
drezabek94How can I determine what driver kubuntu is using with my wifi adapter? It is having issues connecting on Kubuntu, but it works fine on other linux distros (even Lubuntu)00:14
mydogsnameisrudydrezabek94:  you can try sudo lshw00:18
mydogsnameisrudyhmm dont see driver tho so might not help ya00:19
drezabek94mydogsnameisrudy I read about lsusb, maybe that one?00:20
drezabek94(I am on win7, because Kubuntu woulnd't connect00:20
mydogsnameisrudyoh hmmm00:20
mydogsnameisrudyits a usb wireless00:20
drezabek94mydogsnameisrudy: yeah, the online man page for lsusb also lists usbview00:21
drezabek94hmm, and according to the ubuntu wiki, support looks grim, which is odd because it worked for install and on lubuntu...00:24
mydogsnameisrudywhat are you running 12.04?00:24
drezabek94yes I am00:24
drezabek94*worked on lubuntu 12.04 installed, and ubuntu 12.04 live disk00:25
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drezabek94well, I copied down a few of those commands, going to go test them out, be connected to irc via mobile device00:28
mydogsnameisrudyok im looking00:28
drezabek-mobileshoot, well usbview didnt work... and lsusb was useless00:34
mydogsnameisrudydo you know what card you have00:35
drezabek-mobileTP-Link TL-WN722N00:36
mydogsnameisrudyalot of thing going on with 12.04 and wireless so , im not the one to help you , hope someone else comes on to jump in on this00:37
drezabek-mobileyeah,  i click on the network and it says "waiting for authentication" for a few minutes, and then fails to connect00:38
mydogsnameisrudyhave you tryed asking on #ubuntu00:38
drezabek-mobileok, thanks for you help anyways! :)00:38
mydogsnameisrudyyep hope you get it00:38
drezabek-mobileheres the thing, it worked fine on Lubuntu, and Ubuntu live disk... so maybe i will just reinstall kubutu and try again?00:39
mydogsnameisrudywell live cd worked?00:39
mydogsnameisrudyhmmm dont get that00:40
mydogsnameisrudydid you update and upgrade?00:40
mydogsnameisrudyoh you cant dang00:40
FloodBotK1mydogsnameisrudy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:40
drezabek-mobilewell it connected once after first installing it, but havent been able to since unless i try for half an hour00:41
mydogsnameisrudyhmmm dont get that at all00:41
drezabek-mobileyeah, i made a question on ask ubuntu ten hours ago, but no reply00:43
mydogsnameisrudyno try /join #ubuntu00:43
mydogsnameisrudyask there00:44
drezabek-mobilewait, maybe its a bug with kde wallet?00:45
drezabek-mobilei just reset my wallet, and now it just fails immediately?00:46
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:47
drezabekYeah, I already looked at wifidocs, but I think I will reinstall kubuntu (didn't have anything on there anyways) and if it STILL doesn't work, I will proceed to #ubuntu00:50
drezabekanyways, i have to go now, thanks for all your help mydogsnameisrudy!00:53
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Linkmasterare there any 'talk to' softwares for linux? like, speak into your mic, and it types into libre office or whatever?02:32
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jackrepeattest ok ,thx02:50
DaskreechSimon maybe?04:29
Yankees52i love kubuntu04:31
DaskreechYankees52: WooHoo!04:31
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darbe cpp-4.6 : Depends: gcc-4.6-base (= 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) but 4.6.3-4 is installed05:43
darbedo you have any idea?05:43
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mah454what is default package in kubuntu livecd ?06:41
susundbergmah454: i do not understand your question. i understand packages as single software / library packets06:45
susundbergor do you mean that what all programs are installed by default if one uses livecd?06:45
mah454susundberg, yes06:46
susundbergmah454: see: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/quantal-desktop-i386.manifest06:52
susundbergmah454: page found from: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/06:53
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=== mahdi is now known as mah454
FlashDeluxehi! i upgraded my kubuntu from ocelot to pangolin and now my xserver/kde doesn`t work. If i start the computer i get a login window on a blue background and if i login, i only get a xterm and that blue background. i can choose between different themes, such as kubuntu-plasma, ubuntu-standard etc. but that doesn`t change anything. So what can i do?07:07
