
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
Kilosmorning clever people06:55
Kilosyo superfly 06:55
charlvngood morning all07:00
Kilosyo charlvn 07:00
charlvnhin Kilos 07:17
charlvnhi superfly 07:29
superflyhi charlvn07:29
* superfly has a good chuckle and the current events surrounding The Oatmeal07:30
Kilosyo superfly and other geeky types16:08
Kiloshi charlise16:09
zerefHerro, has anybody had problems with vlc with *buntu 12.04?16:09
Kiloshi zeref did you ask maaz?16:10
KilosMaaz, google problems with VLC on ubuntu 12.0416:10
MaazKilos: "Install VLC 2.0.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise/11.10 Oneiric/Linux Mint ..." http://www.noobslab.com/2012/03/install-vlc-201-on-ubuntu-1204.html :: "The VideoLAN Forums • View topic - VLC crashing on Ubuntu 12.04 ..." http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=99037 :: "12.04 - Vaio VGN-SZ71WN - Ubuntu 12.04LTS/64 - VLC freezes or ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/140840/vaio-vgn-sz71wn-ubuntu-12-04lts-64-vlc-freezes-or-reboots-w16:10
Kiloswhat kinda probs are you having16:11
zerefkeep getting no suitable decoder module when playing any vid16:15
Kilosmaybe there are some extensions or plugins you need to get still16:17
Kiloslook in synaptic whats installed and what else is available16:17
Kilosoh i dunno if 12.04 has synaptic still16:18
zerefall the plugs are installed, sounds plays, no video16:20
Kiloswhat kinda video format is it zeref or do all the different types do the same16:26
Kilosi had some i got of my boets win7 lappy i had to convert before they would work16:27
zerefnormal vids: .avi .mkv .mp416:29
Kiloswow all of them?16:29
Kilostry sudo aptitude reinstall vlc16:29
Kilosmaybe its not a good install16:30
Kilosif you dont have aptitude use apt-get install vlc --reinstall16:31
zerefbeen there, done that :(16:31
Kiloshiya nlsthzn you found now16:32
KilosMaaz, google vlc no video on ubuntu 12.0416:33
MaazKilos: "[ubuntu] No digital passthrough with VLC 2.01 on 12.04 - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1972705 :: "11.10 - Can't change global default video player to VLC? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/119244/cant-change-global-default-video-player-to-vlc :: "Black screen when playing a movie in VLC player in Kubuntu 12.04 ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/124578/black-screen-when-playing-a-movie-in-vlc-pl16:33
Kiloszeref,  join #videolan16:37
Kilossomeone there should know16:37
Kilosand there are lotsa peeps there16:38
Kilosmaybe its one of those gstreamer thingies16:41
* Kilos peers at the lurkers16:51
charlvnhi kilos17:09
Kiloshi charlvn 17:20
superflyzeref: do you have VLC installed from a PPA?17:20
Kilossuperfly, does vlc also use those gstreamer good bad ugly files?17:23
superflyKilos: no, it uses it's own codecs17:24
Kilosah ty17:24
superflyzeref: http://pastebin.com/qY8qiJ2s17:25
nuvolari_o/ aloha17:27
Kilosyo nuvolari_ 17:27
nuvolari_hi oom Kilos 17:27
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
nuvolarithere, not dragging myself on the ground17:27
nuvolariKilos: did you solve that video issue oom?17:28
Kilosnope its zeref17:28
Kilosmy vlc works kiff17:28
nuvolariI had a similar issue where mplayer did not play video17:28
nuvolariit turns out that by default the wrong video codec was selected17:29
Kiloshis vlc cant play any videos17:29
Kilosaudio only17:29
charlvnyeah i can't say i have had that issue either17:29
charlvnif you ask me you people are playing weird pirated stuff :)17:30
Kiloszeref, what does the default media player do with them vids?17:35
Kilosmplayer or so17:35
Kiloswb nlsthzn 17:36
zereftotem works fine17:37
Kilosoh my17:37
Kilosif you look at vlc in synaptic and right click it does it show other files recommended17:38
