lot of viruses/badware targetted at Windows has been created by people who don't like Microsoft03:27
bfgidujiodvbhjfdcoolest desktop backgrounds for backtrack 5 r2 here //
Relondoreisio: Hm. So just don't visit linuxvirusesforyour.com and I'll be fine :/03:27
reisiosome did it to expose flaws in Windows that Microsoft knew about but refused to patch, etc.03:27
ravican anybody help me to read .index file in freedict file? and tell me how to relate it with .dict file?03:28
reisioRelondo: it's pretty unlikely it will be an issue any time soon03:28
Bryanhello. i am trying to put ubuntu on my laptop no internet i can connect it to and it has been sitting "thinking" for over an hour is this normal?03:28
reisioRelondo: when a Unix system like GNU/Linux is the most popular OS, it may become more of an issue03:28
Relondoreisio: I just feel kinda...naked browsing the internet without a firewall or something.03:28
reisioRelondo: but in general even then, the proactive security of a Unix system compared to Windows is like night and day03:28
Relondoreisio: That's what years of Windows does to you, I guess.03:28
reisioRelondo: well you can configure your firewall if you want :)03:28
reisioRelondo: yeah :p03:29
raviRelondo : good one03:29
Relondoreisio: I read somewhere that Linux, by default, completely ignores any unauthorized incoming connections.03:29
reisioBryan: is the problem getting internet, or installing Ubuntu?03:29
bfgidujiodvbhjfdguys go here        //
reisioRelondo: well different distros are configured in different ways03:29
reisioRelondo: it's pretty darn secure by default, though03:29
bazhangbfgidujiodvbhjfd, wrong channel03:29
reisio192 :)03:30
reisioBryan: you're installing from a CD image?03:30
Relondoreisio: I can't but help but wonder-how does it decide if it's "unauthorized"?03:30
caffinedoesn't ubuntu install with a firewall anyways? basic stuff like blocking incoming ports unless you allow it?03:30
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reisioRelondo: talk to #netfilter about it03:30
Bryanno i made boot usb03:30
reisiowell it doesn't come with ssh installed/enabled03:30
reisiowhich is quite a good security measure for those who don't need it03:31
caffinereisio: the 192 makes me wonder if he really doesn't have a clue or is just a robot. :p03:31
reisioBryan: and what's happening?03:31
reisiocaffine: :p03:31
Relondoreisio: SSH?03:31
surtHi, I see no splash screen on boot. If I hit escape, I can't see boot information either. Both grub and the kernel I'm booting are set successfully to 1280x1024 (the monitor confirms this), but I can't see anything.03:31
reisioRelondo: ssh is the standard way to do command line remote administration03:32
Bryanit began its boot procces then said i should connect to internet. not required and i dont have another ethernet cable now it has been sitting doing the "hour glass" pointer for over an hour and nothing has happened03:32
caffineinteresting. that must have been one of the first things i installed. i have a hard time imagining a world without ssh. :p03:32
reisioRelondo: it's very secure, but having it enabled is necessarily less secure than not having it enabled03:32
reisiocaffine: indeed03:32
celthunderreisio: ssh sholud be installed all the time..it should be part of min install...pretty much if it boots and ssh works you can fix pretty much anything even if not there03:32
reisiocelthunder: yes, but it isn't :)03:32
reisioI believe Ubuntu ships with a VNC server by default, however03:32
reisiowhich is roughly equivalent03:32
Relondoreisio: The Windows equivalent is enabled by default. I can shut down most any PC from here.03:32
reisioalso disabled by default, however03:32
reisioRelondo: right, and that's part of why Windows is less secure03:33
satyriasis /part03:33
reisioRelondo: heh03:33
Relondoreisio: I've known about the function for quite some time and I never though to disable it.03:34
reisioterminal services?03:34
reisiowell if you haven't had any problems yet03:34
Relondoreisio: It's just a nasty backdoor.03:34
reisioif you don't use it, indeed03:34
Relondoreisio: Anyway, I've had trouble installing things for Ubuntu, recently. What, exactly, CAN Linux execute? (As in file types).03:35
RBVapt-get install whatever03:35
RBVHow is that giving trouble to you03:36
reisioRelondo: "Linux" on its own, only things built for it, or your average POSIX application03:36
reisioRelondo: that is, not .exe's, and not whatever Mac OS uses03:37
reisionot without Wine or mono, etc.03:37
Relondoreisio: "That Mac crap". Anyway, go on.03:37
Bryanreally can someone just talk me through the instalation procces for ubuntu?03:38
caffinereisio: so if there's nothing that's constantly in iotop and i'm seeing pretty much 0% wa in regular top, is the light maybe just screwed up and my hard drive isn't constantly running?  i don't hear it, but it's SATA.03:38
reisioBryan: what part is causing you trouble?03:38
reisioRelondo: that's about it03:38
reisiocaffine: did you mention it was a VM guest?03:38
RelondoBryan: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-desktop03:38
Relondoreisio: I mean, what does the standard program run as?03:39
caffinereisio: no VMs running at the moment. hardly even any applications. even when nobody was logged in, the light was on.03:39
reisioRelondo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format03:39
Bryanreisio well after it asked me to connect to the internet and i did not becasue it is not required it has been siiting here with no text on screen for over an hour03:39
reisioRelondo: the older formats ('Applications' section) will also work03:40
reisioRelondo: as well as any script files which you have interpreters present for, perl, bash, sh, python, etc.03:40
reisioBryan: hrmmm, I'm not sure it should even ask you unless you check, for example, 'download updates while installing'03:40
reisioBryan: maybe you did that?03:40
reisiocaffine: I'm not sure, but I've heard people have that problem before, might ask #linux03:41
Relondoreisio: So what are .tar.ghz files?03:41
Bryanreisio maybe i did but either way if i turn it off to cancel the instalation will it harm my computer?03:41
caffinereisio: okey dokey. i don't care if the light's broken. just don't want to burn out my hard drive. :p  i'll check over there in a bit. thanks!03:41
fgdgdgdretrtrggevisit this website has the craziest, grossest videos     //
caffineRelondo: .tar.gz  ?   those are gzipped tar files.03:42
reisioRelondo: .tar is an archive, man tar; .gz is compression, man gzip03:42
reisioRelondo: AKA "tarball"03:42
reisioRelondo: a common format for generic redistribution of stuff03:42
reisiobut especially source code03:42
Relondoreisio: Sorry, I added an "H" there.03:42
reisioand static binaries that someone was too lazy to make a .deb/.rpm for03:42
reisioRelondo: I knows :p03:43
reisiofgdgdgdretrtrgge: so gross!03:43
Relondoreisio: So what file type should I look for when choosing options to install something? .puff?03:43
reisioRelondo: well you should start with Ubuntu Software Center (the topmost frontend to Ubuntu's [Debian's] package manager, dpkg)03:44
reisioif that doesn't have your package, you'd want to look for a .deb file03:44
reisio.deb for Debian03:44
reisioUbuntu is based off Debian, you see03:44
Relondoreisio: SO really almost everything for Ubuntu is in the Software Center?03:44
reisioRelondo: almost everything, yes03:44
Relondoreisio: And yes, I did know that it was a splinter of Debian.03:44
reisioDebian is the most popular Unix of all time, and it has tens of thousands of precompiled binaries in .deb format available to it03:45
reisioand Ubuntu adds to the popularity of .deb03:45
reisiosometimes for licensing reasons available .deb files will not be included in the official repositories03:45
reisioin that case you can add an unofficial third party repo, or manually obtain and install the .deb file03:46
Relondoreisio: Wait, Debian is Unix? I thought it was Linux.03:46
reisioRelondo: 'Debian' is a lot of things03:46
reisioa (GNU/)Linux distro among them03:46
reisiobut GNU or "Linux" is a de facto Unix system03:46
reisioit's a Unix clone, and one of the original Unix co-creators considered it a generic Unix03:46
Bryanokay i got the problem fixed dad made the boot usb for me it got corrupted somehow now everything will be great03:47
Relondoreisio: I think I need a history lesson. I was pretty sure Linux started from Unix, but then they pretty much went their separate ways and were pretty different.03:47
reisiosince most applications that work for Linux also work for non-Linux Unix systems (and vice versa), I find broadly referring to "Unix" more appropriate frequently03:47
reisioBryan: gj03:47
Relondoreisio: Used too many "pretty"'s.03:47
reisioRelondo: no, "Linux" is a simple clone of Unix, it is not very much evolved at all03:47
Relondoreisio: So what's Ubuntu?03:48
Bryandoes anyone mind if i ask abunch of questions now i have never used ubuntu before03:48
reisiothere's a saying that Unix put operating system design back a decade, and Linux put it back three or four decades :p03:48
reisioRelondo: Ubuntu is a GNU/Linux distribution03:48
reisioor a "Linux" distribution, as is commonly said03:48
reisiowhich is a generic Unix system03:48
reisioBryan: ask away03:48
Relondoreisio: ...so we're using forty-year-old OS's.03:48
reisioRelondo: mostly, yup :p03:48
reisioRelondo: not that it was such a bad design03:49
reisiobut if we were truly progressive, we'd be on something else by now03:49
Bryanhaha that is is a good thing!! windows murdered itself after xp03:49
Relondoreisio: Newnix?03:49
reisiohard to get people to use only slightly better things, though, it usually takes _massively_ better things to get them interested03:49
smsim ued game in linux battlfield 3 ho03:49
reisiootherwise it's just trickle-down improvement03:49
Relondoreisio: Seriously, what's old about Unix/Linux?03:49
reisiosms: hrmm?03:49
smsim spking english no good03:50
reisioRelondo: Unix... was created in four decades ago, and "Linux" is only trivially different03:50
reisios/in four/four/03:50
reisiosms: what do you speak good?03:50
smsho to install gmaes battlfied 3 in ubuntu 12.403:51
reisiosms: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/locallanguage#arabic03:51
reisiosms: http://www.google.com/search?q="battlefield%203"%20site%3Aappdb.winehq.org03:51
Bryanalright so will ubuntu run any program my old windows computer does?03:51
Relondoreisio: Haven't we added on in the meantime?03:52
reisiosms: it has a very poor rating, so it might not be possible with Wine03:52
reisioRelondo: yes, just not much03:52
reisioRelondo: most large improvement would require a ground-up rewrite of a lot of things03:52
reisioBryan: nope03:52
Relondoreisio: So what you're telling me is to go back to Windows.03:52
reisioBryan: but for most you will be able to find native replacements03:52
sancasaaalways... always when i update my kernel i have problems with my display drivers... and i dont know why... :(03:52
reisioBryan: and for many you can use Wine if you really want to03:52
tenX_reisio: can you run such recent games on wine?03:52
reisioRelondo: nope03:52
sancasanyone have any idea?03:53
reisiotenX_: yes, if the game was not quite poorly made03:53
reisiotenX_: Wine is an implementation of win32, you see03:53
sancasi have ati hd 575003:53
Relondoreisio: So you're saying Linux is old but Windows is worse.03:53
Bryanwell really the big deal is skype only way to keep intouch with family03:53
reisiobut some games are programmed assuming Windows, not win3203:53
tenX_reisio: considering the fact they might have concentrated on origin development i'm not quite sure03:53
reisioRelondo: well they aren't necessarily the same thing, old and bad03:53
sk8|anyone have issues with wifi drivers in 12.04?03:53
tenX_reisio: i've played with wine here and there back in the days, know what its about03:54
sk8|i've been beating my head all day03:54
reisioRelondo: as old as the Unix design is, I'd call it quite superior to all the Windows OS designs, yes03:54
Relondoreisio: Ah.03:54
sk8|wrapper = no go03:54
reisioWorld of Warcraft, for example, runs great in Wine03:54
reisiothis is because Blizzard is pretty good at making quality software03:54
sk8|seems that my connection is sporadic and almost none existent03:55
duder123does ubuntu log anyting when the install disk is running?03:55
tenX_reisio: but from my point of view its very hard to implement windows structures within another os03:55
Bryanwhat does kernel panic mean?03:55
duder123if things go wrong can the log field be read?03:55
reisioduder123: like what?03:55
tenX_reisio: although the might be doing a great job03:55
duder123before the GUI gets loaded03:55
reisioBryan: sort of like a BSOD, it usually means you did something wrong03:55
reisioduder123: what not when03:55
tenX_reisio: and things probably have improved a lot03:55
duder123reisio: I'm having a rel problem just booting into the live CD03:55
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reisiotenX_: it's easy, really, Wine is proof of that03:55
duder123I don't know what the problem is03:56
sk8|Bryan, fatal error03:56
Bryanlovely okay reisio03:56
duder123If I chose any option, I can get the memtest to work03:56
tenX_reisio: i know its pretty easy to use03:56
reisiobut Wine is not about replicating every Windows quirk, it's about replicating the win32 API03:56
duder123but nothing more than than reisio03:56
reisiosome applications assume certain things instead of using win32 properly03:56
tenX_reisio: but some whacknesses of windows cant be transported i'd think03:56
RelondoYou can check the Wine forums; they have a huge list of evaluated Windows programs.03:57
reisioRelondo: if you want to read up on it, Windows NT (current Windows) is based on VMS, which is also a pretty old design03:57
reisioRelondo: old and massively less popular :p03:57
reisiotenX_: maybe, but it's more about not wanting to transport it, IMO03:57
tenX_Relondo: i'm sure not trying to disrespect that effort03:57
Relondoreisio: The only thing that's stopping me from getting rid of Windows completely is accessibility.03:58
reisioI dare say Wine is more concerned with getting -quality- applications working than random poorly made games :D03:58
reisioRelondo: accessibility?03:58
Bryanumm now it says tracing call...03:58
tenX_reisio: well but some things must be transported to get things to work03:58
reisioRelondo: that's odd, I've always thought Unixland accessibility was massively superior03:58
reisioRelondo: can you elaborate?03:58
Relondoreisio: Most programs aren't built with Linux in mind.03:58
reisioRelondo: that's not true, actually03:59
duder123humm reisio I seem to have gotten further this time - I went to "more options" and turned everyting on, now it boots the CD I don't know which setting is the one it doesn't like though03:59
reisioRelondo: it's true a lot of very popular commercial applications designed for Windows are not built for Linux03:59
Relondoreisio: (Program accessibility. I've already noticed that accessibility options are much better on Ubuntu)03:59
reisioRelondo: but if you actually measured the amount of applications for Unix vs those for Windows, I'm not sure Unix wouldn't have more03:59
tenX_reisio: what happened to ut2k7 support03:59
reisioRelondo: okay, what programs are you concerned about?03:59
reisiotenX_: no idea03:59
reisioduder123: doesn't really matter if you get through the install, right?04:00
Relondoreisio: I'm a big gamer.04:00
tenX_reisio: find it so great steam is going to be ported04:00
duder123resno: no I guess it shouldn't04:00
reisioRelondo: ah04:00
duder123resno: unless one of those flags is necessary when I boot nrmally04:00
reisioRelondo: well you might want to keep Windows on a partition if you really want to use certain games04:00
reisiotenX_: could be fun04:00
reisioduder123: more likely it's only an issue to the installer04:01
reisioduder123: this channel isn't going anywhere, though04:01
Relondoreisio: I know that Linux is probably far superior as far as the average person's browsing and email sending needs.04:01
Relondoreisio: Yeah, I think I'll give my Ubuntu 50 of my 450 gigs and go from there. I'll use gparted if I start to run out of space.04:01
tenX_Relondo: not sure if superior meets it04:01
reisioRelondo: you can always store simple files on the NTFS partition/s, too04:02
Relondoreisio: What do you mean?04:02
reisioRelondo: I mean you can read & write your Windows file systems from Ubuntu04:02
reisioso if you have a music directory, say, in Windows04:02
reisiothat will also be easily accessible from Ubuntu04:02
Relondoreisio: True. I have done that already.04:02
tenX_Relondo: repost, superior?04:03
reisioyou can also read & write Ubuntu stuff from Windows under certain circumstances04:03
Relondoreisio: But can I change what folders Ubuntu thinks are my pictures, music, etc, to be those from Windows, so I don't have to maintain two sets of music folders?04:03
RelondotenX_: What?04:03
reisioRelondo: yes, just be careful :)04:04
tenX_Relondo: I know that Linux is probably far superior as far as the average person's browsing and email sending needs04:04
Relondoreisio: I mean, I won't HAVE to, but I'd like to be able to use those handy shortcuts on the sides of my "Ubuntu explorer", for lack of a better term.04:04
RelondotenX_: What of it?04:04
reisioRelondo: right04:04
tenX_Relondo: thats what i'm wondering04:05
reisioRelondo: you can probably just add a line in /etc/fstab to mount the dir at /home/foo/Music or whatever04:05
tenX_Relondo: why it was superior04:05
Relondoreisio: Because it's annoying to have to go File System>Boot(I think?)>Users>NAME WITHHELD>Music04:05
reisioRelondo: UUID=whatever /home/foo/Music ntfs-3g defaults 0 0 or something like that04:05
RelondotenX_: Faster, more secure.04:06
reisioyou might need to set a userid in addition to defaults04:06
reisioRelondo: I s'pose04:06
reisioRelondo: you could also mount them to ~/WindowsStuffo/foo, too04:06
reisiobut it should be fine to mount them over your ~/Music, etc.04:06
Relondoreisio: Don't know how to do that.04:06
reisioRelondo: I just said :)04:06
Relondoreisio: Oh, that UUID thing?04:07
reisioRelondo: yes04:07
Relondoreisio: Ah.04:07
tenX_Relondo: more secure agreed from the point its not targeted on a wide base04:07
reisioRelondo: although actually you'd want to setup a mount point like /mnt/windows04:07
Relondoreisio: ...do you just hang out here and help people for fun?04:07
reisioRelondo: and then simply symlink the specific dir/s from ~/Music04:07
reisioRelondo: not exactly fun, but yes :p04:07
RelondotenX_: Yep. I'm considering, if/when my mom wants a netbook or something, making it an Ubuntu box.04:07
tenX_Relondo: noticably faster i'm not sure. probably on older hardware04:08
Relondoreisio: Nice. Anyway, I gotta go.04:08
Relondoreisio: Good chat, thanks for all the help.04:08
reisiothank hea-ven04:08
reisionp peace04:08
tenX_c ya04:08
littlegirlHey there, does anybody here use the GNOME Mallard markup language?04:08
reisiolittlegirl: might want to talk to irc.gnome.org04:09
littlegirlreisio: Not the #gnome channel in here? I tried that and have gotten no response.04:09
reisiolittlegirl: all the more reason to try GNOME's own IRC network04:10
littlegirlreisio: Will do, thanks. (:04:10
reisiolittlegirl: probably mostly developers, though, so you might have to be patient04:10
reisiobut if you go to irc.gnome.org04:10
tenX_reisio: is it window based?04:10
reisiothere may well be a channel just for mallard04:11
* reisio shrugs04:11
reisiotenX_: what?04:11
littlegirltenX: Nope.04:11
littlegirlreisio: I'll try to be patient. (:04:11
tenX_reisio: their network ;) or why would they need their own04:11
reisioGNOME? Is an enormous project04:11
tenX_reisio: nm just kidding04:11
* reisio shrugs04:11
littlegirlWell, I'm off to irc.gnome.org - thanks for the help!04:12
tenX_seemingly only funny to me :(04:12
reisiosometimes it's hard to pull off a joke textually04:13
tenX_reisio: appreciate the support ;)04:14
til4keven though i used 64-bit windows (for 6 gigs of ram and a 64 bit processor) is it safer to use 32 bit ubuntu to avoid compatibility issues04:14
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til4ki mean like does the logic follow tht its possible i could conceivably have components compatible on 32 bit but not 6404:15
tenX_til4k: what issues?04:15
til4kwhat gives me pause is the (recommended) next to 3204:15
til4kTenx_: ATI video ?04:16
til4kthe proprietary driver seems to always do more harm than good04:16
til4kbut im doing a fresh install i want to do it right this time04:16
til4kim on linux mint 13 but not interested, im used to unity04:16
tenX_til4k: ah okay its more stable on 32 bit or what?04:17
til4ktenx_: dunno04:17
tenX_til4k: :D04:17
til4kim going to go with 32 this time04:17
til4kmaybe ill have more uck04:17
til4kluck, excuse me04:17
til4kmore out-of-the-box luck i mean04:17
tenX_til4k: hmm cant see the reasons on that04:17
tenX_if a linux 64 bit driver exists04:18
til4kall right04:18
tenX_those proprietary drivers (nvidia for me) have been causing most crashes on linux for me04:18
til4kwhy is 32 bit "recommended"04:19
til4kyeah same with me and ATI Catalyst04:19
tenX_regardless of 32/6404:19
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P04:20
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!04:20
New0trying to make My Passport 1TB to Ubuntu installation disk. but usb-creator say: Failed to install the bootloader. why? the partition is NTFS 20GB04:20
til4kyou guys should make a XMPP bot out of ubottu =P04:20
tenX_til4k: read up on that a year ago and couldnt find a real good reason. stability concerns without specific mentionings seemed to have lead to the 32 bit recommendation04:21
til4kall right ill go 64 again04:21
tenX_til4k: there have been changes on the compatibilty layer since ubuntu 11 i guess04:22
tenX_til4k: ran into that with some proprietary linux application making it unable to run04:23
Lilanyone good with svn?04:24
til4ktenX_: yeah it improves resolution for like a few days04:24
til4kand then an update might come along and make trouble04:24
til4ki have to read the troubleshooting thread04:24
tenX_til4k: been hit by that so many times ;)04:24
til4kwhere you like, edit the .conf files or whatever theyre called04:24
til4ki skimmed it and got overwhelmed04:25
tenX_til4k: that can be really annoying on linux04:25
til4kit keeps getting closer and closer though04:25
tenX_til4k: it's come such a long way04:25
=== gameid is now known as Gameid
til4kim not an IT person i seriously am looking for just window-liek out of the box usability04:25
tenX_til4k: what are u missing?04:26
til4ktenX_: I agree ive been dual booting since intrepid ibex04:26
til4ki just like having the option of a small windows installation in case i need windows04:26
tenX_til4k: yeah okay for some apps sure04:27
tenX_til4k: but what is missing for your needs on linux with the wm of your choice?04:27
tenX_if it's not a specific piece of software04:28
til4ktenX_: well, i like messing around with rooting and flashing android04:28
til4kall those turnkey programs are for windows04:28
til4kotherwise you have to follow long command line tutorials04:28
til4ktheres an example04:28
til4ki like evernote04:29
tenX_til4k: okay thats not what i was about besides i'd prefer the command line approach04:29
til4kand MS OneNote04:29
tenX_that is about specific software04:29
tenX_was talking about general wm usage04:29
til4kwhats wm04:29
tenX_window manager04:29
tenX_like gnome or so04:29
til4ktenX_: you do comps for a living righ04:29
til4ki get the sense a lot of linux users do04:30
til4kim just the dumb joe user04:30
til4ki dunno wm04:30
tenX_til4k: not sure if its for living or dying ;)04:30
til4kwell i consider myself a computer hobbyist04:30
til4ki know a lot more than most people04:30
til4kwhich isnt much =P04:31
tenX_thats my view on things as well04:31
tenX_might be a bit more04:31
tenX_but always aware of people with deeper knowledge04:32
tenX_and very thankful to any contributor of the OS and software i use for free04:32
til4ktenX_: I will say considering all the time i spent on the computer growing up (im 26) i really blew it playing CS or FPS or Starcraft or UO rather than spending time in communities like these04:32
akSeyahi there.. folks, I need some help to set up a bluetooth keyboard and mouse via command line. I tried with simple-agent hci0 99:42:01:10:89:65; test-device trusted 99:42:01:10:89:65 yes04:32
til4ki wish they had youtube and crap when i was 12-13 i used to love home movies and stuff04:33
til4know it seems liek every tween is a adobe expert04:33
artypig78guys where's the best place to sell domains?04:35
mneptokartypig78: this is Ubuntu support. not help for such stuff.04:36
artypig78what channel do you reocmmend?04:37
mneptok!alis | artypig7804:37
ubottuartypig78: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:37
testestjust did a fresh install of ubuntu and i'm getting no interent through the wifi04:38
testesti remember i had this problem with my previous internet and i cannot reemmber the commands, the first command was "sudo rmmod iwlwifi" and then something like "sudo modprobe iwlwifi_disable=1" but thats not right04:38
testestplus, i'm wondering why i need to type this in everytime to get the wifi working, especailly after a fresh install04:39
akSeyawhy all I find about bluetooth and keyboard still tells me to use hidd!?04:40
testestcan someone help me with the modprobe command and then perhaps be able to tell me why i need to do it each time to get the wireless networking working?04:40
akSeyaisn't hidd old and over yet?04:40
testest?find chuck_norris04:41
testestwhere's chuck norris when you need him04:41
testest?whois chuck_norris04:41
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tenX_hey guys one question on ubuntu policy has been bothering me severly: why has the default look gone from orange/brown to PINK at some point and who's responsible for it??04:50
pengwhi all04:54
pengwi want to get a probook 4330s does it work with ubuntu?04:54
pengwwho has any idea04:55
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aeon-ltdpengw: does it have a intel/amd processor, then 99% likely as yes. But whether wifi and the other extra components work is going to be harder to find out04:58
til4ksmooth installl just updating05:08
clausenis there a way to configure dpkg / ubuntu to disable setuid on sudo, su, etc.?05:19
jribclausen: why?05:21
h2o_uglyis there anyway to install gerix on ubuntu 12.04 ?05:22
clausenjrib, because passwords are dangerous (in my particular setting)05:22
rachitLot of bugs here05:22
clausenjrdnn, I just want sudo / su for dropping privileges, not gaining them05:22
jribclausen: ... so don't give the user privileges?05:23
clausenjrib, it's simpler to just disable setuid05:23
jribclausen: I don't see how.  Maybe you should explain in more detail your situation05:23
clausenjrib, sudo and su are copmlicated programs... safer to just disable them05:23
clausen(also, I don't trust sudo... it probably has bugs)05:24
clausenjrib, thanks for being willing to listen to me... but I really just want to know how to do it05:24
clausenI don't really want any advice on how to configure sudo / su05:24
jribclausen: your request makes no sense to me05:24
clausenI just want to get rid of setuid05:24
clausenjrib, I understand your reaction05:25
clausenjrib, a nice thing about ubuntu is it is highly configurable... there are many different possible ways to use it05:25
clausenjrib, there is space for people who disagree :)05:25
glaDDoSLAN chat options? no internet ubuntu server do the trick?05:25
bluej774I'm trying to compile a small OpenGL demo I made and it's linking with the nvidia version of OpenGL.  How can I force it to link with the mesa version so I can distribute the executable?05:27
PlowRoxhow do I get the speaker/sound icon back? in the upper right corner? Ever since the upgrade to v12.04 its been gone...05:28
glaDDoSLAN chat options? no internet ubuntu server do the trick?05:29
reisioPlowRox: IIRC http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html covers that05:29
PlowRoxty me go look05:30
PlowRoxThings To Tweak After Installing Ubuntu 11.1005:30
PlowRoxim in 12.0405:30
glaDDoSLAN chat options? no internet ubuntu server do the trick? if so id love it you could email me the best way to set up the server05:31
PlowRoxlol sorry first link goes to 12.0405:31
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reisioPlowRox: probably the same anyways, but whoops/sorry :p05:32
glaDDoSLAN chat options? no internet ubuntu server do the trick? if so id love it if you could email me the best way to set up the server05:32
Code_Factoryhey, can anybody here help me install a pfx ssl on sles05:33
reisioCode_Factory: m05:34
reisiothat's short for 'maybe'05:34
abbasbahi how we can Silently Autosave Passwords In Opera (in ubuntu)?05:34
reisioglaDDoS: look into jabber?05:34
reisioabbasba: probably the same way you do on any other OS05:34
Code_Factoryreisio: how can i make a pfx into ca key crt05:34
abbasbawhat is this way?05:35
glaDDoSjabber would work on LAN with no internet? is it installable by usb?05:35
reisioabbasba: I believe the browser handles them on its own05:35
reisioglaDDoS: 1) yes 2) isn't anything installable via USB? :)05:35
glaDDoSokie doki loki05:35
muh2000(k)ubuntu checks every once in a while for a computer on the network, which is not turned on. this behavious stalls the system - how can i switch it off?05:40
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nosl1whey I just started using Scribes Text Editor, and i was wondering how to make it automatically finish my tags.. sorta like when i type <h1> it autocompletes </h2> on the other side?05:41
reisiomuh2000: you don't know why it's checking?05:42
nosl1wnot sure what that means05:43
muh2000reisio: the "why" of why it is checking is pretty much part of my question - i dont know, i would like to know as well.05:43
reisiomuh2000: there's no reason it would be unless you told it to05:43
reisiomuh2000: check /etc/fstab maybe05:43
reisiomuh2000: or crontab -l (or sudo crontab -l)05:43
muh2000reisio: nothing was mounted over network.05:44
muh2000no crontab for $username05:44
sacarlsonmuh2000: samaba running?05:44
reisiowell next time it happens do some process snooping05:45
reisiops aux, etc.05:45
muh2000sacarlson: yes05:45
jnavas05hi, good night05:45
jnavas05i have just upgraded to ubuntu 12.0405:46
sacarlsonmuh2000: well samba want to keep track of who's online so maybe?05:46
jnavas05and when i connect my tv via hdmi to my nvidia05:46
jnavas05it freezes05:46
jnavas05where can i get help?05:46
muh2000sacarlson: hmm and it gives notification to the user logged in on a gui? that sounds weird for a server daemon :D05:47
reisiojnavas05: hi05:49
jnavas05reisio: I just upgraded my ubuntu to 12.0405:50
reisiojnavas05: gj05:50
jnavas05reisio: and when i plug my tv via hdmi to my nvidia, the whole system freezes05:50
jnavas05reisio: where can I get help?05:50
sacarlsonmuh2000: kill smbd and see if it goes away05:51
reisiojnavas05: what driver are you using?05:51
jnavas05the one that shows when I install aditional drivers05:52
jnavas05reisio: the official I think05:52
PlowRoxwow reisio ty for the link05:52
muh2000sacarlson: it apears only once maybe twice a day...  i will disable samba and check whether i get these errors again05:52
Ormiewhy do geeks use linux?05:52
PlowRoxgotta reboot to get them working...lol had updates too..05:53
reisioPlowRox: found some other stuff? :)05:53
reisioOrmie: for the geek points05:53
reisiojnavas05: lsmod | grep nvidia05:53
PlowRoxlooks like urs will fix.. it ..ill find out after reboot05:53
moduspwninsOrmie: It's how I impress the ladies.05:53
reisioPlowRox: logging out and back in would probably suffice05:53
PlowRoxtrue but theres 22 updates hanging..05:54
jnavas05reisio: nvidia              10962290  4005:54
sacarlsonmuh2000: oh once or 2 times a day sounds like the time that your isp probly give you a new ip addres with dhcp05:55
sacarlsonI noted in pidgin when I had set dhcp licence time to 10 minits I was having problems every 10 minits,  when I went static the problem mostly went away05:56
muh2000sacarlson: yes, maybe, but i am behind a router :) (my own router with linux on it)05:56
sacarlsonmuh2000: ya me too05:57
sacarlsonmuh2000: but you still have the option to change your client to be set to static ip,  but 2 times a day that's not often05:58
PlowRoxduh like i guesed the updates need to reboot...06:00
PlowRoxty very much reisio06:00
SajjaDi get dpkg error when i want to install everything.06:04
GPRF461please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
GPRF461please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
GPRF461please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
GPRF461please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
GPRF461please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
FloodBot1GPRF461: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:04
dpTM174please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
dpTM174please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
dpTM174please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
dpTM174please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
dpTM174please, connect irc.arcamens.com, freenode doesnt have an equalitarian stance with users. it expects you to donnate so it can provide a differential behavior as it happened with snardbafulator and others.06:04
FloodBot1dpTM174: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:04
SajjaDwhat's the problem? can anyone help?06:06
reisioSajjaD: problem?06:07
SajjaDreisio: i get dpkg error when i want to install everything.06:08
linuxuz3rdid apt-get update06:08
linuxuz3rto check to see if your files are synced with the repo06:09
cvrSajjaD, try sudo apt-get install -f06:09
jnavas05reisio: it did work, thank you very much!06:09
SajjaDcvr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1033204/06:10
reisiojnavas05: gj06:11
cvrSajjaD, you should do an upgrade possible lots of packages out of sync with the new thing u want to install, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:11
muh2000sacarlson: but i dont really understand how dhcp relates to the issue that this computer is checking for another computer. my dhcp config is setup to be static ip for both computers.06:13
sacarlsonmuh2000: oh ya checking for another computer,  what does it do arpping or what?06:14
muh2000sacarlson: i dont know. all i see are notification on my kde gui where it says roughly translated "checking $computername.."06:15
cscsabahello, is there any hotkey to open new terminal tab ?06:17
cvrcschneid, shift-ctrl-t06:17
SajjaDcvr: i've do the dist-upgrade but it didn't solve the problem06:18
cvrSajjaD, still comes up with the same error after trying to install the program?06:18
SajjaDcvr: yes06:18
CellTechXubuntu...  Same thing.. Need to give Vbox users permission, however it's not in the groups list06:19
SajjaDcvr: also for installing upgrades the same error06:19
xubuntu5did someone say Xubuntu???06:20
cvrSajjaD, apt-cache policy libgnome-desktop-3-206:21
lailomsg paps06:22
RecursiveBeastok guys who are the X.org experts?06:22
chuWhat's the issue? Just ask, if someone knows, they'll help out.06:23
RecursiveBeastI think i need a config file for my TV in /usr/X11/xorg.conf.d/06:23
RecursiveBeasti want to you my TV as my primary monitor06:23
SajjaDcvr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1033218/06:23
RecursiveBeastit works, but only in 4:306:23
RecursiveBeastlooking at /var/log/xorg.0.log i see that it recognizes the proper resolutions... i think06:24
cscsabais there any hotkey to go back the previous directory in command prompt06:24
RecursiveBeastand looking at the x.org.conf man page makes my head hurt... surely there's a way to generate a config file...06:25
RecursiveBeastcscsaba: just type 'cd ..'06:25
muh2000sacarlson: http://6g6.eu/sih0-bildschirmfoto301.png this is how it looks like.06:25
cscsabaRecursiveBeast: i meant the previous used06:26
RecursiveBeastcscsaba: there's the history command?06:27
sacarlsonmuh2000: cool I don't run kde so I never seen it,06:27
reisiohelp history | less06:27
cscsabaRecursiveBeast: yep, ok, i thought thre is a hotkey to go back to previous dirs06:28
cvrSajjaD, you could try a sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a, you seem to have the right versions of the packages installed that its complaining about might just need to be reconfigured06:28
sacarlsonmuh2000: is this when smbd is no longer running?06:28
cscsabaRecursiveBeast: history will be enough06:28
norksup guys06:28
muh2000sacarlson: yes i stopped samba.06:28
norkim new to Ubuntu06:28
cscsabaRecursiveBeast, reisio : thx06:28
norkive tried installing Java but it crashes in Firefox06:29
RecursiveBeastcscsaba: try 'cd $OLDPWD06:29
sacarlsonmuh2000: make sure it's still stoped as I think it's started with the other autostartup no06:29
RecursiveBeastcscsaba: yea that totally works... 'cd $OLDPWD'06:30
muh2000sacarlson: i didnt reboot. only case i could imagine would be: started by a filebrowser.06:30
RecursiveBeastcscsaba: actually 'cd -' works too and is shorter06:30
=== sixtwain is now known as SultansElephant
cscsabaRecursiveBeast: many thanks06:31
RecursiveBeastcscsaba: my pleasure!06:31
cscsabaRecursiveBeast: very useful :)06:32
alecm_what the hell is this update-apt-xapi process?06:42
alecm_shit like that SHOULD NOT be in a server build06:42
SajjaDcvr: again the same error after sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a06:43
chualecm_: Please watch the language.06:44
cvrSajjaD, hmm maybe your apt database is corrupted? is there any free space on the disk?06:45
SajjaDycvr: yes there is 4.2 gb free06:46
SajjaDcvr: yes there is 4.2 gb free06:46
hydrox24Hi guys, I was wondering what people's experiences were running GNOME 3.4 in ubuntu 12.04 before I upgrade?06:47
wilee-nileehydrox24, runs good here.06:48
PlowRoxlol you either love gnome or u dont06:48