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robinpI am having some issues with the Vbox guest additions, specifically not seeing the cursor, with Kubuntu 12.04 running on an OS X host. Anyone else run into this issue?07:42
silicon56can anybody guide me where to find the microcontroller channel ?07:55
FlashDeluxehi! i got a messed up system, because my kdm doesn`t work. in the auth.log i see: pam_ck_connector(kdm:session): nox11 mode in kubuntu 12.04, this happened after an upgrade from 11.04. Does anybody got a suggestion?08:18
usrрусскоязычные есть?08:21
lordievaderGood morning08:48
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jtheuerdoes konqueror support client certificates?09:47
dataphreakanyone have experience with rtl8188ru wifi chipset?10:11
dappermuisi know this is a bit of a random and unclear question. But both Kmail and Thunderbird have been unable to retrieve email for a few weeks now (possibly since after an update). I've checked and double-checked the imap settings and they're right. I use the same settings on my phone with no problem. So, I was wondering, is there some underlying configuration that could be causing my imap retrieval to break? A bit weird of a question, I10:16
dappermuisknow, but I'm not sure what else it could be10:16
lordievaderdappermuis: It could perhaps be a firewall blocking the port.10:17
dappermuislordievader: you mean outgoing? this could explain it I guess since it works from my cellphone10:18
lordievaderdappermuis: Quite strange to block an outgoing port, but it could be.10:18
dappermuislordievader: it wouldn't be incoming though, right? since I'm polling the server10:19
dappermuislordievader: could it be a certificate issue?10:20
lordievaderdappermuis: Actually the imap port is server side, it can be anything on the client side... Usually a firewall is set up to allow outgoing.10:21
lordievaderdappermuis: Do you have a firewall running?10:21
lordievaderdappermuis: Perhaps, have you used the automatic wizard offered by thunderbird?10:21
dappermuislordievader: i don't have a firewall wizard that i'm aware of10:22
dappermuislordievader: yes, tried it...no luck, it takes a while and then asks e to manually configure10:23
dappermuislordievader: could anything have automatically installed a firewall that i'm not aware of?10:23
lordievaderdappermuis: Does he give an error?10:23
dappermuislordievader: not that i remember, i can run it again to see10:23
lordievaderdappermuis: Please do so.10:25
dappermuislordievader: still looking up configuration...10:27
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dappermuislordievader: "Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account"10:30
dappermuislordievader: interestingly, i can't even ping the server...though when i try ping from a remote location it works10:30
dappermuislordievader: so there must be something in my configuration...10:30
lordievaderdappermuis: What email service are you using? Gmail, your isp or something else?10:31
dappermuislordievader: my institutional email10:31
dappermuislordievader: from my university10:31
lordievaderdappermuis: I see. And pinging the server fails? Could you do a nslookup to the domain?10:32
dappermuislordievader: pinging it fails from my machine. But when I use an online ping test, it works. So something somewhere is blocking it10:33
lordievaderdappermuis: That is why I ask if a nslookup also fails.10:35
dappermuislordievader: that works10:35
dappermuisinterestingly, i can't ping my university at all10:35
dappermuislordievader: www.uct.ac.za10:36
dappermuisping www.uct.ac.za10:36
dappermuisPING srvslsweb001.uct.ac.za ( 56(84) bytes of data.10:36
dappermuis3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms10:36
FloodBotK1dappermuis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:36
dappermuisthought i could get away with 3 lines ;)10:36
lordievaderdappermuis: Could you run "nslookup www.uct.ac.za" ?10:37
lordievaderdappermuis: A ping from here also fails.10:37
dappermuislordievader: a ping from http://www.iwebtool.com/ping?domain=www.uct.ac.za works10:38
mydogsnameisrudyNon-authoritative answer:10:38
mydogsnameisrudywww.uct.ac.za   canonical name = srvslsweb001.uct.ac.za.10:38
FloodBotK1mydogsnameisrudy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:38
