
=== bradm_ is now known as bradm
surgemcgeeCan I specify the instance type in the charm/config? Can I use the free micro one? Is this only specifiable on the command line when deploying?01:51
surgemcgeeSettle for 33% answer or better. :)01:52
imbrandonno, yes yes02:09
imbrandonsurgemcgee: ^^02:10
surgemcgeeGot it figured out. Gotta stop withn the research lazyness.02:33
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
al-maisanHola! Just looking at the haproxy/metadata.yaml -- it says: "provides: website: interface: http"03:56
al-maisanshould that not be a requires? i.e. the other way around?03:56
* al-maisan reads the haproxy manual03:59
_mup_Bug #1012497 was filed: Juju should only give security warnings on bootstrap <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1012497 >04:51
al-maisanhello there! I ran "juju bootstrap" with "INFO 'bootstrap' command finished successfully" but juju status gives me the dreaded "ERROR Invalid SSH key" message07:01
al-maisanany ideas how to resolve this?07:01
al-maisanFWIW: I have id_rsa and id_rsa.pub in ~/.ssh and the permissions are set correctly07:02
al-maisanI am running juju on an ubuntu 12.04 server07:02
al-maisanVersion: 0.5+bzr531-0ubuntu107:03
al-maisanBTW, adding a "authorized-keys-path:" entry to environments.yaml makes no difference08:37
al-maisanhmm .. after boot-straping juju I can ssh into the created ec2 instance as follows: "ssh -i /home/muharem/.ssh/id_rsa ec2-x-x-x-x.compute-1.amazonaws.com" -- however juju status fails with "ERROR Invalid SSH key"09:58
al-maisanany help would be greatly appreciated!09:59
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
al-maisanthe "ERROR Invalid SSH key" problems I was having earlier occurred inside an ubuntu 12.04 server kvm image .. when trying juju from a desktop everything works flawlessly11:06
al-maisanany idea why juju would have issues when utilized inside a kvm image ..?11:07
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
m_3imbrandon: getting 'The requested URL /jquery-1.6.3.min.js was not found on this server' on your blog12:03
m_3imbrandon: awesome job getting the rpms in!12:04
imbrandonm_3: kk i'll take a look in a sec, thanks ( its a temp theme anyhow untill i got my good one done :)12:09
imbrandonand ty12:09
imbrandonworking on the juju doc theme atm12:09
imbrandonm_3: http://api.websitedevops.com/juju-docs/index.html12:09
imbrandonthere we go, all fixed up, yea my theme is a mess, something about a mechanic never works on his own car ?? heh12:14
imbrandonhazmat: got a bit more here in a while, i've been busy on it since i did the merge req, figured i had the code out12:19
imbrandonbut yea i dident intend to target trunk, ty ty12:19
hazmatimbrandon, thank you12:20
hazmatlooks great12:20
m_3imbrandon: yeah, blog header looks good now12:21
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
tedgSo I did a "juju debug-hook" and in that shell I can't do a "config-get" ?15:04
tedgHow do I get the JUJU_AGENT_SOCKET ?15:05
avoinetedg: I think JUJU_AGENT_SOCKET should be set for you15:10
avoinein the debug-hook shell at least15:11
tedgHmm, it's not :-/15:13
tedgThis is a subordinate hook, does that make a difference?15:14
tedgsubordinate charm actually.15:14
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
negronjl'morning all16:03
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
pavolzetorI am curiosu how much does costs some tiny instance for experiments16:32
pavolzetorand how to setup twisted and python16:32
pavolzetorthanks :)16:32
avoinepavolzetor: what do you want to experiement?16:37
pavolzetorI wanted to use U1DB for sync16:37
pavolzetorbut after some tests16:37
pavolzetorit would use a about 10 megs a day, which is a lot for phone16:38
pavolzetorso I want to use AWS (free tier) for experimenting with Twisted and PUSH (data in JSON)16:38
