
snap-lhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map <- Javascript is a fucked up language02:02
snap-lNaN can also be used as a key. Even though every NaN is not equal to itself (NaN !== NaN is true), the following example works, because NaNs are indistinguishable from each other:02:03
snap-lAlso note that JavaScript has two zero values, +0 and -0. These two zero values are treated as different keys in Maps:02:03
snap-lI swear, someone from PHP is twiddling the levers02:03
rick_h*sigh* of course django and wsgi doesn't play nice together. wtf...11:11
snap-lThat's not the django way; playing nice with other python packages.11:56
brouschOther packages are privileged to have the opportunity to work with Django. They should Djangofy themselves to work well with it.11:58
brouschAnd good morning11:59
rick_hwell I'm cheating like a banshee, but it seems to be working12:04
rick_hjust two years old, un touched, never published django module that will allow me to turn a wsgi app into a freaking django view12:05
nullspaceI pitty the fool that leave 3306 open to the public as they are already pwned12:09
rick_hssh tunnels ftw12:11
nullspacestill it's scary12:15
rick_hman, yard work soreness in effect today...ugh curse your monday!12:54
brouschYeah, I could use a massage12:55
snap-lgood morning again13:03
brouschYou get one "Good morning." That is all.13:05
derekvhttps://github.com/DerekV/Bookie-Android because just because13:21
brouschIs it in the app store?13:22
derekvno this is just a shell project13:23
derekvi started it in the middle of the night last night13:23
* rick_h likey13:23
rick_hman, if you can just get me an intent out of that I'd be a happy camper13:23
derekvbut with android, I _could_ put submit it to google play13:23
rick_hyou coming to CHC wed?13:23
rick_hWe'll chat :)13:24
derekvrick_h, soon, very soon13:24
rick_hderekv: that'd rock man.13:24
derekvrick_h, atm I plan on it13:24
rick_hderekv: ok very cool13:24
derekvFirst I just want to display a list of user bookmarks, just to get started.  But I agree the intent is going to be the most useful thing.13:25
rick_hyea, no this is awesome. A list with filter, readable loader, and intent are really the only 3 bits that would make it really useful13:26
rick_hthen the whole parsing/readable mode gets a ton more useful on the throne :)13:26
rick_hexcept for brousch, where it'd break into his angry birds time :P13:28
brouschI refresh my Listen podcats. It takes like 1 minute. Get in, do your thing, get out.13:29
derekvhuh, there's a detroit lispers meetup.13:30
brouschMake sure it's for the language and not for people with a speech impediment13:31
derekvit is for the language.13:31
derekvit is not overly large13:31
derekvone attendee is a spam account.13:31
derekvout of six13:31
derekvdetroit lambda lounge looks a bit more active13:34
derekvalso its newish13:35
MaskedDriverrick_h, you there?14:58
MaskedDriverjavascript question if you have a sec14:59
MaskedDriverok.. so I'm doing a timeclock report where the actual time is set by 100 minutes, and then the paid time is done by quarters (0, 25, 50, 75)15:00
MaskedDriverI'm taking the actual time, say 41.90 and converting it to the paid time 41.7515:00
MaskedDriverSOME instances of say .90 when I split the string turns into 9, other times it comes out to 90 like it should15:01
MaskedDriverdo you have any idea why it might do that?15:01
MaskedDriversame with .20, .30, .40, etc..15:01
MaskedDriversome of them come out to 20, 30, 40, 50, other times it comes out 2, 3, 4, 515:01
rick_hwell trailing 0's don't matter. So you'll need to printf it15:02
MaskedDriverI don't know why some would do that and others wouldn't15:02
MaskedDriverthe split shows that some of them show up as 9000000000115:02
MaskedDriverit's doing weird stuff15:02
rick_hyea, float math in JS is a mess15:02
rick_hhonestly, I'd split on the ., then do a <> case statement with the remainder15:03
MaskedDriverright, but preceding 0's don't matter either, so if I just add 0's to the end of single digit numbers, the 06, 07, 08 would end up 60 70 8015:03
