
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
charlvngood morning all06:52
inetpromorning charlvn, etc06:56
charlvnhi inetpro 06:57
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
Kilosmorning superfly maiatoday and everyone else08:05
Kiloslurkers too08:06
superflyhey Kilos08:06
charlvnhi Kilos, superfly 08:08
Kiloshi charlvn 08:09
inetproheh Kilos, you managed to get unfrozen?08:12
Kiloshahaha inetpro ty. im still shivering but had other major pc probs that kept me off08:12
Kilostried boot-repair for a small old drive and let boot-repair get its update and when all done and it said repair succesful i couldnt get back again. disk utility from 6g drive showed many bad sectors on my 80g08:14
Kilosdid a clean install without formatting /home and spent days install with gdebi but i think it was a bad install. lotsa things are unhappy08:16
Kilosmaybe it was a bad aptoncd too08:18
Kiloslo nuvolari queery 08:25
queeryhi oom Kilos08:30
Kerberoa queery \o/08:32
queeryhi Kerbero08:32
Kiloshi Kerbero 08:32
Kerberohi :)08:32
HawkiesZAMorning ya'll08:33
Kilosmorning HawkiesZA 08:34
queeryhi HawkiesZA08:36
Guest4068siyanobona good morning08:58
Kilossapele Guest4068 08:58
=== Guest4068 is now known as virsto
virstohwzt kilos?09:00
Kilosgood ty and you virsto . are you new here?09:00
virstoyes im 09:01
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za09:01
bakumanWelcpme to ubuntu-za Oom Kilos09:03
virstothnx man is this a chart rum?09:03
Kiloshehe hiya bakuman 09:04
Kilosvirsto, this is the ubuntu / linux help channel09:04
charlvna chart rum ?!09:06
virstook kilos 09:06
Kilosyeah what is a chart rum?09:06
charlvni have made some charts and drank some rum but never heard of a chart rum before09:07
Kilosread charts and drank lotsa rum many years ago.09:08
charlvnrum tastes good in cake09:08
Kilosi dont think his english is very good, or else he is a spinchat guy09:12
=== Guest4068 is now known as virsto
virstomolweni 09:20
charlvnvirsto: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/096/044/trollface.jpg?129649411709:21
Kilosvirsto, ??09:22
KilosMaaz, define molweni09:22
MaazKilos: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?09:22
charlvnmolweni afaik means good morning09:23
Kilosha chatmosphere09:26
charlvnsome noob stuff09:27
Kilosits a chat client where most of them look for romance methinks09:30
Kiloslotsa blackberry peeps get here with it09:31
Symmetriawheee we went hunting for snow to play in yesterday :P finally found some as well, found LOTS :)09:46
Kiloshi Symmetria 09:57
goarcould i ask someone for help please?11:02
charlvnhi goar 11:29
charlvnyes of course, throw the question11:29
charlvnSymmetria: where is that, the snow?11:30
goari want to share my internet connection in ubuntu11:33
goari have 2 pcs in the following setup:11:33
goarinternet --> BoxA(eth0)11:33
goarboxA (eth1) --> local switch11:34
goarlocal switch -- > BoxB11:34
goarBoxB (eth0)11:34
goarok so obviously BoxA has 2 NICs and BoxB has 1 nic11:35
charlvnjust setup nat routing11:37
charlvnshould do teh trick11:37
goarnat routing11:37
charlvnon any linux distro you can just do it using iptables11:37
goarok will google it11:37
charlvnthere are a bunch of help pages on this topic on the ubuntu wiki11:37
charlvnthere are some easier tools that will do the hard work fr you11:37
charlvnbut even if you do it manually by configuring iptables directly, it is not difficult11:38
charlvni always do it manually11:38
charlvnjust because then i have more control over it11:38
goaryes i anyway want to learn, so im going to try it manually11:38
charlvnit's literally two or three commands and there are tons of howtos on the internet11:38
charlvngood idea11:38
charlvnyou have to keep one thing in mind11:38
charlvnif you do configure iptables and you reboot the machine, your iptables config will be lost11:38
