
* stilia-johny i have a LAN of 5 PC via ethernet and i have wifi router as well! i want to setup my computer as a server and when one of the pc or the wireles connected pc want to go in a site as google to go normaly and when it want to go to www.site.co.uk to go in my ip.. i dont want to do it from the host file i want to do it with a dns HOW00:05
dogmatic69setup the router to use the 'server' ip as a DNS00:13
dogmatic69I have a server set up like that, the dns handles *.dev for webdev and the rest is forwarded to google dns00:15
dogmatic69stilia-johny: ^00:15
dogmatic69widows vista 'system idle process' using 85% cpu...00:56
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AlanBellmorning all06:24
MooDoomorning all07:01
DJoneszzzzz, yawn, morning, thud..head hits desk07:44
jussiDJones: sounds about right07:45
DJonesLack of sleep and painkillers suggest today will not be a productive day07:48
* jussi gets the electric prod out... move! :P07:53
DJonesI can't feel it, just produces a numbing tingling07:54
* TheOpenSourcerer was up at 5:00am - son has gone off on a sailing trip with his school to the IoW.07:54
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: Sounds a fun trip07:56
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hoovergood morning all08:17
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:31
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:33
hoovermorning biggie08:36
bigcalmUg, so much nicer to use a gui irc client08:50
oimonnice of my hayfever to be going crazy in this torrential rain08:51
andylockranmorning all08:53
hooveroimon: you need to pick up birdwatching ;-)08:53
oimonhoover, my sneezes would scare aware the birds09:01
oimoni'm amazed the bug hasn't been fixed where you can't shut down your machine if another user is logged into a session09:02
DJonesoimon: I could have done with you yesterday morning, two blue tits flying round my conservatory09:02
hooverA friend of mine was "cured" of his hayfever by getting really passionate about birdwatching... very cool09:03
hooverhad to take strong suppressants for the last decade or so, now it's all well09:03
oimoni don't understand ?09:04
oimonhe took super strong drugs to make his hayfever go away?09:05
oimonwhat drugs are these?09:05
DJonesNever had hayfever, but a cure for loud sneezes in our house involved a dog running from the other end of house and jumping on whoever sneezes, landing with all four paws right in your lap09:05
DJonesNot found a cure for the eyes watering after that happens though09:05
oimonmy nose runs like a tap between 7-1009:05
oimonand awake at 4.30 with sinuses on fire09:05
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:16
oimonhello bro09:19
brobostigonhello oimon09:20
DJonesThis is a nice idea http://www.pcworld.com/article/257237/clambook_turns_the_laptop_into_a_smartphonepowered_peripheral_cats_herd_sheep.html seems like an ideal accessory to run Ubuntu for Phone with09:22
hooveroimon: no idea, I didn't ask for details on the drugs09:27
hoovermorning brobostigon09:27
brobostigonmorning hoover09:27
oimonhmm mintbox PC looks a bit like acer revo ..but more $$09:30
popeyoimon: 10% markup for mint too09:33
popeydont think they thought that through09:33
oimonpopey, cool tax?09:33
popeygiven the most expensive one is 388 quid + VAT09:34
diploMorning all09:35
diploAnyone else seeing increasing amounts of spam since linkedin/eharmony thing ?09:35
diploI used to get 3-4 a day for since I've had my gmail account09:35
diploSince linkedin + 1-2 days I've got 100+ a day09:35
bigcalmpopey: glad you're awake. What should I install on my iPad?09:35
diploSo guess I was on the leaked list :(09:36
oimonmust block paris hilton on g+09:38
DJonesbigcalm: What made you decide to get an iPad09:39
bigcalmDJones: app testing09:39
oimonhow can i block a user who isn't in my circles?09:39
DJonesI wondered whether you'd got fed up waiting for ICS09:39
bigcalmDJones: I've never felt so dispassionate about having a new tech toy09:40
DJonesbigcalm: My wifes been driving me nuts all weekend looking at phones, I wouldn't mind, her contract isn't due up until about october09:41
DJonesShe wants a Blackberry thats running Android :)09:42
popeybigcalm: lastpass, skype, sipgate, where's the water, minecraft PE, cut the rope, draw something, mx mayhem, aqueduct 101, spotify, garage band, tune in radio, iplayer, ted itv player, 40d catchup OPlayer HD, google earth, issh, rightmove, bbc news, kindle, blue block, trainyard, find iphone, dropbox, u1 files, ...09:42
bigcalmpopey: good selection. I'll throw some of those on there09:43
popeybigcalm: profanisaurus, windfinder, wattpad, cloud reader, stanza, rl classic, ebay, amazon,09:44
oimonyep it's there09:45
* oimon wonders if 40d catchup is on android too09:45
oimonthere's also a cinemagr.am app09:45
popeyyes, i dont use my kindle now i have a kindle ipad app09:45
oimonmy tablet cost the same as a kindle09:46
diploI was told they weren't as nice to read on, you find it ok ?09:46
oimoni like reading in bed with the kindle on tablet09:46
oimoni.e. lights out09:47
* popey shrugs09:47
oimonyou get used to it, and it's only when you see a kindle that you remember that kindle display is better09:47
oimon(a bit like HD TV)09:47
czajkowskianyone have any recommendations for a tablet, counsin is lookign to buy one and she's only 15 and wants it for throwing into her bag and doing homework, anyone have any they prefer over others.09:47
diploOnly had my kindle a couple of weeks, read a couple of books already09:47