MaskedDriverthen I have the same problem, only in reverse15:03
rick_hhow so? I'm missing something then I guess15:03
MaskedDriver06 == 615:04
MaskedDriver60 == 615:04
MaskedDriverthat's what it's doing15:04
rick_hright, but you want 06?15:04
rick_hso if you have an int 60, you're getting 6?15:04
rick_hthis is not .60, but 6015:04
rick_hwhat are you doing to the number?15:04
MaskedDriverI'm splitting the string by the decimal point15:04
MaskedDriverso say 41.90.toString().split('.')15:05
rick_hoh bah yea that's no good15:05
MaskedDriverwhat do you suggest I do then?15:05
MaskedDriver41.90 would round to 41.75, 41.97 would round to 42.0015:06
rick_hsure thing, sec15:06
MaskedDrivernot clean but I got it15:14
rick_hhttp://paste.mitechie.com/show/689/ MaskedDriver15:14
rick_hsomething like that, untested, etc15:15
rick_hcheck out the underscore string for the sprintf15:15
rick_hor rip it from the original source: http://www.diveintojavascript.com/projects/javascript-sprintf15:15
MaskedDriverI see what you're doing15:15
MaskedDriverI'll give that a try15:16
rick_hMaskedDriver: so here's teh deal, .split() is a string method15:16
MaskedDriverthis ended up working ok for me15:16
rick_hany time you want to get a number out of a string, use parseInt parseFloat15:16
rick_hif you don't do it yourself, you leave your self open to strange bugs15:16
MaskedDriverhang on15:17
MaskedDriverthis ended up working correctly for me regardless of if it's .09 or .9015:20
rick_hright, but what if the value is 90115:21
MaskedDriverit cannot be15:21
MaskedDriverit's rounded to the 10ths15:21
MaskedDrivervia PHP15:21
rick_hit's a string input, I can make it .901 all I want client side :)15:21
MaskedDriverand the javascript is just doing the math of the original values15:21
MaskedDriverhundredths sorry15:21
MaskedDriverit's .00 = .9915:22
MaskedDriver.00 - .9915:22
rick_hwhy are you doing find(".hours").each() but it's only one of them?15:22
rick_hMaskedDriver: right, but just saying the value can be manipulated client side, but meh thats' just nitpicking I guess15:22
MaskedDrivertotal == the summation of all of the raw hours15:22
MaskedDriverper person15:22
rick_hoic, += my bad15:23
snap-lI know I have a reputation for trying to change the problem to fit a solution, but wouldn't it be better to do that computation server-side instead of on the client?15:23
rick_hnever! :P15:23
MaskedDriverI thought about that too15:23
snap-lAt least you'd have consistency instead of someone getting bizarre reporting because of JS errors15:24
snap-lor worse, having JS turned off entirely.15:24
MaskedDriverthis is an internal report15:24
MaskedDriverwe have absolute control over what they have on their browser... if they turn javascript off, they get in trouble15:24
snap-lMaskedDriver: I understand that. Do you want to hve to fix the report because IE9+ does something different next rev?15:25
rick_hamd please tell me you've got some var love in there :)15:25
MaskedDrivertons of var love15:26
MaskedDriverevery variable you see in the code is defined before that .each loop15:26
MaskedDriverand then unset between each person15:26
MaskedDriverI'll take a look at a server-side implementation as well, but javascript was the quickest, easiest solution15:27
rick_hif it's var'd at the top of a function you don't need to unset15:27
snap-lI think you'll be happier server-side in the long-run15:28
MaskedDriverand they needed this report yesterday. Originally, each day's time was rounded, cause that's how they told me they did it15:28
MaskedDriverbut in reality, they round the week15:28
snap-las rick_h pointed out earlier, floats in JS are a royal pain in the ass15:28
MaskedDriverI have 2 columns, total and total2, total is the unrounded, total2 is the rounded15:28
rick_hyea, but honestly he doesn't need a float. Just strings. I'd just sprintf("0.2f") the original numbers, and then treat them as strings the rest of the time15:28
snap-land like royalty, it's passed down from generation to generation15:28
MaskedDriverthen all I had to do is get the summation of each15:28
MaskedDriverthat was much easier15:29