charlvnyou can save and restore your iptables config but just go and google that as well11:39
goarok thanks charlvn11:39
charlvnglad to help11:39
SymmetriaI found my icelandic tshirts yay11:41
SymmetriaI have one that says "WHAT PART OF EYJAFJALLAJöKULL DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!" 11:41
charlvnoh you're in iceland? strange that it's snowing today, it's the middle of summer11:45
charlvnhi Kerbero 12:42
Kilosafternoon guys. nearly home time 14:10
Kiloshi goar 14:24
Kilosyou new here?14:25
goaryes im new14:25
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za14:25
goarthankyou Kilos14:25
Kilosyw, are you usoing ubuntu?14:25
goarhow long have you been here?14:25
Kilos3 years i think14:26
goari only started this year14:26
goarlate last year14:26
goarmostly for programming/development14:26
Kilosgreat, are you happy?14:26
goarooh very hapy indeed14:26
Kilosah you one of the clever guys14:26
Kilosubuntu rocks14:27
goarhehe. im always willing to learn14:27
goaryes i love ubuntu.14:27
goareverything is so ... causal14:27
Kilosits only the stupid peeps that arent willing to learn14:27
Kilosthats also why they are stupid14:28
Kiloshave you met the other guys here yet?14:28
goarmayb their just scared14:28
Kilosyeah i was too but with the guys here helping me i have managed to trash windows14:29
goarhavent really met anyone yet. charlvn gave me a pointer on how to set up my internet connection sharing14:29
goaroh ok. good for you. 14:30
Kilosmost of them are all busy at work most of the time but if you ask for help and wait patiently someone will always give a hand14:30
goari just keep windows laying around for if i want to play a game14:30
goarok thanks14:30
Kiloslol thats all its good for14:30
goar'scuse me, i was playing around with setting up a local dhcp/dns server for my flat14:31
Kiloswe are having our monthly meeting on the 18th at 19.30 try join us14:31
goarwill try14:31
goaris it on here?14:31
Kilosyip right here14:32
goarok cool. Is there any website associated with this channel maybe?14:32
Kilosyeah a few14:32
Kilosmaiatoday, how busy are you?14:33
Kilosi never remember things14:33
Kilossometimes our bot keeps info14:34
KilosMaaz, ubuntu-za sites14:34
MaazKilos: Huh?14:34
Kilosthat could be one14:36
Kilosthere are a few14:36
Kilosmaiatoday, can you please give goar our sites links14:37
maiatodaygoar: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za14:38
maiatodaythat site has links to lots of our comms channels14:38
maiatodayalso ubuntu-za.org14:38
goari see.14:38
Kilosty  maiatoday 14:38
maiatodaythen we have a page on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam but that site only has meeting minutes and reports14:38
maiatodayalso if you are into facebook we have a group there14:39
maiatodaywe tweet with hashtag #ubuntu-za like this channel14:39
goarok i,ll take note of it14:39
maiatodayif you want to edit on loco.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com you should probably join the launchpad group too 14:42
maiatodayso it sounds like a lot of sites but really they have different functions14:42
goaryeah. hehe. I'll have a look around14:42
goarthanks again maia14:44
KilosMaaz, ubuntu-za sites14:45
Maazhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuza/  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za14:45
Kilosthnks maiatoday maaz has the info too now14:45
maiatodayta Kilos, could you add http://ubuntu-za.org too please14:46
goarok guys14:48
Kiloswill do maiatoday 14:48
goari,ll be back later14:48
Kiloslater goar 14:48
maiatodaybye goar14:48
goarbye maiatoday14:48
maiatodayhey Kilos I am _still_ waiting for results, it is driving me crazy14:49
Kilosshame that sucks maiatoday 14:49
maiatodaytheir deadline was like end of last month14:49
Kilosdont they give a date or anything?14:49
Kilosoh my14:50
Kilosnew sa14:50
KilosMaaz, ubuntu-za sites14:50
Maazhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuza/  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za   http://ubuntu-za.org 14:50
Kiloshi psydroid all well?14:52
psydroidhi Kilos14:53
psydroidyeah, everything is ok14:53
psydroidand with you?14:54
Kilosjust cold. -3°c last night14:54
psydroidhi maiatoday14:54
psydroidhi goar14:54
maiatodayhi psydroid14:54
psydroidfreezing cold14:54
psydroiddon't you have any heating?14:55
Kilosyeah poor sheep couldnt drink till 11am14:55
Kilosyeah bath and bed14:55
psydroidI usually don't put the heating on too much even in winter14:59
Kiloswhew , you thick skinned?15:02
Kilosna your young thats why15:02
superflyHi maiatoday15:02
maiatodayhey superfly how are things15:03
superflymaiatoday: apart from some electrical problems with my car, all good thanks15:03
* superfly had to break out the soldering iron at work the other day15:04
superflyLoving my job :-)15:04
maiatodayhaha soldering one of your super powers?15:04
maiatodayI can solder but I suck at it15:05
superflymaiatoday: it used to be, I haven't had much practice recently though15:05
charlvn"Net Index ranks South Africa at number 109 when it comes to download speed, well below countries such as Angola, Kenya, Ghana and Ethiopia."15:06
superflystill got it though, it seems15:06
charlvnhi superfly, maiatoday 15:06
superflyYo charlvn15:06
psydroidKilos, I'm not that young actually, just cold-blooded15:06
HawkiesZA1charlvn: Yeah, our Interwebs is awesome in SA, haven't you heard from Telkom? ;P15:07
superflypsydroid: everyone is young compared to Kilos :-P15:07
charlvnHawkiesZA1: shit never realised15:07
Kilosha ha ha15:07
=== HawkiesZA1 is now known as HawkiesZA
psydroidand that for someone of Indian descent15:08
psydroidhi superfly and charlvn15:08
superflycharlvn: watch the language in this channel please15:08
charlvnhi psydroid 15:08
charlvnsuperfly: language?15:08
superflycharlvn: yup15:08
charlvnwhat do you mean? i'm speaking english15:08
charlvnyeah, for a change :P15:08
HawkiesZAAs pure as it gets too15:08
superflycharlvn: the 4 letter words15:08
charlvnfour letter words? four is a four letter word15:08
Kilosworst one is that wtf15:09
Kilosnot nice15:09
Kilosladies around15:09
Kilosand old ballies15:09
charlvnballies haha15:09
HawkiesZAProbably gave someone a heart attack15:09
HawkiesZAHow do we feel about 7-letter words?15:10
Kilosas long as they arent swear words they fine HawkiesZA 15:11
charlvnhawkies is a 7-letter word, whatever that means15:11
Kiloswe are gentle peeps15:11
HawkiesZAI'd guess that it's a group of small hawks :P15:12
superflyThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct says15:12
superflyThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which governs this channel, says that we should endeavour to be polite at all times15:13
charlvnsuperfly: i think we are pretty polite over here15:13
superflyPeople have been banned from this channel for contravening the CoC15:13
HawkiesZAI wonder if he was being polite....15:13
charlvnamd helpful!15:13
HawkiesZAI prefer Intel15:14
charlvnlol nice HawkiesZA 15:14
superflycharlvn: swaer words are not regarded as polite in most cultures, so we try to keep swearing to a minimum in here.15:14
charlvnsuperfly: that's fine by me, i don't do any swearing anyway15:14
superflymeh, phone typing FTL15:15
charlvnyeah it's pesky15:15
superflycharlvn: except the s-word you used earlier15:15
superflycharlvn: yes, the one that means faeces15:16
charlvnoh the str-something word, i never used that word in this channel15:16
* superfly wonders if HawkiesZA misses kindergarten15:17
superflycharlvn: no, the sh-something word15:18
HawkiesZAsuperfly: Some days yes. It was a simpler time15:18
charlvnsuperfly: not following you, shell is not a curse15:19
charlvni use bash every day, and that isn't a threat of violence, it's just a shell implementation15:20
charlvni'm quite strictly a pacifist15:20