fleakitesome colors and stuff are weird here and there, but no crashes otherwise .. runs pretty stable06:49
hydrox24I do, but was just wondering whether it ran smoothly in 12.04.06:49
hydrox24fleakite: fixable?06:49
fleakiteas long as ur hardware is sufficiently powerful, should run fine06:49
fleakitedunno .. i didn't tinker06:49
fleakitejust wanted to see if i cud login.  and i was back to unity06:50
cvrSajjaD, anything of interest in /var/log/dpkg.log?06:50
superuser!info foobar06:51
ubottuPackage foobar does not exist in precise06:51
superuserdose anyone know how to get foobar?06:51
cscsabais there any hotkey to access the main menus of windows ?06:51
hydrox24... superuser are you trolling?06:51
cvrsuperuser, foobar2000?06:52
superuserpsh haha, no06:52
superuseroh you have to add 2000?06:52
chu!info foobar200006:52
ubottuPackage foobar2000 does not exist in precise06:52
SajjaDcvr: this the content http://paste.ubuntu.com/1033240/06:52
hashsetnew ubuntu user here..  having trouble detecting multiple displays..  defaults to Laptop06:52
hashsetany insight?06:52
reisiohashset: what graphics driver?06:52
hashsetit worked on fresh install but after doing Ubuntu updates and recommended graphics drivers it broke06:52
hashsetnvidia gtx 260 i think..  2 years old06:53
cscsabahashset: on suse you have to use the graphics driver settings06:54
=== almoxarife is now known as RexHaviK
SajjaDcvr: i have 2 dpkg.log file in that place you said. one is dpkg.log and the other is dpkg.log.106:54
cscsabahashset: in case of nvidia we have a nvidia dashboard i guess it is nvv06:55
crackerjackzhow do i figure out what port vnc is running on?06:56
dixoncxQuestion regarding pgp: i have one pgp key. But i forgot to export my private key while re-installing ubuntu. Is there any way to import it to gpg ?06:58
reisiocrackerjackz: dpkg -l | grep -i vnc, maybe06:58
cvrSajjaD, yeh the .1 is just the old file, not really sure what the issue is, i've seen some suggestions of running through that list of files its complaining about and reinstalling them individually06:58
=== superuser is now known as vcr
crackerjackzreisio, nope06:58
=== vcr is now known as vcr__
reisiooh running on06:59
cvrcrackerjackz, netstat -at ?06:59
reisiothought you wanted to identify which VNC you had :p sorry06:59
crackerjackzreisio, i tried pidof Xtightvnc and it returned a pidof 6061 i then ran netstat -a but i didn't see anything that matched that pid06:59
jeskajoyHi there,  i'm a newbie. I just did a new straight install of Ubuntu 12.04. I'm trying to get my dvd player to work. I've installed the VLC player, decryption libraries & set region codes. Playback is finally happening, but it's choppy and pixellated with big green chunks. What next? Any suggestions? Thanks!07:00
reisiojeskajoy: try another DVD?07:00
jeskajoydid that07:00
SajjaDcvr: when i want to install everything i got that error. even i can't install them individually07:01
reisiojeskajoy: does mplayer do the same thing? (mplayer dvd://)07:01
wylde_crackerjackz: 'sudo netstat-anop | grep vnc' perhaps?07:02
jeskajoyyes, same result from both players07:02
reisiojeskajoy: try with another -vo (mplayer -vo help)07:02
=== vcr__ is now known as superuser
superuserwell, i figured out they have a website foobar2000.org07:03
jeskajoyreisio: -vo? What does that mean?07:03
theadminjeskajoy: Video Out.07:03
reisiojeskajoy: which display driver to use, basically07:04
crackerjackzwylde, excellent, it worked ty07:04
wylde_crackerjackz: np07:04
superuseractually its only for windows :( too bad07:05
crackerjackzit's running on 5901 and 6001 for some reason07:05
jeskajoyreisio: ok, thanks, I'll research that.  It's a new computer too. Do you think I might need to install drivers for my video card or something?07:05
crackerjackzis that odd for vnc?07:05
reisiojeskajoy: maybe07:05
reisiojeskajoy: what's your graphics device?07:05
wylde_crackerjackz: I'm working from distant memory but one may be a java/web interface?07:06
jeskajoyreisio: Radeon 6770 dedicated07:06
reisiojeskajoy: well there are multiple driver options07:06
rectecHello. So I've set up fancontrol to control the 2 fans in my desktop. It took me a while to set it up right but everything's running fine now. But I was wondering if fancontrol is set to start up automatically, that is, when I start ubuntu/login. If not, how can I get it to launch on startup?07:08
theadminjeskajoy: fglrx (short for FireGL and Radeon on X) is the official driver for AMD graphic cards on Linux. Available in the repos, methinks, so just run the "Hardware Drivers" utility (jockey-gtk), it will get em for you07:08
theadminWhich version of X does precise come with? I can't get much from ubottu07:11
rectectheadmin, on mine i have xorg 1:7.6+12ubuntu107:13
rectectheadmin, all updates, not stock ubuntu07:13
theadminrectec: Thanks... /me wonders what the colon is supposed to mean %)07:13
=== axisys is now known as axisys_ZzzZ
rectectheadmin, eh just copied it raw from the usc07:14
wooHello everybody :)  Im running 10.04 lts. I have remote desktop set to auto accept connection.  I am able to remote via dns an am not signed up with dyndns.  Is this service normal with this distro?07:14
theadminrectec: I understand, still, Ubuntu's package versions get confusing quite often07:14
rectectheadmin, i agree. 12ubuntu1... took me a while to understand that suffix07:14
reisiowoo: I think it was free once07:14
rectecHello. So I've set up fancontrol to control the 2 fans in my desktop. It took me a while to set it up right but everything's running fine now. But I was wondering if fancontrol is set to start up automatically, that is, when I start ubuntu/login. If not, how can I get it to launch on startup?07:15
rectecalso, xserver-xorg-core 2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.207:16
rectectheadmin, not exactly sure which is actually the x server itself :/07:16
theadminrectec: Oh, this one is more like it.07:16
theadminrectec: Yeah, that's the latest from 1.11 branch07:17
wooty reisio07:17
rectectheadmin, cool. so what do you think about wayland?07:17
theadminrectec: See pm.07:18
theadminrectec: Well, you can reboot and "pgrep fancontrol" to see if it's running.07:18
laggmoppdo u know any way to remove the console codes (escape sequences) from linux output/ i use an old braillle device that has no terminal emulation. need to get rid of the console codes. ty07:19
theadminrectec: If it's not, you can just add the fancontrol command to /etc/rc.local and that'll do.07:19
theadminlaggmopp: export TERM=dumb07:19
laggmoppcant do that cuz it will prevent ncurses programs from working07:19
laggmoppthat was my first shot also :)07:20
rectectheadmin, thanks07:20
laggmoppi wish every program had a -dumb switch like irc07:20
theadminlaggmopp: Well, you can run individual programs with a dumb terminal mode like this: TERM=dumb your_command07:21
b1nrfolks, my laptop touchpad isn't working in my profile, any thoughts?07:22
laggmoppbut the prog wont work then.  like lynx says  cant do that kiddo07:22
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reisiob1nr: in your profile?07:23
theadminlaggmopp: True, hm, how about setting TERM=vt100 ? Not sure if that will really help, but07:23
b1nrreisio, when I login to my account, it stops working07:23
b1nrreisio, but in login screen,  touch pad works07:23
b1nrreisio, an external mouse works07:24
theadminb1nr: Check "Mouse" in preferences, the touchpad tab07:24
b1nrbut not the touchpad07:24
b1nrtheadmin, i did07:24
theadminb1nr: Hm, no idea really, not sure what can disable it on the user side07:25
reisiob1nr: if you make a new temporary user and log in as that user, you could possibly rule out some things07:25
laggmoppno, thats no good. refer to original question. i need to REMOVE the codes from the output07:25
b1nryea, i will try that07:25
laggmoppu see iv been thru this many times.  been using this system fifteen years :)07:25
theadminlaggmopp: I see... some Perl magic with s// might help, not sure what though07:25
laggmoppya i have half designed a sed script too do that07:26
laggmoppi know sed pretty well07:26
laggmoppguess i hafta get off my lazy butt and finish it07:26
theadminlaggmopp: Isn't there some tool for Braille in the repos? Thought there was, I forget the name though07:26
laggmoppyes,  but its for newer fancy (read expensive) braille devices07:27
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laggmoppmine is so old it isnt covered07:27
laggmoppbrltty is the one i know of07:28
theadminlaggmopp: I see... :/07:28
laggmoppi need a prog like strip or the nocolors prog in ircii specifically for console codes, and i guess it doesnt exist07:29
laggmoppbut ... hope springs eternal etc  etc :)07:29
kantlive-can anyone look over my logic for something? im in the middle of a huge FTP migration and we are facing packetloss  http://pastebin.com/WB1EekH007:29
laggmoppty admin07:30
laggmoppfor trying07:30
theadminlaggmopp: No problem, sad I can't help :/07:30
RitleeI'm going nutz here... just installed Ubuntu 10.04.4 i386, my RTL8187 USB wireless card is recognized, it even shows all the networks in the area, but refuses to connect to anything... I'm currently using the card in win7 (dual boot system) and obviously connected to my router... what can I do to get this thing working in ubuntu... it worked flawlessly with ubuntu 12.04, but i absolutely hate the interface07:30
b1nrreisio, it works for other users on the same system07:31
reisioRitlee: so use 12.04 with Xfce07:31
theadminRitlee: I suggest the following: 1) grab 12.04, install. 2) Head to http://mate-desktop.org for install instructions. 3) Enjoy. (MATE is a fork of GNOME 2 for modern systems, it looks *exactly* the same as 10.04, for instance)07:31
reisiob1nr: okay, so it's probably some config for that specific user07:32
cvrRitlee, you could try tracking down the rtl8187 and compile the newer module for 10.0407:32
reisiob1nr: try mv ~/.config ~/hrmmm.config and logging in again07:32
b1nrreisio, wondering what config it would be07:32
reisioRitlee: Xfce, it's more like GNOME 2 than GNOME 3 is07:32
reisiob1nr: and by that I mean literally the directory ~/.config07:32
Ritleetheadmin, does it have the system setting exactly the same? I'm used to all the different things being right at my fingertips and 12.x having 6 different things under the settings (a little sarcasm but you know what i mean)07:33
theadminRitlee: Pretty much so, yeah.07:33
theadminRitlee: I mean yes, it's pretty much exactly the same as 12.04, except the "Administration" menu seems to be merged with "Preferences" for some reason (might be a bug since I had both MATE and Xfce installed, not sure)07:33
theadminRitlee: Err, as 10.04*07:34
reisioit's not a fork of GNOME 2 for modern systems07:34
reisioit's just a fork of GNOME 207:34
theadminDammit, numbers -_- I hate numbers.07:34
Ritleetheadmin, i guess I'll try that then (stupid unity/Gnome3)07:34
sacarlsonkantlive-: I'm not sure I fully understand but would git not do to verify that the file set is the same on both sides?07:34
Ritleetheadmin, I can handle those two windows merged... will it allow me to add icons to the launcher bar?07:34
theadminreisio: Err, yeah, which is *intended* to work with modern systems (which already migrated to Gnome 3 that is, so that it doesn't conflict)07:34
theadminRitlee: Sure, lol07:34
reisioit's intended to be maintained GNOME 207:35
SajjaDcvr: those pakages it says have problems already installed but eve i can't reinstall them07:35
reisiowe'll see if that's what it actually ends up being07:35
theadminreisio: So far it handles that quite well. They actually plan to migrate to Gtk3 with time, too.07:35
theadminMeh, /me sticks with Xfce.07:36
reisioplanning isn't the same as doing07:36
SajjaDcvr: do u have any other idea? where i can solve this problem?07:36
b1nrreisio, i removed .config/dbus and logged in, it started working07:37
reisiob1nr: neat07:37
cvrSajjaD, im not really sure, sounds like something is corrupted, do you have any disk errors or tried fsck? also could try removing the packages and reinstalling manually with dpkg -r pkg dpkg -i pkg07:38
reisiohrmm I don't even have that dir07:38
reisioalthough I'm not using Ubuntu or Unity07:38
reisioor a touchpad, for that matter :)07:38
theadminMe neither... I never knew dbus stores configuration of any sort at all >.<07:39
`thomashello -- i'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on an asus zenbook, but it doesn't respond after i click `Install Ubuntu', and syslog shows squashfs errors (unable to read ...)07:39
theadmin`thomas: Suppose you failed to record the CD/USB07:40
SajjaDcvr: in terminal i run fsck when i'm in ubuntu?07:40
reisio`thomas: yeah first suspect your media/burn/image, and then your devices07:40
cvrSajjaD, the partition your running fsck on has to be unmounted07:41
SajjaDcvr: so i have to reboot and boot in recovery,right?07:42
`thomasi've burned i386 and amd64 cds and tried both, so i doubt the cds were corrupted07:42
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`thomasi'm using a portable external cd drive from hp -- i wonder if the driver doesn't match exactly07:43
`thomasguess i'll try booting from usb07:43
sacarlsonThomas sounds like a bad cd reader,  do you have any usb flash disks?07:43
cvrSajjaD, you can force the fsck on reboot, sudo shutdown -rF now07:44
LinXzhello ivan7007:47
ivan70LinXz,  hello07:48
ivan70to open the sites, you need the plugin, what kind of plugin? eg  http://www.licantropolista.net/?lista=07:48
ivan70ubuntu 12.0407:48
SajjaDcvr: nothing happend only rebooted when i run sudo shutdown -rF now07:50
madsailorWhen returning to the desktop from playing Braid resolution is set to 640x480 and I have to log out/in to return to normal resolution07:50
reisioivan70: flash?07:50
madsailoris there a way to avoid having to log in/out?07:50
reisioivan70: oh there's an audio embed, too07:50
ivan70reisio,   how to install07:51
reisioivan70: what browser?07:51
reisiommm, probably want gecko-mediaplayer from universe, still07:52
ivan70reisio, chrome07:52
reisioVLC also has a plugin07:52
cvrSajjaD, hmmm, you might just have todo it manually then cant see that option in man shutdown anymore07:52
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Chuck_Norrisaloha all :D07:53
Chuck_Norris*sound of wind*07:53
LinXzChuck_Norris is here - I hide...07:53
SajjaDcvr: how to manually do it?07:53
Chuck_Norrisyou better hide07:53
LinXzdo you see me now?07:53
ivan70reisio,   chrome is not hear the music07:53
madsailorthere is no hiding from the RREAL chuck norris...everyone knows that07:54
LinXzI just close my eyes - doesn't that work?07:54
reisioivan70: naturally07:55
LinXzHehehe! :D07:57
ivan70reisio,   how do I put Flash in Ubuntu 12.04?07:58
theadminivan70: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer07:59
cvrSajjaD, looks like the method has changed you can do a sudo touch /forcefsck, then reboot and it'll check on the reboot07:59
madsailorBraid changes the screen resolution, but doesn't return it to normal when the program exits.  Is there an easier way to return to normal resolution than logging in/out every time I run this program?08:02
reisiomadsailor: xrandr -s 008:02
smellydogHi, I wrote a startup script under /etc/init.d/goagent, and I can start the service by sudo /etc/init.d/goagent, and the symbolic link under rc2.d, rc3.d, rc4.d, rc5.d are also created by update-rc.d,  but after each reboot the service does not start.08:02
reisioyou could also start braid in its own X and avoid the issue altogether08:02
sacarlsonsmellydog: maybe there is a resource needed in your script that isn't ready at time of boot08:04
smellydoghere is my /etc/init.d/goagent            http://paste.ubuntu.com/1033292/08:05
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smellydogsacarlson: do you know how to debug it?08:05
SajjaDcvr: that didn't work too.the error exists even after fsck08:07
madsailorreisio, ok. Not sure how to run braid in it's own X session, but maybe I can run xrandr -s 0 on exit08:07
reisioin its*08:09
madsailorreisio, sorry for the typo ;)08:09
ubottuGuest13547: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:09
sacarlsonsmellydog: well from the script I can't really tell what it needs but one word strikes me "proxy" so maybe it need network connectivity before it starts08:10
sacarlsonsmellydog: you might consider using upstart as the boot starter if you know what's needed in your program you can set upstart to wait till that resource is ready08:11
sacarlsonsmellydog: or the dirty fix just add a long sleep at some point in your script in hopes that the resource is ready before it runs08:13
subthalamustips on losing sound card upon 12.04 upgrade anybody?08:15
reisiomadsailor: something like http://linux.about.com/od/gmr_howto/a/hwtgmr05t01.htm08:15
subthalamussound was working fine until the upgrade08:16
sacarlsonsubthalamus: go back to using the kernel you used before you upgraded08:17
subthalamussacarlson: u mean as a test or permanently?08:18
sacarlsonsubthalamus: oh maybe you upgraded from version 1X.X to 12.04 in that case maybe can't go back to easy08:18
sacarlsonsubthalamus: what did you upgrade from?08:19
seregeiHello. I have faced with follow problem: if debug program in kdbg get an operation not permitted. Can somebody help me please ?08:20
Chuck_Norrisseregei: try: gksu kdbg08:21
sacarlsonsubthalamus: I guess you should check the basics of your sound, that the device is picked up by the kernel and if the sound is muted08:21
subthalamussacarlson: strange, even beep doesn't work08:23
sacarlsonsubthalamus: so what does sudo lshw; show as the driver for your sound card?08:24
subthalamussacarlson: cat /proc/asound/cards lists it08:24
seregeijust the same =(08:24
cvrSajjaD, i've just found this link it might help http://www.vkernel.co.uk/?p=13908:25
PhantomSparkI have a laptop with 8Gigs of mem should I be installing x64?08:25
reisioPhantomSpark: if you have a 64-bit processor you should be installing x6408:25
sacarlsonsubthalamus: and with alsamixer installed does it show any mute?08:25
`thomasreisio, sacarlson: thanks, booting from a flash drive is working08:26
seregeiif debug program in kdbg get an operation not permitted. Why is it ?08:26
reisio`thomas: gj08:26
sacarlsonThomas: cool08:26
subthalamussacarlson: lshw shows snd_hda_intel driver in use08:26
PhantomSparkreisio, The official site threw me off saying the x32 was recommended? Why does it say that?08:26
subthalamussacarlson: which sounds about right..?08:26
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reisioPhantomSpark: I'm not sure it does say that anymore...08:27
reisioPhantomSpark: but the answer would be: ignorance08:27
cvrPhantomSpark, because 32bit will work on both but 64bit will not08:27
reisiooh look, ubuntu.com doesn't have a download link anymore, what fun08:27
sacarlsonsubthalamus: also note the irq used with that driver see what it might conflict with if you find no mute in alsamixer08:27
PhantomSparkcvr, Ah this makes sense08:27
subthalamussacarlson: the window manager thinks it doesnt have a card installed at all08:28
reisioI thought I read they were moving to 64-bit by default08:28
reisio...maybe that's for 12.1008:28
sacarlsonsubthalamus: try alsamixer08:28
subthalamussacarlson: eeew, irq 42?!?08:28
PhantomSparkreisio, it still does btw, just checked http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop08:28
reisioPhantomSpark: insofar as newbs would wonder why they can't install a 64-bit image onto 32-bit only hardware, yeah it does08:28
cvrPhantomSpark, so if you dont know what you're doing and you have to choose between the two and you have a 32bit machine and download the 64bit iso you'll run into problems08:28
reisioPhantomSpark: yeah but the index, http://ubuntu.com/08:28
reisioit's all humble bundle now :p08:29
reisiocvr: yeah :p08:29
reisiobut you do know what you're doing :p08:29
bulkwhen i use |less is there any way to ignore capitalisation whilst searching with /?  's' doesn't lead to 'S', for example.08:29
reisiobulk: less -I08:30
bulkok thank you!!!08:30
reisioor /[Aa]bracadabra08:31
reisioor /[A-Za-z]foo08:31
subthalamussacarlson: alsamixer no mutage08:31
sacarlsonsubthalamus: but it responds and see's the driver08:31
subthalamussacarlson: irq 42 would be virtual no?08:31
subthalamussacarlson: yes, responds and sees driver08:32
LinXzZafoo - sounds like an ancient god...08:32
subthalamussacarlson: not the window manager though08:32
sacarlsonsubthalamus: I don't know I didn't think we had irq that big but maybe that's not an intel08:32
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sacarlsonsubthalamus: but the window manager is probly on a different layer of sound, as the sound starts from alsa then there are layers above that08:33
subthalamussacarlson: intel 82801FB ICH6 family high def audio (rev 4)08:34
subthalamussacarlson: this is onboard sound for a "desktop replacement" monster laptop type asus thing08:35
subthalamusfrom the dark ages08:35
MerlynKorrhow do i install a downloaded package from the terminal?08:37
sacarlsonsubthalamus: does this work aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav08:37
sacarlsonsubthalamus: aplay goes direct to alsa driver08:37
reisioMerlynKorr: what package?08:37
MerlynKorra package in the downloads file08:38
MerlynKorrtremulous 1.2 for example08:38
subthalamussacarlson: it says it is playing it but no sound08:38
subthalamussacarlson: it lies!08:38
sacarlsonsubthalamus: you pluged into the correct plug?08:39
subthalamussacarlson: speakers are onboard too, but I can plug some headphones in, standby08:39
bulkif gedit already runs how can i open a new tab with the terminal? is it possible to enqueu files in vlc playlist with the terminal?08:39
MerlynKorri will try to give more input...08:39
reisiobulk: probably 'gedit path/to/file'08:40
reisiobulk: it probably is, I'm not sure what the command would be08:40
reisio#vlc would know, or man vlc, probably08:40
sacarlsonbulk: vlc has a cool api that I'm sure it can08:40
subthalamussacarlson: no joy08:40
MerlynKorri downloaded tremulous 1.2 into my downloads folder and iw as wondering how i could get it to install.08:40
sacarlsonsubthalamus: did you try all of this stuf? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting08:41
Ormiewhat os is ubuntu based on?08:41
reisioOrmie: Debian, and then Unix08:41
reisioDebian, and then GNU, and then Unix08:42
sacarlsonsubthalamus: since the aplay runs it sounds more like a mixer problem but you say that alsamixer responds so ?08:42
reisioand you could argue there's some MINIX influence08:42
sacarlsonsubthalamus: also make sure the sound card in alsamixer isn't in like soround sound mode or something08:42
subthalamussacarlson: just confirmed logged in as root works08:44
subthalamussacarlson: could have sworn I tried that first but i've let this slide for weeks now heh08:44
sacarlsonbulk I wrote a ruby program to add to vlc play list that I would have to look at to find the method08:44
sacarlsonsubthalamus: oh your sound words as user root?08:45
MerlynKorrdo i need to restate my question?08:45
subthalamussacarlson: command works as root08:45
subthalamussacarlson: aplay command08:46
sacarlsonsubthalamus: you must have to add yourself to the sound group08:46
reisioMerlynKorr: tremulous is in the multiverse repo08:46
reisioMerlynKorr: use Ubuntu Software Center08:46
MerlynKorris it version 1.2?08:46
bulkis there any way to create shortkeys for a program or program/path in terminal? for a dokument i have to open every day for example?08:47
MerlynKorrbecause thats what ive got in my downloads folder.08:47
reisiobulk: help alias08:47
subthalamussacarlson: "audio" group?08:47
reisiobulk: AKA: echo 'foo="bar"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc && foo08:47
sacarlsonsubthalamus: that happens with upgrades as they change groups needed for resourse and your original account keeps from original install is kept the same08:47
sacarlsonsubthalamus: ya08:47
subthalamussacarlson: or pulse?08:48
sacarlsonsubthalamus: ya that too08:48
MerlynKorrhow do i get the downloads to install from the terminal though?08:48
MerlynKorrim not trying to be a nag...08:48
reisioMerlynKorr: dpkg -i08:48
MerlynKorrit just makes sense that if it can be done then a lot of headaches will be saved....08:49
bulkok, i'm trying...08:49
MerlynKorrty reiso....08:49
reisiosticking with stable would save you headaches :p08:49
MerlynKorrhow do i go about getting superuser priveliges on my system?08:52
LinXzMerlynKorr: sudo su08:52
MerlynKorrthank you very much08:52
reisioMerlynKorr: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb08:53
subthalamussacarlson: thanks for the kick in the arse :)08:55
sacarlsonsubthalamus: so that fixed it?08:56
subthalamussacarlson: no, but I know it is the user now, so I'll just create a new user profile08:56
sacarlsonsubthalamus: probly the default user add will enable the sound and you can compare what groups they add them to08:57
subthalamussacarlson: yessir08:57
shakaranwhat's the channel for ubuntu development?09:00
pungi_mani want a help . i cannot issue the command "whois <ip>" it says that no command "whois found". can please anyone help me?09:01
SajjaDwher is source list in ubuntu 12.0409:02
SajjaDi've forgotten09:02
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cvrSajjaD, /etc/apt/sources.list09:02
sacarlsonSajjaD: /etc/apt  I think09:03
cvrSajjaD, also may be some files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if u've added some extra09:04
jottbe2Hi, is it already known that qemu doesnt build?09:05
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jottbe2If not where can I report it?09:06
cvrjottbe2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1008136 ?09:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1008136 in QEMU "Cannot compile 1.1.0" [Undecided,New]09:06
sacarlsonpungi_man: sudo apt-get install whois ;09:07
pungi_manits not working09:07
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sacarlsonpungi_man: what not found?09:08
SajjaDcvr: you gave me a link, i've read it but see here (that's mine) :http://paste.ubuntu.com/1033372/09:08
cvrpungi_man, /usr/bin/whois <IP>09:08
pungi_manpackage whois is unavailable09:09
sacarlsonpungi_man: apt-get update09:09
sacarlsonpungi_man: apt-cache search whois09:09
N3WB13i has migred to ubuntu 12.04LTS and where should be the grub apperas a "unsupported frecuency" message :/ someone know how fix it???09:10
jottbe2I think it is a different one, it looks as though a error occured when the docu was compiled:09:10
jottbe2Option number is ambiguous (number-footnotes, number-sections)09:10
jottbe2Try `texi2html --help' for more information.09:10
u12ubutu 12.04 doesn't load after an attempt to upgrade to a newer version of linux09:12
jottbe2unfortunately I have no working X at the moment this makes it a bit more complicated to handle such bugs, because I have to use links instead of firefox09:12
qwhello all09:12
qwhelp me please09:12
vinuhi, how to increase copying speed?09:12
qwnow i am install kubuntu 10.04 LTS, and i would like update (upgrade) this system09:12
qwhelp me please09:12
qwand about update i would like install packet programms09:13
OpenTokixvinu: what do you mean?09:13
u12the power went out in the middle of the upgrade.  I can start ubuntu if i choose "previous linux versions" and then choose the default09:14
cvrSajjaD, the file you've done that search on isnt a problem in your list, type in ls -la | grep libgnome-desktop-3-209:14
cvrSajjaD, and paste the result09:14
vinuhow to increase copying speed when copying from hard disk to pendrives?09:14
OpenTokixvinu: Well, most pendrives have really crappy performance - and usb itself is really crappy.09:15
cvrvinu, get a faster flash drive?09:15
reisioget drunk, it'll go faster09:16
LinXzreisio: working on it!09:16
reisioesing: hi09:17
esingdid I understand correctly that when doing a windows 7 / ubuntu dual boot, that installing first windows 7 and then ubuntu results into that the bootloader of ubuntu will overwrite windows 7 bootloader ?09:17
esinghi reisio :D09:17
reisioesing: right09:18
esinggood to know =)09:18
reisiounless you tell it not to09:18
reisiowhereas doing the reverse always results in Windows' overwriting the MBR, because Windows assumes you only use Windows :p09:18
esingUhm, what if I dont do it reverse but also don't tell ubuntu not install its bootloader, will therefore windows recognize Ubuntu in his bootloader? ^^^09:19
esing*but also tell ubuntu not to install its bootloader***09:20
wilee-nileeesing, the mbr is a easy fix, for repairing windows in general with alive disc having it first on the hd jsut makes things easier.09:20
reisioesing: no, Windows doesn't care about any other OS09:20
esingwilee-nilee so it's like throwing a coin whether to pick windows or ubuntus bootloader?09:20
reisioesing: you can use a 3rd party tool to make it, though09:20
reisiosuch as EasyBCD09:21
wilee-nileeesing, no it is totally under your control from the linux side.09:21
cvresing, you can run into problems when trying to install windows when it cant install itself on the first partition09:21
al_nz1slightly ot, but anyone here able to help me with a routing issue with openvpn09:21
al_nz1my setup : http://pastebin.com/d8VqjU0p09:22
esingok I stick to ubuntu and remember to install windows on the first partition09:22
al_nz1cant access reousces on subnet behind openvpn server09:22
wilee-nileeesing, if you want to use easybcd in the ubuntu install do a custom install and put grub in the root or ubuntu partition if it is just one partition09:22
esingwilee-nilee I just read over a short tutorial and I can run easybcd also from windows?09:24
wilee-nileeesing, easybcd runs in windows only as far as I know.09:24
esingwhy would I need to put grub in the root? I thought I'd just need to unselect installing grub when installing ubuntu09:25
wilee-nileeesing, I don't think there is a option of no grub in a regular install of Ubuntu, I'm so used to using it maybe I missed that.09:26
wilee-nileeyou can with fedora I know09:27
esingwilee-nilee when installing ubuntu you can click on "advanced" and unselect "installing bootloader"09:27
al_nz1reisio: i think they all asleep there09:28
wilee-nileeesing, Ah well since I now a lot about grub it never occurred to me to use a third party and not use grub.09:28
al_nz1and the guy on there that seems to have all the answers is rather arrogrant09:28
reisiowhat do you care if you're getting answers :p09:29
al_nz1al_nz1: well he doesnt really give a hand09:29
Zero01what are you talking about?09:29
al_nz1just keeps pointing me to iformation which i have already tried (unsuccessfuly) to follow09:29
al_nz1or did follow and it didnt work!09:30
cvrSajjaD, any luck with that?09:30
jondoe2where does rules created with gufw end up?09:31
icerootjondoe2: if i am correct they will result in iptables-rules09:33
jondoe2iceroot, i can't find it :s09:35
jondoe2i've searched for ufw, gufw, iptables and .rules and looked at every relevant file but none of them contain the rules09:36
zombifieris it in /etc/ufw?09:36
rafaelCNhi all09:37
jondoe2there are rules there but they don't match09:37
jondoe2and when I add a rule to gufw they still remain changed a month or so ago09:38
marcin82zombifier: check out iptables -L09:38
icerootjondoe2:        ufw supports application integration by reading profiles located in /etc/ufw/applications.d. To list the names09:39
icerootjondoe2:  The  status  command shows basic information about the state of the firewall, as well as rules managed via the09:41
iceroot       ufw command. It does not show rules from the rules files in /etc/ufw.09:41
icerootjondoe2: man ufw09:41
ubottuGiulia: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:41
jondoe2iceroot, applications.d only contains cups and postfix09:43
jondoe2suppose it's program specific rules09:44
icerootjondoe2: yes i think so09:44
jondoe2sudoi ufw status shows the rules I added (allow 80/443 out)09:44
jondoe2I'll read man ufw09:45
jondoe2iceroot, ok, so I still haven't found where ufw stores rultes that are in place09:49
jondoe2confusing to say the least09:49
wanganqihello world09:49
icerootjondoe2: sorry never used it so i dont know i was just looking at the manpage if there are usefull infos09:49
wanganqi这里都是英语啊 ?09:50
zombifier!cn | wanganqi09:51
ubottuwanganqi: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:51
marcin82wanganqi, Do you speak English?09:51
wanganqii speak09:51
jondoe2iceroot, ok09:52
neopsychehi.. so.. I tried to apt-get unity on a kde desktop .. no hoola! Kazooey! I have unity launcher running on KDE !!!? What the!? Is this bad!? it seems bad. I cant launch linux tv.09:56
neopsycheis it bad?09:57
zombifierWhat session are you logging in?09:57
neopsychezombifier.. primary session09:57
Hulkzabomber hi09:57
=== cvr_ is now known as cvr
Hulkzatan hi09:58
augustlhey. My DAC doesn't show up in "Sounds" in settings when I connect it. Tried reconnecting it, and restarting pulse, no dice. Any suggestions?09:58
augustldon't want to cave in and reboot, surely there's something I can reload without rebooting :)09:58
randomDudeaugustl: that really depends09:59
cvraugustl: does it show up in dmesg when you plug it in?09:59
zombifierneopsyche: Run this command: "echo $DESKTOP_SESSION" (no quotes) and post the output09:59
augustlcvr: hmm, doesn't seem like it does10:00
randomDudeaugustl: why do you think you need to restart the computer?10:00
augustlthat's probably it then, the DAC isn't detected at the kernel level10:00
Hulk!scn augustl10:00
Hulkaugustl City: Stavanger State or Region: Rogaland Country: Norway ISP: Altibox As. Domain: lyse.net10:00
augustlrandomDude: because that's what's often suggested as a "solution"10:00
randomDudeaugustl: solution to what?10:01
augustlrandomDude: weird problems10:01
cvraugustl: is it usb? lsusb?10:01
randomDudeaugustl: i haven't heard of that particular problem before.10:01
augustlcvr: interesting, it's not there either. I'll try the hardware on another machine, perhaps the dac is broken10:02
augustla LED lights up when I connect it, so it gets power at least ;)10:02
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:02
augustlHulk: was that directed to any of us?10:03
augustlcvr: the DAC works fine on another machine10:03
Hulk::| ××(aaaugustlll)××: nof |]::10:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:03
LjL!msg the bot | Hulk10:03
ubottuHulk: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:03
augustlI wonder what's down when USB pherepials aren't detected10:03
LjLHulk: also, don't use scripts please10:03
randomDudeaugustl: you probably don't have a supporting kernel module loaded10:03
augustlrandomDude: yeah, the kernel module snd_usb_audio doesn't seem to load10:04
FloodBot1Hulk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:04
LjLHulk: stop10:04
neopsychezombifier: kde-plasma10:04
BarbariandudeHi guys, having a bit of an issue. My laptop is hooked up to an LG Flatron monitor, and both Displays and xrandr don't pick it up10:04
Hulk!msh the bot | LjL10:04
ubottuHulk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:04
augustlrandomDude: that is, it doesn't automatically show up under /proc/asound/modules, like it used to when I connected it10:04
BarbariandudeUsing latest nvidia drivers10:04
Hulk!msg the bot | LjL10:04
ubottuLjL: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:04
zombifierneopsyche: Check if Unity is in "Startup Applocations" or whatever it's named10:05
BarbariandudeAnyone know how to get my laptop to pick up the 2nd monitor?10:05
augustlnot sure what's actually supposed to happen, I suppose udev is where it all starts10:05
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augustlBarbariandude: wild guess: some laptops have dual video cards and use the "other" one for external displays, but it might be turned off in BIOS10:06
cvraugustl: do you know which module it uses? maybe its restricted and needs to be separately installed10:06
augustlBarbariandude: does the output you connect to show up in "xrandr"?10:06
randomDudeaugustl: it won't start anywhere if you don't have a supporting kernel module... it may be that the one you assumed would support it simply doesn't have the manufacturer and device id in its list of devices to support.10:06
Barbariandudeaugustl, No, it does not10:06
augustlcvr: it worked yesterday and I haven't rebooted since then, so something must have crashed10:06
augustlBarbariandude: the fact that it's not even listed probably means the whole thing is powered off, at some level10:06
augustlBarbariandude: BIOS, acpi, or something else10:07
Barbariandudeaugustl, The monitor is on and plugged in. Windows picks it up, so it's on at the BIOS level10:07
augustlcvr, randomDude: the DAC is a generic USB audio interface so udev should be able to detect it10:07
augustlBarbariandude: perhaps you need a specific xorg display driver for xorg to detect it10:08
augustlcvr: when it works, it loads snd_usb_audio10:08
augustlmanually loading it doesn't seem to help10:08
cvraugustl: is udev running?10:08
augustlat any rate, yesterday I didn't have to manually load it, so I want to to figure out what's gone wrong :)10:08
Barbariandudeaugustl, How would I go about figuring out what driver I'm missing?10:09
augustlcvr: think so, got 3x udevd running10:09
augustlBarbariandude: figure out what video card you have and install a driver for it10:09
Barbariandudeaugustl, Oh, I have the latest driver for my nvidia card10:09
augustland configure xorg to use that driver if xorg doesn't pick it up automatically. Not sure about exactly how xorg detects that10:09
augustlcvr, randomDude: just connected another USB peripheral, it also didn't work10:11
augustljust like the DAC it gets powered (they both light up) but nothing shows up in dmesg, and neither the mouse or the dac works10:11
augustlif I'd upgraded my kernel or something, a reboot would be an obvious solution since the currently loaded kernel might not find stuff10:12
augustlbut iirc I've not done that10:12
cvraugustl: sounds like whatever deals with usb hotplugging has crashed10:13