snap-lrick_h: If you're converting floats in to strings in order to get around a broken implementation, I can't help you. :)15:29
snap-lOne other thought: convert to int by multiplying by 100, trunc, and then do the rounding15:30
MaskedDriverwhy so angry snap-l? :p15:30
MaskedDriverthe problem is the rounding is so frickin stupid15:30
snap-lMaskedDriver: I'm a very angry man when it comes to Javascript. ;)15:30
MaskedDriverif it was nice even rounding based on realistic numbers, I would15:31
snap-lMaskedDriver: I'd argue that doing computation in Javascript is likewise very stupid. ;)15:31
rick_hMaskedDriver: you know parseFloat has no second param right?15:32
rick_hso you don't need the two sums15:32
MaskedDriverrealized that15:36
rick_hthat's closer to what I'd pull off :)15:36
rick_hcut out 30% of the LoC15:37
MaskedDriveryeah, did that already :)15:37
MaskedDriverstep one: make it work, step two: clean it up :)15:37
rick_hyea, sorry, can't help myself15:37
MaskedDriverI like what you did in 1-315:37
rick_hok, time to pack up and head to the coffee shop for second shift15:38
MaskedDriverawesome. Thanks for the help15:39
snap-lif anyone is looking for ideas for me for Christmas: http://www.rushisaband.com/blog/2012/06/07/3143/Neil-Pearts-red-Tama-drum-kit-up-for-auction15:50
rick_hMaskedDriver: np, always love some debugging/refactoring15:51
rick_hheh, where's the laptop headed now, CN -> JP -> ...15:51
rick_hoh django... Exception Value:16:21
rick_hserve() takes at least 2 arguments (2 given)16:21
snap-lrick_h: Welcome to the djangoverse16:26
snap-lwhere down is up, up is left, and 2 != 216:26
MaskedDriversnap-l: I went ahead and took care of it server-side16:43
MaskedDriverrick_h: paultag talked me into using django16:43
rick_hugh, next time you see him send him this way16:43
MaskedDriverlol, I told him to come talk to you16:44
MaskedDriverhe must be scared16:44
MaskedDriverthen he brought up how you hate everything awesome except awesome ;)16:45
MaskedDriverlol or maybe I did16:45
rick_hhey, we had some great talks on python, vim, awesome16:46
rick_hwe're actually pretty good on a variety of topics16:46
MaskedDriverthat's what he was saying16:47
rick_hwas awesome to catch up with him at pycon this year16:47
MaskedDriveryeah, he won't be making it to OLF this year16:47
rick_hboooo, but he's out in MA right?16:47
rick_hso not completely surprised16:47
MaskedDrivermoved back almost a year ago I think16:48
MaskedDriverhe got yelled at the other day for swearing in channel by some person lol it was great16:49
rick_hoh he's back?16:49
rick_hI didn't realize that, thought he was still out east16:49
MaskedDriverback out to Boston16:49
rick_hoh, back to boston, gotcha16:49
MaskedDriverfrom Cleveland16:49
rick_hright, ok got you backwards there16:49
rick_hdammit django is pissing me off today16:50
MaskedDriverI'll go ping paul and have him come set you straight ;)16:50
rick_hhttps://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/api/#django.template.RequestContext "Django comes with a special Context class, django.template.RequestContext, that acts slightly differently than the normal django.template.Context. "16:50
rick_hooooh, I can have context or request context...what's the diff...oh, the second one adds vars to my template...and has NOTHING TO DO WITH MY REQUEST16:51
rick_hwell how do I use this fair RequestContent...by changing every line of every method I want...*sigh*16:52
MaskedDriverhe's not responding16:53
MaskedDriverprob out to lunch16:54
rick_hheh, that's ok.16:54
snap-lMaskedDriver: You're welcome. ;)16:55
MaskedDriverit was far more difficult and I still had to split the float like a stupid person16:55
MaskedDriverif only we would round with decency16:55
MaskedDriverhad to split the time in hours and minutes16:56
MaskedDriverthen do the rounding based on the minutes16:56
snap-lOh, that sucks16:56
snap-lrounding time is a real PITA16:57
MaskedDriverfor example .21 - .45 == .2516:57
MaskedDriver.46 - .70 = .5016:57
MaskedDriverthat's all well and good if that's what I was doing16:58
