[11:19] hey all [11:25] kubuntu 12.04 is segfaulting upon completion of the login ...the bug reporter crashes as well ..looks like deep trouble [11:28] oops 12.10 [12:19] gawd is there nobody monitoring here at all ... are we 12.10 testers abandoned ? [12:20] Nobody needs monitoring in here. There rarely are trolls around this channel. [12:20] everyone's sticking to lts ;) [12:22] well I asked about kubuntu kwin crashing at login yesterday and I didn't receive an answer or even a comment [12:22] it's badly broken ,..segfaulting Kwin [12:23] Oh. That kind of monitoring. [12:23] I read it but didn't feel the need to comment, specially because I don't do KDE. [12:25] Daekdroom, I don't expect unity or gnome users to answer ...maybe there just aren't enough ppl using kde [12:26] well. I have 12.10 on a different drive , so I'll just have to wait til some kubuntu dev discovers the problem [12:27] the guys at kubuntu-devel don't seem to be too concerned === vibhav_ is now known as vibhav === jokerdino_ is now known as jokerdino === wilee-nilee is now known as Franq-N-Steen === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:26] Hello channel, so is anyone having the going to the windows applications not retuning to the desktop, it just sticks there, If I alt-f2 r to restart gnome it returns. [17:50] So is anyone having the windows applications not retuning to the desktop, it just sticks there, If I alt-f2-r to restart gnome it returns. [17:51] *returning === chu_ is now known as chu === Kevin`_ is now known as Kevin` === myrtti is now known as Myrtti