
bazhang* [superuser] (~superuser@host-76-11-240-170.newwavecomm.net): superuser01:27
bazhang<superuser> ill come back later and say i have ubuntu lol01:27
bazhang@mark #ubuntu [brianp1992] (~admin@host-76-11-240-170.newwavecomm.net): admin refuses to listen to advice about mixing version repos02:46
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:46
bazhang<superuser> bazhang, i looked thro my repos and i have hardy precise natty crunchbang and debian repositories, is this bad?02:58
IdleOnehe still isn't running ubuntu, why are we allowing him to waste the channels time?03:00
bazhangthis is actually amazingly on topic considering the last 48 hrs or so03:02
mah454IdleOne, Hello06:35
mah454can open my account at this time ?06:35
bkerensamah454: Do you need some help?06:41
mah454bkerensa, my account 6 week ego banned !06:43
mah454bkerensa, please open my account !06:43
CoreyLooks like it's an IP ban, not an account ban.06:44
bkerensaCorey: Does it give a reason and is there a expiration date?06:45
CoreyMy ubottu perms are a bit broken, you'll have to tell me. :-)06:45
mah454Corey, How can i join to #ubuntu ?06:45
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Coreymahdi: The last time you were in the channel you gave an encoded destructive command.07:00
mah454Corey, I forget this !07:01
mah454please open my account !07:01
Corey" <mah454> Please do not run this command : $(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd -r -p)"07:01
mah454Corey, true , I send this message 6 week ago ! and i forget this ...07:02
Coreymah454: Please don't do it again.07:03
mah454Corey, ok , excuse me07:03
Coreymah454: Okay.  You're allowed back in #ubuntu; please behave.07:03
mah454Corey, Thank you :)07:04
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (ewfr)07:04
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ikoniadoesn't exist14:36
ikoniawe need to edit the "sudo" factoid14:36
DJonesikonia: Is that not because the link repeats itself, splitting the link & the page comes up14:38
ikonianice spot14:39
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:39
ikoniaah, I just did copy and paste fail14:39
ikoniaand then reading fail14:39
ikoniamcloy 16:33 -!- mcloy [~scutishbu@]15:34
ikoniaban dodging15:34
bazhang<SlowCheetah> ##Ubuntuphone15:58
bazhangtrying to register that. I thought #ubuntu-phone already existed15:58
Fuchsnote the namespace there.15:59
bazhangthe two ##15:59
DJonesI thought he was asking to be affiliated with the channel, its registered to ryuguns15:59
bazhangsince it's not official, wonder if it might be ill-used15:59
Fuchsand being in the ## namespace, it's not for an official project :)15:59
bazhangryuguns rings a bell16:00
bazhangoCean, UR NOT TEH BOSS UV ME!!11116:22
oCeanone of these days...16:22
bazhangtoday is a good day16:23
oCeanhe has shown lots of unprofessional behaviour lately16:23
bazhangand no way that new non ubuntu channel is used for troll raids16:23
mneptoksry mah lolz ? baz16:35
oCeansomeone forward veehex to ##fix_your_connection in lubuntu?16:38
oCean(or not, not much traffic there atm)16:38
mneptok"When you are reasonably certain your connection is stable, please join ##fixed-mah-connection to remove the forward."16:40
bazhang<MonkeyDust> B0g4r7  sudo -i is a no no here16:56
bazhangsince when16:56
mneptokAFAIK, 'sudo -i' is How That's Done.17:07
bazhangthe rootsudo factoid has all kinds of scary warnings about that and sudo -s17:08
bazhangbut have noticed plenty of helpers, including those in this channel suggest it, in lieu of enabling root password17:09
LjLthere's no reason to use "sudo -i" if you just need to run one command, then you use sudo and that command17:10
oCeanSure, I would use and suggest it in cases where you need several commands requiring root privileges17:10
LjLbut if you need a row of commands for some reason, sudo -i is just fine17:10
bazhangso hardly a no-no17:11
oCeanyep, I'm not sure why monkeydust said so17:12
LjLthe case here was with shell redirects17:14
LjLfor those, you can do sudo sh -c "blah > blah"17:14