MaskedDriverthe original time is 100 minute hours16:58
MilyardoFloating point numbers and time do not mix16:58
MaskedDrivernot at all16:58
snap-lThough I'd love to know the rationale behind 100 minute hours. ;)16:59
MaskedDriverlol trust me.. I asked16:59
MaskedDriverit makes it easier to steal 15 minutes from your employees ;)16:59
snap-lTrust me, the employees are stealing it back16:59
MaskedDrivera lot harder when you punch in and out17:00
MaskedDriverthe difference between .94 and .96 is 3 minutes17:00
snap-lAlways amuses me when companies try to one-up their employees17:00
snap-lyou have a LOT of creative folks.17:00
MaskedDriverso if I punch out 3 minutes early, instead of rounding to the nearest hour, it rounds down to .7517:00
snap-lRight, so you'll have a queue of employees waiting for the clock to roll over17:01
snap-lor they'll "go slow" to get to the clock. ;)17:01
MilyardoWith time(or and unit of measure that's not base 10) it's best to only store values in the smallest unit of measure possible17:01
snap-lrick_h: I'm posting this now so you'll have it as a reference for when you eventually go this route: http://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/uvfbw/learning_dvorak_what_changes_should_i_make_to_my/17:01
MaskedDriverplus if you do things by .25, it makes multiplying the per/hour value much easier17:03
MaskedDriver10:15 * xx != real number but 10.25 * xx == real number17:03
MilyardoYou will be much better off if you only perform time arithmetic in seconds, and only covery to minutes/hours for presentation.17:04
Milyardoand god forbid mixing units of measure in athe same expression17:05
rick_hsnap-l: :)17:05
MaskedDriverMilyardo: you assume this is a perfect world where stupidity doesn't exist17:06
MaskedDriverI have to work around payroll's system, not the other way around17:06
MilyardoI don't see why you can't convert all input into the same unit of measure before performing arithemtic with it still17:07
rick_hoh son of a @!#$#@$#@$#@$17:07
MaskedDriverrick_h: paultag sends his greets17:07
MaskedDriverrick_h: what's the problem now?17:08
rick_hso I change my code, use a RequestContext, and still no worky17:08
rick_hso I start dumping data, 'is the debug context processor enabled....yes'17:08
rick_hso now wtf, I've changed my code, looks like the docs, docs say this puts the DEBUG setting into your template context, but I still don't have it at all17:09
rick_hso go open egg/django...tempalte_contexts and look at the dippy source17:09
rick_hif settings.DEBUG and request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') in settings.INTERNAL_IPS:17:09
rick_hwell wtf is INTERNAL_IPS? oh...an empty tuple...well that makes sense...NOT!17:09
rick_hso docs suck, code sucks, and this damn RequestContext BS sucks so I'm getting cranky17:10
rick_hand all I hear is snotty little django-nauts going "it's so easy, the docs are so good, everything 'just works'"17:11
paultagrick_h: it's so easy, the docs are so good, everything 'just works'17:12
MaskedDriverhe responded to my ping17:12
rick_hso it was paul's voice I was hearing, couldn't place it17:13
MaskedDriverhe's very proud of himself at this very moment17:14
rick_hyea, that was good stuff17:14
paultagrick_h: your boy MaskedDriver sold you out :)17:16
rick_hsounds like he's more your boy17:16
paultagOH 4 lyfe :)17:16
rick_hand $#@$#@ Django :)17:17
paultagrick_h: Is this for bookie?17:17
rick_hno, work17:17
paultagah, gotcha17:17
rick_hI'd never use django of my own free will :)17:17
paultagdjango can suck pretty bad sometimes17:17
paultagI was ranting about it over lunch today17:17
rick_hbut it's canonical standard these days17:17
rick_hlet me know if you never need any amunition17:17
paultagrick_h: my django project right now has templates spread over 2 repos, with 2K+ view files17:18
paultagit pisses me off. Nothing should ever get past a KLOC with web programming17:18
paultagplus, keeping two repos in sync is rough stuff17:18
rick_hyea, no kidding17:18
rick_hthe way that stuff fits is a pita17:18
rick_hI was working on combo loading my JS and dealing with which static dir, app code, etc17:19