oimoni have a CRT telly that looks fine to me09:47
diploQuite liking it09:47
popeyczajkowski: ipad09:48
popeyczajkowski: all other tablets are rubbish09:48
popeyrunning android makes them rubbish ☺09:48
popeyso find a tablet not running android.. that leaves ipad09:48
czajkowskipopey: aye you know thats what I suggested to her and she said she wanted android, so just trying to see whats out there, they are all kinda pricy in euros as well09:48
czajkowskipopey: well there are windows ones also no ?09:48
czajkowskiwell indeed09:49
diploczajkowski: There is one one on Ebuyer that's cheapish £170-80 that's getting good reviews and I am debating about09:49
oimonpopey, don't lie your transformer?09:49
diploBut haven't tried it myself09:49
czajkowskidiplo: url?09:49
* diplo is searching already09:49
popeyoimon: android isnt very good on any tablet I've played with09:49
oimondepends on your needs i guess09:49
oimonseems to meet my requirements09:50
oimonexcept tvcatchup was crashing on my tablet last night grrrr09:50
popeyi have never had tvcatchup crash on my ipad, ergo android is rubbish ☺09:50
popeywhen we finally make an ubuntu tablet, I will of course switch ;)09:50
czajkowskiI use mine for reading docs when travelling and irc and Yt but never watched movies on it09:51
diploczajkowski: I believe this is it http://www.ebuyer.com/344245-scroll-extreme-tablet-pc-5424209:51
czajkowskidiplo: thanks09:51
oimonthese IBM blades are shockingly bad09:51
czajkowskiam remmbering how cheap UK is over Euro by  a long shot09:51
diploIf she goes for it keep me in the loop, be interested in a hands on :)09:51
czajkowskiwill do09:52
czajkowskishe's getting it as a gift for sitting her Jnr cert09:52
* daubers still has no use for a tablet09:52
oimondaubers, what do you do on the toilet?09:53
daubersoimon: Isn't that what a kindles for?09:53
oimonmy 2year old is using my tablet too much09:53
oimonhe completed a hard level of train maze the other day09:53
oimonhe has 5 apps he really likes09:53
diplooimon: My youngest (4) keeps trying to touch the laptop screen to get it to scroll :(09:54
oimondrum kit and piano, memory game, squirrel and train maze09:54
oimonit's very intuitive interface09:54
diploThey love my brothers IPAD, I just can't find that sort of money, especially when the 5 year old is growing at the pace he is09:55
DJonespopey: Android on my tablet is excellent, works brilliantly and does everything i want, although price wise it is comparable with Ipads09:55
popeyi dont like the lack of screen responsiveness on android09:56
diploFailed on mine popey, going to test it on a few different ones09:56
popeygiven my ipad is lower spec than the transformer, yet the transformer can't do screen updates as smoothly as ipad09:56
DJonespopey: In what way? I've not used an iPad, so I haven't got anything to compare with09:56
dauberswas the transformer gingerbread?09:57
DJonesThats not something I've noticed09:57
DJonesdaubers: ICS09:57
popeyits had various versions09:57
popeyits a well known issue with the display rendering on android09:57
diploI think this is the benefit for Apple, is they only design there OS for a few devices, makes making improvements so much easier09:57
daubersAh, someone in the office has a tablet s which doesn't seem to have the slow screen updates problem09:57
popeyits not just slow screen updates, artifacts on the screen, triangles rendering incorrectly09:58
DJonesMine is the Prime which is very responsive09:58
daubersI've found it varies between tablets. Some really suffe, other don't09:58
popeyyeah, the prime is better, but thats got 4 more cores than my ipad ☺09:58
daubersOn the other side of things, I have seen a iPad give the OSX "Reboot now" screen09:59
popeythe what screen?09:59
daubersWhen OSX has a kernel panic the screen goes grey telling you to hard reboot09:59
DJonespopey: I had to get the 4 cores, it makes up for my own memory & brain speed :)09:59
czajkowskiDJones: popey I just cant recommend something as priey as 500-600 euros when I know full well she's not going to use it as heavily as you folks would and she'll be needing a laptop next year as well09:59
daubersGot a Mac Pro downstairs that does it on command when you pull out the 10GbE SFP+09:59
oimonsecond hand hp touchpad?09:59
diploI'd love a touchpad10:00
oimonor ipad110:00
czajkowskitrying to see what I can get in uk and bring it over as that seems to be cheaper than here10:00
popeyczajkowski: they arent that much10:00
popey2nd hand or refurb10:00
popey1st gen ipad is fine, that's all I have10:00
czajkowskishowing 600 euros over here for the galaxy tablet which she has it in her head as she knows that name10:00
DJonesczajkowski: Agreed, I wouldn't recommend the Prime for somebody who doesn't plan on using it regularly for quite a while10:00
czajkowskishe hadnt heard of asus or HTC so trying to show her10:01
daubersczajkowski: Had a look at the sony ones? They're a bit cheaper10:01
czajkowskiat the end of the day she's 15 and will be using it mostly in the house where she has wifi10:01
czajkowskidaubers: I wont recommend anyone buy Sony10:01
daubersczajkowski: Because Sony are genitalia?10:02
davmor2morning all10:02
davmor2czajkowski: prod10:02
czajkowskidaubers: cause they are uber pricy and if they break cost a small fortue to repair10:03
czajkowskidavmor2: ello10:03
davmor2czajkowski: they only cost a small fortune to repair if you take them back to sony10:03