dappermuislordievader: nslookup http://paste.ubuntu.com/1035259/10:38
lordievaderdappermuis: Ok on their end the port 143 (imap) is open, what are the settings you use in thunderbird, could you show a screenshot?10:41
lordievader!paste | dappermuis10:42
ubottudappermuis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:42
dappermuislordievader: can you check what ports are open on imap.cs.uct.ac.za10:43
dappermuislordievader: uct.ac.za is just my institution...i'm in the CS department10:43
lordievaderdappermuis: You could download zenmap to do portscanning (zenmap is a gui for nmap)10:44
dappermuislordievader: ok, will do. This doesn't make much sense though...since i'm successfully connecting on port 993 on my android handset10:45
lordievaderdappermuis: 993 is imap with ssl encryption, have you enabled ssl in thunderbird?10:45
dappermuisunder the settings you mean?10:46
dappermuisaccount settings...yes10:46
lordievaderdappermuis: With the account settings.10:46
dappermuislordievader: i have. Could there be anything else causing the problem? I know the mail server works and I know the port works...it just doesn't work on my Kubuntu installation. Could there be a setting somewhere or could I have broke something such that it doesn't work?10:48
lordievaderdappermuis: Could you run "nmap -p 993", you might need to install nmap...10:49
dappermuislordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1035277/10:52
lordievaderdappermuis: Ok so you should just be able to connect to it, there is no firewall blocking it, else the nmap wouldn't see the port.10:52
lordievaderdappermuis: Perhaps the terminal can give you a hint, run thunderbird from the terminal and run the thunderbird wizard again.10:53
dappermuislordievader: ah ok, will try that... will post a screenshot if it doesn't give any insight10:54
BluesKajhey all11:19
silicon56has any one used the mcu8051ide?11:23
BluesKajsilicon56, and what is that? ..quoting model numbers hardly works ..describe your problem in plain english please11:26
DaskreechHi BluesKaj11:30
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:31
BluesKajhey Daskreech11:31
silicon56it is an  ide for microcontrollers11:34
Daskreechsilicon56: Yes it is11:37
silicon56has any body used it i need to discuss it11:56
Daskreechsilicon56: I don't know. you could discuss it here but I suppose you could also find a  more microcontroller oriented room11:58
DaskreechEither works11:58
DaskreechOr both :)11:58
BluesKajsilicon56, I've never seen anyone discuss mcus here11:59
dappermuislordievader: it turned out there was a bad line in my /etc/hosts. Removing it and restarting fixed the problem...I was messing with the hosts file a few weeks ago, which would explain it12:36
dappermuislordievader: thanks for the help though, it helped me rule out possible causes and pointed me in the right direction12:36
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Daskreechyay for not backing up the hosts file before messing with it12:44
lordievaderdappermuis_: Great that you can get email again :)13:07
dappermuis_lordievader: indeed :) Unfortunately, KMail2 still remains horribly broken :/13:08
dappermuis_upgrading to 4.8.4 now...hopefully that fixes some things13:08
lordievaderdappermuis_: Kmail is not something I use, last time I tried it would crash on launch. I decided to just stick with Thunderbird.13:09
dappermuis_lordievader: ya, KMail2 is horribly broken...KMail1 was amazing though. I don't know why they decided to "downgrade" it...13:09
BluesKajdappermuis_, don't hold your breath13:10
dappermuis_lordievader: I prefer to use Kmail because of the akonadi-google package13:10
dappermuis_lordievader: it integrates really well with Kontact13:10
BluesKajt-bird imports gmail accts13:10
dappermuis_BluesKaj: ha! ok...I won't...maybe by the end of the year it will be usable13:11
dappermuis_BluesKaj: does it integrate contacts, calendar and tasks as well? Last time I checked it didn't13:11
BluesKajdappermuis_, don't think so , but I'm a home user , so i don't have hundreds of contacts etc , so t-bird does what i need13:13
dappermuis_BluesKaj: fair enough...I work on multiple machines and sometimes on the go, so syncronizing via google makes a lot of sense for me...especially when i can sync with kontact13:14
dappermuis_BluesKaj: ah...bug 298861 was fixed :D that was one of my pet peeves13:15