augustlI'll just try to reboot, don't have the skills to figure this out10:13
augustlgonna wait a couple of minutes in case someone gets a bright idea :)10:14
samuelhello! my nautilus quicklist in unity only works once nautilus has been launched? what gives? it only happens on my pc, not my laptop, the pc was a clean install and the laptop was an upgrade!10:15
samuelaugustl try repeating the query over a long period of time, i'm sure someone will join the channel that can answer it eventually10:16
SwashBucklaGRUB2 question: I have set the TIMEOUT=0 and the DEFAULT=0 (Windows). Can I still boot Ubuntu?10:16
SwashBucklaI have just tried holding Shift all through the boot process, and a change DOES occur: I get the message "GRUB loading...". However, this disappears after 5 or so seconds and continues with it's configured boot process (i.e. it does not show the GRUB menu)10:16
cvraugustl: shutdown -r now10:16
jondoe2my kern.log gets completely spammed with every single connection, is that normal?10:18
augustla reboot fixed it10:19
augustlhow do I prevent network-manager from loading at startup? I ran "update-rc.d -f networking disable" and "update-rc.d -f network-manager disable", but it still launches on startup10:20
jondoe2a couple of those every second10:20
jondoe2augustl, check your startup programs10:21
augustljondoe2: how do I do that? Not very familiar with the ubuntu startup stuff10:21
jondoe2I think you type "startup" in the lens to find it10:21
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jondoe2the locale creators insist on translating every single program so I don't quite know what it's called in english10:21
jondoe2top left search box thingie -> "startup" should be sufficient10:22
zombifierUnity still works with localized apps even when searching in English10:22
augustljondoe2: network-manager is not listed there10:22
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
augustlI've been trying to find docs on how the new "service" stuff works, and how to configure what should load at boot etc, but haven't found it. Anyone got a link?10:23
jondoe2anythin like it?10:23
augustljondoe2: it's empty10:23
jondoe2you probably don't want to disable networking btw10:23
jondoe2or you wont be able to connect to the internet10:23
augustlI do :)10:23
SajjaDcvr: excuse me10:23
augustlI prefer to use wpa_supplicant and dhclient in a screen10:23
jondoe2well, without networking network-manager doesn't really matter10:23
augustlso now I just manually have to kill it every time I reboot10:23
SajjaDcvr: can you come in private?10:23
cvrSajjaD: ok10:23
jondoe2hmm check out /etc/rc.local10:23
jondoe2might contain it but I don't think so10:24
augustljondoe2: it doesn't contain anything either10:24
augustljust an "exit 0"10:24
jondoe2sudo update-rc.d network-manager disable10:24
jondoe2should really work10:24
augustlthat's what I tried, it still launches at startup10:24
jondoe2not sure why it doesn't10:24
augustlme neither :)10:24
jondoe2ah, now i know10:25
jondoe22 seconds10:25
D[4]niis there some way to get the address of the currently opened tab in firefox from an outside application?10:25
augustlnot sure if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager is up to date and official, the folder /etc/dbus-1/event.d doesn't exist on my system10:25
D[4]nipreferably just from bash?10:25
jondoe2augustl, http://modifyubuntu.com/#speed10:25
jondoe2do show all startup programs10:25
jondoe2then check the startup thingie again10:25
augustlD[4]ni: sounds like something you'd have to write an extension for. Or perhaps there's a generic way to get the "title" of all the windows for a process, for example10:25
augustljondoe2: seems a bit overkill10:26
jondoe2that page modifyubuntu.com was very useful to me btw10:26
jondoe2nah it'll just show stuff like bluetooth, network-manager etc10:26
dragonslaywhat's the best approach to save the clonezilla clone of installed debian system. currently i do not have a external HDD, so i'll have to make use of the same HDD. i can go with lvm or a seperate partition.10:26
jondoe2that ubuntu decided that everyone wanted anyway so they might as well not list them10:26
augustljondoe2: ah I saw "preload" and stopped reading :)10:26
jondoe2ah, :P10:27
jondoe2you don't have to do that, only show all startup applications10:27
augustljondoe2: the command "sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop" does not print anything, it just returns with no output10:27
jondoe2no worries10:27
jondoe2it just changes a line in a file10:27
jondoe2shouldn't output anything10:27
jondoe2now check the application startup thingie again10:27
augustlah, useful10:28
augustlI wonder how long I'll be able to stick to Windows10:28
augustlI mean Ubuntu10:28
augustlhiding stuff like that = meh10:28
augustland very Windows-y :)10:28
SultansElephantaugustl: you went for the plunge?10:28
jondoe2i switched from windows to be spared from that,10:29
jondoe2but I should probably have chosen pure debian instead10:29
SultansElephanti had to dual boot for awhile personally10:29
augustlSultansElephant: not sure I understand what you mean :)10:29
SultansElephanti had 'culture shock' lol10:29
jondoe2but ubuntu is good for many users10:29
SultansElephanti dont game anymore so ubuntu is fine10:30
augustlI meant to say that Ubuntu is too much like Windows and OS X in my opinion10:31
SultansElephantaugustl: how so ?10:31
augustlit hides stuff10:31
SultansElephantyou mean Unity10:31
mz|`install awesome or i3wm WMs10:31
chuIt has a GUI!10:31
jondoe2unity was too much for me, I replaced it with lxde...10:31
SultansElephantmess around with different desktops/GUIs10:31
zombifierUnity looks like Windows/Mac? Did not see that coming10:31
LinXzI HATE Unity10:32
augustlhaving a GUI listing startup applications where all the default items are hidden is just completely absolutely the opposite of what I want from a OS10:32
mz|`install awesome or i3wm WMs and tell me ubuntu looks like windows/osx10:32
augustlUnity is why I'm on Ubuntu now, I love the way the menu bar saves space10:32
mz|`install debian or a bsd from scratch10:32
SultansElephantim a unity fan10:32
mz|`or alternative ubuntu10:32
LinXzI hate how it takes MY CONTROL away from MY Desktop10:32
mz|`choose your packages.10:32
jondoe2my kern.log gets completely spammed with http://pastie.org/406086110:32
jondoe2every allowed connection10:32
jondoe2how fix?10:33
jondoe2I replaced ufw with firestartere10:33
FloodBot1jondoe2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:33
augustlwhat part of ubuntu does the startup apps thing? Is that all part of unity?10:33
augustlSultansElephant: "Startup Application Preferences"10:34
augustlthat launches everything in /etc/xdg/autostart10:34
augustlhmm xdg is the login manager, isn't it10:34
SultansElephantstartup-manager i mean10:35
augustlso even if I switch to xfce I'll still use xdg probably10:35
chuI think lightdm is the login manager.10:35
cvraugustl: xdg is a standard10:35
augustlah I see10:35
cvraugustl: you're probably thinking of xdm, but i think xubuntu uses lightdm but not sure10:36
SultansElephantunity isnt really horrible, its just still on its way10:36
SultansElephantconceptually its great10:36
ntyphi. i've installed python-irblib and i'm wondering where the examples are which should be there10:36
=== jondoe2 is now known as jondoe
augustlSultansElephant: I really like it10:38
augustlat least after I replaced the unity specific alt-tab thingie with one of the standard compiz ones10:38
SultansElephantaugustl: ya its much better in 12.0410:39
SultansElephanti didnt like it in 11.1010:39
augustlfor me the question is if I want to learn to plow through the "user friendlyness" in Ubuntu, or have to set up everything myself (Arch Linux)10:39
SultansElephantaugustl: depends on how familiar you are with operating systems and hardware in general probably10:40
zombifierUsing Arch Linux will give you an idea of what a Linux system is typically made of10:41
SultansElephanta good and lengthy ubuntu book that sort of introduces beginner stuff is ubuntu unleashed10:41
cvraugustl: I struggle with this issue daily, typically now just have virtual machines setup for my different changing moods10:41
SultansElephantdont just install arch if you are new to linux =P10:41
wilxIs there any sort of HOWTO for setting up Postfix/Exim/etc. for outgoing mail using gmail.com account?10:41
augustlcvr: haha, good idea. I have a cycle where I change distro for a couple of weeks every 2-3 months10:42
chuNo reason you couldn't learn how GNU/Linux works from using Ubuntu.10:42
Ben64people like putting ubuntu down10:42
SultansElephantwilx: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=postfix+gmail ?10:42
augustlwhere the main distro is Arch, then I try different ones for a couple of weeks until I get annoyed10:42
SultansElephanti only like debian etc10:43
oCeanSultansElephant: please don't just post search URL's10:43
augustlI'm considering using a BSD, some of the BSDs are extremely well documented10:43
cvraugustl: yup, i've ended up settling with 12.04 as the host because its going to be stable for a long time and not moving goal posts like arch or debian testing10:43
SultansElephantoCean: sorry, didnt have the answer but thought the answer might be there10:43
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=== oreste is now known as marcin82
augustlgenerally seems to be not that much docs for Ubuntu10:44
oCeanSultansElephant: try to keep all answers actually helpful. If you are not confident you have a helpful answer, let someone else try to answer the question10:44
augustllike, is the use of xdg documented somewhere?10:44
SultansElephantoCean: gotcha.10:45
zombifieraugustl: err you may want to reconsider statement :P10:45
augustloCean: a search can be helpful though :)10:45
augustlzombifier: how so?10:45
cvraugustl: xdg is a freedesktop.org spec10:45
zombifierAlmost each and every Linux sites I visited are Ubuntu heavy10:45
augustlzombifier: most of the stuff I can find is people trying 5-6 different things and sort of making it work10:46
augustlnot actual documentation on how things actually work )10:46
oCeanaugustl: No. Everyone knows there are searchengines, it is not helpful to post the actual search here. URL's can be helpful when you are certain that they contain a working solution10:46
=== arfbtwn_ is now known as arfbtwn
augustloCean: i've seen a lot of people that ask questions without searching first10:46
zombifierThe documentation on Ubuntu is pretty much on individual packages anyway10:47
augustlme, for example :)10:47
LinXzUbuntu is the best documented distro there is, and I have seen in my searches.10:47
augustland I might now know what to search for10:47
augustlLinXz: documented, or explained in blog posts via trial and error? :)10:47
oCeanaugustl: Possibly. Still, by channel policy, referring to google or a google search url (or other searchengines) is not welcome here10:47
LinXzaugustl: both!10:47
LinXzyou just have to know how to search10:48
zombifierTry search for books about Ubuntu on Amaxon10:48
SultansElephantduckduckgo is great10:48
SultansElephantyou gotta make it your default search in awesome bar and learn !bang commands10:48
esingwhich package manager uses ubuntu 12.04 ?10:48
augustloCean: you don't have op or voice, perhaps you should have so it's clear that you know what the policies are10:48
SultansElephanttheres a bunch of ubutu ones10:48
esingwhich one should i use10:48
esingsynpatic isnt found through unity10:48
zombifieresing: Depending on what you want anyway10:49
augustloCean: yay :)10:49
cvresing: software center10:49
esingi jsut want to install xchat2 for example10:49
Ben64i thought the point was not knowing who is op10:49
zombifierSynaptic is not installed by default10:49
oCeanaugustl: by default on Freenode network OPs do not have active +o10:49
zombifierInstall it via USC or apt-get10:49
augustloCean: I think +v is more common10:49
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:49
cvresing: or just use the commandline sudo apt-get install pkgname10:49
SultansElephantpfft google is so 5 yrs ago10:49
augustloCean: all staff in #freenode has +v for example, so you can easily see if someone is staff or just a visitor10:49
Ben64many people in here know channel policy, so it doesn't really matter who is OP10:49
augustland voice is a little less dystopic than op :)10:50
zombifierUSC if you want prettiness, details and reviews10:50
esingcvr software center isnt found either10:50
zombifieresing: What ubuntu are you using?10:50
augustlBen64: I think it's nice to know if someone telling me what I should and should not say is just a random person on the internet, or an actual channel op :)10:50
esingzombifier ubuntu 12.0410:50
oCeanaugustl: not on Freenode network. Policy in #freenode channel does not concern the #ubuntu namespace. Anyone can point you to the guidelines10:50
SultansElephantanyway sorry for posting a search and starting a ruckus didnt know it was a rule10:50
Ben64augustl: why does it matter?10:50
augustlBen64: because there are lots of people on IRC channels that think they have the right to govern other people ;)10:51
zombifierNo, Ubuntu or Kubuntu or etc10:51
esingcvr yep, but I prefere the software center because it handles many things for me10:51
augustlBen64: if oCean had +v I wouldn't have argued with him10:51
cvresing: /usr/bin/software-center10:51
Ben64you shouldn't argue with someone just for lacking a mode10:51
esingcvr ye i take a look there10:51
LinXzBen64: !10:51
SultansElephantthis is how wars start10:51
Ben64I could just as easily !guidelines as oCean10:51
esingcvr still i wonder why it isnt appearing when I search it10:51
SultansElephantit was the ddg search heard around the world10:51
augustlBen64: it's not about lacking a mode, it's about whether that person talks about personal preferences or channel guidelines10:52
esingi press in unity: " alt + software" nothing found ..10:52
oCeanaugustl: maybe you should get used to the fact that in the ubuntu community everyone can be a catalyst. Anyway, this is not the channel to discuss. If you want to discuss, /join #ubuntu-irc or /join #ubuntu-ops10:52
esingeither "alt + terminal " no terminal found weird !!!10:52
chuHey guys. Just a tip, please come to #ubuntu-offtopic and dicuss this. Let's keep this channel strictly for support :) Thank you.10:52
cvresing: does that file exist? ls -l /usr/bin/software-center10:52
zombifieresing: No, Alt is for the HUD10:52
augustlBen64: I won't argue about channel guidelines, but if not posting links to search engines was just oCean own opinion I'd argue all day long :)10:52
esingcvr sec10:52
zombifierIt's Super (a.k.a. Windows button)10:52
Ben64!google | augustl10:52
ubottuaugustl: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:52
esingzombifier oh, but i dont have a windows button10:52
esingzombinfier i thought alt would replace it10:52
augustlBen64: yes, oCean told me about that, what's your point?10:53
esingzombifier how do I run programs else in unity ?10:53
oCeanaugustl, Ben64, OK, so if you wish to continue choose the -offtopic, -irc or even -ops channel10:53
zombifierIs there a button between the left Ctrl and left Alt?10:53
cvresing: try alt-f210:54
LinXzzombifier: There is - but it's the "button we don't speak about out loud"10:54
chuIt's called the "super" button.10:54
esingcvr yes it exists10:54
zombifierWhat is the logo esing?10:54
esingcvr sec i'll try that10:54
zombifierSince on some keyboards the Super button does not have the "it-which-must-not-be-named" logo10:55
Ben64could also call it "Mod4"10:55
LinXzzombifier: Isn't that keyboard an antique?10:56
esingcvr alt+F2 works great10:56
esingzombifier dont see any logo10:56
zombifierIs it even labeled?10:56
yellabs-r2is there already an tablet with ubuntu loaded , or do we have to buy an ipad ? :)10:56
esingzombifier you mean the desktop background?10:56
chuThere are Android tablets I believe.10:57
zombifierNo, I meant the button10:57
yellabs-r2thats true10:57
esingzombifier i dont have a window sbutton10:57
zombifierAre you using a laptop?10:57
esingbut with alt+F2 it works10:57
esingi use thinkpad t4310:57
mang0yellabs-r2: Buh an android tab and put Ubuntu on yourself10:57
yellabs-r2i had read somewhere thats there is talk of an ubuntu tablet, any one seen it already?10:57
zombifierOK, I should have asked it earlier. On some laptops the Super key is lacking10:58
mang0esing: Yay thinikpad10:58
SultansElephantyellabs-r2: ubuntu can be installed on rooted android devices, yeah10:58
SultansElephantbut i guess thats offtopic10:58
yellabs-r2hmm, ok10:58
zombifierBut you can always click the Ubuntu button on the Launcher to do the same thing as pressing Super10:58
esingstill the terminal doesnt want to open, and i think its a bug I'lll have to fix manually10:58
hardc0dei ll prefer mint10:59
esingzombifier you mean the ubuntu button on the top left ?=10:59
zombifierYes esing10:59
esingthat one doesnt work for me:P10:59
yellabs-r2ctrl+alt+t does not open terminal ?10:59
esingyellabs-r2 it does10:59
esingbut the terminal doesnt open through alt+f2 , and writing terminal10:59
hardc0desudo apt-get install terminator10:59
zombifieresing: Sometimes the Dash does not show anything. It's a bug10:59
Ben64esing: try "gnome-terminal" instead of just terminal?11:00
esingzombifier it shows me the terminal, but by clicking it, it wont open11:00
yellabs-r2gksu gnome-terminal11:00
esingi give it a try sec11:00
Ben64yellabs-r2: why gksu?11:00
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
mcoredi tried to chkdsk a filesystem corrupted hdd (exfat) in both ubuntu and windows 7 in my desktop and during both attempts the PC resetted/rebooted half way through; same hdd i removed and plugged in to a usb dock and used my laptop with windows 7 to chkdsk and it is almost 100% complete now ( laptop did not reboot ) what does this mean?11:00
ozstrikerqualcuno mi sa dire come gestire l'ipod su ubuntu?11:00
esingoh yes, "gnome-termina" works11:01
esingcan I rename it to terminal ?11:01
DJones!it | ozstriker11:01
ubottuozstriker: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:01
zombifieresing: With Alt-F2 you are typing the EXACT name of the command, like in the terminal11:01
cvresing: using alt-f2 isnt really the right solution you want to be using the dash11:01
Ben64well... you could make a symlink from /usr/bin/gnome-terminal to /usr/bin/terminal, but thats kind of wonky11:01
augustlodd, I have a "/sbin/wpa_supplicant" running when I boot, even if network manager or nm-applet is not running.11:01
yellabs-r2( gksu , would be to try it as root , or sudo )11:01
zombifierYou should be using the Dash11:01
esingoh i see11:01
augustlthe parent PID is "1", what does that mean?11:01
SultansElephantmcored: did you try a recovery disc11:01
augustlif I kill the wpa_supplicant process, a new one just starts automatically11:02
esingi access the dash by just click alt right ?11:02
mcoredyeah SultansElephant i tried a Windows 7 Recovery DVD and tried to chkdsk /f from there and pc rebooted11:02
esingso I have to configure each program with its shortel to use ir properly right11:02
SultansElephantmcored: try a live cd a11:02
mcoredUbuntu would just reboot when i copy files from the hdd; it couldnt handle the bad filesystem at all11:02
esingHUD = dash ?11:02
zombifieresing: Alt is for the HUD, which searches for menus of an app, like File > Exit11:03
mcoredi am almost done here https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25501373/ShareXmod/2012-06/10/190305-Checking_Disk_MEDIA_(G).png11:03
zombifierPretty neat for apps with a lot of menus11:03
cvresing: nah HUD is some sort of replacement for menus11:03
esingand where is the dash actually ?11:03
OrmieIs fluxbox in repo?11:03
esingis the one on the bottem right (the small white box) ?11:03
SultansElephantmcored: theres like http://www.sysresccd.org/ and other rescue based distributions11:03
zombifierThe Dash is what toggled by the Ubuntu button on the top left11:04
cvresing: do you have compizconfig settings manager installed? ccsm?11:04
SultansElephantbut your harddrive is probably the problem, obv, since the usb is now the hd11:04
zombifierOrmie: Yes11:04
SultansElephantbut it could just be a software isse11:04
cvresing: if so you can remap the dash from the windows key to something else of your chosing11:04
mcoredmay be i should do a full format11:04
thedevildemonwhen i turn on my pc grub does not come up but it goes straight into ubuntu. i want to boot win xp too... help plz11:04
augustla broad question.. How do you think htorque knew the answer to this question? http://askubuntu.com/questions/49416/prevent-stop-wpa-supplicant-from-starting11:04
esingcvr good to know, I'll install it now and remap it11:05
augustlis that stuff documented somewhere?11:05
thedevildemonwhen i turn on my pc grub does not come up but it goes straight into ubuntu. i want to boot win xp too... help plz11:05
esingcvr but pressing alt+F2 isnt much disturbing though :P11:05
sacarlsonthedevildemon: you might want to change the time out for grub and maybe turn quiet off11:05
thedevildemonwhen i turn on my pc grub does not come up but it goes straight into ubuntu. i want to boot win xp too... help plz11:05
cvresing: yeh its not bad if you know the name of the command11:05
mi3!patience | thedevildemon11:05
ubottuthedevildemon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:05
thedevildemonsacarlson: HOW??11:06
sacarlsonthedevildemon: there is an app in ppa that has a gui to setup grub I have to look11:06
LinXzmi3: !11:06
mi3what ?11:06
thedevildemonsacarlson: thnx11:06
Ormiemi3, pm11:06
Symbi0ntHow can I start certain - not all - applications from the startbar as root?11:07
esingcvr oh now I see what you mean ... windows button leads me to the dash11:07
Symbi0ntI mean so that it gets saved that I want them to run as root every time11:07
sacarlsonthedevildemon: https://launchpad.net/grub-customizer11:07
Ben64Symbi0nt: what do you need to run as root? that is usually considered dangerous11:08
thedevildemonsacarlson: i'll look at it thnx 4 ur help11:08
esingbut why is there no logo in my top bar ?11:08
esingwith the logo I enter dash with my mouse11:08
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
Chuck_Norrisaloha all :D11:08
cvresing: there is no button on your launcher at all? or no launcher?11:08
Symbi0ntBen64: I know, but I want to setup a local ubuntu just for web developmemnt and the mix of UI vs terminal and all have different groups and users is driving me nuts11:08
Chuck_Norris*sounds of crickets*11:08
esingcvr nope11:09
LinXzmi3: Sorry; just giving you the "Facebook finger (thumbs up)" *blush*11:09
thedevildemonsacarlson: im a bit of a linux noob so can u simplify it plz11:09
Symbi0ntthe IDE cant write config files in the www-data web dirs, I can't copy files from my windows into the /var/www via nautilus and so forth11:09
sacarlsonthedevildemon: simplify beyond gui?11:09
cvresing: is it set to autohide? the launcher? or u just mean no button? can you take a screenshot and post it?11:10
Ben64Symbi0nt: just take control of those directories then11:10
SwashBucklaGRUB2 question: I have set the TIMEOUT=0 and the DEFAULT=0 (Windows). Can I still boot Ubuntu? I have just tried holding Shift all through the boot process, and a change DOES occur: I get the message "GRUB loading...". However, this disappears after 5 or so seconds and continues with it's configured boot process (i.e. it does not show the GRUB menu)11:10
Symbi0ntwhen I gksu nautilus I have not my persoinal folders in nautilus anymore .. this all sucks11:10
qwhelp me please11:10
thedevildemonsacarlson: i need like a how-to or a simple manual.11:10
qwi would like install packet programs from ubunta11:10
DJonesSymbi0nt: Thats because you're starting nautilus as root, so you you have root's personal folders, not your own11:11
Symbi0ntI know how to get around each task but that takes time I don't want to spend. I want work with projects not with the OS itself11:11
chuSymbi0nt: Because you are now using nautilus as root. Not as your user.11:11
sacarlsonthedevildemon: look at all the options in the gui will give you an idea, gui is made to be self documented11:11
Symbi0ntDJones: I know that, but having run nautilus as me prevents from copy stuff11:11
Symbi0ntpermission denied all over the place11:11
Ben64Symbi0nt: its pretty much a one time fix, chown -R <user> <directory>11:11
esingcvr yep iam doing a screenshot sec11:11
Symbi0ntand there seems to be no sudo copy method in nautilus11:11
mz|`Symbi0nt: timeout=0 means no splash, so no11:11
augustlodd, I removed the file (as per http://askubuntu.com/questions/49416/prevent-stop-wpa-supplicant-from-starting) but wpa_supplicant still launched on boot, with a parent pid of 111:11
Symbi0ntat last I did not found it11:11
thedevildemonsacarlson: ill give it a shot11:12
Symbi0ntIs there a way that nautilus is started under my account but uses sudo for file operations?11:12
Symbi0ntThat would "fix" some of my problems11:12
Ben64Symbi0nt: just become owner of the www folders, you're making this more complicated than it needs to be11:13
sacarlsonSymbi0nt: yes, I create a script to bring up nautilus as sudo11:14
Symbi0ntok did that ... me:www-data ... hope that helps me11:14
Symbi0ntbtw. is there an commander for ubuntu equally powerfull as Total commander? I mean workwise with archives for example?11:15
sacarlsonSymbi0nt: for www-data I just change all of /var/www to be owned my my account,  I only change back to www-data if the app needs it11:15
Chuck_NorrisSymbi0nt: Mightnight Commander11:15
zombifierit's Midnight11:15
Symbi0ntsacarlson: well I'm usedf to it that /var/www with apache2 wants to be www-data:www-data .. but I hope me:www-data will just work fine ..11:16
Symbi0ntthanks so far11:16
Chuck_NorrisSymbi0nt: sudo apt-get install gnome-commander11:16
Ben64apache doesn't really care, it just needs to have read access11:16
sacarlsonSymbi0nt: that might work fine too11:16
Symbi0ntgnome commander opens archives with the archive program ..11:17
sacarlsonSymbi0nt: but when I got hacked I'm glad I had it the way it was11:17
Symbi0ntnot sure if there is a setting for that11:17
augustla process has the parent process with the pid "1". What is that process? Where should I look in order to _not_ have this child process started?11:17
Chuck_NorrisSymbi0nt: https://www.midnight-commander.org/11:17
Chuck_Norristhe name is "midnight commander" sry11:17
Symbi0ntI had the midnight commander installed, but thought not that it me that powerfull11:18
Symbi0ntwill give it another go tomorrow.11:18
cvraugustl: pid 1 will be init11:18
augustlcvr: where do I configure which processes init starts?11:18
esingcvr http://i.imgur.com/7f25l.png11:18
cvraugustl: have a look in /etc/init ?11:19
zombifieraugustl: look in /etc/init11:19
augustlcvr, zombifier: thanks11:19
augustla grep for "wpa" in /etc/init returns nothing, odd11:19
cvresing: if you hold the mouse to the left of the screen does the launcher show up?11:19
augustl(wpa_supplicant is the name of the process that init starts on boot that I'd like to disable)11:20
esingcvr sec11:20
vatzecHey. I have 5 program launchers on my unity menu. For some reason whenever I open a different program, say, Transmission, which is not in my menu, it appears above the 5th program icon, making the 5th icon 6th. Is this intentional?11:21
zombifiervatzec: No AFAIK11:21
sacarlsonaugustl: I hope it's not a laptop you hope to use to connect to wifi11:21
vatzeczombifier: I think it's happened after some time of using Unity on my computer11:21
cvresing: click on that cog in the top right hand corner of the screen, then goto system settings11:22
zombifierTry dragging the program's icon to below the 5th locked into launcher icon11:22
cvresing: check appearance, behaviour tab and see what it says there about the launcher11:23
Chuck_Norrisvatzec: you don't have the unity bar?11:23
vatzecChuck_Norris: I don't know. I have an Unity menu on the left.11:23
Chuck_Norrisi mean, what is your issue?11:24
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vatzecChuck_Norris: I expect the icons that I have pinned to the menu to stay on top of other program icons. They don't. For some reason new program icons open above the last pinned icon.11:24
zombifierIt does not happen for me11:25
zombifierNew programs stay in the bottom like it should11:25
vatzecChuck_Norris: When I move the icon that's pushed down where it should be, it doesn't happen anymore until the next time I start unity11:25
augustlsacarlson: it is :)11:25
esingit was off, but setting it on still doesnt change it11:25
Chuck_Norrisvatzec: unity --reset-icons11:26
esingi put the sensitivity high and still dont see it, maybe i hae to reboot ?11:26
augustlsacarlson: I prefer wpa_supplicant + dhclient in a screen to network-manager11:26
sacarlsonaugustl: well then I hope all you wifi will never be encrypted11:26
augustlI managed to disable network-manager from booting, but for some reaspn a wpa_supplicant still boots11:26
augustlsacarlson: wpa_passphrase "ssid here" "password here" >> ~/Dropbox/wpa_supplicant.conf11:26
augustlsacarlson: :)11:26
cvraugustl: how did you stop network-manager from starting?11:27
sacarlsonaugustl: well I'm an anti network-manger guy so I'm sure there are other methods11:27
WomkesIf you want to use a DRBD device as a storage device for an KVM guest do you have to choose "disk: Physical Disk Device" as storage pool in virt-manager ?11:27
augustlcvr: I unchecked it in "Startup Application Preferences"11:28
augustlcvr: after unhiding it by editing the /etc/xdg file11:28
augustlsacarlson: you're not using network-manager? If not, do you also have a wpa_supplicant running when you boot?11:29
sacarlsonaugustl: no I write scripts or run static in most cases11:29
augustlcvr: removing network-manager from update-rc.d did not help, as the nm-applet was still launching on boot, which seemed to cause a network-manager start as well11:29
augustlsacarlson: I see, cool :)11:29
cvraugustl: that was stopping nm-applet from launching11:29
esingcvr maybe11:29
vatzecChuck_Norris: It certainly did reset the icons. :) I wonder if it'll solve my problem.11:30
augustlsacarlson: btw, not looking forward to connecting to a wpa2 enterprise network, that's pretty nasty with wpa_supplicant.conf it seems11:30
sacarlsonaugustl: good point as this is a box that will never touch wifi direct but probly might have wpa_supplicant running11:30
SwashBucklaGRUB2 question: I have set the TIMEOUT=0 and the DEFAULT=0 (Windows). Can I still boot Ubuntu? I have just tried holding Shift all through the boot process, and a change DOES occur: I get the message "GRUB loading...". However, this disappears after 5 or so seconds and continues with it's configured boot process (i.e. it does not show the GRUB menu)11:30
Chuck_Norrisye, try it, and try: unity --reset   if you want11:30
augustlsacarlson: I guess you have then11:31
augustlI wonder what starts it..11:31
cvraugustl: so network-manager is disabled through upstart now?11:31
vatzecChuck_Norris: The icons of the first two programs I have started didn't appear in the menu at all. But they do now! And They appear where they should! Thanks!11:31
augustlcvr: yeah (I think, never touched "upstart", and that's a thing, I think..)11:32
sacarlsoncvr: that sounds correct if you want to stop network-manager it would probly have to be done in upstart11:32
Chuck_Norrisvatzec: np11:32
augustlI used update-rc.d and the "Startup Applications" via the windows btn launcher11:32
zombifierSwashBuckla: If no one here can answer your question, try the Ubuntu Forums11:32
sacarlsoncvr: sudo service network-manager stop11:33
cvrsacarlson: that'd stop it from running now11:33
sacarlsoncvr: ya you want to disable it?11:34
cvrbut not from starting in the future11:34
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drecuteI just installed all updates on ubuntu desktop 11.10 and on reboot I'm getting the error "mounting /etc/auto.nfs on /root failed"11:34
Farsight01Not sure it's any help, but maybe this can be of use @SwashBuckla: http://askubuntu.com/questions/87409/i-cant-get-grub-menu-to-show-up-during-boot11:34
acolyte192_Hello, I've had some problems with the online chat client. So, where should I put my bootloader into? Into sda, sdb, or sda6 (/boot partiton). I'm dual booting with Windows. Thanks!11:34
sacarlsoncvr: like if you want to disable ssh sudo update-rc.d -f ssh remove11:35
drecutegrub drops to initramfs11:35
DJonesSwashBuckla: Just reading up, there's a suggestion that if shift doesn't bring up the grub menu, repeatedly pressing the "esc" key may bring the grub menu up11:35
sacarlsoncvr opps maybe not upstart11:35
esingcvr i installed ccmanager11:35
cvrsacarlson: its augustl that wants to know11:35
SwashBucklaDJones: I may try that11:36
cvresing: goto ubuntu unity plugin11:36
esingcvr how do i remap dash button to smthing else than windows button11:36
zombifieresing: Use ccsm11:36
cvresing: and it'll be on the behavior tab11:36
augustloh, I think I found the problem.. network-manager is still running it seems11:37
DJonesSwashBuckla: According to http://askubuntu.com/questions/71867/grub-menu-doesnt-appear-when-pressing-shift the hidden timeout value has to be greater than 0 to allow the shift key to work11:37
augustlI do have a dhcclient and 2x dnsmasq, both which mention "network-manager" in some form in their argv11:37
augustlseems Ubuntu really wants network-manager to run at least once :)11:38
augustlit works fine if I run network-manager and kill it, then there's no network-manager or wpa_supplicant running.11:38
augustljust when I disable network-manager from running on boot altogether11:38
cvraugustl: tried disabling dnsmasq on boot aswell?11:39
Chuck_Norrisaugustl: what is your issue?11:39
augustlChuck_Norris: I'm trying to disable network-manager and everything related to it on boot, so I can run wpa_supplicant and dnsmasq manually11:39
augustlcvr: I'll try that, don't really need it I guess. Unless Ubuntu needs it for something11:40
Chuck_Norriswhy you wanna to run those programs manualy? do you have conecctions issues?11:40
morteza_ipoI haven't regex in my system11:40
morteza_ipowhat is the package name?11:40
augustlChuck_Norris: no, I just prefer it that way11:40
cvraugustl: ubuntu is using it now for dns listening on the localhost you'd have to change ur nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf if ur not using it11:41
nydeli am using dual monitors & want a keyboard shortcut to move a window to the other display - not to the other workspace, just to the other display. does anyone know how to set this up?11:41
robotti^_I have some network problems11:41
robotti^_on linux11:41
robotti^_but nothing problems in windows11:41
esingcvr with remapping the key from super to ctrl it works, but yet I cant open dash with my mouse, why ?11:42
Chuck_Norris!details | robotti^_11:42
ubotturobotti^_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:42
robotti^_ping time in windows is about 1-4ms11:42
augustlcvr: there's no "dnsmasq" in /etc/init.d or /etc/init, hmm11:42
esingcvr also dash looks the same like alt+F2(HUD) only that it says "search" instaed "command" in the white box right?11:42
zombifieresing: HUD is not Alt+F2. HUD is Alt.11:43
robotti^_I am running Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit edition. And when I am using networking, and after some time my network latency will increase to 100ms11:43
robotti^_and it is cycling about 1 to 100ms11:43
esingzombifier ups, so how do I say to alt+f2 ?11:43
zombifierRun Command will be fine11:43
esingzombifier alt+F2 = command bar != dash right ?11:43
robotti^_I have very bad performance in my network because of that11:43
Chuck_Norrisrobotti^_: via wireless lan?11:43
esingso maybe I restart my PC and dash will work with mouse too11:43
cvresing: when you get the dash up does the side launcher bar show up aswell?11:44
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: via lan11:44
esingcvr yes but it has no symbols insidce11:44
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: wireless devices work fine and lan devices work fine11:44
augustlhah, it's called "NetworkManager" so my grepping hasn't detected it :P (uppercase vs lowercase)11:44
esingcvr i can make a screenshot11:44
cvresing: ok11:44
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: I have try it with three different network interface cards.11:44
Chuck_Norrisrobotti^_: ye, do you have the issue connected via wire or wireless ?11:44
Chuck_Norrisi mean via wifi or via wire11:45
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: there is no problems when using different computers or when I am running windows in this computer11:45
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: wire11:45
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: only with this computer11:45
robotti^_so, should I run windows then?11:45
augustlhmpf, disabled both "network" and "network-manager", still getting "NetworkManager" running on boot11:46
cvraugustl: i guess this is when u discover that everything is hacked together to make things work how they want them to be and not changed easily11:47
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: so,what you think what is problem with my system?11:47
Chuck_Norrisidk maybe ipv611:47
augustlcvr: seems so :)11:47
esingcvr: http://i.imgur.com/aXaAy.png11:48
augustlcvr: seems Canonical takes the "pragmatic" approach :)11:48
esingSuchen means "search"11:48
Chuck_Norrisrobotti^_: try: echo "#disable ipv6" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf11:48
Chuck_Norrisecho "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf11:48
sacarlsondoes this app rcconf   also disable upstart applications?11:49
Chuck_Norrisecho "net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf11:49
Chuck_Norrisand: echo "net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf11:49
sacarlsonif there is no gui to disable upstart I think I should write one11:49
krababbelaugustl: you can uninstall nm11:49
augustlkrababbel: ah, why not, I'll try that11:49
Chuck_Norrisaugustl: then install "wicd-gtk" or "wicd-curses"  if you want11:50