popeyczajkowski: have you seen how many 16GB ipad 1's there are on ebay10:07
popey~200 quid10:07
daubersczajkowski: £300 http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/sony-s-tablet-pc-16gb-11318187-pdt.html?srcid=867&cmpid=comp~Google~~11318187&istCompanyId=9a35962d-802d-4e67-9721-0a3328ca1f02&istItemId=itarpmti&istBid=t&gclid=CM-j5pf4xbACFQ8htAodGiioVw10:07
daubers(can be updated to ICS)10:07
popeyi wouldn't touch a sony tablet either10:07
popeytheir customer support is apalling10:07
czajkowskidaubers: ah ok10:08
daubersheh :) We have one in the office. Hardware seems ok, but sony are a bit nobbish10:08
czajkowskithats was one thing I didnt know she has heard of ICS so wondered if she bought pre ICS could she update it to that ?10:08
daubersczajkowski: Some can, some can't10:08
oimonits just taken me hr and a half to change some settings on some ibm blades remotely :0\10:09
czajkowskidaubers: cheers10:09
daubersczajkowski: In all honesty, with tablets I'd go into a shop and play with them10:11
daubersmuch like PC's, until you've held one and played with it, you won't really know10:11
DJonesI'm waiting for Jelly Bean updates :)10:12
czajkowskidaubers: aye not a great selection in pc world which is whats close to her.10:12
czajkowskibut am trying to get her to not rush into it10:12
daubersczajkowski: Go into HMV10:12
czajkowskithanks folks though10:12
czajkowskidaubers: our HMV doesnt stock them :)10:12
daubershah! HMV in reading has 2 counters full of tablets10:12
daubersIt's starting to put boots to shame10:13
daubersDJones: I'm potentially waiting for a) Some scan results and b) the nexus 7" tablet that's rumoured10:13
DJonesdaubers: I had a play with a couple of 7" tablets and found they were not quite big enough for any regular use, it was sort of part way between a phone and a tablet, didn't quite do either as well as I'd hoped10:15
daubersDJones: I might need one more as an electronic diary/todo list than anything else (phone is just a touch too small)10:15
popeyamusingly that comic strip appeared with an advert for the galaxy note in the bottom right the other day10:16
dauberspopey: It's what I used to use my palm for10:16
daubers(original palm thing, not the phone :) )10:17
DJonesdaubers: I thought you meant you scribbled notes in ink on your palm then10:17
gordoh wow, dilbert still exists10:17
daubersDJones: I did that too... but stopped when it started running in the rain10:17
popeyI still have a Palm10:18
daubersI have a Tungsten T in a box somewhere. But all the syncy software stopped working10:18
diplothe few people I know who have notes in regards to Dilbert really like them10:18
daubersHmm... didn't realise you can get wireless HDMI monitors10:23
popeyover the last couple of weeks we have started to get a lot more spam calls at home10:27
popeyhad one from an indian guy about windows viruses and told him to fsck off10:27
popeystill keep getting calls, but they're silent10:28
popeythen hang up10:28
popeyno number "Unavailable, out of area"10:28
brobostigonhad a few here also.10:28
popeynothing I can do is there?10:28
brobostigonother than tps, i doubt it.10:28
popeytps cant do anything about non-UK calling10:28
brobostigontrue, yes.10:29
dauberspopey: Setup something to screen your calls10:29
popeysuch as?10:30
dauberspopey: Or keep a log of when you're getting them and speak to BT10:30
popeyI am not with BT10:30
popeyI'm not inclined to install asterisk10:30
daubersThen speak to VM :)10:30
popeywell yes, I can figure that bit out myself10:31
popeyI was looking for alternative solutions10:31
daubersWhen I had a similarish problem, BT asked for a log of times when we were getting called. No guarentee of a solution, but it helps them track the call10:31
brobostigoni tend to write the number down also. on the basis, i can find a solution, to filter those malicious numbers.10:31
davmor2popey: 1.50 month to have spam calling cut out iirc that gets rid of a lot of them10:32
* popey tweets vm10:32
davmor2popey: you'll need to check I know bt do it so vm should have something similar10:32
dauberspopey: BT can also block calls to your phone from withheld numbers10:33
daubersdunno if VM do the same10:33
popeyno number shows though10:33
popeywould be nice to just say "block calls from outside the UK"10:34
gordi get enough spam calls on my phone that i installed an app that rejects all calls from unknown numbers. but its android so the app kind of sucks10:37
dwatkinsali1234: do you (or anyone else) know if the 'blue people' issue with flash/youtube is resolved with the new version,
gorddwatkins, turning off hardware acceleration fixes that does it not?10:37
dauberspopey: As for the silly end of the scale.... change your number or hire a secretary :)10:38
dwatkinsgord: it does, yeah - not an ideal solution, so I'm hoping it's actually fixed in the latest release10:38
gordwould be nice, anything to make flash a little less terribad10:39
directhexaspnet fail10:41
dauberspopey: You could get yourself a premium rate number and make some money from them?10:42
dwatkinsI look forward to the day everything uses HTML5.10:44
directhexdwatkins: that doesn't affect what runs server-side10:45
dwatkinsdirecthex: server-side in what sense?10:48
directhexdwatkins: wouldn't help popey!10:49
dwatkinsI meant everything in terms of 'everything which currently uses flash content' ;)10:49
dwatkinsah I see, I wasn't referring to popey's link10:49
dwatkinsnot good that it discloses all that information, either, but that's another issue10:49