BluesKaji just export contacts from chrome ..it used to be my fav browser , but google is becoming too invasive for my liking ...t-bird and FF integrate fairly well13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298861 in vzctl (Ubuntu) "Please merge vzctl 3.0.22-14 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29886113:15
dappermuis_as is bug 300013...another thing that really bugged me13:16
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 300013 could not be found13:16
dappermuis_BluesKaj: hmmm...ja, i haven't used FF in a while. It used to be way too slow...but I hear it's improved a lot. I've just become very comfortable with chromium I guess13:17
BluesKajdappermuis_, I use a large monitor and chromium tab fonts aren't adjustable ...they're unreadable .. googles's negelect borders on arrogance  IMO13:22
BluesKajBRB , just upgraded to 4.8.413:23
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=== ed__ is now known as ed1276
ed1276hi pls help me, I have nvidia gt540m graphics card, I downloaded and installed drivers from nvida website only to discover that linux is not suported, now my laptops resolution is 640x480 and I cant change it back, howe do I select/use the default drivers that came with kde instead of nvidia?14:09
lordievadered1276: How did you try to install the drivers exactly?14:19
ed1276I downloaded the .run file from nvidia website, then had to stop xserver (ctrl alt f1 service kdm stop) then run the .run file14:19
lordievadered1276: Yes and there did you get any errors?14:20
ed1276no, i dont think so, it installed fine, but then it asked me to reboot, after rebooting resolution dropped14:21
lordievadered1276: Can you change the resolution in, what was it called, nvidia-xconfig?14:21
lordievadered1276: Somewhere in the system category of the menu, I think.14:22
rethuson 12.04 i have mic input anymore#14:22
ed1276when I start nvidia x server settings it says "you do not apper to be using nvidia drivers, plese run your x config file and restart the x server14:23
ed1276there are no options to change the resolution14:24
ed1276I restart the x server but nothing changes14:25
lordievadered1276: Ok could you run, sudo nvidia-xconfig?14:25
ed1276this is what i got:14:26
ed1276Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".14:26
ed1276Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as14:26
ed1276New X configuration file written to14:26
FloodBotK1ed1276: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:26
lordievadered1276: After doing that logout, and log back in.14:27
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ed1276yeah, no change14:29
rethussound works in kubuntu, but bot the mic input. any idea, why14:29
rethustry all settings in pavucontroll for mic1, mic2 line and others14:29
lordievadered1276: You still get the error in the nvidia x server thing?14:30
ed1276yeah, it says the same thing14:30
ed1276you do not appeat to be using nvidia driver14:30
ed1276thing is Ive given up on nvidia, I am trying to get the intagrated graphics workirg (like it didi before, but how do I do that?14:31
lordievadered1276: What you could do is remove the nvidia driver and install the driver through jockey(-kde)14:32
lordievadered1276: But since I do not use an nvidia gfx I do not know how to remove the driver.14:32
ed1276how do I install driver through jockey?14:33
ed1276and which driver?14:33
lordievadered1276: Have you removed the old one?14:35
ed1276not yet, I am trying to find out how14:36
ed1276in my /etc/X11/ folder I found xorg.conf and xorg.conf.backup14:37
lordievadered1276: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/problems-with-xorg-conf-and-nvidia-drivers-881373/#post445554514:37
ed1276ok ill try this one14:38
ed1276it says NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.53.run: command not found14:40
ikoniado it in the same dir as the file14:41
ed1276yeah ive done that14:42
lordievadered1276: The .run file is refering to the driver you've downloaded.14:42
lordievadered1276: make it ./Nvidia....run --uninstall14:42
ed1276ok so there appeared a file "unist" in that directory14:43
ed1276this is what the file "unist" says  paste.kde.org/497342/14:46
ed1276what do I do now14:46