pavolzetorit should massively reduce data usage on phone and I can get almost realtime results16:39
pavolzetorI will still use U1db for local caching on pc16:39
SpamapSpavolzetor: you can use the free tier if you're careful16:46
SpamapSpavolzetor: you'll need to use the (undocumented) option 'placement: local' .. and then the charms will all end up on the "juju server" .. since the free tier only gives you one t1.micro. You'll run out of RAM really fast.16:47
pavolzetorI do not get it, I am going to read docs again16:50
pavolzetorand I will ask :)16:50
pavolzetoris there any way to stop it charging me?16:53
pavolzetorif I somehow exceed16:53
pavolzetoror just enter fake carD?16:54
SpamapSpavolzetor: no17:01
pavolzetorI see17:01
SpamapSpavolzetor: its $0.02 per hour and you always get 1GB of data transfer for free17:02
pavolzetorI see17:02
SpamapSpavolzetor: So The *worst* case is you pay maybe $20 in one month17:02
pavolzetorthat's okay that :)17:03
SpamapSunless you do something dumb like put up a free porn site17:03
pavolzetorI do not plan to do so :)17:03
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
al-maisanI was having "ERROR Invalid SSH key" problems with juju inside an ubuntu 12.04 server kvm image .. when trying juju from a ubuntu desktop everything works flawlessly.  Any idea why juju would have issues when utilized inside a kvm image ..?18:35
SpamapSal-maisan: can you maybe paste the whole error?18:41
SpamapSal-maisan: also if you bootstrap from one machine, you'll need the ssh private key from that machine to access the environment from any other machine18:41
SpamapSjcastro: https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/juju/docs-add-operating-systems/+merge/11013518:43
SpamapSwait.. ruh roh18:43
SpamapSsomething went wrong there18:43
jcastroouch, old branch?18:44
SpamapSno.. hm18:44
SpamapSwe need to resolve this18:44
SpamapSlp:juju needs to *not* have a /docs18:44
SpamapSif we're also going to have a docs series18:44
marcoceppiSpamapS: I think I had a merge proposal for that18:45
SpamapSslightly wrong target18:45
marcoceppiSpamapS: https://code.launchpad.net/~marcoceppi/juju/remove-trunk-docs/+merge/10685018:46
marcoceppibut I somehow missed hazmat's message18:46
marcoceppiI don't think we're missing much, but I'm not going to mill through all those files18:48
SpamapSI wonder can't you just merge?18:50
marcoceppimerge old docs folder with current doc tranch?18:51
marcoceppibranch, even.18:51
SpamapSbzr merge -r 432.. ../trunk/docs18:54
SpamapSI did that..18:54
SpamapSproduces I think the diff18:54
SpamapShrm n/m18:55
slankI'm having trouble with 'juju debug-hooks'. My environment isn't getting set up on the unit (e.g. values like JUJU_AGENT_SOCKET aren't set)18:55
SpamapSslank: they won't be set until a hook is actually executed b18:55
SpamapSslank: the prompt you get at first is just a root prompt on the box18:56
SpamapSslank: you need to cause a hook to execute so you get the full context18:56
SpamapSslank: so, add a relationship, or change a config setting.18:56
slankSpamapS: OK, so I've tried: cd /var/lib/juju/units/<unit>/charm/hooks; ./db-relation-changed, and I get an error:18:57
slankNo JUJU_AGENT_SOCKET/-s option found (when running juju-log)18:58
SpamapSslank: no you can't just run it18:59
SpamapSslank: you need to tell juju to run it18:59
SpamapSslank: the idea is to run the hook *in the context of when it will actually be run*18:59
avoinetedg: still there?18:59
slankSpamapS: Right, that's what the tmux session is for, isn't it?18:59
al-maisanSpamapS: please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1039536/19:00
avoineslank: have the same problem that you had earlier19:00
avoinetedg: ^19:00
SpamapSslank: the tmux session will pop up a new window when the hook is executed by the agent19:00
avoinewrong ping sry19:00
SpamapSal-maisan: its possible something went wrong during the installation of your key19:01