LjLbut suggesting sudo -i instead of that hardly seems a crime17:14
oCeanor echo blah | sudo tee -a blah.txt17:18
PiciLjL: you aren't logged in.17:18
LjLPici: not identified you mean? but i'm cloaked O.o17:24
PiciLjL: /whois doesn't show any account info.17:25
bazhangdoes here17:26
bazhanghe also set -i17:26
PiciProbably server weirdness.17:26
LjLi'm on mIRC at the moment, can't find where notices go :P17:26
bazhangssl? or sasl17:27
Picisecure connection is ssl.17:27
bazhangdidnt know konvy could do that17:27
LjLi'm using a bouncer, not connected directly from konv/mIRC17:28
bazhangin quassel it's a cinch17:28
bazhangseems to be some hash mismatch bug in latest update/upgrade17:38
Picipoking #canonical-sysadmin about the hashsums17:55
Picidunno whats going on17:55
bazhanghalf a dozen reports just in the last two hours17:55
Pici13:59:38 <fo0bar> Pici: one of the us.archive mirrors appears to be bad, I'll take it out of rotation18:01
* LjL makes Pici look at the mirror18:02
bazhangwhat an a propos nick for the situation18:03
bazhang<semarjt> us.archive.ubuntu.com seems to be working again, btw18:13
ikoniamneptok: do you know this guy ?19:16
ikoniamneptok: do you have any relationship with chuck_norris ?19:28
mneptokikonia: none. but he was asked to stop using IM speak earlier by oCean. /lastlog mah19:28
ikoniaahhh I thought you may know him19:29
ikoniaI was going to ask you to speak to him about how he helps19:29
ikonia(assuming you knew him)19:29
mneptokikonia: you just saw my first inputline addressed to him19:29
ikoniaso I see19:29
Jordan_Uikonia: Still reading the scrollback, but Chuck_Norris's advice may be sound because it's grabbing *firmware*, not a kernel module. And the firmware which runs on the card shouldn't be tied to a given kernel version. That not to say that it was good for them to give said advice without understanding themselves the difference between firmware and a linux kernel module.19:31
ikoniaJordan_U: I totally get that, where he was going was fine, it was the approach he was taking19:32
ikoniaif it was the first time he'd done it I'd let it slide but he seems to be a "google and advise" rather than know the answer and advise19:33
oCeanikonia: he does that quite a lot19:35
oCeansuggesting, it might be this or that, idk, lol19:35
ikoniawell, it went from his advice, to an askubuntu thread, to something he'd read in the past19:36
ikonianot a problem with where he was going but he didn't seem to have any idea in what he was suggesting or why, that to me is dangerous19:37
ikoniaat least without any form of warning19:37
oCeanI @marked him yesterday, but he already has several warnings, pushes etc19:37
oCeanyes, that is his m.o.19:37
ikoniahello Jordan_U20:16
ikoniahello Joselin20:16
Joselinhello ikonia20:16
ikoniawhat's up ? how can we help ?20:17
Joselindo you se a cr7?20:17
ikoniaa cr7 ?20:17
Joselinyes is a friend of school he is conectate but i dont where is he20:18
PiciJoselin: You've been forwarded to the operator channel for repeatedly flooding #ubuntu20:19
Joselini cant understand you20:19
PiciJoselin: You keep spamming #ubuntu. You have been asked to stop. You have not stopped.20:20
Joselinbut i cant talk here20:21
PiciJoselin: #ubuntu is english only.  If you want to speak in spanish you will need to join #ubuntu-es20:22
PiciDo you understand?20:22
Joselini question here but the people says of they dont see he20:22
PiciJoselin: You should be able to join #ubuntu-es or rejoin #ubuntu now20:24
Joselini am in this channel20:25
PiciJoselin: You are in #ubuntu-ops right now.20:25
Joselinbut i am talking in three diferents cannels20:26
Pici#ubuntu-ops is not for support.20:29
* LjL makes Pici a monument, forgets to secure it, leans on it while Pici is passing and crushes him with it20:44
h00kcrushed by self20:51
=== chu_ is now known as chu
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1661 users, 4 overflows, 1665 limit))22:22
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1663 users, 4 overflows, 1667 limit))22:22
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