Kilosmust be a simple thing missing17:42
Kilosnormally vlc works right away17:46
Kilosare mthe vids on dvd or files in your pc?17:47
Kilossdl video and audio output for vlc17:50
Kilosapt-get install vlc-plugin-sdl17:50
Kiloswhere are all the clever guys17:52
zerefnope, sigh17:53
Kilosyou looked in all the settings hey?17:53
Kilosmaybe vids turned ofgf17:53
zerefwhat are you video settings for vlc, specifically the output?17:53
zerefis it set to default?17:53
Kilosnormally yes17:54
Kilostools video17:55
Kilosmaybe is not enabled17:55
Kilostools preferences17:56
KilosBanlam, bakuman help us17:58
bakumanmine just works17:59
Kilosweird hey? vlc normally just works17:59
Kiloszeref, did you look in tools preferences video?18:00
Kilosenable video must be ticked18:01
Kilosyo smile 18:01
smilehi Kilos 18:03
smilekeyboard working again ;)18:03
smilemissed you :o18:03
smile& sorry for smileys. you don't like them?18:03
Kiloslol not a prob18:04
Kiloswas your keyboard giving probs?18:04
smileyes.. udev problems18:06
* Banlam still uses 10.0418:06
Banlamand vlc just works18:06
Kilosbanlam im on 10.10 and vlc just works18:07
smileSimilar @ me: " To get my keyboard and my mouse under X server, I must unplug them and plug them back.18:07
smileThis issue appeared after upgrading udev to 167-1."18:07
Kilosthats why its hard to help guys with 12.0418:07
smileKilos: just deleted some folders & it works18:07
smileI had to reboot times to fix all errors18:07
Kiloswould sudo dpkg --configure -a not have worked18:08
smileno, because it's not possible to downgrade :s18:08
Kilosor that fixbroken command18:08
smileit was not broken, there was a bug in the package udev18:09
Kiloshow did you know what to delete18:09
smileKilos: after searching for an hour I picked up some commands :)18:12
smile(on windows :s )18:12
Kilossmile, are you using 12.04?18:12
smileKilos: no. ;)18:13
smilei'm using linux mint debian18:13
Kiloswindows is a swear word here18:13
smilerolling release (with debian unstable enabled, which was the cause of my problem)18:13
smileKilos: sorry18:13
smilewon't say it again.18:13
Kiloslol just joking man18:13
smilewe'll say "glass" OS :p18:13
Kilosyo psydroid 18:14
smileKilos: of windhoos! :D18:14
Kilosi call it winsucks18:15
Kilosand microstinks18:15
smileI have one problem left :s18:16
smilenumbers are not working18:16
Kiloshaha is there a channel #windows18:16
smileyes. and we won't join. ;)18:16
Kilosoh my there really is one18:17
Kilosthats where all the irc bugs come from18:18
psydroidhi Kilos18:20
Kiloszeref, whats happening18:20
Kiloshi sflr 18:21
zerefnothing :-(, i'll deal with it later18:21
sflrgood evening Kilos18:21
sflrand everybody18:21
sflrfreezing tonight!18:21
Kiloszeref, join #videolan if anyone has an idea they should have18:22
Kilosyeah very cold18:22
Kiloszeref, theres over 200 guys there18:22
Kilossflr, are you new here?18:22
Kiloswhere are you18:22
sflryes, still virgin. from cape town.18:23
Kilossflr, welcome to ubuntu-za18:23
Kilostell us a bit about yourself18:23
sflrthanks guys!18:23
sflri moved from windows to ubuntu few months ago.18:24
sflrwould like to contribute to the project :)18:24
sflr20+ years in IT, dev18:24
sflrSteven is my real name18:24
Kilosthats great, it is nice to have new guys join18:25
Kiloshi steven im miles18:25
sflranybody following the myqsl/maria db sec flow? CVE-2012-212218:25
sflrA Tragically Comedic Security Flaw in MySQL https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2012/06/11/cve-2012-2122-a-tragically-comedic-security-flaw-in-mysql18:26
Kilosinetpro, yoohoo18:26
sflrNice to meet you Miles. I'm a security guy too.18:26
zerefKilos: for a sec i read, hi steven i'm les...18:26
sflrhi zeref18:27
sflrI spent a day on launchpad, but its too overwhelming. On what things do you guys work on?18:27
