
cjwatsonev: "sudo adt-run ../ubiquity_2.11.4.dsc --- ~/src/ubuntu/autopkgtest/git/autopkgtest/virt-subproc/adt-virt-schroot quantal-i386" passed for me10:35
evconfirming that it's failing in the Jenkins shell code, presumably10:36
cjwatsonI think so10:38
jibelI'll look into this after lunch.10:39
evthanks jibel10:40
davmor2ev: gotta say I love the twitter feed on the installer that is a neat idea11:01
evdavmor2: on the installer?11:02
evthank Dylan McCall for that11:02
davmor2ev: that last slide11:02
jibelev, fixed. it was a problem with the initial provisioning of the test env.15:09
jibelubiquity i386 passed, amd64 failed15:10
jibeloem-config-kde : Depends: ubiquity-frontend-kde (= 2.11.5) but it is not going to be installed15:10
jibelprobably the mysql version mismatch between amd64 and i38615:10
evjibel: cheers15:18
evmysql? as a dependency of ubiquity-frontend-kde?15:18
cjwatsonsomewhere in the akonadi stack iirc15:31
jibelsomething like ubiquity-frontend-kde -> python3-pykde4 -> kde-runtime -> akonadi-server -> akonadi-backend-mysql -> mysql-server-core-5.515:50
cjwatsonshould be sorted out soon enough anyway15:51
infinityFSVO "soon".15:54
DeprofundisHi i'm developing some new functionalities in ubiquity20:29
Deprofundisi'm trying to connect to ubuntusso , using ubuntu-sso client api20:29
Deprofundisi do not know what value i have to give to app_name20:30
Deprofundisis anybody here to help ? !20:35
infinityin 1121:45
infinityArgh.  What keeps eating my first two keystrokes?21:45
BlackyuginHi, I work with Deprofundis and I need help to (for the same problem)21:54
xnoxBlackyugin: first of all, please do not quit IRC. Keep it running for at least a full day22:01
xnoxme and cjwatson were trying to help you, but when we come back you would be gone already22:01
xnoxsecond, please subscribe to ubuntu-installer mailing list pointed in the channel topic, then we can reply there22:02
xnoxI am personally in UTC+1 time zone, so mailing list maybe the best option22:02
xnoxasking the same question over and over again & then disappearing without leaving *any* contact details is frustrating to both me and as it seams you&Deprofundis and is not productive22:03
xnoxas I understand you are working on the 'reinstall from sync' functionality.22:03
BlackyuginOk sorry  but I can't let my computer always ON22:04
xnoxBlackyugin: send email to the mailing list22:04
BlackyuginOk I do22:05
xnoxubuntu-sso stuff is really out of scope for this channel. Maybe you should try https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/ ?22:06
BlackyuginSorry but I new to Ubuntu and I don't know all process, etc.22:06
BlackyuginI am*22:06
xnoxthat's ok. ubiquity is very complex, and not many people hack on it. It's really just a handful22:07
xnoxI'm got myself into ubiquity hacking just recently22:07
BlackyuginI try to "software-center" channel, but no answer (i can't always let my computer ON and stay to IRC...). But thanks for the link i see it22:11
xnoxBlackyugin: software-centre is not connected to ubuntu-one (which does the login.ubuntu.com / one.ubuntu.com / login.launchpad.net)22:14
xnoxBlackyugin: https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/account_admin/auth/index22:15
xnoxseems something along the lines22:15
xnoxcm-t: hi22:15
Blackyuginxnox: You are sure there are no ubuntuSSO in software-center because you can synchronize computer and login with your ubuntuSSO no ?22:16
cm-txnox: software-center use lp login for comment, but there is some sso for the oneconf lib (didn't checked all yet)22:16
xnoxi haven't ever looked at software-centre code.22:16
xnoxif it does, then yeah get it from there.22:17
cm-tthat what I am checking atm :)22:17
xnoxcm-t: Blackyugin: ubuntu-one sync client would probably be better as it has control-centre integration and stores a persistent token22:18
Blackyuginxnox: Yes we use it with a "login" method but don't work22:20
xnoxif neither of these work22:22
xnoxyou'll probably need to get help from ubuntu1 people22:23
BlackyuginExacty I use ubuntu_sso.account.login(email, password,token_name)22:24
BlackyuginYes I thinks22:24
cm-tLoginBackendDbusSSO  ← from oneconf22:25
cm-tssohandler.py  Blackyugin22:26
xnoxThe portal for developing for the ubuntu platform and the ubuntusso is http://developer.ubuntu.com/community/22:28
Blackyuginxnox: Thanks22:29
xnoxI daubt you will find out more about SSO on this channel22:30
cjwatsonyeah, I certainly know nothing worth mentioning about it ...22:54
cm-tyep it should be more like #software-center22:55

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