
lahwohello. if ive got a main branch and ive branched off the main branched and made some commits in the branch i branched off the main branch, can i merge those commits back into the main branch but be selective about it?06:50
lahwomake any sense?06:50
bob2not really06:50
bob2you can merge a prefix of the branch, but not random selections06:50
bob2workarounds include: rebase/rewrite, cherry picking or just merging the whole thing06:51
lahwowhat's the command to cherry pick?06:54
bob2you can probably guess06:54
bob2I don't have bzr installed to check06:54
lahwoall right, thanks06:55
gourlahwo: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/adv_merging.html06:59
lahwogour, that's great07:00
lahwothanks to both07:00
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gour /me is considering to switch to bzr (from hg), but it looks that 'survival guide' is not up-to-date mentioning looms (instead of pipeline) as MQ equiv.12:28
jelmergour: I think it might predate pipeline12:30
mgzso, I use mq with hg, but I've never felt the need for an equivalent in bzr12:30
mgztend to use a combination of named feature branches and shelves instead12:31
mgzwhich are just more painful with hg12:31
gouri'd like to work on some patches and tweak them until they're ready for merge...possibly with the ability to combine several of them into one commit...what do you suggest?12:33
gourmgz: how are you, in general, satisfied with bzr in comparison with hg?12:33
mgzyup, but can't do a completely fair comparision I think12:35
mgzbzr I use for a whole range of stuff, whereas hg I've just used on a couple of really projects, and not from the admin side12:35
mgzso, python for instance, still involves me uploading a diff to their tracker12:35
mgzwhich isn't very dvcs12:35
gouri believe that bzr might be easier/safer to use for potential contributors of our projects (mostaly windows & mac users)...that's why we do not want to consider git at all12:37
gourmgz: i believe that bzr should be good-enough for big projects as well12:38
mgzgour: right, but with bzr I know to do shared repo+lightweight checkout for those, which isn't immediately obvious for beginners12:39
mgzthat said, mozilla had a pretty involved getting started doc with "do it this way", so there's no reason a project can't define workflows clearly for would be contributors12:40
gouri wonder if we'd have real need for lightweight checkouts, although it seems they are needed for pipeline, but we need to read more about it12:41
mgzit's mostly useful when you've got build artefacts that are expensive to regenerate and lots of pretty similar feature branches12:43
gourwhat about colocated branches? (i still have to read about them...)12:44
jelmergour: they're not ready for production use yet12:45
gourjelmer: they will be in 2.6?12:46
* gour is reading 2.6 docs12:46
jelmergour: the basics of colocated branches are present since 2.5 (the backend side of them, APIs, etc)12:47
jelmergour: not sure if 2.6 will have the finished UI integration12:47
gourgood, good...12:48
gourmgz: is there anything you miss in bzr from hg?12:50
mgzgour: nothing relevent, I'm rather envious of their installer though12:52
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gourmgz: heh, ok...being on linux no problem with installers :-)12:52
jmlwhat's the difference between supports_diff and supports_delta on LogFormatter?14:12
jelmerjml: I think one is the file-level delta and the other the diff14:14
jelmerjml: ("bzr log -p" vs "bzr log -v")14:14
jmljelmer: ah, thanks.14:14
jmljelmer: I'm trying to add a custom log formatter, but I can't seem to get it to be passed the diff.14:15
jmleven thought supports_diff = True as a class variable14:15
jelmerjml: you might have to manually request it14:15
jmljelmer: thanks.14:17
jmlalthough, hah, bzrlib.patches.parse_patches won't parse the diff that log creates14:18
jmloh wait never mind14:21
jelmerjml: what are you trying to do ?14:21
jelmerhi Noldorin14:21
Noldorinhi jelmer14:22
jmljelmer: this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1035548/14:22
jelmerjml: ah, neat14:23
jelmerjml: related, have you seen Colin's LOC counter script?14:23
jmljelmer: yes, I believe I have.14:23
jmlI don't think there's any good way to construct the command so that -p is not required.14:26
jelmerjml: can't you manually request the diff if -p wasn't specified?14:27
jmljelmer: oh, yeah, good point.14:27
jmljelmer: heaps slower though.14:34
jmlI want a way in 'bzr log' to see all of the authors of a merged commit, ideally sorted by who authored the most revisions14:48
jmlthis is to get around PQM marking itself as author & committer14:48
jmlI see there's an author_list_registry in log14:49
jmlbut it only gets the revision, and I don't know how to go from that to the tree of merged revisions without a repository, and I don't know how to get a repository without implementing my own cmd_log14:50
jmlah, got an example14:56
gouri installed bzr-fast-import plugin, but attempt to import repo (from git) gives: "bzr: ERROR: Unable to import library "fastimport": bzr-fastimport requires the fastimport python module"14:58
jelmergour: you need to install python-fastimport too14:59
gourplugin is listed as "fastimport 0.14.0dev"14:59
gourahh, ok14:59
jelmergour: (not the bzr plugin, but the python module)14:59
jmlactually, no, not an example :\14:59
jmlcan I get a log report for a list of revisions?15:11
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gourhttp://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/gpg_signatures.html page says: "There is still a number of digital signature related features which are hoped to be added to Bazaar soon. These include bzr explorer integration and setting branches to require signatures." (bottom) is there any concrete plan in regard?17:52
lifelessI don't believe so.17:59
lifelessjml: what do you mean17:59
jmllifeless: bzr log -r X, Y, Z to log revisions X, Y and Z18:00
lifelessjml: ah, no. Our algebra is a range definer only.18:01
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gourlifeless: is there some roadmap for > 2.6?18:15
lifelessI'm not sure TBH18:15
lifelessGenerally fix things, merge patches etc for sure; I don't know of specific big-ticket tasks though.18:15
thomiHi, is there a way to get a 'bzr log' that shows all revisions that changed a particular line (or lines) in a certain file? something like 'bzr log path/to/file:10'23:06
thomiI guess the problem is that line 10 will be different across revisions.23:06
mwhudsonthomi: do you want something programmatic?23:11
mwhudsoni think qannotate might let you do something like that interactively23:11
thomiideally, yes23:11
thomioh, let me see23:11
mwhudsonah maybe it was gannotate...23:11
thomihmm, qannotate shows me the who made the last revision to a particular line23:12
thomibut AFAICT doesn't let me search older revision for that line23:12
mwhudsonthomi: gannotate has forward and back buttons23:13
mwhudsonit follows logical lines though, not numbered lines23:13
mwhudsoni guess you could look at what it's doing in the source23:13
thomimwhudson: ahhh, thanks - that works perfectly23:14

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