krababbelaugustl: you'll need to remove the icon at the top, maybe too, seems not to be removed automatically11:50
augustlkrababbel: I would prefer to keep it around just in case.. oh well11:50
augustlChuck_Norris: ah11:50
krababbelaugustl: well it is around in the repos :)11:50
sacarlsonaugustl: that's what I ended up doing is uninstalling network-manager package11:51
krababbelcached locally too I guess11:51
aismail_hi guys, I'm having a problem with Compiz Application Switcher + Chrome11:51
aismail_whenever I use alt-tab to change the window from Chrome, when I go back to Chrome it becomes unresponsive11:51
cvresing: that doesnt look very good...11:51
esingcvr lol11:51
aismail_this *only happens* whenever I have application switcher on11:51
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: I do it those things11:52
esingcvr are you considering my installation went wrong?11:52
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: what now?11:52
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: should I reboot?11:52
Chuck_Norrisjust test your connection11:52
robotti^_it is still 1-100ms cycling11:53
Chuck_Norrisno, its not necesary11:53
Chuck_Norrisits not windows11:53
augustlkrababbel: typically I need it when I'm not online though :D11:53
augustlin case wpa_supplicant acts up or w/e11:53
robotti^_but reboot usually helps with this problem11:53
robotti^_and it is away for some time.11:53
Chuck_Norrisno, noob11:53
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: then, what now?11:53
krababbelaugustl: sorry, no idea really how to disable it11:54
cvresing: maybe there is an error in the plugin, try alt-f2 then unity --replace11:54
Chuck_Norrisok reboot if you wnat11:54
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: but, what is fix for this situation?11:54
krababbelaugustl: though configuring in command line isn't that hard11:54
augustlthe fact that network-manager isn't just network-manager, but network-manager-with-ubuntu-specific-everything is kind of annoying.. I wish it was a separate network-manager-ubuntu-integration package or something like that11:54
augustlcould always compile my own network-manager ;)11:55
robotti^_I have been trying to find solution for thisthing from Internet11:55
robotti^_but no11:55
augustlor use wicd as someone suggested11:55
Chuck_Norrisi dont write you anymore robotti^_ search for someone that will be happy helping a windows user11:55
krababbelhm, I don't use wifi here :)11:55
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: I am using ubuntu?11:55
robotti^_this is ubuntu related problem, not windows11:55
robotti^_windows is working fine11:56
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: that why I am asking from here.11:56
esingcvr didn't help11:56
Chuck_Norrisbut you heart belong to Bill Gay i know that you can't lie me11:56
cvraugustl: your requirements are fairly specific to what you want, im surprised ur still persisting with the distro11:56
robotti^_because there is many ubuntu users.11:56
LinXzChuck_Norris: Who's gay?11:56
Kornkage4Don't defy Chuck_Norris11:56
cvresing: did it refresh your screen atleast?11:56
robotti^_who might know about linux networking.11:56
Chuck_NorrisBill Puertas11:56
cvresing: try unity --reset11:56
LinXzDon't like him...11:56
augustlcvr: hehe, I (really) like the menu bar in unity and the battery life :D11:57
Chuck_Norrisrobotti^_: you wrote "should i use windows" so...11:57
LinXzno one should use Windows!11:57
cvraugustl: you like the global menu?11:57
robotti^_Chuck_Norris: it was just question, because I was wondering, if there is solution for this problem.11:57
augustlcvr: yeah I love it. Saves a lot of screen real estate11:57
oCeanChuck_Norris: please behave if you are offering help in this channel11:58
oCeanLinXz: same for you, please be professional if you are offering help. If anyone wants to use Windows, that is very fine11:58
LinXzrobotti^_: It's like a question, when your Lamborgini brakes down, if you shouldn't be using Fiat in stead...11:58
sacarlsonaugustl: I just noted that with my wpa-supplicant isn't running so I guess not having network-manager installed has made it go away11:58
augustlto have title bar with minimize+close etc and the menu in one line. Even beats desktop envs with no top bar, since there's usually at least the window manager bar and the app menu11:58
cvraugustl: haha yeh I love the idea of it and that it frees up alot of space, just hate using it, still doesnt work well with multiple monitors11:58
augustlsacarlson: yeah I just uninstalled network-manager, it works fine now11:58
augustlcvr: ah I'm only using the laptop screen11:59
robotti^_LinXz: yes. and if there is no way to fix lamborgini at the moment, then I should use fiat?11:59
LinXzoCean: this is my PERSONAL opinion, after 10 years of using Mac OS, 10 years of Windows (Microsoft) and 2 years of LINUX.11:59
augustlbut I'm inclined to install arch and xmonad now ;)11:59
LinXznah - just take a taxi. ;)11:59
oCeanLinXz: and you can keep it to yourself, it has no place in this channel11:59
cvraugustl: haha11:59
LinXzoh, I'm sorry11:59
touilHello everyone.11:59
Farsight01I failed with a Arch install yesterday. Totally forgot to install the GUI package - facepalm11:59
touilI recently installed ubuntu on my netbook (samsung n220), and I have noticed something really weird concerning energy consumption.12:00
robotti^_but really, does anybody now about networking problems in ubuntu 12.04 or should I test with some older ubuntu distributions?12:01
cm-thi, (#chroot) I am installing a vm, so I didnt tryed yet. If I folow http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/ Will I be able to do apt-get install instead of the step 7 ? (install from a live-cd to the / on hdd)12:01
touilLet me explain. I had the feeling that my battery lasted less time when my wifi module was OFF than when my wifi module was ON.12:01
KM0201touil: that doesn't make any sense at all... i suspect you're miscalculating12:02
irfanwhy my modem manager crash?12:02
Chuck_Norristouil: ye, that's truth and disabling touchpad will econimize more battery12:02
touilTo check this, I installed powertop. And I was right. The battery discharge rate was about 6.3 W with the wifi off, and only 5.2W with the wifi on and connected.12:02
Chuck_Norrisand disabling bluetooth more12:03
cvrtouil: do you have increased cpu activity when the wifi is turned off? hardware switch off or software?12:03
touilChuck_Norris, no, I repeat, the wifi module being on consume LESS power than off.12:03
irfanhow can my modem manager crash?12:03
touilNo, I checked, the cpu activity is the same when wifi is off or on.12:03
touilTo check if it was not a hardware problem, I tried to boot with the preinstalled window 7. And in Windows 7, the battery consumption is by far reduced when the wifi module is off, which makes sense.12:04
touilI cannot explain this.12:04
robotti^_                Usage       Events/s    Category       Description12:05
robotti^_            100,0%                      Device         Audio codec hwC0D0: Realtek12:05
cvrtouil: is it hardware or software switch?12:05
robotti^_            100,0%                      Device         Audio codec hwC0D3: Intel12:05
FloodBot1robotti^_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:05
augustlthanks for all the help everyone. cvr, sacarlson, ++12:05
esingcvr didnt help either, also iam not able to use ctrl anymore, and i forget how i could enter compizconfig12:05
touilAnd (maybe I'm wrong), I think that this is interesting for the community.12:05
cvraugustl: good luck :)12:05
sacarlsontouil: it must draw the RF power into the computer like the method Tesla used to light up that remote mountain top12:06
Chuck_Norrisesing: compizconfig-settings-manager12:06
cvresing: ahh u mapped it to ctrl?12:06
jennieIs there any Good link for noobs on 'how to understand man pages' ??12:06
sacarlsonjennie: google each term you don't know12:07
touilWhat is really weird is that the power consumption increases when I switch off the wifi the software way  AND when I switch off the wifi the hardware way.12:07
touilSorry sacarlson, being french and not too good in English language, I don't understand what you mean.12:08
Chuck_Norristouil: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/jupiter ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install jupiter12:08
cvrtouil: try blacklisting the wifi module and having it switched off on hardware see what usage u get12:08
sacarlsontouil: I should be sorry it was just a joke12:08
cvrtouil: after rebooting12:08
touilOk no problem.12:08
esingchuck_norris wasnt found12:08
touilJupiter is already installed.12:08
Chuck_Norrisesing: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager12:08
touilI tried to switch off the wifi module several ways, and I always get the same conclusion : less power consumed when the wifi is on.12:09
cvresing: ccsm12:09
cvresing: alt-f2 then ccsm12:09
cm-ttouil: try /j #ubuntu-fr  same as this channel but in french12:09
touilcm-t : Well, I could do efforts to try to speak english ;-)12:10
touilcvr ; How do you blacklist a module ?12:10
cm-ttouil: comme tu veux :)12:10
cvrtouil: is this still the case when the hardware switch is turned off from cold boot?12:10
touilcm-t: I see some french speaking people out here.12:11
touilcvr. That's an interesting question. I haven't tried it yet.12:11
cvrtouil: blacklist modulename in /etc/modules12:11
touilFor your information, the wifi is hardware turned off with a fn button, not a switch. I can see if it is turned off or on with a little light on my keiboard.12:12
touilOk cvr. I'm going to try to boot with the wifi turned off from cold boot. And then I'll tell you what has happend.12:12
excalibrWhat do you call the top bar? Unity bar?12:12
EpicLolWuthe can someone whisper me with information for dualbooting Windows 7 and Ubuntu?12:13
excalibrone that also acts as titlebar for maximized app12:13
excalibrEpicLolWut: non wubi way?12:13
fidelEpicLolWut: in short: install windows - then linux - end up with grub as boot-manager which let youchoose the os on each boot12:14
cm-tEpicLolWut: if you install from the official ubuntu cd, it will ask you if you want to keep your window7 "install ubuntu beside other operating system"12:14
EpicLolWutnon wubi way yes12:14
excalibrI know, but that also works for Ubuntu12:15
sacarlsontouil: I see blacklist.conf in /etc/modprob.d12:15
esing2cvl i set it again to ctrl but still there are no symbols inside12:15
cvresing2: something is screwed up with your launcher but im not sure what sorry12:17
touilcvr: I just tried to boot with the wifi off from bios setup. Weirder: Ubuntu did switch it on again without notice !12:18
esing2cvr np you helped me much  :)12:18
sacarlsontouil: I see blacklist.conf in /etc/modprob.d12:18
esing2at least i can differ now between HUD , dash etc ^^^12:18
angswhat is the difference between terminal, xterm and uxterm?12:19
angswhat are the usage purpose of them?12:19
touilcvr ?12:19
sacarlsonangs: different people wrote them?12:19
sacarlsonangs: I prefer gnome-term12:20
angsfor the functionality, is there any difference for these terminals?12:20
zombifiergnome-terminal is more beautiful :P12:20
sacarlsonangs: but me and zombifier:  are biased as we run in gnome12:21
yeatsangs: xterm and uxterm (unicode-enabled xterm) are much more basic, gnome terminal adds lots of features (including better looks, as zombifier mentions)12:21
cvrtouil: sorry had to step away for a minute12:22
Zero01hello everybody..12:22
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angsyeats, sacarlson, zombifier: thanks for the information12:22
yeatsangs: but use what you like, as nearly everyone in the channel will advise12:22
cvrtouil: I think the module blacklist doesnt work in that file anymore has to be in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf12:22
angsI use gnome terminal as well, I just wondered why there are two more terminals12:23
touilSo (I'm such a newbie), how do I blacklist my wifi module ?12:23
yeatsangs: wikipedia is a good source for general info if you want more12:23
angssure, thank you12:23
sacarlsoncvr: touil: I've had devices that seem to refuse not to start up even if in the blacklist.conf, at times I've had to move the *.ko module to force it not to run12:24
ironmHello. does anyone run mysqld_multi on MariaDB 5.5.24 / ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04?12:24
cvrtouil: sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf12:24
cvrtouil: add blacklist wifimodulename to the file then save and reboot12:24
touilhow do I get to know the wifimodulename12:24
cvrtouil: try dmesg | grep net12:25
sacarlsontouil: sudo lshw should tell you what driver is applied to the device12:26
mcoredhey guys i am about to format a hdd for data storage and attach to ubuntu, would u recommend ext4 or ntfs for safety of files12:26
cm-tIs anyone familiar with chroot or lxc or anything may confirm me or unconfirm that I can force an apt-get in a live-cd for a target of / in hdd ?12:26
touilI have just things in bluetooth12:27
cm-tfor example, installing from live-cd vlc into the hdd installation12:27
touilwait, I have AR9285 Wireless Network Adaptater12:28
sacarlsoncm-t: seem like alot of trouble to install by this method, is there a reason?12:28
touildriver =ath9k, is this what I have to disable ?12:29
sacarlsoncm-t: there are offline install methods12:29
mcoredwhen i say saety, lets say the PC is resetted 100 times so is it ext4 or ntfs that will have more possibility to cause file corruption zombifier?12:29
esing2cvr what exactly is wrong with my dash?12:29
esing2cvr it should only show the symbols and a starter logo, but the rest if ine?12:30
Kornkage4yea zabomber which one is more likely to go corrupt and lose everything ?12:30
zombifierLinux CANNOT handle NTFS, because it does not support POSIX file permissions.12:30
zombifierIt can use NTFS as a storage partition though12:30
Kornkage4bbbbut im running ubuntu i installed from wubi12:30
zombifierWubi creates a virtual disk image12:31
cm-tsacarlson: the goal is, after ubiquity installed the ubuntu, to install a list of package12:31
touilcvr ? (I don't want to bother you)12:31
mcoredwhen i tried to share folders over samba on a ntfs filesystem i had weird errors in Ubuntu e.g. cannot share folder12:32
cvrtouil: yeh thats the driver12:32
mcoredhey zombifier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems here it says ntfs can handle posix12:32
cm-tsacarlson: I work on a possible new feature of ubiquity, install app that you have sync with oneConf (in software-center you can sync the list of installed app. when you use ubiquity you will be asked if you want re-install them)12:32
esing2cvr it would help me to google if I know what was wrong with the screenshot i send you :)12:32
zombifierWait, I thought you are asking about the file system of a DEFAULT Ubuntu install12:32
cvresing2: just a moment i'll see if i can find something12:33
zombifierYou should use NTFS if you want it to be readable by Windows machines12:33
esing2thanks :}12:33
cm-tsacarlson: so the good new is the version/arch of the live-cd should be the same of the chroot12:33
cm-ti guess12:33
zombifierI don't know if ext4 or NTFS is safer12:33
sacarlsoncm-t: well you can make a custom live cd that has a post install list or updates a post install list with a wget12:35
mcoredA native port of ZFS for Linux is in development12:35
zombifiersacarlson: You can use UCK, which allows you to customize an Ubuntu image using a tool like Synaptic or sort12:35
cm-tzombifier: the customisation is not done before you build your iso, but during the live-cd12:36
sacarlsonzombifier: I guess he has a group that will install a cd but it will have a custom app list that will change from some online source list12:36
cm-tit will check your profile and selected machine to clone12:36
cm-t(select a list a package)12:36
cvresing2: can you try run unity --replace from a terminal and see what errors are coming up?12:37
touilcvr : I just blacklisted the driver and rebooted, but the driver has been loaded again.12:37
laumonierhi im looking for a mp3 converter which is easy to use by easy i mean i select my files i select my format i click and its converted ive tryed vlc converter winff arista but it doesnt work like i want thx12:37
touilAny explanation ?12:38
OrmieI am installing ubuntu 12.0412:38
sacarlsoncm-t: sounds like a task for one of the auto installers12:38
OrmieThe twitter boardcast at the right, is it real twitter?12:38
Ormieor just a scrolling of looping messages12:39
esing2cvr yes12:39
aureezaHello. Not sure if anyone can help me or this is the right place to ask. I am running 12.04 (clean install) and when accessing files over my local network (wired) from my samba server, the transfer speeds are extremely slow... However, when I run Windows 7 under virtualbox on the same system, it transfers at full speed? It's very strange.12:39
cm-tsacarlson: "one of the auto installer" you mean a dev from ubiquity ?12:39
zombifierOrmie: Yes it's real. It fetches Twitter tweets about Ubuntu12:39
mcoredIn 2009, these drivers were diagnosed to be corrupting HFS+ drives with a capacity greater than 2 TB.[14] Consequently, Linux distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu also stopped allowing mounting of HFS+ drives or partitions greater than 2 TB12:39
mcoredi am guessing exfat drivers i installed are doing the same12:40
sacarlsoncm-t: I think I've heard some use ubiquity used in an auto installer before but there are others12:40
cvrtouil: so it has actually loaded the ath9k driver? lsmod | grep ath9k?12:40
zombifierlaumonier: I don't know if there are any standalone tools that do so but there's Nautilus Actions Extras, which adds A LOT of tools into the right click menu, including audio convert12:40
touilYes. ath9k has loaded.12:41
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laumonierzombifier,  what is the name of the package?12:42
mcored http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4#Delayed_allocation_and_potential_data_loss12:42
sacarlsoncm-t I've played with auto installers before and failed so I'm not an expert12:43
sacarlsoncm-t I've tried kick-start and seems it's not supported anymore or something12:43
sacarlsoncm-t: I think I tried the debian method and also failed12:44
esing2cvr http://paste.ubuntu.com/1033664/12:44
Ormieyrg: XD12:44
mcoredoverall it is ZFS that is better but we gotta wait for native suppport :)12:44
cvrtouil: hmmmmm not sure, someone said before there was a problem with blacklisting not always working12:45
esing2cvr also ubuntu broke down now ^^12:45
pranjal710Hello, I tried installing xulrunner using apt-get, but it failed, isnt there any way to install it using ppa??12:45
zombifierlaumonier: Add the PPA ppa:nae-team/ppa12:45
zambai need something to parse html.. quick and dirty.. what do you recommend? beautifulsoup or lxml?12:46
zombifierThen apt-get update , then install nautilus-actions-extra12:46
cvresing2: did you close the terminal?12:46
touilAny way to just unload the module ?12:46
cm-tsacarlson: I am not an expert at all of that ^^12:46
cvrtouil: modprobe -r modname12:46
esing2cvr no12:47
sacarlsoncm-t well I can tell you I spent 3 waisted days and finaly just run a post script later12:47
cm-tsacarlson: it's just I am the one who have this in his todolist in our group12:47
zombifierlaumonier: After you're done, just right click an audio file, choose Multimedia > Audio Convert12:47
esing2now I shut off ubuntu through power buttom because all was freezing12:47
cvresing2: can u still bring up alt-f2? if so just run unity --replace with that12:47
cm-tsacarlson: I though about that for emergency method12:47
esing2screen refreshed12:48
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esing2everything same as before12:48
sacarlsoncm-t: if you have more than 20 systems it should be worth it to figure out some method of auto install that works12:48
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cvresing2: have u looked around at all those settings in ccsm to see if anything looks amiss?12:49
esing2cvr hmm12:49
esing2cvr well i changed hide launcher to never12:50
cm-tsacarlson: you don't know if it should work with lxc? many told me about that, but their channel looks afk. My vm just finish to be installed, trying chroot12:50
sacarlsoncm-t: I've never heard of lxc12:50
sacarlsoncm-t there was one last method I didn't try that looked hopfull12:50
XGaryGI just installed, and it says there is no lightning for the current version of thunderbird?12:50
cm-tsacarlson: sort of chroot ++   lxc→ linux container12:51
zombifierXGaryG: You installed Lightning from which source?12:51
sacarlsoncm-t: by the end of the live install they have already chroot12:51
cvresing2: whats the launcher opacity set at?12:52
XGaryGI have not installed it.  I just updated the system, and when looking in 'pluggins' it said there was not verstion .12:52
sacarlsoncm-t: this is the method I found later but never tried http://fai-project.org/12:53
touilcvr : well again with the module unloaded with modprobe, my power consumption is 6.7 W, and with the module reloaded again and connected via wifi, the power consumption is 5.14W12:53
zombifierXGaryG: Try reinstalling xul-ext-lightning12:53
sacarlsoncm-t: completely devoted to auto install so it must work12:53
zombifierWait XGaryG, what Thunderbird are you using?12:53
XGaryGIt is 12.0.112:54
sacarlsoncm-t: what ever you end up with I would like to hear the outcome.12:54
XGaryGReinstall that from where?12:55
cvrtouil: are u measuring power usage through a meter in series with the machine?12:55
esing2cvl 1,000012:55
zombifierXGaryG: The latest Lightning (1.5) only works with Thunderbird 13. You could either install 1.4 or wait for 13 to make it into the repos12:55
cm-tsacarlson: no problem12:56
touilNo I'm measuring it with powertop.12:56
cm-tsacarlson: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/calubiquity/+spec/sso-oneconf12:56
cvrtouil: so theres a possiblity its a powertop bug?12:57
XGaryGThat is odd. Including Lightning 1.5 before the Thunderbird 13 catches up.12:57
cm-tsacarlson: we work on the devel, but its very dirty atm12:57
touilI'm guessing it's not. When I launch the ubuntu power statistic thing, it says exactly the same as powertop.12:57
rohit786hi, can some one help me, i am not able to install addons in firefox.12:58
cvrtouil: but its probably using the same backend12:58
cm-tsacarlson: atm readin your link :)12:58
sacarlsoncm-t: I used the python to access skype http://skype4py.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/skype4py/examples/sms.py?view=log13:00
sacarlsonsorry wrong page for the last thing I sent13:01
touilcvr, I noticed by myself that the battery lasts less time with the wifi off, than with the wifi on.13:01
sacarlsoncm-t ignore my last link13:01
XGaryGzombifier: How do I get lightning 1.4 ?13:02
sacarlsonoh it's my beer time see ya all later13:02
cm-tsacarlson: ok13:02
touilI'm maybe a little weird myself, because I'm complaining that I can use my nettop for a longer time with the wifi on. (But I don't want to get microwaves constantly on my body).13:02
esing2cvr iam currently installing teamviewer because making screenshots of all cmsm tabs is very much ^^13:02
zombifierWait, on my side xul-ext-lightning still says 1.413:03
zombifierAre you trying to install Lightning from addons.mozilla.org or ubuntu's repo?13:04
thiebaudehow do i delete an unallocated to free up space?13:04
XGaryGWhere are you looking? From plugins in thunderbird?13:04
thiebaudepartition that is13:04
touilcvr, could you tell me on which irc channel I should report this "bug" ?13:04
zombifierOn addons.mozilla.org it's 1.5 alright, but in Ubuntu's repo it's still 1.413:04
cvrtouil: http://launchpad.net/13:04
esing2cvr: id 697 881 70613:05
rohit786hi, unable to install addons on firefox?13:06
zombifierrohit786: Did you receive any errors?13:07
thiebaudei just deleted my windows partition and i am not getting the space from that on ubuntu 12.0413:07
esing2cvr you got teamviewer ?13:07
zombifierWhat exactly is the problem? You installed an addon but it does not show up in about:addons?13:08
mikubuntuquestion, why doesn't pangolin ask me for a password to do updates?  i din't change any settings when i upgraded, so its a curiosity13:08
cvresing2: never heard of it just looking at it now13:08
`thomasi've set FONTFACE="Terminus" and FONTSIZE="20x10" in /etc/default/console-setup, but `sudo /etc/init.d/console-setup restart' has no effect, while `setupcon' does change to terminus13:08
zombifiermikubuntu: It has been that way since probably 11.1013:08
zombifierOnly updates that has to install packages ask you for a password13:09
rohit786zombifier: the downloading of addons do not start at all13:09
zombifierFrom addons.mozilla.org?13:09
rohit786zombifier: i tried that also13:10
esing2cvr www.teamviewer.com (u only need to enter my ID and see my screen)13:10
rohit786zombifier : even i reinstalled firefox13:10
wilee-nileethiebaude, you have to resize the ubuntu partitons to take up any unallocated space.13:10
thiebaudeahh ok then just shrink the linux partitons?13:11
mikubuntuzombifier: ok, i upgraded from 10.10 i think so i wouldn't have known it -- just wanted to make sure that wasn't a possible sign of a security breach ... speaking of security breaches ... i haven't run a firewall in years, because it seems like once way long ago when i did, it interfered with certain webpages --- what is the general consensus on firewalls?  run or not run?13:11
piglithello anyone tired a a IP camera from Deal extreme on ubuntu?13:11
XGaryGzombifier: I got it. I was trying to get it from addons in thunderbird. I used apt-get to get what you originally suggested, and it works.  Thanks.13:11
thiebaudeincrease i mean13:11
thiebaudeext 413:11
zombifierno prob13:12
rohit786unable to add addons on firefox?13:12
thiebaudewilee-nilee do i do that from the live cd?13:12
alFReD-NSHHi, is there a way that when my laptop is plugged out, and starts using the battery, a command will be run automatically?13:12
zombifierrohit786: Try moving the .mozilla folder in your home to somewhere else (in order to have FIrefox start fresh) and see if problem persists13:12
wilee-nileethiebaude, take a screenshot of gparted and imagebin it, you can't change a partition your using so a live ubuntu cd will be needed unless you have more then one Linux install and use the other to change the one you want to expand.13:13
wilee-nilee!imagebin | thiebaude13:13
ubottuthiebaude: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.13:13
thiebaudethanks i'll do that13:14
cvresing2: doesnt seem to connect to you13:14
bastidrazormz|`: addition checks for ppa's also if /etc/apt/sources.list isn't the only location of sources.. those two things are enough reason to use a proper upgrade method.13:14
esing2cvr uhm sec13:16
rohit786zombifier: i moved the .mozilla folder, no change13:16
thiebaudewilee-nilee here it is http://imagebin.org/21584413:16
pi3chdoes anyone know a resource for stat on the most frequent linux commands? I dont mean top X command. A real statistic I m looking for.13:16
esing2cvr: id 697 881 70613:16
esing2password see private message13:16
cvresing2: ok got it13:17
esing2yup :)13:17
thiebaudeand when i click on allocated, i cant change anything13:17
rohit786unable to add addons to firefox ?13:18
esing2cvr i set lauchner reveal pressure to 1 from 20 , (suggested in ubuntu forum(13:18
wilee-nileethiebaude, use a live cd make sure the swap in not mounted resize the extended sda3 first to the left then the sda5. YOU may have to reload grub to the mbr to boot is all, no biggie though.13:18
thiebaudeok thanks :)13:18
wilee-nileethiebaude, no problem. ;)13:19
caiyuehow about fodora?13:19
thiebaudewhat is the command to reload grub?13:19
Dr_Willis__caiyue:  and thats related to Ubuntu support how?13:19
rohit786i am unable to add addons on firefox13:19
rohit786someone help me13:20
zombifierrohit786: Patient. If noone here can't answer your question, try ubuntuforums.org13:20
cvresing2: very strange eh13:20
esing2cvr yes ^^^13:20
esing2cvr maybe i really should try to reinstall ubuntu 12.0413:20
cvrit shouldnt have to come to that13:21
wilee-nileethiebaude, there are several way the boot-repair tool recommended fix is the easiest probably. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair  other wise it is a chroot to the install, or maybe a couple of commands from the live cd.13:21
cm-tsacarlson: I just did a chroot from a live-cd to the current installed / on hdd.  I did sudo apt-get install vrms. i reboot on the all new / and run vrms,  worked !!!!!!13:22
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:22
cvresing2: but might just be easier todo13:22
esing2cvr yes13:22
esing2cvr i saw some interesting forum threads about a similar problem13:23
esing2i show you13:23
caiyuekonw little about  linux13:23
cvresing2: driver related?13:23
esing2nope but a configuration in ccem13:23
esing2i already turned of autohide13:24
esing2my wlan broke down13:25
mz|`bastidrazor: sure, add -R13:26
scotty^Which channel should I use to raise an issue with a page on the Ubuntu website?13:27
mz|`scotty^: http://www.ubuntu.com/contact-us13:27
mz|`category web feedback13:28
scotty^thanks - there's no IRC channel?13:28
ikoniascotty^: why do you need an IRC channel ?13:28
mz|`some ops maybe to contact directly :)13:28
ikoniascotty^: if there is an issue and you want it fixed, provide the feedback13:28
mz|`but ikonia is right, report yourself is better than talk to another person13:29
scotty^Guess I'll do that then.  Thanks for the pointer to that web page.13:29
LjLscotty^: there is #ubuntu-website, but i'm not sure they accept bugs there13:29
esing2how do I find out in ubuntu which graficcard my PC has13:30
LjLesing2: "sudo lshw -C display" should do it13:30
scotty^esing2: or type lspci -vvnn |grep VGA13:31
esing2got it th13:32
scotty^esing2:  What type of card is it BTW?13:32
BlueChaosguys who know this software http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJV6apS9BoY how he`s called to install13:32
esing2scotty^ its amd x30013:33
vvompyhi, I just received my rasppi and want to "share" my laptop wifi connection over my cable ethernet connection to the rasp..is that possible and if yes how?13:33
mz|`BlueChaos: on the dscription... install gnome-color-chooser13:33
esing2AMD ATI Rv370 X30013:33
mz|`i   gnome-color-chooser                                         - GTK+/GNOME desktop appearance customization tool13:33
cyberdoganeti @ ubuntu.. is there a dedicated channel?13:35
cvresing2: which driver are you using for that card?13:35
esing2cvr i didnt install any driver, so it must be the standard driver from ubuntu,13:36
esing2dunno how to read out of the termina which driver it is exactly13:36
mz|`esing2: lsmod ?13:37
cvresing2: try running jockey-gtk to see whats available there13:37
mz|`esing2: then modinfo <module>13:37
bastidrazoresing2: the command LjL gave you will tell you which driver you're using.13:39
vinushow to fix the resolution  of grub screen13:39
esing2cvr no driver were found13:40
esing12(jockey-gtk:3912): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_icon_set_render_icon_pixbuf: assertion `icon_set != NULL' failed13:40
esing12(jockey-gtk:3912): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_icon_set_render_icon_pixbuf: assertion `icon_set != NULL' failed13:40
vinushi, i have installed ubuntu 12.04 along with windows xp, in the starting os selection screen it is showing that resolution is not optimum, how to adjust that? please help...13:41
MamTrzyGiexbox360 czy ps3?13:41
esing2bastidrazor ?13:41
scotty^cvr: Catalyst (fglrx) dropped support for that generation of cards a while ago so he is probably using the open-source radeon driver.13:41
esing2bastidrazor which command you mean13:41
bastidrazoresing2: sudo lshw -C display13:42
cvresing2: sudo /usr/bin/lshw -C display | grep driver13:42
esing2ok it says PCI (sysfs)13:42
BlueChaosI see that but the link is not avaible13:43
vinushi, i have installed ubuntu 12.04 along with windows xp, in the starting os selection screen it is showing that resolution is not optimum, how to adjust that? please help...13:43
esing2driver = radeon13:43
vinusany one please help me13:43
scotty^esing2: try installing mesa-utils and then running glxinfo |grep render13:43
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
esing2mesa-utils wasnt found scotty^13:44
Koralliswhats a better card inside linux. Nvidia or ATI?13:44
scotty^esing2: never  mind, you've found out that it's the radeon driver13:44
scotty^esing2: no need to run that command13:44
scotty^Korallis:  That's a good way to start a flame war :)13:45
esing2i need some free time13:45
esing2my leg hurts ^^, hopefully i can solve this issue later13:45
=== esing2 is now known as esing2^afk
Korallisscotty^, Hehe so theres no answer. :P13:46
Bower^when i execute "java -jar selenium.jar &" in the bash terminal then press ctrl+c i get the bash prompt back but the process isn't killed. when i execute something like "gedit test.txt" then press ctrl+c i get back the prompt back and it kills the process. why is this? is there a command to get the prompt back and always kill the process?13:47
cvrKorallis: it used to be nvidia proprietry hands down, but apparently ati have picked up the ball recently13:47
wilee-nileevinus, do you know the resolutions allowed, and do you know how to chroot?13:48
Chuck_NorrisBower^: try: fg  then kill it13:48
Huffameghello! i have a big problem: after my to-impatient upgrade to ubuntu precise my wifi connection went missing completely. it just doesn't appear. i have received help on other ubuntu channels the problem persists. i have a bcm4313 wifi card. we tried to blacklist all the broadcom modules, and we tried to activate the broadcom driver in the system. it seemed then to work for a while, but apparently (according to the person helping me) while it looked like it wa13:48
Chuck_Norriswith Ctrl + C13:48
Huffamegs able to compile the driver and add it to the kernel, we got an error, and after rebooting we haven't been able to get it working again. this really bugs me, and i need my wifi. someone who can help med, please?13:48
scotty^Korallis: but one aspect of the situation is that NVIDIA tend to have better proprietary drivers, whereas ATI puts more support into the open-source drivers.  This leads to ATI cards having better open-source drivers in most cases, although the independent nouveau driver for NVIDIA cards has made some impressive improvements lately and also has a couple of projects in X.org's endless vacation of code (EVoC).13:49
Koralliscvr, thats good to know atm i have a nvidia 285GTX and im seriously concidering an upgrade to an ATI Card, but seen as i just jumped into linux about 3 hours ago and deleted my windows partition. i needed to confirm13:49
Chuck_Norrisye, agreed ATI better open source driver and Nvidia Better proprietary driver13:50
Korallisscotty^, so by using the proprietary driver? am i doing the right thing?13:50
zombifierActually, NVIDIA's proprietary driver is buggy as heck13:51
zombifierNouveau is much better13:51
wilee-nileeHuffameg, generally with a release upgrade you would remove the old driver, and install the new one, but this is with graphic drivers in general.13:51
cvrKorallis: best thing you can do for yourself with any future hardware purchases research the item you're looking at buying before hand and see its level of support or issues other people have had with it13:51
escottKorallis, if you are considering buying an ATI do check the support level for that card. the open source drivers will have more variation in support levels depending on whether or not one of the developers ever got an engineering sample.13:51
Koralliscvr, thanks il do that but 1stly if im playing wow / d3 i need the proprietery drivers yes. ?13:52
Huffamegwilee-nilee: okay. unfortunatlely i would need some help with these things..13:52
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: try: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer13:52
scotty^Korallis: On a 285GTX, the proprietary driver is probably the way to go at the moment.13:52
Korallisescott, if it ment i could play D3 and WoW under linux and not have to reinstall windows id buy 3 of the cards and donate one to the devs.13:52
HaffeHi. I am trying to boot a usbstick with ubuntu on it. I have tried, Ubuntu 11.10, Xubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Xubuntu 12.04. I know that my computer can boot off of a usb stick. I have been using unetbootin to make the usb stick. The stick in question is a Sandisk cruzer blade 32 gb. Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?13:52
HuffamegChuck_Norris: ok.13:52
scotty^zombifier:  Agreed that nouveau is great for older cards, but for newer cards they are still sorting out the re-clocking.13:53
ragnokheloo. if i want to install a development enviroment into a ubuntu 10.04 server, a lamp stack, can i get everything from the official repos or do i need some ppa?13:53
HuffamegChuck_Norris: it ended with the following message: "No chroot environment found. Starting normal installation13:53
HuffamegUnsupported device(s) found: PCI id 14e4:472713:53
cvrKorallis: yeh i'd think so, think u'll struggle to get a good experience with wow, etc13:53
jemarkHaffe: try another pc and/or format the usb stick as FAT3213:54
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: is PCI or USB?13:54
Koralliscvr, Thank you for the info. like i said i am very new to this and glad for the information, as so far im really enjoying it :-)13:54
HuffamegChuck_Norris: i'm sorry?13:54
roasted_Question - I have a semi unique situation here where I'd like to move all files older than 2 days from /media/NAS/video to /media/NAS/video-archive. I was planning on doing a bin bash script with cron, but I'm not sure exactly what command I'd use to sift out the date stamps. Any idea?13:54
scotty^Korallis: If you want to play WoW under Linux I think you will need to install WINE.13:54