Kilosyeah im lazy with caps and all the other things18:27
zerefhi sflr  :D18:28
Kilossflr, this is mainly a help channel for guys with probs18:28
Kilosgot some big brains here18:28
sflrthats cool :) majority always users.18:28
Kilosbut this is also our ubuntu family channel18:29
Kiloscommunity channel18:29
sflrtook 2 weeks to set up my ubuntu 12.04. mostly nvidia problems and multiple monitors18:29
sflrthat is great! :) Nice to be part of it18:29
Kilosthere are many ubuntu guys in CT and stellies18:30
sflrthat's great. I saw most events are in GP18:30
smilebye, Kilos 18:30
smileand others18:30
smilegood night & dream good :)18:30
Kiloscheers smile sleep tight18:30
Kilosty you too18:30
Kilosna sflr the guys down there rock18:31
smileKilos: thanks :)18:31
sflrhaha. hope to catch some here too18:31
sflrare you in IT Kilos?18:32
Kilosbe here on the 18th at 1930 for our monthly meeting18:32
Kiloslol no sflr im an ex mechanic / farmer18:32
sflrthe meeting on irc this chanel?18:33
Kilosi came here for help when winsucks drove me mad for help to get 8.10 going and its become home to me18:33
sflrawesome! :)18:33
Kilosyes we meet here monthly18:33
Kiloshere are some links to our sites etc18:34
KilosMaaz, loco18:34
sflrok, i'll  be here. monday night18:34
Kilosnot just monday night man18:34
sflrthanks. will look around18:34
KilosMaaz, ubuntu-za sites18:34
Maazhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuza/  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za   http://ubuntu-za.org 18:34
sflri meant i will  be here for the 'meeting' :)18:35
sflrthank for the links!18:35
Kilosour bot makes coffee too18:36
sflrMiles coffee18:36
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:36
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:36
nuvolariMaaz: coffee on18:36
Maaznuvolari: There's already a pot on. If you ask nicely, maybe you can have a cup18:36
nuvolariMaaz: coffee please18:36
Maaznuvolari: Done18:36
sflrhaha. classic.18:36
nuvolariok, now I really crave for coffee18:37
KilosMaaz, rusks please18:37
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos18:37
Kilosclever bot we got18:37
Kilosdaarsy nuvolari nog n nuwe man18:37
nuvolariI don't have a bot, so I need to go put on my own coffee18:38
nuvolariwaar oom Kilos?18:38
Kilossflr, say hi to nuvolari in durbs18:38
sflrlol nuvolari18:38
nuvolarihi sflr, welcome :)18:38
sflrhowzit nuvolari!18:38
sflrdid the rugby finish?18:39
sflrdurbs. niiiice.18:39
nuvolarieh? what rugby?18:39
* nuvolari is not a rugby fan18:39
nuvolarioh, dunno18:39
nuvolariMaaz: did the boks win?18:39
Maaznuvolari: Sorry...18:39
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and nuvolari!18:40
nuvolariMaaz: are you sure?18:40
Maaznuvolari: *blink*18:40
sflrsorry. juniors18:40
nuvolarithanks Maaz 18:40
KilosMaaz, danke18:40
nuvolarioh? maaz is becoming a polyglot eh?18:41
sflrthis bot is clever. i like18:41
inetproKilos: pong18:42
inetproI'm here18:42
Kiloshi inetpro say hi to sflr 18:42
inetprowhat's up doc?18:42
nuvolarioom Kilos, wanneer laas het oom waatlemoen-stukke gehad?18:42
inetprohi sflr, welcome at #ubuntu-za18:42
* nuvolari is nou baie lus daarvoor18:43
Kiloscolder than normal. hows things with you and family18:43
sflrhowzit inetpro, thanks! :)18:43
Kilosin konfyt nuvolari 18:43
Kilosinetpro, organise your life so you dont miss the meet on monday hey18:44
Kilossflr, have you joined our mailing list?18:45
sflrnot yet. i do it now. tx18:45
Kiloscharlvn, why so quiet?18:46
nuvolarisjoe, sal 'n tannie gister aand op my afgaan oor die mailing list vir die foto klub18:47
nuvolarijust be cause she never learned what email filters are used for :P18:47
Kiloslmga hoekom?18:47
Kilosi dunno either18:47
nuvolariKilos: well, you don't complain about anything going on on the mailing list18:48