SpamapSal-maisan: ec2-get-console-output i-36d0414f might give you some clues19:02
al-maisanSpamapS: as you could see at the end of the log I was able to ssh manually in the juju control instance19:02
* al-maisan tries ec2-get-console-output19:02
slankSpamapS: aha!19:02
SpamapSal-maisan: ah, try juju status again19:02
SpamapSal-maisan: I bet it works. It may have been a timing issue19:03
slankSpamapS: got it. thanks so much19:03
* al-maisan tries19:03
SpamapSslank: no worries. Its not the most straight forward thing int he world (but it is really really helpful ;)19:03
al-maisanSpamapS: unfortunately the problem is persistent: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1039547/19:04
al-maisanSpamapS: here's the ec2-get-console-output BTW: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1039549/19:06
SpamapSal-maisan: can you ssh without adding the '-i ~/.ssh/id_rsa' ?19:06
SpamapSal-maisan: perhaps your ssh configuration is not picking up that default key location and trying it?19:07
al-maisanSpamapS: Permission denied (publickey).19:07
SpamapSal-maisan: check ~/.ssh/config and /etc/ssh/ssh_config  ... they are likely doing something weird19:07
al-maisanSpamapS: will do .. thanks!19:07
SpamapSal-maisan: you will need to fix that, as juju just does 'ssh <whatever the hostname is>'19:08
al-maisanSpamapS: hmm .. I just removed ~/.ssh/config altogether .. no effect19:10
al-maisanOh wait .. now "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa ec2-107-21-179-132.compute-1.amazonaws.com" does not work either19:11
al-maisanSpamapS: hmm .. when I specify the "ubuntu" user on the ec2 machine then things work e.g. "ssh ubuntu@ec2-107-21-179-132.compute-1.amazonaws.com"19:13
al-maisanjuju seems to be using port 2181 on the remote machine .. is that right?19:15
al-maisanSpawning SSH process with remote_user="ubuntu" remote_host="ec2-107-21-179-132.compute-1.amazonaws.com" remote_port="2181" local_port="53059".19:15
SpamapSal-maisan: right, it forwards communication through that ssh forwarding19:17
SpamapSal-maisan: so, does juju status work yet?19:17
* al-maisan tries19:18
al-maisanOh, wow!19:18
al-maisanThat's funny, it just seems to be taking a very long time.19:19
al-maisanSpamapS: thanks for looking into this!19:20
* al-maisan tries timing this..19:20
al-maisanhmm .. now it just works nicely .. must have been something in my ssh configuration19:33
al-maisanThanks again!19:33
* al-maisan bows out19:33
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=== hazmat is now known as kapilt
kapiltalmaisan-away: all commands wait till the env finishes bootstrapping fwiw19:51
kapiltJcastro ping19:51
jcastrokapilt: hi19:51
kapiltJcastro 8:30am fwiw19:52
jcastrokapilt: is when we start?19:52
jcastrokapilt: nice, I guess I'll leave at 4am, heh. :)19:53
kapiltI forwarded you what I know19:53
jcastrokapilt: ack'ed20:02
=== kapilt is now known as hazmat
bmullanthere seems to be a lot of Charms on the MIA page?  http://jujucharms.com/tools/store-missing23:05
bmullanis that the extent of status for them?23:05
SpamapSbmullan: a few of those are because of weird branch churn that we had for a while23:17
SpamapSbmullan: that report is new, and we're not really able to dive into those issues because the charm store isn't very chatty about why it does or does not have something in it23:18
SpamapShopefully that will change soon23:18
bmullanits been frustrating experimenting with the likes of lxc or nova and find 1/2 way through that some of the charms are missing23:28
SpamapSbmullan: indeed. We'll get better at that as we learn. :)23:37
SpamapSbmullan: they're always available via bzr ats 'bzr branch lp:charms/foo'23:37
SpamapSbmullan: you just have to build a local repo of them.. and use '--repository ~/charms local:foo'23:38

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