zombifierscotty^: Dunno if my card is old though, it's a GT218 (GeForce 210)13:54
Korallisscotty^, already done :-) thats the good thing with a completley new style OS, Google is amazing :D and ubuntu is the most well documented "Anything" ive ever seen :-)13:55
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: why?13:55
escottroasted_ find /media/NAS/video -mtime 2 -exec mv {} /media/NAS/video-archive13:55
ravenhow to assign applications to file-formats (for opening from file-browser) in xubuntu 12.04?13:56
HuffamegChuck_Norris: i don't understand you question, sorry..13:56
roasted_escott, I assume -mtime defaults to "days", so if I see fit I can customize 2 to whatever day amount I want?13:56
Chuck_Norrisi meant open a terminal and copy & paste this command: lspci13:56
Chuck_Norrisand paste: lsusb   as well13:56
escottroasted_, you may need a -type f -and clause as well. not sure how directories are treated. you can put any value you want in for that. check the man page but i think its days13:57
Chuck_Norrisbut... paste it here ---> http://paste.ubuntu.com13:57
roasted_escott, man page for... mv?13:57
* scotty^ checks http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames13:57
escottroasted_, for find13:57
roasted_ah, okay13:58
roasted_appreciate it!13:58
escottroasted_, and i left out the \; at the end of the -exec clause13:58
kanha_what does this command do "mount -rw -0 remount /" ?13:58
HuffamegChuck_Norris: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1033770/13:58
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source13:59
escottkanha_, it remounts the / partition in a read-write mode. when the partition is first mounted it is mounted read-only so it can be fsck'ed and then remounted so you can write to it13:59
HuffamegChuck_Norris: and: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1033773/13:59
gurjeetCan somebody here please help me removing the extra space above the firefox tabs? Here's a video of the problem : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_TYNMRD5i814:00
kanha_thanks escott :)14:00
HuffamegChuck_Norris: ok.. i reboot?14:00
zally666so how do i fix a tvtuner in ubuntu ?14:00
gurjeetAll was working fine on Linux Mint 10, and then I moved to Ubuntu 12.14:00
Chuck_Norrisok reboot14:01
escottgurjeet, looks like you have some kind of toolbar there. perhaps you need to disable the menubar if it is appearing in the unity global menubar14:01
zally666hi how do i fix my analog tuner ?14:01
Chuck_Norris!details | zally66614:02
ubottuzally666: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:02
=== ahmedelgamil is now known as DigitalFlux
zally666im running precise when i try to scan channels in tvtime i get screen for 5 seconds14:02
zally666but i expected channels14:03
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: open "Additional drivers" and activate your Broadcom wireless card14:03
HuffamegChuck_Norris: ok. no luck yet.14:03
zally666nobody ?14:03
escott!patience | zally66614:04
ubottuzally666: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:04
tim167hello, i installed samba and set sharing options for a folder on computer 1, I browse to "BrowseNetwork">"Windows Network">"MyComputer">"sharedfolder" but I get "Unable to mount location - failed to mount Windows share", can someone help? thanks14:04
zally666why dont i have a window manager ?14:04
HuffamegChuck_Norris: it get the same error message as i've gotten all along. jockey says this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1033783/14:05
cvrzally666: which wm do you expect to have?14:05
tim167hello, i installed samba and set sharing options for a folder on computer 1, I browse to "BrowseNetwork">"Windows Network">"MyComputer">"sharedfolder" on computer 2 but I get "Unable to mount location - failed to mount Windows share", both computers are Ubuntu, connected to eachother via ethernet cable, can someone help? thanks14:05
zally666regular ubuntu gnome one14:05
shallwehi guys, ati driver for ubuntu, is it good? like nvidia?14:07
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: try: modprobe b4314:07
shallweor full compatibility14:08
tim167hello, i installed samba and set sharing options for a folder on computer 1, I browse to "BrowseNetwork">"Windows Network">"MyComputer">"sharedfolder" on computer 2 but I get "Unable to mount location - failed to mount Windows share", both computers are Ubuntu, connected to eachother via ethernet cable, can someone help? thanks14:08
HuffamegChuck_Norris: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1033786/14:08
Chuck_Norrissry Huffameg: sudo modprobe b4314:09
gurjeetHey guys.. Sorry I didn't see who responded to me earlier. But here's the solution: Disable "Global Menubar Integration" addon. Description says " This extension integrates the menu bar into the Unity panel".14:10
gurjeetI can conform that the menubar is well integrated with unity even without that addon.14:10
jemarksorry about that14:11
tim167I installed samba and set sharing options for a folder on computer 1, then I go to "BrowseNetwork">"Windows Network">"MyComputer">"sharedfolder" on computer 2 but I get "Unable to mount location - failed to mount Windows share", both computers are Ubuntu, connected to eachother via ethernet cable, can someone help? thanks14:11
HuffamegChuck_Norris: done. i also think we did this.. we followed the recipe on http://askubuntu.com/questions/94021/how-do-i-get-the-broadcom-bcm4313-wireless-working-on-an-asus-1015px14:11
OrmieHi. Just uninstalled unity and use compiz, everything works fine, but14:13
foobArrrI'm trying to get my dvb-t usb stick to work (Terratec Cinergy Hybrid T USB XS, supported by kernel 2.6.31 according to linux-tv.org). I tried a channel scan with kaffeine, it finds only 4 channels, all on the same transponder. It doesn't find the other 12 channels it should find.14:13
OrmieI can't select which wireless network i will use?14:13
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: ye this recipe will help ya for sure14:13
Ormiewhat to do!14:13
jemarkfoobArrr: there is a website where you can download the channel list, you can google for that.14:14
cvrfoobArrr: have u tried it with the channel.conf for your area?14:14
Ormieplease help14:14
islandmonkeyHi everyone. Having a bit of a problem with dpkg - installing qgis from a PPA but there are dependency issues. Now dpkg has thrown it's toys out the pram and refuses to do anything.14:15
HuffamegChuck_Norris: well.. we tried it, but i didn't help. the person that helped me said that the problem started because when we tried to activate the driver, it seemed to be able to add, but that it failed for some reason it would say..14:15
foobArrrjemark: thanks. cvr; I have not.14:15
islandmonkeyHere the terminal output: Unpacking grass-core (from .../grass-core_6.4.2-2~precise2_amd64.deb) ...14:15
cvrfoobArrr: check out /usr/share/dvb/dvb-t/14:15
islandmonkeydpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/grass-core_6.4.2-2~precise2_amd64.deb (--unpack):14:15
islandmonkey trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/x-grass', which is also in package grass 6.4.1-1ubuntu214:15
islandmonkeydpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)14:15
islandmonkeyErrors were encountered while processing:14:15
islandmonkey /var/cache/apt/archives/grass-core_6.4.2-2~precise2_amd64.deb14:15
FloodBot1islandmonkey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
islandmonkeyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:15
foobArrrcvr: thanks14:15
tim167I installed samba and set sharing options for a folder on computer 1, then I go to "BrowseNetwork">"Windows Network">"MyComputer">"sharedfolder" on computer 2 but I get "Unable to mount location - failed to mount Windows share", both computers are Ubuntu, connected to eachother via ethernet cable, can someone help? thanks14:15
Chuck_NorrisOrmie: do: iwconfig   (and you will see your wireless interfaces)  and turn off the one that you don't wanna to use with: sudo ifconfig <insterface> down   and the one you wanna to use with: sudo ifconfig <interface> up14:16
zombifier!pastebin| islandmonkey14:16
ubottuislandmonkey: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:16
islandmonkeyWhoops. Here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1033801/14:17
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: so... let follow the askubuntu tutorial?14:17
scotty^Korallis: According to my interpretation of the report at http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTEwNjk and the page at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames your GTX285 will probably have good support, but zombifier's GeForce 210 is actually newer and might be stuck on the default slower clocks for now.14:17
OrmieChuck_Norris, It's already on, I can't select from the menu in cairo dock because there are no options14:18
=== lubmil is now known as lub`afk
HuffamegChuck_Norris: maybe i'm not understanding you correctly now; we tried it – didn't work14:18
scotty^zombifier: According to my interpretation of the report at http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTEwNjk and the page at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames Korallis's GTX285 will probably have good support, but your GeForce 210 is actually newer and might be stuck on the default slower clocks for now.14:18
HuffamegChuck_Norris: and it was apparently impossible to understand why it failed.14:19
Ormieplease help14:20
chuOrmie: What's wrong?14:20
tim167I installed samba and set sharing options for a folder on computer 1, then I go to "BrowseNetwork">"Windows Network">"MyComputer">"sharedfolder" on computer 2 but I get "Unable to mount location - failed to mount Windows share", both computers are Ubuntu, connected to eachother via ethernet cable, can someone help? thanks14:20
Ormiechu, um...14:21
islandmonkeyHi everyone. Having a bit of a problem with dpkg - installing qgis from a PPA but there are dependency issues. Now dpkg has thrown it's toys out the pram and refuses to do anything.14:21
Ormiechu, I want to connect to another wireless network, It doesn't give me an option14:21
OrmieI am on cairo14:21
Ormiei just uninstalled unity14:21
islandmonkeyTerminal output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1033801/14:22
cvrislandmonkey: tried removing the package grass?14:22
islandmonkeyOrmie: I believe uninstalling unity is not advised.14:23
islandmonkeycvr: Won't do it.14:23
Ormieislandmonkey, if canonical's developers can put unity in we can take it out.14:24
cvrislandmonkey: dpkg -r grass does what?14:24
Ormieand tweak XD14:24
islandmonkeyLovely, thank you!14:24
Ormiehelp me14:25
jemarkOrmie: what DM are you going to use?14:25
cvrOrmie: which DE are u running now?14:25
Ormiejemark, cvr: cairo dock's de14:26
islandmonkeyOnly cairo dock? That's not really a desktop environment.14:26
lightstephello all. is there a guide how to get the visualization plugin for rhythmbox on ubuntu?14:27
jemarkOrmie: and the desktop environment is?14:27
zombifierCairo Dock installs a new session for itself in LightDM14:27
zombifierWhich pretty much launches Compiz and Cairo Dock14:27
Ormiejemark, it's cairo dock's Desktop environment, Cairo dock offers a desktop environment.14:27
jemarkzombifier: do you have a screenshot?14:28
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
HuffamegChuck_Norris: you disappeared14:28
Chuck_Norrisye, loss mah connection i was download manny pacquio vs bradley and almost have it and loss mah connection and downloading again =(14:29
zombifierjemark: No I don't, but there a loads of them on the web14:30
mikubuntui haven't run a firewall in years, because it seems like once way long ago when i did, it interfered with certain webpages --- what is the general consensus on firewalls?  run or not run?14:30
jemarkzombifier: you probably mean Gnome+Cairo dock...14:30
zombifierjemark: Yeah14:30
Chuck_Norrisso, did you do the asubuntu tutorial?14:31
CheeryHow to get ~/Desktop removed and discontinue showing it on the background?14:31
escott!info gconf-editor | Cheery14:31
ubottuCheery: gconf-editor (source: gconf-editor): editor for the GConf configuration system. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 1103 kB, installed size 3413 kB14:31
Cheeryis it also possible to get right-click on background show a different menu?14:32
jemarkzombifier: that's different14:32
Cheery(well it is, but is it easily possible?)14:32
HuffamegChuck_Norris: as I said: the tutorial that i sent you – i've allready done that, and it didn't work.14:33
aguitelis anyway to install whatsupp under ubuntu?14:33
zombifierjemark: Dunno, but AFAIK Cairo Dock's session launches Cairo Dock and Compiz only14:33
HuffamegChuck_Norris: the problem is that the person helping me was unable to tell why the activation of the driver failed14:33
=== 31NABHYNK is now known as CookieM_
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: maybe you did something wrong couse the user says that its works con 4313 which is you wireless card14:34
jemarkzombifier: Compiz is also needed... because that's the window manager.14:34
escottCheery, under the applications nautilus there are various options for the root windo14:34
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: ok, paste: cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf14:34
HuffamegChuck_Norris: well, yeah. something, somewhere, is wrong.. i just don't know where..14:34
Cheeryescott: how do I get the effects visible once I change the config?14:35
HuffamegChuck_Norris: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1033829/14:35
roasted_Anybody know of a comparison program, where I can load up two config/text files and the differences are highlighted?14:36
HuffamegChuck_Norris: but we also made a blacklist-local.conf14:37
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: gksu /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf   and append at the end: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1033833/14:37
Chuck_Norrissry Huffameg: gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf14:37
HuffamegChuck_Norris: the blacklist-local.conf is this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1033836/14:37
lightsteproasted_, i like meld, but there are a lot of programs for that. search for "Graphical diff" in the software center and you'll find all of them14:38
roasted_lightstep, graphical diff... thanks, appreciate it!14:38
Chuck_Norrisidk, just do what i wrote you, is the same as the askubuntu user says14:39
HuffamegChuck_Norris: okay. i've added. and rebooting.14:39
escottCheery, should be immediate unless there is a dconf/gconf issue. in which case use dconf-editor in dcont-utils14:40
fr-zHi all. Does anyone know how to solve the problem with the .private folder? i have a 100 gb disk and that folder consumed already 70 gb14:40
jeffmris there a linux mint channel14:41
esing2^afkdo you recommend me to install 11.04 for stabilty reasons?14:42
oCean!mint | jeffmr14:42
ubottujeffmr: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:42
jeffmrlinux mint14:42
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local   and add the following above exit 0  "modprobe brcm80211"  without quotes14:42
oCeanjeffmr: note it is another IRC network14:42
in0culahow do i check my network installed drivers14:42
jeffmrgood thing14:42
jeffmrvery good14:43
cvresing2^afk: 11.04 unity is less stable than 12.0414:43
HuffamegChuck_Norris: ok. now what?14:43
Sonderbladeafter upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04, ubuntu hangs before starting xorg. how to diagnose the problem?14:44
Cheeryescott: is there way I could change the toolbar include some icons?14:44
Chuck_Norrisnow... reboot -.- xD14:44
escottCheery, what toolbar?14:44
Cheerythe topmost toolbar.. in unity/gnome-shell14:44
Korallisif i wanna completley purge wine. do i just need to rename the .wine directory or do i need to actually type some commands?14:44
escottfr-z, did you put 70GB of data in it14:44
cvrKorallis: sudo apt-get purge wine14:45
Chuck_NorrisKorallis: sudo apt-get remove wine   and remove the .wine directory14:45
cvrKorallis: if you want to get rid of the stuff u installed in wine rm the ~/.wine folder14:46
fr-zescott i dont know how that folder uses that space. i dont even know what it has14:46
HuffamegChuck_Norris: ok. still nothing, though14:46
zally666so any tv tuner freaxx around ?14:47
Koralliscvr thanks :-)14:47
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: paste: lsmod14:47
mi3mne bi hotliso peotsi pitsu :D14:47
cvrfr-z: du -sh ./*14:47
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fr-zcvr what does that command do?14:48
HuffamegChuck_Norris: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1033851/14:48
zally666i wondder how to fix my tvtuner14:48
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: if its a notebook be sure that the wireless card is turn it on pressing the buton or the key combinations14:48
escottfr-z, i think its your ciphertext for your encrypted data14:48
escottCheery, which one shell or unity14:48
HuffamegChuck_Norris: hehe.. sure14:48
fr-zescott can i clean it up?14:48
Cheeryescott: I'm not sure.. but I'd say this is shell I'm on.14:49
escottCheery, extensions.gnome.org14:49
cvrfr-z: tells disk usage for the folder you're in and subs14:49
lightstepi see no one answers my rhythmbox question... so let me ask another one. how can i downgrade a package to a version from a few months ago? the new version is buggy on my machine14:50
escottfr-z, you shouldnt delete something unless you know what it is14:50
fr-zcvr it says 69 gb14:50
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: try: sudo rmmod wl ; sleep 5 ; sudo modprobe brcm8021114:50
lightstepi wanted to force the version in synaptic, but it's only aware of the most recent version14:51
fr-zescott how do i know what i have there?14:51
HuffamegChuck_Norris: FATAL: Module brcm80211 not found14:51
zally666so what to apt-get to fix tvtuner ?14:51
escottfr-z, what does ls ~/.private say?14:51
foobArrrcvr: I tried "scan /usr/share/dvb/dvb-t/censored", but it finds only the same 4 channels14:52
cvrlightstep: check if you still have the old package in /var/cache/apt/archives14:52
lightstepcvr: nope14:52
lightstepwill adding an old repository help?14:53
remonteesespéranto power14:53
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cvrfoobArrr: are u able to access the other channels via that antenna?14:54
cvrlightstep: not advised14:54
foobArrrcvr: yes, works fine with terratec's software on windows and eyetv on os x14:54
fr-zescott it displays loads of encrypted things14:55
Chuck_Norrisok, idk but... i found this: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/brcm80211   and this: http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt14:55
escottfr-z, then its your ciphertext14:55
cvrlightstep: goto the archive and manually download the version you are looking for14:55
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: i think that following the linuxwireless.org walkthrough you will get it14:56
cvrfoobArrr: you dont have the tuner locked to that multiplex through some other program running?14:56
fr-zescott can i delete it or reduce its size? its getting 70 % of my disk :(14:56
HuffamegChuck_Norris: hmm.. i'm sorry i don't quite get what to do..14:57
foobArrrcvr: doubt it, no other media players running14:57
escottfr-z, not without losing data14:57
tuxxthis channel is the height of idiocy14:58
Chuck_NorrisxD mmm... we will spend a looot of time in here with that14:58
ravenhow to assign applications to file-formats (for opening from file-browser) in xubuntu 12.04?14:58
escottfr-z, it sounds like you put on the order of 70gigs of data into your encrypted folders (the encryption will have some overhead but its not going to be that much) and that you just need to buy a bigger disk14:58
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foobArrrraven: don't know about a gui way, but check out ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list14:59
Chuck_Norristhe question is that you should install and load the "brcm80211" module which works with 4313 and others latest broadcom14:59
ravenfoobArrr tnx14:59
fr-zescott but what is that data? its my personal likes like musics and documents?15:00
gbear14275Hey guys,  I just suffered an unexplained no-notice sudden reboot.  I'm trying to look over the logs to figure out why it may have happened... but am short on being able to recognize abnormalities (my problem)...  was wondering though if anyone would be willing to give a syslog a quick once over in case they can spot anything?15:01
foobArrrraven: on a second thought, I don't know if that will help15:01
gbear14275I've been able to pick out the non-normal events from the end...  that was easy to do... but deciphering them is another story15:01
escottfr-z, "mount | grep private" will show you where the folder is loop mounted. its either your $HOME or ~/Private15:01
Cyclohexaneif you do uniq -c how can you sort based on that number?15:01
gbear14275the one's that concern me are the "ext4_orphan_cleanup: deleting runreferenced inode ######" ones15:02
escottCyclohexane, pipe to sort -n15:02
nannesHi. Which drivers are needed for  realtek rtl8187se (pci) with Ubuntu12 kerneel 3.2  ???15:02
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b15:02
HuffamegChuck_Norris: is just that there's no step by step tutorial so it's hard to know what tot do15:03
Chuck_NorrisHuffameg: ye i found one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161738015:03
escottgbear14275, thats a side-effect of the reboot. the filesystem was unmounted uncleanly and so its deleting a file that was in the process of being deleted when the system crashed15:03
fr-zescott its my home15:04
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Kartagiscan anyone do some debugging for me?15:04
Chuck_Norrisoh! this is for natty narewall idk if its works on precise but... let search15:05
Kartagismy mic is not working15:05
foobArrrraven: right-click a file of that type -> properties -> open with15:05
nannesHi. Which drivers are needed for  realtek rtl8187se (pci) with Ubuntu12 kerneel 3.2  ???15:05
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Kartagishttp://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4cdc3aa76176dd199e2d53544e66dbbfa54c1442 <--- this is alsa-info.sh output15:06
ravenfoobArrr yes but after every reinstall i have to do it for every file type again and i want a list of all file types to do it one time15:06
foobArrrraven: no idea then15:07
species_4981 In a file manager, if I right-click on a file and say "open with|other application|show other applications", I see multiple entries for " A Wine application", multiple entries for  "MS Office" or "MS Access" or "MS Excel" or "Okular" amongst others - where does this list get generated and hw can I correct it to show one of each (or none, for that matter)? I have deleted MS Office from Wine - no difference though15:07
Chuck_Norrisnannes: try: sudo rmmod iwlwifi ; sleep 5 ; sudo modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=115:07
gbear14275escott, thanks.  Is there anyway to try and track down the cause of the reboot?  Any log which might give a clue?15:08
escottspecies_4981, !/.local/share/applications15:08
escottspecies_4981, ~ not 115:08
ravenfoobArrr i now try to find the right file with doing changes in nautilus preferences and lsof then but i cannot find anything useful any idea how to improve that?15:08
species_4981escott: got it - thanks for the info; will explore15:09
foobArrrraven: no15:09
escottgbear14275, you would want to look for messages from the kernel that indicate a problem, but since whatever it was caused an immediate reboot its unlikely anything reached the disk15:09
gbear14275escott, ok, thanks.  yeah was concerning...  sudden reboots make me nervous15:10
escottgbear14275, as they should, but you have to see if there is any pattern to them. "it only happens when i watch flash videos"15:11
Yankees52if i install ubuntu and delete linux mint will my home folder parition and settings be fine?15:11
wdpis there some easy way to compile a specific ubuntu kernel? All I need to do is to add a patch to make my keyboard working15:11
Cyclohexanewhats the difference between less and more? -- more just keeps the output on screen?15:11
wdp(not even a patch required, a simple sed rule would work as well)15:11
Dr_Willis__Cyclohexane:   they do the same job15:12
Cyclohexaneso why have 2 different commands? there must be a difference? ;p15:12
Dr_Willis__Cyclohexane: years ago we had 'more' then less came out as a more optmized more15:12
Yankees52if i install ubuntu and delete linux mint will my home folder parition and settings be fine?15:12
gbear14275escott, that was the weird thing... hasn't happened before and was simply in the middle of reading an article on the web...  no apparent cause to it15:12
Dr_Willis__Cyclohexane:  the 2 are the same command - an alias i belive15:12
xubuntu5less is awesome15:12
micromI downloaded Java JDK but how to I install it? It's the JDK I want, not the JRE, not the firefox plugin.15:13
wdpJust wondering about the workflow, I guess ubuntu got commands for that, if not I'd go the usual route (wget, tar .., make menuconfig, make bzImage; make modules modules_install; etc..)15:13
Dr_Willis__!java | microm15:13
ubottumicrom: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:13
Korallishow do i install 32bit development libraries?15:13
xubuntu5for java?15:13
escottDr_Willis__, Cyclohexane they are actually different. less is the gnu version with more options, more is the old bsd variant. completely different binaries, i was suprised they bothered to include more15:13
Dr_Willis__escott:  last i looked one was an alias for the other.. unless you install both15:14
nannesChuck_Norris: and then? do i need to reboot or just works?15:14
Dr_Willis__but it may depend on the disrto. ;) i rarelyu need to worry about it15:14
Chuck_Norrisjust works15:14
escottDr_Willis__, diff /bin/more /bin/less (on 12.04) is Binary files /bin/more and /bin/less differ15:14
w30Cyclohexane, less allows you to scroll up or back15:15
Korallisconfigure: error: Cannot build a 32-bit program, you need to install 32-bit development libraries. How do i Do this?15:16
mi3Dr_willis, ya vernulsya :D15:16
Dr_Willis__next lets compare troff with groff  and nroff ;)15:16
altinI installed gnome shell i nubuntu 11.1015:17
altinbut I dont have the bottom pannel15:17
escottKorallis, just install package:i386 as needed15:18
compdocKorallis, are you running 64 bit?15:19
Dr_Willis__altin:  gnome shell dosent really have a bottom panel. just some status icons at the bottom right. If you want thebest gnome-shell , you should upgrade to 12.0415:19
altinDr_Willis__, yes I was talking about those15:19
altini was trying to edit workspace settings15:19
nannesChuck_Norris: you deserve a beer.......15:19
altinbut I cant find them15:19
nannes2, too :D15:19
Dr_Willis__altin:  gnome-shell worked poorly in 11.10   broke unity also i belive15:20
curiousxnannes: xD give me one virtual beer i need it15:20
altinDr_Willis__, so u suggest I upgrade ?15:20
zally666how do i make from an script sh ... env vars do some do launch app with parameters ... can i make sutch a script into a -g flagged binary ?15:20
* nannes offers everyone a virtual beer15:21
Dr_Willis__altin:  gnome shell dosent really have a bottom panel. just some status icons at the bottom right. If you want thebest gnome-shell , you should upgrade to 12.0415:21
Dr_Willis__i allready did altin ... ;)15:21
altinok ok15:21
altinthnx :)15:21
Koralliscompdoc, yes and tryin to install a patched 1.4 verison of wine. but i think someone managed to help me fix it with a dpkg command15:23
compdocKorallis, cool. My advice would have been to google:  how to install ubuntu 32-bit development libraries15:25
compdocsome good info there15:25
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roia_I need help with dhcp15:27
Koralliscompdoc, thanks15:27
roia_i have two clients booting from pxe to nfs15:27
roia_only the first client reciev ip15:28
roia_second client is not booting15:28
Chuck_Norriswhere is the user with realtek? i forgot writing yoou something =P15:28
joel135hi, #ubuntu! when i issue "sudo apt-get remove firefox", apt wants to install epiphany instead. i need help finding the cause of this behaviour. is there perhaps a command that lists packages that (are installed && depends on firefox)?15:28
joel135the *-desktop packages I've used so far are ubuntu- and lubuntu- (both uninstalled by now). maybe there is a connection there15:30
domedagenCan someone recommend an USB-wlan card with native support for 64-bit Ubuntu?15:32
escottjoel135, there might be some rule that says "you must have a browser from one of these 4"15:32
^zenyhooubby-ithello! :)15:32
domedagenI can't be the only one having this issue15:32
^zenyhooubby-itCan I still update from 10.10 to 11.04?15:32
domedagen^zenyhooubby-it: I think you update step by step15:33
domedagen^zenyhooubby-it: Thats how I got from 11.04 to 12.0415:33
^zenyhooubby-ityes domedagen15:33
domedagen^zenyhooubby-it: Why dont you want to use the latest version?15:34
compdocdomedagen, did you see:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported15:34
^zenyhooubby-itI want 12, but I don't see the direct update!15:34
SolarisBoyprobably need to tell update-manager you want to upgrade distro's15:35
^zenyhooubby-itand live-usb doesn't works15:35
Dr_Willis__domedagen:  i basically went to amazon, looked for them.. then serached the comments for how well linux support was. got a cheap $8 one  from some no name company that works. :)15:35
Dr_Willis__domedagen:  but its totally plug in and it works.15:35
Dr_Willis__domedagen:  but it could have better features. but for $8 i dont mine.15:36
compdocdomedagen, I would start with a major brand as listed on that page, and then search for user problems or sucesses at using the device15:36
domedagencompdoc: Problem with that is that it is outdated and that there is no easy way to know if it works15:36
compdocand your particualr version of ubuntu15:37
^zenyhooubby-itso, I can't update directly, can I update from 10.10 (not yet supported) to 11.04?15:37
domedagen^zenyhooubby-it: Yes you can15:38
domedagen^zenyhooubby-it: Just press upgrade now and dont press upgrade while on 11.0415:38
^zenyhooubby-itok theenkyuu veery much! :)15:38
^zenyhooubby-itupgrade now?15:39
fr-zescott or cvr any of you know a way so i can access the .private folder to delete data. I dont understand from where i have so mutch space used when i only have like 5 GB of files downloaded (and the private hs already 70 GB)15:39
domedagen^zenyhooubby-it: In update manager15:39
escottfr-z, you access your .private through the fuse loop mount15:40
alFReD-NSHI made a new clean install today, it boot up nicely. Installed some updates and when restarted it hang on the boot screen showing ubuntu and the 5 dots15:41
alFReD-NSHI reinstalled again and same thing happened15:42
WomkesWhen I SSH from my Ubuntu dekstop to on of my Ubuntu servers the SSH connection seems to hang after only a couple of minutes. It is not disconnected but I cant enter any commands15:42
Womkesany idea why this is?15:42
Womkesand how I can solve it?15:42
compdocdomedagen, another resource is newegg.com. Search the reviews for each device that looks interesting for the word 'ubuntu'15:42
escottalFReD-NSH, hit the up arrow key. what does it say15:42
zally666so how does a worm fix a tvtuner o_015:43
zally666bah gonne play some psx15:44
fr-zescott you know how can i access fuse loop mount_ is that an app_15:44
asus1025ci have an Asus EEEPC 1025C netbook (Atom N2800, Intel GMA3650 graphics) and updating the kernel to 3.4  i managed to get 1024x600  and was able to watch 480p and 720p videos on my netbook's 10 inch screen. I also wanted to use my netbook' s HDMI port and that is where things went downhill15:47
escottfr-z, don't touch .private. don't do anything to it15:47
escottfr-z, it is your real $HOME. you start messing with it and $HOME you can say goodbye to all your files15:47
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asus1025ci followed the instructions found on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1953734&page=10    (post #94) , rebooted and now X does not start anymore, i tried startx from the console but it exits with error "Fatal server error: no screens found"  Can anyone help me?15:49
ace_meI try to secure my tmp folder but when I try to format my newly partition with mkfs.ext3 -j /var/tmpMnt I get bash: mkfs.ext3: command not found15:53
systestanyone else have a problem with dnsmasq ignoring search domains set by DHCP?15:54
fr-zescott if its my home how can .private occupy 70 gb when my all honw, without .private, has 30 gb)15:55
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ace_mels /sbin/mkfs* is not showing that .ext315:56
joel135asus1025c: revert to your old xorg.conf. then make the changes to the file one at a time until the error occurs again15:56
asus1025ci did not have an xorg.conf when i started so i can not revert to it15:58
kenbo11hi all15:58
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kenbo11I was just running an update and it seems to have stalled at "Installing new version of config file /etc/init/zramswap.conf ...15:59
kenbo11will I do much damage if I quit it15:59
joel135asus1025c: mv your xorg.conf to xorg.conf.notworking or something. then, as root, run "X -configure" to get a fresh one15:59
drecutewhat is the inode numer used for ext4 journal?16:00
JoniiBwah, Ubuntu has some serious issues with keeping windows and their icons visible16:01
joel135asus1025c: if I recall correctly, "X -configure" will create new xorg.conf in $HOME, so you'll need to move that one, too16:03
escottfr-z, the overhead of encryption should not be that large. its possible that something has gone wrong, but removing files from .private is the wrong way to deal with it16:03
fr-zescott is that important to have the encryptation active on the OS_16:04
kenbo11I was just running an update and it seems to have stalled at "Installing new version of config file /etc/init/zramswap.conf ...16:05
escottfr-z, you choose to enable encryption. thats your decision to make16:05
fr-zok escott tahnk you m8 >(16:07
altinanyone knows where can I find graphic card drivers for ATI16:07
m8fr-z, :)16:07
escottfr-z, it would also be helpful if you could post the output of du -h -d 2 $HOME16:07
altinI have a thinkpad t60 with ati radeon x140016:07
altinadditional drivers cant find any driver16:07
altinand I also searched google but not that successful16:07
escottfr-z, rather -d 116:08
Sidewinder1How/where to 'enable' the Ubuntu OS log-on sound that I've come to know and love {in all of the previous versions} in 12.04? I get the 'beat of the bongos', which prompts for password but after that, when log-on occurs, no log-on flourish sound.. TIA.16:11
the_misfitHi. I just installed 12.04 fresh install for the first time. fglrx has given me problems but nothing too serious -- just error messages -- since Maverick. I'm going to stop being lazy and hitting 'cancel' and learn what these things mean16:11
the_misfiti get a 'system has recovered from an error' i hit cancel and things are ok16:11
asus1025crunning  X -configure  got my netbook back to a working X environment. THANK YOU!  But my hdmi issue remains unsolved16:12
escottSidewinder1, i think it might still be there, but the volume was changed from ear splitting to reasonable16:12
asus1025cjoel135: thank you. see my previous post. got a working X. Any ideas about getting hdmi working on my netbook?16:13
Sidewinder1escott, Thanx for the response; no, volume isn't the issue, at least I don't think so. Any other suggestions I might try?16:13
escottSidewinder1, http://maketecheasier.com/disable-login-sound-in-ubuntu-oneiric-quick-tips/2011/09/1516:14
Sidewinder1escott, Thanks, I'll look.16:14
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
* Sidewinder1 Looks16:14
fr-zescott its still listing lol16:14
escottfr-z, the best output would be "du -h -d 1 $HOME | sort -h16:16
alFReD-NSHOk, I'm Back. So I've made a clean install today. And after it boot up normally. Got the updates and restarted again, it hangs on the boot screen http://db.tt/r8ckaXj616:17
kenbo11altin  http://www.bestithelp.co.uk/info/ati-mobility-radeon-x1400-on-linux/16:18
fr-zescott does not acept the -d16:18
joel135asus1025c: could you run "sudo lshw > $HOME/lshw.txt" and upload the newly created lshw.txt in your home folder? it contains information about your hardware16:19
escottfr-z, du (GNU coreutils) 8.13 does16:19
alFReD-NSHAlso this happens before it http://db.tt/XCACHyN016:19
fr-zescott frz@fr-z:~$ sudo du -d 1 $HOME | sort -h16:20
fr-zdu: invalid option -- 'd'16:20
fr-zTry `du --help' for more information.16:20
escottfr-z, why are you running with sudo?16:20
fr-zwithout it gives the same error16:21
escottalFReD-NSH, i doubt the intel error is related. its probably some kind of driver bug16:21
escottfr-z, what is du --version16:22
dangbarryman du and there is no d flag are you looking for -D16:22
alFReD-NSHIt was working correctly the week before...16:22
alFReD-NSHThe reninstall made the problem, escott16:23
fr-zescott 8.516:23
escottdangbarry, fr-z "man du | grep -- -d"    -d, --max-depth=N16:24
zolomHi all, On Natty, I'm getting "mountall: mount /boot [1144] terminated with status 32" in /var/boot.log ; don't see anything regarding /boot (or sde2) in dmesg. Mounts fine in recovery/after boot-up. /boot is ext2 part on /dev/sde2. Any direction on how to tackle this? Ty16:24
escottfr-z, you could try --max-depth=1 instead of -d 1 if thats a new option16:25
dangbarrythen use --max-depth that what its finding16:25
dangbarry-d in max depth16:25
kenbo11I was just running an update and it seems to have stalled at "Installing new version of config file /etc/init/zramswap.conf ...16:26
kenbo11there's nothing asking for input16:26
kenbo11how do i kill it and restart it16:27