inetproKilos: have you thought about Mondays Agenda yet?18:48
Kilosthats where i learn without having to bug you guys18:49
inetproKilos: what you gonna be talking about?18:49
Kilosinetpro, ME?18:49
sflrok, i got on the mail list18:49
inetproKilos: yep you18:49
sflrKilos, are you running the meeting? :) Snacks please18:49
Kilosnuvolari, and maiatoday are doing it if kbmonkey is sick18:50
inetproKilos: ek soek 'n onderwerp van jou!18:50
inetpronuvolari: and you to18:50
Kilosoh ill come up with something by then im sure18:50
inetproand sflr you're also welcome to add an item to the agenda18:50
* inetpro is just not sure where our Agenda is listed this time around18:52
Kilosinetpro, in one of these i think18:52
KilosMaaz, ubuntu-za sites18:52
Maazhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuza/  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za   http://ubuntu-za.org 18:52
Kilosor 18:52
KilosMaaz, loco18:53
inetprosuperfly: and I guess you must be preoccupied with supersmallfly but you may still have something to talk about on the agenda as well?18:53
superflyinetpro: not really (to both of those)18:54
Kilosor supermaggot18:54
inetprowe can't keep going to these meetings without having prepared somethig!?18:55
Kilossflr, we will have coffee and rusks18:55
Kilosyeah maybe we need to push maiatoday a bit18:55
magespawnEvening all18:56
Kilosyo magespawn you still alive?18:56
* superfly is not sure what agenda items he should have18:56
magespawnSomewhat. Is the meeting tonight?18:56
Kilosmonday night magespawn 18:56
inetpromagespawn: we still have enough time to think about items18:57
inetpromagespawn: meeting is on Monday18:57
magespawnThats good thought I had missed it.18:57
inetproMon, 18 June @ 19:30 18:57
inetproThere are currently no meetings for ubuntu-za :( 18:57
inetproaccording to http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-za/meetings18:57
Kilosoh my18:58
Kilosupdate it then inetpro 18:58
* inetpro trying to figure how to do just that18:58
sflrhi megaspawn18:59
Kilosadd that to the agenda. announce next meet date as well18:59
inetproguess I should login18:59
Kilossflr, what irc client are you using?18:59
sflris that good?19:00
Kilosuse tab nick complete19:00
Kilosyeah i use it too19:00
Kilosthe kubuntu guys use quassel19:00
sflrthanks. yes, i use the tab . i'm on irc since 1990s19:01
Kilosold man river19:01
sflrbut i dont know the nickserv is not responding. was trying to register my nick19:01
sflrirc is a big beast, i was hanging out on other networks19:02
Kilosi battled to get registered in the beginning19:02
Kilosinetpro, helped me19:02
Kilosyou can do it from here if he can help19:03
sflri'm happy with xchat. i use some other irc client on my phone. 19:03
inetproKilos, maiatoday: who will chair the meeting on Monday?19:03
sflrthanks. i think the server is just lagging. whenever inetpro comes back :)19:03
Kilosmaiatoday, /nuvolari19:04
Kilosor you inetpro 19:04
inetproKilos: haha19:05
inetprook, we have a place to put the Agenda at http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-za/436/detail/19:05
inetprofeel free to suggest Items to add or just go theer and add yourself19:06
inetprodrussell: wb19:08
inetprosflr: why you waiting for me?19:08
drussellinetpro: hey! 19:08
* drussell waves to inetpro from tokyo19:08
Kiloshi drussell 19:08
inetprodrussell: wow! What you up to today?19:08
drussellKilos: heya19:09
drussellinetpro: visiting customers19:09
Kiloswow inetpro thats a tiny login button19:10
sflrinetpro, Kilos was saying that you might be able to help me with registering my nick. I tried with nickserv,but not responding19:10
inetprosflr: ahh19:10
inetprosflr: go to http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup19:11
sflrthanks! i follow the guide19:14
