
mainmeisterI want to write some gtk+ applications in 12.04 using the c language. Do I need to install anything for development (ie header files, libraries, etc.)13:41
jlamothemainmeister: I'm assuming you have the build-essential package?13:58
jlamotheI don't think you need anything more than that... however I do my development with wxWidgets (which does require extra packages).14:00
mainmeisterI have not installed any gtk specific items. I don't know what gets installed in 12.04 as default packages pertaining to gtk development14:00
mainmeisterShould I look for build-essential in the ubuntu software centre?14:01
jlamotheYou should just be able to type: sudo apt-get install build-essential14:02
jlamotheThat'll give you your C compiler and the most commonly used libraries.14:03
mainmeisterthank you, I am install the essentials now14:03
jlamotheYou might want eclipse or something too.14:04
mainmeisterI am using geany14:04
jlamotheLooks like a decent choice.  I'm more of an Emacs person myself.14:05
mainmeisterStill cannot find the glib/gmacros.h file ... Guess I'll go to the gtk.org site and download everything from there.14:06
jlamotheIt should be in the repository somewhere.14:07
mainmeisterDoesn't appear as there is a gtk+ package in the ubuntu repository14:07
jlamotheI know because wxWidgets builds on top of GTK, and I haven't had to install anything from outside sources.14:07
mainmeisterDo you know if the gtk headers get installed under /usr/include?14:08
jlamotheLet me check...14:08
mainmeisterI did a find earlier (before the essentials) and it was not anywhere on the hard drive14:09
jlamotheOddly enough, it doesn't seem to be.14:09
jlamotheJust a sec...14:10
dscasselBobJonkman: Yup, official.  I'll put out a notice on the mailing list.14:10
jlamotheTry sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel14:10
dscasselHi jlamothe :)14:10
jlamotheHey dscassel14:10
jlamotheWhat's new?14:10
dscasselIt's Monday morning. I'm trying to figure that out myself. :)14:11
mainmeisterthanks for the help I'll let you know if the gnome-core-devel works14:11
jlamotheNo problem.14:11
jlamotheHey, dscassel, do you know much about Ubuntu One?14:12
jlamotheAs in, can I use it without having it automatically backup my whole documents directory?14:12
dscasselYes and yes.14:13
dscasselIt automatically syncs an "Ubuntu One" folder, but everything else is optional.14:13
dscasselNow if you sync your "Documents" folder, then yes, it syncs the entire folder.14:13
dscasselPer-folder granularity.14:13
dscasselBut you can make a "Shared" folder under Documents that you can then share.14:14
jlamothePerfect.  I'm looking for an off-site backup for about 1.3GB of encrypted data, but some of it's sensitive, so I don't want to put it plaintext "in the cloud".14:14
jlamotheLike all my financial records.14:14
dscasselAre they encrypted individually or as one big truecrypt volume or something?14:15
mainmeisterjlamothe - would goggle drive not work as well - you get 5 gig free14:15
jlamotheIt's a gpg'd tarball.14:15
dscassel'Cuz syncing a 1.3GB woodge every time you make a change gets old fast.14:15
jlamotheThat's what I thought of first, but I figure Ubuntu One would be a more seamless solution since all my machines run Ubuntu.14:15
jlamothedscassel: It's more of a monthly backup kind of deal.14:16
jlamotheMaybe weekly.14:16
jlamotheI have local backups as well.14:16
mainmeisterI find that the ubuntu-one crashes a lot on my windows machine14:16
dscasselI guess that works.14:16
jlamothe...but I control all those boxes.14:16
jlamothe...or I could just keep it encrypted on a thumb drive in my bin at the lab.14:16
dscasselNo crashs on Ubuntu. :)14:16
mainmeisterwow that gnome-core-devel is huge, still installing...14:18
jlamotheI guess wxWidgets only installs the subset that it uses.14:18
mainmeisterlong as it works It ok14:19
jlamothetexlive is a monster of a download too.14:19
mainmeisterOk, gnome-core-devel has given me the gtk development stuff (any everything else)14:34
mainmeisterthank again for you help14:34
=== dscassel changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam channel | http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/ | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | S.V.P utilisez #ubuntu-qc pour soutien en français | Channel logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Meeting info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings | Next meeting 20 June 4:00pm PDT, 7:00pm EDT, 8:30pm NDT
jlamotheCouldn't figure out why Ubuntu One said my e-mail address was already registered.14:59
jlamotheIt was because of my Launchpad account.14:59
BobJonkmandscassel: Thanx for making the updates!15:27
BobJonkmanI wasn't sure if moving the IRC meeting was just idle speculation or indisputable fact15:28
dscasselBobJonkman: Well, I can't do one tomorrow, so... :)16:02
BobJonkmanNot a problem.16:02
BobJonkmanI've just updated the Wiki and LoCo calendars...16:02
dscasselWhich isn't to say it can't go on without me, but there are a couple things I wanted to cover...16:03
BobJonkmanThe meeting agenda is pretty much unchanged from last meeting, I guess since we didn't actually carry out any of them... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-06-2016:04
mainmeisteris there any special command to set up symbolic link in /usr/include and /usr/lib to make the development of gtk version 2.0 work properly?16:08
mainmeisteror do I just copy /usr/include/glib-2.0 to /usr/include?16:10
jlamothemainmeister: I'm not sure if you've found an answer to this or not yet, but have you tried: sudo ldconfig?17:09
jlamothe(without the question mark, obviously)17:09
jlamothe...oh no, wait... that's for libraries.17:09
jlamothe...not headers.17:10
mainmeisterI'll no doubt have the same problem with the lib as well17:10
jlamotheThere's usually an option you have to pass to the compiler.17:10
jlamotheI don't know what it is for gtk though.17:11
jlamotheare you using pkg-config?17:14
jlamotheFor the compiling phase, you apparently need to add `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` to the command to run the compiler.17:15
jlamotheFor the linking phase you need to add `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`17:15
jlamotheThe backticks are important.17:16
mainmeisterI've tried that but the includes don't work17:16
mainmeister#include <gtk/gtk.h> results in /usr/include/gdk/gdkapplaunchcontext.h:30:21: fatal error: gio/gio.h: No such file or directory17:17
jlamotheYou said you're using geany?17:18
mainmeisterI think I need to either symbolically link or copy from gtk-2.017:19
jlamothehave a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71821417:19
jlamotheI typed that by hand, so I hope it works.17:19
mainmeisterok thank you17:20
* jlamothe wishes he could copy/paste from one computer to another.17:20
* willwh sips17:47

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