
devxdevIs there a certain way to submit bug fixes? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntutv/+bug/1008692)00:20
devxdevI found the fix for that^00:20
bobweaverSaviq,  should maybe push precise-branch ? ^^02:10
bobweaverHello everybody  :)15:25
bobweaverjhodapp,  what did you do to the player ?15:25
bobweaveraka lp:~jhodapp/ubuntutv/player    :)15:27
bobweaveralso if anyone sees that devxdev kid again some one needs to tell him that it is not polite to send dcc requests with out asking  O_o15:28
bobweaverif you see him before me ^^ that is15:28
jhodappbobweaver: I separated out the player from the overall TV demo15:29
jhodappbobweaver: so you can just call the player from the command line passing it -uri /my/path/to/video.mp4 and it will play the media15:29
bobweaverthat is awesome jhodapp  !15:30
bobweaverthanks for getting back too me. Also with such speed . you sir are a true gentlemen :)15:31
jhodappthanks :)15:31
bobweaverjhodapp,  you test this on 11.10 or 12.04 ?15:33
bobweaverI have also ported all my work to 12.0415:33
bobweaverall then lens ect15:33
bobweaverre-packagaing them up but having troubles with the stupid youtube one again15:34
bobweaverI will get it glad to see you back anf once again gread job with the player :)15:34
tgm4883What's the status of the port to Unity 3D?15:35
jhodappthanks, things will really start to come together soon15:35
tgm4883or the status on the EPG data?15:35
jhodapptgm4883: unchanged15:35
bobweaverI have started porting some stuff :)15:36
bobweaverto unity 3d that is15:36
bobweavernot much but tring to get the "dash" going 1st15:36
bobweaverepg is out of  my range of things15:36
bobweaverI was going to uses a modified xml from mythtv I was thinking15:37
tgm4883bobweaver, someone was going to give an update on EPG data this week I thought15:37
tgm4883I thought it was jhodapp, but IDK15:37
jhodapptgm4883: not me, no15:38
bobweaverohh geez.......        Saviq      :>)15:38
tgm4883allI remember is somebody went on vacation last week and was going to give an update in the upcoming week(s)15:38
* tgm4883 goes to look at IRC logs15:38
jhodapptgm4883: I went on vacation last week15:39
jhodappand I said stay tuned15:39
bobweavernot a giggie jhodapp  there is only 4 of us main devs15:39
bobweaverbiggie *15:39
tgm4883jhodapp, ah, so I can't trick you into giving an update then ;)15:39
bobweaveralso that was meant for tgm488315:39
bobweaverrotflol tgm488315:40
jhodappI can update you on how my vacation went ;)15:40
tgm4883jhodapp, I hope it went well15:40
jhodappIt did, very well thanks15:40
bobweaversudo apt-get --fix-vacations  update15:40
tgm4883The plains of Spain? The white cliffs of dover?15:40
jhodappthe north woods of Wisconsin :)15:41
tgm4883that doesn't sound like a vacation15:41
bobweaversweet fishing15:41
jhodappit's a fantastic vacation in a cabin on a private lake15:41
tgm4883That sounds like the start to a murder movie15:41
bobweaverI love the northeren part of WI15:41
bobweaverlike Detroit lakes area ?15:42
tgm4883no, the farther north you get in WI, the closer you get to Canada15:42
tgm4883and those people are just way to polite15:42
bobweaverminnasota nice ehh15:42
bobweaveranyhow glad you had a good time jhodapp  :)15:44
bobweaverI worked why up north there for 10,000 music festival  real nice people and area of this wonderful country15:45
yellabs-r2hi there18:36

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