inetprocan't go wrong if you follow that guide :-)19:15
inetproKilos: remnd me tomorrow to kick and scream at everyone to help setup a decent Agenda for Monday19:16
Kilosok will do if i remember to19:16
inetprowhen was our last meeting?19:17
Kiloslast month19:17
Kilos28th i think19:17
inetproKilos: 28 May?19:18
nuvolarii'm off19:18
nuvolarinight eveyryone19:18
Kilostoods nuvolari 19:18
inetprothere was no Agenda?19:18
Kilossleep tight19:18
inetpronuvolari: good night19:18
nuvolariyou too thanks oom Kilos 19:18
nuvolarinight inetpro 19:18
Kilosoh my blame the monkey19:18
Kilosno nuvolari and maiatoday and monkey19:19
inetprohmm... no coconut for the monkey!19:19
Kiloswas a family affair19:19
Kilosaw i cant see whats on the agenda already19:20
Kilosis nothing there yet inetpro ??19:21
inetproKilos: I'm still trying to setup a few simple points for the framework on my local side before I post19:22
inetprostanding points19:22
inetprolike Review previous minutes19:23
inetprowhere do we get those?19:23
Kiloson one of those sites19:23
inetprofound it at: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2012-05-21-17-44-22.txt19:23
inetproany outstanding global jam feedback that anyone is aware of?19:25
Kilosadd it and ask monday19:26
Kilosmin peeps here19:26
Kilosyou too fast inetpro 19:28
Kilossflr, you need to get a launchpad account too19:28
Kilosor id i think19:28
sflri have an lp account. is that for the meeting?19:29
Kilosthats to be able to add items to agendas etc19:29
sflrcool. i am just reading now the last meeting's minutes.19:29
inetproKilos: yikes! Guess I shall remove me item19:29
Kilosmeeting is just as you are here now19:30
Kilosnope inetpro 19:30
Kilosmine is for visitors19:30
sflrinetpro> got the nick registered thanks19:30
inetprosflr: nice19:30
sflrI don't think I can add anything to the Agenda to be honest. I'm still too rooky. haha19:30
inetprosflr: just try it19:31
Kilossflr, do you use languages19:31
Kilosprogramming that is19:31
Kiloslike python19:31
sflrok, i try it19:31
sflryes, i do. c, java, php, python, etc.19:31
sflrc# on windows19:31
sflrI can login to the loco portal 19:34
sflrand add items, etc19:34
Kiloswe got a python expert here when work and time allows19:35
Kiloseven superdoom doesnt kill him19:35
Kilosoh hi fly didnt see you lurking there19:36
sflrhaha lol19:36
sflri'm still working. 24/7 :)19:36
Kilosgeez when do you sleep19:37
Kilosinetpro, are you winning19:37
sflri do sleep! i got up 9am this morning, worked til 3am19:38
inetproKilos: yep, that Agenda has grown a bit already19:38
Kiloswell done19:38
inetprosflr: working in reverse?19:38
sflrhe is busy. I see the Agenda is taking shape ;)19:38
Kiloshow do i see it without first going add agenda?19:38
sflrinetpro, something like that. it is too cold and dark to wake up before the sun! lol19:39
inetprojust go to http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-za/436/detail/19:39
inetproand refresh that pagina19:39
sflrRussia-Poland 1-0 half time #Euro201219:43
sflrseems like going to be a busy meeting :)19:43
Kiloslol you not very geeky sflr 19:43
sflrwhat do u mean? lol19:44
Kilosfirst time i spoke about sport here i was told geeks dont do sport19:44
sflrhaha. thanks to supersport live ;)19:44
sflrneed to use my other screen for something...19:44
Kilosyou arent using mobile broadband hey?19:45
sflrtelkom adsl19:45
sflrvia afrihost19:45
inetprosflr: I guess I'll leave it at that19:45
inetproanybody is welcome to add more19:46
Kilosyeah still time to add more as things come up19:46
sflrI saw there was some talk about CD distribution in last meeting. Whats the status of that?19:48
Kilosthat will come from maiatoday sflr  she did all the hard work19:49
Kilosinetpro, sent an early warning mail to lists19:49
inetproKilos: cool, thanks19:50