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dauberspopey: Interesting that it's just the homepage borked10:56
daubershttp://www.silentgard.com/register.aspx even10:57
jochen1727hi all10:58
jochen1727it s strange to post my question here but i do it10:59
jochen1727i m frenh and im going to go to UK, i m young (25), which city recommand me?11:00
jochen1727srry for my english :-)11:00
popeyfor tourism or work?11:00
jochen1727for tourism11:01
popeyhow long will you be here?11:01
jochen17272 weeks 1 month11:01
popeyoh, plenty of time to visit lots of cities ☺11:01
dwatkinsjochen1727: I reccomend Oxford :)11:02
jochen1727dwatkins: okay , why?11:02
popeyjochen1727: http://www.nerdydaytrips.com/ might be useful11:02
dwatkinsjochen1727: it's a beautiful city, and there are lots of things to do there11:02
jochen1727dwatkins: okay11:03
jochen1727tou recommand me youth hostels?11:03
jochen1727you recommand me youth hostels11:03
dwatkinsnot specific ones, no - I used to live near there11:04
dwatkinsthey are generally very good, though11:04
jochen1727it s not expensive11:04
* dwatkins goes to lunch11:04
dwatkinshave a nice trip :)11:04
czajkowskipopey: oh nice site!!11:04
jochen1727i heard that11:04
jochen1727dwatkins: camping?11:05
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jochen1727but camping with rain !!!!!11:05
jochen1727i am afrfaid!!!!11:06
jochen1727afraid srry11:06
jochen1727i want to improve my pook english level11:08
diploNothing like talking people face to face and typing with people I guess11:08
diplotalking to*11:08
diploThe more you do it, the more it will become more natural11:09
jochen1727which hosting recommand me ???not very expensive if possible????11:09
diploMy French is rubbish, I can understand it and read it. I Can hardly speak it or write it :/11:09
diploWeb hosting ?11:09
diploI've used GoDaddy for some very cheap hosting with lot's of bandwith/disc space.11:10
diploI run a vps now so couldn't be up to date with anything else11:10
jochen1727ohhh wich accommodation, hosting camp?11:11
jochen1727not web hosting11:11
jochen1727it s a mistake11:11
diplolol ok, Did wonder why the subject changed.11:11
davmor2jochen1727: I recommend, York, London and going to the Computer Museum at Bletchley Park11:11
daubersjochen1727: If you're after youth hostels, have a look at http://www.yha.org.uk/11:11
jochen1727daubers: thanks11:12
diploCamping is great in the UK albeit it can be expensive in places, but with this whether I'd go with Hostels like the others have suggested.11:12
jochen1727i heard hostel are very expensive?11:13
jochen1727YHA hostels?11:13
daubersyha in oxford seems to be suggesting £20odd a night, which is pretty cheap for accomodation11:14
davmor2jochen1727: Hostel aren't as expensive as hotels,  but it can depend, you are best off having a look at the hostels hotel and campsite to decide which are the best/cheapest on offer11:15
jochen1727a particulary YHA in oxford?11:15
daubersjochen1727: Oxford is in the south east on their map11:16
jochen1727i m afrais too they are many french, thats while i don t going to London11:17
jochen1727thy are too french at london11:17
jochen1727like i want to improve my english11:18
jochen1727it s not good with frenchs and it very expensive11:18
davmor2jochen1727: On the other hand it does have Loads to see and do, york is the same but again loads to see and do11:19
jochen1727you re nice to help me11:19
jochen1727okay for york11:21
jochen1727i m going to eat11:22
jochen1727thks all Merci beacoup ^^11:22
davmor2jochen1727: Oxford is a good bet less to do but lots to see plus bletchley isn't that far away and that is a great day out11:22
ali1234bug 88227411:28
lubotu3Launchpad bug 882274 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "Community engagement is broken" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88227411:28
diploBad day bigcalm :)12:06
* bigcalm grrrrs12:06
diploI'll probably be doing it later12:07
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davmor2bigcalm: on a plus note I got a nice new HD led acer monitor for £9912:29
bigcalmThat's nice12:34
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davmor2bigcalm: I thought so, £179.00 reduced to 110, then 10% off cause it was the last one, ie the showroom model :)12:35
MooDoohello davmor212:37
davmor2hello MooDoo you sciving wretch, 'Ow am ya?12:38
MooDoodavmor2: cracking lad, :)12:38
davmor2MooDoo: everytime I see you type that I picture you saying it in a Wallace stylee voice12:40
MooDoodavmor2: lol, wednesleydale :)12:50
davmor2MooDoo: only issue is I always expect cheese gromit to follow it :D12:51
bubu\aanyone in here with a uk netflix account getting US content?12:56
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gordsure would be nice if file roller just automatically ignored __MAXOSX folders..13:31
bigcalmWould be nice if .jar files were associated with Java by default :S13:45
bigcalmNot treat them as archives13:45
gordcan't you set it up to do that?13:46
gordoh by default, didn't think we installed java by default13:46
bigcalmWell, when Java does get installed, it would be nice to have .jar files then associated with Java13:47
bigcalmWithout the user having to do anything else13:47
bigcalmIs Libre Office installed by default?13:47
bigcalmDoesn't that use Java?13:47
bigcalmI think my confusion comes from OpenOffice being a Sun product, as was Java13:48
ali1234it used to use java13:48
ali1234now it only needs it for some tiny parts13:48