paultagI think I remember some of what you were saying from PyCon17:19
rick_hnow all I want is to know if the app is in debug mode so I can load the JS uncompressed if so17:19
rick_hbut getting that into every page viewed is turning into a mess17:19
paultagyeah, I'm starting to remember this :)17:19
rick_hnaw, this is all new. I just started this app 3wk ago17:20
paultagI remeber you were talking about a similar problem iirc17:20
paultagsame problems anyway17:20
rick_hbut anyway, just getting ranty.17:20
paultagalright, back to djanhell :)17:20
MaskedDriveryeah, I'm new to MI, came in here and first thing I saw was a rick rant17:20
paultagrick_h: godspeed!17:20
MaskedDriverthought it was awesome17:20
rick_hMaskedDriver: you in waterford?17:20
rick_hpaultag: have fun man17:21
* paultag mumbles17:21
rick_hMaskedDriver: cool, sitting at the caribou on Sashabaw down the street from DTE17:21
MaskedDrivernice.. I'm in Pontiac right now working17:23
rick_hgotcha, cool to know someone else up north of the main body17:23
MaskedDriverdefinitely. I moved up here last June. I don't know anybody except for my girlfriend and her friends lol17:24
snap-lApparently Apple is refreshing their entire computer line17:26
rick_hkind of needed it17:26
rick_hwhat happens now that they're tied to intel17:27
rick_hintel releases new chipset, get the new devices out or lose in the benchmark wars17:27
snap-lWell, they've made an incredibly thin macbook17:27
snap-l“The next gen MBP is 0.71-inches thin — you see the difference. It’s 25% thinner, a dramatic amount. It’s about as thin as a MacBook Air.”17:27
MaskedDriverupdating their Mac Pro for the first time in 200 years17:28
snap-lWaiting for them to make it so thin, it'll need a special adapter to use USB.17:28
devinheitmuellerI'm just happy to hear they're not killing the Mac Pro.17:28
snap-l “It’s 15.4 inches across, but it’s pixel density — are you sitting down? It’s 2880 x 1880, four times the amount of pixels.”17:29
MaskedDriverrick_h: btw, I'm the one that just followed you on Twitter. paul linked me to your tweet17:29
rick_hMaskedDriver: yea, that's where I saw the waterford17:29
rick_hI'm clarkston17:29
MaskedDriverI spend a lot of time in Clarkston. The Union is phenominal17:29
rick_hyea, good stuff17:29
MaskedDriverI think I saw you at the OLF a couple years back17:33
rick_hpossibly, I go from time to time17:33
MaskedDriverthink you had a podcast booth up17:33
rick_hah yea, snap-l and I17:33
MaskedDriveryeah, didn't know who you guys were so I stayed away in typical geek fashion17:34
snap-lIt's better that way. rick_h bites people he doesn't know.17:34
MaskedDriverI don't doubt it17:34
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
MaskedDrivernothing makes me code better than jamming out to Will Smith17:44
MaskedDriverrick_h: your blog theme is messed up on the front page. The footer floats up to the top17:46
rick_hMaskedDriver: running dev chrome?17:46
MaskedDriverand firefox17:46
MaskedDriverno.. not dev chrome, stable17:46
MaskedDriverand IE917:47
MaskedDrivergetting a lot of "data not received" stuff from chrome too17:48
MaskedDriveryou need a <div class="clear"></div> after <div class="primary">17:50
MaskedDrivercss floats anger me sometimes17:50
rick_hyea, it's a theme issue17:51
rick_hI don't know if I have control, looking now17:51
rick_hthe content loading was teh delicious plugin dying off, but I don't use that any longer anyway17:51
MaskedDriverif you're gonna be rocking out wordpress you should self-host that17:52
rick_hmeh, got sick of updating it dealing with server migration/etc17:53
rick_hhonestly, my dream is to go static generator, but not taken up the time17:53
MaskedDriver*shrugs* I'll host it for you if want something17:54
MaskedDrivercan't guarantee 99.99% uptime though :(17:54
rick_hheh, that's ok. I've got stuff spread over 3 servers already (not counting the two at home)17:55
MaskedDriverlol np17:55
rick_hoh you've got to be kidding me...18:14
greg-gFucking. Ubuntu. Unity.18:25
