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angsI have some boards that runs debian and some of them runs ubuntu. How can I understand which one is ubuntu and which one is debian? uname -a shows "Linux omap 3.2.0-psp7 #1 Fri Apr 13 04:55:05 UTC 2012 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux"09:26
rbasakangs: on Ubuntu, "lsb_release -a" will tell you. I don't know if there's a better way.09:27
angsthanks a lot, it shows it is ubuntu:)09:27
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djszapiogra_: hey11:15
djszapiogra_: gpio library is not available for Ubuntu arm ? :o11:16
djszapiperhaps it is the sysfs that is advertised for usage nowadays.11:18
janimolilstevie, do you know if there are git trees of tf101 kernels with better history and changes rationale than what ASUS' tarballs provide?13:13
lilsteviejanimo, yes/no13:13
janimolilstevie, please expand on the yes branch :)13:13
* janimo figures this is an interactive adventure13:14
lilsteviejanimo, we can match to where they most likely branched from nvidias tree13:14
lilsteviewith their history13:14
lilsteviebut asus themselves strip *ALL* history before releasing it13:14
janimolilstevie, that is what I was going to check, seeing only it is a
janimobut compared to upstream pristine linux-stable there13:15
janimois a 15Mb patch :)13:15
lilstevieyeah, well matches with nvidias android tree13:15
lilstevielook at androids
lilstevieit is a pain though13:15
lilsteviecause there are a few tags13:15
lilstevieRaYmAn has a script which diffs each tag against the asus release and suggests the closest match13:16
lilsteviewe have done it to the tf201, tf101 is next on the list to be moved over to nvtegra13:17
janimolilstevie, by moved over to nvtegra and 'we' what do you mean? Kernels used by the mod community?14:17
lilstevieandroidroot team, me bumble-bee RaYmAn kmdm and IEF14:44
lilsteviejanimo, ^^14:44
janimolilstevie, ok14:47
xase_I cant believe theres no tutorials for running ubuntu on nookcolor besides  that silly chroot nonsense.16:34
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GrueMasterxase_: I was going to work on that for Oneiric, but was swamped with the arm server bringup.  Sadly, I have since moved on to a differnt job (and subsequentially lost time/interest).  Sorry.17:20
xase_GrueMaster: no problem do you have an archive of your work available?17:51
GrueMasterNo.  I didn't get too far into it.  I barely spent a week on it, mainly going through the Nook source and seeing what I needed to implement.17:53
janimomarvin24, are you working more on nvec until it gets out of staging?19:17
marvin24_DTjanimo: yep19:21
janimomarvin24, do you have the docs from nvidia?19:22
janimothe README in the tree suggests there are no docs at all19:22
marvin24_DToh, that deserves a patch ;-)19:22
marvin24_DTin fact, I "appeared" some month ago19:23
janimook, just making sure you're not missing out :) I just discovered they're public last week, and downloaded them today19:23
marvin24_DTtogether with the tegra2/3 documentation19:23
janimoyes, Nov 11 from what I saw19:23
marvin24_DTjanimo: public?19:23
janimoah tegra3 as well? I thought that's still WIP19:23
marvin24_DTyou need to register first ...19:23
janimowell, public with annoyance, but not private/NDA etc :)19:24
marvin24_DTmmh, I think there is a NDA at least, but I didn't read it to the end19:24
janimomarvin24, so this means the EC doc that was floating around of the chip used in the ac100 is not necessary, as you only need the tegra2 side/protocol19:25
janimoah did not read either :)19:25
marvin24_DTmmh, I don't know of any EC doc floating around ... wait19:26
marvin24_DTah, found it19:27
marvin24_DTof course, for this has no NDA ;-)19:31
marvin24_DTnormally, you would have to register here http://developer.nvidia.com/tegra-2-technical-reference-manual19:31
janimoyes, I registered and downloaded this and the TRM today19:42
janimothere was an EC doc for an embedded keyboard controller in the ac100 last year19:42
janimowhich I was told was the only doc that helped the nvec initial development19:42
marvin24_DTmaybe that was the original source19:42
marvin24_DTit had some documentation inside19:43
marvin24_DTjanimo: can you try to get linux-backports-modules-cw-3.3-precise-generic building on ARM ?19:46
janimois that a package?19:46
marvin24_DTeh, no, the binary19:46
marvin24_DTwait ...19:46
janimofound it19:46
janimobut it's for the 3.2.0 precise kernel19:47
marvin24_DTlinux-meta is the source :-(19:47
marvin24_DTshould be buildable on any kernel19:47
janimonot even amd64 is enabled19:47
marvin24_DTI have it here on my amd64 ...19:48
janimook, so Architecture: is misleading19:48
janimolinux-backports-modules-3.2.0 the package19:49
janimomarvin24, which drivers are needed on arm?19:49
marvin24_DTI don't know, but paz00 needs rt2xx19:50
marvin24_DTI think they can also be useful for panda whatever19:50
marvin24_DTthe package contains all wifi drivers19:52
marvin24_DTbtw, I still can only get a 3.1 kernel booting with "console=ttyS0,115200n8 quiet" enabled19:54
marvin24_DTthis ensures nothing it printed to the console on boot19:54
janimoso not yet ready for uploading I guess? Any chance of newer kernels being better?19:55
janimohow much of what's working now is not yet ported to 3.5?19:55
marvin24_DTeverything gpu and power save related is missing20:13
marvin24_DT(which is too important to be skipped)20:13
janimomarvin24, are the changes in 3.5 too big so that code need significant rewrite?20:13
janimoI see nvidia devs steadily sending patches upstream20:14
marvin24_DTyeah, still unportable I think20:14
marvin24_DTthere are lots of nv engineers already working on it20:14
marvin24_DTbut it takes time20:14
marvin24_DTsomehow nv decided to rewrite everything at least three times20:15
marvin24_DTthis is the price you have to pay to get a product quickly to market20:15
marvin24_DTyou just cannot do it in a sane way20:16
marvin24_DTand mainlining is only low priority compared to that20:16
marvin24_DTI don't want to know how many developers worked on porting win8 to tegra320:17
marvin24_DTand even less I want to see that code20:18
janimoin that case they may not rewrite at all as there's no mainlining required ever, and win8 will be around for many years20:19
janimomaybe it's only the FOSS model that gives grief to developers. Or at least this type of grief20:19
marvin24_DTI would be interested in some kind of statistics how much developer month it takes to port some arch to linux and windows20:21
marvin24_DTand how much time it consumes to maintain it20:21
marvin24_DTduring product lifetime20:21
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lilsteviemarvin24, tbh because of UEFI, it would be more the UEFI code that you would want to see less :p23:31

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