bigcalmOh, so I'm not completely insane13:48
ali1234java sucks anyway13:48
bigcalmOf course it does :)13:48
ali1234you know what else sucks?13:48
ali1234i've decided it's the CVS for people who hate CVS13:49
bigcalmMy dyson?13:49
ali1234since it doesn't support bisect or cleaning up history it is basically impossible to use the history it creates for anything at all13:49
ali1234so it might as well not exist13:50
gordthere is a plugin for bisect13:50
ali1234seems the only practical use for it is people who have been told they should use a CVS, but don't actually understand why or how13:50
ali1234gord: yes, and it doesn't work13:50
ali1234it doesn't work for two reasons, only one of which can be fixed in the code13:51
davmor2ali1234: write a bug rather than whine about it, it's the only way it is likely to improve13:51
gordoh well, maybe walls of text on irc will fix it13:51
ali1234davmor2: the bug was reported 2 years ago13:51
davmor2ali1234: the history works fine here so maybe you use it differently to me13:52
ali1234i don't for a second believe that my ranting will fix the problem13:52
davmor2ali1234: I'm a pretty basic user of bzr to be fair13:52
ali1234however, it might alert some people to the fact that starting a new project with bzr is an incredibly bad idea13:52
ali1234davmor2: i'll explain. suppose you find a bug in the latest version of your project. you want to know which revision introduced it. you bisect to find it. that means you picka  revision half way between head and the last known good version, and test it13:54
ali1234now the problem with bzr is it doesn't allow you to edit history ever, by design13:54
ali1234which means that if you pick a random revision from history it is extremely unlikely to compile13:55
ali1234now the problem is that the bzr bisect plugin does not allow you to skip these broken revisions, and it won't even tell you which revision you are currently trying to test13:55
ali1234which means, the bisect plugin is completely useless!13:55
ali1234it can't do the one and only thing it is supposed to do13:56
davmor2ali1234: or you are using bzr differently to the 100's of canonical staff that do this all the time13:56
ali1234well it's certainly true that i've noticed that canonical finds it extremely difficult to find and fix regression bugs13:56
ali1234this is almost certainly due to the way the tools work13:57
ali1234they encourage writing everything over from scratch rather than fixing the existing bugs13:58
AlanBellwhy would a random revision from history be unlikely to compile?14:04
ali1234because if you commit with a typo there's no way to undo it14:04
ali1234see http://sethrobertson.github.com/GitBestPractices/#sausage14:05
gordbzr uncommit14:05
ali1234also, it might compile, but then crash due to an introduced bug that was then fixed in the next commit14:07
DJonesDoes Anybody know if there's a way to block any tweets menioning #Euro2012 without not looking at twitter or block users, and if so how?15:50
popeyyeah, i think certain twitter apps can do it15:51
popeytweetdeck may be able to15:51
DJonesI'm already fed up of it15:51
MartijnVdSWhy? England lost?15:51
DJonesI'll have a look in destroytwitter settings15:51
popeydunno, i dont care15:51
ali1234the game hasn't even started yet15:51
ali1234seriously though, when you're tired of people talking about banal sporting events, b-list celebs, and last nights reality TV shows, you're bored of twitter and should just leave and go on google+ instead15:52
MartijnVdSThen you get Alans talking about Ubuntu15:52
popeyand get flooded with fab talking about it15:52
gordyou also get me talking about japanese candy and not much else!15:53
MartijnVdSpopey: Put him in an 'ignore' circle ;)15:53
MartijnVdSor Laney talking about Bristol15:53
popeyhe is in a circle called "noisy"15:53
gordjust him and mr noisy?15:54
ali1234apparently i don't follow any of those people15:54
* AlanBell has a circle called noisy with just fab in it15:54
gordmust make mr men profiles15:54
LaneyMartijnVdS: I'm back now, so no more Bristol posts :(15:54
LaneyI could share my pictures!15:54
MartijnVdSLaney: you could15:54
* MartijnVdS posts in Dutch sometimes.. in English other times15:55
MartijnVdSdoes G+ offer to translate? (GMail does)15:55
brobostigonon android, you could just pipe it into translate app.?15:57
brobostigoni think it is called share.15:59
directhexi just ndon't use g+16:00
directhextwitter it is. except for baby photos, which go on facebook16:00
MartijnVdSOooh, lightnings16:03
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popeyAlanBell: same here ☺16:19
davmor2popey, AlanBell: I just dropped him from my circles in the end I found that if he has anything really good to say everyone else in my circles comments on it or reposts it :)16:21
davmor2popey, AlanBell: thanks for being my fab filter keep up the good work :)16:22
zlxHey, I just brought a new keyboard which doesn't seem to work in Ubuntu. After some googling I believe I've found a patch (in unified format) which should apparently fix the issue. Where's the best place for me to find out how to apply it? Cheers16:26
MartijnVdSzlx: where did you find the patch?16:27
MartijnVdSwhat kind of keyboard is it?16:27
zlxTrust GXT 18, the patch was in this post on this mailing list ( http://www.digipedia.pl/usenet/thread/19505/19241/#post26557 )16:27
AlanBelldavmor2: glad to be of service16:27
MartijnVdSzlx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile -- but be sure to also file a bug so the next version of Ubuntu gets this built in16:28