greg-gsorry, it is just always in my way. Today it is forgetting that I told it to do list view in nautilus. All the time. Even though I set the "default for new folders" setting18:26
* brousch breaks out the blue hairspray18:27
greg-gI'm loving Debian land on my personal laptop. Might have to jump ship on the work one as well. (Since Ubuntu broke gnome-shell and I'm not a huge fan of KDE)18:28
brouschWhat do you use on Debian? Gnme shell?18:30
brouschMight as well move to Debian18:35
brouschWe'll still love you18:35
MilyardoNautilus sucks no matter what distro/de you move to imo18:35
Milyardoand gfvs needs to die in a DBus dispatched fire18:36
Milyardoso it would burn slowly, and painfully18:37
Blazeixam i allowed to talk about WWDC in here, or is that a permaban? :)18:42
rick_hat your own risk Blazeix :P18:43
brouschWhat is WWDC?18:43
rick_hI've been ignoring it mostly thankfully18:43
Blazeixbecause 2880 x 1800 for $2199 is a pretty cool pricepoint18:43
Blazeixbrousch: the mac conference thing18:43
brouschIs that thing happeneing again?18:43
brouschPretty expensive when you can get 2560x1440 for $85018:44
Blazeixbrousch: on a laptop?18:50
rick_hBlazeix: yea, I'll be jealous of that resolution for a while. I've been hoping they'd do it though and force everyone else to jump on board18:50
rick_habout time we got our of this hell of HDTV is enough for anyone crap18:50
rick_hgreg-g: there are legit issues from picking up the boy wrong and such, heads up.18:51
rick_hgreg-g: wife had to go see the doc and get trained on proper ways to pick up so as to help with elbow/arm/wrist issues she was having18:52
snap-lgreg-g: list-view in Nautilus is for Windows weenies.18:53
brouschBlazeix: OK, I thought you meant a big monitor. That on a laptop is frickin awesome18:56
brouschOn the new MBP "The FireWire and ethernet ports are now officially gone, too."19:08
greg-gsnap-l: wait, you like huge ass wasted space icons? Or are you sayig I should only use the CLI for file management :)19:08
brouschReally, no ethernet port? WTF19:08
greg-grick_h: I might have to check that out19:08
MilyardoYeah, Ethernet is officially outmoded now. You use the cloud to connect instead of the internet.19:10
MilyardoEven if that is a joke, I disgust myself for actually typing that19:10
brouschI bet they will sell you a USB3 ethernet dongle for $4019:10
MaskedDriver$40 is too cheap for the Apple name19:12
MaskedDrivereverything is marked up 275%19:12
MilyardoThat's without Premium AppleCare 3 year Warranty19:13
Milyardooh man19:14
MilyardoAppleCare is real, I totally made that up19:14
Milyardooh it's AppleCare+ now apperently19:14
* snap-l just set up two-factor auth with Google.19:20
MaskedDriversnap-l: have fun with phones and crap with that19:21
snap-lYeah, it's not as simple as it might first appear.19:21
MaskedDriverI had it for about a week but waiting for an e-mail or having to go to a link every time I wanted to log in to something was annoying19:21
brouschI lasted less than 1 day on it19:22
MaskedDriveryeah.. it's pretty terrible19:23
MaskedDrivergood idea on desktop, terrible on mobile19:23
* snap-l also thinks he screwed up his battery last night19:23
MaskedDriverI have 2 android phones and a Xyboard19:23
MaskedDriverdealing with that for everything makes me a sad panda19:23
snap-lleft an application accidentally running overnight. This morning my phone was noticibly hot19:24
snap-land now my battery life is half what it should be.19:24
MaskedDriverthat sucks19:24
brouschMaskedDriver: When I tried it I had an android phone, and android tablet, a Chromebook, and 2 laptops. It was hell19:24
MaskedDriverbrousch: ouch19:24
MaskedDriverthe laptop thing didn't bother me as much as my phones and tablet19:25
* brousch sings it's half the charge it used to be 19:25
* snap-l will check tonight with the phone off to see if it really damaged the battery19:28
MaskedDrivermeh... is the phone under warranty?19:29
snap-lIt is, but it's also $49 for a new batter with external charger.19:29
snap-lso I'm not going to sweat a warranty claim because I'm stupid.19:29
brouschHeh, can't even upgrade your RAM or storage on the new MBP19:32