Kiloswill send another on monday if you remind me19:50
Kilosus old fogies19:51
sflrok, thanks19:52
sflri'm thinking now to hire a new grad as intern, make him into an ubuntu evangelist or something19:52
sflrthey always very enthusiast. get them while still young :)19:54
Kilossflr, are you using 12.04?19:55
sflryes. 12.0419:55
Kilosor gnome19:55
sflryes. unity19:55
Kilosthats good to know19:55
Kiloslots of peeps dont like unity19:56
sflr3d when single screen. 2d when multiple screens.19:56
sflrI like unity to be honest19:56
Kiloszeref, you using unity too?19:57
Kiloslots of the gnome guys dont want to change19:57
Kiloshi AndChat|68096 19:58
Kilosyou need help with ubuntu/linux19:58
sflrlol zeref. what irc client do you use?20:01
sflrhi AndChat|6809620:01
zerefsflr: irssi20:02
AndChat|68096Hey guys its me magespawn20:03
Kilosha ha ha how you became AndChat|68096 20:03
sflrirssi: the client of the future! =)20:03
AndChat|68096Got disconnected and auto reconnect20:03
Kiloshard work that irssi20:04
zerefindeed sflr 20:04
Kilosxchat rocks20:04
Kiloswb magespawn 20:05
inetprosflr: irssi is cool indeed20:05
Kilossays the quassel man20:05
magespawnty Kilos20:06
Kilosmagespawn, stay at the shop monday20:06
Kilosafter work that is20:06
inetproKilos: I've used irrsi long ago but used a nice GUI client ever since we had a stable Kubuntu20:07
sflrcool, i will check irssi out20:07
Kilosya ya20:07
inetproI like resizing text when possible20:07
Kilosi have to. cant see the tiny default text20:08
Kilosi resize everything20:08
sflrsuper size?20:08
inetproand when resizing me window the text must flow nicely inside it's perimeters20:08
Kilosinetpro, have you tried xchat? how does it compare to quassel20:09
* inetpro prefers the super features as well as the look and feel of quassel20:10
Kilosya man but is it a similar kinda thing20:10
inetprowhile I still long for the days of Konversation20:10
inetproxchat is not bad20:11
inetprowith Linux there are many choices20:11
sflris ubuntu-za on twitter?20:12
inetproand there's nothing wrong if you prefer something else20:12
Kilosone day i will try quassel20:12
Kilosneeds to many K files20:12
inetprosflr: hmm... 20:12
sflryes, xchat is good for now. if i get frustrated with it, I will start looking at alternatives20:12
Kilosit customises nicely20:13
sflrI found you inetpro on twitter, because i searched for ubuntu-za :)20:13
inetprosflr: I'm not aware of a dedicated twitter account for ubuntu-za20:13
inetprosflr: spying on me?20:14
sflrhaha. no. public domain :P20:14
inetprosflr: you're welcome 20:14
sflri saw there is a facebook group, we should get a twitter too? 20:15
Kilosnight guys. hot water bottle time20:15
Kilossleep tight20:15
Kilossee you's tomorrow20:16
inetprosflr: if you can get someone to sponsor regular bandwidth for Kilos we could make him the chief of that channel20:16
inetprothe rest of us have a day job20:16
sflryes, i see. that's true.20:17
sflrwhat do you mean by regular bandwith? 20:17
inetprosflr: he's on early retirement20:18
inetprodue to an injury many years ago20:18
inetprono income20:18
sflrI see, that's hard.20:19
inetprobut he's still a bright as ever20:19
sflrI speak to him then when he comes online again.20:19
inetproalways friendly and always helful20:19
inetprodespite lots of setbacks20:19
sflrtakes strong character to stand up and keep walking over and over again20:20
inetprofor sure20:20
charlvnhi al20:21
charlvnhi inetpro 20:21
inetprocharlvn: hi there20:21
charlvnlook at what i found in the shop today: http://i.imgur.com/JXIsh.jpg20:21
charlvnbeer in a champagne bottle20:21
inetprocharlvn: what?!20:22
sflrhi charlvn20:22
sflrbig ass beer bottle!20:22
charlvnhi sflr 20:22
inetprothat sure looks like champagne to me20:22
inetprocharlvn: can you drink that stuff?20:22