zlx@MartijnVdS: is it not just possible for me to patch over the linux-header rather than having to compile the kernel?16:34
MartijnVdSbecause the driver needs to be fixed16:38
MartijnVdSand that's in a kernel module16:38
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zlxAh, ok. Thanks for the help, unfortunately I don't have the time to read more on this and have a go myself. Have a good day :)16:41
alcockellHi all..16:47
dogmatic69which is the better option, postfix or send mail?17:20
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popeydogmatic69: i would use exim or postfix17:22
popeynot sendmail17:22
popeypostfix is nice and easy17:22
dogmatic69ye, I have used both and know one gave problems, just forgot which one :D17:23
dogmatic69thanks popey17:24
directhexsendmail is... a relic, whose reason to exist expired a decade ago, give or take17:27
dogmatic69I looked at some google posts quick, people were saying in 2006 sendmail sucks17:32
alcockellI remember borrowing the Bat fromt he library years ago - damn, who was it who published it?17:36
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Unleash your creativity at OggCamp - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/06/11/unleash-your-creativity-at-oggcamp/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=unleash-your-creativity-at-oggcamp18:24
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popeyczajkowski: now is a good time to buy an ipad 1 :D19:18
popeyczajkowski: given apple just announced iOS 6 won't be available for that model, so there will be people offloading their iPad 1 to upgrade to a 2 or new one.19:18
marsilainenhi all, how can I tell if I'm using a hardware accelerated driver?20:22
marsilainen(for an ATI card)20:23
marsilainenfglrxinfo says:20:23
marsilainendisplay: :0  screen: 020:23
marsilainenOpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.20:23
marsilainenOpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon 3000 Graphics20:23
marsilainenOpenGL version string: 3.3.11627 Compatibility Profile Context20:23
marsilainenso does that indicate that I'm using an accelerated driver?20:24
marsilainenand if so, is that definitely the proprietary ATI driver and not something else?20:24
ali1234fglrx is the proprietary driver20:24
ali1234also known as catalyst20:24
marsilainenit doesn't feel smooth when moving between virtual desktops in unity20:25
marsilainenis that normal?20:25
MartijnVdSit seems to "halt" just before it's done?20:25
ali1234unity is slow20:25
MartijnVdSI get that too20:25
marsilainenthink I'm going to switch to gnome-shell20:25
ali1234anything that doesn't use compiz 0.9 is a valid choice20:26
ali1234that means anything that isn't unity20:26
marsilainenyeah, I've been trying gnome-shell on my machine at work and it seems pretty nice20:26
marsilainenso I'll try that here too20:26
ali1234i don't care for it's lack of multimonitor workspaces20:26
brobostigongnome-shell 3.4.1 is pretty slick, and many early problems, have been fixed.20:27
ali1234but none of the design problems20:27
brobostigoni can think of a few, but nothing huge.20:27
MartijnVdSis it configurable yet?20:28
ali1234with extensions it is20:28
brobostigonMartijnVdS: with tweak tool, you can configure most basics.20:29
ali1234you can change fonts and theme20:29
brobostigonicon theme,20:29
ali1234you can't move around any ui components without extensions20:29
brobostigonoverall theme, window bar theme.20:29
ali1234you can configure the window buttons with dconf20:30
brobostigonali1234: that is within tweak tool now.20:30
marsilainenmy icons look blurry in gnome-shell for some reason20:30
marsilainenmaybe they are being sized up20:30
marsilainenanyway, need reboot...20:31
brobostigonalso, i think the only biggie issue now, is sometimes, even in low system load, under 0.5 , alt-tab changes, just delay-lag just abit, insted of being instant.20:34
marsilainenwell gnome-shell is performing a little better than unity20:43
marsilainenTBH my graphics card may not be the best...20:43
brobostigonMartijnVdS: which gnome-shell version have you got?20:44
brobostigonnot MartijnVdS , sorry.20:44
brobostigonmarsilainen: which gnome-shell version have you got?20:44
marsilainenbrobostigon: 3.4.120:45
marsilainenmy gfx is only on-board Radeon 3000 on the motherboard20:46
marsilainenso I suspect it's that more than anything20:46
brobostigonmarsilainen: that should be pretty good, it is much improved in performance. over earlier versions.20:46
brobostigoni am on my eeepc, so primitive, intel inntegrated. and it works almost perfectly.20:46
marsilainensure :/20:47
marsilainenI mean, it's not bad20:47
marsilainenjust not as smooth as I expected20:47
marsilainenmaybe I expect too much20:47
brobostigonwell, we can never have perfection.20:47
marsilainenI don't really know what's acceptable...20:47
marsilainenI guess I need to see it running on some other people's machines to compare20:48
marsilainenin any case I'm going to give gnome-shell a try for a while to see how I like it20:48
marsilainenI like the fact that it creates as many virtual desktops as you use20:48
brobostigonmarsilainen: you will like ow it deals with workspaces, :)20:48
marsilainenthe default 4 in unity is never enough for me!20:48
brobostigonalso i like, how alt-tab seperates by workspace, then app, then windows.20:49
marsilainenI think I tweaked a compiz setting in unity to do similar20:49
marsilainenbut nice that it works out of the box20:49