devinheitmuellerbrousch: it's all a question of whether that actually matters.  99% of all laptop users never upgrade either.19:39
rick_hdevinheitmueller: I'd argue a much larger percent than the 1% of mac users have bought with min ram and upgraded themselves19:40
rick_hsame with thinkpad owners/etc19:40
rick_h16gb of ram is a $500 option for my thinkpad, it's half that if I buy ram dims myself19:40
devinheitmuellerIt's the same reason that many cars cannot have consumer replacable sparkplugs.  Some mechanically inclined people will say "how outrageous!", while the other 99% of people will say, "Who gives a shit?"19:40
rick_hhistory shows the same for apple hardware19:40
brouschI buy used and upgrade myself. Brought this MBP from 2GB with 160GB HD to 8GB and 120GB SSD19:41
devinheitmuellerbrousch: yup, you're in the 1%.19:41
rick_hnow, after initial purchase, I'm sure that 1% is more like those that upgrade19:41
brouschdevinheitmueller: Forget the spark plugs. Subaru wants $300+ for a new key19:41
rick_hbrousch: heh, same everywhere19:41
rick_hhad the same thing with a GM and a Ford19:42
brouschIT'S A GORRAM KEY19:42
rick_hwith more sparts in it than my old HP calc probably :)19:42
rick_hsmarts that is19:42
brouschThat's the kind of thing that makes me think RMS isn't so crazy after all19:42
MaskedDriverI wish you could put some hidden code into a CSV file to tell Excel to bold a column20:05
rick_hok, beat this damn pony into lunchmeat...20:05
brouschAh, feels so good to be back in Flaskland20:06
rick_hman, wife's coworker looking for a home for an 8yr rotty with some arthritis...so hard to say no...ugh20:08
brouschI wouldn't bring a new big dog into a house with a little kid. Too much unpredictability20:09
MaskedDriverbrousch: depends on how the dog was raised20:10
rick_hyea, but man...dreamed of a rot for years and years. For me it's always been the boy, a rot at my feet, and a nice screened in porch20:10
MaskedDriverI personally wouldn't bring a dog into the house... period... under no circumstances20:10
rick_hbut yea, I told her I can't trust any dog not raised by me with the boy20:10
brouschBah, we have  2 big dogs (55lbs and 70lbs), but we raised them and know them20:11
rick_hyea, not everyone does it right unfortunately20:11
brouschEven if you do it right, changing houses and such is stressful on a dog20:11
MaskedDrivercats can be trusted20:11
MaskedDriverjust saying20:11
brouschCats are evil20:11
rick_hcats can be lunch20:11
rick_hneed to be lunch20:11
MaskedDriverbrousch: because they're genious20:11
MaskedDriverthey have been plotting their revenge for centuries20:12
rick_hworst mistake I ever made was thinking it'd help the wife by getting cats20:12
rick_hshould have left her lonely20:12
MaskedDriverrick_h: elaborate?20:12
brouschThe only reason a cat is better is that a 3 year old has a chance of beating it up20:12
rick_hMaskedDriver: sorry, wife worked long hours in residency so we got cats for her to come home to20:13
rick_hnow I wish they'd just run away, hate cats20:13
MaskedDriverrick_h: still not seeing the problem20:13
MaskedDriversounds like a win-win20:13
rick_hcats suck20:13
MaskedDriveryour wife has cats20:13
MaskedDriverand you have balls to kick around the house20:13
rick_hyea, fortunately they can be trained to leave the room when I enter it20:13
MaskedDriveryeah.. train a dog to do that20:14
MaskedDriverI've been trying with my brother's dogs for years20:14
rick_hdon't have to, dogs don't suck and need to leave the room20:14
rick_hand they listen to commands, like lay, stay, and leave it20:14
MaskedDriverso do cats20:14
MaskedDriverif you train them properly at a young age20:14
MaskedDriverand if you don't get a stupid cat20:14
rick_hyea, well when I can train cats to "don't puke hairballs on my carpet" and "if you claw me again while I sleep because you're hungry you'll regret it"20:15
rick_hI'll rethink the matter20:15
MaskedDriveri have one stupid cat that understands 2 things: 1) I'm being petted, I'm happy, 2) I'm not being petted, I'm sad20:15