escottfr-z, and if a program gives you an error about a command line argument you shouldn't just be throwing a sudo in front of it. thats like getting warned at a gas station not to smoke and saying, in that case ill just shove the cigarette into the tank16:27
joel135alFReD-NSH: to debug, boot from cd/dvd/usb, issue "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt", check the files in /mnt/var/log, especially dmesg16:28
saurabhsudo rm -r /16:28
alFReD-NSHJoel Ok thanks16:29
fr-zescott :P16:29
dangbarrydo not type that saurabh what the f**k?16:29
FloodBot1fr-z: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:29
joel135saurabh: careful. someone may try it16:29
saurabhMy bad.16:30
escottfr-z, can you rerun that as "du -h --max-depth=1 $HOME | sort -h" its easier to read that way16:30
escott!paste | fr-z16:32
ubottufr-z: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:33
escott!pm | fr-z16:33
ubottufr-z: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:33
Dr_Willis__gotta love pm floods eh? ;)16:33
escottfr-z, since you are spamming me i've had to ignore you16:34
fr-zescott i was not spaming i was sending the result of the command on pm once i was being blocked when sending to the channel16:35
escottfr-z, ill unignore you in a few minutes when this nonsense stops16:35
alankilahey, what's happened to oprofile? did it get superceded by something?16:36
alankilathe ubuntu oprofile package is marked as deleted.16:36
saurabhWill marlin file manager be available in future?16:37
escottfr-z, put that output into paste.ubuntu.com and then send us the resulting link16:37
saurabhI googled and rtfm about marlin16:38
fr-zescott http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034044/16:38
Dr_Willis__marlin is part of the elementry os/desktop project. i doubt if it will be in the official repos any time soon16:38
Dr_Willis__i think it was elementry os..16:39
escottfr-z, you have about 32gigs of mail in there16:39
Dr_Willis__32gb of spam. ;)16:40
naryfaDoes anybody know if there's a way of moving items on gnome-shell panel in Ubuntu?16:40
saurabhDr_Willis__: thanks16:40
fr-zescott yes16:40
hero1900any way to solve the 401 error when installing y HIB purcahses i even dwnloaded the debs manually and its not working16:42
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Mavrikhey... which package/module handles brightness setting on laptops?16:45
Mavrik(on 12.04)16:45
moi_Hi all. I'm trying to get connect to a WPA2 Enterprise connection. I have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with XFCE4, and I'm using wicd as my network manager.16:46
moi_Here are the instructions they give: http://prowiki.isc.upenn.edu/wiki/Configuring_Ubuntu_For_AirPennNet16:46
moi_I'm not sure how relevant this is, but they also give: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/cets/answers/airpennnet-linux.html16:46
Pierrebwhen i view flash content in mozilla sometimes people end up being blue16:49
esingah cvr is sleeping already16:49
Pierrebanyone know how to solve that?16:49
esingi fixed my unity problem and found the issue :)16:49
esingpierreb maybe turn of graficcard accelerator (right click on the video )16:50
esing(not sure if it's helping though, just a guess)16:50
jarray52I'm trying to get my Radeon 6400M graphics card working. My laptop, however, has two graphics cards. I'm currently using a kernel with switcheroo. Any suggestions?16:51
hero1900okey whatever thx for not helping USC sucks s much16:51
Pierrebesing: going to check that16:51
altinhow can I change the toolbar menu and window color of Adwaita theme ??16:54
altin<altin> im using gnome 316:54
altin<altin> on ubuntu16:54
altin and is there any way I can install ati x1400 graphic driver for Thinkpad T6016:55
altinadditional drivers didnt find any driver16:56
LittleBallOfHatealtin: different theme is all you can do16:59
LittleBallOfHatealtin: AMD card?16:59
altinLittleBallOfHate, yes16:59
altinin fact I have intel centrino processor17:00
Chuck_Norrisaltin: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_radeon_2012old17:00
Chuck_Norrisits says: "This testing is quite simple: with a Lenovo ThinkPad T60 that bears a Mobility Radeon X1400 and on the CPU side an Intel Core Duo"17:00
altinthanks Chuck_Norris17:01
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Arrgonsignal check17:01
ace_memount -o loop,rw,nosuid,noexec /dev/tmpMnt /tmp17:01
ace_meit gives me mount: no permission to look at /dev/loop<N>17:02
Chuck_Norrisaltin: the title says: "Open-Source R500 Driver Can Compete With Legacy Catalyst" but idk how to install R500 driver =P17:02
escottace_me, why would you do that?17:02
LittleBallOfHateace_me: sudo17:02
ace_me am root17:02
ace_mebut seen that the loop files in the dev are root disk17:02
escottace_me, or at least, what is the loop all about17:02
thiebaudewhat should i do, lightdm is asking for my sudo password?17:03
ace_meI try to secure the tmp folder17:03
ace_methese were not on a partition first so I was advised by csf firewall to secure it and after googling17:03
escottace_me, putting the image file in /dev is not appropriate devpts should be managing /dev. you should put it elsewhere like /var17:05
sdfsdWhere can I get lubuntu-restricted extras?17:05
escottace_me, also if the only point in doing this is to get noexec nosuid why not just add that to your fstab when mounting /run and the like?17:06
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Gaming4JCHey guys, I accidently deleted an .conf/(xml) file I was working on. Anyway I can recover it? I read about scalpel but there doesn't seem to be an option for xml :|17:12
Gaming4JCapplication/xml; charset=us-ascii is the filetype...17:13
escottGaming4JC, does your text editor not keep a backup17:13
ace_meescott under /var is the same ! finally I get same mount: no permission to look at /dev/loop<N>17:13
Gaming4JCescott: no because I Shift+Deleted the whole folder, and thought I had already backed it up on CD... my bad. :P17:13
escottace_me, i would just say that not everything you read on the internet is true or a good idea (I know its really confusing!!!) and would suggest you not do what this guy is suggesting17:14
escottace_me, if you want noexec,nosuid just add that to your fstab17:14
ace_meok escott17:14
escottace_me, /run should not have a backing store. /tmp is a more difficult case as some browsers like to save big media files they download for in browser playback to /tmp17:15
* Gaming4JC continues to google about magic numbers and scalpel in attempt to find xml :O17:15
escottace_me, and /var/run -> /run17:16
escott!undelete | Gaming4JC17:16
ubottuGaming4JC: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:16
ion__I tryed to install property drivers but I couldn't17:17
ion__was an ATI/AMD FGLRX graphics driver...17:18
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jeffmjackhello, anybody know how to add multiple directories to the path in .profile?17:18
cogLurkinHow do I configure games to use my Graphics Card?17:18
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ion__how do I solve this problem...?17:19
jeffmjackI'm seeing and if/then that sets the path to $HOME/bin17:19
n1c0-nuXHello, someone can help me to replace grub-pc by grub-efi on my bootable linux USB key17:19
jeffmjackwhich is good, but I also want to add another directory17:19
escottjeffmjack, you just add it with another export command17:19
ion__so what do I have to do then...?17:19
jeffmjackso it goes outside that if/then?17:20
melonadejeffmjack: export PATH=$PATH:<your additions seperated with colons>:17:20
escottjeffmjack, unless you want to test for the existence of the folder (which is what that if does)17:20
jeffmjackright okay- i don't need to test for the folder17:20
jeffmjackso, comment out the if/then and add the export?17:21
jeffmjackand this goes in .profile, not .bashrc, right?17:21
hanscomI am using LinuxMint I stopped using Ubuntu 12.04LTS because of Unity17:22
schiOSHello : )17:22
escottjeffmjack, depends on the behavior you want. login vs non-login shell17:23
escott!mint | hanscom17:23
ubottuhanscom: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:23
Orpheonif I type a command into the terminal, where does the computer search for it?17:23
OrpheonI'm trying to find a dll of a lmms plugin17:23
Orpheoninstalled via repo17:24
FuchsOrpheon: $PATH  if I got your question correctly17:24
FuchsOrpheon: maybe you are intersted in locate (sudo updatedb first) or find17:24
jarray52I'm trying to get my ATI Radeon 6400M graphics card working on my laptop. I'm wondering if it is even possible. lsmod shows the radeon driver active, but I have extremely low resolution. Any suggestions?17:24
FuchsOrpheon: packages.ubuntu.com also allows to search via filename17:24
OrpheonFuchs, ok17:24
wilhartwhere do i see my motherboard vendor name17:25
wilhartwhat motherboard this uses17:25
OrpheonFuchs, no, locate is not what I mean. When I install lmms via ubuntu repository, it gets downloaded somewhere. I want to know that somewhere.17:25
jeffmjackmelonade, escott: thanks for the help :)_17:25
FuchsOrpheon: ah, these are package repos17:26
OrpheonIt has to be some standarized spot17:26
sdfsdWhat's the name of the Nvidia HW acceleration package?17:26
FuchsOrpheon: /etc/apt/sources.list  or the files in the directory of a similar name17:26
LjLOrpheon: the .deb packages get downloaded into /var/cache/apt/archives. if you instead want to see where the *files* are, "dpkg -L packagename"17:27
OrpheonLjL, Thank you, that was what I needed17:28
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AndChat-505161Can some one tmme if i try wine for windows tool will that be that good in ubuntu17:28
d21anthonyJust upgraded to 12.04 can't log in through lightdm (GUI)  login screen. Had similar problem with 11.10 but was able to do a unity --reset. Now when I try to do a unity reset it spits out an error. Any ideas would be awesome17:28
ishanabaAndChat: what is the tool it depends17:29
D[4]nithe ubuntu archive manager can unpack some windows installer packages ending in .exe - how would i do that from a terminal?17:32
D[4]niplain unzip did _not_ work.17:32
escottD[4]ni, i think you would have to find the beginning of the zip archive which is in the middle of that exe17:33
d21anthonyJust upgraded to 12.04 can't log in through lightdm (GUI)  login screen. Had similar problem with 11.10 but was able to do a unity --reset. Now when I try to do a unity reset it spits out an error. Any ideas would be awesome17:33
escottD[4]ni, basically those executables come with their own version of unzip hardcoded to unzip the tail of the file17:33
schiOSI need all users command block except root example user can use cat /etc/passwd system send message No permissions ? this is possible ?17:33
schiOSI have bad english : )17:34
escottD[4]ni, its a bit like having cat <EOF | unzip followed by a big binary blob in a shell script17:34
escottschiOS, no thats what /etc/shadow is for17:34
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D[4]niuhm, doesn't sound very funny17:35
D[4]nito be more precise, it's a nullsoft installer package17:35
escottschiOS, http://www.unix.com/aix/123704-etc-passwd.html17:35
D[4]nialso, not sure if that's really some zip format17:35
schiOSI give example /etc/passwd I need command block :O17:36
daneпривет всем17:36
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daneЕсть руко говорящие?17:36
daneговорит кто на руском?17:37
DJones!ru | dane17:37
ubottudane: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:37
PlowRox<D[4]ni>  windows installer packages ending in .exe   <<<<<<<<  run it in windows and while its open copy the files from the temp folder.....17:37
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Yankees52I hate unity17:37
Yankees52is there a way to get ubuntu back to like ubuntu 7.10?17:38
Gaming4JC+1... Use Gnome 3 Classic.17:38
D[4]niPlowRox: nah, i'm already able to extract the files via gui (archive manager can do it) - but i need to do it in a shell script17:38
PlowRoxi use the gnome fallback mode  u choose it in logon17:38
d21anthonyhere is the unity --reset error i get -  please check it out and tell me what you think http://pastebin.com/br2dSwb517:38
__Alex_Hey dudes! Does anyone know how can i record my screen, and also capture my audio output?17:38
esing1which is the standard file manager of unity ?17:39
escottD[4]ni, fileroller must be using some other tool. its really a matter of determining what tool. what does "file" say that the file is17:39
__Alex_esing1: Nautius iirc17:39
D[4]niescott: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive17:39
Gaming4JCD[4]ni: maybe cabextract17:39
Gaming4JC!package cabextract17:39
djdan2k8Hi i am looking for some help with my ubuntu vps server17:39
D[4]niGaming4JC: no valid cabinets found17:39
D[4]niAll done, errors in processing 1 file(s)17:39
DJones!screencast | __Alex_ Could be something here that may help you recording your screen, not sure about capturing audio as well though17:40
ubottu__Alex_ Could be something here that may help you recording your screen, not sure about capturing audio as well though: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.17:40
escottD[4]ni, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/applications/144916-solved-unzip-exe-files.html17:40
tshauckwhat would be the point of putting my machine / user name in a prompt if as soon as I ssh into another machine my prompt goes away17:40
Gaming4JCD[4]ni: Nullsoft is probably going to be a pain, but who knows. :P17:40
auronandace!info cabextract | Gaming4JC17:40
ubottuGaming4JC: cabextract (source: cabextract): Microsoft Cabinet file unpacker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-1 (precise), package size 40 kB, installed size 188 kB17:40
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Gaming4JCauronandace: ty :)17:40
D[4]niescott: is not RAR archive17:41
D[4]niNo files to extract17:41
djdan2k8could anyone help i need to downgrade on php version on a fresh install of plesk 10 on my ubuntu vps id be very great full thank you17:41
Gaming4JCD[4]ni: http://www.totalcmd.net/plugring/gaup.html (InnoSetup mentioned, dunno about NullSoft)17:43
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escotttshauck, change our PS1 on the other machine then17:43
AnsiktOn Ubuntu server, how to I attach to a wireless network?17:43
D[4]niGaming4JC, escott: p7zip seems to do the job17:43
TenochHave any of you guys tried absenthe 2.0, it is to brake jail iphone, ipad etc?17:44
Gaming4JCD[4]ni: neat, I thought it only opened lzma.17:44
D[4]niwho knows, perhaps nullsoft uses lzma17:44
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icerootTenoch: ##apple17:50
icerootTenoch: and dont buy products which needs something like that first until they are usable17:50
root____3I need help with Backtrack r2 KDE, Im having an issue,17:51
root____3                   whenever i open a program of any kind it  may freeze17:51
iceroot!backtrack | root____317:51
DJones!backtrack | root____317:51
ubotturoot____3: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:51
root____3uhhh #backtrack-linux doesnt exist17:51
iceroot!rootirc | root____317:51
ubotturoot____3: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.17:51
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iceroot!alis | root____317:52
ubotturoot____3: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:52
djdan2k8could anyone here give me advice on downgrading php or point me to a channel that cn17:52
ikoniaroot____3: #backtrack-linux does exist17:52
icerootdjdan2k8: downgrade is not supported17:52
djdan2k8so it cant be done17:52
ikoniadjdan2k8: how did you install php ?17:53
root____3why wont it let me go there?17:53
root____3 /join #backtrack-linux17:53
root____3doesnt work17:53
ikoniaroot____3: because you are using the account root17:53
djdan2k8ikonia it was installed with plesk panel17:53
ikoniaroot____3: all the info is listed on their website, or ask in #freenode for help17:53
__Alex_djdan2k8: It can be done, it's just not allowed. I know how to do it though, it's simple17:53
ikoniadjdan2k8: on a hosting provider machine ?17:53
djdan2k8yes ikonia17:53
icerootdjdan2k8: dont downgrade php on such a machine!!!17:54
ikoniadjdan2k8: ok, hosting providers can do things very different from the norm, more so as machines are often shared.17:54
icerootdjdan2k8: only!! use the version from the repos17:54
ikoniadjdan2k8: I'd suggest contacting your hosting provider if you want any changes done to the machine17:54
RBVWhy would you want an older, less secure version of -php-17:54
ikoniaRBV: some applications have functions that have changed in newer versions of php, and therefore don't work17:55
wilxikonia: Upgrade applications as well?17:55
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RBVSounds like if the application isn't supported in the current version of PHP you have other issues17:56
ikoniawilx: sorry what ?17:56
ikoniaRBV: that's not true, but if you think that, then that's your business and you need to pick applications you are confortable with17:56
djdan2k8the reason for it is a joomla extension i need dosnt work on 5.317:56
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ikoniadjdan2k8: contacting your hosting provider would be step one, contacting the joomla guys for help getting it to work with 5.3 would be another option17:57
deostrollHi I am having a compiz problem...it kind of has disabled the unity desktop's application launcher17:57
deostrollHow do I get it back17:57
deostrolleven alt-tab isn't working now17:58
RBVoh god joomla17:58
djdan2k8i will try that thank you17:58
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Dice-Mani wonder if usb 3.0 is compatible with 2.018:01
RBVSure it's backwards-compatible18:02
dehibernateonly on regular USB though18:03
Avremdoes the default ubuntu mysql distro install with a database "test"?18:03
icerootAvrem: no18:03
dehibernateMicro USB 3.0 has a different connector18:03
RBVAvrem: log in and do 'show databases;'18:05
notwistdoes anyone know of a good guide/article about what to do with your ubuntu server? I just installed mine, got SSH up and running and everything but I'm not really sure what to do with it :)18:05
AvremRBV, I did. I did a show database and see a db called "test" created. Not sure where it came from -- which makes me slightly paranoid18:05
RBVAvrem: are there any users that look out of the ordinary?18:06
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RBVWhat's in the database?18:10
NateTutIs anyone available to help me with a e-mail setup question?18:11
RBVNateTut: Just ask18:12
NateTutOK, I would like to setup mail on Ubuntu to use my Yahoo SMTP address for sending, specifically I need to e-mail from scripts using Yahoo18:13
sdfsdI am trying to compile something: Unable to locate package polkit-gobject-118:13
sdfsdwho can help me?18:13
RBVNate: what have you tried so far?18:15
sdfsdwhere can I get polkit?18:16
NateTutI have searched & searched to no avail. I have gone through the tutorial on the Ubuntu site, but it does not apply to my situation. I can setup a client like Thunderbird no problem, but I need to e-mail from the command line/scripts18:16
RBVDid you get the server names, port names and everything from Yahoo?18:17
Gaming4JCsdfsd:  http://pkgs.org/search/?keyword=polkit-gobject-118:17
jkl7I plugged a usb wifi doggle to my pc, I am able to connect to the access point through the GUI, I wonder the command to the access point on the terminal?18:17
NateTutYeah, I've got all that stuff, I can setup a client fine, I want the OS to use it too.18:18
RBVNateTut: Do you know are you using sendmail or what?18:18
NateTutI have tried sendmail and another alternative who's name escapes me.18:18
NateTutYes, that's it, postfix.18:19
sdfsdGaming4JC: Thanks, that was already installed, but I've found a -dev version and now my thing works!!! Ty18:19
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Gaming4JCnp :)18:19
RBVNateTut: well, you just need to edit the configuration file to use the settings from Yahoo. Then do a test email message, and if it doesn't work look at the logs to see why18:20
NateTutwhich config files? Is this for sendmail?18:20
RBVNateTut: for either one18:20
RBVThis is for gmail but you should be to alter for yahoo http://drewdahl.com/2010/02/18/setup-sendmail-to-use-gmails-smtp-server/18:21
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NateTutThanks, I'm sure I can adapt it.18:21
Gaming4JCNateTut: If using a non-paid for Yahoo account Good luck with anything from Yahoo Mail. I tried Freepops and it failed epically.18:22
WomkesWhen I SSH from my Ubuntu desktop to one of my Ubuntu servers the SSH connection seems to die just after a few minutes. It's not disconnected e.g. that it turns back to the terminal @ my desktop but it is unresponsive, cannot enter any commands. Why does this happen and how can I fix it.18:22
sdfsdguys, how do I uninstall a program installed from source code using GIT?18:22
RBVWomkes: adjust timeouts on the server?18:22
RBVsdfsd: make uninstall18:22
NateTutI have a paid Yahoo acct.18:22
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brandonjsdfsd: sometimes you can run 'make uninstall' from the source directory18:23
sdfsdThanks guys18:23
Gaming4JCNateTut: should work then. :)18:23
jkl7I plugged a usb wifi doggle to my pc, I am able to connect to the access point through the GUI, I wonder the command to the access point on the terminal?18:25
escottsdfsd, next time use checkinstall18:25
sdfsdescott: what's that?18:25
escott!checkinstall | sdfsd18:26
ubottusdfsd: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:26
RBVjkl7: http://www.linuxcommand.org/man_pages/iwconfig8.html18:26
sdfsdanyways, how can I see the version of a package installed from source? dpkg -s does not work on it18:26
escottsdfsd, if you installed by hand using ./configure; make; make install then dpkg doesnt know about it18:27
hashset_new ubuntu/linux user..  having trouble getting Eclipse Indigo to run at all after extraction18:27
sdfsdso, yeah18:27
sdfsdthat's what I did18:27
RBVsdfsd: go back to the directory the source is in. You are learning why package management tools exist18:27
brandonjsdfsd: the easiest way is usually to run the program on the terminal with the --version flag18:27
brandonjsdfsd: but it's different with each package, that's why package management is usually good, it adds some standardization18:28
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WomkesIs it a server side problem then RBV, or client side ?18:29
anthony__testing, testing, 12318:30
RBVWomkes: what is ServerAliveInterval set at on your machine (in ssh_config)18:30
otibom_Can I make right super (only, not left) to behave like ctrl simply ? i.e. without complicated editing of keymaps ?18:31
Gaming4JCanthony__: Mary had a little lamb her fleece was white as snow... yep test worked. Welcome to IRC. ;)18:31
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escottotibom_, the gnome keyboard preferences has lots of predefined mappings18:33
otibom_escott, yes I've investigated that already. It seems you can't treat both super keys differently.18:34
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WomkesRBV, it is not configured18:35
WomkesI should set it to 60 sec or so ?18:35
RBVSure, that will send a keepalive every 60 seconds' so that you don't get disconnected18:36
Womkesok thanks18:38
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WomkesI can so the same server side right?18:38
Womkeswith ClientAlive18:39
AnsiktJust installed ubuntu server on my computer, but it doesn't want to boot.  I'm in my system via chroot right now.  Any suggestions?18:39
RBVWomkes: Yea but it's easier to configure 1 client than 50 servers18:39
AnsiktWhen i boot, it just hangs at black screen with a blinking cursor.  What could be the issue?18:40
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RBVAnsikt: re install the bootloader18:41
escott!nomodeset | Ansikt would seem odd for a server but maybe18:42
ubottuAnsikt would seem odd for a server but maybe: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:42
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WomkesThe .ssh directory should be chmodded to 700 right? and the authorized_keys file to 600 ?18:50
dvs-Hey. Got a problem. Im running on windows 7 now and i did an ubuntu windowsinstall. This didnt work properly, so i went back into windows and deleted the "ubuntu" folder. I then did a partition install from USB that was sucsessfull. The problem now is that when i boot i can choose between "Windows 7" and "unbuntu". If i choose "ubuntu" it says that some file in /ubuntu/winboot/.. is missing.18:51
dvs-Anyone know what to do?18:51
dvs-seems its still trying to boot the "Windowsinstall" instead of the proper one18:51
LittleBallOfHatenever messed with a wubi install18:52
GeeksOnHugsI downloaded a theme, how do I install it?  this is the theme: http://www.ubuntuthemes.org/blue-joy.html18:52
LittleBallOfHateyou can hit e i think and edit the boot line in grub if you know what partition and such it's on18:52
LittleBallOfHateGeeksOnHugs: extract to ~/.Themes I think18:53
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dvs-LittleBallOfHate: well, i guess i can find the partition, but where dont know how to change the boot line18:53
LittleBallOfHatedvs-: think it's esc and then highlight the ubuntu line and hit e18:54
rodrigotienes argentinos????18:57
LjL!ar | rodrigo18:57
ubotturodrigo: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe18:57
GeeksOnHugsLittleBallOfHate : I did a search for themes and don't see it where should it be?18:59
cypher-neoWhen I'm configuring update-alternatives to select my default browser, I see Chromium listed twice. One entry is "Auto mode" and the other entry is "Manual mode"? What's the difference between auto and manual mode?19:00
solid91_Hi everibody...can someone help me to connect my guitar with qjack and rakarrack? i have some problems19:00
GeeksOnHugsoh wait, tilde means root right19:00
LittleBallOfHateGeeksOnHugs: your home dir19:00
LittleBallOfHateand it's .themes or .Themes I can't remember19:00
GeeksOnHugsI don't have either in my home directory nor "file system"19:01
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LittleBallOfHateGeeksOnHugs: ls -a in your home19:01
GeeksOnHugsok, yep tried that and lots of dot somethings but no dot theme19:02
LittleBallOfHateGeeksOnHugs: so mkdir .themes19:02
GeeksOnHugsok cool19:02
LittleBallOfHateGeeksOnHugs: then extract the zip into there19:02
GeeksOnHugscaps or no?19:02
LittleBallOfHateGeeksOnHugs: might want to google "install gnome theme"19:02
GeeksOnHugskk ty19:02
GeeksOnHugsI have unity, is that the same as gnome?19:03
LittleBallOfHateGeeksOnHugs: nope19:03
GeeksOnHugsOK so I need to search for unity themes I guess19:03
LittleBallOfHateGeeksOnHugs: yup19:03
GeeksOnHugskk, thanks19:03
solid91_someone can help me with qjack?19:06
bluezoneGnome sucks, unity sucks, and i don't like kde. Any other viable desktop environments? ;D19:07
notwistbluezone plenty. xfce and lxde come to mind19:07
Zally666Forget tv tuner19:07
notwistbluezone they are both available in the forms of xubuntu and lubuntu19:07
bluezonebut i can still install them in the desktop version?19:08
GeeksOnHugsi found an application myunity that does it all :)19:08
WomkesWhen you have a crosslink between two servers on eth1 is it nessacary to specify the network and broadcast parameters in /etc/network/interfaces or simply put in address and netmask and be done with it ?19:09
notwistbluezone just do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and you can choose between gnome and xfce at login19:10
notwistbluezone note that it does take up some space19:10
rgenitoi just updated my kernel from 2.6 to 3.219:10
rgenito(ubuntu 11.04)19:10
rgenitonow X is failing to load...19:10
escottrgenito, what kind of graphics card19:11
rgenitoradeon HD =X19:11
rgenitowhen running kernel 2.6, this all worked fine (the graphics card and such)19:11
escottrgenito, and where did you get the drivers19:11
rgenitohowever, i get an error when X starts19:11
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rgenitoescott: got the drivers from AMD's site19:12
escottrgenito, then thats your problem19:12
notwistrgenito have you tried selecting the old kernel then? isn't it still there in the startup options?19:12
rgenitoescott: what is my problem? the fact that i got the drivers from the vendor's site?19:12
notwistrgenito probably that the vendor drivers breaks compability with new kernels, and open source drivers usually dont.. or something to that extent19:13
rgenitonotwist: well, i have to use at least kernel 3.0.0-19, or else i have to patch 2.6 to get some usb device features19:13
notwistrgenito try removing proprietary drivers and reconfiguring x19:13
escottrgenito, yes. you are supposed to use jockey-gtk, but since you didnt you are responsible for mantaining compatibility19:13
rgenitonotwist: oh? i have no idea how to do those :(19:13
rgenitobtw i'm running this machine headless lol19:13
rgenitoonly using bare X because the GPUs require it19:13
notwistrgenito if reinstalling is an option, that's probably the fastest route. otherwise you need to google how to remove radeon drivers and reconfigure x (which will fall back on default drivers)19:14
=== epzil0n is now known as Guest57930
Jake7I'm running 12.04 LTS. Some random time during the session I'll lose the KB shortcuts; Ctrl-Alt-T (terminal) and Alt-F2 (run app). I can't reproduce it. I can't see anything in the logs that stands out. They're there, then they're not. Anyone else seen this?19:15
rgenitonotwist: thanks for the info, i think i'll just install 12.04 from scratch then19:15
rgenitonow, any recommendations for installing 12.04 when i dont have a cdrom drive? :D19:15
smwrgenito, usb drive19:16
smwrgenito, although it kills all data on a usb drive, I have found that just doing a dd from the iso to the usb (sdb or whatever) works perfectly19:17
=== iiulian is now known as Guest93188
WillPittengerI'm trying to add a repository on my local hard drive to Synaptic.  But the Add Source button is disabled.  The command line is as follows >>>> rpmdir /media/sf_WinDocs/My\ Downloaded\ Files/Apache/Open\ Office/ precise main19:20
WillPittengerI tried putting the path in quotes.  That path is actually on the host's drive.19:21
dhavalHELP, when i try to run any shell script, it opens with a editor, doest not run. How to EXECUTE it?19:21
notwistrgenito are you on a windows machine right now?19:21
WillPittengerHence the "sf_" prefix to the folder.19:21
* robinder is using a BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps running Android 2.3.3 (
notwistrgenito in that case, download unetbootin to put the iso on a usb, then boot from that19:21
notwistdhaval try ./scriptfilename19:21
=== Roasted is now known as roasted
DexterFmoved root partition, updated etc. now how do I tell grub about the new config? grub-mkconfig from a chroot to the root partition generates a proper menu.cfg, but how do I install it?19:22
dhavalnotwist: i dont know ANY linux command19:22
notwistDexterF maybe http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/update-grub.8.html ?19:22
notwistdhaval time to learn some then :)19:23
WillPittengerIs there a channel somewhere specific to Synaptic?19:23
notwistdhaval cd is for changing folders, ls is for listing folder contents. go to the folder and type ./thefileyouwanttorun19:23
escott!rpm | WillPittenger19:23
ubottuWillPittenger: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)19:23
WillPittengerescott: Synaptic supports RPM.19:24
escottWillPittenger, and this channel doesnt19:24
moduspwninsdhaval: you may need to make the file "executable" (Right-click, properties, permissions, "allow executing file as program"19:24
dhavalnotwist: i tried that command, it says permission denied. (I am the administrator.)19:24
DexterFdhaval, get yourself a copy of O'reilly's excellent "Linux in a nutshell".19:24
notwistdhaval as mentioned, is it executable?19:25
dhavalnotwist its a tor's bundle19:25
species_4981dhaval - go here and learn; the book is very very good too http://www.linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php19:25
moduspwninshello ashka19:25
ashkaI've been trying to setup a touchscreen on precise lately, and I need the driver which is named hidtouch suite19:25
ashkabut it won't compile, here's the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034317/19:26
escottDexterF, update-grub will put the grub files in the correct place. and you should think about transitioning to grub219:26
jeremiahOk, i needs some help. I was being a punk and was messing around with the icons on the left hand side toolbar, and i clicked remove from launcher for my minecraft tab or whatever. how do i bring it back??19:27
DexterFnotwist, ah, ok, thanks.19:27
e64iHey, I want to know which grub have ubuntu 11.10, grub or grub2?19:27
notwistjeremiah just start it, then right click and choose to keep it in the dock19:28
escotte64i, most have transitioned to grub2 by now19:28
iceroote64i: grub219:28
DexterFescott, it is grub2. so update-grub then does not apply?19:28
jeremiahnotwist,  on the window? there is no option for that.19:28
trismashka: looks like the driver needs patching for recent xorg, IDevPtr was removed, see: http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2010-November/015496.html19:29
KRomois it better to shutdown my pc or seit to suspend?19:29
notwistjeremiah no on the actual icon in the dock to your left. if the program is running, right click that icon and choose to keep it in the dock even after the program is closed19:29
escottDexterF, update-grub is how it works with grub2 and i believe it is also supposed to work with grub219:29
escottDexterF, update-grub is how it works with grub2 and i believe it is also supposed to work with grub119:29
DexterFescott, notwist, well, update-grub2 essentially does the same, seems they are linked.19:29
notwistKRomo suspend only saves power19:29
notwistKRomo if you want a fast boot then suspend is an option19:29
KRomomight as well save power i guess19:29
DexterFwhat I don't get is why it now won't see my windows partition... I mounted proc and dev as binds before chrooting, should see the partition...19:30
jeremiahnotwist, that is the prob. it no longer appears on the dock. i open it, and it is open, but not on the dock.19:30
notwistKRomo if its a laptop you should shut it down so it doesnt take any power at all19:30
ashkatrism: oh, okay19:30
ashkado you have any recent patch for that ?19:30
notwistjeremiah how do you start minecraft to begin with?19:30
trismashka: no, where did you get the source?19:30
ashkahere http://sourceforge.net/projects/hidtouchsuite/19:30
jeremiahi double click on it.19:30
jeremiahnotwist,  i double click on it19:31
Smilexif I'm running 64bit ubuntu, how can I get 32 bit packages? I'm specifically looking for libcurl 32 bit19:31
escottSmilex, apt-get install libcurl:i38619:32
dhavalwhat is the noobs channel?19:32
KRomoi might be looking for a new computer in the next with ubuntu as the os would it be dumb to buy a 27" imac for ubuntu? will everything work? i like the hardware19:32
jribdhaval: this channel is for all levels19:32
jeremiahnotwist, it is a jar file set to open with openjdk19:32
jrib!mac | KRomo19:32
ubottuKRomo: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages19:32
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dhavaljrib when i try to open tor browser, i get permission denied error. i am the administrator19:33
Smilexescott, thanks19:33
jribdhaval: you'll have to ask the channel about that19:33
notwistjeremiah have you tried just dragging and dropping the jar file to the dock?19:33
Yankees52is there a way to move the top left buttons of the window to the right side like windows and the old ubuntu?19:33
jeremiahnotwist,  can't. it is a jar file19:34
dhavaljrib what channel? its a software i wanna run..19:34
jribdhaval: this channel is fine if you're on ubuntu...19:34
Yankees52or is there a way to get the old ubuntu back?19:34
notwistYankees52 just choose classic at the login19:34
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:34
wylde_!nounity | Yankees5219:34
ubottuYankees52: please see above19:34
dvs-Hey. Anyone here that can help me add a ubuntu partition install to bcdedit in windows 7?19:34
species_4981dhaval - if you run the Tor application from terminal, you can run it as a super user by typing sudo then the command then enter and type your password19:34
Yankees52so is unity basically built on top of gnome 3 like cinnamon is?19:35
chuYankees52: Yep.19:35
wylde_Yankees52: unity is a shell, yes19:35
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DNFTT!ops | please hang yourself ,,, UBUNTU will die soon from a virus pandemy please switch to WINDOWS 7 and enjoy safety and stability of the sistem!!!19:36
ubottuplease hang yourself ,,, UBUNTU will die soon from a virus pandemy please switch to WINDOWS 7 and enjoy safety and stability of the sistem!!!: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!19:36
DJonesDNFTT: Don't troll19:36
escottYankees52, not to the same extent. i think cinnamon uses the same WM as does shell, just rescripted.19:36
Yankees52i really dont know what to use cinnamon or unity, i love cinnamon but it is too buggy, and i hate unity for the fact its to much like the mac19:36
wylde_Yankees52: there's plenty of other options for a desktop environment.19:37
feed_the_troll!ops | please hang yourself ,,, UBUNTU will die soon from a virus pandemy please switch to WINDOWS 7 and enjoy safety and stability of the sistem!!!19:37
ubottuplease hang yourself ,,, UBUNTU will die soon from a virus pandemy please switch to WINDOWS 7 and enjoy safety and stability of the sistem!!!: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!19:37
Yankees52wylde: yeah i know KDE, XFCE19:37
escottYankees52, you can just install gnome-panel19:38
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
dvs-My unbuntu did not create a boot-file in bcdedit, does anyone know how to add this manually?19:38