ed1276ok so the problem is there is no netroot in recovery menu, ive tried rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf and i think it may have worked but then Icouldnt donwload the new package (apt-get --reinstall install libgl1-mesa-glx)14:48
lordievadered1276: Use sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx14:49
ed1276this is what i got http://paste.kde.org/497348/14:51
lordievadered1276: Then make it: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx14:52
ed1276ok, http://paste.kde.org/497354/14:54
lordievadered1276: That seems allright, after it has finished reboot, and you should get your basic driver back.14:55
ed1276do I reboot now?14:55
lordievadered1276: i.e. non-nvidia driver.14:55
lordievadered1276: After it has finished, if you get the promt back.14:55
ed1276yeah that was it14:55
lordievadered1276: Then reboot your machine. Do you have a spare machine btw?14:56
ed1276I do14:56
lordievadered1276: Worst case senario, the mesa driver fails and you end up at a promt you can use to secondary machine to get to this channel, then you can get some help.14:57
ed1276ok im rebooting now14:57
=== ed__ is now known as ed1276
ed1276no, no success15:01
ed1276its still the same15:01
lordievadered1276: You mean the low resolution? Could you change that in the system settings?15:01
ed1276no cant, there is only one setting (640x480)15:02
lordievadered1276: I see, well open the jockey, menu -> Applications -> System -> Additional Drivers15:03
lordievaderAnd install the recommended driver.15:03
ed1276it says "no proprietary drivers are in use in this system"15:04
lordievadered1276: That is correct, but it should give you a few options on installing them.15:05
lordievadered1276: And one is recommended.15:05
ed1276no the boxes are blank15:05
lordievadered1276: Could you show a screenshot?15:06
lordievader!paste | ed127615:06
ubottued1276: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:06
=== michael is now known as Guest84856
lordievadered1276: What is the output of the command: sudo lspci |grep VGA?15:11
Mirrakorhey, can somebody using kmail do me a favor? If you have a mailinglist subscribed, could you do a rightclick on a mail from the ML and select "create filter" -> "Mailinglist" and tell me by what it filters? (I'm on a different notebook here and the 'Create filter by mailinglist' option is disabled here, but I'm pretty sure that it used to work on my last kubuntu installation ...15:12
lordievadered1276: Is your OS 32 or 64 bit?15:14
ed127664 bit15:14
lordievadered1276: Then according to the nvidia site you need this driver: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/45533 I guess this is the same one you tried earlier, but try to download it again and install it.15:16
lordievadered1276: Install it, after you've disabled the kdm, with: sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.59.run (assuming you are in the right folder)15:17
Yankees52is kubuntyu dead?15:18
ed1276ok downloading15:18
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ikoniaYankees52: no15:18
lordievaderYankees52: Why would you think that?15:18
Yankees52then why dosent canonical sponser it?15:18
ikoniaYankees52: ask canonical15:18
Yankees52who sponsers it then?15:19
ikoniaYankees52: no-one15:20
Yankees52oh wait! blue systems does15:21
Yankees52is it possible to downgrade to kde 3.5?15:22
Yankees52i love kubuntu fuck unity, what the hell is wrong with ubuntu lately?15:24
Tm_TYankees52: please watch your language15:24
lordievaderYankees52: No need to use foul language15:24
Tm_Talso this is not a place for rants15:24
Yankees52oh sorry15:24
Yankees52where can i rant?15:25
Tm_TYankees52: on your own blog/channel15:25
RichiHTm_T: mind pasting me what he said in pm?15:26
MirrakorYankees52: At a conference (:15:26
Tm_TRichiH: on PM please if it's not on the channel topic15:26
Yankees52will kubuntu get kde 4.8.4?15:27
Yankees52will we see it in 12.04? if so when?15:28
Tm_TYankees52: when it's ready15:29
Yankees52ok but 12.04 will get it?15:29
=== rdponticelli_ is now known as rdponticelli
rethussound works in kubuntu, but bot the mic input. any idea, why? try all settings in pavucontroll for mic1, mic2 line and others16:10
mokushthe kubuntu beta ppa seems to have stuff from 2012? does this contain kde beta 2?16:32
mokushoh, just read somewhere that betas will go into staging? is this so? https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging16:45