MaskedDrivermy other cat understands sit, lay, stay, stop, i'll kill you, go away, stand up, speak20:16
MaskedDriverdo you own a brush?20:16
MaskedDriverproblem one solved20:16
rick_hyes, but I don't want to have to brush them. Maint. is the wife's duty.20:17
MaskedDriverdo you own a nail clipper? problem two solved20:17
rick_hall the cats are the wife's duty20:17
MaskedDriverlol then she needs trained better it seems ;)20:17
rick_hwell if it wasn't for her they'd be swamp cats20:17
brouschMy wife is allergic to cats, so I have avoided the cat problem20:18
MaskedDriverI'm allergic to cats, but I have 2 of them20:18
brouschThat is illogical. They must have already infested you with toxoplasma gondii20:19
MaskedDriverwikipedia is my friend20:20
MaskedDriverand yeah, I was born with it it seems20:20
MaskedDriverwhat I love about cats is I can leave food in their bowl, scoop their litter once or twice a day and be done with them20:21
MaskedDriverno taking them for walks20:21
MaskedDriverpicking their crap up off of the neighbor's yard, etc..20:21
jrwrencats are OSX.20:21
jrwrenDogs are Windows.20:21
jrwrenI like Penguins.20:21
rick_hno wonder i hate cats then20:22
MaskedDriverthanks for contributing jrwren20:22
MaskedDriverthis cat bashing is making me sad20:25
MaskedDriveryou just haven't been around amazing cats before, apparently20:25
jrwreni don't believe in giving room and board to anything that isn't blood relative.20:26
MaskedDriverjrwren: I'd rather have a cat than family in my house20:26
jrwrento each his own20:27
MaskedDrivermy family can visit for about 2 hours then they need to gtfo and leave me to my video games20:27
jrwreni really enjoy living with my wife and child. I'd hate only seeing them for 2hrs a day.20:30
MaskedDriverjrwren: wife isn't a blood relative (hopefully)20:31
brouschjrwren: Child? I thought you had like 3 kids20:31
snap-lApparently I'm in trouble.21:07
snap-l3 packages today. ;)21:07
snap-lI'm hoping one of them is some SWAG for tomorrow's meeting21:09
snap-lotherwise I'm in trouble. ;)21:09
snap-lWell, one of them isn't what I think it might have been21:10
snap-lso I'm probably in trouble anyway.21:10
snap-lOh well. That's the nice part about being in trouble - making up for it.21:10
jrwrenhow do you know my wife isn't a blood relative? :)21:23
MaskedDriverthat's why I said (hopefully) lol21:23
MaskedDriverwelp.. time for me to head out for the day. catch you all later21:24
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
snap-lwell, as suspected, I'm in trouble.22:53
snap-lbut, on the plus side, got some goodies. :)22:53
snap-lI got 2/1023:04
snap-lhttp://arcadeheroes.com/2012/06/11/atari-trivia-2-and-the-ultimate-atari-history-timeline/ <- 5/1123:13
snap-land got very close on some of the questions. ;)23:13
brouschsnap-l: Is anyone going to record rick_h's Make talk at MUG?23:34
rick_hnot if I can help it23:34
rick_hit's going to be pure driving a text editor though23:34
rick_hso even a recording won't be great23:34
brouschtough to record that23:34
brouschunless you do a screencast23:34
snap-lWe're planning on getting gib a steadycam so he can stand 5ft in front of rick_h at all times. :)23:34
snap-lwith a spotlight23:35
brouschI put my small camra on a tiny tripod23:35
rick_hbrousch: right, and that's not a bad idea, if I can reherse and get it down23:35
rick_hmake a screencast episode out of it, I'll have to think on it23:35
rick_hsnap-l: no, but I plan on being a PITA and asking him to turn the thing off for the record23:35
snap-lrick_h: I can't stop you. :)23:36
brouschget the man a decent camera!23:36
brouschand a tripod!23:36
rick_hno, make the man be quiet and listen like everyone else and stop destracting everyone else23:36
snap-lWell, we've kicked around getting some better equipment for recording23:37
snap-lsince they're going up on Youtube, and making an impression about MUG23:37
brouschWhat's the Python tool closest to Make?23:51
rick_hbrousch: a little bit. You can use fabric like Make, but fabric is more meant for running commands on multiple remote hosts23:58

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