superflycharlvn: you're following me perfectly, you just are trying to string me on.15:20
* HawkiesZA thinks charlvn should write a fishing book: The art of trolling15:21
Kilossuperfly, not everyone has kids already15:21
superflyKilos: indeed, some are still kids15:22
Kiloshaha to me anyone ians age is still a kid15:22
HawkiesZAcharlvn: clicked for the trollface. Was not disappointed :P15:22
charlvnHawkiesZA: http://i.imgur.com/Ij6X0.png15:23
HawkiesZAThat one always freaks me out :/15:26
charlvnme gusta is a troll on its own15:26
superflyheh. Lady on the train next to me is reading the full page Nandos advert of their advert....15:31
superflyThe pro-diversity15:31
Kilossuperfly, where you going onna train?15:37
superflyKilos: going home15:38
Kiloswow that brings back memories15:38
superflyKilos: Cape Town to Muizenberg15:38
Kilos30 years ago i rode train to work and back for a year15:39
Kilosthen bought a bike15:39
HawkiesZAsuperfly: Gautrain?15:40
Kilosno HawkiesZA he is inj capetown15:40
superflyHawkiesZA: unlikely, that's a few thousand K's away15:41
Kilosat least with modernj cells you take the internet with you15:41
HawkiesZASorry, my psychic powers aren't what they used to be15:41
superflyHawkiesZA: I did tell Kilos that I am travelling to Muizenberg from Cape Town, thought you'd read that15:44
HawkiesZAI must have ignored that one because of the name tag :P15:45
HawkiesZAMy baaaaaad15:45
KilosHawkiesZA, you'r forgiven15:49
HawkiesZAGuess the room couldn't find him16:18
Kilosaw i missed him16:18
Kiloshe is one of us but in arab land16:19
Kilosnlsthzn, you lurking or sleeping16:21
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos 16:24
nlsthznwas eating some dinner16:24
Kiloshow you nlsthzn long time no see16:26
nlsthznfine thanks uncle Kilos ... you?16:28
Kilosfine ty nlsthzn just winter here with a vengeance16:29
nlsthznI heard... 16:29
* nlsthzn will bbl ... need to do the 3 s's16:30
Kilosand your postal service takes forever to get some heat here16:30
nlsthznpostal service here doesn't work :/16:31
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:53
* Maaz puts the kettle on16:53
KilosMaaz, hurry16:53
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed16:53
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:57
KilosMaaz, danke16:57
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 17:07
Kiloslo nuvolari  how are you laddy17:07
nuvolariI'm good and you oom?17:08
nuvolariit's freezing here17:08
Kilosstay in durbs , its freezing up here17:08
nuvolariwell, still a lot warmer than there...17:08
Kilosfreezing in durbs??17:08
nuvolariya oom! I got used to the heat17:08
Kiloslol freezing in durbs is 10°c17:09
Kiloswill tell you now whats tonight forcast17:09
Kilos15 mins to wait then we hear what the idiot box says17:10
Kiloswb goar 17:10
goarhey Kilos17:10
nuvolariheh, anyhow, did you have a good day oom Kilos ?17:10
Kilosyes ty nuvolari and you?17:10
Kilosmeet new ubuntu guy goar 17:10
nuvolaribesides the cold, nothing out of the ordinary17:10
nuvolarihi hello goar 17:11
nuvolariwelcome :)17:11
Kilosgoar, where are you?17:11
goarhey. stellenbosch17:11
nuvolarihe's right there oom Kilos 17:11
* nuvolari points17:11
goarwhere r you?17:11
Kiloshee hee17:11
Kilosoh goar there lotsa ubuntu peeps there17:12
goaryes its the university's supported ubuntu distro17:12
goarwe have a local repo mirror here17:12
Kilosyou studying?17:13
goaryes. Electronic Engineering. Im almost finished17:14
Kilossounds good17:14
goarYeah im into machine learning stuff.17:14
Kerberowhich uni?17:14
goarwhat do you guys do? Jobs, studying etc17:15
Kerberostudy electroninc engineering17:15
bakumanstudy electroninc engineering17:16
Kerbero@ spelling error17:16
Kiloshehe i loaf on my sisters plot17:17
Kerberowell done for you kilos17:17
Kiloslook after sheep etc17:17
goarsounds chill :)17:17