lordievaderGood evening17:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
VirtualBlacknessI seem to have broken network manager18:10
VirtualBlacknessKDE splash says waiting for network configuration, then waiting up to 60 seconds for networking... something to that effect. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling... which just seemed to take a way the red  x icon indicating that network mgr is borked where my wireless doodad used to be.18:12
VirtualBlacknessreinstalled the plasma widget.18:19
Shura_Hi dudes18:25
Shura_I installed project-neon-all to test kde 4.9 ans now i'd like to remove it.18:25
Shura_How can i do ?18:25
lordievaderShura_: On this forum: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?36189-Project-Neon/page8 it says to do sudo apt-get remove kde-nightly18:38
nasserash_hello all, I'm having an issue with Krunner, when I type, for example, 111 F to C, it dosn't convert 111 Fahrenheit to celsius. I know it used to do just fine.18:44
lordievadernasserash_: I need to add an =, but I get the result in Kelvin...18:46
nasserash_lordievader: I don't think u need to put "="18:46
lordievadernasserash_: Without it, it won't do anything here either.18:48
nasserash_lordievader: yup, it used to work just fine tho. I just tried Pardus 2011.2 which I think has KDE 4.6 and it worked without the "="18:49
nasserash_according to this, it should work http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma/Krunner#Calculator18:50
lordievadernasserash_: I see, strange. Let's see if I am missing packages.18:52
nasserash_lordievader: yeah I think it's a missing package or something18:53
lordievadernasserash_: It's probably the plasma-runners-addons package.18:54
nasserash_lordievader: will try that18:55
lordievadernasserash_: Installed it, enabled a few plugins, hit apply, and it worked. For me at least.18:55
nasserash_lordievader: Thanks a lot :) Indeed it was missing that package18:57
lordievadernasserash_: No problem :)18:58
=== jeremy is now known as Guest25948
alt1231as far as installing drivers..if my motherboard company dint make linux drivers do i just go with what is installed?19:57
lordievaderalt1231: Most things work right out of the box, the linux kernel has many drivers built in. I recommend running a live-cd to see and test if everything is working.19:58
alt1231it does i was just curiu if had to install anything19:58
alt1231i know my display adapter i have to the generic dont work so well with high graphics for this card19:59
alt1231i just wanted to double check about the motherboard drivers20:00
lordievaderalt1231: True, it is usually benefitial to install gfx drivers.20:00
lordievaderalt1231: On my 3 boxes all I had to install where the gfx drivers.20:00
alt1231ah k thans for the info20:02
devilchaoshi im having problems with k3b specifically permissions with cdrdao and growisofs and dont seem to know what i have done could someone help me sort the permissions out please?20:30
qbitdevilchaos: have you tried settings -> setup system permissions menu item in K3b?20:35
qbitdevilchaos: anything that needs permissions to be changed will show old vs new permissions, and have an empty check box in front20:37
qbitcheck the check boxes and it will ask you for a password20:38
qbitI don't check the group one at the very top though20:39
devilchaosqbit: yes ive been through tht and now it sys it cnt find them cdrdao and growisofs20:39
devilchaosill try again just now20:39
qbitare they in the list?20:40
devilchaosthey were ticked but now crossed saying it cnt find them20:40
qbitif they don't show up in the list they may not be installed, although they should be....20:40
devilchaoshold on...20:41
devilchaosyeah they are installed because everything was there before i messed with it20:41
devilchaosthts what i get when i start the program now20:43
devilchaosand ill pastebin the settings20:43
qbityeah - I have both dvd+rw-tools and wodim installed here20:44
qbitI think wodim and dvd+rw-tools were supposed to replace cdrecord/cdrtools iirc20:46
qbitmight check if you have those installed as well as checking cdrdao20:47
qbitI'm on Kubuntu 12.04 these days, and I don't remember which/when this may have changed wrt to older kubuntu versions20:48
devilchaosi have just undone what i did. i reopened the k3bsetup through sudo and set defaults and put it back to the way it was but i stall have the same problem which ill pastebin once it flashes up agin when i try to copy and audio cd for my mum20:49