jeremiahnotwist,  take it as you can no longer help19:38
e64iso my friend is having this error "ERROR: hd0 out of disk" in ubuntu 11.10, what is it?19:39
=== doomster is now known as raidhtc
alrea7 please iwant to reset my network conection is there comand ????????????/19:40
dhavali cant fucking run a simple software??? ffffffffuuuuuuuuuu19:40
wylde_!language | dhaval19:41
ubottudhaval: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:41
ikoniadhaval: stop with the language please.19:41
dhavalikonia please help me19:41
ikoniadhaval: with what ?19:41
alrea7knolesge for all19:41
ikoniadhaval: actually - someone else can help, I'm not going to reward someone for just spewing bad language into the channel.19:42
dhavalikonia i want to run tor browser. when i open the script file, it opens in an editor, doesnt execute.19:42
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ikoniadhaval: someone in the channel will get to you when they have time/know the answer19:43
dangbarrydhaval: whats the extension?19:43
wylde_sylflo: 'sudo ifdown' then 'sudo ifup' should work.19:43
species_4981dhaval did you start looking through the website I pointed you towards? You need to set the shell script via CHMOD 755, for example ...19:43
=== hatoon is now known as Guest6985
irgendwer4711hi, somehow my own kernel got installed outside DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST in grub menu19:44
dhavaldangbarry .py19:44
buh823Ikonia is a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:44
dhavalspecies_4981 dont have time for any tutes.... i got exams tmrw, and have some imp work to do with linux19:44
thinceddhaval, You probably need just x-flag. Open terminal and "cd /path/to/directory"19:44
thincedthen chmod u+x file.py19:45
ironhalikis there a way to direct grub to boot into specific OS on next reboot?19:45
species_4981dhaval - got it. Good luck then.19:45
eokdidn't know this channel had trolls :)19:45
buh823Ikonia is a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:45
dangbarrylol, Trolls are funny!19:45
irgendwer4711ironhalik: did speak to me?19:45
hashset_having trouble with wine configuration and Spotify..  can anyone help?19:45
ironhalikirgendwer4711: if you know the answer, then yes19:46
irgendwer4711ironhalik: no19:46
ashkatrism: found anything ? I didn't highlight you before, but just in case you missed it : http://sourceforge.net/projects/hidtouchsuite/19:46
wylde_!wine | hashset_19:47
ubottuhashset_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:47
eokhashset_ dunno if this is useful to you, but grooveshark.com has a pretty good library of music19:47
dhavalthinced did the same thing. it just skips to new line. without running the software, without showing error19:47
eokhashset_ i use it when on ubuntu istead of messing with wine19:47
dangbarrydhaval run it in a terminal!19:48
eokhashset_ but thats because im lazy :P19:48
OerHekshashset_, there is a spotify client for ubuntu >> http://www.spotify.com/nl/download/previews/19:48
dhavaldangbarry it says permissions denied19:48
thinceddhaval, you can ofcourse execute program from command line :). "./file.pyC"19:49
thinceddhaval, you can ofcourse execute program from command line :). "./file.py"19:49
dangbarrychange the permissions with the chmod u+x first!19:49
dhavaldangbarry thinced thanks got through it. but why it wont open with simple double click?19:50
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eokdhaval: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:50
dhavaleok it will open, but in an editor, it wont execute19:51
trismashka: didn't find anyone working on it, so even if we get it to compile, it probably won't work right, but I'll see if I can get it to compile19:51
EDawg878How do you setup an sftp so a person can remotely acess a folder?19:51
thinceddhaval, right click the file and then "Open with other application. Specify python there"19:51
DJones!list > vincenzo19:51
ubottuvincenzo, please see my private message19:51
ashkaokay, thanks trism19:51
eokdhaval, is it executable?19:51
dangbarrydhaval it will but the terminal will show any errors.!19:51
wylde_!openssh | EDawg87819:52
ubottuEDawg878: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)19:53
WomkesIn the drbd.conf file can you use /dev/srv2/vm1 to point to your LVM volume or do you need to use /dev/mapper/srv2-vm1?19:53
notwistEDawg878 create a normal user and make sure SSH access is enabled. done :)19:53
dhavalwhat is error 12619:53
wylde_EDawg878: essentially, you have to install openssh-server and forward a port on your router.19:54
hashset_Thanks OerHecks, I'm new to ubuntu and am not sure what I am supposed to do with those instructions19:54
e64iso my friend is having this error "ERROR: hd0 out of disk" in ubuntu 11.10, what is it?19:54
armenceHello all. How can I check if there is an ecryptfs module installed?19:54
eokdhaval, are you trying to run a python script?19:54
dhavaleok YES19:55
wylde_armence: lsmod?19:55
eokdhaval, have you tried the scipt in the interpreter first?19:55
EDawg878i know that but how will i be able to limit the sftp to a specific folder?19:55
armencewuj_, OK, what package is it in if I don't have it installed?19:55
icerootEDawg878: chroot19:55
dhavaleok what is interpreter? the thing i am supposed to is very simple. i just have to execute it. i didnt make it.19:56
escottEDawg878, http://www.minstrel.org.uk/papers/sftp/19:56
wylde_dhaval: in your case since the file has a .py extension. Python.19:56
wylde_!python | dhaval19:57
ubottudhaval: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python19:57
dhavali have installed python19:57
EDawg878escott, thanks19:57
icerootdhaval: without python installed your system would not start :)19:57
wylde_dhaval: then that is your interpreter.19:57
SerythHow can I use pastebinit to paste a file from terminal?19:57
icerootSeryth: cat file | pastebinit19:57
Serythiceroot: thanks.19:58
dhavalMAN why is linux so.... linux must be created by some women.19:58
icerootdhaval: no need for that here19:58
eokdhaval, what happens when you write python in the terminal?19:58
wylde_dhaval: no, it just doesn't hide it's inner working from it's users :)19:58
dhavalit gives error 12619:58
eokwhen you just write python?19:59
eokand hit enter19:59
escottdhaval, you might as well say "a light is blinking"19:59
eokdhaval, you might need to install python19:59
guntbert!details | e64i20:00
ubottue64i: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:00
dhavaldafuq i am quitting. i have more important finals starting from tomorrow. i wanted to run tor and then torshammer. eok i have installed python20:00
ccmonstergetting extremely high CPU usage by Java for what seems to be no reason.20:00
ccmonsterany hel20:00
ccmonsterany ideas what could cause it.20:00
eokdhaval: http://onecore.net/how-topython-programming-under-ubuntu.htm20:01
roastedWhen I mount a samba share, aren't I supposed to have items in .gvfs? Beacuse... samba is mounted... .gvfs empty....20:02
prashant171992hey i m getting Write failed: Connection reset by peer20:02
prashant171992in ssh20:02
prashant171992plz help20:02
escottprashant171992, means that your server is hanging up on your for some reason20:02
prashant171992so what to do next ??20:02
prashant171992i have my port 22 open..20:03
escottprashant171992, is the server yours as well?20:03
wylde_prashant171992: troubleshoot the server if you have access, or notify the server admin :)20:03
xLRDxhmm ok so i am trying to give user1 user2 user3 access to user4 with su but without password how can i achieve this20:03
ashkaprashant171992: type sudo service ssh restart on your server20:03
prashant171992no i m in college20:03
guntbert!sudo | xLRDx20:04
ubottuxLRDx: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:04
xLRDxcan i limit sudo to a certain script?20:04
ashkaif the server is not yours, notify the owner of the server that he has a problem with ssh20:04
escottprashant171992, its not on your end. you might try enabling a keepalive packet, but its not so far as you can tell anything you are doing http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/connection-reset-by-peer-335753/20:04
ashka!visudo | xLRDx20:04
wylde_xLRDx: how about adding user 1,2,3 to user4's usergroup and adjust the group permission on the directory/files.20:05
Dj_FlyBy{MS}I am trying to remove a package via synaptics and it keeps wanting to remove gnome with it, but I DON'T want gnome removed, just the package20:05
Dj_FlyBy{MS}how does one do this?20:05
xLRDxwylde_, i have done that already20:05
escottxLRDx, yes see man sudoers20:05
xLRDxuser1,2,3 are in his group but it still ask's for user4's password20:05
xLRDxmk thanks escott20:05
escottxLRDx, but i would say try and do this throw file permissions if possible. if you can be more specific about what you are doing that is asking for user4's password that would help20:06
wylde_xLRDx: if the usergroup permissions are right each user would use their own password.20:07
wylde_xLRDx: errr file permissions20:07
dhavalThere should be NOOBS channel, so that experts dont get annoyed when dummies like me ask questions.20:07
xLRDxuser4 will never be used its just a user to run the script as sort of like the apache2's user20:08
designbybeck_I do a lot with Photos/Images.. One things I can never figure out is why when you go to upload a photo to any website, you can't see the thumbnail in the dialog box20:08
wylde_dhaval: #ubuntu-beginners20:08
guntbertdhaval: there is #ubuntu-beginners, but we don't get annoyed at your questions20:08
escottxLRDx, but what does the script do20:08
designbybeck_It is frustrating, why doesn't the, I'm assuming Nautilus dialog box, have the option to show thumbnails, or even simple rename/copy and paste from within that dialog box20:09
xLRDxit starts up a screen session and then runs minecraft yes i know minecraft20:09
designbybeck_That is always one thing I missed from my windows days20:09
gmachine_24Using 11.04, in the past two weeks or so I can no longer connect to my home network using my laptop's wireless card. I've been running Ubuntu 11.04 on this laptop, a Lenovo G550  with a Broadcomm BCM5906M wireless20:11
scar3crowI need help with kompozer or a bettwr wysisyg editor please20:12
gmachine_24for a long time. Wired network works ok. Other laptops can connect no problem.20:12
gmachine_24I have tried wicd and gnome-manager (or whatever it is called). the laptop can 'see' my network but cannot connect. keeps saying the password is incorrect but it is correct20:13
dhaval i have installed IDLE. how do i run a python script in there? it wont show IDLE in open-with-other-application option.20:13
gmachine_24Oh - I've tried different routers as well. Still does not connect.20:14
eokdhaval, you said earlier that you got an error when typing python in terminal, was that correct?20:14
EDawg878When typing "apt-get build-dep openssh-server" is there really 73 dependencies for openssh?20:14
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eokdhaval: that should not give an error, but put you in the python interpreter mode20:15
wylde_EDawg878: uhh why would you be compiling it when it's already in the repos?20:16
EDawg878so i can patch it20:16
escottEDawg878, why do you need to patch it20:16
ikoniaEDawg878: why do you need to patch it ?20:16
EDawg878idk i was following that?20:16
EDawg878Is there a better way?20:17
ikoniaEDawg878: that guide is quite old, have you checked if you need to do that in the current versions ?20:17
wylde_EDawg878: that is a very old article for one...2007...20:17
EDawg878yeah i realize20:17
ikoniaEDawg878: have you checked the functionality in the current version ?20:18
escottEDawg878, http://www.minstrel.org.uk/papers/sftp/ this should work out of the box20:18
EDawg878i am going to now20:18
ikoniaEDawg878: always check before rushing into major tasks like rebuilding20:18
EDawg878escott, that guide tell me to patch it..20:19
EDawg878and it is also old from 200820:19
trismashka: sorry, took a look and it just needs too many changes to get it up to date with the latest xorg, I'm not confident it would work correctly after I patched it (since I don't have a device to test it with)20:19
ashkajust give me te20:19
escottEDawg878, no it doesn't its just a couple options in the sshd_config file20:20
ashkathe patch file trism20:20
ashkaI'll try it out20:20
ashkaoh misread20:20
gmachine_24So I'm back. 11.04 cannot connect to wireless network after being able to since however long 11.04 has been out.20:21
EDawg878escott, am I blind I really because all I can't find that part of the guide20:21
EDawg878each one leads to a guide about patching20:21
escottEDawg878, http://www.minstrel.org.uk/papers/sftp/builtin/20:22
EDawg878oh okay compiling that part is irrelevant i got it20:23
figure002hello. I had some harddisk failures and now i'm trying to fix those with fsck. I get the following question: "Entry 'videos' in / (2) has deleted/unused inode 466945.  Clear<y>?". Should I answer yes or no?20:23
escottEDawg878, you dont even need to compile it20:23
urlwolfon system settings > multimedia > phonon I cannot set up my preferred soundcard, it doesn't show in the list20:23
urlwolfrunning kde20:23
EDawg878escott, yeah i just realized that20:23
escottEDawg878, you can skip straight to #720:23
michele_hi!  how i can install a  .tar.gr or .tar.bz2 file?20:24
EDawg878by untarring it then reading the readme file20:24
escottmichele_, (1) don't until you have verified the software is not in apt20:24
wylde_michele_: what is it that you want to install?20:24
escottmichele_, (2) if its not available in apt and you must have it then use a prefix in the configure step and install to /usr/local or /opt and (3) use checkinstall20:25
=== giovanni is now known as Guest26430
ashkahmm so hidtouchsuite is too outdated20:26
ashkais there a way to have a hiddev device from /dev/usb/ as a mouse pointer ?20:26
figure002is there a channel for ubuntu-unrelated linux questions?20:27
ashka#linux probably20:27
wylde_figure002:  #linux20:27
figure002ashka: is that not for the kernel?20:27
ashkajust ask your question there20:27
aciculaits ##linux and its not just about the kernel20:27
figure002ok, thanks, will try there20:28
prashant171992my clg authorities are blocking requests from port 22 (to block ssh) using cyberoam , is there any way to get past that... ??20:28
EDawg878In the guide you showed me can i replace ChrootDirectory %h with a directory other than home?20:29
escottEDawg878, sure20:30
EDawg878so ChrootDirectory /home/whatever    ?20:31
urlwolfis skype 2.2 hell on ubuntu?20:31
andygraybeal_hey guys, this might be a bit off topic - but i need a video editor that is pretty easy to use.  i've been trying to use Openshot all day, the interface is great and I understand it, but it seems to crash a lot!  Is there something better?20:31
escottEDawg878, yes. keep in mind thats a global configuration but yes20:32
escottandygraybeal_, pitivi perhaps20:32
andygraybeal_escott, thanks bro, i will give it a try!20:33
escotturlwolf, its fairly average for closed source programs20:34
EDawg878Isnt skype in the repo?20:35
ashkahow do I configure a hiddev to be recognized as a touchpad ?20:35
andygraybeal_escott, i see Kino as an option too.. do youhave any thoughts about any of them?20:35
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escottandygraybeal_, never used any20:35
andygraybeal_escott, okay cool thans.20:36
andygraybeal_is there a linux video editing channel?20:36
escott!alis | andygraybeal_20:36
ubottuandygraybeal_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:37
urlwolfescott: what I mean is that it doesn't freaking work20:37
escotturlwolf, it works20:37
andygraybeal_thanks escott20:37
urlwolfit does, but it has a lot of trouble to pick up audio settings from the OS20:37
urlwolfI have an usb soundcard, no way to get it to see ti20:37
urlwolfon kde, with phonon + gstreamer at least20:38
djznwhat's the right package for MOUSE SETTINGS in kde20:38
djznbecause it's not in systemsettings anymore20:38
SocracheeseI have three monitors, one of which is flipped upside down, I have two geforce video cards, is there any chance in hell that I will be able to get that to work?20:39
Socracheeserunning ubuntu, i mean20:39
in0culait is possible to update unity in ubuntu 11.10?20:40
* cogNeato shakes fist D:20:41
escottSocracheese, assuming you are using nvidia drivers your problems will be that nvidia doesnt support all of xrandr20:41
EDawg878_Why does unity get a little distorted when switching to tty and back?20:42
escottSocracheese, in which case you need to use the nvidia tools to configure the monitors and flip the one upsidedown20:42
Socracheeseescott: you mean nvidia-settings?20:42
escottSocracheese, i dont know. i dont use nvidia20:42
zykotick9Socracheese: i've used xrandr (with nvidia) to flip my display sideways, so i'm assume upside down should work as well.20:44
Socracheeseescott: well basically there's a little gui that has a bunch of settings in it but it doesn't say anything about xrand in there or rotation, i read some tutorial about enabling randr in xorg.conf but it didn't work20:44
Socracheesewhen I type xrandr into terminal i get "RandR extension missing"20:46
hekateHi, I was trying to follow the instructions to install Haskell Platform on Ubuntu 10.04 from here: https://github.com/byrongibson/scripts/blob/master/install/haskell/README.md ; where when I got to the part to run the script with "sudo sh haskell-ghc-install.sh", I get this error: update-alternatives: error: alternative runhaskell can't be slave of ghc: it is a master alternative.20:47
escott!info ghc | hekate20:48
ubottuhekate: ghc (source: ghc): The Glasgow Haskell Compilation system. In component universe, is extra. Version 7.4.1-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 40485 kB, installed size 196973 kB20:48
aciculahekate: why not install the ubuntu packaged version?20:49
hekateacicula: haskell-platform is not available on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, that's why20:49
hekateotherwise I would have just gotten it from the universal repos20:49
aciculahekate: right, that makes sense :)20:50
aciculahekate: i think the error means that the install script you are running is trying to set the newly installed version as the preferred option over the already installed version, without a version already being installed20:51
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hekateacicula: so would you recommend installing ghc from the normal ubuntu repos then proceed with the Install Haskell Platform portion of that guide?20:55
EDawg878_escott, now when to use the sftp i get: Write failed: Broken pipe Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by pee20:56
chocotacoHi, everyone!20:56
=== chocotaco is now known as Guest66006
aciculahekate: i dont know, its worth a shot trying a packaged version of haskell if its recent enough, or you could fix the install script a little, just comment out running the update-alternatives statement20:57
jiriHello, I have just completely removed 11.10 and installed 12.04. It works quite well, but I have same sound rattling issues on shut down or restart. It happens after this ubuntu shut down screen with 5 points loader. Can anyone help me with that?20:58
aciculahekate: or maybe its a setting in update-alternatives so it undersstands what you are trying to do21:00
hekateis there a way to override it then, acicula ?21:00
hekateI think at this point, I'm just going to try to compile GHC 7.4.1 and Haskell Platform by hand21:01
GG111For some reason, I cannot run executable files with just doing ./$name_of_file , I was able to do that, what did I break ?21:04
=== nannes is now known as nanneds
hekateHi, I'm trying to move from Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 and want to make sure I keep my /home the same. My plan is to make a separate partition for /home. I've a live-cd style copy of 12.04 with GParted on a USB flashdrive.21:08
inkjetunitois there an ubuntu social channel?21:08
hekateIs there a guide somewhere that I can follow to make sure I partition my /home properly and am able to use it when I overwrite the rest of / to install a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04?21:09
Ben64you don't have a /home partition now?21:09
hekateNo, I don't. I wish I had figured out to do make one when I first setup this 10.04 computer a couple of years ago.21:10
Ben64what you will need to do then is-- 1. resize your root partition small enough to have room for /home in the empty space, then create a partition in the empty space, then finally move all your /home to it21:11
AnsiktIs there a way to make my box act as a switch?  I want to share my network connection.21:11
Ben64!ics | Ansikt21:11
ubottuAnsikt: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing21:11
aciculahekate: idk, what the program does is just make some symlinks for you21:11
hekateBen64: I think I can figure out how to do all that from GParted, then how do I ensure I can use my new /home from 12.04?21:12
aciculahekate: so all you need to do to fix that is to make it install hashkell rather then trying to update the links for an existing one, but i know nothing about hacking the config for that tool21:12
inkjetunitodoes 12.4 have gtk3?21:12
sirriffsalotinkjetunito, yes21:12
chuinkjetunito: Yep21:12
aciculahekate: you just mount your home, during installation you can set that in the disk partition section21:13
hekateacicula: I think I'm just going to install haskell-platform from the normal repos when I get on 12.04 :)21:13
aciculahekate: might be easier21:13
Ben64hekate: you know in gparted how it has a column for "mount point"? make sure that says /home, and then when you install 12.04, reselect that partition and set it as /home from the installer21:13
aciculahekate: you can just do a release upgrade to go from 10.04 to 12.04 though21:14
aciculano need to reinstall then21:14
hekateI don't trust teh release upgrade though acicula, I'm afraid it'll be messy :/21:14
george___Hello! Could you please help me fix my wireless? I have no wireless connection since I've removed DKMS!21:14
hekateBen64: so does my new /home partition have to be left-most in the partition table?21:14
aciculafair enough, doing a clean install will be faster anyway21:14
genoskillhow can i make acpid start before x server?21:14
Ben64hekate: can be anywhere21:15
aciculahekate: it does not matter where you put partitions, (for the pedantic, not really anyway)21:15
Ben64/home could even be on a different hard drive if you were so inclined21:15
hekateIs there a guide in the Ubuntu wiki or somewhere by chance, I've been searching but with no luck, despite this seeming like something many people would be trying to do..21:15
hekatethanks for all the help btw acicula, Ben64 and all21:16
wolfmitchellhekate: Just add "mount (device name) /home" to somewhere that is run at boot (init scripts?) to mount it to /home21:16
heerI cannot get into undernet21:17
three18tihow do I change my desktop background from the CLI?  I found this: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/3-lines-script-to-automatically-change.html page but the gconftool command does not return any output.21:18
george___Please help!21:18
=== SMJ is now known as smjms
wargtnbuenas gente , tengo un error al compilar saben a que se deba "falta un separador. "21:20
three18tigeorege___, put DKMS back.  Am I over simplifying the issue?  It's like if you go to the doctor and tell the doctor, "Boy it really hurts when I punch myself in the face"...  sometimes (most often) the obvious answer is the correct one.21:20
three18tiwargtn, I'm not sure if it's an actual rule, but you will get better help in English.  google translate has muddled your question, but can you please post the full error message?21:21
ubuntu_gurucan anyone tell me when Gimp 2.8 will be in repositories?21:21
wylde_!es | wargtn21:22
ubottuwargtn: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:22
wargtnok let me see what that means "falta un separador."21:22
EDawg878_missing a separator21:22
three18tiubuntu_guru, you can add the gimp ppa and install it from repos that way21:22
ubuntu_guruo never mind i have answer21:23
EDawg878_what are you compiling?21:23
three18tiubuntu_guru http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/gimp-28-stable-finally-available-for.html21:23
ubuntu_guruty three18ti21:23
three18tiubuntu_guru, you're welcome :)21:23
wargtnim compiling the driver for my webcam make -f Makefile-syntekdriver21:23
wargtnand i got that error message missing a separator21:24
SocracheeseI can't get multiple monitors to work until I enable xinerama, then i can't use xrandr21:25
three18tithat sounds like a developer error.  "missing separator" is makes generic "wtf?" error message and indicates a syntax error.  Where did you get the source?21:25
wargtnthe source is the only from syntek21:26
EDawg878_look at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/help-with-make-error-missing-seperator-73295/21:26
three18tiSocracheese, I have the same problem with nvidia.  I finally resorted to running in "failsafe" mode.  Please let me know if you have any luck getting your multiple monitors to work.,21:26
killownwhat did happen with chromium? its outdated by now21:27
killowngoogle chrome latest version is on 1921:27
ezbbunkis it possible that there are two different clipboards?21:27
ezbbunkone for mouse selection and one for Ctrl-C?21:27
EDawg878_yea i think so21:27
ezbbunkhow do I21:27
ezbbunkdisable that21:27
=== mysam is now known as Uncle|Sam
wargtnthanks a lot , letme try doing that21:28
EDawg878_There are acutally 3 clipboards21:29
EDawg878_Read this: http://superuser.com/questions/272925/ubuntu-behaves-as-if-i-have-two-clipboards21:29
george___I can't activate broadcom sta driver! Please help me enable my wireless connection. Here's /var/lock/jockey.log: http://pastebin.com/9xxEbQsx21:29
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
linuxshinecan anyone offer a solution to clear history in software center I been trying to do this all day....21:32
ShiverI'm having a problem that I'm hoping someone can help with. After suspending and resuming on my laptop, the laptop can no longer connect to any wireless networks. It continually prompts for a new password even though it is the right password (as it just worked before the suspend).21:35
moduspwninsShiver: did you upgrade from a previous release, or are you on a fresh install?  Are you on Precise?21:35
ShiverI'm currently on 11.10. Did a clean install a few months ago. The problem has been happening since the install but I don't use it all that often.21:36
ShiverDecided to try to get it fixed.21:36
ShiverIf I fully reboot the laptop, it works fine21:36
Shiver...until I suspend again21:36
ShiverI'm fairly new to Linux so I'm not even sure how to troubleshoot the problem.21:37
moduspwninsShiver: I had that problem after I upgraded to 12.04 from previous release.  It went away after a fresh install.  (Not that I am offering this as a valid solution)21:37
three18tigeorge___, still the same advice, undo what you did to break it in the first place (You removed DKMS^^)21:37
ShiverWhat should be my first course of action in solving the problem? I've read a lot of threads of similar issues but none of them have helped.21:39
george___three18ti: I can't. I want to activate broadcom sta. Oh, and forget what I've said: dkms IS installed!21:39
moduspwninsI never "solved" the problem the right way, so I might not be much help  :(21:39
moduspwninsShiver: is your wireless driver Broadcom?21:40
ShiverI'm using a Realtek card, so I would assume the driver is the same.21:40
three18tigeorge___, so what did you do that broke the driver?  you might have better luck with the broadcom mailing list: linux-wlan-client-support-list@broadcom.com21:41
moduspwninsokay.  one thing that worked for me temporarily was to disable the proprietary driver, then re-enable it.  That would get mine to work until the next suspend.21:41
upgrayedddHi, this is hekate from before with questions about partitioning a new /home. I just set to shrink my old / to 200gb from 500. My /home that I'll be moving was 130gb according to du -sh test I ran before partitioning. What I'm wondering is the rest of / besides /home realistically gonna fit in 70gb? Or did I just screw myself?21:41
ShiverHow would I go about doing that?21:41
three18tigeorge___, did you attempt to install from source or from repos?  According to the README, Ubuntu includes precompile packages, http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt21:42
upgrayedddI'll expand the rest of the / to 200gb after I move the ~130gb /home to its own ~300gb partition of course21:42
bluelfhey all image for my webcam is upside down is there an easy fix for this problem ?21:42
moduspwninsupgrayeddd: my / is a mere 25GB.  I don't see any problem with a small /21:42
george___three18ti: The thing is the driver is blacklisted, and O21:42
george___and I want to undo that21:42
ShiverHow would I disable and re-enable the wireless drive?21:42
upgrayedddmoduspwnins: sounds good, I also didn't expect it to be that large but wanted to be safe :D. I guess the one way I can test is after I move /home to its own partition, it should be roughly the same ~130gb, right?21:43
three18tigeorge___ just comment out the line where it is blacklisted with a `#`21:43
upgrayedddI'll run the du -sh test on it after I'm all done to make sure I've kept data integrity21:43
george___three18ti: what broke the drive was sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source21:43
moduspwninsupgrayeddd: i'm not sure I follow.  are you concerned about moving the data, or was your concern whether the system would fit into 70GB on /?21:44
moduspwninsmy comment was based just on space concerns21:44
moduspwninsmy / is 25GB and is only 25% used21:44
moduspwninswith lots of extra packages installed21:44
Shivermoduspwnins: What are the commands to disable and re-enable the wireless driver?21:45
upgrayedddmoduspwnins: I think you answered the question well, I was just wondering typically how much space the / system uses21:45
upgrayedddthis talk of data integrity reminds me of something I've been wondering about, my laptop often cracks open in my backpack as I'm moving throughout the day. I'd imagine this is not a good thing at all for my hard drive, would you all recommend anything to prevent this?21:45
upgrayedddcracks open and the system wakes up from suspension state I mean21:46
moduspwninsshiver: i didn't do it via command, i did it via the restricted driver applet21:46
three18tigeorge___ is that driver even supported on the 3.X kernel?21:46
Core23After upgrading to 12.04 (Kubuntu 64 bit) I can no longer log in21:46
=== marowanna is now known as ar0nic
wylde_upgrayeddd: other than securing it shut somehow, turning it off would be the alernative I imagine.21:47
Guest70371I currently have a nightly/unstable look-up for some software that I would prefer the stable version of, how can I change that? Is it in my sources.info?21:47
Core23I just get a blue screen and a mouse cursor after entering username and password21:47
wylde_upgrayeddd: could find yourself some sort of velcro strap to fasten it shut if you don't want to turn it off.21:48
SwashBucklaGRUB2 question: I have set the TIMEOUT=0 and the DEFAULT=0 (Windows). Can I still boot Ubuntu? I have just tried holding Shift all through the boot process, and a change DOES occur: I get the message "GRUB loading...". However, this disappears after 5 or so seconds and continues with it's configured boot process (i.e. it does not show the GRUB menu)21:48
george___three18ti: I believe so. If not, I just want to reenable the other drive. Can you help me?21:48
upgrayedddFollowing along with this guide Ben64 linked before: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome21:52
RasmusHi ! Does anyone know how to change display driver in ubuntu 10.04 ?21:53
upgrayedddI notice we never actually do a mv /old/home to the the /new/ partition ... is there something I'm not understanding, or is the /home really moved to the /new partition there?21:53
three18tigeorge___, reason I ask is th README only specifies 2.6.X ("the hybrid binary is agnostic to the specific versions (2.6.X) and distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc)." ) I honestly do not know if is compatible with the 3.X kernel, which is why I asked how you installed it. again, you might get better results on the broadcom mailing list about their drivers ("Support questions for the latest version of these drivers may be directed to linux-wlan-cli21:53
three18tient-support-list@broadcom.com.");  what was the other driver ?21:53
three18tiRasmus, does this help: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17495/how-to-add-proprietary-drivers-to-ubuntu-10.04/21:53
upgrayedddIs the sudo cp /old/etc/fstab /old/etc/fstab_backup command the one that actually moves everything?21:53
BlouBlouHow to change ubuntu's admin and root passwords?21:54
BlouBlouif I change admins pass, root will automatically change, right?21:54
three18tiBlouBlou, https://www.google.com/search?q=How+to+change+ubuntu%27s+admin+and+root+passwords&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=ubuntu&channel=fs21:54
wylde_!noroot | BlouBlou21:54
ubottuBlouBlou: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:54
three18ti!binarydriver | Rasmus21:57
ubottuRasmus: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:57
aaksideI've been getting lots of freezes on 12.04. Sometimes the crash report comes up after rebooting and, commonly, Xorg crashes or colord crashes. Can Anyone help me troubleshoot/fix?21:57
three18tiubottu, you're so cool.21:58
ubottuthree18ti: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:58
george___three18ti: I don't know! This mail list will take a lot of time, and I'm beggining to get a little desperate here21:58
Xncubottu, are you an infobot?21:59
ubottuXnc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:59
* RaTTuS Gives e-bree to rhizmoe21:59
Xncubottu, do you have feelings?21:59
=== nanneds is now known as don_nanneds
chuXnc: Please don't.22:00
three18tigeorge___, well, you have two options, you can continue to idle on IRC on the off chance that someone will come on and know exactly how to fix your problem without you providing any information (IOW, a mind reader), or you can contact the experts on the product you are having an issue with and reach a resolution in a much more timely manner.22:00
angsI get the following error: root@ubuntu:~/Downloads/nemiver-0.9.2# apt-get build-dep nemiver22:00
angsReading package lists... Done22:00
angsBuilding dependency tree22:00
angsReading state information... Done22:00
FloodBot1angs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
angsE: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list22:00
wylde_guess that only works in #ubuntu-offtopic </ot>22:00
angshow can I fix it?22:00
three18tigeorge___, frankly, you are likely to spend -less- time working on this if you were to mail the people who are responsible for it.22:01
=== don_nanneds is now known as nanneds
angshow can I fix it?22:01
angscan anyone help me?22:02
ubuntu_gurusleep time22:02
ubuntu_gurunight all22:02
Ben64angs: First, use pastebin. Second, what are you trying to accomplish? Third, running things as root is unnecessary and could cause problems.22:02
three18tiangs, you need something in your sources.list22:02
three18ti!sources.list | angs22:03
ubottuangs: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:03
NV1D1Ai need to know how disable the nouveau driver. thanks22:03
AnsiktIs there any way to undo ndiswrapper -m?  I installed a "invalid" driver, and bound it to my network card with -m.  Then I uninstalled that driver and reinstalled  a newer version.  Ndiswrapper says that the driver is installed, but does not see the device.  I suspect it is because the old driver is already bound to it, but I am unsure.22:04
AnsiktAny suggestions?22:04
three18tinv1d1a, add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ?22:04
angssorry for pasting the text here. I did not understand what I suppose to do22:04
=== nanneds is now known as don_nannes
Core23any advice?  no errors, no lockup, just doesn't progress into KDE22:04
angswhat I need to add "/etc/apt/sources.list" ?22:04
=== don_nannes is now known as nanneds
p1pppppguys, i did an "apt-get purge libboost" and unintentionally ruined my system.  Unitys gone, no panel, nothing, please help.22:05
NV1D1A<three18ti> yes i already do it22:05
ClientAliveI'm having a problem with my screen resolution in ubuntu 12.04. Any ideas what to do?22:05
p1pppppi mean "apt-get purge libboost*"22:05
NV1D1Abut nouveau still in function22:05
NV1D1Ai have to disable the nouveau driver from other place but where?22:06
angswhat package do I need to install for "libboost development headers" ?22:07
three18tiNV1D1A, modprobe -b ?22:07
three18tiNV1D1A, what "other" place?22:07
ikoniaangs: not building nagios are you22:07
p1pppppangs: sudo apt-get install libboost-dev22:07
three18ti!nvidia | NV1d1a22:07
ubottuNV1d1a: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:07
angsthank you22:07
JanvierCFHello there22:07
wylde_p1ppppp: I suppose try reinstalling ubuntu-desktop22:08
george___three18ti: so, that's why I really need to reenable my wireless...22:08
NV1D1Ai had added the lines in the end as blacklist but it not work, have to there are other way to do this, XD22:09
p1pppppok wylde, thanks I'll restart x22:09
p1pppppis there a shortcut to kill x, or log out of x?22:10
JanvierCFI am trying to install ubuntu on a packard bell netbook off a USB stick. The stick works just fine on my desktop, but when I try to boot my netbook with it plugged it it doesn't boot at all. It won't let me go into the BIOS or boot menu either as long as its plugged in. Any ideas what the reason could be?22:10
p1pppppas i no longer have a desktop22:10
wylde_p1ppppp: ctrl+alt+f1 login and 'sudo service lightdm stop'22:10
fffhey guys im having trouble installing gerix on ubuntu 12.04.  Could anyone help?22:10
p1pppppwylde: Thank you so much22:11
