
micahgLordOfTime: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/01:20
* micahg sees the link was already provided in another channel01:20
dholbachgood morning07:05
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
vibhavdholbach: you there?08:23
dholbachhi vibhav08:23
vibhavdholbach: As far as I know you were the last guy yo touch predict in Ubuntu, Since Debian sid has released a new version, Can I prepare a merge for it?08:27
vibhavOr do you want to do that?08:28
dholbachvibhav, sure, feel free to do it :)08:28
dholbachthank YOU :)08:36
=== Bachstel1e is now known as Bachstelze
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
bobweaverHello there I have been asked by a couple of folks on the Ubuntu forums to set up a Class session on  wireless packaging hacking. mainly We will be looking a a b43 driver(wireless broadcom) and the awaful "missing firmware" Bug.   and just packaging up some firmware I could use a couple Gurus from here if they have the time to kinda look over us and maybe jump in if I get over my head or questions are asked that can be directed to motu16:12
bobweaverJune 14th 11:30am  -0700 too 1pm  #ubuntu-classroom16:14
bobweaverexample :  Q : Is there a team or anything like that that approves packages.  MYA: That is a good question Please direct all questions about getting software into Ubuntu to XXXXX   [s]He has been kind enough to donate there time with us and is just the person that you want to talk to about that.16:17
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams

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