
MaskedDriverpaultag you around?16:50
paultagMaskedDriver: yep16:55
paultagMaskedDriver: what's up?16:56
MaskedDriverpaultag: you need to go into #ubuntu-us-mi and yell at rick cause he's complaining about django again ;)17:01
MaskedDriverlol no, he has a legit django question you might be able to help with17:01
MaskedDriverdjango.template.Context vs django.template.RequestContext17:02
paultagMaskedDriver: RequestContext has some extra stuff like csrf stuff17:06
MaskedDriveryeah he figured it out17:06
paultag(some other stuff too, I'm sure)17:06
paultagah, word.17:06
paultagMaskedDriver: be sure to give him my greetz17:07
MaskedDriverthough he figured it out too late, thus creating a far larger PITA than it should have been17:07
paultagMaskedDriver: should have asked earlier :)17:07
MaskedDriverhe just swore like a sailor in punctuation... so I'm sure he found a new problem that he's going to blame on django ;)17:08
MaskedDriverhe did have a fun one earlier:  serve() takes at least 2 arguments (2 given)17:10
paultagforgot the self?17:10
MaskedDriverdidn't say. I'm assuming so17:10
MaskedDriver<rick_h> and all I hear is snotty little django-nauts going "it's so easy, the docs are so good, everything 'just works'"17:11
MaskedDrivergo get him!17:12
MaskedDriverlol you're gonna get me yelled at!17:12
MaskedDriverwell.. this should end well. Rick's on a rant and you just trolled the crap out of him17:13
paultagI love rick17:14
MaskedDriveryeah his rants are priceless17:14
MaskedDriverok he found that very clever17:15
MaskedDriverso we're good17:15
paultagMaskedDriver: he twitted at me17:15
paultagMaskedDriver: past tense of to tweet17:15
paultagMaskedDriver: https://twitter.com/mitechie/status/21223124584380825817:15
MaskedDriverlol awesome17:16
paultagMaskedDriver: I love Rick :>17:29
MaskedDriveryeah he's cool17:29
MaskedDriverpretty awesome he lives right around me17:29
paultaghe's wicked smart.17:29
MaskedDriveryeah... and ranty17:29
paultagMaskedDriver: we have a very similar WM setup, actually. Slightly different, but similar17:29
paultagsounds like myself :)17:30
MaskedDriverlol yeah17:30
gilbertpaultag: wine is now in pretty good shape :)19:23
paultaggilbert: :D19:25
paultaggilbert: dude, awesome, how did you do that?19:25
paultaggilbert: please tell me hostile NMUs19:25
paultaggilbert: srsly, how did it get fixed?19:30
MaskedDriverpaultag: apparently it's a secret19:40
gilbertpaultag: unhostile nmus :)20:07
paultagwooo! :)20:07
paultaggilbert: Oh, did you hear? I'm in DAMNation at the moment20:07
gilbertpaultag: basically i pushed nmus preparing new upstream versions to delayed/10 and waited20:08
paultagah, fantastic20:08
paultaggilbert: I see the maintainer has ACK'd them20:08
gilberteventually someone added me to the wine team, and i'm now making team uploads :)20:08
paultag(not -unstable)20:08
paultaggilbert: that's kickass, thank you :)20:08
MaskedDriverI wish it were possible to insert some sort of hidden code in CSV data to make an Excel column bold so I wouldn't have to constantly explain that CSV is raw data separated by commas, hense the name "Comma Separated Values"20:08
paultag(fucking finally)20:08
gilbertcrazy lots of work tho...20:08
paultaggilbert: yeah, I can imagine20:08
gilbertactually insane amount of work20:08
gilbertwine is complicated20:09
gilbertpaultag: yeah, i heard about ur nm progress!  that's just awesome!20:10
gilbertpretty quick for u it seems20:10
paultagyeah, it was really quick20:10
paultaggilbert: I am dying without upload rights, so many patches are sitting in the BTS20:11
paultagI'm about to go gregoa on them20:11
gilbertwhat did they have you do for tasks and skills?20:11
gilberthehe, awesome20:11
paultaggilbert: not much, since I was patching RC bugs for fun while I was waiting for my AM20:11
gilbertmake sure to blog it too, cause that is interesting20:11
gilberti'm not one for blogging myself tho20:12
paultagyeah, I pushed up a few posts with the gcc-4.7 patches I was pushing20:12
paultaggilbert: but I'm glad the wine situation is slowly resolving it's self20:14
paultagwith you on the team, I'm sure it'll not become so bad again :)20:15
MaskedDriverit was getting pretty bad20:26
MaskedDrivergilbert: when did you join the wine team?20:29
gilbertMaskedDriver: maybe a week ago20:30
MaskedDriverah nice20:30
paultagMaskedDriver: to be fair, I don't know "gratz" is the right thing to say :)20:37
paultagit's a good thing for you and me, but gilbert here is in trouble :)20:37
MaskedDriverlol perhaps that's the truth20:38
MaskedDriverhow about: gilbert: my condolences20:38
paultagMaskedDriver: the threads on debian-devel were out of control :)20:39
gilbertpaultag: plus the issue was rehashed a week ago (after things were pretty much under control anyway)22:06
gilbertpaultag: and then used as a distribution quote of the week on lwn no less22:06
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
paultaggilbert: hahaha, oh lord23:30
paultaggilbert: p.s. grats!23:30

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