Kerberogoar: i am at your service if you need any help17:17
goarok thanks Kerbero17:18
Kerberodit is scary dat ek en bakuman die selfde  IP het17:18
bakumanvreeslik scary17:18
Kiloswow 17:18
goarIm currently trying to set up a local dhcp server for my flat17:19
Kerberoen banlam17:19
Kiloshoe kan dit wees17:19
Kerberoen koiositfy17:19
goarwant julle is in dieselfde huis?17:19
* bakuman is in Brackenfell op die oomblik17:19
Kerberonee ons share 'n irc bouncer17:19
Kerberomoar magic17:19
* Banlam is in PE17:19
Kiloswindy city17:20
* Kerbero is in ...17:20
KilosKerbero, wheres that?17:20
bakumanlol, kyk net hoe probeer Kerbero ver klink deur nie te se Stellenbosch noe17:20
Kerbero(stellenbosch, maar moenie vir almal se^ nie) :P17:20
Kilosha ha ha17:21
Kerberogoar: so jy is in die koshuis?17:21
Kilossien goar hulle wemel daar17:21
Banlamgoar, watse koshuis?17:21
goarmoenie maak asof jy nie weet nie jpm17:21
Kerberoeendrag ek se^17:21
Kerberoalle E&E's is altyd in eendrag until proven otherwise17:22
goarok fine17:22
Kerberolol @ goar wat rooihub main chat check17:22
goarbaie snaaks ne?17:22
Kerberobaie magic17:23
* bakuman join gou main chat17:23
Kerberoek sien17:23
Kerberoai, nou is ons hele lab weer op irc17:23
goarn regte klomp nerds :P17:24
goarso, wie gaan my help om n local dhcp server op te stel in my kamer?17:24
Kerberohoekom wil jy dit doen?17:24
Kerberoen dis nie so moeilik nie17:25
goarag makliker maak om internet sharing te doen17:25
goaras ek reg verstaan maak dit dit makliker as jy dit eers reg het17:25
Kerberoek sou net ip's force17:26
Kerberomaar dis seker makliker vir plug&play17:26
Kilosoh my nuvolari it is winter in durbs17:29
Kilos7°c tonight 25°c tomorrow17:29
* nuvolari dies17:30
nuvolarihelp oom Kilos! hoe bly 'n mens warm hier?17:30
Kilosheaters 17:30
Kilosof vroeg bed toe17:30
nuvolaridis 'n ding wat ons nie hier te koop kry nie17:30
Kilosja kry ma om een saam te bring volgende besoek17:31
Kiloswarm bad dan bed toe17:31
nuvolariheh, hulle is nou eers in Aus oom17:32
Kilosmiskien kry jy een by game nuvolari 17:33
Kiloslol of vra walter17:34
Kilosconfluency, why you so quiet ?17:35
nlsthznnag almal... bly warm...17:37
Kilosnight nlsthzn sleep tight17:40
zerefany tried installing ubuntu-server from usb?17:40
Kilosyo zeref 17:40
zerefhi Kilos 17:42
Kiloszeref, you battling?17:49
zerefyeah, seems like ubuntu-server installation keeps looking for cdrom17:51
charlvngood evening all17:51
zerefhi charlvn 17:51
charlvnhi zeref, how's it gonig17:51
charlvn*going, too late for good typing17:51
superflyzeref: did you remove it from your sources.list?17:51
charlvni always install ubuntu desktop from usb but never tried installing server from usb17:52
charlvnusually when i install server i install inside a virtual machine17:52
superflyzeref: oh, you're installing from USB but it keeps on looking for CDROM instead of USB?17:52
charlvninteresting, and this is specific to ubuntu server?17:52
zerefthere are many articles, with different solutions17:53
zerefsigh, looking for a detailed conprehensive one17:53
charlvnzeref: how did you make the usb stick? using the ubuntu startup creator tool?17:53
charlvnusb key startup or whatever it is called17:53
zerefused Unetbootin17:54
charlvni have not had very good result with that thing17:55
zerefdebian works, but i guess debian does not have a *server edition17:55
charlvni always create my keys manually by mounting the iso and the usb key, rsync'ing the files, and installing syslinux17:55
zerefhmmm: http://www.7loop.com/content/install-ubuntu-server-usb-without-cd17:56
charlvnperhaps an alternative method would be using grub2 and configuring it to run the iso directly?17:56
zerefyeah, thats an option as well17:59
charlvni have had pretty good luck with that myself17:59
charlvnthe only problem i had with grub2 on a usb stick is on my macbook pro17:59