brobostigonagreed, it just feels right.20:50
marsilainenthe default in unity was a pain20:50
marsilainennot sure if they changed it in 12.04?20:50
brobostigonthere are similarities, where inside alt-tab, you see thumbnails of the windows.20:51
brobostigonhello TheFred20:54
TheFredim having a problem with xdotool and the HUD...20:55
brobostigon!info xdotool20:55
lubotu3xdotool (source: xdotool): simulate X11 keyboard/mouse input. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.20110530.1-3ubuntu1 (precise), package size 40 kB, installed size 152 kB20:55
TheFredaha - so it may have issues with unity?20:56
brobostigonno idea.20:56
TheFredim working on speech input solution, and xdotool just *wont* enter text into the HUD, everything else works fine20:57
brobostigoni dont know xdotool.20:57
TheFredgive it a play.. its handy for automating routine tasks20:57
brobostigonok, i will put it on my list for tmrw.20:58
TheFredwhat else is on your list?20:58
brobostigonTheFred: nuffield ortopedic centre, oxford. osteoporosis checkup,20:59
TheFredI think im going t have to live with the HUD problem, and hope users dont get irate21:01
* TheFred curses the day i spilt cffe on keybord21:02
ali1234you could bypass that problem by using a virtual input device instead of xdotool21:02
TheFredali1234, thats a great idea21:03
TheFredevemu-device seems the way to go21:04
ali1234no, uinput is the thing you need21:05
ali1234you can't address specific windows that way though21:07
TheFredjust read that to, but thats not an issue really21:07
TheFredCurrently focusing on the currently focused window21:08
ali1234really the proper way is to do it the way on screen keyboards do it21:08
TheFredthey dont have speech input tho...21:08
TheFredor am i missing something21:08
ali1234it doesn't matter, it's the same thing21:08
ali1234if you use uinput you get a raw keyboard device that you can push events through but it has no concept of windows and focus21:09
TheFredthats fine for my present needs21:09
ali1234if you make it the way an on screen keyboard works you can register for events like "user selected input field"21:09
ali1234then you can use that to switch modes21:09
ali1234eg between command and text entry mode21:09
ali1234that's something you'll probably want eventually so going down uinput path may be a pointless diversion21:10
TheFredthats the distinction, at present i am focusing on speech input only, commands are a later step21:10
ali1234AlanBell is our expert on on screen keyboards21:10
TheFredwell, at the moment i have an android app that does the heavy lifting of speech recognition, then its sent to the pc socket for xdotool to type out, im sure how an onscreen keyboard will help - im open to all suggestions21:12
TheFred*im not sure21:12
ali1234there is no onscreen keyboard21:12
ali1234you just use the same APIs that they use21:12
ali1234you should ask AlanBell if onboard works with the HUD, and how it injects text into the input stream21:13
ali1234that's what i'd do :)21:13
ali1234for all i know onboard uses uinput21:13
TheFredi almost frightened to ask, becuase last time i pinged i got got kicked ...21:14
ali1234nobody ever gets kicked from this channel21:14
ali1234except that guy who did something once ages ago and is now kick-on-sight21:14
TheFredI made a clumsy mistake and pasted user names into chat and it pinged everyone - call it a part of learning what i cant do with desktop automation...21:15
TheFredAlanBell, can you answer some questions i have about screen keyboards?21:15
* TheFred holds breath21:16
ali1234well you'll be auto-kicked by freenode if you paste huge amounts of text21:17
TheFredah, no, i was kicked because the act of pasting user names pings every name pasted21:17
ali1234yes it does21:17
ali1234that's the point of it21:18
TheFredi didnt know that at the time, and spent a while appologising for a newbie mistool21:18
ali1234anyway what your system has in common with an OSK is they are both software input methods as opposed to hardware keyboards21:19
ali1234so they both need to inject input via software21:19
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ali1234and they both need some model of the windowing system21:19
TheFredi understand21:19
TheFredbut for the present im relying on the user to have focused the cursor on where they want the text to appear21:20
ali1234well yes21:20
ali1234you can detect when that happens though21:20
TheFredI've been getting friends/family to test it out, and they seem happy with it, except the HUD issue21:20
ali1234another thing you could do, which is completely different, is implement keyboard profile using gadget-fs on the android device21:21
ali1234then when you plug in the phone to any computer it will be detected as a keyboard21:21
TheFredi had not considered that21:21
ali1234you probably need a patched android kernel to do that though21:21
ali1234possibly not though21:21
TheFredyea, i just looked at my research notes and re-read that root would been needed for that21:22
ali1234benefit would be it works on any computer with no drivers21:22
TheFredsince the later step of voice command is so huge im going to open-source it since so many people want so many different features21:23
TheFredyea, i was avoiding driver at all costs, hence my use of sockets and xdotool21:23
TheFredphase 1 is to release the package so users can install it via software center21:25
TheFredbetween building a decent android app, and getting the pc side to work it can get a bit thorny...21:25