devilchaosyes im on the latest release aswell20:49
devilchaosqbit: you ok to wait a cple of minutes?20:51
qbityeah - I'll be here for about another half an hour20:51
qbitbut I'm quickly running out of ideas too  :-)20:51
devilchaosyeah i know i am aswell should be straight forwardly simple but havent messed with permissions since i changed from debian to kubuntu as everything is done for me now20:53
devilchaosand need a second brain to help lol20:53
devilchaossomething funny goin on first error msg i got through k3b told me to change the permissions through k3bsetup and now its telling me unknown error code 255 and to check tht i have a patched version of cdrecord20:56
qbityeah - that struck me as odd, as dvd+rw-tools replaced cdrtools20:57
devilchaosive just checked the debugging output and the information is too large to go on 786mb and i only have 700 cdr20:58
qbityou can usually only overburn at about 2-4 MB over20:59
devilchaosyes i am aware of tht but i suspect thts why its not buring to disk as it is too lsrge21:00
qbitbut copying a normal audio cd to cd shouldn't be over that - a 700 MB CD is known as an 80 minute audio21:00
qbitthe older ones were 74 minutes21:00
qbitif the audio cd you're trying to copy is larger than 80 minutes of track time that may be true - but it's also not the 'standard'21:01
devilchaosah but would it be possible they have made it tht way so i cannot make the back up as its a new audio cd?21:02
qbitbut I'd also look and see if you have an old cdrtools package laying around; if so uninstall it and put wodim and dvd+rw-tools in it's place21:02
qbityes - that is a possibility - I have just not run across anything like that yet21:03
devilchaosis there a diff program i can use to copy it and ommit a couple of tracks21:03
devilchaosits been years since ive had to do this as im on digital format now21:03
qbitbut you can tell, if it's 80 minutes of program it's normal and should fit on a 700MB cd21:03
qbitnot certain - but you could expirement with a different one21:05
devilchaoshow do i tell its an 80 min?21:05
qbitbut I suspect you'll see the same errors from k3b as it sounds like something with it is not set up right21:05
qbitusually an audio cd will  either say or it will have one of those weird little icon pictures on it which is supposed to provide some kind of information on the foramt it contains21:06
devilchaosthe cd im copying doesnt have any markings indicating what size it is the blank cdr does21:08
qbitdevilchaos: I haven't tried copying an audio CD in a long time - going to do it now and see what happens21:13
devilchaosok :)21:13
qbitgonna do it to a CD-RW, but that shouldn't matter I think....21:13
qbitit read the disk, using Wodim, starting to write now...21:19
qbitit's a 10x CD-RW so it takes a couple of minutes21:19
devilchaosthink ive found a way round the issue21:19
devilchaosim ripping the tracks off in .wav format then ill just start an audio disc and add the wav files till its full21:20
qbitif that disk is truly too big that may be what you end up having to do21:21
qbit768MB just sounds wrong, or non-standard21:22
devilchaosyeah  i think thts goin to be the case here it will be worth remembering for the future if my brain will allow it lol yeah a know but wouldnt put it passed the music company for under handedness21:22
qbitespecially Sony21:22
devilchaosyeah it could be a sony its got universal stamped on it21:23
qbita Sony might only have 80 minutes of music on it, but there also might be their rootkit plus advertising21:23
qbitand whatever other DRM is in vogue these days....21:24
qbitOK - copy is complete and audio plays...21:27
qbitmy K3b had no problem copying a commercial audio CD to a CD-RW and playing it21:27
qbitdevilchaos: and with that time for me to go, check ya later, and good luck for the future   :-)21:30
devilchaoscheers lad thx21:31
devilchaos:) you too21:31
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steve_Hello all, new to KDE, what kind of method do you prefer for making 'shortcuts' to applications on the desktop21:43
steve_When I drag, say, firefox to the Desktop I get....a widget?21:43
mydogsnameisrudyyou dont like the widget?21:49
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