JanvierCFI also checked if my netbook is compatible to boot off usb, and it is22:11
wylde_p1ppppp: then try to 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'  maybe include the --reinstall flag if the first command complains.22:11
fffhey guys im having trouble installing gerix on ubuntu 12.04.  Could anyone help?22:12
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iceroot!details | fff22:12
ubottufff: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:12
wylde_!find gerix22:13
ubottuPackage/file gerix does not exist in precise22:13
BlueEagle!info gerix22:13
ubottuPackage gerix does not exist in precise22:13
BlueEaglewylde_: You beat me to it. :)22:13
wylde_fff: if it's not in the repos, you should seek support from the package dev's. Just sayin'22:13
wylde_BlueEagle:  ;)22:14
fffOK here is more details.  I am trying to install Gerix on Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit desktop.22:14
BlueEagle!enter | fff22:14
ubottufff: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:14
solid91how can i install some .tar.gz files? i have some problems with "make"22:15
BlueEagle!build-essentials | solid9122:15
ubottusolid91: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:15
fffOK here is more details.  I am trying to install Gerix on Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit desktop.   i type in wget http://www.clshack.com/nopaste/gerix-wifi-cracker-ng-2.0-bt7.deb and that works fine.  Next i try to do "sudo dpkg -i gerix-wifi-cracker-ng-2.0-bt7.deb"  and i get an error witch is "dpkg: error processing gerix-wifi-cracker-ng-2.0-bt7.deb (--install):22:15
fff unable to open file '/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci//.svn': Is a directory22:15
fffErrors were encountered while processing:22:15
fff gerix-wifi-cracker-ng-2.0-bt7.deb22:15
FloodBot1fff: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:15
angsI get the following error. what should I do? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034582/22:16
wylde_!compile | solid91: although, you should see if the package you want is in the repos.22:16
ubottusolid91: although, you should see if the package you want is in the repos.: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall22:16
BlueEagle!pastebin | fff22:16
ubottufff: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:16
trismangs: install libsqlite3-dev22:16
angstrism: thank you22:17
BlueEaglefff: You seem to be doing quite a bit wrong. Please review the !guidelines22:17
BlueEagle!guidelines > fff22:17
ubottufff, please see my private message22:17
wylde_fff: as I stated earlier. The package is notin the repos, so not supported here.22:17
fffwylde so gerix wont work with ubuntu 12.04?22:18
JanvierCFPlease guys, could someone help me out? I've tried everything in the faq and scoured the technical answers, but I haven't found a solution :(22:18
BlueEagleJanvierCF: If the USB boots on one machine and not the other I would guess that the issue is with the machine, not the stick. I don't have the notebook in question so it's hard for me to debug.22:19
SocracheeseI'm editing xorg.conf manually to rotate a screen on ubuntu 12.04, if I do option "Rotate" "CW" or "ccw" it works but not "UD" for upside-down, anyone know why?22:20
Ca11umI'm considering using a Ubuntu dedi instead of Windows....22:20
Ca11umI have one concern;22:21
Ca11um(This will be hosting game servers, web services, some other game-server-related software such as TeamSpeak)22:21
Ca11umIs there a 'services' system?22:21
Ca11umI take it there is22:21
angsI get "configure: error: Package requirements (gconf-2.0 >= 2.14.0) were not met:" I tried apt-get install gconf and gconf-dev but it did not help. can anyone suggest me what package do I need to install?22:21
Ca11umSo I can run console stuff in the background22:21
Ca11umI've used screens before, but that was ****22:21
BlueEaglefff: I think what wylde_ is trying to communicate is that since Gerix is not an official Ubuntu package it is not supported in the official ubuntu support channel. Being that it is software primarily used for breaking encryption I am not inclined to help anywhere.22:21
JanvierCFBlueEagle: thanks for the reply. I figured the same, but I tried everything from wiping the hard drive to changing all the boot settings, I haven't a clue what the issue is. I've already installed other OS off a stick with no problems. What could I do to find out?22:22
BlueEagle!enter | Ca11um22:22
ubottuCa11um: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:22
bwayne_workhi.  i'm using both the MinBufWinExplorer and the NERDtree plugin.  When I open a new file via NERDTree in a vertically split window, the new window is very narrow, as narrow as the NERDTree window.  my .vimrc --> http://pastebin.com/wHLZqSUk screenshot --> http://i.imgur.com/ZuAtZ.png  (sorry for xpost from #vim. no help there)22:22
Curt`Hello. I am duel booting windows 7 and ubuntu 12.04 and have a third partition that is going to be used for my documents (ntfs). I wanted my home Music etc. folders to be symbolic links to the third partition, however afaik the partition is not mounted on startup, breaking the symbolic links until it is mounted. is there a way to auto-mount it on startup?22:22
angsI get "E: Unable to locate package gconf-dev" for "apt-get install gconf-dev"22:22
bwayne_workCurt`: add the windows partition to /etc/fstab.22:23
BlueEagleJanvierCF: Well if you're not able to describe in more detail exactly what happens when you try to install Ubuntu we will be hard pressed to help.22:23
bwayne_workCurt`, something like /dev/sda1 ntfs /mnt/windows22:23
bwayne_workCurt`, but look at the previous stuff in /etc/fstab.  It's fairly straightforward.22:24
trismangs: libgconf2-dev, very useful is: apt-cache search -n gconf dev; (substituting gconf for whatever lib you are looking for)22:24
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:24
BlueEagleJanvierCF: Yes, there are services, but you would in all likelyhood want to use screens especially for server consoles.22:24
BlueEagleJanvierCF: Sorry, wrong nick. That one was for Ca11um.22:24
dangbarryhey! i came across something in a make file that i hadn't seen before; $@ is this the name: and $< is this what preceeds the name ?22:25
JanvierCFBlueEagle: I insert the stick, then turn on my computer. It simply gets stuck in the booting screen. It doesn't respond to me pressing f2 or f8 except is does display that setup is loading22:25
angsthank you trism22:25
Core23!guidelines core2322:25
Curt`bwayne_work, thank you ill check it out.22:26
Core23!guidelines >>> core2322:26
bwayne_workCurt`, you're very welcome.22:26
BlueEagleJanvierCF: The issue may be that your BIOS is jumbling the partition identifiers so it boots as one device and then suddenly it is not that device any longer.22:26
BlueEagleJanvierCF: Try setting the USB stick as the first boot device so you don't use the boot menu. If that doesn't work set it to the last boot device and use the boot menu to select booting from that stick.22:26
trismdangbarry: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Automatic-Variables22:27
fff 222:27
fff 322:27
fff 422:27
fff 522:27
FloodBot1fff: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:27
fff 622:27
dangbarrytrism: thanks!22:28
BlueEagleThanks ljl22:28
Core23Can anybody help me with my issue: No longer able to use KDE after upgrade to 12.04, everything appears to be working fine but nothing happens after login22:28
JanvierCFBlueEagle: USB was set as first, I now made it last but the boot selection menu just doesn't load again :/22:28
oxseynAnyone have a good link to information on how the /etc/network/interfaces.template file is used?22:29
BlueEagleJanvierCF: Well if it does get to setup loading then it is doing _something_. Not sure how to make the USB boot sequence more verbose, sorry.22:29
BlueEagleoxseyn: The interfaces.template is a template for /etc/network/interfaces. Please type in a console: man interfaces22:30
BlueEagleoxseyn: That will give you the manual page for /etc/network/interfaces.22:30
angsconfigure: error: Package requirements (gmodule-2.0 >= 2.14            gthread-2.0 >= 2.14            libxml-2.0 >= 2.6.22            libgtop-2.0 >= 2.14            glibmm-2.4 >= 2.14) were not met. Is there any library for them to install?22:31
Core23Alternativley, anybody have any idea how to connect to a wireless with iwconfig, so i can at least download an install image at better than 801.11g speeds?22:31
JanvierCFBlueEagle: no problem, thanks for your time. Do you think it could be possible to boot it off an external usb cd-drive?22:31
GygesCore23, does it need wpa22:32
BlueEagleangs: if they are not in the repos you'd have to compile them from source as well. However if they are not backward compatible you may break something else when trying.22:32
Core23wpa2 yes22:32
dirtynickelshello all22:32
Gygesdo you have the command wpa_supplicant available?22:32
BlueEagleJanvierCF: Yes, I do. Then again I thing it should be possible to boot it off the USB-stick. Are you using some UEFI BIOS or some such?22:33
trismangs: libglib2.0-dev for a couple of those, the rest you should be able to find yourself22:33
JanvierCFBlueEagle: InsydeH20 v0.310322:33
Gygeswpa_passphrase "essid" "passphrase" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf22:33
angsthank you. can you hint how to search?22:33
trismangs: apt-cache search -n name dev; replace name with say, libxml, gtop, etc22:34
BlueEagleJanvierCF: I must admit that I do not know what that is. However if it is some UEFI security-bs then I'm not sure how to work around it.22:34
angsthank you trism22:34
solid91hi everibody, when i use "./configure" i think something goes wrong...i have an error i think: "checking for Qt library version >=4.2... no; Qt 4.2 or greater is required....what is that?!?!22:34
sleepie^eyeshow do i configure ubuntu such that internet ports are denied by default unless specified explicity as allowed?22:34
BlueEaglesolid91: You appear to be missing QT4 development packages.22:35
BlueEagleufw is the default firewall manager. I prefer shorewall myself.22:35
sleepie^eyesWhy shorewall? I've heard that mentioned before22:35
sleepie^eyesAnyway to do this without learning how to configure iptables would be appreciated22:36
BlueEaglesleepie^eyes: Because I configure my firewall using a text-based interface and I have found Shorewall to be the most usable when it comes to flexibility and learning curve. Mind you thoug; configure it when you've got physical access to the computer. You will most likely lock yourself out of a ssh-session by mistake if you try. :)22:36
dirtynickelsI can't get my system to detect my usb hdd22:37
Gygesdirtynickels, search for errors in /var/log/syslog22:38
sleepie^eyesI'd be happy if I could just be sure I'm the only one using ssh on this network... that's good advice, I'm probably headed in that direction, for now I'd like some basic port blocking22:38
Core23Gyges: permission denied with sudo?22:38
dirtynickelsokay I check there22:38
BlueEaglesleepie^eyes: Are you setting up a single box or will you be routing for other computers as well (windows equivalent of internet connection sharing)?22:38
Gygessudo -c ' '22:38
adamkdirtynickels: Does 'lsusb' list the hard drive?22:38
ubottupacci: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:38
RelondoSo I left Ubuntu installing on my laptop, walked away for about two hours, and when I came back, the screen was dark. Nothing appeared, so I held down the power button to turn it off. Afterwards, my computer did not appear to boot-nothing appeared when the power button was pressed, though indicator lights came on. Then, I took out the battery and left it alone for five minutes. It booted, and proceeded to check the windows system files22:39
Gygessu -c22:39
dirtynickelsI tried lsudb22:39
sleepie^eyesBlueEagle, That depends on which "road" I take, if I learn iptables I will configure it in the dd-wrt router to benefit the network as a whole, otherwise just one linux box22:39
Gygessu -c ' '22:39
dirtynickelsnothing showed up22:39
Gygeswill do the job22:39
JanvierCFBlueEagle: Hmm it might well be that uefi is the problem. I guess I'll try cd tomorrow. Anyway, thanks a lot for your advice, I greatly appreciate it! Gnight22:40
JohnaI am having trouble installilng Gerix on Ubuntu 12.04, here is a link to the question.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034595/22:40
Core23I have no idea what my superuser password is22:40
Core23I didn't even know I had one in ubuntu22:40
Gygessudo '' ?22:40
RelondoOk, so windows finished checking the system files. I have no second partition for Ubuntu, and everything appears to be normal. I have no clue what happened.22:40
sleepie^eyessudont should be a command for password protecting blocking of sudo managed commands22:41
Core23its in22:41
Core23now what?22:41
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
solid91how can i get the Qt4 development package?22:41
Gygeswpa_supplicant -i wlan022:41
adamk_dirtynickels: That suggests a hardware issue.22:41
Gygesand then in another shell : dhcpcd wlan022:41
sleepie^eyesBlueEagle, one linux box. What do you suggest?22:42
Core23wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 givels me the help message22:42
sleepie^eyesI have to do the box itself anyway since it's mobile22:42
Gygesit's like the example of the help22:42
Gygeswpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf22:43
angswho updates the programs in ubuntu software center?22:43
Gygesi forgot to put -c22:44
angshow can I request a newer version of a program?22:44
BlueEaglesleepie^eyes: I recommend installing shorewall and then reading the documentation. There is a complete setup in /usr/share/doc/shorewall/examples/one-interface/ after installing.22:44
xangua!latest | angs22:44
ubottuangs: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:44
JohnaCould someone please help me install Gerix.  Here is a link to my process http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034595/22:44
Core23aaand dhcpcd tells me I can use apt-get to install it22:44
sleepie^eyesBlueEagle, I just started, thanks, I forgot about shorewall22:45
Gygesangs, i don't know but i would check in precise to see if the program is already there22:45
BlueEaglesleepie^eyes: The thing I like most about Shorewall is that you can add interfaces and zones, even network cards after the wall is set up and just add the policies and rules for the new zones and leaving the old ones intact.22:45
GygesCore23, type dhc<tab><tab> to see which client is installed (probably dhclient :)22:45
Core23dhclient yeah22:45
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)22:46
Gygesyou can use this22:46
solid91@BlueEagle can you tell me how to install the Qt4 development packages please?22:46
BlueEaglesleepie^eyes: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1354438 may also help you along. Even if it is for 08.10 the Shorewall configuration is robust.22:46
sleepie^eyesBlueEagle, that's a bit advanced for me, I understand the concept mostly22:46
Gygesangs, http://packages.ubuntu.com/22:46
BlueEaglesleepie^eyes: It would be a great learning opportunity. :)22:47
sleepie^eyesLike, editing a sample config file or making a simple one was what I had in mind but shorewall hard code me into limitation later so I'll start that, thanks again22:47
sleepie^eyesshorewall ^won't22:48
sleepie^eyeskinda essential22:48
sleepie^eyeslaters :)22:48
Core23aaaand nothing, the dhclient shell has yet to respond22:49
Gygeswpa_supplicant have not connected for some reason22:50
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danklassonjoin #python22:50
GygesCore23, do 'service network-manager stop'22:50
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Gygesi don't know how to connect using network-manager22:51
JohnaGyges what ver. of Ubuntu are you running?22:52
eoki just made a thread on ubuntu forums, does it need to be moderated before it shows up?22:52
Gygesim in debian22:52
Core23well, I at least got it admiting that the network exists, farther than I ever got before textwise22:52
Gygesno, i was answering to Core2322:52
ikoniaGyges: the guys in #debian maybe a better place to ask for help then22:52
ikoniaGyges: ooh, my apologies, I thought you where saying you where struggling to use it22:53
Gygesi meant from the command line22:53
Core23I will go back to #debian just as soon as its possible to install debian off of wireless22:54
GygesCore23, 'iwlist wlan0 scan' shows the networks22:54
Gygesi'm not moving from debian either22:54
tracingPersonanyone know what file has the implementation for XSetWMName(...) method in X11?  Or anyone know a good way to find out, or an easy place to get the source for X11?22:55
ikoniatracingPerson: x.org contains the source code for xorg22:56
kuwrefem1Gyges:  i don't think the CLI for network manager is as complete as the GUI22:56
ikoniatracingPerson: it also has very solid documentation22:57
=== GhostFreeman_ is now known as GhostFreeman
tracingPersonikonia: have you successfully unarchived it?  I attempted to grab it from ftp but then when i tried to recursively unarchive i got a "Too many simlinks" message from gunzip or whatever22:57
ikoniatracingPerson: unarchived it many times22:58
solid91Hi everibody, i have this message using "./configure": checking for Qt library version >= 4.2 ... no; Qt 4.2 or greater is required...which packages i should install?22:58
ikoniasolid91: what are you trying to build /22:58
solid91@ikonia qjackctl22:58
ikonia!find qjackctl22:58
ubottuFound: qjackctl22:58
ikonia!info qjackctl22:58
ubottuqjackctl (source: qjackctl): User interface for controlling the JACK sound server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8-1 (precise), package size 554 kB, installed size 1788 kB22:59
ikoniasolid91: it's in the repos, you don't need to compile it22:59
tracingPersonikonia: i probably just suck at it, do you know the easiest way to pull all the source initially, i did wget -r ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/xorg/X11R7.7/22:59
ikoniasolid91: just open the package manager, and install it22:59
solid91@ikonia yeah but is the older version... the 0.3.8...i have the 0.3.922:59
ikoniasolid91: why do you want 0.3.922:59
ikoniatracingPerson: go a few directories deeper23:00
solid91@ikonia because i have problems with it...23:00
Core23ok, just going to wait for the install image off the slow comp23:00
ikoniasolid91: are they logged as bugs ?23:00
ikoniasolid91: are they confirmed fixed in 0.3.9 ?23:00
solid91@ikonia i don't know man...im just tryng23:00
Core23quick question I will be able to use 6 gigs RAM on 32 bit ubuntu without compiling my own kernel right?23:00
ikoniasolid91: ok, it's worth checking before randomly trying to build something tha tyou're not comfortable with23:01
ikoniaCore23: the PAE kernel will allow it23:01
solid91@ikonia ok...but i have another program what i cant build and it isn't in the repository23:01
bluej774Anyone else having a problem on 12.04 where a window's status bar at the bottom doesn't show and you can see the window behind it?23:01
ikoniasolid91: which one ?23:02
solid91@ikonia linux multimedia studio23:02
Gyges!find lmms23:02
ubottuFound: lmms, lmms-common23:02
ikoniasolid91: lmms /23:02
bluej774It happens when a program opens maximized.  If you unmaximize and remaximize it's normal again.23:02
tracingPersonikonia: if I malloc a window title, pass the (char *) to methods in X11 to set strings like the title bar string etc, I can be fairly certain that they aren't going to keep a reference to my pointer so its fine to free it after calling into X11 right?23:02
ikoniatracingPerson: no idea without looking/checking myself23:03
ikoniasolid91: are you talking about lmms ?23:03
solid91@ikonia yes23:03
ikoniasolid91: that ppa contains the packages23:04
ikoniasolid91: again you shouldn't need to compile it23:04
tracingPersonikonia: k, just making sure I wasn't missing some basic concept or whatever, so I was trying to grab the source to find out... if i just grab the archive from ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/xorg/X11R7.7/src/xserver/ is that too deep?23:04
solid91@ikonia sorry man didn't seen...thank you23:04
dirtynickelsusually when I attach my usb hdd it automounts to /media I grep usb  /var/log/syslog don't really understand all the output but there are errors23:04
ikoniasolid91: not a problem, be aware of the risks of using a PPA23:04
ikoniasolid91: however they are no more/less then building your own if you don't really know what you are doing23:04
droopeHi! I have accidentally changed my language to chinese, now everything is in chinese and I can't change it back u.u23:05
droopehelp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD23:05
ikoniadroope: please don't do that, just ask for help and wait for a response23:05
dirtynickelslol droope wish I could help23:06
droopeikonia: sir yes sir23:06
droopedirtynickels: hhhahahaha :( so dumb23:06
tracingPersonikonia: only reason I ask if its too deep, because I grab the archive in that directory, and then unarchive, and grep for xsetwmname and don't find any matches23:06
belbelhello,i need help with finding a broadcom bcm4312 driver on ubuntu23:06
belbelany ideas??23:07
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:07
ikoniatracingPerson: xorg is modular, make sure you unarchive all the packages23:07
wylde_!broadcom | belbel23:07
ubottubelbel: please see above23:07
ikoniatracingPerson: without looking myself, I don't know enough to advise you where/what to look for23:07
belbelyes b4323:07
belbelthx,i will read it23:08
Omen_20hi, im trying to go to standby and I get the error "Could not write bytes: Broken pipe"23:08
mitsuhikodoes anyone know if ubuntu has a hook to force overwrite the PS1 of all users on the system?23:09
Gygesmitsuhiko, does /etc/bash/bashrc control PS1? it may23:10
ikoniamitsuhiko: you can put it in every uses bash enviornment23:10
w30droope, you'll have to borrow a Linux laptop with the same distro and then monkey see monkey do, ha23:10
ikoniamitsuhiko: it's not a "global" parameter, but one for each user23:10
Gygesnot suere23:10
LittleBallOfHatemitsuhiko: there are global shell config files in /etc but people will always be able to overwrite them unless you put one in each homedir and chattr +i it.23:10
mitsuhikoLittleBallOfHate: i understand that23:10
GygesLittleBallOfHate, is right23:10
mitsuhikoLittleBallOfHate: i am all the users however, so that is not much of a concern for me23:10
mitsuhikoi just basically want to make sure that each prompt on all the servers clearly indicates in all situations that this is a server23:11
LittleBallOfHatemitsuhiko: then either set it in the global configs or drop your config in each homedir23:11
Gygestry /etc/bash/bashrc23:11
mitsuhikoGyges: unfortunately the default ~/.bashrc overrides that prompt23:11
mitsuhikoi was hoping ubuntu would execute something after it sources ~/.bashrc23:11
LittleBallOfHatemitsuhiko: nope that's not how shells work23:11
Gygesi'm a mesh23:12
belbelhello,i tried what the page said,but error!!!!23:12
belbelwhen i do sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl23:13
belbeli get error!!!!23:13
mitsuhikoLittleBallOfHate: i understand that,23:13
LittleBallOfHatebelbel: what is the error23:13
Feo-where you from???23:13
mitsuhikohowever last time i was checking there was so much magic in debian already for rc management, i would not be surprised if someone added hooks somewhere23:13
belbelits a group of errors,when i pase it here,it would say flood :D23:14
FloodBot1Feo-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
LittleBallOfHate!pastebin | belbel23:14
ubottubelbel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:14
FloodBot1Feo-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
ikoniaFeo-: stop it please.23:15
LittleBallOfHatebelbel: it says you're missing "wl"23:16
belbeland how can i fix that,im a newbie :D23:17
LittleBallOfHatebelbel: modprobe wl23:17
LittleBallOfHatebelbel: what's that say?23:17
belbelalso error23:18
sleepie^eyesBlueEagle, are you still nafk? I could use the tutorial link you recommended for shorewall, the one I selected is dated23:19
LittleBallOfHatebelbel: k, so wl just doesn't exist. have you followed the steps at that website?23:19
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:19
belbeli followed that page,when i get step 3,the error begins23:20
newbie|9how do you think what is better for buying ubuntu laptop or macbok23:20
LittleBallOfHatebelbel reading23:20
xangua!ot | newbie|923:20
ubottunewbie|9: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:20
LittleBallOfHatebelbel: did you reboot already?23:20
wylde_sleepie^eyes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034661/ <--- result of an onlinr log search script I'm working on :)23:21
newbie|9#ubuntu -offtopic23:21
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wylde_sleepie^eyes: I believe the link you want is in the last few lines.23:21
sleepie^eyeswylde, Thanks! Love the script23:21
belbeli didnt coz a already have what mentioned in step1 and 223:21
LittleBallOfHatebelbel: the doc says to install the package then activate the driver and either reboot or do that line that gives you an error. so either reboot and see if it works or "modprobe wl" now.23:22
sleepie^eyeswylde, indeed it was, thanks again.23:23
belbelok,i will23:23
LittleBallOfHatebelbel: easiest is modprobe wl23:23
samba_how to change the timestamp in rsyslog configuration ?23:24
brycehi, i am trying to copy my linux exactly as is to a solid state that already has windows 7 on it. when i tried to do it with gparted and then went into windows to use easybcd it wouldn't boot into linux, what am i missing?23:24
LittleBallOfHatesamba_: man syslog.conf?23:24
samba_LinuxMonkey, yes but there is no info about which is the variable23:25
samba_to edit23:25
LittleBallOfHatebryce: have you reinstalled grub on the ssd?23:25
bryceim sure its because i have to reinstall the boot loader but i don't know how.23:25
LittleBallOfHatesamba_: no idea man.23:26
xubuntu5grub or grub2?23:26
bryceprobably grub 2 that's what i was using before im sure.23:26
brycehow do i do that? from a live version of parted magic?23:27
LittleBallOfHatebryce: think you need an ubuntu disk23:28
LittleBallOfHatebryce: or put the old disk back in with the sdd, boot old disk, fix from there, take machine down remove old disk23:28
wilee-nilee!bootinfo | bryce This script will tell us more of what is going on.23:29
ubottubryce This script will tell us more of what is going on.: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).23:29
Oersamba_,  maybe this page is any help with rsyslog conf >> http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/rsyslog_conf_templates.html23:30
MystKidheya guys i am using fdisk to repartition my /home partition... running  fdisk /dev/sda I get a message saying  Partition 3 does not start on physical sector boundary.23:30
bryceis there a way to reinstall and easily pull all my settings, apps and documents onto the new installation?23:30
samba_Oer, tnx man23:30
LittleBallOfHatebryce: boot off an ubuntu disk, tell it to boot a hard disk, pick the ssd, once in, fix grub23:31
Jester86_Mobilehey.. what is the status on playing blu-ray in linux?23:31
shaneohey guys how can i change to apache2 port from 80 to something else23:31
Oerbryce, clone your package list, and backup your /home/ ?23:31
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate23:31
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: apache2.conf23:31
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, is it located in /etc/apache2?23:32
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: yup.23:32
MystKidi jsut used fdisk to create a new partition and its saying /dev/sda3             919G   14G  860G   2% /home23:32
MystKidhows that possible23:32
MystKidi jsut deleted it...23:32
bryceThank you all. i'm going to go try aand make this work.23:33
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, ok also do i need to change it in /etc/apache2/sites-avaiable/default?23:33
OerMystKid, you need to unmount te disk before editting23:33
MystKidit is unmonuted23:33
MystKidOer: and it says 14GB are used23:33
MystKidwhen nothing is in there23:33
mjabmI have multiple monitors. How do I stop my mouse from stopping when it moves between them?23:33
echo083hello when i try to rename a file from lowercase to uppercase (or the contrary) it fails with error "file already exists ..." is there something to fix that ?23:34
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, n/m i got it need to edit ports.conf and default23:34
echo083it happens in nautilus23:35
OerMystKid, ctrl + H hidden, is there a Lost & found section?23:35
MystKidno Oer23:35
MystKidi sjut dd'ed it to zero23:35
MystKidits seems its used for super user23:35
wylde_mjabm: I'm not on unity atm, but in display settings there's an option for "sticky" something or other. Turn that off.23:35
wylde_MystKid: usually 5% is set aside for root, although that can be changed.23:36
MystKidwylde_: how can that be set?23:36
dirtynickelsusually when I attach my usb hdd it automounts to /media I have two connected how do I mount 'em ?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1034676/23:36
Oerthat would be no 14 gb23:36
mjabmthanks wylde23:36
wylde_MystKid: I'm currently already scrathing my head trying to remember >.<23:37
xubuntu5dirtynickels check out /etc/fstab for mounting drives23:37
adamkdirtynickels: As you can see from all those errors, bad things are happening between your USB Hub and the hard drive.23:37
mjabmHow do I disable subpixel antialiasing on one of my monitors?23:37
Ben64wylde, MystKid: tune2fs23:37
xubuntu5run the command df -h or sudo fdisk -l and find out what your drives are it will b something like /dev/dc123:37
dirtynickelsI don't know what all those errors mean23:38
xubuntu5from there you can look at fstab documentation on mounting them23:38
adamkxubuntu5: Did you even look at what he pasted?23:38
dirtynickelsI tried df -h and fdisk -l23:38
dirtynickelsand nothing showed up about my hdds23:38
dirtynickels* usb hdds i mean23:39
xubuntu5are you using a hub?23:39
wylde_Ben64:  yep, that's where I saw it.23:39
RelondoWhen I go to install Ubuntu, it says I have multiple OSes installed, though I only have Win 7. Anyone know why?23:40
dirtynickelsI'm not using a usb hub23:40
adamkdirtynickels: Have you tried another USB port?23:40
xubuntu5did you connect these before boot or after boot?23:40
adamkOr if the drive has some external power, turn it off, wait a bit, and turn it back on.23:40
dirtynickelsbefore booting23:40
xubuntu5yes are these portable drives or powered?23:40
xubuntu5try what adamk said23:41
MystKidthat didnt do anything23:41
MystKidi run tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sda323:41
xubuntu5what format are they? ntfs ?23:41
adamkdirtynickels: Well this really sounds like a hardware problem to me.23:41
xubuntu5yes i'm stumped too23:41
xubuntu5do they work on another comp?23:42
GeeksOnHugsI was following steps on a site to fix an error and it had me sudo somethingsomething add repository something and sudo apt-update something and it failed...now Ubuntu Software Center won't open, I suspect it has something to do with what I did?23:42
xubuntu5GeeksOnHugs does this work sudo synaptic23:42
xubuntu5does synaptic run?23:42
wylde_MystKid: I'm not sure it will allow -m 0  did it give you an error?23:42
GeeksOnHugslemme try23:42
MystKidwylde_:  no it seems it did the job correctly buty still 14gb used...23:43
dirtynickelsis there a command to  check if the usb ports are failing23:43
shaneohey guys im getting this error after changing my apache2 ports http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034684/ any suggestions23:43
wylde_MystKid: ahh ok, may change on a reboot I imagine.23:43
GeeksOnHugsxubuntu5 synaptic not found23:43
GeeksOnHugscommand not found23:43
MystKidwylde_: well see.. rebooting the server now23:43
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: you have a named vhost that is conflicting23:44
wylde_MystKid: I remember losts of things I have read, just not always where/what/when I read them >.<23:45
xubuntu5GeekOnHugs does sudo apt-get -v show you anything?23:45
w30Relondo, Linux Ubuntu will call a Windows restore partition (drive) a windows install23:45
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, how do i find where it is and remove it23:45
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: looked in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default?23:45
dirtynickelswhen I plug the drives into another machine it's all good they both mount to /media23:45
xubuntu5strange they should mount then maybe it's hardware issue like adamk said23:46
Relondow30: I figured it out. I have remnants of a failed Ubuntu install. But thanks.e23:46
MystKidwylde_: still 14gb used23:46
xubuntu5when is the last time you restarted dirtynickels?23:46
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, yes all site instances have the port setup to *:7000 and there are no other virtual hosts23:46
LittleBallOfHateMystKid: there's also reserved space ona  drive that only root can use23:46
wylde_MystKid: odd23:46
GeeksOnHugsxubuntu5 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034688/23:46
dirtynickelsmaybe a half hour ago23:46
MystKidwell 14 gigs for reserved on home partition?23:46
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: do you have a named vhost and a *:7000 in there?23:47
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, nope23:47
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1034690/23:47
dirtynickelseverything was fine before the reboot23:47
LittleBallOfHatea vhost line like *:* or name:*23:48
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: make changes to apache2.conf?23:48
MystKidwylde_: this is impossible lol23:49
wylde_MystKid: firing up a VM, gonna try and jog my memory.23:49
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, i looked but didnt find anywhere to edit the ports23:49
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: all you did was edit 000-default and change 80 to 7000?23:50
EDawg878_how do your change permissons of folders locked by root using chmod?23:50
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, i edited ports.conf default and 000-default23:51
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: undo ports.conf23:51
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, ok than what?23:51
graham_kingEDawg878_: You'd have to be root. "sudo chmod ..."23:51
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: service restart apache223:51
wilee-nileeEDawg878_, do you need to or just mess with them?23:52
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: flip that23:52
w30Relondo, ah ha, my Grub 2 install calls my restore partition for Windows NT install for some reason but I kept it so I can sell it as a Windows box when I am done with it.23:52
EDawg878_i need to give 755 for a certain folder23:52
Relondow30: Go it.23:52
EDawg878_but sudo chmod doesnt work23:52
LittleBallOfHateEDawg878_: what does it say?23:52
wilee-nileeEDawg878_, not sure myself, others will know. :)23:52
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, :) i know. ok all changes are made but im still getting the same error about 700023:52
EDawg878_it it doesnt say anything23:53
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LittleBallOfHateshaneo: wait, you changed both 80 to 7000 in ports.conf didn't you?23:53
graham_kingEDawg878_: What does "sudo -l" say?23:54
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, yup23:54
w30Relondo, HP bios has a restore option button; I hope no one selects it though23:54
EDawg878_User eric may run the following commands on this host:     (ALL : ALL) ALL     (root) NOPASSWD: ALL23:54
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: not sure man23:54
EDawg878_oh nvm23:54
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, lemme guess listening port should be 80 but virtual port should be *:700023:54
Relondow30: Good thing I'm on a Toshiba :)23:55
EDawg878_it says: User eric may run the following commands on this host:     (ALL : ALL) ALL     (root) NOPASSWD: ALL23:55
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: nah should all be able to be set to 7000 by changing just what you did.23:55
graham_kingEDawg878_: I'd expect sudo chmod to work. "sudo chmod 755 folder_name"23:55
EDawg878_sudo chmod _R 755 dir23:55
EDawg878_sudo chmod -R 755 dir23:55
shaneonow when i try to connect to wp i see
EDawg878_doesnt do anything23:56
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LittleBallOfHateshaneo: so it works? or you're expecting something different?23:56
ZoohouseIs Ubuntu still giving out free accounts for their Cloud service like they were doing a while back?23:56
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, but the page fails to load23:57
graham_kingEDawg878_: And does it work? I don't think chmod outputs anything if it succeeds.23:57
sacarlsonshaneo: I just installed wordpress last week23:57
LittleBallOfHateshaneo: did it work on 80?23:57
EDawg878_graham_king:  no i checked with nautilus23:57
shaneoLittleBallOfHate, yup23:57
OerZoohouse, yes, 1 hour free >> https://try.cloud.ubuntu.com/23:57
graham_kingEDawg878_: What about "sudo ls"? Does your sudo work?23:58
graham_kingYou're not on NFS or something funny like that are you?23:58
ZoohouseOer: Yes but before they gave you like a gig for free without a time limit. I remember I signed up to it and everything. I had an account. They wanted us to uplodad music and stuff... Remember that?23:58
EDawg878_graham_king:  sudo ls works23:58
shaneosacarlson, cool have fun with it i know i have been just made it public today still needs some work though23:58
OerZoohouse, you mean Ubuntu-one ? sorry, they only give away 5 GB for Free !23:59
pengw5gb is sweet23:59
Zoohouseyea ubuntu one... Oer23:59
sacarlsonshaneo: did you add Listen 7000 to /etc/apache2/ports.conf23:59

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