* TheFred goes off to learn more about packaging21:26
ali1234yeah, with gadgetfs you need no software at all on the pc21:26
ali1234PC will think your phone is a keyboard21:28
TheFredwow - info about gadgetfs is a bit thin21:28
ali1234however one of the example programs is a keyboard emulator21:29
TheFredcool - im hunting for examples now..21:29
ali1234i have no idea if you could get it working on an unrooted android phone21:30
TheFredyea, thats the show stopper21:30
TheFredthats another show stopper : requires device to be usb connected.21:31
ali1234actually you could do it over bluetooth too21:31
ali1234you need to use a different API though21:31
TheFredmy present solution works over wifi so users can dictate while making coffee, walking around, etc21:32
ali1234eg http://www.valeriovalerio.org/?page_id=17421:32
ali1234there's multiple ways to do it without drivers21:32
TheFredthe usb needing root is less of an issue with newer devices because they have host mode, which can be tweaked21:33
ali1234host mode is specifically not what you want21:33
ali1234keyboards are not host21:34
TheFredi know:), but its that level of functionality that would be needed21:34
ali1234not at all, gadgetfs is completely different21:35
TheFreddamit, now i've been searching google all day for python and android questions it seems to have tainted my search results for packaging python programs:(21:37
TheFredali1234, thanks for your input, its appreciated (no pun intended)21:39
TheFredhmm, creating .deb files is not straight forward22:06
* TheFred goes for coffee22:06
AlanBellhi TheFred22:06
TheFredI was wondering if i am chosing the best tool when it comes to remotely entering text22:07
AlanBelloh speech input to HUD, great I was hoping someone would do that :)22:07
AlanBellthat probably isn't the best way to do it if you want to automate the HUD22:08
TheFredhehe it had its thorny moments, but getting text into the HUD is a real pain. im using xdotool but it wont work on the HUD22:08
TheFredno, automation is not the goal really. my first step is simple voice input22:08
AlanBelluse the dbus api, that way you can get all the possible options and create a grammar for the recognitino engine22:08
AlanBellthen you can use the api to poke it to press the most likely menu option22:09
TheFredthats great food for thought22:09
AlanBellare you using something that wants JSGF grammar files?22:10
AlanBelllike pocketsphinx22:10
TheFredno, for now im keeping it very simple, Im using an android app to do the speech recognition22:10
AlanBellrunning it on Ubuntu or on a phone?22:10
* AlanBell hasn't read all the scrollback22:11
TheFredon a phone, which sends it to a socket for a python program to read and punch into via xdotool22:11
AlanBellah ok, I was looking at doing some HUD specific stuff with greater recognition accuracy by knowing all the available things you can say22:13
TheFredIm digesting everything i can about packaging my python program and its dependancies into a .deb for launchpad22:13
TheFredyes - thats a later goal22:13
TheFredso if the phone app mis-hears me the best match is performed22:13
AlanBellwell I doubt you would be able to pass the grammar back to the phone easily22:14
AlanBellbut in principal you could swap the phone bit for pocketsphinx anyhow22:14
AlanBellthere are some specific hacks to get onboard to float above the HUD and dash, but I don't think they relate to input events, just the user interface22:15
TheFredif i do that im depriving my self of any form of income from the app tho22:15
TheFredmy plan is to sell the android app for a very small sum, and open up the pc side22:16
AlanBellI don't know what recognition engine android uses anyhow22:16
TheFredits all done on googles servers and seems to work very well22:18
AlanBellah, ok like siri on apple stuff22:18
TheFredthe more its used the better it seems to get22:19
TheFredI am using it here to save me from typing22:20
TheFredall I have to do is talk and the text appears press enter22:20
TheFredI find it works best with a small calls between each word22:20
TheFredsee - its nearl perfect - it heard calls when i said pause22:21
marsilainenI bet its spelling is better than mine too :)22:21
TheFredit seems to depend on how i try to talk22:22
TheFredthe best results seem to come from stopping to mentaly compose what you are about to say22:23
TheFredand is another reason why i want to get voice input nailed down before i move onto voice commanding22:23
AlanBellit sounds like an interesting project22:24
TheFredAlanBell, do you have any beginners guides for dbus API?22:24
AlanBelland continuous speech recognition just isn't anywhere close with any of the engines we have22:24
AlanBellinstall d-feet it is a dbus explorer22:25
TheFredsadly true - the app i created is a 'press to listen' so the users compose a sentence at a time, instead of a paragraph22:25
TheFredthanks - i'll look at d-feet now22:26
* TheFred goes off - brb22:26
AlanBellfile-connect to session bus22:26
AlanBellthen com.canonical.hud is the thing to look for22:26
TheFredthank you for that it is appreciated22:26
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mgdmis Scribus even half-usable? Been a while since I tried23:09
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TheFredoh noes! i've forgotten my gpg passkey23:29
mcphailTheFred: it is "password123", just like mine23:30
TheFredhmm, guess i'll have to make another23:31

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