charlvnfor some reason, after booting from the usb stick on grub2, i can't boot from my hard drive anymore18:00
charlvnbut that has to do with the EFI boot loader and i don't think the grub2 efi support is really good yet18:00
charlvnbut if you use traditional bios obviously that is not of concern for you18:01
charlvnwb psydroid 18:01
psydroidty charlvn18:03
charlvnyou know what gets on my nerves... gnome-terminal uses alt+1, alt+2 etc to navigate between tabs18:03
charlvnirssi uses the same keyboard combination to navigate between channels18:03
psydroidI always redefine the keyboard shortcuts so those of irssi work18:05
psydroidso alt+shift+1 instead of alt+1 etc.18:06
psydroidand shift+left arrow to go back18:07
psydroidand shift+right arrow to go to the next window18:07
psydroidI also disable alt+b combo's somewhere in the settings18:07
charlvnsounds like a good idea psydroid 18:08
zerefcharlvn: why not use terminator(multiple terminals in one window) then you can user alt+1 etc :D18:10
charlvnzeref: sorry i don't completely understand?18:31
charlvngnome-terminal has multiple terminals inside one window18:32
charlvnthey appear as tabs at the top18:32
Kilosnight all, sleep tight and warm18:39
Kerbero8.4 nou al hier18:40
Kilosdis te koud hier by pc18:40
Kilossien julle more as die son skyn18:40
charlvnwb inetpro 18:55
zerefcharlvn: i meant: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/terminator-multiple-gnome-terminals-in-one-window.html19:02
inetprocharlvn: hmm... thanks19:05
zerefcharlvn: http://i.imgur.com/LqMvG.jpg19:06
inetprowhy would I suddenly see thick white borders around dropdown menus on Ubuntu 11.1019:08
inetproI've seen it before and a reboot normally resolves it but I hate that as a solution19:08
magespawnEvening all.19:08
superflyIs that not part of Gnome Terminal? wow... Konsole has had that feature for years19:09
inetprosuperfly: I guess your'e referring to zeref's links?19:10
superflyinetpro: yes19:10
* inetpro needs to load kubuntu back onto this laptop asap19:14
inetprocan't even do simple things like screen prints properly the way I'm used to on kubuntu19:15
inetprono option for delayed screen prints19:16
inetproor even for own selection19:16
magespawnSounds a bit odd that it happens without you changing anything.19:23
charlvninetpro: which desktop are you using at the moment? gnome-screenshot can also do all that19:23
inetprocharlvn: unity19:23
charlvninetpro: ah ok, interesting, haven't used unity much recently19:24
charlvnam using gnome3 atm19:24
inetprocharlvn: I just have simple options for save screenshot and copy screenshot19:24
charlvninetpro: sounds like the old gnome-screenshot to me19:24
charlvnzeref: nice background :) me gusta19:24
inetpronot even an option to take another screenshot19:24
charlvnzeref: that's quite interesting, it looks a bit like a tiling window manager19:24
charlvnfor some reason, never been a big fan of tiling window managers or splitting the screen19:25
charlvni like to have one thing open at a time, dunno19:25
inetproanyway, I'm back to normal after a logout and login but as I said I hate doing it this way19:25
inetprodon't wanna waste time on it though19:26
charlvni had so much crap with unity i stopped using it altogether, too many bugs19:26
inetprofunny enough I couldn't find anyone else having that same issue with a quick search19:26
* superfly lives in ignorant bliss in KDE land19:36
magespawnHave not upgraded yet19:37
zerefo0o0: lol'd when i saw this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/nsfw-adult-lens-and-porn-scope-ready-for-testing19:38
magespawnIs that for real?19:42
charlvnzeref: i picture you already: http://i.imgur.com/Ij6X0.png19:44
zerefLOL @ charlvn 19:47
magespawnAnd half of the rest of the net.19:50
charlvni'm curious to hear superfly's comments on this19:51
magespawn Brb switching to the phone20:01

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