charlvninetpro: it's good beer but way too much for me to drink on my own20:23
charlvnduvel is quite strong (high alcohol percentage)20:23
charlvnbut i have to admit, when i saw that bottle i felt like this: http://i.imgur.com/hUCiW.png20:23
inetproarrange a party20:23
charlvnunrelated, my mom bought these yesterday: http://i.imgur.com/NHUOY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aSMlh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/CpTv0.jpg20:24
inetprosflr: what's you twitter handle?20:24
inetprocharlvn: nice?20:24
inetproI needed those for my daughter today20:25
sflrinetpro> https://twitter.com/#!/sfler20:25
inetprosflr: tks20:25
sflrcharlvn, those are adult toys :)20:26
charlvnsflr: yeah feels like it20:27
inetprocharlvn: http://thehometeacher.blogspot.com/2012/02/dont-be-angry-bird-lessons-on-anger.html20:27
charlvninetpro: that's an awesome post wow20:28
sflrthanks for the follow inetpro :)20:28
inetproit sure works wonders20:29
sflrI used the small angry bird toys to throw around. I found slippers to be old fashioned :)20:31
charlvnthis video in that post reminds me of the puppet shows my grandmother put on for me when i was a kid with stuffed toys20:32
charlvnit was much funnier than this though20:32
inetproMaaz: seen tumbleweed20:35
Maazinetpro: tumbleweed was last seen 7 days, 23 hours, 12 minutes and 26 seconds ago in #ibid on atrum [2012-06-04 14:23:07 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2012-06-02 17:55:07 PDT20:35
inetprohmm... 20:35
* inetpro wonders where he is runnin around20:35
marcog_inetpro: he's in europe20:37
=== marcog_ is now known as marcog
inetpromarcog: ahh20:37
inetproBTW, wb marcog20:37
inetprowhere you been and what's tumbleweed up to in Europe?20:38
marcogi've been lurking20:39
marcogtumbleweed's taking holiday time20:40
sflrhi marcog20:40
charlvnhi marcog 20:40
charlvngood time for a holiday in europe, it's the middle of the summer atm, beautiful weather20:41
charlvndo you know where in europe he's hiding out?20:41
marcogi think he's out at sea around croatia iirc20:42
inetpromarcog: nice for tumbleweed, he sure deserves it20:42
marcogit's great weather here too :P20:43
charlvnah nice, croatia20:43
charlvnnever been there20:43
inetpromarcog: but you lurking? :-)20:43
marcoginetpro: i'm living in California20:43
inetpromarcog: you sleeping at FB headquarters?20:44
marcoginetpro: working for a mobile gaming startup now20:44
inetprohmm... on Opera?20:44
sflrcroatia is beautiful and affordable for holiday. the beach is the most popular in the last few years20:44
sflrAngry Birds =)20:44
inetpromarcog: sounds interesting20:45
marcoginetpro: http://loki-studios.com/vision.html20:46
marcogwe just started working on a new game20:46
magespawnHey guys20:47
inetpromagespawn: wb20:48
inetpromarcog: how big/small is your team of developers?20:48
magespawn ty inetpro20:48
marcoginetpro: 5 devs, 1 ceo, 1 art (we ned more!), 1 user testing person20:51
sflrthats awesome marcog, just checked out the site. funding looks also good20:51
marcogof the devs, 2 backend (me being one), 2 ios and 1 project manager20:52
magespawnWhat is the website?20:53
inetpromagespawn: 12/06 22:46:19 <marcog> inetpro: http://loki-studios.com/vision.html20:53
inetpromarcog: what's your role in the team?20:54
marcoginetpro: primarily infrastructure, but as we're a small team the role's quite dynamic20:55
magespawnLooks pretty cool.20:59
inetprohmm... time running away with us again21:05
* inetpro needs some sleep21:05
inetpromarcog: please hold the fort21:05
inetproand sflr do stick around here21:05
sflrI will :) chat tomorrow. I'm also taking a break now..zzz...21:05
=== sflr is now known as sflr_away
zeref0i 0i, peeps going to bed 0.o21:06
charlvnciao all21:08
magespawnNight all21:09

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