
maanskynHi, I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on reporting an issue with mouse sensitivity10:34
maanskynI don't know against which package to report the bug10:34
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TheLordOfTimejtaylor: around?18:12
TheLordOfTimequestion for you re: bug statuses.   should a bug's status be set back to "Confrimed" while it waits for a sponsors team review, or should it remain as "in progress"?  (its a security bug, same one I pointed at earlier in -packaging)18:13
jtaylorprobably depends on how the team works18:14
jtaylorI'd say triaged is the more appropriate state18:14
jtaylorin progress could imply to sponsors someone is still working on it and does not need sponsoring yet18:15
TheLordOfTimewell given this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/nginx/+bug/956150/comments/13  i think i'll set it back to "Confirmed" which is what seems to have been prior to the original debdiffs uploads18:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 956150 in nginx "March 15th 2012 Security Advisory" [Medium,In progress]18:17
TheLordOfTimeyou know who i should ask, i should ask sbeattie, since mdeslaur doesnt know (someone on the security team would know... :P)18:18
mdeslaurTheLordOfTime: just pick one, and declare that to be the new way of doing things...that's what everyone else does :)18:18
TheLordOfTimethat *could* work, actually... xD18:19
TheLordOfTimeoh, great, more timeouts from LP18:20
* TheLordOfTime is not pleased18:20
mdeslaurTheLordOfTime: there, see? launchpad has decided for you :)18:20
TheLordOfTimeLP's strange, its been timing out *randomly* on *random pages*18:21
micahgTheLordOfTime: well, the timeout was just reduced to 5s18:22
TheLordOfTimemicahg: that may explain why LP Bug 1 times out when i try to view it18:22
TheLordOfTimebut there's a TON of pages, even pages specific to individual packages or projects that time out18:22
micahgthat's been timing out for a while I think18:22
mdeslaurmicahg: seriously? the timeout's been reduced? that's why everything I try to do has been timing out today?18:38
micahgmdeslaur: yep18:39
mdeslaurI can't use launchpad to track bugs anymore18:41
seb128launchpad, or how to make work hard for your users18:41
micahgmdeslaur: if there are regressions, please file bugs18:42
mdeslaurmicahg: I was told the OOPSes I'm getting are already being linked to bugs18:44
micahgah, ok18:45
mdeslaurmicahg: of course, they're all old bugs what were "fix released" a couple of years ago18:45
micahgmdeslaur: no, ignore that, one has to search for similar timeouts in LP18:46
micahgthat bug linking in OOPSes is broke18:46
mdeslaurmicahg: ok, bug filed18:51
ubot2another contentless ping... sigh...20:45

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